The Temple of The Presence®
The Temple of The Presence®

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Teachings from the Ascended Masters to Help You Enter into Intimate and Loving Communion with the Starry Body of Your Own Mighty I AM Presence!

Behold the Starry Body of Your Beloved Mighty I AM Presence! Become Its Chalice! And Begin to Work the True Miracles of God! For Your Mission is to Expand God’s Kingdom Upon Earth! During the 2021 Easter Conclave, Beloved Jesus, Zarathustra, Cyclopea, Saint Germain, Lord Maitreya, and other Ascended Masters presented powerful Releases of their Light, Momentum, and Instruction to help you learn how to understand, visualize, absorb, and share the Consciousness of the Glorious Starry Electronic Body of your own Mighty I AM Presence in its Dazzling Light and Perfection.

  • After a full day of the Torch Bearers invoking the Emerald Matrix during the Crystal Chalice Jubilee Holy Day, Lord Krishna said that to stand in the Fullness of the Crystal Chalice of your being, there must be a Resurrection of every cell, atom, and electron, of every returning karma, every momentum of thought. He tells us to stand in the Light! Receive the Light! Move in the Light! And ultimately command the Light! This is not just for the Faithful, but for the many who wait for the dawning realization that God is present in the land. That God does exist! And that the Hand of God has not forsaken them. Lord Krishna explains that the springtime upon the Earth is an example of how Resurrection’s Flame operates within the Elemental Forces of Nature. He says to let Resurrection's Flame carry you through this coming cycle, so you are prepared for the glorious Radiance of your own Mighty I AM Presence to come forth and fill your Chalice to overflowing with the scintillating Fire of God that desires only God.
  • An overview of the themes that will be highlighted during this Conference begins with the fact that less than a century ago the Ascended Masters released a great Nova of new transcendent Light, spearheaded by Beloved Saint Germain. We know this as the Ascended Master God Consciousness. The hope is that with the re-entry of these Truths of Cosmic Law into the world arena, once again the hungry hearts of the Sons and Daughters of God will receive these Truths. To most, these Truths seem out of reach due to their own karmic overlays of low self-esteem and lack of Purity, which create a sense of guilt and separation from God. Students may feel the bar is set too high. This is only because they have yet to appreciate the nature of their own I AM Starry Body, the Electronic Body. We are encouraged to relearn with our minds, hearts, feelings, and will that there is such a thing as God Mastery and Dominion. We are creators! Understanding this redefines the whole human race. We are part of the Divine Family of the One Father-Mother God. But how do we deal with our misqualified substance? The Flame of Transmutation solves this age-old problem.
  • Lord Maitreya tells us that what has been a mystery should be no more to the disciples of the Mighty I AM Presence. He says the mystery is why it takes so much effort for a lifestream to let go of the unreality that has clung to the identity of its outer vehicles, woven into the mind, emotions, and habits. Those who enter into devotion to God and listen to the still, small Voice begin to read that Vibration upon their own Heart Flame. For the Divine Being that you are desires to be close.The overshadowing of the Holy Christ Presence allows the lawful operation of the Pranic Breaths, while the Mighty I AM Presence remains in the Realms of Perfection ready to assist the Christ Momentum. Many become lax in their disciplines and their vibration slows down. The Heart Flame begins to recede. Lord Maitreya encourages us to never allow that to happen because we have the greatest of possibility to take our Ascension at the close of this lifetime. Keep your gaze upon your Presence and let your Light shine forth brilliantly to illumine you and those around you that others may follow.
  • This Conference and Acropolis, above all else, are intended by the Ascended Masters to expand your horizons and understanding of your own Individual Mighty I AM Presence, and to give you firsthand experience and encounters with your Presence and with the Ascended Masters’ testimony and Charge of Light, that it is burned so indelibly in your world that you do not forget and do not lose heart, but spring into action immediately with all the spiritual tools you have been given over the years. The known precedents for this knowledge are few, but can be seen in the experiences of Jesus, Jacob of the Old Testament, and Godfre, Rex, Nada, Bob, and Pearl. Realize that your Presence is ever urging you to make your attunement, to commune and receive the abundant Blessings it has to give you. The ability of your Presence to step down its Light through your world is so much more easily achieved when your emotions, outer mind, and heart say “of course, this is the case.” The Ascended Masters teach us the Principles of Cosmic Law and Coming-To-Be that explain what to other religions are still thought of as mysteries or miracles.
  • The Goddess of Light tells us that many times she has proffered to us the Sword Excalibur, reminding us of its Momentum so that we can draw it forth to utilize. She asks where are you in consciousness, word, and deed when you receive the Charge of Light of the Sword Excalibur and of your own God Presence daily? Are you prepared to hold fast to that Vibration come what may? For it is in the trials and initiations that every knight and lady of the Round are tested. As the Godhead Charioteer® you would be holding the reins on the wild horses of the outer vehicles. The Mind of God would be at the helm. The sooner you can master drawing forth the Light of your Mighty I AM Presence and expanding that Light through the Threefold Flame of the Heart as the Christ, the more quickly will you transmute and wash clean in Purity’s Ray all of the areas of consciousness that may still remain attached to your lifestream. As one day builds upon the next, you will soon be like Jesus experiencing the Transfiguration, Resurrection, and Ascension in the Light.
  • Your Presence is forever overflowing! The Electronic Body is a Solar Body, a Starry Body,like a star in the heavens. Your Presence is overflowing with that Oneness of The One and the Goodness of The Good. Furthermore, your Presence is all of the Qualities of God, fully actualized and unfolded in the Great Central Sun. Therefore, you are not to give power, acceptance, or feed your attention into any appearance that is less than Perfection, for the Ascended Master Consciousness cannot comingle with mortal consciousness. You can command and demand that your own feeling and thought world no longer tie into those mortal momentums. Let your Mighty I AM Presence be what it is with its Keynote of Joy operating in this glorious Starry Body. Look up into the face of your Presence and let your Presence flush out and purify all of the records that need to go into the Flame. Then your Presence will fill that appearance with Ascended Master Light and Love so much that it will swallow it up.
  • Beloved Lady Master Venus encourages you to know that as you begin to understand God Love, you understand what it means to open all the doors to the vastness of God Love, to pour forth into your keeping that which is divinely intended, to intone the right vibration to receive it. Then the Beloved Mighty I AM Presence is ever close at hand. The sweetness of the Communion far surpasses all other desires, and you are filled to overflowing, knowing that from the Source of God, all will come forth in Divine Order. Love, when it is constantly given, primes the pump for your God Presence to release even more. All things in your day require God Love to flow forth. Then you are sailing along with the wind of God Love in your sails, carrying you aloft so no lesser vibration can disturb you. This is a Way of Life that is capable of bringing in a Golden Age. Make sure your surroundings have a fitting vibration for your Holy Christ Presence to be able to be present there. Love is oh so powerful! Let that Love be the hallmark of your God Presence that streams forth effortlessly to all of life.
  • Strive to rise in attunement and share the Consciousness of your Mighty I AM Presence that is living, even now, in the Eternal in the Great Central Sun. You are engaged in the delicate refinement and purification of your forcefield so that all of the elements of the Buddhic Web can be rewoven through your four lower bodies. There must be the Tube of Light, the Electronic Circle, the Circle and Sword of Astrea, the Shield of Elohim, and the Shekhinah Pillar operating around your four lower bodies. You must bring your vehicles into Obedience with the Truths of Cosmic Law®, so that these bodies are under the God Dominion of your Heart Flame. Everything good, bad, or indifferent that has manifested should be surrendered to your Presence. This is the total givingness of the outer self to one’s True Self, including the “not self” that has blinded the outer awareness. Surrendering means that your Holy Christ Presence and its True Selfhood can now step into the Grail, the upraised chalice of your four lower bodies, and hallow them so that you no longer live in the past, present, or future, but live in the Eternal — One with your Mighty I AM Presence!
  • Archangel Zadkiel instructs you on the Violet Flame and presents a momentous Dispensation that during this Dictation, the property of The Temple of The Presence underneath the Etheric City is a Beacon of Violet Flame, like a great cauldron. And this cauldron continues to burn by Dispensation of the Lords of Karma and by the assistance of the Violet Flame Angels throughout this Easter Conclave and Acropolis Sophia® so that every Son and Daughter of God, whose consciousness arcs to this Altar now or in the future while attending to Archangel Zadkiel’s Flame and to this Address, will have the opportunity for the Akashic Record to revivify the Momentum and Charge of this Violet Flame in their consciousness! And each time they go to their altar giving the Violet Flame and invoking the Light of God, there will be this magnification of the Violet Flame accompanying their calls! This will assist many across the Earth to awaken to the Violet Flame. Those who receive this Dispensation will know of the Etheric City in their higher vehicles and be drawn to it. In time, they will realize the Great Work that the Entire Spirit of the Brotherhood of Light is doing through The Temple of The Presence!
  • The I AM Starry Body is a magnificent, complete condensation of the Divine Individuality of your Mighty I AM Presence. Expand your appreciation for this blazing Sun of your Electronic Body, for the more you see your Electronic Body as tangible and accessible and your Presence as your Real Identity, the more you can draw upon it. Remember to accept and acknowledge that your Presence is focused in, through, and around you at all times. Your use of the Cosmic Light Rays is based upon your Presence within you doing the work. Your Mighty I AM Presence is the Individualization of The Good, and The Good is the Source of all. Your Presence has the Consciousness that “I literally AM the Source of Light!” and when your Presence gives the Affirmation “I AM Light!” it is a statement of Truth for your Presence. Through the cooperation of your visualization and acceptance of that which is going on eternally in your Electronic Body, that Consciousness of your Presence can go into the physical world. Your Presence sends forth that Power, and it goes forth as Ribbons of Light and Power affecting life in the physical world.
  • Cyclopea stands as the Guardian of the All-Seeing Eye of God, establishing a Momentum that allows you to begin to work the true miracles of God! He holds the Pattern of your Perfection and the Pattern of your acceleration according to the Divine Destiny that your Presence desires. For you are the Firstborn of your I AM Presence! You are given the opportunity to establish God’s Kingdom upon the Earth and to live a higher way of life than most of mankind are even aware of. You can climb that glorious ladder into heaven! Cyclopea explains the Power of Vision and its manifestation. You can have the Vibration that your Presence prepares for you daily, holding the Vision not only for your own lifestream, but for the Earth and all thereon, reinforcing the Purity held within the Entire Spirit of the Brotherhood of Light. The Mission is to expand the Presence of God upon Earth! For God desires to expand! Invoke the Emerald Ray and maintain Purity so that you are manifesting God Reality in all things. And then place it upon the Altar of the Most High, thanking The One for the Opportunity to know your Presence and the Flame of God!
  • As you contact the Starry Body of your Mighty I AM Presence, you will be inspired to contemplate the Limitless Power of your Presence to address all the conditions of your own life, the world, and all mankind. The Light and Radiation from your Presence is eternally and constantly pouring forth. These Light Rays are alive as the extension of your Presence, instantaneously going forth from your Electronic Body. They exhibit the Christ Virtue of the Fifth Secret Ray of Divine Constancy as well as Fruitfulness. There is Undiminished Giving from your Presence’s Heart via these Light Rays, which go forth impersonally and universally. Some of the principles of your Presence are Individuality, Perfection, Self-Luminosity, Self-Awareness, and the Supra Fullness of Love, Goodness, and Undiminished Giving to every part of life. Because what your Presence can do for you, it can do for all. Remember to multiply and expand your Calls to include all mankind and to address all of the world, including the astral and psychic planes. Rivet your attention on the Perfection of the Great Central Sun, using your Christ Discrimination to shift your vision from outer appearances to the White Fire Core that is always present, so that only your I AM Presence is in Action.
  • Saint Germain exhorts the Sons and Daughters of God to know the True Reality of their Identity and the Truth of Life, to live within Cosmic Law, and return Home Victorious in the Ascension. When you have discarded human consciousness and face each day with excited anticipation, you will experience the creative Power of your own God Presence. You are the lead actor in the drama that is your life. When you focus upon the All Seeing Eye to reveal to you the patterns of life essential to your Path, the Mind of God will proclaim your Presence’s Desires. Beyond the Presence is the Allness of God and entrée into the Heart of every Ascended and Cosmic Being. All the Blessings of the Great Central Sun are there waiting for you to call them forth. Will you allow that Flame to unfurl and live within the Vibration of God?
  • Beloved Anointed Representative Monroe Julius Shearer gives testimony to Carolyn’s ability to observe the Starry Body of the students during Dictations and then answers questions related to the Conference. Topics include: balancing the need to be aware of worldly events in order to make calls on them but not being drawn into them; the Great Divine Director’s definition of a Body of Immortal Endurance and how it differs from the Transfiguration; how long to continue making a call on a particular desired alchemy; how to be more effective in visualizing; how to discern if direction is coming from the Mighty I AM Presence; and the sub-planes as taught in the Theosophical Era.
  • May the Fire within your Presence kindle within you that Fire that can never be forgotten or forsaken! David Lloyd’s lifelong pursuit of the man with the Crystal Cup is recounted, as well as vivid descriptions of his Resurrection and Ascension. Both the Resurrection and the Ascension are performed by your own Beloved Mighty I AM Presence because it is to be your own Victory achieved by your Presence. But the Ascension is not the end, for there is always more expansion and Glory to look forward to. Nada Rayborn explains the instantaneous process of leaving her physical body and gaining the full Consciousness of her Holy Christ Presence, and then being instructed on how to call down the Light Rays that raised her into the Ascension.
  • Engaging daily with Resurrection’s Flame prepares you for all your Presence desires for you to accomplish in that day. One day’s preparation will teach and prepare you for the next, until you have mounted up great Wisdom in the operation of the Law, allowing for the Currents and the Light, the Momentum of God Consciousness of your own God Presence to come forth and to display, manifest, and accelerate all that is upon the Heart of your Mighty I AM Presence. You are to be constantly expanding and accelerating the Light within you. The movement and Momentum of the Fire within will consume all that is to go into the Flame and allow you to make your Attunement with your Mighty I AM Presence. No other part of life will love you as deeply or more consistently than your Mighty I AM Presence.
  • Within this Charge of Light you have the ability to accelerate your vehicles far beyond what you have experienced in the past. This means putting into the Flame greater momentums of unreality. The Flame upon the Altar of your Heart is so magnificent. It carries the Fullness of all your Presence desires for you to accelerate in as the Christ. This is how you learn to work within the God Qualities, the Mind of God, the Heart of Love that your Presence is and which you are to become. It matters not what others think of your spiritual pursuits. What matters is what is going on between your outer self and your Presence. So you must allow the Fullness of your Presence to expand into all areas of your life. You must guard your consciousness by being discerning regarding the vibration you carry. It must be the vibration your Mighty I AM Presence can commune with in an instant.
  • The Teaching from The Temple of The Presence is a reflection of how the Ascended Masters behold Reality from their station within the Great Central Sun. They see with perfect Vision all that is sustained for all Eternity in the Great Central Sun. And there they behold the face of your own Mighty I AM Presence in all of its Perfection. They know the Truth of your Being and re-enforce that Truth for you as the Mighty I AM Presence in Action! Open your Heart to their testimony and permit your Heart Flame to flood your consciousness and your world with that same Reality. Your life need not be a series of karmic causes because the Cause of All in the Great Central Sun is there within the nexus of the Heart of your Presence in your Heart. This is your opportunity to give Power to the Heart of your Mighty I AM Presence.
  • The Diamond Heart of your own Mighty I AM Presence is constantly refracting the Consciousness and Momentum of the Purity of all the Rays of God that are to come forth. For you to rightly qualify that which your Presence sends forth into your keeping and maintain the Purity you desire, you must establish a resonant tone within your outer vehicles that allows your own Threefold Flame, intoned by the Diamond Heart of your own God Presence, to unfurl into your world. That is when you begin to truly appreciate the magnificence of the Divine State of God entrusted to you. Holding fast to that Purity, you can absorb into your outer consciousness all that the Mind of God is presenting to you. For most, this is facilitated by the overshadowing of your Holy Christ Presence. The Constancy of your Devotions to the Mighty I AM Presence will naturally raise the vibration of the outer vehicles and allow the Holy Christ Presence to overshadow you, giving you entrée into the Mind of God.
Teachings from the Ascended Masters to Help You Hold to the Perfection, Purity, and Peace of the Great, Great Silence and Abide There Despite the Outer Vicissitudes of Life!

The Ascended Masters Invite You to Mute the World’s Discord, Rise Out of Mortal Consciousness, and Enter into the Heart of the Great, Great Silence that is Your True Eternal Home of Light! During the 2021 New Year’s Conclave, Gautama Buddha, the Great Manus of the Root Races, and other Ascended Masters presented powerful Releases of their Light, Momentum, and Instruction to help you interact with the Holy and August Presence of God that is the Great Silence of the Great Central Sun. Understand how the Great Silence is One with the Allness of God and how to magnetize its limitless Power. Learn that “I AM Here and I AM There,” and that Spiritual Light equals God Consciousness. Realize how giving power to outer appearances ties that unreality to you. And know how to visualize the Thoughtform of the Torch of White Fire that will bring you into greater Wholeness and Purity. These 14 Releases are gifts from the Ascended Masters to help you accelerate your Communion and At-one-ment with your I AM Presence and blissfully abide in the Secret Place of the Most High God all the days of your life until your Ascension!

  • It is the great joy of the Ascended Masters to welcome you Home in the Heart of the Great, Great Silence! The Great Silence is one of the proper names for the Great Central Sun. One of the primary purposes for this week will be for you to be set free by the Truth of Cosmic Law. With the alertness of your Heart Flame, you can truly awaken out of the thralldom of whatever might be the mass consciousness at the present time. Truly, you want to disentangle and remove any investment of your consciousness in those things of this outer world that are unreal. It is not possible to rise into the Consciousness of the Great Central Sun while the outer consciousness is fixated on worldly affairs. So, what does it mean to be Home in the Heart of the Great Silence? We draw from several of Saint Germain’s experiences while in embodiment to answer that question. Once you are able to achieve this attainment of forging your own pathway of Light into the Great Silence with the help of the Manus and the Ascended Masters, it will act as a very practical, tangible protection and you will understand the Power of the Mighty I AM Presence.
  • Lord Himalaya offers you the opportunity to enter into the Great Silence with Him. He instructs you on how to enter the Fullness of the Charge of Light of your own Heart Flame and the Mind of God. Once you understand how to do this you will be able to have the Great Silence all about you, even when surrounded by outer noise and activity. There are certain steps in gaining this mastery. There must be a focus of one’s attention and centering of consciousness. The journey requires your deep desire and love for God. Going within and reaching the High Vibration of the Presence, being taken up by your soaring Heart Flame, and allowing that Flame to fill your four lower bodies will strengthen the Core Identity of your Being until you become an unshakeable Pillar of Light! This is the Oneness your Presence wishes you to attain and maintain.
  • The aspect of the Great Central Sun known as the Great, Great Silence is registered in the Consciousness of your I AM Presence. Your Presence has come down from the Great God Flame of your Identity into the Realm of the Great Central Sun, illumining with the Sun of its own Radiance and God Consciousness all of the Great Central Sun. Even in the Heart of the Great Central Sun, the Consciousness of the Presence is Spiritual Light, for God Consciousness equals Spiritual Light, and Spiritual Light equals the Consciousness of the Godhead. The highest level of the Godhead is known as The One. The One imbues every part of Reality, for there is only The One God Self everywhere. So, ultimately, the Ascended Master is part of your own Presence, and your Presence is part of the Ascended Master, as both are part of The One. The Ascended Master will know the Will of your God Presence. You can converse with the Presence of The One. You can know that I AMhere and I AMthere — I AMthere in that Allness of the Great Central Sun.
  • The Goddess of Light offers you herSword Excalibur so that you will know the difference between the human consciousness of unreality and the Garment of Light of God Consciousness that you are to wear. All that is not streaming forth in the Light of God is unreality. Elevating your conscious vibration daily in your prayers, meditations, affirmations, and decrees allows you to set in motion a pathway for the Light of God as Consciousness to fill your Chalice. When you are blessed with a deposit of Light, you have a new opportunity. Holding fast to God Consciousness allows you to move forward through all cycles of life effortlessly, holding to the North Star of the Divine Opportunity extended to you. When there is greater acceleration, your Presence can extend the days of your incarnation, electing that you must continue on in your Service to God in Life. Etch on the fabric of your vehicles what it means to be in the Consciousness of God and to have that Light penetrating through and through so that you are shining forth as a Star! The Goddess of Light and El Morya know your name and your Flame and are with you always.
  • While your Presence continues to abide in the Home of Light that is the Great Central Sun without ever descending from that Immaculate Purity of Consciousness, it most assuredly does send its own Heart Flame forth,out into the Fivefold Universe. Our goal during this Conclave isyour interaction, while in embodiment, with the Great, Great Silence of God's Eternal Great Central Sun and all that is ongoing there. Why have the mankind of Earth lost their connection with and awareness of that Universal Omnipresence? It is because of the distractions and fixations of the outer identity caught in the incessant appearance of unreality that seizes upon the attention, the physical or the spiritual sensitivities resident within the four lower bodies. In all of that distraction, the consciousness has lost the momentum and training to pierce through those overlays of unreality and rivet attention instead upon the Heart and the bedrock Reality of the Great Central Sun. The key to a return to this connection is to bind all the noise in the Great Silence and attune with the Heart Flame. Within your own Heart Flame is the Heart of God's Love acting as a great magnet to all that is in the Great Central Sun.
  • Let the greater Momentum of the White Fire of the Mother Light of the God and Goddess Meru bring you closer to realizing the Truth of your Identity in God and assist you in building your Pillar of Light from the Home of the Great Silence. In the Silence you are renewed, refreshed, and strengthened in your True Identity in God. You recognize the Individuality of your Presence, but you also become aware of the Allness of God that pervades all of the Kingdom of God. As you chart your Destiny, it should always be with the Mighty I AM Presence at the helm as the guiding Intelligence of the Mind of God, anchoring the Mother Light as the White Fire of Purity and the Power of God as the Will coming forth that does not cognize any lesser vibration, but knows the exact right direction to take. As you live more and more in the Light, you come to recognize that it is not confined only to your lifestream but moves out to touch any Heart Flame that is ready, and the one receiving that Light recognizes that something unique and very joyful has occurred!
  • This Discourse explains why, because of free will and the Law of Octaves, we cannot compel others to do what will make them happy or what is the Will of God. We all have to learn this lesson, as Jesus did in many of hisembodiments. We have to learn that everything must be accomplished through Divine Service and Love. Divine Love contains the complete Wisdom and Almighty Power of the Mighty I AM Presence. The Lords of Karma are aware of the tendency of the not-self to rule the Heart Flame with unreality, but they have the Divine Wisdom to know that it is the Heart Flame of an individual that must be moved to make the right decisions. As you study this Teaching and understand this point of Cosmic Law you will be able to go into the Great Silence and stand firmly and safely in the Light, connected with the Allness of God, sending forth the Love of God into the very body of the world. This is how the nations can be healed. As the Light goes forth, it is a Presence, a Divine Intelligence, a Principle, a Light, a Power, and an Activity. Through this you are able to do all that can lawfully be done for mankind and remain free from becoming tied to the incessant flow of human creation in this world.
  • Mighty Cyclopea discusses how to bring forth the Vision your Presence wishes to manifest. He highlights the need to maintain the Perfection of the Light coming forth by protecting your consciousness from sights, sounds and vibrations that would taint it so the Vision can come through in all of its Purityfor your lifestream. Illumination’s Flame will quickly rise into your consciousness, the Love of God will fill you, comfort you, and return you to Wholeness. The Will of God will protect you and propel you forward with Divine Direction for Holy Purpose. The Mother Flame, as a Pillar of Fire, will consume all impurities and knit together your spiritual centers so you are One in the Heart of God. You have all you need to accelerate your own life. Use the Emerald Ray and Shekhinah Pillar to accelerate the lives of the many who are on the verge of becoming aware of their Heart Flames. The few always assist the many who are not ready. Be as a little child, with a Pure Heart and clear Vision, and let your life story be one of overcoming Victory and full awareness that you are your Mighty I AM Presence.
  • Vaivasvata Manu, Lord of the Fifth Root Race, instructs you on your spiritual journey, including what you now understand and what is available to you. You, as a disciple of your own Presence and the Teaching of Cosmic Law from The Temple of The Presence, are fulfilling your Fiery Destiny. The quicker you transmute the sense of duality between yourself and your Presence, the quicker you will realize how you are One in the Heart of God. Maintain your Peace to know the abiding Presence of God and the assistance that is there for you. You must always be encouraging, uplifting, and filled with Peace and Harmony, setting the example for those around you. You must give the Violet Flame so that your karmic records are not reactivated and re-lived. As you look into the future, do not forget to be present here and now. Embrace the moment, for the Charge of Light received each moment is the steppingstone to your Victory, building the archetypal patterns of your God Identity — the Attributes of your own Presence. Let the Light of God carry you into the Oneness of your Heart in the Home of the Great Silence. Vaivasvata Manu stands with you, encouraging you, and giving youhis is full support!
  • The attainment of being unmoved by outer appearances is part of your Path to Christhood. Although your Mighty I AM Presence will not override your free will misqualification of thought and feeling, the Consciousness of your Presence, by Cosmic Law, will never comingle with mortal consciousness. While the Electronic Body of your I AM Presence does not even register unreality, your Holy Christ Presence is able to observe dispassionately those overlays of misqualification and imperfection in your world, and make the Call to your I AM Presence to send forth the Light to deal with them. Because your Holy Christ Presence is always able to see the White Fire Core of Perfection, It knows those appearances are unreal and so its world is not affected. In spite of the binding effects of returning karma, unreality should not be given any power. For it has no permanence or power, except for those individuals who continue to feed their life into it. Recognize that those appearances are unreal. Exercise Christ Discrimination and eliminate any acceptance of those appearances in your thought and feeling world. Take God Control, give the Conscious Cosmic Christ Command, and hold to Perfection.
  • The Great Divine Director asks: Where is your consciousness? Have you allowed it to be fixed upon your Presence, to gaze into the Oneness with your Presence, and then look out of the Eyes of your Presence? The Great Divine Director invites you to enter into the Great, Great Silence with Him. For there you discover the Truth of your Identity in God, the Consciousness that you are to manifest daily. And that Great Silence is the same and One with the Allness of God! Each time you enter into the Great, Great Silence in Communion with God’s Heart, you are establishing the Home of the Presence of God to abide where you are. Holding to the Vibration of the Presence within the Silence allows you, and all about you, to be bathed in Light and Momentum. When you can set aside a cycle of time to enter this Holy Estate, you will know the Allness of God. The Great Divine Director reminds you of your Responsibility for the preparation of the Seventh Root Race. For the coming of these Pure Ones, with their Strength and God Determination, will change the world and move the Earth into a Higher Consciousness!
  • Lord Gautama reminds us that life is a series of challenges dictating the use of the Flame upon the Altar of your Heart. That is why He, the Holy Kumaras, and the Nameless One pour forth their Attainment and Momentum ― so your Heart Flame can be responsive to the commands and desires of your Mighty I AM Presence. Let the Light of your Holy Christ Presence be the co-measurement by which you weigh the Truth of the reality you are living, for unreality disrupts the flow of Light you desire. The Thoughtform of the Year, a Torch of White Fire encircled by the Emerald Ray of Cyclopea, is to consume the impurities in the Earth and impart the Edenic Blueprint back into the Heart Flames for a greater momentum of health and well-being, Peace and Harmony, Purity, and the Truth of Cosmic Law. As this Momentum of Spiritual Light spreads across the Earth and moves within the physical plane, it will begin to bring the planetary healing required. There will be a dissipating of karmic returns and a flourishing once more of the Grand Design of each one’s Mighty I AM Presence.
  • Silencing of the four lower bodies is a wonderful way of realizing how everything unreal can literally be bound and held fast, so that it can then be transmuted and consumed. Nowhere is that silencing as necessary as within whatever remains untransmuted and unredeemed within the four lower bodies of the lifestream. The activities of the outer mind are not to be stunned into unconsciousness but are to enter into a strong current of Harmony and exquisite Silence. The Power of the Great, Great Silence to re-establish this state of quiescence can be released by your Mighty I AM Presence through your mind. Emotional acceptance of outer appearances and unreality create turmoil below the level of conscious awareness that needs to be silenced by the action of the Heart. Re-instilling a sense of the Sacredness, Immaculate Purity, and Innocence of the Mighty I AM Presence is an important dimension of this Path. The Mighty I AM Presence is Holy and Sacred ― as is the Life it gives. If this was understood and practiced, it would quickly transform the world.
  • The Law requires that you recognize what can be afforded your lifestream, and the entire Earth, by the Magnitude of your own Mighty I AM Presence, for all the Power of God is available to your Mighty I AM Presence now! Everything begins with the Mighty I AM Presence. Every opportunity, every goodness you experience comes forth because you have entered into a greater Momentum of God Reality. As the Source of all you require streams forth, you are filled to overflowing and want for nothing, save to be in that Light. It is important to have co-measurement of the planes of consciousness so you can pinpoint, according to your Mighty I AM Presence, exactly where you are in conscious awareness and make the adjustments necessary. Understanding this gives you a framework with which to move through your day-to-day life. It is one thing to know; it is another to become! Let your preparation begin by entering into the Great, Great Silence.
Teachings from the Ascended Masters to Help You Receive the Abundant Blessings of the Secret Love Star and Accelerate Your Path to Christhood!

During Each Sacred Christmas Season, the Nine Luminaries of the Secret Love Star Radiate Their Momentum and Attainment that You Can Magnetize into Your Consciousness and Wise Use. Won’t You Embrace this Magnificent Opportunity? The 2020-2021 High Holy Season brought the return of the Brotherhood of Light’s Dispensation of the seven-week Sacred Sabbath Cycle, whereby students are invited into the Secret Love Star Retreat to observe, participate, and internalize all that is the Presence of God — and then establish these Divine Patterns in their daily lives. This album contains every Dictation presented during these Seven Sacred Sundays, plus the Dictation by the Maha Elohim Ouranos with the Great Silent Watcher delivered during the “Great Sabbath Jubilee” which concluded this cycle. As you listen to these Releases and contemplate the Divine God Qualities celebrated during each Sacred Week, let the Light of the Secret Love Star pour forth all that you require to assist you in this new year to establish the new momentum of the “new you” as the Presence of God abiding as the Christ — manifesting the Will of God to fulfill your own Fiery Destiny and that of the Earth!

  • Although there are many trials and tribulations, there is always the Purity and Charge of the Presence of God that can flow forth freely to set aside all that is not in keeping with that Vibration that abides upon the Altar of your Heart. The Flame that you invoke to give back to God is charged with your Presence, with the Identity you have graced God’s Kingdom with. Therefore, as you strive to put into wise use all you are blessed with, you are able to send your Gratitude to the Most High and establish a greater Momentum of your God Reality in the Kingdom of God. This is how the Presence of God expands, and you are able to call forth more of your Mighty I AM Presence to pour forth the Identity of God that is your Presence. And as it flows forth, it carries Love and Gratitude back to your own Mighty I AM Presence for all that you have accomplished. This is why you are encouraged to go within the Holy of Holies of your own Mighty I AM Presence and establish the Identity that rings clear and true throughout your vehicles of consciousness.
  • You have the understanding of the Truth of your Identity that allows for God Vision, God Direction, God Will, and God Love to propel you into those areas of life that are in keeping with your Divine Plan. As you take charge of those areas of your life that have not come under the Will of God, you begin to recognize how to move forward to the highest opportunity afforded you. As your Mighty I AM Presence participates in the Allness of God, God Reality becomes the foundation of your life and blesses the atmosphere and all of life round about you. Rejoice in the opportunity to know the Truth of your Identity, to call forth the Light of God, and to be the Servant of God and of the many. The Power of God you have enlisted is great and cannot be diminished as long as you remain one with it.
  • Beloved Omega tells us that at no other time in the history of the Earth have They made this commitment to a group of individuals who have come together for a Divine and Holy Purpose, such as the Torch Bearers of The Temple. This Dispensation is to hold fast the Great Work and Foundation that will carry on for thousands of years! The generations to come will need the Record of the Charged Release that will be held in Akasha, to be unspooled for them to participate in. Omega tells us over and over that She is very close to us, that She will be there when our hearts search for Comfort, Peace, Purity and Perfection. She will stream forth the Purity of the Mother Flame so we may know our True Identity as the Presence of God. Omega says She will send forth her Heart Flame of the Pure White Light of the Mother to stir our own Heart Flames and to establish a greater Momentum of Kundalini Fire within our spiritual centers. Hold in your consciousness the Voice and Vibration of Omega and drink in the Love of the Heart of Alpha and Omega all the days of your life.
  • Archangel Jophiel sends forth a Charge of Illumination’s Flame to assist the students in holding fast to that Flame so the Christ Mind may chart your destiny, taking command of every aspect of your life. The constant flow of the Light of the Mind of God must penetrate through all unreality and negativity, lifting you into the rarefied atmosphere of the Joy of God to establish the Divine Qualities in all of your works. In the Presence of God, you have clarity of Vision, Divine Direction, and the Power of God to ensure you are in the right place at the right time to fulfill the Will of your Presence. Remember to call upon the Legions of Angels given to you to command. By establishing a Citadel of Light where the Angels are welcomed, you have access to the Body Consciousness of God. Call forth the Kingdom of God to assist in resolving circumstances of your life and the world.
  • The Divine Momentum of God within you is waiting to be expressed at every turn. For the Divine Ideal is for every Son and Daughter of God to drink in the Fullness of the Great Central Sun. How will you carry that Fullness forward? Will you engage in all the Will your Presence desires for you? You have the opportunity this night to engage in the Love flowing forth to fill your chalice with Divine Momentum. For on this night, we celebrate the Light of The One, knowing all are a part of the Holy Family. And so we expand that Light to bless, heal, and protect all of the Sons and Daughters of God around the world. For all partake in the Blessings available when you include them in your calls. Your Mighty I AM Presence has the opportunity to accomplish much through you when you listen to the Still Small Voice upon your Heart. You really don’t know what great works you might accomplish, or what seemingly insignificant works might produce great Momentums of God Good.
  • The more you engage with the Flame upon the Altar of your Heart, the more you realize the Hand of God is guiding you. When seeds of doubt and separation from God begin to encroach, immediately allow the Flame upon your Heart to wash away all unreality that does not support the Truth of your Identity. The closeness of your own Christhood is witness that your Mighty I AM Presence is nearing its Ascension after your long earthly journey. This should be the focus of your attention as you move through your day-to-day life. Every avenue of your life should be sowing the creative endeavor of your own Mighty I AM Presence. These moments when great Momentums of Light are flowing forth are to refine your higher vehicles with the Vibration and Light surrounding you. Invoke and embrace the Light at the beginning of your day, and at night call forth the Love of God to take you aloft to continue your study of Cosmic Law.
  • To those students who hold fast to their Identity in God, the Ascended Masters give their Light and Momentum to assist them to develop in their own conscious awareness an envelope of Light. But should you forsake the Path, you would be walking away from all that has been prepared for you and freely given. This Light provides the impetus of the Mind of God to guide your day. When an Ascended or Cosmic Being focuses upon your lifestream, an assessment is made. Where is your consciousness focused? Are you in control of your emotional body, distilling Peace and Harmony about you? The Ascended Masters recognize your state of affairs and know immediately the requirement of the hour. So a Dispensation is requested, and when granted, the Foundation of the Entire Spirit of the Brotherhood of Light stands behind it. The Allness of God stands behind the Divine Outpouring taking place on your behalf.
  • Ouranos: When you are in full communion with the Flame of Christ Consciousness, you do not wonder about the direction of your life. For the Mind of God draws forth the Divine Direction of your own Mighty I AM Presence, that Divine Providence meant solely for your lifestream. It is not withheld until you attain enlightenment, rather, in this very moment you are held in the Divine Providence for your lifestream. The opportunity is yours to draw forth and fulfill it. Great Silent Watcher: The Thoughtform of the Year is not something you need strive to comprehend. It is described for you to hold as a Vision and a Divine Intent to lend your energy to, along with the Ascended Masters, who pour their Light and Momentum into it. The Core of the Torch of White Light comes forth from the Sun-Of-Even-Pressure in the Center of the Earth and acts as a great magnet to draw all impurities from the Earth to be consumed. At the same time, the Emerald Matrix is throwing impurities into the Maxin Flame to be consumed. This is the Divine Service that Providence brings to you.

Just as Your God Presence Has Given You Life, Will You Give All of Your Life Back in Love to Your Own God Presence? Will You Allow Your Presence to Achieve Its Divine Victory Through You? During the 2020 Harvest Conclave, in an elaboration of The Temple’s Holy Day of Godhead Victorious, Mighty Victory, Nada, Kwan Yin, Jesus, and other Ascended Masters presented powerful Releases of their Light, Momentum, and Instruction to accelerate your communion and identification with your God Presence as your Real Self. It is their desire to assist you in allowing your Presence to work through you to establish its Kingdom upon Earth. And during the accompanying Acropolis Sophia, Vesta, Surya, and Sanat Kumara, and other Ascended Masters presented invaluable instruction on co-operating with your Presence in the co-creative Coming-To-Be of God. Understand the Victorious Consciousness of the Godhead Charioteer®. Discover the mystery of the Third Secret Ray of Divine Sacrifice that leads to the Christed Radiance. And learn how Saint Germain’s Cloud can help you precipitate your alchemies. With 38 remarkable Releases, this double album will help you achieve a new expanded awareness of your Selfhood that will lead you, step-by-step and Victory by Victory, into the greatest Coming-To-Be of all — your Ascension in the Light!

  • The Great Divine Director understands how challenging it is to go through many lifetimes. But you have made many right decisions and accomplished great work in your incarnations. Because there is a Hierarchy of Light, your Mighty I AM Presence can receive counsel on how your lifestream needs to advance in a given incarnation. And for you in incarnation, it only takes a moment to attune with your Presence and know what is the right course to take. This Holy Day celebrates the moment of your first incarnation and of each incarnation when your Heart Flame began to establish life within the womb. There is a new burst of Light with each Coming-To Be, and there will be a burst of Light when your Destiny is fulfilled and you rise into the Ascension. This is the goal of life! And your Victory is assured because the Mighty I AM Presence is always Victorious!
  • This welcoming Discourse sets out the goal of the Conclave, which is to provide an in-depth training in the nuanced Principles of Cosmic Law. These Principles may have been dismissed as already known, but they need to be understood more clearly so they become a part of the way you live your life. Certain of these Principles of the Law have been missed, due to the untransmuted substances of the four lower bodies. By studying these points in order to be able to perform the Law yourself in cooperation with your Presence, the Law will work through you to such an extent that you will be astonished. You will be able to live the Ascended Master Way of Life® rather than two separate lives, one inner devotional life and one outer life. This Discourse highlights six major human mindsets that will be addressed during the Conclave, the main one being the sense of duality. You will be pulling out impure threads from the tapestry of your understanding that mar the Divine Design for your life.
  • Apollo, the Mighty Elohim of Illumination’s Flame, comes with his bow and quiver to assist you in bringing forth an even greater momentum of Light and communion with your Mighty I AM Presence. He reminds you that his Gift, the Sun-Ray Compass can play a part in helping you so you will not miss a step on your way. Before your first Incarnation you were in the Realms of the Great Central Sun. You knew that Holy and Sacred Realm, and when you came into Incarnation you still had the full communion with your I AM Presence through the Christ Presence. Give your attention daily to your Heart Flame, maintaining your ritual of communion so your True Identity can come to the fore and lead you by the hand, guiding you in right decisions and choices of activities until you are fulfilling the very Fullness of the Will of God. Allow your Heart Flame to once more breathe into your life and activities. Your Presence will then unfurl its fragrant essence, unique intonation, and song.
  • The keynote of this Conference is Godhead Victorious, the Victory of your Mighty I AM Presence. Before coming into embodiment, your Presence resolved to obtain God Dominion and Mastery over all Realms of Creation, especially the Life Forces that govern these realms. So your Presence will be the part of your Identity that performs the Victory. By you holding open the doorway into the Electronic Circle of your own Presence, your Presence can perform for you and through you the miracles of manifesting Perfection in your outer life. Your Presence is always Victorious, so long as that Presence is invoked and given the Authority to act in your life. In order to go beyond a certain point of attainment, all must be given back to your Presence. The Mystery of the Third Secret Ray of Divine Sacrifice is the utter Givingness of all that you are outwardly in this world, your very self, back to your Presence without reserve. This is a ritual you can practice. When you give your all to your Presence, this allows your Presence to more powerfully enfold your four lower bodies in your Christ Presence and your Causal Body Presence — the return gift of the Christed Radiance.
  • Nada schools you on knowing what it means to enter into the Love of God. Love is never truly understood unless there is an understanding of the Presence of God. She reminds you that your Heart Flame is the Source of all that is good within your life. And it is that goodness that flows freely from your own God Presence — daily, hourly, moment-by-moment. Nada teaches what will allow the unfurling of your Threefold Flame to encompass the entirety of your Being, what allows for the Sacrifice of the givingness of your Heart, and how to be the open door for your Presence to establish its Kingdom upon Earth. She reminds you that the “I AM” is a Fohat of your God Presence. Used wisely, it will bring about all that is God Good and open the doorway into the Elemental Forces of Nature to allow your Heart to appropriate the gifts that are there waiting for you. It is only when the door to your Heart is open that your Holy Christ Presence can usher in the pure Love that is so desired — the Love that is the Heart of your I AM Presence that loves you beyond measure!
  • This Discourse contrasts two stories of Orpheus with events in the life of David Lloyd and Alexander Gaylord, illustrating the need to trust the timing of your Presence concerning your Victory, no matter what outer circumstances may report to you. Human doubt, questioning, and impatience will break the connectivity with your Presence. Saint Germain said you cannot know God if there is an acceptance of anything opposed to God. Reports of imperfection coming from the outer world must be denied and known to be unreal. Give your calls to protect your consciousness from the worldly reports and turn your attention, with a single-eyed focus, to the Perfection of your Presence, to the Beauty of the Buddhic Realm, to the Perfection of the Nirvanic World, and on into the Great Central Sun. Holding the thread of connectivity to that Still Small Voice of the Presence speaking within you, even in the midst of the tumult of life, takes a steely determination. A helpful key is to visualize the completed fulfillment of your desire and allow your Presence to choose how and when your Victory will come.
  • Ascended Lady Master Leto discusses with you what it is like to stand undaunted in the face of a challenging situation and be able to bring calm to it or dissipate it. She describes how She went through such Initiations, as all do in their unique way. Were it not for the Presence of God she would have crumbled with fear or used some other human solution in those situations. You have built a foundation with your calls and your experiences of communion with your Mighty I AM Presence. You have what it takes to take command, you needn’t shrink back. Maybe you will be called to protect someone or to face your fear in some way. Whatever it is, the solution is to hold to the Presence of God. If you feel unprepared at present, then calling upon the Most High at your altar will connect you to the Mind of God and you will become aware of the areas in your consciousness that need to be strengthened and given the sustenance of your Mighty I AM Presence.
  • Giving your all to your Mighty I AM Presence means giving both your heart and mind. The carnal mind can, if undetected, appropriate enough of the student’s thoughts and feelings to cause doubt and incredulity and prevent further progress on the Path. Your Ascended Master sponsors are absolutely faithful to the Authority of your Presence. However, for the Presence and Masters to act in your world, your outer self also has to give its Authority to your Mighty I AM Presence. This is what is shown in the three stories retold in this Discourse, of Major Henderson and Blavatsky, Olcott and El Morya, and the children in the Cave of Symbols with Virgo and Pelleur. Bringing this carnal mind under God control requires a total identification with your Heart Flame. After calling on the Violet Flame, you can invoke the Golden Liquid Light from the Heart of your Electronic Body and see it come into the brain of the physical body, reconnecting the brain cells with the Golden Plume, allowing the Christ Mind to take command.
  • The Goddess of Mercy, Kwan Yin, August Member of the Karmic Board, streams forth the Mercy and Love of God with the Violet Transmuting Flame. Having vowed to continue to extend this blessing of her Life and Momentum until every Son and Daughter of God is ascended, She assures you that She answers every call on the instant, thus freeing you to win your Victories. In addition to her assistance, you have the responsibility to maintain your Freedom, to go within your Heart Flame to deal with any karma or repetitive negative patterns that arise in your world with the Flames of Transmutation, especially the Violet Flame. The Violet Flame will remove karma, dissolve anxiety, and consume negativity. Having accomplished this work of invocation and committing your Heart Flame to your Mighty I AM Presence, you can once more rise into the rarefied atmosphere of your Christhood. Remain in the Eternal Now and do not be preoccupied with outer circumstances, for your Mighty I AM Presence can change the course of your life effortlessly with one Ray of Light.
  • This Discourse delves deeper into the Truths of the Godhead Charioteer® Victorious in the Great Central Sun and on Earth. We are reminded of the Oneness of God Consciousness that expresses from The One through each level, all the way to the earth plane. The Mighty I AM Presence is intended to unfold its Ascended Master Light in every plane and sub-plane, including those of the gross physical. Despite the human discord still present within the lower bodies, they are ultimately meant to be glorified with the Ascended Master Light of the Presence as it gains mastery. The Presence is Victorious through these bodies when they are accelerated, purified, and perfected through your decrees and disciplines. Saint Germain has said that the physical body can be accelerated beyond your wildest imagination! This has been demonstrated with the Atomic Accelerator which the Ascended Masters have employed to assist in the magnification of the Light of the Electronic Body moving out through every cell of the physical bodies of certain adepts prior to making their Ascensions, purifying and accelerating them to the point of becoming dazzling White Light, free from the pull of gravity.
  • The Elohim of the Earth Element, God Tabor, desires that you appreciate your physical body as a vehicle in which your Heart Flame is able to operate. He teaches you how you can fulfill your responsibility to keep it healthy through the acceleration of that Heart Flame. You are like the Earth that is charged with Currents of Light by the Elohim. You can heal your body with Healing Currents and Violet Flame and enter into the work of healing the Earth as well, so quiet and Peace can return. While others may not understand the importance of the physical body, nor accept the possibility that God works through the four lower bodies we wear, you have learned the Truth of Cosmic Law® and have the Vision and surety that one day the Flame upon the Altar of your Heart will carry you into the Fullness of the Mighty I AM Presence in the Ascension in the Light. Hold the Vision, keep the Purity in your life, and allow for the Presence of God to abide where you are always.
  • The purpose of the Holy Day of Godhead Victorious is for you to reconnect with the awareness of the Presence of the Godhead as One, to make new pathways between your current awareness and the All-Pervading God Reality, leading to the ultimate Victory of the reunion of the four lower bodies with the Mighty I AM Presence. This Discourse describes beautifully how the lower realms are part of this Oneness, how they unfold seamlessly Realm upon Realm from the Great Central Sun. There is no imperfection anywhere. The Presence is victorious and in charge everywhere. The only way anything negative can reside in your consciousness is if you have given power to an outer world appearance. Saint Germain said he was able to free Himself by using the Fiat: You have no power! He would use this when imperfection appeared in his world. By doing this you keep your Tube of Light and Electronic Circle intact and you can have the full overshadowing of your Christ Presence. You can live the life your Presence desires, one of creativity, self-expression, and Love.
  • Cyclopea imparts a clearing of your third-eye vision, so you can have a keener perception of your True Identity which is the Mighty I AM Presence. He encourages you to hold tightly to your connection with that Presence, which is alive and vibrant with the conscious awareness of its own Individuality. The Vision it holds is always in keeping with the Allness of God. When you breathe the breath of life upon those High Ideals your Presence desires you to express and bring into manifestation through the Elemental Forces of Nature, you are like the conductor of a great symphony playing the Keynote of your own God Presence with the melody of all the attributes and dynamics that are to come forth. There is no loss in giving your all to your Presence. Allow for its strength to be the guiding principle in all things in your life and hold to the unwavering Vision of your Ascension.
  • The Anointed Representative Monroe Julius Shearer answers questions posed by students on the Teachings presented during the Conference. Topics included ascending back into the Mighty I AM Presence and knowing oneself as that Presence while also giving adoration to the Great I AM; the nature of the Monads and their relationship to the Great Central Sun; Saint Germain’s meaning of Love; the action of the Helicon Solar Shield and its interaction with the Mighty I AM Presence; focused and effortless decreeing; and how long it takes to know the Oneness of God
  • The Masters hope your greatest Faith and Trust will always be with your own Mighty I AM Presence, not just knowing your Presence’s Love for you, but its ability to fill you with its Power and Light in answer to your calls. If you lack Faith in your Presence, you can ask your Presence to help you while you visualize a pale Blue Light coming forth from the Heart of your Presence and completely surrounding you. Return it back to the Heart of your Presence. And as you practice repeating this cycle, your Faith will increase, and you will know that everything you require for your Service to Life will be provided by the Bounty of your Mighty I AM Presence.
  • Jesus asks if you are anchoring the Light of God and if you are allowing that Light to ripple out and to love God in all of Life. He provides invaluable instruction on attaining the Higher Estate of Life that He knows as “God Love” and that you know as an Ascended Master Way of Life®. Jesus teaches you what your Threefold Flame allows, why your emotional body must be disciplined, and what will unfold the Divine Direction of your life. He also instructs on what will enable your Thread of Contact with the Mind of God, what overcoming is, and what making wise decisions is all about. Jesus reveals what occurs when God Love is present, and what makes it impossible to turn against God or any part of God’s Life. He explains why your attention to detail is important, and why putting your transgressions against God in Life into the Flame is all-important. Let Jesus teach you the standard with which to convey the Truth of your Identity of your Presence in Action within you! And discover what will allow the intonation of that Perfect Pitch of your Presence’s Keynote to take command of your life — and when God and your Presence will be Victorious in you!
  • Mighty Victory sends forth his Momentum of Victory to you, proclaiming the Godhead Victorious of your own I AM Presence, here and now! Victory is all you should see, for your own Presence knows only Victory! Your Presence has entered into Incarnation in order to establish a Pillar of Light upon the Earth, that radiates out and becomes the Symphony of God Life that knits together the Family of God with the Entire Spirit of the Brotherhood of Light! That is the Golden Age that is intended to come. Mighty Victory presents a magnificent visualization of the Divine Patterns that will be anchored when the Earth attains its Golden Age as Regulus. It is important for you to hold the Vision for the Victory of your own Christ Light and the Freedom that you can express right where you are! Let the Glory of God be anchored in the Earth by your calls, your momentum, and your devotions to God! Embrace the Glory of God, and allow it to fill you and to lift you into the Allness of God!
  • In this Acropolis Sophia, you will learn about the Coming-To-Be of your Presence, which is the meaning of “The Incarnation” — that your Presence is the Heart that is taking on the vehicles and the elements that have been prepared for that Heart Flame’s unfolding. You will learn about the Initiations when your Presence says, “Let’s see how well my Heart Flame in embodiment can stand in its own Light in connection with me, invoking the Light that will produce Mastery over the elements.” And you will learn the importance of cultivating such a momentum of the Coming-To-Be of your Presence through your Heart and four lower bodies that will cause so much blazing Light that you will easily dismiss appearances and win the Victory of the God Mastery and the God Dominion that your Presence has sought by incarnating. Understand how the Light coming forth can charge your immediate aura and everything in your life, sustaining Perfection and quickly annihilating anything less than Perfection in your world. That is the High Ideal of Godhead Victorious! It is the Coming-To-Be of your own Presence in your world, charging your world, and making all of it the Temple of the Most High Living God!
  • The Maha Chohan instructs you on the Coming-To-Be of your Presence into the whole of your life, on the Law of the AM-ness of your Presence, and on what is expected of the Christ. When you are in attunement with your Heart all the way to your Presence, that same attunement carries you into the Heart of the Great I AM, into the Heart of The One, and into the Heart of the Allness of God. Explaining the importance of this Charged Radiance of the Holy Christ Presence, the Maha Chohan teaches how to strengthen the Charge of the Light of your Presence into your vehicles, and the resulting Responsibility that comes with that Charge. Always remember to expand your call, invoking your Presence and the Ascended and Cosmic Beings to respond to any Heart Flame that is in need. Do not underestimate the Power of God that you can draw forth. When you are in the Presence of God, hold fast to all that you can draw back to your outer memory when your experience ends. Jot it down so that you can be reminded by your Christic notes of your experience with the Most High.
  • Your Presence wants a sufficiency of mastery in this world of form in all of the Seven Bands of the Causal Body, in all of the Five Secret Rays, in the primal attributes of Love, Wisdom, and Power, and in the Alpha and Omega polarities. The Vision of your Perfection is held in the Pattern of the Electronic Body of your Presence so that can be the motivation of your Path. This Pattern is perceptible to the Ascended Masters and works in close conjunction with the Great I AM and the Providence of the Great I AM. The Consciousness of the Great I AM is best epitomized in all that is meant by Providential Love and Foreknowing. The Law of the Being of that Great I AM is to envision the best for every part of God Reality, most especially for all of the Individualizations of its own Being. As you cultivate a blazing aura, practicing the Ritual of Godhead Victorious, pursue that attainment that your Presence insists upon before the Ascension may take place. And when you must master something that you do not have a natural momentum on, let Providence be your motivation. Aspire to the Perfection that the Great I AM has decreed for you!
  • Archeia Aurora brings the dawning of a new day of consciousness. She teaches you what will help you stand firmly fixed in the Charge of Light and Momentum of the Coming-To-Be of Divine Providence in your life, and what will hinder this. As you develop your sensitivities to the Mind of God, your own I AM Presence in the Office of your Christhood, as you recognize the Charge of Light for your emotional body that is intended to lift you into the Christ Mind, and as the Love of God is imparted to you to magnetize more of God into your life, then you are prepared to move forward and fulfill your next cycle. For you to fulfill Divine Providence, your Heart Flame must soar! For that is the Charge of the Threefold Flame elevated into the Christ Consciousness that allows for the Patterns of Divine Providence to unfold in Divine Order according to what is to occur. To fulfill Divine Providence, there must also be the cooperation of the Threefold Flame of your Heart and your spiritual centers, with the Kundalini Fire established as a Rod of Power. Hold fast to the understanding that you are the Mighty I AM Presence in Action!
  • This week of Acropolis is about the practice of your own I AM Presence as the All-in-All of your being and your life. Blessings and benefits come from cultivating and maintaining the Charge of Light coming from your Presence and building a charged aura and forcefield that is brimming with Ascended Master Light and Perfection. You have the ability to charge anything in your life with the Perfection of your Presence. Every I AM Presence is a limitless Source of The Good and The One. Saint Germain says it is the duty of every student to know that their Presence is focused through them and their vehicles and around them at all times. Your bodies are to be a grail that lets the surplus Charge continue on its journey into the world as the glad free gift of Life and Love to bless every part of life. You must expand your calls to include all mankind, because your Presence can effortlessly charge all mankind as well as you. Your physical body and etheric body can have that blazing aura of Ascended Master Light flowing through them. And your body can be attuned to resonate with the programs of the Central Sun!
  • Elohim Surya presents a Sacred Teaching on the Will of God, and on Sanatka and the Holy Kumaras. He instructs that it takes the Will of your Heart Flame to infuse your consciousness to enter into the Will of God, to know what it means to chart your Destiny according to that Divine Will, and how there is an empowerment that occurs when that Will is actively engaged. Surya instructs you on the Office of the Holy Kumaras and their Charge of the Virgin Consciousness of Purity that is most important to the holding together of life as it exists on Earth. The Flame of the Will of God in the Blue Pillar of Sanatka sends forth the Charge of Divine Providence. When Divine Providence comes forth from The One, it is instilled within the Temple of the Holy Kumaras as a foundation of the Charge of Momentum in all of the God Qualities that are to manifest for the Kingdom of God to appropriate. Surya holds fast to the Vision for your Victory in fulfilling the Will of God. And you have the support of the Elohim in overcoming any limitation that may still need to be transmuted and disciplined in your outer vehicles.
  • One goal of this class is for you to be lifted into sharing the Consciousness of your own Beloved Mighty I AM Presence. Being One with the Great I AM, your Presence does not separate itself from the awareness of the Great I AM, whatever realm its Heart Flame is in. When you can hold the past, present, and future awareness of the Great Central Sun, your consciousness becomes God Consciousness, and you are reuniting with your original God awareness. You are always within the Bosom of the Great Central Sun. At each level of Coming-To-Be, the Consciousness of the Great I AM flows forth and then back to its Source, gradually lowering itself into the earth plane so there is an unbroken communion with the Great I AM.
  • Elohim Hyperion explains how the Elohim issue the Constant Conscious Christ Command, calling upon the Archangels, the Chohans, and the Holy Kumaras to bring forth Divine Wisdom. Sometimes the Sons and Daughters of God stumble upon Cosmic Law and there is a moment of transformation and revelation of their True Identity. But you must hold fast to the Charge of Purity to issue the Constant Conscious Christ Command to assure your call will be answered. Call forth the Flame of Sa Ananda for his Virgin Consciousness and for all in Divine Order to come forth. You have all you require here and now to enter into greater communion with the Holy Kumaras and to draw forth Divine Providence and the Golden Age.
  • You cannot exhaust all of the Goodness that is within The Good. Everything that has pressed through to the earth realm has its Eternal Reality in the Great Central Sun. Everything real desires The Good because it remembers what it was like to be The Good. This is the driving force that not only sustains the circulations within the Great Central Sun, but it is the great in-breath that draws all back to be as close to The Good and The One as possible. Love is the givingness of the Divine Self that is the Individualization of The Good and The One constantly going forth. The Mighty I AM Presence can manifest anything and everything because it is all there in the Great Central Sun.
  • The Ascended and Cosmic Beings stream forth their Love for God so that you might have the tangible Reality of the magnificent Consciousness of the Most High. When you bring this Momentum into your life and make it your own, establishing Divine Service to God in Life under the canopy of the Will of God and Illumination’s Flame, the Threefold Action of your Heart Flame unfurls with greater momentum in your life. You can expand that Love as far and as wide as your ability to draw upon the Allness of God. When the Elohim, the Archangels, and the Chohans require an exceptional concentration of Purity, they draw upon the Pillars of the Holy Kumaras. Embrace the Truth of your Identity as God Love and give the Christ Command: I AM God Love.
  • The Universal Light is at your service. Saint Germain’s Cloud has been activated for many adepts by the action of their Christ Presence in conjunction with their I AM Presence. The Cloud is a transitional stage that is the earliest phase of the coming forth of Light from the Great Central Sun into the Realms of Manifestation. It is not completely qualified, but established in time and space and receptive to becoming whatever it needs to become. These points of Light are indeed alive. A primary key to establishing the Cloud is the issuance of the Conscious Cosmic Christ Command to the intelligence within that Light. Your call should be the out-picturing of what you wish. The Christ Presence knows how that outcome is to be achieved, and it reaches into the I AM Presence and draws from the Presence the exact ingredients needed. The I AM Presence is the Doer, acting on the Universals, the Monads of Light in the Central Sun, qualifying the forcefield of the Monads of Light to produce your desired result.
  • The Elohim of Purity reminds you about what you have learned, understood, and established as a student of the Light. The Elohim Purity asks: Now that you have a greater understanding and you have had revealed to your outer consciousness the Truth of who you are, what will you do with it? Each day you are given new opportunity to galvanize the Light of God within you and to accelerate your attainment in the wise use of that Light to manifest more of the Attributes of your Presence. Your forcefield must be sealed off from the astral and psychic planes. You must have the Charge of Light polarizing you to your Presence, allowing for the Light of Purity to move into action, while visualizing the Pillars of the Holy Kumaras. Know the great Service performed in the Pillar of Purity by Sujata in the Temple of the Holy Kumaras. For when this Light streams forth, it is holding the fabric of that Divine Providence, which is the Edenic Blueprint of all that is to come to be in the world of form and formlessness throughout the Kingdom of God! Elohim Purity states that the daily transmutation of your returning karma is Wisdom put into action!
  • Establishing a charged forcefield requires great Power, an ongoing, rolling Momentum of God Light. The focal point of that Power is the Heart, Head, and Hands of our own Mighty I AM Presence. That Power is passed along through the Crystal Cord. It is intended to come down along the Spinal Altar to the base of the spine and then as a return current to the Mighty I AM Presence. The Crystal Cord energy flows forth wherever the attention directs it. Our goal is to realize this and cease the indiscriminate focus of our attention, keeping it concentrated on the Mighty I AM Presence at all times so that God Power can flow forth into our world and out to the world around us.
  • The purpose of having the ability to issue forth the Christ Command is so the Fullness of the Mind of God draws forth from the Emerald Ray the Ascended Master Way of Life you are to live. Just as Beloved Vesta and Helios can call forth the Emerald Ray to consume unreality, so can your own Mighty I AM Presence. You entered life charged with the momentum and opportunity to live an Ascended Master Way of Life. The Emerald Ray is your secret creative key to the unlocking of the Cosmos with your Christ Command. When you call forth the Emerald Matrix, the Charge will go forth to manifest the Vision of the Mind of God and you will be Victorious. You can draw upon the Pillars of Light of the Holy Kumaras through the Threefold Flame of your Heart.
  • Understanding that the Mighty I AM Presence is always in command assures you that your call to your Presence will always be answered with the Full Momentum of your Presence. When and how your call is answered will be determined by your Presence, so you must have Patience as you continue to hold the Charge of God Momentum in your consciousness. This is how the Will of God for your lifestream enables you to fulfill your Fiery Destiny. In every incarnation, your Presence has a cycle of accomplishment to be fulfilled for you to advance that Destiny forward. Every aspect of life you engage in should be part of God’s Will. The Constancy of your communion with the Threefold Flame of your Heart will prepare you and inform you of actions required to be taken.
  • There needs to be the recognition that whatever the Victories or seeming accomplishments of the outer self, they are all enabled by the Crystal Cord energy being supplied by the Mighty I AM Presence. So the fruits of one’s labors should be placed upon the Altar and returned to the Mighty I AM Presence for its Blessing so it can all be drawn up and multiplied by the Light. This requires releasing attachment to outer objects and accomplishments and giving all of oneself back to the Presence so God can be All-in-All. Then you have given Gratitude back to the Presence and the cycle has been completed, allowing more of your Presence to flow forth through you and out to the world.
  • The true measure of your wealth is your attainment in the Momentum of God. Being a just steward of all you have been given means pouring it into all the avenues of life your Presence desires. When your vehicles are charged with Light and you feel Divine Momentum flowing forth, you know you are in the right place fulfilling your Divine Destiny. No matter your profession, age or education, you have the opportunity to bring forth more God Momentum right where you are. Knowing that the Presence of God abides where you are brings a depth of Peace you are able to experience. When you know the Flame of God is sustained in the Temple of the Holy Kumaras, you have greater opportunity to enter into the Service of God and bring it forth.
  • The Anointed Representative, Monroe Julius Shearer, expressed how much he and Carolyn miss having everyone present for the Conferences and Acropolis. In the Q&A, he then explained that before creation could come forth, God had to individualize. And so any time there was a momentous occurrence or healing, there was always an Initiate in embodiment fulfilling the Law of Octaves of the Heart Flame of the Mighty I AM Presence. Questions were asked about the sub-planes, the astral and psychic planes, and about the existence of the Causal Presence and Christ Presence prior to the Fiat Lux Moment. There was also the explanation of how the Ascension is the ultimate Coming-To Be.
  • Your Christ Presence is as close as the beat of your Heart and has taken your silent prayers to the Heart of your Presence to produce the out-picturing of your aspirations. Today we are celebrating the Freedom to know oneself as the Presence and to use the name I AM freely. Though there may seem to be problems, always remember I AM the Way. Your Presence is always affirming I AM the Way for the solution to any challenge you face. The full answer for the Perfect outcome is always present. Only karmic conditions prevent the answer from immediately appearing. Your calls, study, and devotions are necessary because you are in the process of cooperating with your Presence. When your will is one with the Will of your Mighty I AM Presence, your Victory is assured.
  • Sanat Kumara tells us that the Holy Kumaras anchor Freedom’s Flame from their Temple so you will be free to be the Presence of God, unencumbered by unreality and human consciousness. You need only invoke the Violet Flame to have records of past misdeeds consumed. You can invoke the Power of the Mighty I AM Presence to enable your Presence to have the Freedom to conduct its affairs and pursue its Destiny in this era. If you are invoking the Light but not accelerating, you are not fulfilling the Law of your Being adequately. Call upon God, enter into the Great Silence, and listen to what God will share with you. Allow your Heart Flame to carry you into the Fullness of your Presence to receive the Charge of Elohim and the Rays that the Holy Kumaras send to assist you to attain a greater attunement with God.
  • In all ways, your Presence reveals to you those patterns of life that must go into the Flame and be no more so the Threefold Flame of your Heart can take its rightful place in your life. Look to the Flame upon your Heart to open new areas of life and new opportunities to you. Your Heart Flame interprets the atmosphere around you, discerning whether it contains a vibration worthy for your Presence to abide within. As you internalize the instruction, Cosmic Law is put into action in your life and you carry out the Will, Desire, and Love of your Presence. God loves God in Action and that allows you to expand God moving throughout the world, the Cosmos, and All of God.
Teachings from the Ascended Masters to Help You Know the Truth of Cosmic Law® Regarding the Life of God in the Womb!

The Truth of Cosmic Law® must be the rule for the United States and the World! Protection for the Christ Light and Holy Innocents must be upheld for the Dawning Golden Age of Saint Germain to come to pass!

God’s Law of Purity does not allow for harm toward the Innocent and Holy, whether these precious ones are in the womb or outside. Certain scales of blindness, rationality, and injustice that allow for the perpetration of abortion and its legality must be addressed, as a collective burden of karma and weight of decisions being made in the United States. The Ascended Masters come to share the Truth, plainly and forthrightly, to give the opportunity to the Torch Bearers and Light Bearers to invoke the Light into this condition and align themselves with Right Action so that the cycles can turn toward a greater acceleration of the Golden Age.

On September 20, 2020, the Goddess of Light presented Teaching regarding abortion. Two weeks later, Mother Mary addressed this same subject. These landmark Releases are essential to help you understand the Truth of Cosmic Law.

Mother Mary cradles every precious little one in the womb and holds the Holy Innocents who have been aborted in her abiding Love. The Goddess of Light asks, “Where would you be if you had been aborted before the first breath in this physical life?” Won’t you wield her Sword Excalibur in defense of each and every little one? Won’t you call for the balancing of this collective karma, and for the Truth of Cosmic Law to be known worldwide, so that all Life, in the womb and outside, will be valued and protected? These Truths must be known and accepted for the Golden Age to come to pass!

  • Stating that you must separate the Real from the unreal and the lie from the Truth, the Goddess of Light instructs you on Cosmic Law. Most of mankind do not understand that Cosmic Law,as the law of karma, requires a return of negativity to the one who sent it forth. Negativity must be balanced. Mankind must recognize that the taking of life, even in the womb, is a negative. Call upon the Law of Forgiveness for the collective whole committing this heinous crime against the Flame of God!Invoke the Light of God into your life and wield the Sword Excalibur, so the Truth of Cosmic Law® will be known far and wide! Greater depravity could still manifest if there is not the sealing of the astral and psychic planes and the healing of mankind, especially in the United States. The United Statesmust be victorious and hold to Cosmic Law.Go to your altar and allow the Light of God to stream forth tomake a difference for the entire Earth, penetrating all areas of darkness, the momentums of unreality, and the “Liar and his Lie.”The Goddess of Light stands ready to respond to your Calls to the Sword Excalibur, the Emerald Ray, and the Will of God.
  • There are world conditions that impact your life, the lives of your loved ones, and the destinies of nations, such as the United States — and also impact theviability of the Dawning Golden Age to swiftly manifest.Cosmic Law as the law of karma is absolutely impersonaland will act unlessmitigated by Mercy and our Calls. The perpetuation of the abortion of the child in the womb in America and around the world contributes to a group karma — the personal karma of those who are physically engaged in the act, but also the ricochet chain reaction of karmic causes and effects of everyone that is directly or indirectly enabling those activities to be perpetuated and expanded. That group karma is hanging as a karmic Sword of Damocles over the hopes for a Golden Age in America and other places around the world.Abortion has crossed the line into infanticide in certain states, while others have advocatedpassingThe Born Alive Act.The Torch Bearers and Light Bearers are cautioned with the ramifications of aligning themselves with those who are advancing abortion and other unclean uses of life that are being popularized, legalized, and institutionalized today.
  • Revealing that she cradles every aborted lifestream, Mother Mary asks you, as long as she holds them dear to her Heart, won’t you hold them dear to yours? Won’t you establish a cradle within your Heart that loves the Innocent and the Holy coming forth from God? Mark well the Responsibility that you have for Life! Not one of these little ones should be lost or hindered or aborted. That is not the loving Comfort Flame for Life that is taught by the Maha Chohan and Beloved Jesus. This collective karma must not be committed!Seal yourself off from involvement with such an activity. You have the opportunity to decry these practices and to call upon God to protect the Innocent. Do all within your power to assist in stopping the ongoing momentum of this heinous crime against God! By the Violet Flame and the Emerald Ray, you can transmute the records of this momentum. And by invoking the Shekhinah Pillar®,you can allow the Light of God to have its day in the Earth. Bathe every child and every mother in Love so that they will recognize the value of Life and allow the Life of God to come forth!
Teachings from the Ascended Masters to Help You Receive the Glorious Dispensation of Another “Gift of the Gods” for the Golden Age— The Helicon Solar Shield!

Under the Aegis of the Lords of Karma, Receive the Gift of the Helicon Solar Shield.Invoke It Daily in Defense of Freedom, the Flame of God, and the Golden Age! And Change the Course of History! During the 2020 July Freedom Conclave,Sanat Kumara, Saint Germain, and each august member of the Karmic Board (Portia, Nada, Cyclopea, Pallas Athena, Kwan Yin, the Great Divine Director, and the Goddess of Liberty) presented powerful Releases of their Light, Momentum, and Instruction to guide you in understanding and utilizing this magnificent Dispensation of the Helicon Solar Shield to augment your Panoply of the Christos. Learn from Cyclopea how to visualize, multiply, and magnify the Helicon Solar Shield. Let Saint Germain instruct you on the right way to approach your altar. Understand Divine Justice, and the Law of Love. And realize the importance of keeping the Vision for America and the Earth. These Discourses and Dictations are your manual for invoking the Helicon Solar Shield, so that its Light and spinning action protects and defends your chakras, your family, your country, and the entire Earth — and all that is right and just— allowing the Truth of Cosmic Law®to prevail!

  • This Discourse introduces the main topic of this Conclave: the Helicon Solar Shield, which is being brought forth for all the Sons and Daughters of God to protect the Christ Light, those little ones whom Jesus spoke of during His Mission, and to prevent the Anointed Representatives®, the students, the Ascended Masters’ Work, the Golden Age,and America from being interfered with. Since Saint Germain brought forth the Ascended Master Teachings in the 20th century, the Cosmic Light has built toa great intensity, giving its forward impulse to humanity.And we are blessed beyond measure for the Radiance of the Shekhinah Pillar®, which has brought mankind to a greater opportunity to realize their Christhood. This is a time when persistent, malevolent forces need to be arrested. This Discourse brings clarification regarding the nuances of karma and elucidates the ability of the Lords of Karma to wisely adjudicate very complex karmic conditions and where necessary to arrest those who have destructive intent. How is this accomplished? Through the action of the highest force called Love.
  • You are being given the Cosmic Remedy of the Helicon Solar Shield, and during this most important event, Sanat Kumara draws your attention to your True Identity. You have the opportunity to dispel false ideas that you are not enough, that you don’t have enough clarity, Light or strength and so on. You are invited to embrace the fact that you are the Heart Flame of God, established on the Altar of your Heart by the Mighty I AM Presence and, as such, you are part of the Allness of God. That is a gift of The One! It is the gift of Freedom to be and express the Consciousness of the Mind of God, to draw forth all that is Good, Beautiful, and Divine! Your Responsibility is to build your momentum daily in expressing the Divine Intent your Presence has charged you to fulfill. Your Heart Flame requires the protection of this Cosmic Remedy, the Helicon Solar Shield. As you become victorious in its use, establishing its spinning action on your chakras, you will be carried into the Fullness of the Fiery Sun of your God Identity.
  • The Ascended Masters wish you to fully understand the action of the Helicon Solar Shield, so as a body of Torch Bearers you can put your full commitment behind your calls. With the recitation of the marvelous lines from the story of Arjuna as he faces off in battle against hisown family,the need for bringing forth Divine Justice without any human sympathy is illustrated. It is time to rise in consciousness into the greater Vision held within the Mind of God for America and for the entire Earth. Love has to be balanced with Divine Intelligence. The Karmic Board and your own Holy Christ Presence see the greater Vision for mankind, so you can rely on them to be the Directing Intelligence as you make your calls to the Light of Ten Thousand Suns. Saint Germain said that an awakened individual never uses a destructive force and also that the Sons and Daughters of God have the right to protect themselves. The Helicon Solar Shield provides that Protection and Justice, under the Aegis of the Karmic Board.
  • Beloved Portia explains in detail the need for the calls by the students of the Light for the Protection of the Sons and Daughters of God, the lifting of karma and arresting of the spirals of negativity, so that the Mighty I AM Presence can once more engage in life and bring about the multiplication of God. Through your calls you can make an immense difference in the lives of individuals and families, for example, providing them Protection or the ability to keep their family together in love and harmony. In particular, Portia sends out the plea for your calls to protect the children. Devote yourselves to the Violet Flame River and the Helicon Solar Shield with Constancy. Dispensations and karmic mitigations can only be given when they are honored and the recipients are dependable, faithful, and trustworthy. Do not hesitate! As you stand, remaining in your Pure Holy Christ Consciousness, be aware that it is the Lords of Karma that alwaysknow the perfect action and solution in every situation. Let your consciousness soar and the many Sons and Daughters of God across the Earth will receive the Freedom they deserve and have been crying out for day and night.
  • It is essential to understand the mechanisms used by those who hate the Christ Light and how you can protect yourself with the Helicon Solar Shield, placing it over your chakras and over others. There are those who seek to usurp the Light of the Holy Innocents, but this can only occur if one is off balance. This is often caused by triggers in your memory body that tie into past records. However, with the outer counterclockwise spinning action of the Helicon Solar Shield, you can cut away those ties within your world that you have unwittingly created in the past. Have compassion for everyone currently standing for the Light of the Christ, for mothers and the unborn, for the institutions of the freedom-loving nations of the world that are under assault. When reports of these things come to your attention, you can call on the Helicon Solar Shield to protect the innocent lifestreams involved. Doing this while holding your attention on their Glorious Mighty I AM Presence, you will have done your part and can turn the situation over to the Mighty I AM Presence and the Lords of Karma.
  • The Great Magnet and Law of God Love allows the knitting together of every Individualization of God, be they an unascended, Ascended, or Cosmic Being. To truly activate this Law, you require vehicles of consciousness that are prepared with the Peace of the Buddha, the Harmony of God Love, the Purity of the Mother Light, and the Blue Flame of the Will of God. You draw forth the Emerald Ray to have the precision of Perfection. The Law of Love insists that the communion between your Heart Flame and the Mind of God be rock-solid. It is not a trickle charge of Light, just enough to sustain your vehicles, but the full onrush from your Mighty I AM Presence. When you extend Love to the Heart of God, you understand what it means to sacrifice all and enter into the service of God in life. Draw upon God Love wisely and unconditionally, so no negativity can ever be returned to you as a result of your sacrifice. This foundation of unconditional God Love is essential when using the Helicon Solar Shield.
  • With its spinning motion, the Helicon Solar Shield returns destructivity back upon those who create it. There are some examples in ancient cultures of the Helicon Solar Shield, though they did not have the full understanding of it as it is being revealed now through The Temple of The Presence. When possessed by Zeus, the Helicon Solar Shield was a shield of protection used in battle called the “Aegis.” In the Bhagavad Gita, Krishna knew it as the “sun disc” or the “Sudarshan Chakra.” The Limitless Light of the Individualization of God The One that is your own Mighty I AM Presence can pour forth the Light of Ten Thousand Suns through the Solar Shield. The combined Wisdom of the seven members of the Karmic Board will determine how this action will uniquely manifest in each situation. The Service that Cyclopea brings to the Karmic Board through the Action of the All-Seeing-Eye involves a vast spherical awareness, not only of what is occurring at the present moment in this world, but also of all that has occurred previously — plus all of the foreshadowing, the so-called akashic records of the future, that are there on the screen but not set in stone.
  • Cyclopea stresses how important it is for you to stand in the Holy of Holies as the priest or priestess of the Sacred Fire and know who you are! This is the cycle! This is the time! And this is when you must have the Vision for the Earth and for America. For America requires the Vision of an Opportunity to realize the Golden Age! History shows that a contagion of negativity can sweep through the land in short order to wipe away a very wonderful civilization and culture. But you can arc your consciousness, your Heart Flame, and your Presence with the Light present upon the Altar at The Temple, so that no matter the circumstances occurring where you are, you can be a Pillar of Fire! And that Pillar of Fire will go before you to address every circumstance that arises, including your Protection and the Protection of those around you! Cyclopea instructs you on visualizing, multiplying, and magnifying the Helicon Solar Shield to protect your lifestream, your family, your country — the entire world! Cyclopea will assist you in imparting the Vision when necessary and augmenting your Call with the Direction and the Momentum that is needed.
  • Pallas Athena commends you to sow a new culture in the land that upholds the Truth of Cosmic Law® and bears the Fruit of God Good. She reveals how to establish a lasting Golden Age; why she is on the Karmic Board; what allows the Abundant Life of God Consciousness to pervade your life; what builds the foundation of your Christhood; what knits together people of all lands; why America came forth; what brings Life, God Consciousness, and Holiness to the land; and what builds a culture that is the Divine Momentum of God in manifestation! As you stand before your altar pouring out your Heart to God, God is pouring out His Heart to you to assist you to manifest the true culture. You have one allegiance only and that is to God! Recognize that you are the Christ daily, for Constancy is required. Your Responsibility is to invoke the Light to protect family, home, country, and the Earth. But, most importantly, to protect God in the land! Pallas Athena knows the thousands you have already assisted by the many Calls you have made and the hundreds of thousands you will protect and assist by invoking the Helicon Solar Shield!
  • During this Torch Bearer meeting, the publication of two new DVD albums was announced, plus the first three offerings in the new Golden Gifts series of pocket books of Ascended Master Dictations. The mailing for the next installment of the fundraising campaign for the completion of Acropolis Pavilion and the retirement of more of The Temple’s debt was postponed, due to the restrictions and uncertainty of the current world conditions. But this will be sent out. Keep up the calls for the ideal outpicturing of all the facets needed for Acropolis Pavilion. Discussed next was Saint Germain’s two disguised Fourth of July appearances at Independence Hall, leading to the story of George Washington’s Vision. Through the Wisdom of the Karmic Board, the Cosmic Light will be released through the Helicon Solar Shield and integrated into the Shekhinah Pillar to manifest the action that is needed for America to pass through the eye of the needle and to Keep the Sapphire Dream Alive. Avisualization of the Shekhinah Pillar as a perimeter Wall of Light and Protection along the borders of the United States, over Washington, D.C., and over all 50 state capitols is presented in detail.
  • Saint Germain teaches you how to approach your altar. Give your Calls fervently! Have the Fire that is represented in the Torch that you bear as a Torch Bearer of The Temple! Establish a connection with your Heart Flame. Have a conscious momentum of striving. Thrust forward your God Determination! Connect with the Will of God, the Purity of God, and the White Fire that galvanizes within your spinal altar. Activate the Vision entrusted to you by Cyclopea. Visualize your Calls and focus upon each detail of the words. Have an expectation that the Truth of Cosmic Law will manifest. Learn how to receive the promptings of your Presence through the Mind of God. If you are shown something, make the Call on the instant! Do not procrastinate! And always remember to expand that Call! Know that your Call is for the Golden Age, for the Golden Age of One multiplies. Saint Germain asks you to give the Calls to the Shekhinah Pillar, to the Violet Flame River, to the Golden Helicon River, and to the Helicon Solar Shield to have negativity consumed and the Golden Age dawn. Uphold the Flame of God that you are!
  • The Wisdom of the Ascended Masters is that they view life through the lens of the Great Central Sun, down to and including the earth plane. The Karmic Board always makes their deliberations from the standpoint of the impersonal Law of The One. The final authority for every lifestream is their Individual Mighty I AM Presence. No one person or group, be they ascended or unascended, is in the place of God. If you wish to help or rescue someone, there is so much that can be done by making the Calls to the Mighty I AM Presence of that individual, day after day. But you must release your sense of personal involvement at the horizontal level in their outer self. Love the Divine Spark of their Heart Flame. Call to their True Identity, their Mighty I AM Presence, and entrust that lifestream over to their I AM Presence, allowing the Law to answer your Call. It is important for parents to know and to feel that their children are at all times governed by the perfect intelligence of God — each child’s own Mighty I AM Presence.
  • It is by the Mercy of God that many Sons and Daughters of God have come to recognize they have the Flame of God upon the Altar of their Heart. They have not listened to the lie that they are not worthy, but have recognized they are loved, cared for, and nurtured as they come into their own awakening of the Presence of God. It takes great momentum for the Sons and Daughters of God to recognize the Presence of God. That is why the Karmic Board takes such time and attention to weigh in on your petitions, your need of the hour. The Mercy Flame of Kwan Yin looks upon not only one lifestream, but nations of lifestreams and recognizes the cries of those who desire to be lifted out of the negative spirals that entrap them. She will not refuse those who call to her Flame. She will stand by them steadfastly through all of the initiations required and advocate for the mitigation of their karma if possible. And she will bring the Comfort Flame to assist so that there can be a holding on until the opportunity is extended.
  • In calling forth the Helicon Solar Shield, you are acting under the Aegis of the Karmic Board, which means you are under their Protection. This Protection is offered for your personal and World Service. You can visualize the Helicon Solar Shield a little larger than your physical body. It will be a Shield for your Harmony and Purity. As you practice using it, you can see it coming out of the Heart of your Presence and overshadowing conditions in the world. Once a condition is known, all you need to do is make the call and the action will be sustained by your Presence and the Lords of Karma. This allows you to fulfill the Teaching that you should always visualize God in Action, rather than feeding into appearances. The Power of the Helicon Solar Shield is immense. The clockwise and counterclockwise action of the Helicon Solar Shield are revealed so you can invoke them for yourself and the innocent who need Protection.
  • Do you hear the Voice of God issuing the God Direction of the Will that is for you? That is what the Great Divine Director trumpets forth, and this is the Attainment you are to accomplish. Fulfilling the Will of God is first and foremost the priority of life. For when you have the Fullness of the Will of God issuing forth through your vehicles of consciousness, all the priorities in your life begin to fall into place in Divine Order.You must accelerate momentum upon momentum within your life in order to fulfill that Destiny your Mighty I AM Presence has determined for you. You must have not only a listening ear, but a discerning ear to understand all that you are to accomplish. You might initially not understand what is happening in your life, but in time everything will fall into place.
  • The Momentum of Light required for you to fulfill your Divine Plan in this lifetime is available to you if you will call it forth and make room for it in your life. Releasing the Light of Ten Thousand Suns will be an annual focus of our July Conclave event so you will understand you are not alone. Protect your opportunity! Protect your Heart Flame! Protect the Heart Flames of the many! Be of good cheer! You have the key to the Golden Age. You have been given a Responsibility and have the Attainment to establish this Momentum. And you have the support of the Karmic Board to assist you, as well as every Ascended and Cosmic Being, the Archangels and their Legions. This planet Earth is full of life and is ready to receive the Light of God to bring it into alignment with the Cosmic Law of God. Fulfill the Divine Will of God and protect the Earth and all thereon.
  • Our goal is to enter into the innermost vestibule of the Great Central Sun where pure Existence, the totality of Love, and pure Being are experienced. It is this action we are calling forth into the world as the Outpouring of the Light of Ten Thousand Suns. At this highest level, there is an action of elemental life going forth from the Outpouring of Light. This will always go forth under the strict God Command of the Mighty I AM Presence and the Ascended Masters. When an Individualization sends forth Love into all outer activities impersonally, that one can command what they will, and the request will always be fulfilled. Divine Love is an invincible armor of Protection against all disturbing activity. That is the action of the Helicon Solar Shield, sending forth the totality of the Allness of God from the Great Central Sun charged with Ascended Master Love and Light and hallowing space everywhere, impersonally and in totality. It is the operation of the Law of The One.
  • The laws of the land must begin to reflect the Law of God. For as Cosmic Law streams forth, it will demand an alignment of every vestige of life. And where that does not take place, there will be a dissolution of that which does not align with Cosmic Law. That is the Necessity of Law issuing forth from The One. It is no respecter of persons.That is why your own individual karma must be balanced for you to enter into the Victory of the August Estate of being an Ascended Master.That is why you go through the rigors of accelerating your vehicles of consciousness even now to be able to wear the Garment of Light of the Christ and to stand as a Pillar of Fire before your altar invoking the very Pure Light of God and sending it forth to fulfill its Fiery Destiny. Perhaps some think Alpha and Omega are not aware of all that is going on in the Earth. But you can be sure they most definitely are aware and send their Cosmic Light for the Victory of the Golden Age.
Teachings from the Ascended Masters toHelp You Wield the Emerald Ray and Master the Science of the Emerald Matrix to Manifest Every Good and Perfect Gift of God!

If You Desire to Live the Abundant Life, the True“Secret” is Loving God, Embodying God-in-Action,and Mastering the Divine Science of the Emerald Matrix! During the 2020 Easter Conclave, Jesus, Lord Krishna, Pallas Athena, the Goddess of Liberty, Cyclopea, Saint Germain, Vesta, Venus, and Lord Ling presented powerful Releases of their Light, Momentum, and Instruction to help you wield the Emerald Ray, issue the Conscious Cosmic Christ Command, and tap into the ceaseless Outpouring of the Godhead. Then, during these Acropolis Sophia events,the God and Goddess Meru, the Great Divine Director, Alpha, and other Ascended Masters presented awe-inspiring Instruction on All of Godand entering into the Allness of The Great I AM.Discover the Power of Divine Visualization. Learn how to prime the pump of the Emerald Ray. Realize the importance of the Golden Chainmail. Know the infallibility of Cosmic Law. And let Jesus teach you the nature of Love. These Releases will help you walk the Path of the Emerald Matrix, manifesting the abundant Goodness, Perfection, and Opulence that your Mighty I AM Presence desires for you and for all the Earth!

  • Beloved Omega teaches you that when you put your attention upon the Mighty I AM, you instantly will know the Heart of Alpha and Omega. The Polestar of your Destiny is the Mighty I AM Presence. Purity is anchored upon the Altar of your Heart, feeding, comforting, and teaching you, reminding you of those areas of life you must overcome, alter, change, and fill with the Patterns of Perfection of an Ascended Master Way of Life. Things may look bleak in certain areas of life, but if they are approached with God Vision, God Wisdom, and a Crystal Clear and Pure Chalice, you will know the solutions. For the Discerning Faculty of the Mind of God will impart to you what you must to do next, how you must care for your life, your community, your country, your Earth.
  • During this Discourse, the new Shekhinah Pillar® Triptych was unveiled. As an Activity, we will be focusing our will and attention on this magnificent Thoughtform, using our powers of visualization to speak to the Great Central Sun to manifest the Vision the Great I AM holds for the Earth and all thereon. The Pharos of Hierarchy® at the base of the Shekhinah Pillar has been introduced throughout the ages by the Ascended Masters. In this Discourse you will hear some of the history the Masters and your Anointed Representatives have had with the lighthouse that existed on the island of Pharos, in Alexandria, Egypt. A beautiful letter sent to the students at the inception of The Temple of The Presence was read. It contained a glyph of a lighthouse that carried the message of the Path of the Emerald Matrix, the Gold Print for Coeur de Lión, and the ideal relationship of the outer vehicles with the Mighty I AM Presence. This Matrix is the plan of the Ascended Masters to bless the world in answer to your constant vigils. And its secret ingredient is Love.
  • Mighty Elohim Cyclopea brings the battle cry of Victory for the Light! It is time not just to receive the Light, but to command it through your Heart Flame, calling forth the Light of Perfection to return the Earth to its cycle for the Golden Age! For lifetimes you have desired to help mankind and now you can to an even greater extent, by bringing the full weight and measure of your God Presence into your vehicles of expression, into every subplane, resurrecting them and letting that Light flow, rippling out to resurrect all of the planes of Earth. The Earth will respond. Your Victory depends upon you trusting your Presence and building a momentum in the Emerald Ray. Communing with the Heart of the Elohim Cyclopea and Virginia will augment your momentum in this Emerald Ray, as will visualizing the Flame from Cyclopea’s Altar, as it pours into the Emerald Chalice on the Altar at The Temple of The Presence. As this Christ Light shines forth in all its Glory, you will have all you need, as will the Earth.
  • There is a comfort and blessing to be found when you can rise in attunement and put your attention on the Universal Monadic Essences in the Allness of God in the Great Central Sun. This conference is focused on the Monad of the Emerald Matrix that is the Fountainhead of all that comes forth as the Limitless Divine Abundance of the Presence of the Godhead. When you enter deeply enough into the God Consciousness of your Mighty Presence, you can tap these great Fountains of Light and Energy and the Light will rush forward into your world, like water bursting through a dam, with all the Limitless Abundance that you can use constructively. The Abundance of the Presence of God is ever so close at hand, ready for you at every turn, to invoke, to utilize, and to bring forth God’s Perfection into all areas of your life.
  • Beloved Vesta streams forth the Light that will penetrate to the core of those who are initiating the Cosmic Christ Command to Be the Presence of God. The great Solar Devas conduct this Fire into Earth so that the Sons and Daughters of God may draw on the Glory of the Sun, the intrinsic Nature of God as Illumination, as the Emerald Ray, and as Purity. When a lifestream comes to the realization that they can control their life through the Christ Consciousness, commanding life to respond in accordance with Cosmic Law and the Divine Outpouring from the Mind of God, then there is an open door for the Presence to accelerate the Charge of Light and the Momentum of the Holy Christ Presence. There dawns within the consciousness of that lifestream, an awareness of those patterns of life that must be changed. In this new dawn of the rising sun, there is an acceleration likewise upon the Earth. The many who go through this acceleration will begin to change the world for the better, depositing more of the Light upon that which is Holy within the Presence of God.
  • The nine points of Light of the Secret Love Star stream forth in all of their Glory! Each one of the Hierarchs stand in the Fullness of the Great Central Sun, commanding that Light in concert, to ignite the Flame of God upon the Earth once more! Lady Master Venus comes so you will not forget to receive this Love of God that is streaming forth. In doing so, you are blessed nine times by each point of Light of these Glorious Cosmic Beings that serve as its Hierarchs. When you enter into this communion, your consciousness will be bathed in all of the Qualities of God that you require to fulfill your Fiery Destiny and be that point of Light of your own Mighty I AM Presence. In turn, this will galvanize the Greater Light and Momentum of the many. This Divine Cycle must ignite the Fire upon the Altar of the Heart of the Sons and Daughters of God to prepare the Golden Age Consciousness. This Golden Age Consciousness is for every lifestream who has come forth, who will come forth, who will ascend!
  • The true Words of the true Ascended Masters are cups of their Ascended Master Light and Consciousness. As such, they are immortal and contain that underlying dimension of Divine Truth. Hence, The Temple of The Presence cites references from the Masters’ initial Releases, stressing the study of those and using them as a jumping off point where the surface meaning is explained, and the deeper mysteries are revealed and taught. Only those who hold the Office of Anointed Representative can deliver the formal Discourses and Dictations of the Ascended Masters and elaborate and expand upon that foundation. The Divine Plan is that the Teachings that have been brought forth should be mastered and put into use, leaving the Lords of Karma and Saint Germain free to use that previous body of work as a foundation and a springboard into further expansion of the Teachings built upon the Truths of Cosmic Law enshrined in that foundation. This allows for the advancing and building upon spiritual knowledge so that these Teachings can be crystallized across the world and the I AM Faith can take its place as a world religion — just as great blessings have come to the Christian world by incorporating the Truths found in the Old Testament.
  • Pallas Athena teaches you how to complete your Fiery Destiny! She states that in time, you will become a chalice, whereby you can call forth the Light of God into the full operation of your outer vehicles. She instructs you on priming the pump of the Emerald Ray and standing in the Emerald Matrix, giving Gratitude to God and allowing for the Fountain of God Love to flow freely from you in Charity and in Service to God in Life. Stating that the “Steep Path of Christhood” is not only a steep path but a broad path, she explains how to use the Christ Command to turn over to your Presence the areas of your life that need attention, calling on your Presence to hold a particular ray or charge. This will help you develop a multi-faceted consciousness governed by your Presence and the Mind of God. In the Charge of God Consciousness, the Truth of God will always bear out! This is a part of the Emerald Ray that you cannot forget! Hold your attention upon your Presence. Fulfill your Fiery Destiny, first and foremost, of the Holy Communion daily that you require to fill your chalice with the Light.
  • Saint Germain says when you visualize, you become the Law of The One. When the Torch Bearers place their collective attention upon the Shekhinah Pillar Triptych, they are engaging in eye magic, the same process Proclus described. The secret of manifesting is using the Power of Divine Visualization to impress pictures of realities on the Great Silence. When a picture has been imprinted, the Great Silence will precipitate your visualization. Do not consider time, space, and place to determine when your visualization should come into form. Hold and sustain the pinpoint focalization of the Needle Ray on your visualized form until the full form is impressed upon — and completed in — the Great Silence. For the instant the visualization is fully registered there with clarity and determination, it will manifest into visible form, returning back into your outer experience that which you have commanded to come forth. As you contemplate the Divine Vision of the Mind of God, demand of your I AM Presence that its Truth and Power manifest. Your Presence then becomes the doer, the doing, and the deed. Rivet your attention on the Great Central Sun and the Great Silence and make Heart-to-Heart contact with the Universal Heart and Mind of God.
  • Lord Ling presents teaching on entering into Holy Communion with the Presence of God, warning you not to allow anger, or any manner of fear and doubt to tear you from your Divine Victory of the Ascension. He encourages you to keep striving and keep believing in God. Lord Ling shares with you the Initiations that he experienced during his incarnation as Moses, stressing that each time you are before your altar, you are given the opportunity to have the same Communion with the Presence of God that he experienced. As Moses, he understood his mission to liberate the Sons and Daughters of God so that they could have the opportunity to live under the canopy of God and be free. Explaining what Freedom truly is, Lord Ling states that the call must be made to the I AM Presence to keep the Flame of Freedom alive. How joyous is life when it is lived under the canopy of God, and when that which fuels your striving and your commitment to the fulfillment of life is truly the Desire of your I AM Presence. So much is available to you! Let your Heart not be satisfied, but ever striving to expand the Light of God!
  • The limitless Abundance and Opulence of God flows forth from the Heart of God in the Great Central Sun. This limitless Goodness is focused in the Shekhinah Pillar, available to all who will call it forth and use it selflessly for the blessing of mankind. In order to manifest the actions of the Shekhinah Pillar and bring it forth effortlessly, multiplied and magnified to cover your cities and countries, you will need to study all of its elements and practice visualizing them. In this Discourse, each element of the Shekhinah Pillar is described in detail, beginning with the All-Seeing Eye of Providence and continuing through each level to the Temple of Victory and the Pharos of Hierarchy. Visualize the White Fire Substance, the Light of the Mother Light, many feet thick, forming the dome, the walls, and the spire of the Pharos of Hierarchy. This is a very detailed Discourse which gives instruction on how the Shekhinah Pillar fulfills the requirements of Cosmic Law, that every Dispensation must bear fruit, and bring increased Illumination to those who will receive it.
  • The Goddess of Liberty streams forth the Light of Ten Thousand Suns and no one will go untouched, regardless of where they are or who they are! This is an Action and Dispensation that will allow for the Fullness of the Light of God to sweep the land and to deposit that Light where it will affect positive change in the Earth, in the consciousness of the Sons and Daughters of God, lifting them up out of the doldrums, out of fear and doubt, into the Joy of life itself! They will enter a new era that allows them to think the very best of themselves and to know that the Flame of God abides where they are. Instead of being constantly subject to the mass consciousness, the Fullness of the Individualization of their Mighty I AM Presence will begin to have its day — to speak, direct, guide, and guard each lifestream into a greater Glory of God. And that is why you are in embodiment, here now — to participate in that Light, receive that Light, and anchor that Light in the Earth!
  • The Ascended Masters have taken steps throughout the ages to preserve Cosmic Law and safeguard their Teachings for posterity. If you think about how you have enjoyed the Radiation and the glorious, tender expression of the Ascended Masters at The Temple of The Presence, you will be glad to know what The Temple is doing to continue this tradition. In this session, Anointed Representative Monroe Shearer unveils the process that has been put in place to archive the Discourses and Dictations that have been released since The Temple’s inception, that build upon this rich heritage of thousands of years of instruction on Cosmic Law by the Ascended Masters. This is in fulfillment of the statement of Lord Maitreya that a thousand years from now, these texts and recordings will continue on. Thus, this rich tapestry of Teaching that is being woven at The Temple, that enhances and builds on all that was brought forth in the past, will be there for future generations!
  • Saint Germain sends forth his Momentum of Violet Flame and the Angels of the Violet Flame to assist in lifting mankind into expression of the Divine. Bringing comfort and reassurance he shares the beautiful Vision of Hope held by the Cosmic Councils that you are to hold for the new day that is to come. Let the Presence of God that is all about be a proclamation that the darkness has passed! Let all see the brightness of a scintillating life in the Mighty I AM Presence and the Glory that is God! Throughout this Conclave of Light steaming forth, many on Earth received the impetuous to rise up into a cleaner use of the Light and have greater understanding of the Holy Purpose for their life. As the priority of God begins to center in their consciousness, the new day will dawn for all and it will be as though nothing had occurred! Saint Germain counsels you to return to your childhood, to the Purity of the Christ Child within you, and allow that to shine forth, remembering who you are. That will save the day!
  • A most specific action of the Oriflamme Shield is revealed for the first time to the students of the Light. This Action is now known as the Helicon Solar Shield. The action of this Shield is being invoked at The Temple in the spirit of Jesus’ edict to send Love not judgement. The Shield of Elohim is a cosmic screen on which can appear whatever the Directing Intelligence of the residing Cosmic Being decides to put on that screen. This Shield is in the center of the Shield of Elohim and is a lattice of the Buddhic Web, emitting the Light of Ten Thousand Suns, impersonally sending forth the Action of Love. This is an action of protection and self-defense so the light bearers can stand, face, and conquer both their own untransmuted karma and the karma thrown against them that does not belong to them.
  • Love truly is the Victory of all that you have engaged in and accomplished with God Good. It is the Substance of God’s Heart that allows for Purity to stream forth by the Action of Love, going into all of the affairs of your life. The Divine Will of God naturally takes place when the Heart Flame of God Love brings forth the Patterns of that Will that must be established to fulfill your Fiery Destiny. It is the Will, together with the Love of God, that establishes a foundation of the Purity you require to be able to pierce through the darkness and have God Vision, God Direction, God Momentum, and access to the Mind of God. Then you have what it takes to issue the Christ Command.
  • Understanding how to give the call is very important, but it takes courage to give it. It takes the Will of God knowing that all is in rightful dominion in your life. You have the Vibration, the Power, the Will of God moving through you. You have the Light of God shining forth. With Love for your Mighty I AM Presence and God in Life, you are able to issue the call and know that all is right with the world. When you have the understanding of the importance of your call, you give it with conviction, with clarity of mind, with Peace and Harmony, and with precision of Vision, allowing for the Action of the Law to fulfill its Divine Purpose and Intent. Allow the Resurrection Flame to carry you into that understanding and Wisdom so that you will never misuse or abuse your Office as the Christ.
  • Vaivasvata, Lord and Manu of the Fifth Root Race, instructs you on the work of the Manus, as well as on how to stand in the Allness of God and build up a momentum of Godliness in your life. Stating that while it matters not in the outer sense which Root Race you are part of, what does count is your tethering and tie to your Manu. For that tie is intended to continue through the completion of your journey in incarnation. Each Manu knows intimately the activity of your lifestream, lifetime after lifetime. Those of the Fifth Root Race have had a command of the Emerald Ray for a greater momentum of productivity, creativity, and the expansion of the multiplication of all that is Good. Vaivasvata Manu anchors his Light upon The Temple’s Altar, so that there can be telegraphed constantly throughout the Earth a Fire for the Christ Light! This Action invokes the Flames of Transmutation and the Maxim Light, consuming and annihilating the hatred of the Christ Light and the hatred of God so that there can be a new day dawn in the Light of the Sun! Vaivasvata’s Light will continue to stream forth for one year, until the next Easter cycle in 2021.
  • Do you realize the effectiveness when you, as a Son or Daughter of God, give the call with the full support of your Mighty I AM Presence and visualize the fulfillment of that call, sustaining the momentum and allowing for the Heart Flame to continue the release? You are capable of fulfilling that Divine Nature. You have the ability to complete these cycles in accordance with the Divine Will of the Mighty I AM Presence. Tremendous preparation and Cosmic Council Deliberations have gone into bringing forth Dispensations such as the Shekhinah Pillar, which is intended to anchor in the Earth the Momentum, Attainment, and Mastery of the Ascended Masters and Cosmic Beings. You are called into action for the acceleration of the Earth, for the Light to shine forth in all its Glory
  • Lord Himalaya invites you into his Retreat of the Blue Lotus. In his Retreat in the Himalayas, he is always anchoring the Flame of Alpha for the Earth! It is Lord Himalaya’s Responsibility to uphold this glorious Flame, not only for those of the Fourth Root Race that came forth under his direction as Manu, but for those who have followed since. Lord Himalaya reveals that he initiated the continual meditations upon his Flame during the cycle of Acropolis Sophia so that you would have the greatest opportunity in this Charge of Light to embrace a clear, charged, and accelerated momentum of meditation to draw the Presence of God closer, more active and resonant, within each of your garments. For you are intended to be saturated by the Light. Explaining what is meant by “Glory,” Lord Himalaya states that when you enter into your meditation upon the Blue Flame, you allow the transfer of God Power to glorify God in every vestige of your being. When you enter into your meditations upon Lord Himalaya’s Flame, recognize that you are being elevated into the Flame of Alpha for the anchoring of his Glorious Momentum of the Charge of God Power!
  • El Morya asks: If you are not in the Will of God, how will you fulfill your Fiery Destiny? When you leave incarnation, what will your life be? What is your highest priority? Morya wants you to realize that the constant of the Flame of God, your I AM Presence through the Heart Flame rides through all initiations and cycles, shifts and changes within the Earth — but does not change. The momentum that you build is safely guarded. During this cycle, the Light from the Great Central Sun is great, with Beings of Light streaming forth Cosmic Momentum to assist you. It is your opportunity to accelerate in attainment and prepare your vehicles for all that the Presence of God desires you to fulfill. Now is your cycle to prove the Law of your Being and to be the Temple of your Presence. Put the Light of God into every discerning necessity of life. Have complete Faith in God and know that you are the Mighty I AM Presence in Action. That allows the Mind of God to guide you, to transfer the Power of God, and to give you the Mother Light to carry it out! El Morya instructs you on entering into the Allness of the Presence.
  • During this Acropolis Question and Answer session with El Morya, a student asked if the Ruby Ray Invocations are being used correctly if the one giving the call has an attachment or a judgment as to the preferred outcome of the call? The student wrote that Jesus addressed this subject and asked El Morya to elaborate. El Morya answered that your Presence will know exactly — as do the Ascended and Cosmic Beings — what must be accomplished! Your role is to anchor that Fire where you are, to be a Pillar of Light so that at any given time the Light moves forward out of your vehicles into the earth, water, fire, air, drawing upon Akasha and allowing for the acceleration of your momentum. You cannot think that your Presence would bring harm to any part of life, but there would be a Consuming Action of the Flame to consume the negative energy flowing from any part of life. That energy would be stopped and reversed. Morya states that you are in a battle right now — a battle between Light and darkness, between the Christ Light and the opposition to that Christ Light! So there is the need of the hour for your calls, for your Ruby Fire!
  • The Mighty I AM Presence as the Allness of God comes forth from within the Great Central Sun, where exists God’s greatest Activity and Power, and swallows up all appearances less than Perfection. The responsibility of the student when observing an imperfect condition is to remain tethered to the knowledge that there is only the Mighty I AM Presence in Action and you are liberating the Divine Quality that is already present there. You use the Power of Divine Vision to see God in Action there. Then there will not be any possibility of tying into that appearance. If you blend your mind with that appearance and accept it as reality, consciously or unconsciously, you draw it into your world. And that you do not want to do.
  • For the Golden Age to come forth, there must be Illumination’s Flame dawning within the consciousness of the Sons and Daughters of God. This requires enough Purity of the White Light of the Mother to allow for the full flow of the crystal cord energy to be free to establish the Momentum of the Mighty I AM Presence in the outer form. Without that, there cannot be the full Victory intended. This present cycle upon the Earth is only a small blip upon the screen of life. This is a time for you to enter into the full opportunity to call forth the Light of God. You have the opportunity to be God Victorious. Why then would you hesitate? Join with the God and Goddess Meru in establishing the Golden Chainmail and the Buddhic Consciousness around the Earth.
  • All of God is everywhere. Not only where it is discernible, but in what appears to be imperfect, for beneath that imperfection is All of God. You are being taught to speak to All of God within your vehicles. Even to those recalcitrant tendencies. Do not give them power, but look past them into the Allness of God that may be momentarily indiscernible, yet is still there, and command that All of God to come forth. Maintain God Consciousness, call upon the All-Seeing Eye, and pierce through the outer appearance to the Presence of God that is there. This is what do the Ascended Masters do. By making yourself an instrument of Divine Providence and remaining undaunted, you will gain the ability to initiate cycles of overcoming despite all outer appearances.
  • Knowingly or unknowingly, the Sons and Daughters of God working toward their Ascension engage with the Heart Flames of Alpha and Omega. For it is not possible to be in embodiment upon the Earth and not have the Charge of Alpha and Omega upon you. You have entered into a Divine Covenant with their Hearts that establishes the Light upon your Heart, that affords you Illumination and the Truth of your Identity in God. Omega initiated the anchoring of the White Fire of the Mother Light so you would have the Charge and Momentum to not miss one opportunity to enrich your life in the Fullness of God Reality and know that the Law of Alpha and Omega is the Law of your Being. You do stand in the Glory of your Mighty I AM Presence.
Teachings from the Ascended Masters to Help You Understand, Embrace, and Access Your Mighty I AM Presence and Your Causal Body Attainments — and Fulfill Your Fiery Destiny!

The Great Divine Director Proclaims, “You are the Outer Activity of the Most High...This is Your Time in History to Accomplish a Great Task!” So,Let these Releases Help You Surrender Your All to Your I AM Presence, Manifest the Momentums of God Good Stored in Your Casual Body,and Fulfill his Words! During the 2020 New Year’s Conclave, El Morya, Kuthumi, and Djwal Kul (the Three Wise Men now Ascended), Lord Gautama, Lord Maitreya,the Great Divine Director, and other Ascended Masters presented powerful Releases of their Light, Momentum, and Instruction to give you a more profound understanding of your own True Identity as the I AM Presence and what it means for that Presence to be in earthly incarnation. And during the accompanying Acropolis Sophia,the Goddess of Light, El Morya, Purusha, and other Ascended Masters revealed new Teachings on the mysteries of the Causal Body.Learn what allows you entrée into your Causal Presence.Discover the true meaning of “God Individualized.” Understand why you cannot have two selves. With 30 remarkable Releases, this double album is your key to wisely unlocking the treasure chests of your Divine Self and Causal Presence that will change everything!

  • The Ascended Masters coin proper names and assign precise meaning to those names. So it is with the name Nativitas Novas. Every so often a new star is born, called a super nova, shining forth with such tremendous brilliance that it outshines all the rest of the stars, seeming to appear where there was none before. This is an analogy for the ideal of Nativitas Novas, where God Individualized as our Mighty I AM Presence is Coming-to-Be into the Fivefold Universe, down to and including the physical plane. It is the glorious action when, after lifetimes of nondescript mortality, the Heart Flame finally awakens and bursts forth, breaking through the chrysalis of the outer self, and shining forth the Majestic Consciousness of the Beloved Mighty I AM Presence.
  • Consider whether, as one of the Three Wise Men, you would have had the attunement to recognize the Divine Purpose of your journey. Many students come to El Morya’s Retreat to ask their Divine Mission, but if he told you, you would not believe him. Your Purpose is the Will of your Presence and has to be realized within your own Heart Flame. Beloved El Morya holds the balance for the Will of God to move within you and take its dominion. The Power of God can then move through you to fulfill all that you require to recognize the Bethlehem DayStar of your own Being and become the Christ who walks the Earth as a Son or Daughter of God, fulfilling your Fiery Destiny. The Will of God puts you in the Divine figure-eight flow with the Love and Purity of God. It is all in all, bringing everything you need, so that at the appointed hour you will hear the voice of your Presence calling you into the Ascension.
  • The Action of the nine-pointed Secret Love Star enfolding your Electronic Body and expressing itself though your four lower bodies signifies that the Dispensation of the Light of the Secret Love Star, focused by the Nine Luminaries and many other Cosmic Beings, is at the disposal of your Presence. This monumental mission of Service to the mankind of Earth, begun millions of years ago by the Seven Holy Kumaras, is to restore the Truth of Cosmic Law®, especially the Truth of God as One, Individualized as the many Sons and Daughters of God on Earth. This Discourse will assist you in understanding your place in the long span of history. In this era, the plan is to restore these Truths through the Great Commission of The Temple of The Presence, and you have the opportunity to join in this glorious Activity. As you engage with it, you will have at your disposal the Great Reservoir of Light of the Entire Spirit of the Brotherhood of Light.
  • Allow yourself to be inspired with Faith, Hope, and Joy as Beloved Lord Maitreya reminds you of the Blessings you have received through approaching your own Mighty I AM Presence and through hearing Cosmic Law, firsthand, from the Altar of The Temple of The Presence. Expand the Presence of God by the Flame on the Altar of your Heart, and do not limit the height of Consciousness you can achieve. Understand, instead, the opportunity to gain mastery here on Earth and, once ascended, use that mastery to create new worlds! As you enter into Holy Communion this day, drink in this Light of the Secret Love Star, allowing your Heart to be filled with Love and Gratitude to the Holy Kumaras who have brought this Virgin Consciousness back to the awareness of the Sons and Daughter of God. Take in this Light to assist you on your Path to the Ascension.
  • The Blue-Flame Angels come to protect you this day, as well as to strengthen the Faith you need to maintain your attunement with your Presence. In order for the Momentum of your Presence to be realized in this incarnation, only the Mind of God and the Flame on the Altar of your Heart can be in your consciousness. When you have challenges, still yourself and take a moment with your Mighty I AM Presence in Holy Communion, and you will begin to see that you have the solution, the Momentum and Power of God to complete the Initiation. Surrender fully to your Presence, knowing your Presence will accomplish all that is Divinely intended. This Sabbath, Archangel Michael brings the Gift of his Legions of Angels to surround you and any person who is raising their Chalice to the Glory of God. You have Cosmic Beings by your side and the commitment and help of these Anointed Representatives. You will leave your mark and your record that the Christ Light has been born in the Earth and will have its day of Ascension in the Light!
  • Nativitas Novas heralds the Incarnation of the True God Self, the Coming-To-Be of the highest level of your Identity, your Mighty I AM Presence, all the way down to and through your physical body. One primary stumbling block to the full maturity of the Christ Presence in your four lower bodies is the “not self” of the human ego — the layers of rebellion against the True Self of the Presence that have built up through many incarnations when the outer self turned its back upon the Presence and went its separate way. There cannot be two selves, a human self and a Divine Self. Once the True Individuality of your Presence is appreciated, it changes everything. You come to know the Presence as the Self. There need be no fear of being annihilated by completely identifying with your Presence as the One Real Self. Your four lower bodies and Christ Presence can be reabsorbed and blended with the Electronic Body of your Mighty I AM Presence to become the Ascended Master. Previous Ascended Master Activities did not tell the full story of God Individualized, which is found at the levels of the Great I AM and The One.
  • Blessing you with his Momentum of Illumination’s Flame, Kuthumi instructs that you must learn to refine all of the urges within your outer vehicles and put them through the Flame. Without the refinement of your Heart Flame filling your intellect with Illumination’s Flame, Wisdom will not prevail, and you will make karma. Decide to be in Illumination’s Flame, attentive to all aspects of your life. You fulfill the desire of your Presence by calling upon your Presence and surrendering all that you are. This allows your Presence to fill you with every Attainment that you require and with the Wisdom, the Love, the God Power, and the Will to fulfill it. Your relationship with your Presence is Holy, and the closest relationship you will ever have — for it is the “Divine You.” Divine Destiny is not the completion of your work, but the journey, as each step is a preparation for fulfilling all that your Presence desires. When you become impatient, you lose the opportunities that would otherwise build a firm foundation upon which you may rise in vibration and attainment. All things will come in their Divine Order in the perfect Outpouring from your Presence as you accelerate on the Path.
  • It is not in accordance with Cosmic Law for Jesus or anyone other than your own I AM Presence to perform the service of salvation or the repayment of karmic debts on your behalf. Your Presence is, by the outpouring of its All-Consuming Love, paying that karmic debt. And that Presence is, by its Service in cooperation with your Heart Flame, being the Doer of all the Good that comes into your life because you are the incarnation of that Presence! That is why the Ascended Masters want you to come into a more intimate communion with your Presence. The Teachings of the Brotherhood through this Activity instruct you to give your all to your Presence, because you realize that your Presence is the full complement of your one True Self. In the Thoughtform for Nativitas Novas, the Heart of the Presence is operating not only in the Electronic Body, but also in and through the four lower bodies. Nativitas Novas means the Coming-To-Be of the One Heart of the One Presence pouring forth into this world of form. That which has been a duality of human and Divine must be reunited into the One Selfhood, accomplished by the open Heart. Questions and Answers follow.
  • Djwal Kul challenges you to establish the Fullness of the Flame of God Love. Mastering and manifesting the Light is your Initiation. But first, you must have the Love of God for all of Life. Entering into the Heart of Love allows you to embody the Presence of God. For it is that Love of God that allows for the transfer of Light and God Momentum into your life. By expanding your Heart Flame and loving God with every erg of energy, you realize how all of Life responds to that Love. All Love should be unconditional. Becoming the Christ is the Divine Commandment from your Presence and the reason you have come into incarnation. Becoming the Christ and embodying the Christ Command with your Heart Flame is an active participation in the very Presence of God moving through the Earth and establishing patterns in form! As one of the Three Wise Men, Djwal Kul reveals that these Three Kings brought to Jesus the Love, Wisdom, and Power to fulfill his Divine Mission — and you are to manifest in your life all that Jesus accomplished, and much more! Call to his Flame and Djwal Kul will always stream forth his Love to assist you.
  • You are undoing the construct of a duality in your world, identity which pits the “not self” against the Light of the Christ. You are reconnecting with your Mighty I AM Presence. The goal now is for your outer vehicles to stream forth the Light of your God Identity. Your four lower bodies must chalice the Consciousness of your I AM Presence into respective modes of thought, feeling, will, word, and deed. Fearlessly give your four lower bodies back to your Presence and allow your Presence to enact the at-one-ment so that the full Path of Initiation can be accomplished. The Sacred Realm of the Presence and the Allness of God in the Great Central Sun are brought forth into the physical, manifesting Perfection. The Godhead Charioteer, through the saga of the Divine Incarnation, is unfolding the various expressions of The Good so that it can bless every part of Creation. From within out, the Inner comes to embrace the outer. Nativitas Novas is celebrating the burst of the Heart Flame coming forth to establish that at-one-ment as shown in the poster.
  • Proclaiming that this is your time in history to accomplish a great task, the Great Divine Director asks you to account to your Mighty I AM Presence, asking you eight questions, including: “Who are you?” and “What have you realized as the Presence of God in your life?” “Do you have the co-measurement of what is and what is not the Vibration of the Christ Light?” “Do you know what are and what are not the identifying Patterns of the Truth of your Being?” Stating that you are the outer activity of the Most High, he explains how the healings and miracles of Jesus occurred. You have all you need to live a life filled with God Joy, Peace, and Love — that is what the Manus hold as the Pattern of your Christhood for you. The Great Divine Director grants the Dispensation of the sealing of your karma from the past year of 2019 away from the Light of the New Year of 2020, so that you will not bring that karma into the new patterns that you are to fulfill. The Great Divine Director charges you to hold fast to every word that he has released during this Dictation.
  • Lord Gautama teaches you to abide within your Threefold Flame. It is within that Threefold Flame that you become aware of who you truly are. In the Flame that abides upon your Heart, you are Home. When you are within that Flame, you touch all of God Life. Gautama promises that when you still your consciousness and rise into the Mind of God and into your Presence, all is clear and there is no more struggle. Struggle means there is a sympathetic tie to unreality. Explaining “Fiery Destiny,” Gautama teaches why you must decide where you choose to live — in human or God Consciousness. Gautama elucidates the important meaning of the Great Divine Director’s Dispensation. Reading the Scroll from the Great Silent Watcher, he announces the new Thoughtform for the Year 2020. This accelerated Light from the Secret Love Star is to produce an expanded consciousness among the many Sons and Daughters of God. Gautama asks that as you contemplate your future, always hold in the forefront of your consciousness this new Responsibility of the expanded Heart Flame and the Crystal Cord Light that will fill it and tether you to the Heart of your I AM Presence.
  • The streaming forth of the Secret Love Star is a magnificent Gift to use wisely. This Dispensation signifies a New Day for all of mankind, and you will see the signs around the world as well as in your own life. Allow this acceleration to multiply and bring you into a greater sense of Holy Purpose. Keep the watch over the Flame on the Altar of your Heart so you do not let this experience fade away into the minutia of life, which will try to pull your attention away from the Christ Light. To continue to expand, you will need to ensure your Christ Light is protected, sealed when necessary, from any part of life that may try to erode it away. The Master requests you also make calls for the Protection of Freedom in the United States so that the knitting together of the Etheric City with the High Altar of The Temple of The Presence may continue.
  • The study of the Causal Body is of great value to you. The Anointed Representative, Monroe Julius Shearer, explains how he was taken up to the Realm of the Causal Body by the Chohan of the Secret Ray of Akasha, the Goddess of Light. The Goddess of Light provided the impetus for this Conclave. It is self-evident just how important this World of Akasha is to your day-to-day life. Early translations of the teachings of Lord Gautama show that he knew Nirvana to be the foundation for all creation, right down to the physical plane. This Discourse, using schematic diagrams and detailed explanations, confirms that teaching as a Divine Reality and explains how the Realms of Coming-to-Be and all Creation unfold, beginning with Akasha. The Causal Body, within Akasha, is like a great motor that is stepping down the Charge of your Electronic Body. When your Presence trusts you to use the Blessings wisely, these Momentums will appear in your life as an innate flow, an intuitive genius for certain activities, and as Bliss.
  • In the unlocking of the Momentums of your Causal Body, you must begin and end with the Consciousness of The Great I AM. This Great I AM is the Fountainhead of all things bright and beautiful that Come-To-Be out of the Great Central Sun and out of the I AM Presence into the Nirvanic World, the first of the Realms of Creation. The Godhead has Consciousness and Awareness. The whole variety of Attributes, God Qualities, and Expressions that are in the Allness of God in the Great Central Sun first originate in Providence as the Consciousness of The Great I AM. Consciousness is activity. God is in action already at the level of the Great I AM. And that action is the Providential Love and care for every part of life. Every possible avenue of Good is there in The Great I AM. And it is motivating. The Great I AM is the motivating center and primal impulse that comes forth from the Presence of the Godhead. All of the Brotherhood is motivated by the care and concern of The Great I AM. In the Great Central Sun, there is the Mind of God eternally conceiving absolute Beauty and absolute Perfection.
  • The Goddess of Light presents instruction on accessing your Causal Body Attainment. This Attainment has been banked over the ages for your protection. Your Presence loves you and desires to manifest good works from your Causal Body as much as you are prepared to utilize wisely. It is as simple as that. There are many avenues through which your Causal Body can manifest and be utilized before your Christhood is truly achieved. You will see how these Causal Body Momentums that your Presence releases into your world make a difference! And each time you achieve a Glory of God that is raised up into your Causal Body, you allow for greater work that you can accomplish here and now. The Goddess of Light states that the Path can be as simple as deciding to change your life, removing all that is not good, healthy, or wholesome. As you refine your consciousness, you will behold all of the God Good that your Presence desires for you to be part of, to accelerate with, and to establish as creativity upon the Earth — and ultimately, to place upon the Altar of God as your good works in gratitude to God for the assistance to bring it forth.
  • During this Conference, El Morya reminds you that the Entire Spirit of the Brotherhood of Light is available to you. You have the Gifts of the Gods and the fused merging of the Brotherhood’s Causal Body Momentums and Attainments which issue out of the Nirvanic Realm as the Golden River of the Helicon. By signing the Torch Bearer Affirmation, there is entrée into a relationship with Saint Germain, Sanat Kumara, and the Entire Spirit of the Brotherhood of Light. The Masters would never want you to idolize them, or put them before your own Presence. They are standing by your side invisibly visible but they do not always let you know it because you need to win your Victory on your own by your calls to your Presence. Now enters the Ray of Necessity. The Heart Flame, which has been content to be a human being for so long, breaks through the human nature and in that Necessity, calls to the Presence and demands and draws forth the resources in answer to those calls. This results in Attainment. The Mastery that your Presence has long wished for is being elicited from that Presence by the Heart Flame in embodiment, and new levels of Attainment are the victories being won.
  • While it is true that the Causal Body stores all the good Momentums of your lifestream, that is not its only function. The Mighty I AM Presence uses this vehicle to step down Love for your Heart Flame to send out a greater release of its Life Wave. The Mighty I AM Presence uses all that is in the Great Central Sun and also acts through the Causal Body as an ever-expanding expression of the Glory of the God Flame, pouring out undiminished giving to the rest of the universe. The Hearts of the Individualizations of God in the Great Central Sun send out their Love Rays into the Realms of Coming-to-Be and initiate the process of creation. In the first of those Realms, Nirvana, the Elemental Essences of Akasha coalesce around that focus of Love. Since these Essences have intelligence, they are able to respond to the Command of the Will of the Presence to create a new manifestation. Your Causal Body is a vehicle created in this way by your Mighty I AM Presence sending forth its Heart Flame into Nirvana.
  • The Elohim of Akasha lowers the Charge of the Nirvanic Realm around you. This is the Realm of Perfection that brings creation into manifestation and is the glorious domain of the Causal Body. Beloved Surya explains that the Consciousness which directs Momentums to come forth in your Causal Body is that of the Mighty I AM Presence. The Presence takes great Joy in bringing forth Momentums that are new. Hence the Conference title: All Things Bright and Beautiful. There is nothing repetitive about the Flow of God, the Momentums are always different. Most importantly, for acceleration and expansion to take place in your world you must recognize the need to remain in your Heart Flame, with the Vibration of the Christ seated in the position of Authority. That is how you will experience those more than ordinary victories. If you have the impetus of God Desire burning brightly in your Heart to bring forth a Momentum of God Attainment, it can block out lesser momentums. Call on your Mighty I AM Presence and any Master with Attainment on that Momentum to assist you.
  • The Maha Chohan has allowed for this Dictation to be as comfortable as possible for you so you can take the fingers of Light of the Flame of Illumination within your mind and trace the patterns being spoken of. That Flame can be touched by the Master’s Flame and new avenues of Illumination can be forged. If you could witness the interactions of the Lord Maha Chohan with Adepts and Ascended Master students daily as they invoke his assistance, you would see how they deal with challenges that need solutions. Keeping to Patterns of Purity, they are receptive to the new awareness of their own Higher Consciousness that they haven’t accessed before. Behold all that God has given you and know there is more for you to partake of. The Glory of God is vast. This is the opportunity when your Causal Body is engaged. Prepare your chalice to receive the Directing Intelligence of the Presence from the Causal Body, to allow that cause to be triumphant in your life.
  • This is the day of the Great Sabbath, the conclusion of a seven-week cycle of rituals instituted by the Ascended Masters for us to come together under the expanded Outpouring of the Secret Love Star. This is a time of recuperation and Divine rejuvenation. Monroe explains the ritual of the Pharaohs and the Jubilee tradition from the time of Moses. For Torch Bearers of The Temple this means identifying with your Mighty I AM Presence, knowing that your inheritance as a firstborn Son or Daughter of God can never be lost. Our version of the symbolic ritual of the Pharaohs and the rising of the Phoenix bird is the Violet Flame. Divine Providence is the DayStar under which you are born. It is the certainty that the victorious outcome will prevail. Regardless of the mortal assessment, there is the inevitable movement of God working through Divine Providence culminating in the Victory of the Ascension.
  • As you hold your Torch high, you will recognize the Light streaming forth from your Presence. You will see the Angelic Hosts assisting you in magnetizing your Mighty I AM Presence into the core of your being so you are prepared to fulfill your Fiery Destiny. Clear away the debris in your feeling world so that you have the awareness of the Angels and Archangels in your midst. You have the greatest opportunity ever to truly grasp the Identity of your Mighty I AM Presence, to draw forth that Perfection into your life and to begin to thrust forth the Fire of your own Heart Flame by your good deeds and good works. Rejoice and give Gratitude for your Mighty I AM Presence guiding and teaching you. You are part of the fabric of the whole concert of Light and God Momentum. Do not doubt or think you are unworthy, for that will diminish your Momentum.
  • The whole of the Path involves stages of self-mastery. As degrees of that mastery are achieved, there will be the facilitation of the Light of the Mighty I AM Presence and the Ascended Masters pouring through the four lower bodies to produce the Victory. The goal of the Ascended Masters is always that the Light banish all misqualification, but they take their cue from your Christ Presence for when to intercede and when to let you win your own victories. You do not have to be free of mistakes to continue to benefit from the sponsorship of the Ascended Masters. They understand the ups and downs of the Path to Christhood. But, at the same time, you are encouraged to practice self-correction and self-restraint when mistakes are made. A number of episodes regarding Arthur and the Sword Excalibur are explained.
  • With the Sword Excalibur, you have the White Fire Diamond Shining Mind of God and the crystalline Emerald Ray that allow the Patterns of God Identity to flow freely, filling time and space with the Perfection of God. Calling upon Excalibur sets the Fires of your Heart in motion. The Ascended Masters will utilize Nirvana to send forth a Momentum to you because the corresponding Radiance of Akasha is within your own vehicles. Any aspect of life that you could consider can be augmented, enhanced, and accelerated by the Charge of your Causal Body coming forth. But a recognition by the outer consciousness must also be present. As your Causal Body is lowered as Momentum and Attainment, you must learn how to protect it. As the Causal Body begins to sing within your vehicles of consciousness the great symphony of your life, you begin to have a greater understanding of the Attainment that comes forth by the very Presence of God.
  • There is no turning back from the Light and Momentum you have already established. You are engaged in the Life of the Christ, and The Temple of The Presence is your Home. It is your own Heart Flame and the disciplines you are engaged in that allow this to take place. Do not become complacent and think this is as far as you are intended to go. Your Presence wants you to have the Charge of Light of each of the God Qualities, sending forth throughout the world its Identity and Hallmark of God Good that you have brought to the fore and magnified through the Earth. Once you have truly mastered being in the Christ Light, there is no limitation to where your Presence can take you ― even all the way to the Great Central Sun. This is not a life born of human desire, but a life filled with the Substance of God Identity.
  • Questions that El Morya addresses included: What do we do when we feel love for others but do not feel loved ourselves? El Morya says that since Love comes from your Presence, that Love could not come forth if your Presence did not love you. How to attain God Patience? El Morya teaches that Patience encompasses Love, Wisdom, and the Will of God allowing the Christ Light to endure the cycle, time, and space necessary for the unfoldment of what is to be. What about when we have a wandering mind during Decrees and Services? El Morya says that the mental, emotional, and physical bodies must have the proper nourishment to work in concert with one another so that the Mind of God charts your Destiny. How to annihilate returning records of negative karma? El Morya says to call to your Mighty I AM Presence to release the Violet Flame, Emerald Matrix, and Ruby Fire into those conditions. How to tangibly feel the Love of one’s Presence? El Morya teaches that you must galvanize into your vehicles enough Light and Momentum from your Decrees and meditations upon God to have an open Heart Chakra able to feel the Love that your Presence has for you.
  • The Path the Ascended Masters offer you is one of learning about God, bringing God into your Heart, communing with your God Presence, and more and more expressing the Perfection of your Mighty I AM Presence ― with the Ascension as the ultimate goal of that pursuit. The whole body of the Teaching must be embraced. The tools you need to eradicate returning records and transmute mistakes are in the Decrees provided for your use. But there needs to be the full engaging of the Power of the Presence behind the calls so they are as dynamic as they need to be. The Resurrection Decree is one of the most powerful ways of beginning the process of resurrecting the Light. As you give this call Jesus is engaged in working through your Presence to bring about that Resurrection.
  • If the youth of the world are taught all of the possibilities that the Mighty I AM Presence has in store for them, the pattern will be set from the beginning of an incarnation to be open within their Heart to receive the assistance of the Most High. They will desire God to be a part of their life, they will love God with an open Heart, and will establish Momentums of Harmony that unite them with the Flame of the Living God. This is a recipe to bring forth a new generation that will love God and be prepared for the I AM Faith and the Teachings of Cosmic Law, Heart Flames who will command the Light streaming forth from their Mighty I AM Presence. You have no idea yet how much Wisdom you have achieved in this incarnation. Having placed your attention upon your Mighty I AM Presence, you have already achieved the ability to hold fast to Higher Truth.
  • The Electronic Body of your Mighty I AM Presence provides everything you could ever need in this physical world and even after your Ascension. In the Consciousness of your Presence are the most exquisite Patterns of Magnificence. The key to unlocking them for yourself and the Earth is the I AM Awareness which already resides within your Heart. For the outpost of the Electronic Body is the Threefold Flame, and the Selfhood of the Presence is transferred to your Heart Flame through the Crystal Cord. There is no greater Love than the giving of Selfhood. Treasuring the Divine Life of the Crystal Cord reinstates the true state of Oneness. Your Presence has a pure desire to radiate forth all of the Qualities within its Heart and bless every other part of life.
  • It is important to maintain a vibrant, energetic, healthy body with which to be the temple of the Flame upon the Altar of your Heart. If your body temple is not held to the highest vibration, the transfer of the Causal Body Momentum and the Purity of God cannot and will not be allowed by the Presence. It is necessary for the Christ in embodiment to bring forth the Divine Light of God to purify the Earth itself. You cannot throw away something because it is slightly impure at this moment, without taking the illumined steps to fill that void with a higher vibration that will continue to benefit and hold the balance for mankind. But there is no room for fanaticism in the life of the Christ, for fanaticism disturbs the flow of the Christ Light and Illumination required to recognize the right course and momentum to be established.
Teachings from the Ascended Masters to Help You Attune to the Heart of Your I AM Presence and Accelerate God Dominion in Your Daily Life!

Why Wait? Let your Royal I AM Presence take its God Dominion Over your Life Now, and Receive the Blessings of Every Good and Perfect Gift that God Desires for You!During the 2019 Harvest Conclave, Nada, Saint Germain, Lord Maitreya, Lord Himalaya, Cyclopea, the Goddess of Light, and the Goddess of Liberty presented powerful Releases of their Light, Momentum, and Instruction to help you expand your awareness of the Authority, Power, and God Dominion of your I AM Presence over your four lower bodies. This album contains all 14 Discourses and Dictations delivered during this magnificent Conclave, plus 2 bonus Releases. Realize that you are the Holy Temple of your Mighty I AM Presence. Understand why your Individual Presence knows itself to be the Supreme Authority over all life. Discover how to attune to Divine Direction and how to become the Christ Light! Let Nada school you in fully opening your Heart, and learn from Cyclopea how to discipline your thoughts and feelings. These Releases invite you to enter the Royal Heart of your own Royal Presence and experience the God Consciousness of Limitless Power, Dominion, and Mastery that will bring God’s Divine Goodness and Perfection into your life and into this world!

  • With delightful examples of Disneyland princesses and the children who emulate them, such as Eliza in My Fair Lady and Mia in The Princess Diaries, this Discourse conveys the message that being receptive to the inherently Royal Nature of your Presence is an integral part of the process of attaining God Dominion in your world. This God Dominion of your Presence is the Keynote of your Identity, and throughout the ages the Masters, notably Saint Germain, Serapis Bey, and the Lord Maha Chohan, have specialized in lowering this aspect of the nature of the Mighty I AM Presence. God Dominion refers to the Dominion of your Presence over all aspects of your world of thought and feeling as well as your physical body, right down to the atoms and cells. The Royal Heart of your Presence is Omnipresent and as it sends forth its selfless Love, all the Kingdoms of God want to get as close to that Love as they can.
  • Lord Maitreya, the Cosmic Christ, assures you that by choosing to enter into this course of study with an open heart you will receive the answers you need. When you are fulfilling the Divine Providence of your Presence, drawing forth the Royal Heart of your Presence, you can fulfill your Sacred Labor, the dream you have dreamed, your Presence’s Dream, to bring forth Beauty for the glory of others, that others may be wealthy in Beauty, Joy, and Love! You are currently incarnated in the world of form which is constructed so that the Flame of God within your Heart can enter your mind, emotions and physical body, and the Mind of God can direct your decisions founded on your True Identity. When the Flame of God has entered into active participation in your world you feel an inner Strength, a Peace, a Truth, a Fearlessness. There is no limit to what you can accomplish in this world!
  • The opportunity this week is to learn what your Presence is cognizing and doing at its own level and to discover the Law of its Being as well as the Law of The One. Certain false mental concepts must be transmuted before you can receive the Consciousness of your Presence. In this Discourse the Truths of the Law of The One are explained and the Masters overturn the widely held superstition that God knows both good and evil. God only knows The One and The Good. Being free from this erroneous mental construct is key to you being able to express God Dominion and transcend outer human activity. This Discourse will guide you toward a more complete understanding of the framework in which God operates. The I AM, knowing only the Divine Perfection that it is as The One, cannot oppose itself because there is nothing opposite to God. Understanding this helps us to not continue to revolve and hold onto those things of unreality we have put into the Flame, knowing there can only be the One God there.
  • Throughout this Conclave, Lord Himalaya commands the atmosphere about you, charging it with the Fullness of the Peace and Harmony of his Retreat. The Peace and Harmony of God Dominion are essential for your protection from the thoughts of others and for the Mind of God to flow freely in you. The youth of the world require this protection from the mass consciousness which, in many ways, is disconnected from God Consciousness. They need communities, parents, and guardians who hold to the highest truths so they can learn to be true to themselves. Furthermore, you require Peace to the depths of your being to draw on the Power and dynamic Will of God necessary for the instantaneous answer to your calls. As you work mightily to hold to your Peace and Harmony, and make room for the Will of God, allowing it to flow freely, the Attributes of your Mighty I AM Presence will reveal themselves. Even a small child who is in Peace and Harmony can draw upon the Pattern of their Mighty I AM Presence and quietly command the Will of God.
  • This exciting Discourse explains the relationship between your Presence and the Universal Expressions of God in the Great Central Sun. Proclus observed that every Individual God Presence is greater than these Universal Expressions. The Intelligence of the Heart of your Presence speaks directly to the Universal Intelligence, imparting its Vision and Command and the Universal Intelligence responds. That is the Consciousness of the God Dominion of your Presence. When the Consciousness of the Individual Mighty I AM Presence calls for Healing, Protection, Abundance or any other God Quality, it is safely harnessing the Limitless Power that is held in the Great Central Sun. It is important to have the Vision and Will of your Presence conveying the Divine Direction for your calls. When you command in this way, in the office of your Mighty I AM Presence, God Almighty will answer your call and there will come forth Light, Angelic Life, Elemental Life, Power or whatever is needed to fulfill that Command.
  • Cyclopea asks if the Heart Flame of your Mighty I AM Presence or the human mind is in command of your vehicles. He instructs how the operation of your Threefold Flame assists you in fulfilling your Divine Plan and why it is important to have a close communion with your Presence. We are to manifest God Good from the Allness of God and live in the totality of the Flame of God. We are to draw the Presence of God into our lives. When the Vision of the Golden Age was emblazoned upon your Heart what you beheld for yourself was magnified for the many. In order to accomplish what we came to do, we must crystallize the Vision from our Presence. We must learn to release unwanted thoughts. Allow your Presence to regain God Dominion in your life, most especially in your patterns of thinking and feeling. The Commandment “I AM” contains the Engram and Fohat that carries to your Heart Flame the Patterns of God Design. Grasp and believe the Opportunity of the Ages!
  • Your mastery is accelerated when you realize that your four lower bodies, all the way down to the physical body, are the Temple of the Presence, the house in which God lives — thanks to the Heart Flame of your I AM Presence that animates them. And they are not only the Temple of your own Mighty Presence, but the Temple of the Most High God. From that Divine Ideal, this Ascended Master Activity was christened, “The Temple of The Presence,” honoring that God is in his Holy Temple. Your four lower bodies are the Temple, and they are intended to be an Upraised Chalice, a “Holy Grail,” serving its intended purpose of holding more and more Liquid Light that is the Life of your own Presence. Cultivate an awareness of your Presence’s Authority, Power, and God Dominion over your own four lower bodies. Your vehicles must be purified and elevated and offered up as the receptacle of the Life of your Presence, as was symbolized by the wound in Jesus’ side. The regeneration of your bodies hinges always on just how much of the Flame of God within your Heart has managed to expand into this outer world.
  • The Goddess of Light teaches you not only how to anchor the Light, but how to become the Christ Light. She instructs you on how to treat and discipline your lower vehicles and how to develop Divine Direction. The disciplines that you require of your outer vehicles determine the acceleration of the Light within you. You require all of the Flames of God to accomplish the God Victory that you must achieve. Your I AM Presence in the Office of the Holy Christ Presence is always looking out for you. It is the Fountain of Youth. It is your own King Arthur in El Morya that leads the charge and that cautions you to hold fast to the Will of God — for all else is immaterial. Will the record read that you engaged in the Will of God, or only partially engaged in the Will of God? Opportunity is the all-in-all of life, and the opportunity is great. Hold fast to preparing your chalice to receive the Light of God. Holding onto the Light is your treasure and your Victory! When that Charge of Light goes forth, it touches many Hearts and many Elementals. Let that Light shine!
  • Just like the One Presence, the Royal Heart of your own I AM Presence is fully engaged in the mystery of Undiminished Giving to every part of life. The shining of the Sun that is the Heart of your Presence is an eternal activity. “Divinity” and “Godhood” are unique Attributes of your own Heart Flame. The Service of the God Flame is to imbue all things with the Divinity that is the God Flame. Thus, when your Heart Flame is unfolded, the God Flame can make everything else Divine —starting with your own four lower vehicles. Nothing can keep the Divine Flame of Love from moving forth from the Heart of the Electronic Body of your Presence, flowing through the Great Central Sun, and being Omnipresent, Omnipotent, and Omniscient. You can set free the Heart Flame of your Presence, letting it make your every thought a Divine Thought, and your every feeling charged with God Desire. Have the comfort of knowing that, regardless of outer appearances, the All-Knowing Power of Divine Providence will continue to be in action on behalf of every Heart Flame of every Godhead Charioteer in this world!
  • Commending you to a glorious life in God, Lady Master Nada presents teaching on how to open the Heart, how to draw forth the Ray of God Love, and how to hold the Office of the Christ, sending forth the Christ Command to assist God in life. She also speaks of the questions you need to answer in order to prepare for your Presence and the importance of holding to Peace and Harmony and getting enough sleep so that the Light can rejuvenate your vehicles. Explaining how the Joy Flame of God Love transmutes negativity, she states that Love becomes a foundation upon which you are building the Christ Virtues of your life. You are the Presence of God where you are, and you must be completely open in the Truth of your Identity, hiding nothing from your Presence. You were brought here to be a Pillar of Fire! You must be single-focused upon your meditation and your adoration of God. Nada offers a call that you can use to send forth the Ruby Fire to cease unreality and negativity, plus a call to aid you in becoming ready for new opportunities from your Presence.
  • The Vision for the Golden Age was born within the Heart of the Great I AM and must be transferred and maintained as a certitude within your consciousness. Your Mighty I AM Presence knows what it wants to accomplish in this world of form and when you align yourself with the Will of your Presence, an amazing motivation will be awakened within you. The Ascended Masters are always seeking to lift you into the vision of your own service. Working under their observation and sponsorship, the fruit of your service will be magnified. So you are invited to join in the Joy of service in whatever ways are possible for you. We, the Torch Bearers of The Temple, will keep the Sapphire Dream of the Golden Age alive, safe, and secure, regardless of the meanderings of the outer world. Monroe expressed the importance of completing Acropolis Pavilion so that teaching can be broadcast from there to the world.
  • Holy Communion with the Mighty I AM Presence is the highest and greatest good, and maintaining that communion comes first and foremost as the highest priority in your life, for without that nothing else matters. You must become the Identity that you are by taking Authority for your life and drawing forth the Light of God that will draw to you all you require to open the doors necessary to gain your mastery. Should adversity limit your progress, determine again that the Mighty I AM Presence is the all-in-all of your being and allow that to be the fullness of your life. Know that much assistance is given to you daily. The attainment you are garnering and expanding now comes forth by the Office of the Threefold Flame of your Heart and the Christ Light that you imbue. The Teachings given at The Temple of The Presence have been laid as a foundation for the Golden Age. The Pillar of Light that you are establishing daily with your calls is assisting in bringing this foundation forth. So know that your role in bringing forth the Golden Age is very important.
  • It is the Office of your Mighty I AM Presence to exercise God Dominion over all of your lower bodies because the Presence incarnated to gain mastery over the universal elements. That God Dominion is drawn up in the Ascension and multiplied by the newly ascended one and by the Light. That Victory enables you to hold your lower bodies obedient and transmit downward and outward the Light and Momentum of the Electronic Body. There should be enough tranquility when you make your calls that you perceive the answer coming forth from your Mighty I AM Presence. There must be Faith and Trust in the Presence that the Light will go forth. The life and Ascension of David Lloyd is recounted. Seeking your Presence for its own sake is the Path of the Ascended Masters. God Dominion is exercised through the Royal Heart of your Presence. Excerpts of Saint Germain’s Invocations are read as examples of this.
  • You desire to draw forth the Light, to live in the Light, and to take God Command over your life to be in the Presence of God. The taking of Holy Communion initiates a communion with your Presence that should be cherished and beloved. The Ascended Masters give you the experience of the Charge of Light within your body temple so you have that experience to recall and recharge you, lifting you into a sense of Freedom. That Freedom can only be realized when you have the experience with the Mighty I AM Presence. As we hold the vision our Presence has for life, the Compassion of the Heart flows to all the ills of the world, enacting a Charge of God Dominion upon those ills. Guard the Citadel of Light of your own being and then let that Light flow in blessing to God in all of life. You must be responsible for all awareness that comes to you from the Mighty I AM Presence and not think someone else will deal with it. Do not think there is any limitation to what your Mighty I AM Presence can accomplish on the instant.
  • As Oneness exists in all Reality, your Mighty I AM Presence has the Divine Authority to command all of God Reality, including the Great Central Sun and Realms of Coming-to-Be. God Dominion begins with acknowledgement of the Presence and your Heart Flame pouring forth Love. Nada explains that this Love is a magnet that draws all to itself, including everything useful to your service to life. The Great Ocean Stream sends forth its Currents in Purity with the full Charge of the Power of the Godhead. It is alive, has intelligence and is connected to the Heart Flame of Okeanos in the Great Central Sun. You can enter this God Consciousness by attuning with Okeanos. Your opportunity lies in aligning with those Momentums. Issuing the Command is a statement of the highest Truth. There is no space between the Command and its realization because within your Heart Flame the Heart of the Presence is unfolding itself. Engaging these forces is most important for the coming Golden Age.
  • When you enter into the Realm of Akasha, you are tapping into your own Causal Body. But you must have the attainment to use this Consciousness wisely. Purity is the key. You must first gain command of your own life, allow the Christ Light to shine forth, and then multiply and magnify that Light out through the Elemental Forces of Nature that you embody. The record you create upon the screen of life is recorded upon the God Star Sirius. The reservoir of keynotes established there can be lawfully drawn upon by the Threefold Flame of the Heart. All that surrounds you should draw your attention to your Identity in God. If it does not, it should not be there. For all of your vehicles of consciousness to operate fully and completely as they are intended, they must be loved and purified. You have the opportunity to wear the Body Consciousness of the Mighty I AM Presence, to etch upon the screen of life the record of your Victories, and to allow the Glory of God to be fulfilled through your lifestream.
Teachings from the Ascended Masters to Help You Keep the Sapphire Dream and the Flame of Freedom Alive for Your Presence, for Future Generations, for the Golden Age, and for Earth as Freedom’s Star!

Are You Ready to Awaken to Your True Identity and Divine Destiny? To Remember and Keep the Sapphire Dream of the Will of Your Presence Alive within Your Heart? Then Here is Your Guidebook for Victory! During the 2019 Freedom Conclave, Saint Germain, El Morya, Pallas Athena, the Goddesses of Liberty and Purity, and the Elohims Surya, and Peace and Aloha presented powerful Releases of their Light, Momentum, and Instruction to help you expand your awareness of the True Nature, Authority, and capabilities of your own I AM Presence. This album contains all 14 Discourses and Dictations delivered during this momentous Conclave, plus 5 bonus Releases. Discover the Divine Ideal of God Freedom, and God as “The One.” Learn what it means to keep the dream alive and unsullied. Let El Morya teach you the Adept’s formula for Victory in all aspects of life. And understand what will allow you and Saint Germain to work together! These Releases will inspire you to manifest the Sapphire Dream of your own Mighty Presence, and uphold the Flame of Freedom for the Victory of the Golden Age! As Pallas Athena proclaims, “You can do this!”

  • The Ascended Masters address you with an impassioned plea: keep alive the Purity and transcendence of the Light of God Consciousness of your own Beloved Mighty I AM Presence throughout your four lower bodies and throughout your nations. Consider how many millions of years Sanat Kumara, the Seven Holy Kumaras, and the Brotherhood of Light have kept their Retreats in places such as Saudi Arabia, the Grand Tetons, and the Cave of Symbols, assisting mankind to elevate out of ignorance into Abundance and Grace. Until now, the Ascended Masters have had to remain behind a veil of secrecy, due to the repeated rejection of the Light of God by mankind. Both Jesus and Saint Germain have borne witness to this rejection. At this pivotal moment in history however, the Light of God has finally broken through and the capstone of Divine Wisdom is God Individualized. The Temple of The Presence is establishing a record and Charge of Light to carry forth the Truths of Cosmic Law unadulterated. Your opportunity is to hold open the doorway for mankind to turn from their cups of mortality and to drink the cup of Liquid Light of God Consciousness of the Ascended Masters and their own Mighty I AM Presence.
  • The Great Divine Director streams forth the Light of God from the Great Central Sun, activating the memory of your own Identity in God. It is the Will of your Presence for you to have the full recognition of that Presence as the all in all of your being. Quickly clear up the deeper karmic substance in your memory body so the Christ Light may take up its rightful place When you keep that memory body honed and fashioned by the Charge of Light, it begins to unspool for you all of the wonderful Attributes of your Mighty I AM Presence. You have work to do. Dig deep with the Violet Flame! Penetrate with the Ruby Fire! Heal and bring forth Abundance with the Emerald Ray, purify with the Mother Light, and most of all, love God with all your Heart. You are the Sapphire Dream of your Mighty I AM Presence, the Diamond Shining Mind of God that must come forth, the Love of God that must expand, the Wisdom of God that must right the circumstances in your life. You are the Purity of God and the expansion of the Mother Light that nurtures and brings in the Seventh Root Race.
  • The Work of the Brotherhood of Light and the Great Commission for their Activity, The Temple of The Presence, is to maintain God Freedom on Earth so each person can know their individuality in God and for this Freedom to be celebrated and proclaimed throughout the land. This Conclave is a call to be truly awake to the Inner Spheres of the Ascended Masters and the Consciousness of your own Mighty I AM Presence and to never again be drawn off the North Star of your Identity. The first root races were able to maintain this tethering, walking and talking with the Ascended Masters, knowing themselves to be their Mighty I AM Presence in action, wielding adept powers in a similar manner as the Ascended Masters. However, gradually mankind chose to turn away from the Presence of God. The Great Divine Director and the Goddess of Purity made the conscious God Determination to hold steadfastly to the height of Ascended Master Consciousness and apply the principles of Cosmic Law to their Victory. You will want to emulate their example, to resolve to remain awake, tethered to the Heart and Mind of the Mighty I AM Presence and to the Purity of the Teachings come what may.
  • Enter into Purity and allow the Flame on the Altar of your Heart to throw off the worldly state of illusion. You have desired Purity and the Presence of God, therefore the Goddess of Purity, Twin Ray with the Great Divine Director, has come to assist you. You need not live for one moment more allowing impurity to be where you are, nor be concerned about past mistakes, believing you need to come into incarnation again. The Violet Flame can erase the old records. Let go of those habits. Take command with the Light of God that is within you and make room for the Will of God. If you desire to manifest the Sapphire Dream then let the truth of your Identity shine forth! Quit pretending to be something you are not! When you begin to understand what is required, practice it, hold it as a focus of your attention, surround yourself with images and music that remind you of the Ascended Master Way of Life. As Torch Bearers you have crossed many milestones of Victories. Continue your Victories and you will become the waiting chalice of Purity ready to receive the new life waves of the seventh root race preparing for their first incarnation.
  • Keeping the Dream alive of the Vision of your Mighty I AM Presence as an Ascended Master is the keynote of this Conference and Acropolis. Our subject today on the Fourth of July here in America is the Divine Ideal of God Freedom. God Freedom has nothing to do with the license that human beings usurp on their own behalf, giving to themselves the ability to do whatever they wish to do, whether it be aligned with the Virtues of the Christ or not. When God Freedom is misused as the license to engage in activities that are impure and those things are manifested, the fruit of that is not Freedom but slavery. Saint Germain teaches that the sense appetites of past lives become the driving forces and habits of future lives, keeping you enslaved embodiment after embodiment. In your own Electronic Body are Patterns of Perfection that are the real Patterns of the Dream that you are intended to keep alive for yourself, for one another, and for the Earth.
  • On this Independence Day, Saint Germain proclaims that he is most grateful for all who stand for the Flame of Freedom and warns that you cannot, for one moment, take for granted that it will always be there if you do not cherish and love it. You have a solemn Responsibility to keep the Flame for the Earth. Saint Germain instructs you to bend the knee before the altar in supplication to your I AM Presence and surrender all that you are to that Presence. Allow for your Presence to enter into your body temple, be sure that you are not half-hearted in your approach to the High Altar. Seal up your Temple and allow for your Temple of the Presence to be impenetrable, for that is the Power of God. Do not buy into the lies that try to separate you from the Flame of Freedom and what is right according to the Truth of Cosmic Law®. Do not allow seeming outer appearances to create limitation on the Path. Have the desire for God and maintain the Guard Consciousness. Continue to strive and keep on keeping on! If you will not give up, never turn back, and never submit, then you and Saint Germain together will hold the line for Freedom!
  • Beloved Jesus had such power that nothing could assail him, and yet he was still subject to the Sapphire Dream of the Will of his Presence, practicing putting down the impulses of his own vehicles throughout his life. If you are going to Keep the Dream Alive it means keeping attunement with the Undivided Presence, becoming seated in consciousness on the throne of your Heart Flame, identifying with that Heart Flame of the Presence and not with the four lower vehicles. This is not, however, a path of drudgery, monotony or austerity; communion with your Presence is communion with Divine Love and you are fed by this communion. It never gets old but is the staying power of your whole world. Your Presence is the pearl of great price! Let go of mortality and make the Presence the all-in-all of your being!
  • It is the glorious Radiance of the Realm of Akasha that Elohim Surya brings to you, transferring to you the Patterns and the High Ideals held there. However, he also asks if you are maintaining a vibration that allows for the free flow in your vehicles of consciousness, so you can enter into this glorious stream of the Perfection of God. Maintaining Purity and disciplining your vehicles to act according to the Virtues of the Christ must be ongoing. This is done by your determination and will, which is the Power of the Will of God exercising its command to keep the vehicles in Harmony, Peace, God Love, and Wisdom. As you purify your vehicles you will develop the glorious Garment of Light that your Presence has waited for you to garner for many lifetimes, a Garment that reflects your Mighty I AM Presence. Do not let down your guard or lose the Charge of Light, but hold to the Truth of your Identity and to what you know to be the Sapphire Dream of your own Flame upon the Altar of your Heart, and let the Glory of God be fulfilled in you!
  • Consciously entering into the Realm of Eternal Light requires the striving of your Heart Flame to untangle the threads of the weight of human consciousness woven into the tapestry of your life. Above your Presence, there is that overshadowing Presence of The One and The Good. When you arrive at the level of The One, you will share in that Consciousness. Individualization is a focus of all that The One is and also all that The Good is. The Individualizations of The One can do any great or small task. The Law of the Being of your Mighty I AM Presence is absolutely an undivided part of The One and The Good. In the Realm of the Great Central Sun, there is God and God only. In order for the Presence to act through you, you must set up the Law of the Being of the Presence in your vehicles. When the Principles of the Truths of Cosmic Law are mastered, healing will take place and God Consciousness will prevail. Fill the void of unreality with the Light of Perfection, with the intensity and fierceness of the Light of Truth.
  • In the Realm of the Purple and Gold hues of the Violet Flame and Wisdom’s Ray, you are not concerned with the outer world, for you have charted your course with the Divine Destiny of God. The greatest Power wielded is that which lifts the consciousness of mankind up. When you partake in the Fullness of God, calling upon the assistance of Elohim, through the Command of the Christ you can wield the Shield of Elohim and establish God Good. When you maintain the depths of Peace you will find in the Silence, in the stillness of the Ovoid of Light prepared for you in the Secret Chamber of the Heart, then you can draw upon that Peace to guide your every move, your every emanation of energy. Learn to gather up your inner strength and discipline and allow for the Fullness of God to give you all that you require and desire, no longer looking to some other part of life to show you the way. The Elohim do not reorder your life. Any reordering is done by your Presence. Since your first incarnation, life has been a series of exercises garnering some Victories and Momentums of God Good that are safely tucked away in your Causal Body until you reach the age of maturity and recognize that the Light of God is far more important to you than other aspects of life.
  • Every time you address your Mighty I AM Presence in adoration and invocation, in acknowledgment and acceptance of all that your Presence is, you are Keeping the Dream Alive. Your own Mighty I AM Presence is truly your Source and the wellspring of that Source is the Threefold Flame of the Heart. You are invited to gain a new perspective on the Almighty Power of your Presence to act in your world, issuing forth Divine Qualities from the Heart of God and actualizing their Perfection in these lower worlds of form. “I AM” is the creative Name of God. The Presence is Light, Life, and Love, and the Source of Light, Life, and Love. The Presence is the Source of that energy that we observe all throughout Creation, even to all that is in the Great Central Sun. Every part of Reality is the offspring of the I AM Presence. Your own Mighty I AM Presence is the Lord over all, even over those outer appearances that seem impossible to solve.
  • Pallas Athena encourages you in your striving toward your Ascension, instructing you on what you need to do. She exclaims, “You can do this!” Describing the battle and war being waged within your lower vehicles, she teaches that you must treat these vehicles with Love and discipline. Remember that you are a disciple on the Path, a Godhead Charioteer, ready to hold the reins of the discipline of your outer vehicles, guiding them by the Godhead, the Christ Mind, into all the areas of life determined by the Will of God. For you to nourish the Seed Ideal of God Consciousness that you receive from the Ascended Masters, you must breathe on it the Breath of God Desiring, of God Will, of God Love! Explaining what establishes a Golden Age, Athena states that every aspect of your life must have your Presence issuing a Momentum of God Good. What is absolutely essential is that you know the Vibration of your I AM Presence, that Flame of your Identity — and that you breathe upon that Flame and allow it to manifest all around you a sustenance, an atmosphere, a way of life that allows you to live the Ascended Master Way of Life here and now!
  • Your Mighty I AM Presence is the part of you that decided to step forth from the Great Central Sun into the fivefold realms of Coming-To-Be. Now you are correctly looking at your life from the perspective of your own I AM Presence. For the Ascended Masters teach us to identify with our Presence and speak in the Name and by the Authority of that Presence, as more and more our Presence enters into at-one-ment with us through the overshadowing of our Christ Presence. This is not the human seeking to command God, but rather the Individualizations of God commanding the universal expressions of that Godhead. What your Presence will do for you must be done through you as signaled by your Heart Flame’s intent. When you decree, flex the Blue Plume of your Threefold Flame in the Office of your I AM Presence and Holy Christ Presence, and give the Constant Conscious Cosmic Christ Command in the full intent of your Affirmations and Decrees. Consciously utilize your I AM Presence to manifest your Calls in this world, just as Jesus did. The greatest of all rewards is that you embody more of the Consciousness of The Good and The One.
  • El Morya presents profound Teaching that can be applied to every aspect of life. All of life boils down to a very simple equation: Do you love God? If so, will you invite God in? To exercise the Will of God, you must make your attunement with God, and you do that by loving God. The Will of your Presence will always be the highest good for you. You must learn what to do and what not to do and have the Directing Intelligence of your Mighty I AM Presence through your Holy Christ Presence guiding you. You must wear the mantle of the Christ and allow the Christ Light to infuse the Identity of your Presence in all things that you establish. Stay the course! Allow the Fifth Secret Ray of Constancy to be your foundation. Fulfill the necessities of the Law. Allow for the Ruby Fire of the Sacrifice of your Heart to give you the understanding of God Love. Enter into Akasha. Allow your consciousness to soar and draw upon all that is Perfect and Holy. Protect your Freedom to remember the Sapphire Dream — for if you lose it, you will be responsible for it. Your Presence awaits you to remember your own Sapphire Dream and have the Courage to reach for it!
  • Keeping the Dream alive refers to your ability to hold the conscious tethering of your outer consciousness to your Mighty I AM Presence, to hold at-one-ness with your Presence at all costs and not permit anything in your life experience to cloud over or cause you to lose that thread of contact. The Charge of God Purity is central to your ability to do this. Building the Golden Age, recognizing The Temple of The Presence as the Activity to advance this goal and the Anointed Representatives as the outer world messengers to deliver the Ascended Masters’ messages to the world are all part of keeping the Dream alive. Proclus said: “The Gods have filled everything with themselves and all are subject to them.” When the Mighty I AM Presence comes down, it is Lord of the Great Central Sun. This Presence that you are can fill everything with its own Perfection and Purity, full to overflowing. As quickly as you become aware of anything less than Perfection, you can ask your Presence to pour its own nature into it. We call that Love. It is given without measure and there is no limitation to how much can be given. This understanding means your own Mighty I AM Presence can go into every situation across the world.
  • You must be in the right state of consciousness at all times and be prepared to elevate your attention on the instant to the Mighty I AM Presence and say: I AM ready, I AM coming Home. But what is Home? The Threefold Flame of the Consciousness of your Mighty I AM Presence, the very Heart Flame of God, is Home. So wherever you are, you can be Home when you are in the Flame of God. Those who go forth knowing that they are the Mighty I AM Presence in action are in a position to begin the process of fulfilling any request from their Presence or any Ascended Master. The Glorious Fountain of Light placed upon the Altar of your Heart requires communion, and that communion will accelerate you into the Fullness of the Mighty I AM Presence. You have a mission to remember who you are and to allow for the Fullness of the Sapphire Dream of your Mighty I AM Presence to be realized. Understand that you do not make advancements to the Ascension in the Light in the abstract. There is an engaging of your vehicles of consciousness with the Mighty I AM Presence that must take place. A life worth living is a life in God. Let that be one of the mottos you hold fast to. The Goddess of Liberty initiates the Violet Flame River Dispensation.
  • The Dream you are being called to keep alive for yourself and all the Heart Flames in the world is the Vision that is in the Eternal in the Heart and Mind of God in the Great Central Sun and the Great I AM. There is a tremendous Current of Divine Providence flowing to the Earth from the Secret Love Star, as the Engrams and Perfect Patterns of the foreknowledge of the Godhead for the world and for each of you. There is a constancy of Service rendered for millions of years by the Holy Kumaras and the Nameless One. This Outpouring of the Secret Love Star as an expression of the Golden-Pink Ray of Providence and the Blue Ray of the Sapphire Dream is a Momentum that all of you may draw upon for your own Path. Keeping it alive means you allow yourself to be inspired by the prospect of what it means to be the Mighty I AM Presence in action and have dominion over all of your outer world affairs. Make the determination that you are going to keep the Sapphire Dream alive!
  • You have the opportunity and the commandment by your own Mighty I AM Presence to elevate your consciousness and to make room for the Presence of God. The longer you are an initiate on the Path forging your Fiery Destiny, the more you will find the ideas lodged within your mind as well as the habit patterns of this incarnation challenged by the Light of God. You must be willing to allow those patterns to go into the Flame. As quickly as you are willing to surrender the vestiges of unreality that still remain within the folds of your garments, the Light will expand within you. As long as you are in incarnation, you must be on guard to fire your outer mind so that it is prepared for the transfer of the Christ Consciousness of the Mind of God. There is a familiarity with the Vibration of the Charge of Light, but it is also always new. The more you prepare, the more you accelerate and the more you receive. That is Cosmic Law. You are to elevate your works into the refinement that is worthy of the High Altar in the Great Central Sun to allow for the Purity to always be upheld. The Secret Love Star is so powerful, for it is constantly radiating all that is required for the Earth, and all upon the Earth, to fulfill the Desire of God. The Nameless One holds in his Consciousness all of these Pristine Patterns of Purity and Perfection so they might be transferred to you from the High Altar of the Great Central Sun, be received, internalized, and used to fulfill your own Mighty I AM Presence’s Divine Destiny through you.
  • Ouranos announces the Dispensation for the Action of the Shield of Elohim® to be stepped up and to be utilized together with the Shekhinah Pillar® for those areas of the world that require the Divine Providence of God to be actualized into the Earth. The Elohim have a vested interest in you learning how to wield this Light, this Momentum, for it is through the Elemental Forces of Nature they govern that you will be able to send forth the Light Rays and free life to be able to absorb more of Providence currently being divinely lowered into manifestation. Seal yourself in an Ovoid of Light. Allow for the Pillar of Fire to be anchored there by your Mighty I AM Presence and then allow for the refining process of your vehicles to take place. Then, when you least expect it, you will begin to feel the pressure of the transfer of God's Power into your life and there will be those areas of negativity in your life that naturally just fall away. It is the Divine Necessity for you to be able to stay at Home in the Light of your Mighty I AM Presence. Now is the time to raise your vibration on high and allow for the Fullness of the Light of your Mighty I AM Presence to shine forth.
Teachings from the Ascended Masters to Help You Fashion Your Four Lower Bodies as a Chariot of Sacred Fire, Riding the Current of Resurrection’s Flame Victoriously to the Divine Destiny of Your Ascension!

Are You Ready for Resurrection’s Roaring Fire? Are You Fearless Enough to Step Boldly into the Ascension Current? Advance Your Preparation and Mastery for the Ascension HERE and NOW with these Remarkable Releases! During the 2019 Easter Conclave, Beloved Jesus, Lord Krishna, Serapis Bey, Archangel Michael and other Ascended Masters presented powerful Releases of their Light, Momentum, and Instruction to help you understand and experience the Fiery, Regenerative Consciousness of Resurrection’s Flame. During the accompanying Acropolis Sophia under the direct sponsorship of Serapis Bey, Saint Germain, Justinius, Zarathustra, and other Ascended Masters presented in-depth instruction on the Ascension. Let Serapis Bey explain the inner workings of the Ascension Temple. Learn how to master the currents of the Transfiguration, the Resurrection, and the Ascension. Discover the importance of the Mother Light and of your own Heart’s Threefold Flame. Understand how the Power of Your Mighty Presence may be stepped down into this physical world. With thirty-two Discourses and Dictations, this double album is your guidebook to the Steep Path to your Ascension, helping you fashion your Chariot in Illumination and God Control and chart its course homeward bound toward the Sun of your Electronic Body!

  • At the moment of the Initiation of the Victory of the Resurrection and Ascension in the Light, you will bless the hours you have spent invoking your Mighty I AM Presence at your altar. At that decisive moment, the connection and trust you have built with your Presence and the Masters will come tumbling forth as an avalanche of good, powered and generated by the Heart and Consciousness of your own Mighty I AM Presence. You are no different from the Mahatmas El Morya and Beloved Kuthumi who, with training and knowledge, were able to ward off the dissolution of so-called death. What they have done, you can do. The Ascended Masters come to inspire and baptize your feelings and mind in the transcendent sunshine Consciousness of Perfection. They wish to help you appreciate the tangible God Reality of your Higher Self and open up for you the vision of the realm in which your Presence resides. This will make the Victory possible, for in the final analysis, your Presence must be your muse. Realize you have the time to spend at your altar. Awaken! And, like Ebenezer Scrooge, feel the Joy in the realization that this is your opportunity to be welcomed into the newness of life! This is your Resurrection Morning!
  • Won’t you tarry with Aurora’s Angels, as they accelerate the vibration of your outer consciousness into the Holiness of the Christ Consciousness? Repeat this Initiation yourself again and again, calling daily to her Angels to share with you the dawning of the Christ Consciousness, and you will gain a sense of the Divine Intent of your Presence. When communion with God takes place, that Presence conveys Clarity, Vision, Truth, Purity and Holiness. Aurora’s Angels will bring you the Sun, the Light of the Great Central Sun, to shine forth and give you the ability to touch the Flame upon the Altar of your Heart and to know what is the right course for your lifestream. They will help you to appreciate that an Abundant Life is the Abundance of the Presence flowing through you. The true Love of Wisdom, which Aurora embodies, is great Peace in the knowing of God. You have chosen to put God first. Living the Divine life allows you to gain the Mastery to enter into the Ascension in the Light. Take hold of your own Presence’s hand and chart your destiny into the Light. It is a glorious adventure and journey!
  • The visualizations given during this Conclave are designed to restore the original Divine Estate of the incarnate Godhead Charioteers, as they return to their Victory in the Light. In the Dialogue of Phaedrus, Saint Germain described the Wings of Light of the Presence coming forth, as a “feathered force.” Your work of Transfiguration, Resurrection, and Ascension is the return to that winged spiritual state where the Light issues forth from all of the four lower bodies. This self-luminosity causes, first, that radiance to be visible, and eventually, the earth to lose its ability to hold the body down, as the Light increases its levitating effect. This work of transforming the mortality of the four lower bodies is done first and foremost by the Heart Flame of the Presence, acting on the Liquid Light that operates along the Crystal Cord. See your Heart Flame as an open doorway into the Consciousness of the God of Very Gods, which, pouring itself forth, takes on the appearance of a veritable fierce blazing Sun. The more that your mind can engage in that appreciation of the dazzling nature of your own Electronic Body, the more you will feel the Limitless Power of that Presence.
  • Beloved Cyclopea emphasizes the role of your Heart Flame in bringing forth all the Qualities and Virtues of your Presence on Earth, through the Christ Command. It is through the expansion of your Heart Flame in your four lower bodies that everything can come forth. To achieve this, new students require the tangible, conscious awareness that the very Presence of God is within them. Any doubts and fears will prevent you from drawing that Presence close and integrating with the Light. Surrender these blocks to the Most High God, putting them into the Violet Flame. As they go, you will have a sense of Freedom and Love for God that will allow the Light of your Christ Presence to wrap around you. As you give the calls, in that Divinely Ordained Office of your Christ Presence, the Mighty I AM Presence, all you desire and require instantly streams forth, in the perfect timetable to fulfill your Fiery Destiny. How dry life would be if not infused with the Charge of the Light of your Presence, abiding in the Threefold Flame of the Heart. Allow that Flame to burn brightly through your being, connecting you ultimately with the Heart of God in the Great Central Sun.
  • Archangel Anankiel comes in the embodiment of God’s Consciousness of Necessity’s Ray. He is a lover of Divine Life, and wishes you to feel and call upon his Angels when you are striving to bring forth all you require for your Path. His Angels always stand in their Purity and Holiness, ofttimes attempting to prompt you in the right direction or vibration you need. You may feel a stirring in your Heart Flame, or a straightening of your spine, or a spinning in your third eye as they clear away debris and, lo! Light begins to flow from your Presence! Beloved Anankiel holds the Vision with you of all you need to bring to the fore as your Divine Purpose. If you ignore his Angels’ promptings, he may radiate his Body Consciousness of God, hoping the saturation of Light will filter into your conscious awareness. However, the true strength that you need in your vehicles, when there is a more than ordinary requirement to fulfill, comes from the foundation of your Constancy in devotion to God, your daily Decrees and visualizations spoken of by Cyclopea, as well as the blazing Heart of Love, willing to sacrifice all of its being for God.
  • This Discourse examines the mystery of the step-down, the transfer, and the leveraging of the Power of the Heart of the Presence brought to bear upon the outer physical world. Power is transferred from the Heart of the Presence through the memory body, as the Power of attention and attunement; the mental body, as perfect thoughts, Divine Ideals, and great inspirations; and the feeling body, as God Desire, Ascended Master feelings, and Vibrations centered in the Heart Flame, not the solar plexus. Your feeling world is intended to be a repository for the Power of your Presence close at hand, absorbing and holding it along the Crystal Cord so it is readily available when something constructive needs to be done. This is why Harmony and Purity are so important — they allow for the buildup of this Power in your feeling world. In the final stage of this step-down process, the feeling world impresses upon the etheric double, applying the pressure of either untransmuted karmic records, the mass consciousness, or the greater pressure of Light from the Electronic Body of your Presence coming in answer to your Calls. This Light, sustained and added to daily, becomes this Necessity that must outpicture on the screen of manifestation.
  • Proclaiming that no thing can be accomplished in Victory for the Mighty I AM Presence without the Power of God, Archangel Michael brings you the transfer of God Power. He teaches that you must learn how to hold God Power tempered in the Flame of Harmony. So much of your life depends upon the Power of God that you are able to hold within your emotional body. This body should become a reservoir of the Power of God. For with the Power of God, you can hold the Flame of God that burns brightly upon the Altar of your Heart in its divine and holy place and receive the anointing of your own I AM Presence daily as you are about its Work. You cannot climb the Steep Path to Christhood without Power! And you cannot forever buy into the lie that there is sin within you which makes you unworthy. You are the Temple of the Presence! Archangel Michael sends forth his Angels this day to move into those areas of the Earth where there is lie upon lie that is being spoken, written, and whispered! For it is time that the lie be consumed by the Flame of God!
  • God and Goddess Meru anchor the White Fire of the Mother Light, instructing that to receive Resurrection’s Flame, you must first be purified by the Mother Light. The Mother Light washes your consciousness clean, clear, and pure, allows your emotional body to be still and peaceful while teeming with God Light and Power, and establishes a Purity within your physical body that can radiate from your Heart Flame through your skin, giving you a sense of “newness.” The cornerstone of your vehicles of consciousness is of White Fire, the White Cubit Stone, laid there by the Charge of the Mother Light. The Mother Light can blaze in Constancy as the rock and foundation of your life, displacing all that is unlike the Purity of your Presence. Embrace Purity, for in Purity you can have all that you desire, fulfill your Divine Plan, be filled with the Power of God, and experience the beauty of life. To maintain Purity, the Light of your Presence must be unfurled into your outer vehicles. You are called to surrender all that you are and ever hope to be into the keeping of your own I AM Presence.
  • To go beyond a certain point in your outer attainment, you must completely identify with your Mighty I AM Presence. All the affairs of your life must be surrendered to your I AM Presence. This means parting ways with the mass consciousness and transitioning into the Ascended Master Way of Life. The more you forge the communion, the identification, and the sharing of your life with your own I AM Presence, the more you move out of the human condition. Your Individual Mighty I AM Presence will draw you into its bosom, and you will arrive at a state of absolute completeness and totality — an Allness, Oneness, and goodness that turns the tables on the whole human condition. In the Selfhood of “I” and “AM” and “Presence,” you have all of God. In the Fullness of your Presence is all the Love that you desire and require. All loves are secondary to your I AM Presence, once you understand your I AM Presence. Your Presence is this overflowing Supra Fullness. Everything you could ever want is within your own Presence. That is why in the Fullness of the Presence is all you desire and require. Your Mighty I AM Presence is your doorway into The Good.
  • Nada explains how she gained the Mastery and Attainment that accelerated her into her Ascension. She highlighted the following practices: a deep Love for God; knowing the Presence of God is all-important; Purity; maintaining Peace and Harmony; holding fast, firm, and constant in devotions to God; and believing in God’s Presence. Nada then instructs you on your spiritual journey, teaching that your Christ Discerning faculties must be keen and that Illumination will assist you in gaining Wisdom. Nourish yourself both physically and spiritually so what you take in does not struggle with the Presence of God. Your karma can be balanced quickly when you call upon the Resurrection Flame and Wisdom’s Flame to address every aspect of that karma in its beginning. Invoke the Heart of God and allow God to do the work, for it is God within you that is the doer of all you create. Let the Ruby Fire assist you in manifesting the Golden Elixir of Wisdom. You can be as freshly born again as your very first incarnation by the close of this lifetime if you practice the disciplines the Ascended Masters have shown you. Consider yourself the Flame of God where you are, and you will be the Christ Consciousness that the Presence desires.
  • Because the Ascension is the birthing of an Ascended Master, certain masteries must be achieved with the consciousness of the four lower bodies in conjunction with the Holy Christ Presence and Mighty I AM Presence. Training opens up consciousness in ways that have been sealed away from the four lower bodies and begins to allow the Mighty I AM Presence to percolate through and anchor in the Heart and outer consciousness of the individual. As long as the operation of Cosmic Law is not understood or mastered consciously, it has an aura of mystery about it. Leto taught the children to consciously leave their bodies, thus removing the mystery and restoring the knowledge of Cosmic Law. Throughout this Acropolis, we will unfold more of the operation of the principles of the Transfiguration, Resurrection, and Ascension and you will practice them so that when your time comes, you will be prepared to play your necessary role. Your Victory depends upon consciously engaging in the process every step of the way. The most important aspect is to know that I and my Mighty I AM Presence are one. That is the ultimate transfer of consciousness. There is One Identity: the true Identity and Consciousness of the Mighty I AM Presence.
  • On this Easter Sunday, Jesus asks that you not lose sight of your Divine Mission — to unfurl the Threefold Flame of the Christ Light as the Hallmark of your God Identity. Do not forget that your Presence desires for you to anchor the Light where you are! All of Jesus’ miracles involving physical objects were performed by his Presence. But when the miracles included another lifestream, these were done by their Presence. Jesus held the Light so that their Heart Flame could be so connected with their Presence that the Healing Power could occur. Jesus has said that what he came to accomplish, you, likewise, can accomplish — and even greater. Do not forget his words. Do not forget the Teaching of the I AM Presence, the understanding of your vehicles of consciousness, and the Identity that you are — the very Presence of God where you are, coming into the Fullness of the Christ Light! Embody the God Quality of Poise. There is always a Divine and Holy Purpose for each day; every day is a Holy Day and should be lived as such until the day of your Ascension. Keep striving! Keep the Heart Flame burning brightly! The pressure of the Christ Light must continue to build all of your days!
  • The Resurrection Flame that Lord Krishna embodies and has anchored in the Earth was established so that you may draw upon it. Jesus drew upon this Flame in preparation for his Ascension. You must have the Fires of your Heart galvanized with the Fire of your own Presence and the stamina and fortitude to accomplish this. Your journey into the Ascension requires a chariot that is strong, accelerated, charged with Light, clear with God Vision, wise in Illumination, and transmuted of the karma that would pull it down. Your chariot must have the Flame upon the Altar of your Heart fully unfurled. There must be an inner core strength allowing you to hold fast, to not be dissuaded into a left-hand path. Your consciousness must be centered on the Divine Outpouring of your Presence. You must have the understanding that with God all things are possible! Allowing the “Newness of Life” of God’s Consciousness to flow forth to refresh you, to rejuvenate you, to resurrect you into the Edenic Blueprint of your own God Consciousness — that is Mastery! That is what you are expected to accomplish. Make yourself worthy of every opportunity! Krishna asks you to let each of the Twelve Archangels assist you.
  • Your Affirmation of Faith as a Torch Bearer, expressing your commitment to Saint Germain and your Presence is extremely helpful on your Path. Through this decision, you are afforded the constant, living thread of contact to the Ascended Masters, permitted by Cosmic Law. This contact holds the balance for you and assists with your acceleration. The Masters are able to establish a mandala of lifestreams pledged as Torch Bearers of The Temple, namely the Mystic Rose of the Ecclesia, all unified in the same cause yet free to express their unique, true Divine Selves. This builds up a momentum of God Consciousness that protects the Ecclesia from the mass consciousness. This body of Torch Bearers is a priceless gift, allowing you to maintain your Ascended Master Way of Life and build on your passion and enthusiasm for the Flames of God, which you infuse into your Decree work. The Temple of The Presence has been established by the Brotherhood of Light to bring forth a new understanding of God wherein you have the opportunity to both make your Ascension and help mankind come into the Golden Age. Fanning your emotions into a passion and zeal for your Ascension is very important and a big part of the work of this week.
  • Saint Germain is grateful that you are full of Joy, for so you should be! When your attention is focused on your Ascension, mountains of adversity can be cleared away! The key to the Victory is holding to the goal and momentum of Fire you must ignite upon the Altar of your Heart. Your vehicles of consciousness are to be wrapped and clothed in the White Light of Purity, all the while you exhibit the God Qualities and Virtues of the Christ that you are called upon by your own Heart Flame to fulfill. In fairy tales, the princess is often patient in difficult circumstances; she knows her worth and that she will one day meet her prince. You too have your story. You may not meet a prince, but you will meet Serapis Bey and your own Mighty I AM Presence in the Ascension Temple. And you will reunite with that Presence in the Glory of your Ascension in the Light! You could have no greater leader to assist you than Saint Germain. He has ransomed his wealth and Attainment to bring forth the Teachings of the Violet Flame. With the Violet Flame you can lift the burdens and blindness from mankind. You can set life free!
  • Inspired by the native Qualities of your Presence, Perfect Health, Youthfulness, Freedom, Beauty and many more, those Qualities can be translated from the Heart of your Presence into your thoughts and feelings. Your thoughts and feelings will then infuse your Decree work and inform the Light from your Presence so you are initiating the processes of Transfiguration, Resurrection and Ascension. The exquisite explanation, given in this Discourse, of the three-fold action of the Heart Flame coming into incarnation and conversely expanding within, helps you to understand how the processes of the Ascension can occur. The Heart Flame will be the atomic accelerator of the vehicles, drawing them up. The tornado like action of the Resurrection Flame draws the bodies back into the Holy Christ Presence. The Ascension stage is when the Crystal Ray Ascension current sent out by the Mighty I AM Presence, spinning faster, draws the bodies up into the Electronic Body. This action brings you back into the full mantle and God Consciousness of your Mighty I AM Presence. You may look forward to the assistance of the Brotherhood of Luxor as you complete this process. Once the Presence has taken mastery over the elemental planes, it can, at will, enter back into the realms of coming-to-be.
  • The Goddess of Light asks: Are you prepared to receive the Crystalline Light into your four lower bodies? It takes striving to be prepared. There needs to be a building up of the Light in your vehicles, and this is achieved by serving God in Life in Purity. For true initiates, these are not hidden activities. Rather, it is necessary to have the full understanding of what is going on in your vehicles. As sincere devotees you desire to refine your palette, educate your senses to be receptive to what is Pure and Holy. The Beloved Goddess of Light assures you that there is no need to think you cannot achieve the Victory because of negativity in past embodiments. You have a Heart Flame that is Perfect and Pure for all eternity. That is the Law. What has gone before doesn’t prevent you from shining like a star. The Light of your Mighty I AM Presence has always stood ready to give you the source of all that you require to allow the Threefold Flame of your Heart to expand, for the acceleration of the spiraling action required of your chakras and for that Light of the Crystal Ray to descend.
  • The DayStar of Destiny, seen on the crown of the ascending one, represents the Fiat made by your Presence that it would descend into Incarnation, and ascend again. That is your experience; the Presence won’t let up the pressure of the Light until it has achieved its purpose. You are not alone. As God said to Jacob; I will go down with you. You have the overshadowing of the Holy Christ Presence with you, aware of what is going on in your world, reading records of the past and future, seeing that they are transmuted. Now you are preparing for your return, your final ascent. Part of adjusting to that ascent is stripping away the mystery and sense that the Ascension is an impossible dream. When you are ready, it is completely natural. It will be your home of Light, with your friends of Light. The Ascended Masters, the Angelic Kingdom, and Elementals will be there. As an Ascended One, you will be in that attunement where your Heart can address the Great I AM. The Hearts of the God Presences are an undivided focalization of Oneness with the Great I AM. And you are returning to that home of Light.
  • Apollo brings the glorious perspective of his Wisdom to what matters, and to what does not, when it comes to your true destiny. Your training matters, not your circumstances or past karma. There is no karma that cannot be transmuted, and there is no lack of opportunity. Your Presence has cleared the Path for you. When you make your Ascension, it is not what has been accomplished on the outer that is important. What matters is the Inner Fire that is ignited, your devotion to God, the Attainment of having distilled the Light of your Mighty I AM Presence in these outer worlds, and the establishment of God Good in all that has the Fire of God at its core. That is your only responsibility in life. Beloved Mighty Apollo emphasizes that it is not your outer will that does the work, but the hand of God. It is your Presence that has taught you to be in the Christ Light, given you the Vision, empowered your emotional body and infused your physical body with strength, health, and the Charge of Light to be the Temple of the Presence. You are ready to ascend, for the Flame upon your Heart has spoken! Ride the River of the Helicon home in the ascent to your Victory!
  • Each student is required to stand, face, and conquer their un-transmuted karma. The more energy that was misqualified, the more deeply etched the record will be. Then there must be an equal or greater amount of Light applied to records for them to be transmuted. The Light of God applied against patterns of imperfection is to annihilate them, cause, effect, record, and memory. Let this be an article of Faith until it becomes an article of certitude and firsthand experience. The Ascended Masters, in their sponsorship of your lifestream, can reinforce your efforts. The value of this blessing is beyond measure. The Gods and Goddesses of ancient times assisted the Heroes or Heroines by “standing by” or “standing beside” them; and through their presence, they transmitted the needed assistance to stand, face, and conquer. The Holy Christ Presence has the ability to scan the record of coming events to determine if they need to be transmuted. The world of the Christ Presence is unmoved by outer, worldly events. The Consciousness of your Holy Christ Presence is always standing by in your world, holding that identity there. In addition, the Angelic Kingdom performs the service of standing inside your aura, your emotional body, and transferring whatever God Quality that Angel represents.
  • When you desire to purify your vehicles of consciousness, call to the Seraphim and to Justinius’ Flame! Where Purity resides there is a continual flow of the Presence of God. When you approach the Ascension Temple, you must have conviction of the charge that you have been given by your own God Presence to go forward and knock upon the door. Hold fast to the God Qualities of Patience, Harmony, and Peace until you are called upon to use that reservoir to lift your consciousness into the Most High. Your Fiery Destiny is an entire journey of acceleration of Light you have been on since your first incarnation. Your Mighty I AM Presence is ever close at hand. The Purity you require to ascend at the close of this lifetime is right there, ready for you to draw into your vehicles of consciousness. For you to approach the Ascension Temple, you must have the Divine Dignity of the Light of the Christ. That Light is your calling card. But that is not the end of the journey, for once you have entered the door of the Ascension Temple, you find there is still more work to be done as untransmuted residue of former lifetimes will be going into the Flame. So prepare your consciousness now.
  • Your Heart Flames are honored, loved, and cherished beyond your wildest imagination by the Entire Spirit of the Brotherhood of Light, but most importantly, by your own Mighty I AM Presence, the Alpha and Omega of your being. For they are the all-in-all of the sustenance and the source that you require. Make room in your life for the Violet Flame. For in its Divine Love it will lift burdens right out of the proximity of your life and give them up to God to transmute. But if you recreate that karma, it will return with more momentum, for the Law requires you learn from the Transmutation. The Ascended Masters use every opportunity that is given to assist you, in accordance with Cosmic Law, so that at the appointed hour you can make that acceleration of the Transfiguration, the Resurrection, and the Ascension in the Light. The more momentum you achieve in the Light of your Holy Christ Presence, the more God Power can be transferred to you. Along with gaining that Attainment comes the ability to anchor that Light, to expand that Light, to move with the Momentum of that Light and to allow for the Mercy of God to come upon the many Sons and Daughters of God. Even as you are working toward your Ascension you are helping and serving God in Life; you are the outpost of the Divine. That is what makes you as the Christ worthy of the Ascension.
  • The process of the Ascension is usually described from the viewpoint of the lower self in terms of what is happening with the four lower bodies and what is happening with the resurrected Christ Body. But from the perspective of the Individual Mighty I AM Presence, the Fullness of the Presence is stepping forth into the Realms of Creation as the Lord, with God Dominion over those Realms. Part of your preparation for the Ascension is that you must give birth in your consciousness to the unique Identity of your Presence. You are midwife to your own Ascension in the Light, and there must be the lowering of that Light into your outer world of form. You are beginning the process of focusing the Light of your own Presence, birthing its awareness within your consciousness. The Consciousness of your Presence is Light; the Light of your Presence is its Consciousness. And by sharing that with you, you awaken to the awareness that your Presence has. All the Attributes of the Ascended Masters can be attributed to your own Presence. Like Phidias with his statues of Zeus, the work of the rest of your unascended career as a disciple on the Path is to lower into form as much of the manifestation of your Presence as you can.
  • In this landmark Dictation, Serapis Bey, Chohan of the Fourth Ray and Hierarch of the Ascension Temple, welcomes you to his Flame and brings the Ascension Temple to you — allowing you to be surrounded by its images and Charge of Light and Momentum and granting you the opportunity to experience a closer perspective of what to expect when you are welcomed there. Serapis describes the stages of entering the Temple, including the examination by the Karmic Board, the ritual of knocking at the door and his welcoming you in, entering into the Great Hall, being taken to your own surroundings within the Temple, the daily conversation and questions with the Ascended Masters, and, ultimately, the stepping forth into the Flame of the Ascension, for God in you must step forth and proclaim: I AM ready! Come into me! That Moment in Eternity is the blazing forth of the Star of God. Serapis states that the Ascension Temple demands Detail Consciousness. Will you commit to memory the disciplines that are required of you daily? Will you so charge your consciousness with the Fire of God that the Refining Fire consumes daily your karma, misconceptions, and false identity that you have imposed upon your own lifestream?
  • At certain critical junctures on the Path, the student must choose their God Presence and enter joyfully into communion with their Presence, putting the priorities of the Presence first and foremost over all lesser priorities. Ever since the students were first drawn to the Teachings of the Ascended Masters, they have had untold assistance and a pressure of Light of the Ascended Masters motivating them, sustaining them, keeping them polarized to the glorious opportunities of the Path of the Ascension. That assistance must be accounted for and hold the promise of bearing fruit. For the higher initiations to take place, the foundations for them must be laid here in this world with the choices individuals make and the priorities they set within their lives. Some universal tendencies of the human ego are outlined by the Anointed Representative. Your Ascension is like a mini Maha Manvantara: the physical, the emotional, the mental, the Christ Presence are drawn up into the Great Central Sun. As an Ascended Master, you function in the Great Central Sun. Nothing of your identity, the loves you had, nothing good, is ever lost. Rather there is the multiplication of your ability to do more good. Once you have set God in action, the impersonal, Universal Law is that things must come into the Divine Plan of the Presence.
  • The Truth of your Identity is present on the Altar of your Heart. That is your greatest Home. There is no time like now to call upon the Light of God and allow all that you are to be consumed by the Violet Flame, the White Fire of the Mother Light, to be encircled by the Circle and Sword of Blue Flame of Astrea and Purity, and to begin to know you are truly surrendering to the Will of God. If there is a resistance to the Flame of God and you are not willing to surrender all into the keeping of the Presence of God, you will not reach the next plateau, for there is always another plateau of Attainment that must be mastered. The Will of God will be shown to you over and over again. The wise initiate knows to call upon the Flames of God to clear away the debris. You must consider what is plaguing you and allow for your own Christ Consciousness to come to the fore and address your concerns. When you are fulfilling your Fiery Destiny, you are etching a record in the earth, water, fire, air and Akasha of the Golden Etheric Plane that will be lowered upon the Earth for all of the Sons and Daughters of God to embrace as a Golden Age. The Service is great! The commitment is great! But the reward is unending. You have within the Mighty I AM Presence the Allness of God you can call to the fore and use as a foundation even now when you enter into the Christ Consciousness. Let your life become a glorious series of accelerating the Light, expanding the Light, purifying your vehicles of consciousness and never stopping.
  • You understand that the Will of God within you desires for you to ultimately be God Victorious. You know this, but you have not believed it — and that is different from knowing! When you internalize the Truth of your Identity, it becomes a part of the fabric of your life. Morya knows well your history and how to best serve the Flame upon the Altar of your Heart. If during certain initiations you feel abandoned by your Mighty I AM Presence and revert back to human consciousness, then you have not been connecting with the Flame upon the Altar of your Heart but have been relying on all of the outer stimuli of the Angels and of the Ascended Masters. The Light of God is available to all — but it must be drawn forth. It must be received! It must be internalized as the Action of the Heart Flame of God’s Love in manifestation, bringing all of the Qualities of God into the Fullness of the Virtues of the Christ. That is the entirety of the Path. The focus of your attention should always be upon the Mighty I AM Presence. No matter how the finite detail consciousness of your day-to-day life requires you to be fully engaged, there is a reservoir of the Charge of your own Light from the Mighty I AM Presence that allows you to stay tethered to that Presence and to that Will. Hold fast to the Torch of the upraised Flame of your own Heart — and do not let go. It will provide you with your Excalibur! It will give you the Wisdom you require, the onrush of the Power of God when you are aligned with the Will of God, and it will purify your vehicles in the White Fire so that your chalice is prepared for the Ascension.
  • The first part of this Discourse covers student questions to El Morya during the most recent Acropolis Sophia Question and Answer Night with the Master. Although some questions have been posed in such a way as to coax advice from El Morya, the strict policy of The Temple is that the Ascended Masters, as well as their Anointed Representatives, do not give advice to the students. The second part of this Discourse covers how all outer conditions that are imperfect can be brought under the God Control of your Presence, for all parts of your life are within the Power of your Presence. Madame Blavatsky’s manifestations demonstrated the Power of the Light right down to the physical realm. The focus of your attention is critical. Look at your Presence and not at your problem, focusing on your Presence and its Perfection. Put your I AM Presence in the place of your problem, knowing that the Mighty I AM Presence is in Action there. As the Light Rays under the Directing Intelligence of your Holy Christ Presence are being locked onto that condition, that misqualification will have perfect Ascended Master Light fed into it more and more, and the outer appearance of imperfection will yield.
  • Zarathustra instructs you on fulfilling your Fiery Destiny. He tells you to invoke the Light daily, commune with your Presence, and make room for God in your life. He stresses the importance of dwelling in the All-Consuming Love that prepares your consciousness to be in that close proximity to your Presence so you can unfurl the Flame of your Heart to become the scintillating Fire of God and utilize wisely the Charge of your Presence that is distilled within your spiritual centers. He advises you to practice the awareness of Perfection and Purity, to become a priest or priestess of the Sacred Fire within your own sanctuary, for the quickest and most efficient use of God’s Light is to call forth the Power of God through Invocation. He says to mount your Resurrection Chariot by having the command of the Elemental Forces of Nature and the Charge of Resurrection’s Flame to accelerate and purify your vehicles of consciousness. Protect your consciousness, protect the vibration of your life, and protect the Sacred Fire that you have received. Never forsake the fullness of your devotions to God and the Fohat that you call forth. Master Fohat! Let your days be filled to overflowing with the joyous song that you sing of the Fohat of God’s Decrees and Affirmations and of the momentum of prayers that you let the Heavens hear.
  • Astrea stressed the fact there is the opening up of the consciousness of the ascending one into the Consciousness that is the Allness of God. The Formula of Identity is I + AM + Presence. Although we use the plus symbol, the more accurate symbol would be that of infinity, indicating this Individuality is flowing into the universality of the AMness of the Presence, which is returning back to the Individuality. In the process of the Ascension, your currently limited sense of identity of selfhood must be transcended. No one should feel walled off from their Presence. The consciousness of your Mighty I AM Presence includes the Allness of God. You will be reentering the transcendent expansiveness of your own Mighty I AM Presence and experience that as the self-evident Truth of the reality of your Mighty I AM Presence. The Presence is a singularity, an absolute, the God of Very Gods, above the Great Central Sun. This explains why Saint Germain could say I AM Here and I AM There. Your Presence is everywhere Present, Active, All-Powerful. The consciousness of eternity must be acquired consciously with the cooperation of the Mighty I AM Presence. You are flowing up that stream, leaving behind the limitations of time and space. When your Mighty I AM Presence sent you forth, it had the vision of the record of the Ascended Master it would become. It decreed that it would not only descend but return victorious. It was a Cosmic Decree that would not be denied.
  • When you are in the Presence of an Ascended or Cosmic Being, there should be the ability for your Heart Flame to soar, for you to not merely hold contact with the Ascended One, but for you to be able to hold fast to what you have garnered. The Ascended Masters come so frequently to address you from this Altar so you will have the constant, spinning action released for you from the Great Central Sun, from Cosmic Beings and your own Mighty I AM Presence. You are here because of your Mighty I AM Presence. You must recognize the signs of your Holy Christ Presence speaking to you and unfurling the Virtues of the Christ that you can bring into manifestation by the Qualities of God. There is no greater Teaching than the first-hand understanding of what it means to be a Son or Daughter of God, to put on the Garment of the Christ Light, to be in the Fullness of the Mighty I AM Presence actively participating in your day-to-day life, charting your Divine Destiny, fulfilling the Law. You should be absorbing this instruction with great urgency. Each day the Flame upon the Altar of your Heart is unfurling and the very Presence of God is flowing in your life, bringing the opportunity for you to enter into the Divine Outpouring that your Presence desires. Let your Victory begin with the commitment of your Heart Flame that you will not tarry longer in human consciousness, in unreality, in the wasteful use of God's Light, but will utilize wisely every erg of energy that is given to you by the Mighty I AM Presence.
  • When there are errors in judgment or misqualification of the Light, the Law has established an opportunity for those in incarnation to call upon the Flames of Transmutation to purify their vehicles, to balance the wrongs they have committed, to call upon the Law of Forgiveness so that the Heart Flames and the circumstances can all become one in the Vibration of the Light of the Christ once more. There are many avenues by which the refining of these outer vehicles can take place, even here and now. But how is remaining karma transmuted once one has entered the Ascension Temple? There are different levels of the Ascension Temple and a process in the etheric level that allows for the training to continue. To begin with, the Mighty I AM Presence has recognized that entrée into the Ascension Temple was warranted and the final steps toward the Ascension can continue from there. Each time an initiate moves through certain of the planes of consciousness in their being, refining them, purifying, accelerating the Fire, and satisfying the Law according to their Presence, they move to the next level of the Ascension Temple to continue the acceleration. The Ascended Masters are holding the balance, but it is the Mighty I AM Presence that is sending forth the Ray, for this is the work of the Mighty I AM Presence. When you, as the initiate in the Ascension Temple, look upon past patterns of unreality, you realize they are not who are! And just that quickly they are banished into the Fire! That is how the operation of the Ascension Temple assists the Sons and Daughters of God in making the final ascent! This instruction has come forth today because you now have a foundation that is meaningful to you. You have an understanding that there may still be things that have to be worked on, and you are ready! For you have been given this glorious Opportunity of the Ascension and therefore there is nothing to hold you back.
Teachings from the Ascended Masters to Help You Detach from This Outer World and Enter the Peace of the Great Silence and the Sanctity of the Love Star Retreat!

You are Invited to Immerse Yourself in the Sacred Vibration of the Secret Love Star Retreat — and be Baptized in the Blessings of Ascended Master Light! During this New Year’s Conclave and accompanying Acropolis Sophia, Lady Master Venus, Sanat Kumara, Sanatka Kumara, Beloved Omega, Gautama Buddha, and other Ascended Masters presented powerful Releases of their Light, Momentum, and Instruction to help you experience all of the God Good emanating from the Secret Love Star. This double album contains thirty Discourses and Dictations given during this life-changing twelve-day cycle. Discover the principle of “Undiminished Giving.” Understand how Divine Love will protect you and magnetize your Ascension. Let Mother Mary school you on the Emerald Ray and the Holy Family. Learn from Saint Germain how to become the Divine Alchemist. Sojourn into the Great Silence with Lord Himalaya. These Releases are your golden invitation to enter into the Love Star Retreat, drink in the Light of Lux Invictus!, and then stand as the Incarnate Christ, generating the Power of Divine Love not only for your own Victory, but for the blessing and perfecting of all life!

  • During this Conclave on the mysteries of the Seven Sacred Weeks, you are held, as a Grace, in Divine Peace. You are invited to receive the whirlwind action of the Light of God, poured forth out of the Hearts of the Holy Kumaras, the Nameless One, and the constellation of Cosmic Beings and Ascended Masters. We begin our seven-week cycle with the return of gratitude toward God for all that we have received. Then as we continue on, we enter into the Great Silence, emerging free of outer burdens. In the Bethlehem Daystar we revere the Christ Light in the four lower bodies and celebrate coming into Divine Incarnation. As the weeks progress, you are lifted more and more into the glorious Light of the Secret Love Star and your own Beloved Mighty I AM Presence so that upon the culmination of the cycle, you are ready to move back into your outer life, refreshed, rejuvenated, and ready for the Victories ahead.
  • The opportunity you are to experience throughout this cycle is the streaming forth of all that is God Good from the Secret Love Star, the foundation of which can only be embraced if you are in Love, know Love, and have become Love. Lady Master Venus addresses you on the attributes of God Love so that with each introduction to the Secret Love Star you will be ready to understand that you are to be an open chalice to God Love. There are many loves in your life that can awaken the Flame of Love upon your Heart to allow that Love to expand into all the areas of your life. For this to happen there must be a vulnerability to God Love, a surrendering of all you are into the keeping of God. Lady Master Venus proclaims this Conclave in the Secret Love Star open for the streaming forth of New Dispensation in the Light of God! She will be ever close with her Beloved, sending forth their Cosmic Light so that you will have a greater opportunity of moving within all of the Radiance of the Secret Love Star — bathing your consciousness and accelerating your own Momentums in the Light.
  • How is it that many of those who start out with great zeal for the Path eventually fall back into the old ways of the outer world? Because there has not been the forging of that conscious contact and communion with their Individual I AM Presence strong enough to endure whatever may be the travails of the Steep Path to Christhood. If realizing your Presence is not the goal of your Path, you will eventually fall away. Your Presence must become the Pearl of Great Price of your life. This is why our Activity focuses on the Presence first, and why we have christened our Activity “The Temple of The Presence.” Allow your Presence to imbue your four lower bodies with its Consciousness. There is to be just one True Self — the God Self of your I AM Presence. Identify not with your physical body, with your mind, and with what your mind and intellect revolve. Identify not with the pressure of the records of your previous incarnations. But identify with your Heart and give all to your Presence, offering up the chalice of your four lower bodies to your Presence and receiving back the Consciousness of your Presence into your life. That is the Path.
  • Lord Himalaya instructs you on the Great Silence and on the Love of God. For you to be able to embrace the Truth of your Identity, there must be a setting aside of time and space, so that you are in the Great Silence, bathed in the Light of God. When the outer world becomes too much, you can enter into the Great Silence. This is your home and your Great Refuge. The moment you embrace the Mind of God, your whole life changes. The quicker you train your outer vehicles to be responsive to the Command of the Flame of God upon your Heart, the quicker you will have this exuding Presence of God all about you. This is the Light of the Christ. Loving God in life, expanding God in life, commanding God in life, and becoming God where you are is the great desire of your Presence. As you generate more Love, the Great Silence becomes a permanent state of conscious awareness in your life. Allow the Flame upon the Altar of your Heart to carry you into that height of Consciousness that allows for the flow to be primed from the very Heart of God and reinforce the atmosphere about you.
  • There is no Quality, Virtue or Attribute that did not come forth from the unconditional giving of The One. The world-changing truth is this: the Great God Flame and Mighty I AM Presence came forth as Individualizations of the Godhead. In self-contemplation, the Great I AM focuses itself to a concentrated point of Individuality — and that Individuality knows itself to be one with The One and The Good. This action and consciousness is “I AM.” Thus, when you affirm: I AM Light, Happiness, Beauty, or whatever Quality you are calling forth, you are affirming and out-picturing that which you already are in your Presence. Your Presence intends to impart its I AM Consciousness through the Crystal Cord into the Heart Flame, infusing it into the four lower bodies, from the memory body right through to the nerves of the physical body. The overshadowing by the Holy Christ Presence comes first. It has the full Consciousness of the Mighty I AM Presence. As you wear this White Light Garment, the Consciousness of your Presence will begin to shine through, illumining all the vehicles. The more you can open the doorway of consciousness, the more your Mighty I AM Presence will sustain this flow.
  • Beloved Omega comes with the full weight and measure of the Cosmic Mother Light for the Protection of the Heart Flames of the many. It is for those who know of their Mighty I AM Presence that the Cosmic Beings and Ascended Masters bring many of the Dispensations so that the Torch Bearers and Lightbearers can live in the Consciousness of the Christ Light. As you keep to the disciplines that allow for the Christ Light to be released, you will have the Light of your Mighty I AM Presence pouring forth the Divine Outpouring from the Great Central Sun. The White Fire of the Mother Light tempers your vehicles and allows for the kundalini to become a Rod of Power which never lets you down and galvanizes your being in your Mighty I AM Presence. You have been given, by the great Mercy of God, the opportunity daily to transmute your karma with the Violet Flame. This Flame has the unconditional Love and Power of God within it and transmutes on the instant. Be blessed in the Radiance of the Secret Love Star and let the Glory of God lift others out of their denial and awaken them so the Hand of God may be present in the land.
  • The dazzling Light brimming over from your Mighty I AM Presence must be safeguarded into and through your four lower bodies — so that flowing through your bodies is the unbroken God Consciousness of your Presence. It flows through the Causal Body and the Christ Presence, issuing through the Heart Flame, and then out into the etheric double and the flesh itself. Happiness begins at the fountainhead of your Presence’s Heart. You will be able to turn on this faucet of Happiness and let it flow through you as you understand it is welling up and overflowing from the Heart of your Presence. The Angels will, in answer to your Call, step into your feeling world and augment whatever your desire is to express the happy thoughts and feelings streaming forth from your Presence. And as the Violet Flame performs its perfect work, you will feel the stream of God Happiness beginning to re-radiate out from your Heart. When you arrive at this state, your Victories will come more quickly, as there is the transference of God Power.
  • Saint Germain asks, “Are you ready to become an alchemist…?” There is far more to being the alchemist of the Divine Light of God than merely making a call and waiting upon the Lord. God is not going to produce magnificent alchemies through you if there is not an exertion of your vehicles to call forth that alchemy. That is where the mastery is developed! This is an active Path, not a passive one. It is worthwhile to study and to be at your Altar, but not to the exclusion of the interaction with other life streams, other momentums of life, and discovery of the Nature of God right around you! It is not enough to sit in contemplation of your I AM Presence day-in and day-out without actively engaging in the Light! Saint Germain also reveals what will carry you into the awakened Reality of the Presence of God, the Divine Goals that should always be held, how to manifest the Momentum of the Secret Love Star, the Great Magnet that automatically draws you into your Ascension, and what spurred him on when he was in embodiment.
  • Mother Mary asks, “Have you prepared your manger for the coming of the Light of your own Bethlehem Star?” Consider that it is the Star of your Presence, shining forth to release the Divine Direction of your incarnation and all that is to be accomplished to gain Christ Mastery and Attainment. Let the Peace and the Blessing of the Bethlehem Star be your constant reminder of who you are. That is the gift of the coming of Jesus and the Holy Family and why you honor this cycle every year. Stating that you are expected to wear the Mantle of your Christhood as Jesus did, Mother Mary instructs that you not limit yourself to studying just one or two God Qualities — you must have the full Panoply of the Christos to become the Christ. There must be Mastery on the Emerald Ray. The Crystalline Fire of the Christ Consciousness is a distillation of the Emerald Ray. Much of the alchemy of using the Emerald Ray will come to you naturally as you elevate your consciousness. Learning how to honor and adore the Holy Family allows you to refine the Emerald Ray in your associations. Allow your daily responsibilities to be accomplished through you by the Light.
  • When the Temple of The Presence began, we penned a letter titled “Keep the Dream Alive,” speaking of the Dream of the previous Ascended Master Activities. Today, we sound the Call of the Brotherhood of Light in the name of the Holy Kumaras that you find the burning passion in your Heart to keep alive the Vision of the Ascended Masters for the Dawning Golden Age. We want to do all we can do to keep that Dream expanding so that those who receive the Torch in future generations will have fidelity to that Flame. This involves the personal surrender of your will to the greater Design and Vision of your Presence and, in tandem, the Wisdom and Divine Direction of the Brotherhood of Light. As you realize this Opportunity, a burning passion and zeal will arise within you. All Ascended Master Golden Age civilizations start out with great promise and work well during the times of their ascendancies. But their unascended members eventually rebel against the Law of their own I AM Presences. However, we can choose to break this pattern and keep the Dream alive of what the Ascended Masters wish to bring to the fore. Keep those High Ideals alive!
  • The very Patterns of your Identity are reinforced in the Consciousness that Sanatka holds in the Will of God. This allows for the ongoing Dispensations from the Lords of Karma. Without the Holy Kumaras’ assistance, there would be no Brotherhood of Light or Dispensations or God Momentum in the Earth. Sanatka instructs that to stand in the Will of God is the greatest of Momentums that you could experience. Every time you make a decision in your life, you are determining whether you will be in the Will of God or outside the Will of God. There is no in-between. Your consciousness, seated within the Perfection of God Will, allows you to absorb into your body temple all of the Patterns within the Mind of God, the Heart of God, the Will of God. Do not let one day pass you by, one hour that you are not reflecting upon your I AM Presence and the opportunity that is extended to you! Make no discernment of mind, conscious action, or release of energy from your emotional body without the tethering to the Will of God so there will be no misuse of the Power entrusted to you!
  • In the Mighty I AM Presence, Consciousness and Light are inseparable. The Consciousness of the Great I AM, the Great God Flames, and the first level of Individualizations are all One. The Unconquered Limitless Light of Lux Invictus occurs when this Light builds up such a pressure that it overflows in an Outpouring of Undiminished Giving, pouring into the Great Central Sun. The One Light of the Presence shines from above and illumines all that the Great Central Sun is. Creation comes forth as the coming-to-be within the Great Central Sun. This Consciousness of the Godhead and, hence, the essence of Light is positively Limitless. When the Light Rays go forth from the Presence, they have the original Consciousness of the Unconquered Light and they perform their Perfect Work in answer to your calls. You can have all the Light you need for constructive purposes. Cultivate the Consciousness of Lux Invictus, the Unconquered and Unconquerable Light that never fails.
  • The Goddess of Light gives you the Sword Excalibur so you can be seated in the Consciousness of the Will of God and the Emerald Ray to bring forth the Divine Outpouring of Light. No Ray operates singularly without the other Rays of God Consciousness. This is why you are given training in all of the facets and Qualities of God. Rather than fighting darkness, draw upon the Light, become the Light, and then banish that darkness by the very Light that you bring forth. You have the ability to move within the Realm of God while tethered to the physical, mental, emotional and memory bodies, for the Light of God connects you with the Fullness of the Allness of God. For those who have chosen to gain their Mastery and Attainment for their Ascension, Dispensations abound. You will hold the Light not just for your own Mighty I AM Presence, but for the Earth. In faceting your Temple of the Presence begin with the White Light of Purity. As you do so, all of the other Rays of Light and Momentums of God begin to fashion and form all that you require. This is Cosmic Law.
  • In the Buddhic Consciousness, the blazing Light of Illumination’s Flame marks the standard the Christ will hold. For there is no question when you are wrapped in the garment of Illumination’s Flame. This is something to treasure and hold dear every moment of your life, for you have received the greatest of all gifts — the ability to put into action the Flames of God. You can receive the streaming Consciousness of your own God Presence and begin to build upon each increment, never losing one erg of energy, one facet of detail, but keeping your consciousness fully apprised all along the way as you add to your attainment. Entering into the Flame of Illumination gives you the opportunity to enter into the Buddhic Web of Consciousness. The Thoughtform of the Year, the intertwining of your Flame of Illumination with the Secret Love Star, is a visualization and actualization you should bring into form by the manifestation of the Light of God. It is the gift of vision that allows for the Sons and Daughters of God to flourish in the Golden Age.
  • In preparation for the upper room Teachings and release of the Power of God Love from your own Presence this week, there are some guidelines given. As our Beloved Jesus withstood the temptation to use the Power of his Presence for the purposes of the outer self, so too you are to understand the correct moral attitude to adopt in receiving the Light daily through your Crystal Cord. These guidelines are even more important during this Acropolis because of the extra Power you will receive with the work of generating God Love in this class. The Life of God is a Grace not a right. It is priceless, Holy and Sacred, to be received with a humble, reverent gratitude. This is the meaning of the parable of the talents as well as the story of the ten lepers whom Jesus healed. All belongs to the Presence; this is the Law of Life. Wait upon your Presence to know how to use the Life it has given you. Stay present in the Heart, esteeming all you are given as Pure and Holy.
  • Holy Amethyst comes in the pristine Charge and Joy of the Violet Flame of God Love, dispensing millions of Violet Flame Angels into all areas of the Earth, as well as into the atmosphere under the Etheric City. She would have you appreciate the Violet Flame Angels and the Joy of Life they bring so you can have a closer communion with them. There are many more Angels in attendance to your life than you realize. She urges you to learn how to master the use of the Violet Flame, not just in transmuting karma, but in calling to her, to her Angels, and to all the Ascended Masters and Cosmic Beings who serve on that Ray, making the call for yourself and for others so the Mind of God can be drawn to the fore, assisting those who do not know how to call. You have the opportunity every day to command the Violet Flame, which is not only joyful and comforting, announcing that all is well, but also powerful and commanding with the Power of God. It is able to liberate your consciousness so your Heart Flame can be free to soar.
  • You will not truly understand what it means to generate Love if you do not understand the principle of Undiminished Giving. This is more than just the sense of Divine Abundance, it is use of the Limitless Power of the I AM Presence. Undiminished Giving gives, but is not permitted to be wasted. There must be productivity and fruitfulness as in the Fifth Secret Ray. It is given because there is a need, a Necessity. In that Consciousness of the I AM Presence there is an utter lack of neediness, but it is so full it must give. The nature of the Great I AM and of the Presence is a Limitless Power, an outflow just limitless in its capacity to give forth Good to every part of life. The One and The Good give this Limitless Undiminished Giving of themselves. That givingness of Self we call the activity of Love.
  • Archangel Shaddiel offers you the opportunity to adopt a new perspective of life for yourself, drawing upon the help and assistance of the Archangels and Archeiai for the anchoring of your Victory! As the Archangel of the Fifth Secret Ray of Constancy, he schools you on this Christ Virtue, as well as on other important areas that you must grasp. Archangel Shaddiel teaches what is needed to truly take dominion over the Realms, to have your mind receive Divine Direction and galvanize the Divine Mind of God and to have the wherewithal to accomplish the necessities of life. We accomplish Good by the Divine Stream of the Consciousness of God, which nourishes High Ideals and allows us to be in the flow of the Will of God to prime the pump for the Sustenance of God. Have the Divine Outpouring of your Destiny take hold of your life, have the Authority to draw upon all of the Elemental Forces of Nature to fulfill your Fiery Destiny and magnify all that you require and desire, and to actualize all that your Presence has dreamed of for you!
  • You are ready to be accelerated to the next level, to receive the new Dispensation of receiving the Fullness of the Mind of God, and you are responsible for nurturing that which you receive. The Lord Maha Chohan entrusts you with powerful, fully detailed instruction concerning your interaction with your own Heart Flame to facilitate your acceleration. Your Heart Flame is the seat of Authority established in your outer vehicles by your Presence. It enables you to train and hone your vehicles, to accomplish the disciplines necessary to maintain the vibration of your Christhood in those vehicles. Allow your Heart Flame to take command. Allow it to meet the Teachings, to meet the Ascended Masters’ Consciousness and have the full Charge of your Mighty I AM Presence established for you. Only your Heart Flame can really be responsible for stilling the voices of unreality of the outer mind to allow the momentums of the Mind of God to come forth. Put anything that is stifling your Heart Flame into the Violet Flame. Go through the eye of the needle and see what God has in store for you! You will not be disappointed.
  • The Mighty I AM Presence within the Electronic Body, as well as the Ascended Masters, cannot intrude upon the outer self without an invitation. The invitation includes your co-measurement, your understanding of the Heart Flame in the Electronic Body and in the Great God Flame. You are opening your consciousness, your Heart's devotion, your identification with your Mighty I AM, so you can open yourself up to the Heart of your Mighty I AM Presence. In the Pattern of the Electronic Body there is the unique Identity of each Mighty I AM Presence shining through. With your free will, you are inviting that action at the level of the Electronic Body to move through your four lower bodies. Then there will be the outpouring or generation of Love, Wisdom and Power. The Divine Incarnation plays out in all the realms. This Heart Flame will burn on forever. It is its own Source. It only needs to be what it is and the Power of that Divine Heart necessarily pours forth. Your job is to aim it, infuse it with God Consciousness, and let it go forth.
  • The Spark of Light in the Threefold Flame upon the Altar of your Heart understands its Identity as consciousness, as reality moving into all of the aspects of life and bringing the very Presence of God. The areas of life you put your attention upon begin to paint a picture of what you have elected to bring into fulfillment. From the inception of the God Flame coming forth and proclaiming I AM, the Flame upon the Altar of your Heart has been directed by the Consciousness of God. Your Mighty I AM Presence knows who it is amidst the drama of life. With the coming of The Temple of The Presence, many Dispensations were granted to bring these Teachings to the public. It is hoped that the Christ Consciousness in many will flourish throughout the Earth. You have to know what is expected of you in this incarnation so you can open the heart and generate Love to permeate the land. Akasha is such a great reservoir for you to draw upon within that Perfection that you have established. When the Manus come forth to assist you, you must be aware that it is a new Dispensation for your lifestream.
  • Lady Master Nada holds you in her Heart and guides you in an exercise of opening the Heart and entering Holy Communion in God Love. This can be the beginning of truly feeling the flow of Love, perhaps for the first time. It is not in great striving or force that the greatest Power of God comes forth but in letting go, allowing your consciousness to be seated in a state of Poise, Reverence, Peace, and in Harmony with the Fullness of the Consciousness of your Heart Flame. When you enter into this exercise of opening your own Heart, you realize what a gift it is that your Presence has made available to your own Heart Flame the opportunity to expand and expand, to bathe life in the Love of your Presence. It is only when the Sons and Daughters of God learn how to draw upon the Love of the Presence that they truly are able to Love unconditionally and to adore God in Life beyond all measure. Let your Love never flag, never be wanting, but giving, caressing life, expanding and generating the Activity of God in the foundation of Love, to the Glory of God!
  • Chamuel and Charity stand forth in their full Momentum of God Love and galvanize the Angels into God Direction for the need of the hour. All of the Momentums which you are to receive are carried to you by the most intense God Love. The Angels, at the direction of the Archangels, are assisting the Sons and Daughters of God, who will all find the Teachings of the I AM Faith as you have done. Whether it be the Ruby Fire to cover the Earth or the Comfort Flame of Love or any other God Quality, the unspeakable Power of God can move mountains. It is within your power and ability, having the understanding of the Flame on the Altar of your Heart, to issue the Christ Command to do all that is done by the Angels. Your Heart Flame teaches you how to bring the Pure Light of your Mighty I AM Presence into your outer vehicles, which are not intended to be separate. You are one vehicle in the Consciousness of God.
  • Archangel Agapiel brings you essential guidance on the action and use of the Ruby Ray. This Fire has Consciousness in it and knows itself to be the Fullness of God’s Heart. It knows how it is intended to operate. This intense Love of God desires for the Purity of God to be restored as the Divine Outpouring of Divine Love, taking on the Qualities of the natural estate of your Mighty I AM Presence and for you to master your life with the Commanding Presence of God Love. Begin with the Responsibility for bringing forth such Power, and take Authority for all you issue forth. The Ruby Fire Angels can come close to you, touching your Heart Flame, sealing you in an ovoid, an atmosphere that cannot be encroached upon by any outer force. Let your calls ring out! Let your Heart sing in the Joy, in the Love, and in the Power of God as you stand in the Fullness of the Ruby Fire, accelerating your momentum until you are no longer a shrinking violet! Let the Command of God’s Light and Momentum be anchored in the Earth!
  • It is the Mercy of your God Presence to accelerate in cycles the Momentum of Light you will receive. This Charge of Light requires you to be in alignment with the Flame on the Altar of the Heart, for you are connected to the Mighty I AM Presence by that Flame. Therefore, when your chalice is finely tuned, the Presence can transfer into your mind and spiritual centers all you require. The Flame on the Altar of the Heart is the prime mover and Commanding Presence. The preparation of stepping up your vibration regularly is most important. You must be the Truth of your Identity. Be the Mighty I AM Presence in Action. When your Heart is in that commanding action, you are taking command over time and space and returning in the figure-eight flow to the Heart of God. This is why you came into incarnation. In those moments when you receive a new Momentum of conscious awareness, let the Fullness of the Light saturate through you and carry you into a greater Victory than you thought possible.
  • El Morya answers students’ questions on communing with their Presence, becoming closer to the Presence, how El Morya became Victorious, how to use the Will of God practically in everyday life, how to navigate a relationship with a relative, and how to remedy a low vibration. He closes by saying that it is necessary to have cycles of unfolding Momentums of God Consciousness, regularly setting in motion great Currents of Momentum of God Identity so that not only the Earth, but the Sons and Daughters of God upon the Earth, may continue to accelerate to their Victory. The Glory of God is all around you! If your third-eye vision were open, you could see the magnificent display of Light, of Angels, of Ascended Masters that attend to the Conclaves and Acropolis Sophias, to all of the Services that are presented at this Altar, the opening up of the Etheric City to ray forth into your consciousness the Light and Momentum of the Temples that are there. Trust in your Mighty I AM Presence! Trust in the Light of God! Trust in the Will of God! And let the Glory of God carry you into the fulfillment of your Victory!
  • The Sabbath Jubilee was ordained long ago by the Nameless One. As explained by Moses, there would be several cycles of sevens, beginning with each seventh day being designated the Sabbath Day. In addition, every seventh year was set aside as a year in which the land would lie fallow, and after seven times seven years, there was the Great Sabbath year, a year of rest. This was the Divinely Ordained plan working through the Nameless One and Lord Ling. The Ascended Masters are proclaiming the Truths of Cosmic Law, which is an Akashic Current that is forever sounding forth the keynote of God Freedom. We are celebrating the Service of the members of the Secret Love Star regardless of the discords of mankind because the Mighty I AM Presence and the Heart Flame are worthy to be loved. We look to the Daystar of Destiny as the promise of the Victory of the Ascension. We look with anticipation to our Victory in the Light and find it within ourselves to be magnanimous to every part of life.
  • The Radiance of all the Holy Kumaras is pouring forth to the Earth a Momentum of the Secret Love Star that will hold the Earth fixed in a stream of consciousness that will allow for the acceleration of more lifestreams who desire to know God and to expand their opportunity to live a life that gives them the Freedom to be the Presence of God. For there to be an overcoming of darkness, there must be the initiates on the Path who will proclaim their Victory and the Victory of all the Flames of God. For you to truly ring the Liberty Bell of your own consciousness and have the Intonation of Akasha available to you, there must be a clarity of mind, Peace, Harmony and unconditional Love. These are glorious times when many Victories are being won. Many are absorbing the Light. But that could not be established without the Ascended Masters. You must welcome the Light into your midst and hold it dear for it to have benefit in your life.
  • It is the plan of the Heart Flame to expand from within-out into all the planes of the lower vehicles, filling them with the Light of God. The Needle Rays of Light and Life will pierce every atom, cell, and electron of the physical body. This unfoldment of the Godhead which is already within us is achievable and the goal is a complete state of God Consciousness. The Path to the Ascension is the facilitation of mastery over all of the elements. All of the Qualities and Attributes of the Godhead — the Five Secret Ray Virtues, the Seven Ray Qualities — unfold in the externalization of that which the God Presence is within itself. In the Resurrection and Ascension, the Crystal Cord is accelerated more intensely to draw all that has been externalized up into the Mighty I AM Presence. God Love and God Control always come forth through the Heart. The Threefold Flame must transmit Power for action to take place in the physical world. Through the Heart Flame, the Consciousness of the Godhead is transferred through the vehicles of emotion, mind, memory and physical.
  • A multiplication takes place in the Presence of the Angels, and as you become more acquainted with this Charge of Light, you have a greater understanding of the operation of the Light through your own vehicles of consciousness. All of the testing you experience in a given incarnation reports back to your Mighty I AM Presence the capacity of Light you are capable of holding. This telegraphs to your Presence and the Holy Angels what you are ready for and how they can assist you. The very life entrusted to the Threefold Flame of the Heart requires the Presence of God. Your outer vehicles would simply wither away and be no more, as would the Earth, if there was not the charge of God's Consciousness upon the Elemental Forces of Nature. Your Flame has expanded sufficiently to know that the very Presence of God, wisely and correctly used, can bring forth the Christ Light in all of your vehicles. Visualize the Dispensation from the Secret Love Star as the trumpeting of that Momentum being held and carried forth by the body consciousness of the Angelic Kingdom and reinforced by the Entire Spirit of the Brotherhood of Light.
Teachings from the Ascended Masters to Help You Enter into the Mighty Consciousness and Power of The GREAT I AM and Fulfill Your Divine Destiny!

Are You Ready to Have the Light of God Fill You, Charge You, and Direct You to Fulfill the Divine Providence of Your Life?Then enter into the Holy Estate of the Divine Light of the Providence of God that will guide you in the keeping of the Desire of your own God Presence all the way to your Ascension! During the 2018 Harvest Conclave, Lord Maitreya, Saint Germain, Jesus, Lord Krishna, the God and Goddess Meru, the Goddess of Purity, the Nameless One, and Ouranos presented powerful Releases of their Light, Momentum, and Instruction on the Action of God above the level of the Great Central Sun to help you understand The GREAT I AM, and the Divine Providence of the Godhead! Explore the many facets of This GREAT I AM. Learn the supreme importance of invoking the Shekhinah Pillar™. Discover what Freedom truly is from Saint Germain. Know the difference between Compassion and sympathy. These Releases are your key to understanding and unlocking the Providential Love and Goodness of The GREAT I AM that will perfect not only your world, but the entire Earth!

  • Elohim Arcturus comes with a mighty Dispensation from the Lords of Karma. He summons Archangel Zadkiel and Holy Amethyst and their Legions of Angels to join with him in bringing forth sufficient Violet Flame across the world to consume the hatred of the Light of the Christ. Those who have the prompting of their own Heart Flame to engage with their Holy Christ Presence and to receive the Mighty I AM will be fortified and purified. They will have within their countenance the radiance of the Violet Flame constantly moving, as long as these Angels stand by; or, until they are able to pour it forth for themselves. There will be the ability for Purity to come back into its rightful place within the youth and the children of the world. Open your heart, let your voices be raised in Violet Flame, and let the very Presence of God reign supreme in your Life.
  • The All-Seeing Eye of Providence is the wakeful awareness of The GREAT I AM, knowing Itself to be the Presence, The One, and The Good. The GREAT I AM is fully engaged in advancing every part of life into greater and greater Perfection. You may have the most tender, personal communion with that Presence of Almighty God, which knows Itself also to be the God Flame, the Mighty I AM Presence, as well as the Heart Flame wherever that Heart Flame abides. As you allow yourself to be lifted in consciousness into the sublime levels of this Divine Providence, you will have the opportunity to experience the baptism of your being in its Liquid Light, which is the Light of God that Never Fails! Entering into this new level of awareness between your Heart Flame and The GREAT I AM, visualize the dazzling white crystalline Light of this Consciousness of God welling up from every point of the compass, restoring the Perfection of the Godhead in all areas of your being and world.
  • Unlike in the times of old when the Initiates on the Path were sequestered away for many years, the time is now shortened for the elect. Lord Maitreya commands: Engage in the Light of God! Let the Heart soar! Put away the childish things that take you away from your Identity in God! The Ascended Masters wish you to excel at this Conclave, achieving the full Mastery your Presence desires for you. The Initiations of bringing forth the Divine Providence of your Presence and ultimately entering into the Allness of God require your complete attention. Strive to keep the all-seeing eye of your vision upon your Mighty I AM Presence and raise your vibration with the Decrees and you will be ready to receive the full outpouring of Abundance from your own individual Mighty I AM Presence. The time is now. You are in the right place at the right time to receive the Momentums your Presence desires you to have.
  • Enter into the Consciousness of Divine Providence and allow for the assistance of Lord Maitreya in your meditation. This Great I AM Consciousness never departs from the Law of its own Being of Absolute Goodness and Oneness. Its nature is to pour forth Divine Love to every part of Life while maintaining its own Purity, shining on the just and unjust while allowing no return of mortal consciousness into Itself. This wakeful Presence fulfills the Divine Responsibility of the First Secret Ray of ministering to and blessing every part of life, bringing Divine Order to all it touches. Saint Germain as Proclus explained that Divine Providence passes through all and neglects nothing, knows even imperfect things in their perfected form, knows that which is incomplete in its completed form. This is the true meaning of the Immaculate Concept. The Presence knows everything that is wholesome and innocent in your world and is in touch with your Heart Flame, knowing you as the Ascended Master to be.
  • The Goddess of Purity encourages you to have Gratitude for your Presence, your Source that gives the breath you breathe and beats your heart. Recognize every Blessing given to you. You have so much: The Flame on the Altar of your Heart, the Ascended Masters assisting you, the Glorious Elohim, the Violet Flame to refine your vehicles, and the Emerald Matrix to reorder all to the Perfection of God. The Ascension is within your grasp! When you choose to become the Presence of God, the Cosmic Light which holds the Earth in its embrace can be transferred to you on the instant. The key is to work with that Blessing and internalize Cosmic Law so it is forever yours. The Angels of Purity stream forth their Radiance to magnify areas of your life needing attention. As you begin to right those circumstances, you will enter new levels of awareness of your Identity. Let Purity keep you day and night in the full Awakened Consciousness of the Christ Mind.
  • For you to receive the buildup of God Power necessary for the Transfiguration, Resurrection, and Ascension there needs to be Divine Wisdom concerning the use of this Power. You must understand the difference between Divine Compassion and sympathy to avoid misqualifying the Power you are receiving. Saint Germain has defined human sympathy as agreement with imperfection. Do not focus on imperfection, commiserate or agree with it, in yourself or another lifestream. Rather, raise your attention and hold it upon the Mighty I AM Presence. Affirm: I AM the Perfection in place of the imperfection. It is the office of The GREAT I AM Consciousness of The One and The Good, as Divine Providence everywhere in action, to be the savior of the world, and you are becoming a participant, engaging and letting that God, who is everywhere in action, do the work through your lifestream. Enter joyously into the Mighty I AM Presence and let that Presence act by your joyous acceptance, and all things will manifest perfectly.
  • The Manus of the Sixth Root Race come to affirm you are your God Presence in action. Holding you in their Heart, they send forth the Ray of their Cosmic Light so you may feel the Hallowed Space of its Charge and know your Presence abides in the Radiance of that Light. Affirm: I AM the Presence of God! I desire the Mighty I AM Presence to release me into the full Freedom of the Holy Christ Presence. I behold the Presence of God and I will not surrender to unreality but only to the Presence of God. You were intended all along to be the Flame of God where you are. You are to anchor the Light of your Presence in the Earth and lay the groundwork for future generations to grasp what is the Truth. Your Heart Flame is that Eternal Light. Embrace that Flame and let it expand in your vehicles. Let the Light be in you, as your God Presence is in you.
  • The Temple of The Presence is the first Ascended Master Activity to reveal the Action of God above the level of the Great Central Sun. Now it is for you to put it into use and demonstrate to your Presence that this knowledge can be accompanied by increments of Divine Power, allowing the groundwork of the Golden Age to be established. This involves the lowering of the Charge of Light into your four lower bodies from your Mighty I AM Presence, from the Ascended Masters, and from the Golden Helicon. For a Golden Age to come requires a great wielding of Power. Therefore, there must be the passing of real life initiations where you rise into the Wisdom of your own Presence. You take Responsibility and then are given the Power to fulfill that Responsibility. These are the Christ Virtues, and they rest with your I AM Presence as the Doer, who initiates and sustains them. All belongs to the Mighty I AM Presence and is entrusted to your outer self for use in Service. The GREAT I AM is the ultimate Power. All things great and small are dependent upon Divine Providence.
  • Jesus instructs you to stand in the overshadowing of your own Holy Christ Presence and invoke the Shekhinah Pillar. When the Light of your Presence streams forth and the Shekhinah Pillar that you have visualized over you pours forth its Radiance, you have established a very powerful Momentum! For this invokes the Ascended and Cosmic Beings to move into action for and on your behalf. See the Shekhinah Pillar radiating far and wide across the Earth in a spinning action that leaves no space untouched by the Flame of God qualified by these Cosmic Beings! In the visualizing of the Shekhinah Pillar, you can deal with every negativity. The Charge of the Shekhinah Pillar has been placed in a Temple in the Etheric City above the Altar of The Temple of The Presence, so that you may easily access it. This Light must go forth for the Golden Age to dawn! When you hear of something going on in the world, make the Call in that moment, but only in Harmony with the Presence of God.
  • Lord Krishna comes in the full array of the God Consciousness of The One to share with you those areas of life that you must pay attention to. He instructs you on preparing yourself for the Presence of God: learning to move within the Fires of God; calling forth the Resurrection Flame to purify your vehicles; and living your life in the understanding that you are a Son or Daughter of God. Each day you should be resurrecting latent energies within your being to elevate your consciousness, refine your chalice, and set you in the Vibration that your Presence requires. Lord Krishna initiates spirals of the Resurrection Flame in the Earth so that at any time you desire to elevate your consciousness, to purify and refine the tiniest cell of your body temple, the Resurrection Flame is available to you. Hold fast to your disciplines during the next year so that you are preparing your vehicles to accelerate in Resurrection’s Flame.
  • This Conference celebrates the Glorious, Dazzling, Mercury Diamond Shining Consciousness of The GREAT I AM. This Universal God Consciousness is all-pervading, alive, and self-luminous. It can only be described as Light! and Light is this God Consciousness! This Most High God Consciousness is present in the White Fire Core of every atom, every cell of every part of this earth element. The Perfection within the Consciousness of The GREAT I AM is what we know as the Ascended Master Consciousness. As The GREAT I AM and the Individual I AM are One, so this God Consciousness is focused in your Heart Flame as well and is accessible to you. As a Son or Daughter of God you can call down the Dazzling White Light in all its Purity and Perfection to fully engulf you so that appearances are no longer seen and the multiplication of the Light annihilates the overlay of discord, restoring order and Purity.
  • Saint Germain proclaims that Freedom is not license to do whatever you will; it is the Freedom to be within the Presence of God, exercising the Virtues of the Christ, the Qualities of God, the Divine Outpouring from the Mind of God, and putting away childish things. For there to be the expansion of your gifts to give to God in Life, there must be Freedom! The Flame of Freedom must be guarded and protected. You cannot merely go through life with your head in the Great Central Sun and ignore what is about you. Your role in life is to take dominion in the Earth, to exercise the Christ Command, to expand the Light, and to assist in the co-creation of an Earth worthy of the Christ Light and, ultimately, the Golden Age. You are the Mighty I AM Presence in action when you allow that Freedom of the expression of God to come forth! And that is what Saint Germain wishes for the Earth!
  • When Creation comes forth, there is the Consciousness of The GREAT I AM proclaiming, “I AM Light.” From the Realm of the Great Central Sun flows the infinite variety of combinations and materials used throughout all creation down to the physical Earth. By cultivating the Consciousness of The GREAT I AM, you will be able to bring the pressure of the Light of the original Perfection of the Presence to bear in your life. You won't know the quintessence of who you are until you reach all the way into the inner Electronic Circle of your own Individual Mighty I AM Presence, which is a focus of the Consciousness of The GREAT I AM and contains the providential foreknowledge of The GREAT I AM. There is the imperative need for the acceleration of the Light in the four lower bodies. This is the lifelong work of those who wish to achieve the Victory of the Transfiguration, the Resurrection, and the Ascension.
  • The Nameless One affirms that the opportunity for incarnation should be honored and respected. You are given every opportunity under Cosmic Law to accelerate your vehicles into the Mastery you require to make your Ascension. The Eternal Now of the Light streaming forth from your Mighty I AM Presence will bring to you everything you require. The Light from the High Altar of the Great Central Sun knows only Perfection, and only the aspect of your Presence tethered to the Flame upon the Altar of your Heart can abide in this Light. You are gaining the Charge of that Light from your own Threefold Flame expanding out into your vehicles of consciousness. As it becomes stepped up and magnified, this River of Light can easily wash away any obstacles in your life. To know of that Presence of God there must be the Great Silence filling your consciousness with the very Presence of God. Listen to the Chohans, for they have invaluable instruction on each of the Rays of God Consciousness.
  • From your first incarnation, the very Perfection of God has streamed forth from your own Mighty I AM Presence into your outer vehicles to make a difference. The Maha Elohim Ouranos offers the reassuring teaching that you are tethered to the Allness of God in every way possible, and through that tether is the transfer of the Charge of God Direction. You can invoke the Flames of Elohim to expand within you, for you have the Charge of Elohim upon your brow and upon your Heart. But you must hold to the precepts of Cosmic Law. The spiritual centers, the Threefold Flame of the Heart, will all work in concert with the Mind of God and establish God on Earth. Wherever that Mind of God resides and you are holding to the Law in all ways, you will experience no limitation with the Presence of God. Only those who truly understand the Law can accelerate into the Ascension in the Light.
  • The Consciousness of Divine Providence is an antidote to any sadness you might be tempted to feel regarding the affairs of the world. As you commune with the Consciousness of The Great I AM, you will read the record of the Providential Love, care, and concern for every person on Earth and realize that all is well in the Consciousness of God, for that Presence is always in action. You have to cultivate the understanding that God is an awakened state of absolute awareness. It is the One Self-Aware Consciousness from which all else unfolds. You can decide that one with the Presence is a majority and stand with the God Consciousness that outweighs human opinions. The Great I AM is Light! Light! Light! It is the Light that wells up from within the White Fire Core of Being and is the vehicle of the God Consciousness that contains the knowledge of the Perfection of everything.
  • Wisdom is more than the wise use of Illumination. It is the Pattern of the Mind of God that allows you to know exactly what is needed at any second to fuel the Charge of Light that comes forth through your vehicles of expression into the world of form. The more you engage in the Light, the more you will be capable of holding. Do not let one day go by when you do not bring in more Illumination, study the Teachings, and fill yourself with the Patterns of the Christ Consciousness that you can bring to the fore. When you invoke the Light and stand in the onrush of the Charge going forth from your Threefold Flame, the Allness of God will respond. Allow the fullness of the radiance of your own Illumination Flame to stream forth and assist you in the manifestation of every God Quality. Beloved Sophia accelerates the Charge of Golden Wisdom throughout Earth and in your world to be held by her Holy Angels of Wisdom's Flame for as long as your Presence desires.
Teachings from the Ascended Masters to Help You Stand Charged in the Light of Your Christ Presence and Enter the Paradise Realm of Helios and Vesta!

You Are Invited to Partake of Paradise — to Don the Garment of Your Holy Christ Presence and Enter the God Consciousness of Helios and Vesta! During the 2018 July Freedom Conclave and Acropolis Sophia, Vesta and other Ascended Masters, including Saint Germain, the Maha Chohan, Pallas Athena, Leto, Lord Gautama, Lord Maitreya, the Goddess of Liberty, and the Hierarchs of the Five Elements, presented powerful Releases of their Light, Momentum, and Instruction to help you elevate your attunement into the Heart of your Holy Christ Presence and enter the Buddhic World and the Holy Vibration and God Reality of the Paradise Kingdom of Helios and Vesta. Discover the importance of spiritual training and Christ Discrimination. Understand the Law of the Threefold Flame. Learn how to fill your chalice with the Life and Light of God. Build an alliance with the Hierarchs of Elemental Life. Explore Maitreya’s Garden. And establish a new baseline for your attunement with your own Presence! Like a multi-dimensional map, this double album of thirty Releases will help you forge a straight pathway to the Blessings of Helios and Vesta’s Paradise Kingdom!

  • The Beloved Maha Chohan calls you forth to the Freedom Conclave, to immerse yourself in the teachings on the Seven Rays and the Elemental Forces of Nature of the Five Pranic Breaths. Meditate deeply and allow your consciousness to soar to the heights of your own God Presence. There you can strive to perceive the movement of the Elemental Forces of Nature. You will then apply your spiritual senses into pouring forth the Qualities of your own God Presence into the fullness of the Elemental Forces of Nature. You will fashion and form your life and all about you with your Mighty I AM Presence. Let your Heart Flame grasp every nuance that is released, building upon this opportunity at every turn. Let your Heart soar in knowing that as you invest in calling daily to your Presence, it will come full circle in the Ascension in the Light.
  • The Violet Flame that you have given this day has prepared you for the Fullness of all you are to receive during the coming of the Hierarchs of the Elements who will instruct you on the refinement of your outer vehicles. You must take Authority over them! You have been given these Teachings so you can have a wealth of Wisdom to touch the Flame of God and have that Flame moving in, through, and around you daily. The momentum you are establishing here and now within your consciousness and the Teaching being lowered will continue as a firm and lasting foundation into the Fullness of the Golden Age. Throughout this coming cycle, you will be given the opportunity to feel the Charge of the Purity and Consciousness of the Hierarchs, and learn how you can apply all of that within your own vehicles of consciousness. The Ascended Masters are ever ready to assist you at every turn. You need only ask. You have the ability, here and now, to make a difference and live the Golden Age!
  • You are invited to enter here and now into the Paradise Kingdom, far beyond mortal consciousness, yet as close as your own Heart Flame. The Masters desire for you to experience firsthand the tangible reality of this magnificent Realm and achieve the alchemical marriage of the outer self with the Holy Christ Presence. Saint Germain in his embodiment as Francis Bacon was in a constant state of Listening Grace. His attention was fixed upon a realm of such exquisite Perfection that the vision before him served to remove any sting of earthly life. Jesus knew of this Heavenly Kingdom of God and taught in the Lord’s Prayer that it is to outpicture here on Earth as in Heaven. It is your right and privilege to have your mortal experience glorified with the outpouring and inpouring of this Light. As you experience this, your mind and feelings will be fed with the Bread of Angels and you will find yourself filled with a Divine Zeal to anchor all this in the outer world.
  • Lord Maitreya takes you into the Buddhic Realm, desiring you to absorb into your conscious awareness all that comes to mind as Purity, as Love, as God. This Realm is availed to you to win your Victory as a Christ, living in Joy and Beauty where God Ideals can come forth. Here you can create, commanding the Elemental Forces of Nature through your Heart Flame. It is Lord Maitreya’s hope that, with the coming of the Hierarchs of the Elements, you will understand how to establish that pristine record of the Christ Light and have it reverberate throughout the world. Once you are able to accelerate into the Buddhic Realm you may come to take a stroll through Maitreya’s Garden. Hearing the sounds of Joy and laughter and reflecting on the landscape you will see the jewels that are there dancing in the Light for your enjoyment and will understand that the Hand of God is not limited.
  • You are being given basic spiritual training to cultivate the sense of the ephemeral nature of the outer world. Your Holy Christ Presence always has the sense that outer appearances are maya, illusory, unreal, and it receives no reverberation or record of emotional turmoil into its Realm. Through your connection with your Christ Presence and your Heart Flame you can wield the two-edged sword of Christ Discrimination. If you are to recognize and arrest those riptides of thought and feeling, you must cultivate a close communion with your Christ Presence. As you wear that garment, more and more you will have promptings concerning events in your own life. You will see them for what they are and direct the Light into them. Saint Germain teaches that you need not feed your attention into conditions, or allow yourself to be moved or burdened, or to have any sense of the power of world conditions. Simply see them for what they are and make the calls, putting the God Presence into those conditions.
  • Beloved Leto offers her assistance in knitting together your vehicles of consciousness to prepare you for the Golden Age of One. By putting on the garment of Fearlessness, you will roll back any riptides of thought and feeling with the Fires of God and stand in the Fullness of Freedom with the expression of God in full command. Train your vehicles to be responsive to the Light, drinking in all that your Presence has for you daily. Your Presence is fully and completely capable of handling any weight of human unreality, and if at any time you feel weak, you can call to the Entire Spirit of the Brotherhood of Light to assist you. Whether you know it or not you are protected. Therefore, live life to the best of your ability — in Joy, in God, in the Fullness of your Presence.
  • The Goddess of Liberty entreats you to remember the Truth of your Identity so you can exercise the Freedom being given to stretch forth your consciousness and enter into God Reality. There needs to be the figure-eight flow with the Presence for Liberty to be in the land. Staking out a piece of land may not be possible in this era, but the greater opportunity to enter into the Kingdom of Helios and Vesta is being given. This is the New Frontier of the Presence of God, a land rich with the Blessings of God. With little effort you can have the Pure Nature of God establishing the atmosphere about you, building a Flame Fountain on your home altar that can take on the Qualities you desire to bring forth from your Heart Flame. Have you elected to be the Presence of God? Your responsibility is to establish a momentum of God Identity on the Earth. You must be the Golden Age!
  • Making your Ascension requires you to put your attention upon the Paradise Kingdom of Helios and Vesta, as well as enter into it. During this Conference you will hear revelations and descriptions of this Realm of Perfection. Hold the vision that you are on the very cusp of liberating the Authority and Power of your Mighty I AM Presence to accelerate the four lower bodies; uphold that level and sustain that momentum. The Great Divine Director, whose name comes from the fact that he is in control of great Power from the Godhead and whose Office is in part to direct that Power, renders the service of assisting the students to reaccelerate the four lower bodies when they prove themselves to be ready. Once the acceleration has occurred, there can be the overshadowing of the Holy Christ Presence enveloping and sharing its God Consciousness with your feelings, with your mind, with your free will.
  • The Great Divine Director desires that you understand your God Identity and how to integrate with that Identity. Surrendering to the Mighty I AM Presence is the greatest striving that you can enter into. For it is within that surrender that you establish the willingness to allow the Will of God, the Purity of God, the Grand Design of God to come to the fore. Allow your reactions to be God reactions and examine your relationships, habits, and your desires. Do they follow the Virtues of the Christ? The Great Divine Director calls you into the service of your Mighty I AM Presence to accomplish whatever the Presence asks of you. The Still Small Voice of the Heart, welling up within you, will carry you into the Bliss of the Fullness of the Presence of God and allow the Presence to orchestrate all of the creativity you are to accomplish.
  • This landmark Discourse contains awe-inspiring revelations concerning the Paradise Kingdom of Helios and Vesta, and you are encouraged to begin venturing into that Realm. Like explorers of old who brought back incredible stories of such places as Yellowstone Park, you are commissioned to journey into this Realm of Perfection so that all mankind will eventually desire to do so also. As you travel throughout this Realm of quintessential Beauty, the Oneness of your Individuality with The GREAT I AM will become evident and you will begin to be aware of that brooding Presence. Throughout this Buddhic Realm and the lower realms you will find the Buddhic Web, which holds within it the Divine Designs from the Mind of God for the Earth. To understand the nature of these Patterns of Perfection is to understand the action of the Resurrection Flame. The entire Shekinah Pillar™, particularly the Shield of Elohim™, reveals that the Earth truly is the Lord’s and the Fullness thereof!
  • Lord Gautama inspires you to enter upon a wonderful journey in the Buddhic Web where you will receive all that the Mind of God desires you to draw into your conscious awareness. Life consists of moving forward, elevating your consciousness and vibration, and meeting life where you are. Not just initiations and labor, but Joy, Bliss, and Harmony are to fill your life! Lord Gautama encourages you to temper all your vehicles of consciousness with Harmony, Purity, Constancy, Fearlessness, Clarity, and Responsibility. There is no need to wrestle with maya. When the Holy Christ Presence is overshadowing you, there is the Wisdom of how to deal with any situation and you have the Patience, Poise, and Faith to know all will be well. When the Holy Christ Presence is fully engaged it is lawful for the Realms of Perfection to come to be where you are.
  • Understanding the Buddhic Realm with its Patterns of Perfection is a practical part of your Mastery. The Cosmic Pranic Breaths are accessible to you. The journey to Helios and Vesta is one of opening your Heart and letting your Presence elevate your attunement and attention, allowing your focus to be in your Christ Presence. The Buddhic Sun-Behind-the-Sun is an open doorway into the Nirvanic Realm, the place of the Panoply of the Christos. To graduate from your earthly pilgrimage, you must first complete the work of drawing the Presence and the Light down, bringing them into manifestation here and now. The Great Commission for The Temple is to keep the Truth of God Individualized, the Mighty I AM Presence, and the whole fabric of Cosmic Law alive as a foundation for all who truly love God and deserve to know the Truth of the Law of their own Being — their Individual God Identity.
  • Archangel Adonel embodies the Consciousness of the Mind of the I AM. When Adonel comes with his legions, the Substance of the Mind of God penetrates the very atmosphere. He brings you instruction on Illumination’s Flame and how there must be sufficient Love for God for Illumination to flourish. Passion for life is stirred by the Love of God. You are to take Authority over your life and exercise the Christ Virtues. Life is to be a series of victories, a series of overcoming. Have the awareness that there is nothing in Heaven or on Earth that you cannot accomplish with your I AM Presence. Adonel declares the importance of making the Calls. Use the Fiat I AM! that draws the very Presence of God into your midst. It is the I AM that performs all Perfection and all Good Work. He teaches why you cannot separate any one of the Five Secret Rays of the Pranic Breaths from another.
  • Wherever you are, you are in the place where God resides. Wherever you are is the open door into the Inner Realms. The Buddhic Realm of Helios and Vesta is a swaddling garment around you, around every person, and around the Earth itself. Participating in that Realm requires your Heart Flame’s ability to enforce the Law of the Being, the Buddhic Consciousness of your Holy Christ Presence, upon your four lower bodies. The I AM Presence’s expressions of Power, Wisdom, and Love are always seeking to work from within out through the Threefold Flame. It is through this shared Consciousness with your Holy Christ Presence that you are able to look out through the eyes of that body and gaze upon the Perfect Patterns that exist in the Paradise Kingdom of Helios and Vesta. The standard upheld in that Paradise Kingdom comes from the Consciousness of the One Presence. It is true Ascended Master Perfection.
  • Beloved Vesta holds each Son and Daughter of God upon the Earth close to her Heart as a Mother, as a Hierarch, as the Flame of Illumination. The Wisdom that she imparts will carry each one into their Ascension. She explains how important it is for you to have the attunement with the Mind of God and the readiness to receive it and to have the understanding that you cannot fulfill your Divine Outpouring of the Presence of God with the human consciousness. You cannot cut off any part of your vehicles of consciousness from the Mind of God. Let the Mind of God be so fired within you that you know on the instant God Will, God Love, God Truth, God Purity! When you combine those Attributes of God Qualities, you can bring to the fore all of the Treasures of your own I AM Presence in all of its Glory. Each day there should be a new expansion of the figure-eight flow with your Presence.
  • The purpose of this week of Acropolis is to allow for a closer relationship with the Hierarchs of the Elements so that you have a co-measurement of what they can do for your life. Your destiny is within the palm of your hand as you act as the envoy of your Presence. All things in the four lower bodies of this world are moved by pressurized developments of Life. Life operates on and moves Light, sometimes from without and sometimes from within. Light by itself is universal and has no self-awareness. It cannot decide to move on its own. It is the Threefold Flame of the Heart of the Individualization of God that moves Life. Matter is moved by Will. Will affects Life. The Hope Diamond illustrates the glorious Truth that one’s Individual Presence is a blazing Sun, infinite in its Source; supra-full of the Goodness of the Godhead. That Presence is able to impart the Perfection that it is to all of the pranas under your control.
  • The Maha Chohan desires you to be in the Flame of your Heart and to become the full adept at work. Put your attention on how it feels to have the flow of God Light so very close. Be at Peace, for Peace allows the Light of the Presence to move through you, allowing you to sail over the mass consciousness. In this Peace and quiet there is the knowing that you are the Presence of God. For Peace and Harmony to stay with you, the inner core of your being must be galvanized by the White Light of the Mother Flame. Your vehicles must be tuned, fashioned, and refashioned, resurrected back into vehicles that will hold the Light your Presence desires. Study well, but remember how to enter into the Peace of your meditation. Trust in your Presence. Let your bodies become aware of who they are under the direction of the Mind of God, the Light of God, and the Will of God.
  • The Threefold Flame is to take its dominion over each of the outer realms. When the Threefold Flame is expanded and unfolded and given its rightful Authority, by Cosmic Law your Mighty I AM Presence can assert its God Dominion over your every thought, feeling, word, deed, memory, and attention. Nothing can assail you when all is controlled by your I AM Presence in the Heart of the Great Central Sun. Helios and Vesta and other Ascended and Cosmic Beings have already achieved this ideal state. Their Causal and Buddhic vehicles function as one through the nexus of their Threefold Flame. They always stand ready to assist through the Dispensation of streaming Golden Helicon. This is an action whereby the Cosmic Momentums of the Entire Spirit of the Brotherhood of Light have been collected and welded together by the Power of God into one. Their Causal Bodies are there in that Nirvanic World and made available to the Sons and Daughters of God.
  • Zeus instructs you on many points of Cosmic Law including what is required to move effortlessly through Akasha, the Universal Sea of Life and Light of God Substance; the importance of internalizing the Authority of God; on transferring your Causal Body Attainment to your outer vehicles; on translating the tonal quality of Akasha into creativity. Zeus states that all you require is your Mighty I AM Presence and the bending of the knee in surrender to that Presence so that the Flames of God may perform their Perfect Work. To have full command of all of the Rays of God Consciousness there must the integration of the Heart Flame with your own Electronic Body. In all of your pursuit of the understanding of the Teachings of the Ascended Masters and Cosmic Law, put your attention first upon the Mighty I AM Presence, for that is the Authority of your life! The Hand of God is Zeus’ Work. He fills all space of the Christ Consciousness with the Charge of God's Substance.
  • When Saint Germain taught his students to say: “Mighty God in me! I face Thy Eternal Sunrise…” he was alluding to the Divine Life forever issuing from the Sun-Behind-the-Sun, invigorating the four lower bodies and working its way into the center of the Earth. Those currents then travel back to the Great Central Sun. These forces are a part of the Sacred Life of the Individual Presence and the Life of God in the Great Central Sun. They are to be revered for the Holy Consciousness they are and only used selflessly, for the Mighty I AM Presence is always the Doer. All of this Realm of Coming-To-Be is the Garden of Helios and Vesta, fashioned by the Elohim and the Hierarchs of the Elements. Functioning in this Realm while in incarnation was the natural estate, for incarnation was never intended to be filled with discord and all manner of human creation.
  • Aurora sends forth the Charge of the Violet Flame, the Purple Robes of Royalty that you are to wear, the Golden Light of Illumination’s Flame, and the Ruby Fire so that in your Office of the Christ Light you will understand what it means to have unassailable Purity, Divine Truth, and a Heart that is always giving, always sacrificing of Itself to allow for its own Light Substance from the Presence of God to flow and bless those around it. Make the leap into your Christ Presence. Allow the Light to perform its Perfect Work, lifting you into the Divine Patterns you have longed for. Learn what it means to be and move in the Presence of God, to love, create, and be steadfast and constant in the Presence of God. No greater Freedom could ever be expressed than to enter into the Kingdom of your own Presence and to allow that Momentum to carry you through life.
  • Guarding and disciplining your emotional body is a prerequisite for attaining God Power. Learn to recognize when the waters of your life are spilling out into needless waste. The energy in motion you are to bring forth is the Energy of God. It is directed by God and belongs to God. Learning how to move within the water element requires the realization of the subtleties present within your emotional body. To gain the Ascension, there must be the charging of the bodies you wear with discipline and harmonization. You can’t leave it to chance. You must be on guard. These things are important, for there is not another incarnation to master this; it is here and now. You may think you have all the time in the world to get this right. But that is not the Path of an initiate who is taking the reins as the Godhead Charioteer to move into their higher vehicles of Light and gain their Attainment.
  • Everything less than Perfection can be charged with Ascended Master Divine Perfection. You can draw forth the Power of the Life of your Presence, not only at the level of the Electronic Body, but you draw forth that Power and God Perfection into your outer vehicles as well. Then your world becomes a blazing Outpouring of Ascended Master Light into which nothing human can penetrate. The only thing that can come back to you is the Perfection you send forth into the universe. Your Office as the Christ Presence is to wield the Sword of Christ Discrimination. If the appearance world reports back less than the Vibration of the Presence, you call the Light into those conditions. The answer goes forth from your Electronic Body and will continue on for as long as it takes to produce 100% fulfillment of the initial call. You need to be on the Path to your Ascension until your Presence calls you home. So desire is the motor force that keeps refueling Divine Zeal for the Path.
  • Saint Germain calls you into the service of Freedom’s Flame to establish a ritual within your own life to let your calls go forth. Let the Violet Flame move in the land to consume the unreality and return the Sons and Daughters of God to Peace, to respect and honor of each one, and to the Glory of God regardless of religion. Your God-given talent is to invoke the Light of God as a Priest and Priestess of the Sacred Fire. Never should there be a time in the United States when there is not the Flame of Freedom burning brightly. It must be protected and fed by the Light of God. For if the Light goes out in America, who will hold the torch? It is for you to ignite a Flame of Freedom that will be heard around the world. When you are right with your Presence, you have the full command of the Light of God to meet all personal challenges and still call forth the Light. It is a matter of priority. A Golden Age can only happen when there are those who know who they are, take command, and lift up the rest of mankind who are ready. What more glorious opportunity could there be for the Flame of Freedom within your life?
  • The Hierarchs of the Air Element desire for you to have the understanding of Cosmic Law so that at every turn you may make a wise discernment according to what is presented to you from any source whatsoever. Vibration matters. What you receive into your consciousness affects the whole of your body temple in this world of form in which you reside. If there is not sufficient Charge of Light and Momentum within your own emotional body, how can you hold your vibration to that high pitch that is required to be within the Mind of God? Your life is intended to be full, abundant, and filled with all you require. But that is determined by the Patterns of the Mind of God you allow to play upon the Pranic Breath of your own mental body. Begin to live as though you are practicing to be an Ascended Master, for indeed you are, when you are in the Fullness of the Mind of God.
  • Virgo and Pelleur stand in the Great Central Sun with their attention and Momentum going forth to fill the Earth. What you ultimately manifest in the physical is going to be a product of what you are distilling within your consciousness. Within the Flame upon the Altar of your Heart is the memory of that Purity, of that Joy, of that Sanctity of God. And that is what you must be in touch with to bring into manifestation all that is God Good. Your Constancy in your disciplines and devotion to God is what will ultimately bring you the Mastery and Attainment you require. The pressure upon the Altar of your Heart is the pressure within your own body temple that is connected with the Great Central Sun. Your role as an incarnate Son and Daughter of God is to learn how to magnify it, charge it, and ultimately co-create with that Flame all that is God Good.
  • El Morya proclaims that you must hone, fashion, form, love, and create a vehicle of consciousness worthy to be charged by the Light of God. The mere desire for the Presence of God to move within your life is enough to start the fire, bring you the courage, the inner strength, and the Mind of God to direct you and change those areas that need to be brought into alignment with the Christ Virtues. Your Causal Body is full of Attainment and Mastery, but you must train these outer vehicles to be the good, wise servant. You are an Individualization, but you are also part of the Allness of God and you have the Family of God to assist you in all things that must come to be. Becoming the actualization and manifestation of God means you draw upon the Mighty I AM Presence, bringing that Light all the way through to each plane of existence and establishing God Good. The overshadowing of the Christ Light is the Divine and Holy Purpose of life.
  • This Discourse addresses the causes of emotional and mental pain. What counts is that you are on the return path, your Presence is there, and you have a whole panoply of spiritual tools at your disposal. As you identify more and more with your Presence and your four lower bodies become polished with the Violet Flame, a rolling momentum develops and your daily allotment of karma is swept up into the Violet Flame. Pallas Athena has volunteered to be the champion who will stand within your aura and work with you on these various conditions. One of the best ways of ensuring that you quickly clean out your karma is to apply the Light to the memory body. Use Mighty Victory’s Fiat to “turn this condition upside down and bring an Ascended Master Victory out of it.” The Goddess of Liberty will reinforce your Threefold Flame. There is no greater mothering action anywhere than that of the Goddess of Liberty.
  • When utilized wisely, the Ruby Fire is your greatest protection. For it can consume on the instant all of the patterns of negativity that you call forth to go into its Flame. There are those circumstances that you must guard well to keep out of your life, for you know not the tendencies of your previous incarnations. Maintain the consciousness of your own God Presence holding the Ruby Fire for you intensely until it has consumed every momentum that must go into the Flame. There must be the coming together of hearts afire to ignite all of the Virtues of the Christ so that the Pranic Breaths of God may come under the full command of the Light of God once more. For there to be the fulfillment of all of these areas of the Pranic Breaths under the canopy of the Christ Command, there must be a Fire upon your Heart taking command. The greatest assistance in this era for the Sons and Daughters of God is the Shekhinah Pillar.
  • All of nature is suffused with Divine Life, the universal indwelling awareness and intelligence that is the Body Consciousness of God. The world still needs the United States of America to protect and defend the freedoms that are necessary. You have the 40,000 Angels given to you by Archangel Michael and the Shekhinah Pillar to call upon. The Angels are the extension of The GREAT I AM Itself standing in your aura. They are universal and impersonal. You have that blessing within your world, and it tips the scales. This is how the ills of the world will be resolved. There is such a oneness between your Heart Flame and The GREAT I AM that whatever your Heart Flame is doing is known by The GREAT I AM. The Light knows its own and gives of Itself unceasingly and unconditionally every moment. Nothing is more vital among mankind today than giving the I AM Decrees for the advancement, enlightenment, and protection for themselves, their families, and America. Remember that your Heart Flame is the Infinite Power of the Light that is truly calling to Itself.
  • You who have put your attention upon the Mighty I AM Presence are allowing for the tincture of the Perfection of the Rays of God Consciousness to move within your vehicles to establish Divine Patterns, Divine Momentum, Vibration, and Intonation, the perfect pressure of the Power of God. You are the conductor of a great Symphony of Nature come to life within your own body temple. You must be able to stand in the Fullness of the Rod of Power of your own Mighty I AM Presence with Purity coursing through the spinal altar so that there is the White Fire of the Mother Light magnetizing the Great Pranic Breaths to be played upon by the Purity that streams forth from your spiritual centers. The choice is yours, as always, to be in the Presence of God or not. Those are really the only two freewill elections anyone ever makes.
Teachings from the Ascended Masters to Help You Master the Christic Fire of the Emerald Ray and Know and Become the Wisdom and Truth of Cosmic Law!

Pallas Athena, Goddess of Truth, stands ready to be your champion. Take her hand, embody the Truth of Cosmic Law — and Be the Golden Age! During the 2018 Easter Conclave and Acropolis Sophia, Pallas Athena and sixteen other Ascended Masters, including Beloved Jesus, the Maha Chohan, Leto, Serapis Bey, Surya, Sophia, and Saint Germain, presented powerful Releases of their Light, Momentum, and Instruction to help you enter into the Allness of God and stand as a Pillar of Fire exemplifying the Christ Light! Discover the importance of knowing and embracing the Divine Truths of Cosmic Law. Understand the office of being a Torch Bearer of The Temple. Learn what it takes to master the practical use of the Emerald Ray for the instantaneous response to your calls. And know what exhibiting the culture of the Presence and embodying a Golden Age truly means. This double album contains over thirty Releases to help you wield the Razor’s Edge Sword of the Truth of Cosmic Law to pass your Initiations, expand your Christhood, and be a vital part of building Saint Germain’s glorious Golden Age for all the Earth!

  • This Class the Ascended Masters seek to elevate your consciousness into your own Beloved Mighty I AM Presence and have you participate in the Transcendence, the exalted God Consciousness of your Presence, lowering its nature into your life. Serapis Bey as Phidias spent nine years on his “Athena Promachos” statue, depicting Pallas Athena in her role as defender, and another eight years on his “Athena Parthenos” statue, depicting her as the virgin maiden. Phidias also spent twelve years attuning with Zeus for his statue. Just as Phidias meditated on Pallas Athena and Zeus and strove to lower the Patterns of their Consciousnesses into this outer world, you are striving to lower the Light, Life, and Love of your own God Presence through your words, conduct, feelings, and thoughts. All of these are to carve the living, breathing manifestation of your Christ Presence and I AM Presence into this world of form to become the be-all and the end-all of your life.
  • The Maha Chohan inaugurates this Conclave in honor of his Beloved Twin Flame, Pallas Athena, and all who stand in the Fullness of the Truth of Cosmic Law®. He reminds you that you are the Flame of God! You are intended to be and expand that Flame throughout the entirety of your incarnation. Stating that life is a series of Initiations, he instructs that just as Odysseus had his lessons, so you have yours. You are the Mighty I AM Presence, the Individualization of God! Holding fast to the God Awareness of who you are is the test for the true Initiate on the Path. Use the Momentum, the Fire, the Teaching, and the Cosmic Law of your Being to ignite the Ascension in your life. That is a Mighty Work! It takes the full commitment of your life. Your Victory is won by the choices you make, the decisions, the vibration, the Law that you are.
  • Your Presence is the initiator of your incarnation, here for the purpose of taking its God Dominion over creation through the Victory of the Ascension in the Light. It is your task to identify with your Presence and the Patterns of Perfection of your own Individual God Identity. Accept the nature of your Presence as already being the accomplished Ascended Master, with all of the Divine Qualities that that entails. You can be inspired by those Patterns, weaving into your outer expression those Ideals of your Presence while transmuting all the lesser patterns in your outer self. Your Presence is the doer, the prime mover, and must do its work from within out through your four lower bodies. Your job is to make the call, to hold the tether of consciousness to your Presence, and to remove from yourself all that is unlike the Perfect Patterns of the Electronic Body of your I AM Presence.
  • Serapis Bey instructs you on what you need to keep in the forefront of your consciousness, even now as you are moving toward the Ascension at the close of this life. You have the Flame of God abiding upon the Altar of your Heart and that is where you take command of your life. Draw forth the Sword of Truth of your Identity in God, and allow your Victory to begin. Call upon the White Fire if you desire to wield the Razor’s Edge Sword of Truth. There is nothing that any Ascended Master or the Light of your Presence can do for you absent your engagement in that Light — it must all be done through you, and through you is the key. The work begins at your altar and every word is a Cup of Light. Any sense of opposition in your life is an opportunity to prove the Law. Hold the Vision of your Presence fixed in your consciousness as the goal of life and all will be well!
  • Through countless incarnations, individuals fixate on outer appearances and pour their own creative thought and feeling into those appearances, giving them power. Unreality only has power if there is an emotional or mental force pushing it forward. You may think you are contending with worldwide forces, but the real enemy is within your own accumulated records of discord expressing through your memory and feeling worlds. When that accumulated pressure of discord is transmuted, the outer appearance will collapse. So be very firm with your feeling world. Follow the example of your Presence and do not give in to appearances. Train your spiritual vision and attunement to hold to God in Action in the place of every condition. The formula for overcoming is to stay your spiritual course and to practice your calls, along with receiving assistance from the Ascended Masters. As The Odyssey illustrates, Pallas Athena is the champion of all who strive toward their Ascension.
  • Stating that you have much still to achieve, Leto instructs you to stay within the point of center of your being. Necessity’s Ray allows you to gain mastery in fulfilling the requirements of your Presence. Many times the maladies that come upon you may be to test whether or not you can draw upon the Truth of your Identity. Learn Patience and the God Quality of Poise to hold the Charge of Light. Learn Mastery of the Will of God, Illumination’s Flame, and unconditional Love to receive the Emerald Ray. Your Presence’s intent is for you to be the Christ. Your Presence deserves your full attention, and that primes the pump of a greater Love that it can expand through you. Hold fast to the Emerald Ray so that it will pour forth the Attainment you require to utilize wisely all that God has in store for you. The Light of God will fill your every need, your every desire, if you stay the course and hold fast!
  • The study of the Truth of Cosmic Law bridges the gap for the outer mind between the obstacles of doubt and incredulity and the higher Truths. If you are laboring under a subconscious acceptance of mistaken beliefs, the Law of the Being of your Presence will not be able to act through you to the fullest extent. Forging new pathways of intuition into the higher Realities of God, directed by your Presence, will enable you to see beyond appearances, as Pallas Athena taught Parmenides to do. Then you can annihilate the unreality with the Sword of Truth. As was Parmenides, you can be lifted in consciousness by Pallas Athena to the Great Central Sun. And when you rise further into the Lux Invictus Moment, you will finally realize this Light is the Source of everything spiritual and everything has come forth from that Source.
  • Saint Germain calls forth the Sword of Truth for this era so that you will not mistake the initiations and opportunities that you are to pass with God Victory at every turn. Recognize and appreciate the Charge of Light that is given to you daily by the Mighty I AM Presence. You have far more Attainment than you are allowing to come to the fore. Saint Germain once again warns the students of the karmic consequences of gossip, which prevents new Dispensations from coming forth and has caused wars and the collapse of civilizations. Cleanse the palate of worldly tastes so there can be an expansion of Attainment. For you to step into new pathways of Mastery, desired by your Presence for greater Attainment, the Flame of God has to be in command. You are called in this era to be the shining Light of the Christ, to uphold that Light for the Earth.
  • Saint Germain has said to see your Presence as the Ascended Master within to whom you can talk. The very consciousness looking out from the eyes of the Ancient of Days, Sanat Kumara, is also native to your own Individualized Presence. Esteem your body as the Temple of the most High God. This Conference is an opportunity for you to drink in and absorb the ideas transferred to your Heart Flame by the Masters, to understand and experience the most multifaceted idea and ideal of that Glorious Presence and lower that Presence into your life, just as Serapis Bey lowered the Consciousness of Zeus when he crafted the statue as Phidias. Come and elevate in attunement into the Vision and understanding of your own Individualized Mighty I AM Presence. Monroe reads aloud a detailed prayer to the Presence, given by Saint Germain for you to make your own, returning all power back to the Presence. As you do so, your Presence will bring to you all the abundance you require in your life.
  • The Elohim Cyclopea impresses upon you the nature of your purpose and destiny in this life and beyond and what you are intended to achieve. You are to be a living Pillar of Fire so that new Dispensations can come forth and to brandish the Sword of Truth so all will know the Truth of God is upon the Earth. As you stand in the Holy of Holies making your calls, the Rays of Light from your Presence go forth anywhere in the world, quieting, piercing through confusion, healing the sick and ending wars. That is the Mastery you can achieve! It is time to believe in the Power of the Emerald Ray. Put it to the test and experience a miracle from the calls you have made and you will have a permanent record of that Victory as a guiding Light. You have been to the Retreats of the Masters. Some have held the vision of the desire of their Presence for many lifetimes. When you take up that work it is Bliss and you know you are fulfilling your Divine purpose in life.
  • Receive the acclaim from the Masters for choosing to enter into the spirit of unity of the Allness of God as your Presence does. With the overshadowing of the Holy Christ Presence you have the all-important clarity available, you have the Mind of God available, you are filled with the Divine Attributes of God, you know when to change course. Moving in the Will of God you will bring to the fore perfect gifts to share. As your Heart Flame expands beyond your physical body, it will touch all of God in life. El Morya gives insight into mastering initiations quickly. This Path of Mastery requires perceptivity, the ability to feel, to hear, to be attentive to every Affirmation of God Quality and Virtue. Your calls can be permanently recorded on the God Star Sirius. Connect with the God Consciousness of Surya, Elohim of Akasha, who was a great assistance to El Morya himself.
  • Knowing the Truth of Cosmic Law® will bring you God Freedom and liberation from outer, negative experiences. As life is used to express thoughts, feelings, and desires, it etches patterns and records on the screen of manifestation. Those expressions follow a circulatory route, going out and then returning, etching a pattern in the psyche of the one who sent them forth. These are the records of the not-self whose instincts must be transmuted so the God Presence can take dominion over them. Every time you give decrees, you are invoking the Light of your Presence to take that dominion. The Ascended Masters teach you to view things from the perspective of your Mighty I AM Presence. All of the outer appearances that report imperfection are unreal, because they do not register in the Heart of God. When you say those experiences have no power, you are stating a Truth of Cosmic Law. When you make the calls and are fulfilling the Law, the Masters can lend their full Attainment to your Victory.
  • The Goddess of Light suggests that you set your momentum of Light firmly fixed in the swirling action of the Threefold Flame at the beginning of your day. Ask yourself: Can I hold the Fire of the Light of my Presence and be who I AM morning, noon, and night without compromising who I AM? As you move through these planes of consciousness, you must put the Flame of God into active use, operate the Emerald Ray, and hold fast to the Divine Will of all that you have come to accomplish. There is no greater joy than the Joy of God Freedom when you are in the uplifting current of the Flame of God and the Fire of God surges through you. The Goddess of Light teaches that if you invoke the Light at the beginning of each day and stand in that Light, you will have all your Mighty I AM Presence desires for you and would accomplish through you. The Presence you so desire is right upon the Altar of your Heart.
  • For there to be true Peace, there must be the anchoring of the Light of God in the Earth. When you hold the Fire of your own Mighty I AM Presence focused on lifestreams suffering throughout the Earth, the Holy Angels and Ascended Masters will expand that Fire with their own Momentum. The Emerald Ray will pierce through your thoughts, energy, and momentums and bring them back into the Truth of your Identity. When you couple that Emerald Matrix Momentum with Resurrection’s Flame, your vehicles will be refined and brought back into Divine Order. Remember, you are your brother’s keeper and it is your Responsibility as the Christ to call forth and be that Light. Let this be for you a day of Resurrection in the Truth of your Identity in God, so you won’t miss one day to expand the Light of God and be the Presence where you are.
  • Just as there is the true Love of Wisdom, there should be the true Love of Cosmic Law. Cosmic Law is the Law of the nature of all Reality. It is operative whether you are aware of it or not. No one, not even Alpha and Omega, can change any principle of Cosmic Law. It is impersonal and will act when you apply it, just as when the greatest Cosmic Being applies it. The principles of Cosmic Law are operative and act with absolute precision, and because they are universal, they are impersonal — meaning not personal, not individual. The Law is going to act in every single case, and those Laws are always around us here. When you learn, obey, and embrace these Laws, you find Freedom. And when you understand these principles of Cosmic Law and what is really going on, you are able to focus your consciousness in the right way. You are then able to play your part consciously in cooperation with your Presence.
  • Surya, Elohim of the First Secret Ray of Akasha, reminds you to hold the pristine Perfection of the Mind of God firmly fixed within each of your vehicles at all times. Guard well Purity in your life. Discipline your vehicles, purifying them with the Violet Flame and refining your palate in keeping with the Light of your Heart. Stand as a Pillar of Fire, making your calls and asking that your calls be expanded. Learn how to direct your vehicles by the Threefold Flame of your Heart, until you are literally a walking symphony of the Music of the Spheres and your vehicles are ready for the work of your God Presence! Surya hopes that you will realize how close is the Realm of Akasha. Let your calls and the Light that you send forth continue to build your Momentum and that God Good that you invoke will bless not only your lifestream, but the Earth itself!
  • Enter into the deep Peace of the Buddhic Consciousness with Lord Maitreya and know the Allness of God! Describing an Initiation that was given to the Anointed Representative, Lord Maitreya desires you to let go and allow your Presence to establish that same experience for you. Let your consciousness flow into the Allness of God and experience God in all of Life. For everywhere your consciousness touches, there you are — a part of that which you have focused upon. As you move, think, create, and emanate the Light and energy through your spiritual centers, setting up a resonance within your outer vehicles, you take on a greater awareness of the operation of your own Presence through your lifestream. Surrender all that you are, all that you ever hope to be. For only then can you truly know who you are in the Presence of God.
  • The Allness of God will move into action and fill your need because you are the Authority for that to manifest. When you shift your consciousness to the Presence of God, that Allness of God releases streams of its own Divine Power, which manifest as various expressions of God in Action. When you slough off discord, self-imposed superstitions, and mortal limitations, you become more of the universal expression of the Godhead. So shift the focus of your sense of self — of who you are and where you are — and know “I AM here and I AM there.” As you restore this sense and it becomes more a part of your life, you will realize that wherever you might be, that Allness of God is always available to you. It is always everywhere present and the limitless Power of that Presence can come forth.
  • The Beloved Great Divine Director addresses your ability to hear the Voice of God and clarifies what it means to surrender to the Allness of God. Surrender to God does not mean losing your momentum. In the Higher Octaves all the Cosmic Beings know that surrender to The One brings a sharing and expansion of Momentum. It begins with knowing your Identity, knowing Cosmic Law. It requires the willingness to hear and recognize the Voice of God speaking through and to you, to be attentive to the nudges of the Light Rays so you do not miss one visitation or direction. Making this commitment to your Presence and choosing the Will of God means the Rays can work more quickly. Know that the Ascension charges the world and blesses all mankind, and the Ascended Masters and Cosmic Beings want you to call on them to bless your life and family.
  • Lady Master Leto instructs you on Necessity’s Ray — how you can have instantaneous response to the call of the Emerald Ray and to the fulfillment of necessity within your life, knowing that the Presence of God has answered your call. Along with refining your vehicles, you must prepare your Chalice of Being to enter into the alchemies of calling forth the Light of God. As you succeed in training your vehicles and you then have a necessity of life, as quickly as you formulate a call within your mind, or even before the call is fashioned, your Presence is already responding. Leto hopes that you will allow her words to be burned upon your mind, saturated into your emotional body, and rehearsed until you have memorized this Teaching. Let this Light and Momentum of the pressure of Necessity’s Ray always remind you that the Presence of God can and will fulfill all God Good.
  • Lord Ling tells how, as Moses, he was removed unexpectedly from his early life of opulence into the wilderness, stripped of all he was in the outer. He came to know the Presence of God revealed by the Nameless One in the burning bush. By drawing your attention to this, he reminds you that this Path is one of Mastery and you cannot achieve that by hiding or retreating from engaging in life. Because you know of the Mighty I AM Presence and the Threefold Flame, great Victories are expected of you. You may lead just one lifestream to recognize the Light of God. They will respond to how you bring forth sustenance and part the waters of adversity for your family, home, and country. Lord Ling urges you to believe, to stop wandering in the wilderness, and to bring about the God Freedom of your True Identity in God.
  • If you want Mastery in this world, you must hold the reins of God Control over your lower vehicles and not permit them to sympathize with physical or emotional disturbances or to revolve anything erupting from the memory body. Until you are able to do this, Light will flow more slowly through your Crystal Cord. There is no commingling of God Perfection with human imperfection. You have to let go of every thought of imperfection and every feeling of imperfection that would ripple through your world, this includes a sense of righteous indignation, injustice, or resentment. There must be unconditional forgiveness and forgetfulness for every actual or perceived assault, personally or globally. Human sympathy must also be eliminated from your consciousness. When you read the record of the Providential Love God has for all the evolutions of life, you will know happiness because you will realize all is well ― the Hand of God is at work.
  • Beloved Kwan Yin releases in-depth instruction on establishing the flow of the Love of God as it pierces through all human conditions, bringing a restoration of all that was intended by the Consciousness of God in the beginning. Step by step, the Goddess of Mercy takes you on a journey with God Love leading the way. Establish the figure-eight flow of Love between you and your Presence first so that Love can flow out to God in all of life, whether it is to another lifestream, the elementals, or an Ascended Master. Feel the great Compassion of this august member of the Karmic Board as she teaches the nature of true Compassion, as opposed to the vibration of sympathy. Let your consciousness be firmly fixed upon the Love of God and when called, you will be ready to answer in that Love to fulfill the Heart’s Desiring of God for the Earth.
  • Mighty Cosmos, Elohim of the Fourth Secret Ray, schools you on working your own alchemies and utilizing Necessity’s Ray. He walks you through an exercise in experiencing that glorious Silence in your own Presence, which can be your Reality if you allow your Heart Flame to excel to the conscious awareness of your I AM Presence and enter into that Silence. Necessity’s Ray does not allow for a true initiate on the Path to stay comfortable for long. These vehicles of consciousness that you wear must work together to become the Temple of the Most High. If you are to be the Truth of the Cosmic Law of your own Identity in God, then you must refine all of your vehicles, all of your perceptions of life, all of your attitudes, all that you desire — surrendering all to the Presence of God so that you can regularly experience that Silence in the Presence that Mighty Cosmos describes to you.
  • El Morya enters into the Heart of your Presence to know what is the desire of your Presence for him to convey to you. You have already been tutored in the Retreats. It is time to put that training to practical application. You have all that you require to fulfill your Divine Destiny. Realize that your Presence has always held the Flame for you. That Flame that burns upon the Altar of your Heart extends into your outer vehicles the Signature Keynote of your own God Presence. You must train your vehicles by invoking the Flames of God that will course through them. They know the Light, the Consciousness that directs them, and therefore they will hold to those Divine Patterns if you will maintain the vibration that they require to live within. El Morya lowers the Light of the Will of God of your Mighty I AM Presence round about you so that you can feel that Charge and have a greater understanding of the Truth of the Law of your Being.
  • Beloved Master Morya explains how new cycles are initiated in your life. If your Heart is in attunement and flourishing within your consciousness, you will be able to embrace that cycle and engage the Light of your Mighty I AM Presence in the very life that you live. On the subject of other organizations and students, El Morya clarifies that your example in raising up the Light at The Temple of The Presence sends the signal of the Light of God that the Ascended Masters are holding fast to the Truth of Cosmic Law. For healing in the body, you must instill Peace once again and allow for Harmony to return. It is then that you can be bathed in the Healing Currents of the Presence, the Love of the Presence, and the understanding of the Presence. Why be concerned about the unreality and the karmic patterns that still remain in any of the subplanes? You have the tools, the Fire, the Mighty I AM Presence to deal with them.
  • What is the commitment of a Torch Bearer? A Torch Bearer desires to build Saint Germain’s Golden Age and recognizes The Temple of The Presence as the Activity sponsored by the Ascended Masters to advance their Divine Plan for the Earth. A Torch Bearer acknowledges that the Brotherhood speaks with one voice, accepts the Anointed Representatives as the Ascended Masters’ Messengers empowered to deliver their Discourses and Dictations, acknowledges the Collegia Serapis® as the Office safeguarding the Purity of the Truth of Cosmic Law, and affirms all of the Articles of Faith expressed in the Torch Bearer Affirmations. You are cautioned against signing these Affirmations for the wrong reasons and “Aristotling” the Teachings. A history of The Temple is given including Anointed Representative Monroe Julius Shearer’s ordination as a minister in the Summit Lighthouse by Serapis Bey. This included the “laying on of hands,” signifying Apostolic Succession. The Mantles he received throughout his time with the Summit Lighthouse were never rescinded.
  • To gain the true Wisdom of Cosmic Law requires you to become attuned to your own Mighty I AM Presence as well as your own vehicles of consciousness, for that is the proving ground of what you are learning. The Presence of God desires to be constantly engaged in life. When unreality confronts you, maintain your Peace and Tranquility, calling forth Illumination’s Flame and the Mind of God to pierce through that disturbance. You are charged with the Responsibility to hold fast to what you have learned, to the disciplines you have been taught, and to the Charge that comes upon you each time you engage with your Mighty I AM Presence, the Ascended Masters, and the Consciousness of the Light taught from this Altar. Beloved Sophia comes to impart to you her Momentum of Wisdom, affirming that you can build your foundation upon the Cosmic Law that you receive at this Altar. As the edifice of your Temple is built, it will not crumble, because the foundation is true. It is built upon the Truth of Cosmic Law.
  • This week a new level of understanding of the Presence of God has been reached. The Truth of that Law will become your greatest Shield and Sword whereby you may cleave asunder God Reality from the overlay of unreality. This message of God Truth has its roots in the Realm of Eternal Being. These Eternal Truths are correct and authentic and should be embraced by millions of lightbearers as precepts and stepping stones into the Higher Realms of Perfection. If you are earnest about your Path and make your calls in Faith, the Ascended Masters will fly to your side to assist you. Behind all is the Allness of the Presence of God that will fill space in answer to your calls, displacing all the other appearances. The Allness of God can well up everywhere and be the foundation for the Dawning Golden Age of Saint Germain. You, as the Individualization of your Mighty I AM Presence, have the ability to call forth the Allness of God into your life and the world at large.
  • Pallas Athena is most concerned with what will foster a Golden Age on the Earth. Entertaining patterns of dislike, distrust, hatred, or any form of negativity will not result in your Ascension. If you do not like some part of life, have nothing to do with it; seal yourself in the Light of your Presence and be about your own business. What matters is what your Mighty I AM Presence is thinking through you, loving and acting through you, and what is the vibration of your countenance. Is it the Vibration of the Christ Light? Is it Bliss and Peace, Joy, Compassion, Harmony, Strength and Courage? Once you have learned to establish a Golden Age of One, you then have the ability to hold those Patterns fixed within your consciousness and to visualize the Rays of your Mighty I AM Presence and the Entire Spirit of the Brotherhood of Light going forth to anchor that Golden Age across the Earth.
  • When your Heart Flame comes into embodiment, it knows it is the Son and Daughter of God vested with Purity, Divine Intent, and the Abundance of God Love. Many times you may feel removed from that Divinity, wondering if there is any hope for you. But there is more than just a flicker of hope, for you have a blaze of Fire swirling round about your own Heart Flame, galvanizing you into the Body Consciousness of your own Mighty I AM Presence. Vested in this Radiance, you never lose sight for one moment that you are the Christ, an example to others that you can live a full and joyous life. You have the opportunity to prepare for the Seventh Root Race, which will come forth with a Charge of Light that instantly embodies Purity and invokes the Violet Flame upon the Earth as a final transmutation for the Golden Age. You are building a Momentum of God Consciousness upon the Earth that will receive these glorious lifestreams.
Teachings from the Ascended Masters to Help You Expand the Divine Attributes of the Christ within You and Fully Embrace All the Blessings of theSecret Love Star!

The Secret Love Star Retreat Is Open for a Sacred Cycle. Come! Receive the Blessings of Closer Contact with the Ascended Masters and the Divine Experiences They Have Prepared for You! During the 2018 New Year’s Conclave — the culmination of the newly inaugurated yearly cycle of the Sacred Sabbath Weeks — the Ascended Masters presented powerful Releases of their Light, Momentum, and Instruction to help you embrace this momentous Dispensation of your invitation to the Secret Love Star Retreat to observe, participate, and internalize all that is the Presence of God — and then establish these Divine Patterns in your life. Discover the Power of the Holy Kumaras. Learn how to maintain the Christ Attributes. Understand the importance of God Light, God Purity, and God Joy. Let the Seven Archangels minister to you as you contemplate the Divine Quality of each Sacred Week: God Gratitude, the Great Silence, Purity, the Light of God, Joy, Holiness, and the Will of God. This double album containing twenty-two Releases from the Conclave, plus ten from the Seven Sacred Sabbath Sundays, is your guidebook for a life-changing interlude in the Temples of the Secret Love Star!

  • For the Victory of the Ascension in the Light there must be the persistent application of Cosmic Law. Devoting one’s Heart to God on the Sabbath is a most important part of the Steep Path to Christhood. Mastery over your own four lower bodies requires intervals when there is no encroachment of worldly consciousness. That is the inner meaning of the Sabbath Day. For the work to be done on the four lower bodies, there must be a disengagement at all levels from the misqualification that is within one’s own outer world and the world at large. This Ascended Master Activity will commemorate the Seven Sacred Weeks in the Love Star Retreat, commencing on the Sabbath before Thanksgiving and continuing for a full seven-plus weeks into the New Year. Those faithful who honor the commandment “Remember the Sabbath Day, to keep it holy” will receive untold Blessings of the Secret Love Star throughout this cycle.
  • The Hierarchy of the Secret Love Star initiates a new Dispensation of Light — the Seven Sacred Weeks in the Love Star Retreat. Throughout this coming cycle, you will be reminded of those areas of consciousness that you can draw to the fore and bathe with the Light of your own Threefold Flame to have a greater expression of your own Holy Christ Presence. Bathing in that Light will allow you to drink in more of the Secret Love Star imparted during this cycle. Consider these weeks as an opportunity to enter into a sabbatical with the Mighty I AM Presence and Holy Communion with the Secret Love Star. Each of the Sacred Weeks will be a new opportunity coming forth from the Secret Love Star leading up to the culminating Victory at the close of the cycle. Gautama invites you to his Retreat during this cycle so you can be refreshed in the charge of his teaching and instruction.
  • The Dispensation of the Seven Sacred Weeks in the Secret Love Star Retreat is intended to continue on as the I AM Faith takes root and be availed to all who aspire to the Ascension in the Light. The lives of initiates such as Daniel Rayborn and David Lloyd reveal that periods of intense training and inner work are required in order to achieve the Mastery required for the Ascension. This Dispensation is a magnificent solution for you. It’s a great Blessing from which you will receive a glorious Outpouring of Light for your rejuvenation. By studying the example of the Mosaic Dispensation, you will appreciate that God will provide, so long as you make wise use of such opportunities that are available to you, by returning your Love and Gratitude to the Source of all life. In accepting and anchoring this extraordinary Outpouring of Light, you will be assisting in the raising of all mankind and promoting the continuation of these Dispensations.
  • The place is prepared, and your Heart Flame is invited to enter into the Secret Love Star Retreat. This is so you can be filled with the Love of God! Lady Master Venus leads the charge and will not be far from the Altar. Everything good that you have on Earth, all that is industrious and brings you Joy, is in the Secret Love Star, multiplied and expanded! There will be no discouraging words, but only appreciation and encouragement of the discoveries of your new talent. You will clearly know the Will of God and the desires of your Heart; you will know yourself as you truly are and discover you are a magnificent lifestream! The gift of this Dispensation is that as you engage in the Activities of the Secret Love Star Retreat you will experience the co-measurement of the Vibration of your Presence and gain a greater appreciation for what you can accomplish here on Earth.
  • Chamuel and Charity come to inaugurate the first of the Seven Sacred Weeks. Entering into the Fullness of the Light of God in Gratitude and Love knits together your Heart Flame with the Allness of God in Holy Communion. You can enter into a greater communion with God by giving Gratitude for all of the small things in your life. This momentum of God Gratitude will build each year as you enter into the first of the Sacred Weeks with wholehearted devotion. The Holy Communion you engage in is the beginning process of the Seven Sacred Weeks that will allow you to have a greater Charge and Momentum to fulfill your Fiery Destiny. It provides a condensation of the Charge of the Body Consciousness of God that you can absorb more easily into the fabric of your being and have it take hold. For at no other time of the year is there a greater concentration upon these Sacred Qualities of God that will be brought to your awareness
  • The theme of the first Sacred Week in the Secret Love Star Retreat is Gratitude. Giving Gratitude to the Source of all Life, the Mighty I AM Presence, acknowledges the prosperity of the previous year and provides an annual opportunity for a spiritual recharge. The Brotherhood of Light has been practicing these rituals for millennia, offering up the fruits of their Attainment on the Altar of the Presence that the increase might be used for Divine Purposes for the world. In order for the Mighty I AM Presence to release the Light into your world qualified with its own Attributes of Perfection, there must be a figure-eight flow between you and the Presence. Many do not realize that the appearances of lack or ill-health can be traced back to ignoring such opportunities to go within and acknowledge one’s Source. Practicing these living rituals will provide you spiritual nourishment to sustain you on your path for the rest of your lifetime.
  • Bathe in the Glory of the Lord that has come to bless you from the Secret Love Star! This magnificent Outpouring comes in answer to your Gratitude to God; and as it fills your Chalice, it will establish for you a River of Life, teeming with Godliness. In the Secret Love Star all activities are focused on expressing the Qualities of God and enacting the Virtues of the Christ. By entering into this Retreat, you will experience the effervescence of all that could come into your life as God Good. The Goddess of Liberty explains that it is your communion with God that gives you the Wisdom to know when and how to help others. Many yearn for God; they remember a time when God was ever close. Your expression of Gratitude to God will be lifting both your consciousness and theirs. Allow your Heart Flame to be expanded in God Love and Gratitude for all the Blessings you receive, great and small.
  • The Secret Love Star Temple is a focus of the Seven Holy Kumaras and the Nameless One in the Heart of the Great Central Sun that has an intercessory action for the Earth that has been ongoing for many millions of years. This Temple harnesses the Power of the Godhead focused through the Will of the Holy Kumaras. It holds in check the disintegrating forces of planetary karma and is a constant action that never ceases for a single second, keeping the doorway of opportunity open for the Sons and Daughters of God to win their Victory in the Ascension. You have entered into World Service in alliance with the Holy Kumaras, Gautama, and the Hierarchy of Cosmic Beings who are part of the action of the Secret Love Star. By entering into each of the Sabbath Weeks, you stop the noise and chatter of mind and emotion and enter into the Constancy of the God Consciousness in the Great Central Sun.
  • When you enter into the Silence, you put away all of your concerns of the day and preoccupations with worldly endeavors that draw your attention away from the Presence of God. To enter into the Silence you need to build momentum so you are able to go there on a moment’s notice. During this Sacred Week in the Silence, the Angels are there to surround you and reinforce the body consciousness of Peace so you might enter into the Silence as often as possible. During each of the Sacred Weeks, you are establishing a momentum and opportunity to have a greater acceleration into the Secret Love Star that will become a Holy cycle you can look forward to each year. At any time you may unfurl the Threefold Flame of your Heart as a cocoon of Light and accelerate your consciousness into the Great Silence. Do not let the time pass you by that you do not master this activity of entering into the Silence.
  • The Cosmic Beings Astrea and the Goddess of Purity returned from the Great Silence, recognizing that the time has come to give these Teachings of Higher Truths never before given. The foremost attitude required to enter into the Great Silence is one of giving yourself permission to let go of all sense of the human, anything that does not express Perfection. Enter as a little child into the Joy of the immaculate native consciousness of your Threefold Flame. As you enter into the Great Silence you will have the awareness of the Heart of the Presence of God. You will read the providential Love God has for your Heart Flame and recognize that all is well — the supreme Authority of the Presence has decreed it so. Those on Earth are never without the ministry of the Ascended Masters and their own God Presence. Their Radiation pours forth constantly to mankind even as your Presence is acting permanently through the Shekhinah Pillar™.
  • You will want to enter into this Dictation as if entering into a beautiful piece of prose. You are invited to open up your awareness to experience the Great Silence and allow the Maha Chohan to be your companion there. The gift of this Dispensation allows you to behold the Fullness of who you are and draw upon that God Consciousness, making it your own here in the world of form. You can let go of the outer thoughts and interferences that seem to have become an identity and start to experience your True Identity. You have the opportunity to come face to face with your Presence from very the vantage point of your Holy Christ Presence. Having left behind the concerns of the outer life, you enter the Great Silence and allow yourself to be buoyed up as though floating on a pool of still water. There is only Perfection there — not a blemish on the screen of the atmosphere around you.
  • From this day forth, when you enter into your devotions and call forth the Ray of God, know that it is consuming negativity, not only in your own life, but in the very Earth itself. Future generations will be blessed by the glorious Light of God that you have invoked. The few can and do hold the balance for the Earth. The Emerald Ray comes to the fore to assist you when you have put on the Threefold Flame of the Heart and anchored the White Fire of the Mother Light. To have the Fullness of the Light of God burning upon the Altar of your Heart, there must be the ability to stream forth the Purity of God. This Sacred Week you are encouraged to consider what Purity means to you. Your charge for this week is to absorb into your consciousness a more than ordinary release of the Edenic Consciousness of God and hold the Immaculate Conception for all of life.
  • In the Love Star Retreat you stand within that overshadowing protection of the Seven Holy Kumaras. Out of the Compassion and Love of their Hearts, the Seven Holy Kumaras have crystallized their resolve that the Earth will be sustained and opportunity for mankind will be sustained. For millions of years they have been holding back the negative karma of the Earth. This has created a tremendous Causal Body Momentum of God Good for them, which is a great reservoir of God Power. The Kumaras look within the Divine Paradigm and behold the Golden Earth. Within that Golden Earth there is the Electronic Body of your I AM Presence and there is the Ascended Master that you are known to be in the Mind of God. That is what the Kumaras see for you and for everyone in this world. They hold to the Patterns of your Perfection, the Immaculate Concept which they have received from the Great I AM.
  • Elohim Immaculata streams forth the Purity of God. As you are drawn into the Secret Love Star, there is an opportunity for you to behold Purity. Part of the lessons that you are learning in these Sacred Sabbath Weeks is how to maintain each of the Christ attributes. To have the vision that you require, there must be the Purity of the Mother Light. In God’s Presence there is an answer to every circumstance, situation, and Initiation. Make the commitment to enter into Holy Communion with your Presence. Call forth the Violet Flame, the Emerald Ray, the White Fire of the Mother Light to prepare you for entrée into God’s Heart. Put your resistance to the Reality of who you are into the Flame. Enter into the Presence of God so that you might have the vision for your life and hold to that Purity all your days. That is when you will truly know that you have accomplished what your Presence desires.
  • The Conscious Christ Command is a lawful expression of the Second Ray of Authority whereby the Threefold Flame of Divine Love issues forth and allows the magnet of Love to draw to itself willing parts of life who then offer their own Love and cooperation in the creative effort. When you give forth the commands with the Authority of your Beloved Mighty I AM Presence, God Almighty moves into action to fulfill those Decrees. The mystery of the commanding of the Presence is in using the I AM as an Affirmation and as a Fiat. God always returns more Love to life than life gives to God. There is an intimate family relationship between the Godhead and the Individualizations of the Godhead. There is also the relationship of the Individualizations of the Godhead to the Universal Expressions of the Presence in the Great Central Sun. You are learning the Laws of Life that enable you to operate the Great Central Sun.
  • When you raise your voice on high and express the yearnings of your Heart to God and your Presence answers, Joy is unbounded. Archangel Jophiel comes to remind you that the Presence of God desires you to partake of the Qualities of God, the natural state of your Identity. You are to become this Joy Flame of God, embodying Holy Innocence and Purity. You enter into the full expression of the Flame of Joy from your own Mighty I AM Presence. You are grateful to your Presence and you understand that the Glory of God is the greatest expression you can give at this Christmastide to all you come in contact with. As you engage in the Fullness of the Holy Season, do not let the day pass you by without entering into the joyful expression of all that God has given to you and that you desire to express to God in life.
  • Our keynote this Sabbath Week is the Joy of experiencing firsthand the full spectrum of God, the Mighty I AM Presence, everywhere in Action — God in Action in the Great Central Sun, but also God in Action here in this Realm of Coming-To-Be. It is your Divine Prerogative to insist that where your attention rests, there is God in Action. God Love, Light, and Life flow forth, and the glorious offspring of that is Joy. Pure Joy is known in the East as “Bliss.” It is a Power in and of itself, a Joy born out of the givingness of Love. And, also, the Joy of knowing that where the attention of the Mighty I AM Presence flows, there is God and only God in Action. Give yourself permission to be happy and joyous in the comfort of knowing your own I AM Presence. The Joy Flame comes from the awareness that you are the Presence of God in Action.
  • Saint Germain initiates you in God Joy! Adopt for yourself the Pure Joy of God. Enter into the Retreat of the Secret Love Star to have the anointing of your consciousness with the Joy of the Violet Flame. The Violet Flame, the White Fire of the Mother Light, and the Emerald Ray work in concert to lift you into the Heart of God that is always caring, loving, giving in Joy. You are to be in the world but not of it, putting on the Garment of your Presence. And you keep that established by invoking the Flames of God to course through you. Now that you understand the importance of the Joy Flame and of maintaining that Flame, then you will desire to be liberated from your human creation. You will invoke and establish a current of Violet Flame that is with you all your days to carry you into the Exultate Jubilate! Saint Germain commends you to the Joy of God and the achievement of bringing that Joy to the Earth!
  • During the course of this Sabbath Week, you are entreated to put your attention upon the Light of God. As you enter into the glorious Radiance of God, you find you desire nothing more than to allow that Light to stream forth. When you establish a Citadel of Light, that Light benefits not only your vehicles, but the whole of mankind upon the Earth, as well as the Ascended and Cosmic Beings who are in communion with your Heart Flame. You each one, in your own Individuality in the Presence of God, have a momentum and a gift to give to life that is unlike any other. As the Holy Angels sang for the birth of the Christ, Jesus, know that they sing for you as well, for you are the Christ coming forth in all the Glory of your Mighty I AM Presence to shine forth the Star of your Identity in God.
  • All that is in the Great God Flame flows forth to both Twin Rays to the level of the Electronic Body, and all that is there at that level is able to engage directly in the physical. Your Electronic Body is as capable of sending forth Ascended Master Light from its level as any Ascended Master or Cosmic Being. It is the Divine Plan for you to wear this vehicle as your own Ascended Body Consciousness. The Light of Ten Thousand Suns may flow through that Electronic Body. When you enlist the Outpouring of that All-Powerful Light, those Light Rays go out to conditions around the world in answer to your Calls. There is enough Power ready to be released in the Ascended Master Light Consciousness of your own Electronic Body to balance your karma, fulfill your Divine Plan, and help the world. It is the resurrected vehicles drawn up into the Electronic Body that make an Ascended Master.
  • Amerissis, the Goddess of Light and Chohan of Akasha, instructs you in understanding the Light of God. She explains how Light affects your body temple. She reminds you that you were born of Light and that you are a Pillar of Light. The Light of God can and does make a difference upon the Earth. If you are truly standing as a Pillar of Light, you are affecting your entire country, no matter the vastness of its borders. Standing upon a firm foundation of Light allows you to be the Truth of who you are — the Presence of God! You need not apologize for who you are when you stand in the Light! You make your mark by the Light that you carry. For Light is to fuel the Wisdom and the Will. Light is the foundation of every activity in keeping with the Perfection of God. You have a great Responsibility and an Authority to take command of life with the Light of God!
  • Archangel Zadkiel and Holy Amethyst inaugurate the Sacred Sabbath Week of Holiness, asking you to hold your attention upon the Divine Holy Family. Thus you are reminded of the Holy Estate you are to live within. As the Wise Men came bearing their gifts, the Ascended and Cosmic Beings, Archangels and Archeiai bow before the Christ Light you bear and bring you the riches of the Cosmos with which to build the fabric of your life. Giving birth to the Christ that you are within the Heart Flame is not an easy task, but as you invoke the Violet Flame to transmute the records of your human creation, you will purify your vehicles of consciousness to establish the Holiness you desire. As you continue your celebrations of the Holy Family and the remembrance of the birth of one Son of God, you may include all upon the Earth in your celebrations, for the Angels come to announce to all that the Son and Daughter of God has come to be on the Earth.
  • The keynote of the Sixth Sabbath Week is a sense of the Sacredness and Holiness of all Life, including the entire physical universe. Cultivating an attitude of thanksgiving was part of the First Sabbath Week and going into the Great Silence in the Second Sabbath Week. That first week of thanksgiving is when you are transitioning out of this octave, this world, and turning your attention inward and upward into the Heart of the Great Central Sun, the Temple of the Holy Kumaras and its Central Altar of the Nameless One. The Blessings of the Sixth Sacred Sabbath Week that you should cultivate include the following: the sense of inherently belonging to the vast host of the Individualizations of the Presence, both Ascended and unascended; the sense of being in your Home of Light; the sense that you are reentering and are in the Eternal; and the sense of entering into the Entire Spirit of the Brotherhood of Light.
  • Meta shares with you her earthly embodiment when she built into the physical the Divine Ideals of a Holy City and a Holy Family. For the family unit to be sustained, there must be devotion to God at the core. For that is the Light that keeps all in the Flame of the Heart, assisting one another. To establish a Sanctuary of Holiness, there must be a Living Flame, requiring that you be whole in your Identity in God. As you go to your altar and commit to your Presence all that you are, surrendering completely to God, what will return to you are God Direction, God Wisdom, and God Love. In that swaddling garment of the Love of God, you can soar into the Retreat experiences that your Presence desires for you while your bodies rest, recharge, and prepare for the new day. Meta asks you to drink in the Secret Love Star, as this is a most specific Retreat experience that will only occur during this cycle of the year.
  • This Seventh Sacred Week we are going to meditate upon the aspect of The Good that is the Will of God. Students often have difficulty in accepting this expression of the Divine Will. The Presence has its own Divine Plan it chooses to outpicture. There is where your comfort and confidence should rest, knowing you can trust your God Self to have your best interests at heart. The Presence wants a modicum of Attainment outpictured in this world of form on the Twelve Rays. Throughout many incarnations, students build up momentums on certain Rays which come easily to them. But that may not be the Ray your Presence desires you to work on now. And that is where the saving grace of cultivating a true desire for the Will of God will see you through. As you come to identify with the Will of your Presence as your own will, you will realize that the Presence wants the very best for you.
  • The Will of God upon your Heart must be exercised in constant striving to have imparted to you the Divine Direction you require. The Blue Plume of your Threefold Flame desires you to come into lockstep with the Image of God. All the situations in your life are orchestrated by your own God Presence to satisfy and bring into balance the circumstances of your previous incarnations. The Holy Angels of the Will of God stand by to consume all that prevents you from fulfilling your Fiery Destiny so you have the opportunity to step forward into your Divinity. Your Decree is a Fohat that activates the Charge of your Threefold Flame so the Angels can rush to your side, clearing away obstacles or harm that may befall you. Archangel Michael holds within his Heart the very highest Love, Faith, and Hope for you and would not leave you comfortless. He holds you firmly so you have all you require to move into your Fiery Destiny.
  • All of the Sons and Daughters of God upon the Earth require Light, the Momentum of the Consciousness of God, and the Fire that streams forth from the Great Central Sun so that the Will of God can initiate Divine Patterns in their life. You spent a cycle in Holy Communion with the Presence of God. Let that be a way of life for you in the New Year, setting your course for the new cycle. This opportunity has set into motion a record for you to draw upon, but don’t forget the wealth of Attainment locked within your own Causal Body. Patterns of that Attainment are ready, waiting for you to draw them forth. Let the Glory of God you have experienced in this cycle catapult you into the fulfillment of the Will of God in the New Year. Let your steps be sure and steadfast, your vision clear. Let your love for God expand the activities you bring to the fore for you to be a servant of God in all your affairs.
  • You are a living Presence of God. Throughout the course of your experience in the Secret Love Star Retreat, Lord Gautama has observed the rise and acceleration of the Flame upon the Altar of your Heart. The vestments of the Substance of the Secret Love Star, the Radiance of the Beings that teach there, the instruction, and your ability to hold it within your own vehicles are of great importance to the Victory you are to achieve. Your Victory is assured if you will hold to the Vibration and Patterns shared with you. The Thoughtform of the Year is the Divine Outpouring pictured in the Secret Love Star — the Temple of the Seven Holy Kumaras, the Altar of the Nameless One, and Gautama’s reflection emanating the Consciousness of the Buddha. You will want to place a copy of this Thoughtform in your consciousness to remember the Sacred Sabbath Weeks so you are always building upon what has been shared with you.
  • It is the clear intent of the Brotherhood of Light that each of you hold in your awareness the Outpouring of the Seven Holy Kumaras and the Cosmic Beings who serve on the Secret Love Star — the impetus that is to bring into manifestation the Dawning Golden Age of Saint Germain and the true Faith of Cosmic Law. As you rise into a greater communion with your own Individual Mighty I AM Presence, you will stand face to face and encounter that Pure Consciousness and see through the eyes of your own God Presence. Because you have embraced the Law of the Being of your own Mighty I AM Presence, your Presence and the Ascended Masters are free to take the initiative in pouring forth through you all you need for your Divine Service in life. You should realize the truly glorious opportunity available to you to be an anchor point and lightning rod for the galvanizing, electrifying Momentum of Divine Providence in this outer world.
  • You have received great Dispensations from this Altar. You understand that to be truly God Victorious you must study those Dispensations so you will know every word and be a Christ in action on the Earth, anchoring the Flame of Elohim through all your affairs. You have moved in the atmosphere of Elohim, been most attentive to every Release, Teaching, and Instruction, and have absorbed all that is in the Body Consciousness of Elohim. The Elohim do receive your petitions, and your calls allow them to step forth and fulfill a Fiery Momentum for your Victory. You are a part of the whole of the Family of God, and this Family of Elohim has seen fit to release within you its own Momentum of Divine Destiny. Let the Light so build within your being that you anchor the Light of Elohim with every activity, thought, and word. Then your Presence will be able to anchor fully and completely its Ray of Divine Destiny.
  • The Maha Archangel, Purusha, comes this day to charge you with the Responsibility to hold to this Victory and maintain what you have already garnered. Anchor it; infuse it with the commitment of the desire of your own Heart Flame. Let each day of this coming year be infused with the Glory of the Sacred Sabbath Weeks. Life on Earth would not exist without the Light streaming forth from the Pillars in the Temple of the Holy Kumaras, without Lord Gautama holding the balance for the Threefold Flame for every Heart, without the Nameless One maintaining the Pattern and God Identity of the very Presence of the I AM that streams forth from The One. You have been received into the Court of the Great Central Sun. Consciously bring to the forefront of your mind and activities all of the Gifts your Presence has to bestow upon you so you might be the Chalice of Purity to bestow them upon God in life.
  • Over these past weeks and years, many have put their attention upon the Mighty I AM Presence and established a current within their own vehicles of consciousness of spiritual Attainment and Mastery. The record stands of your Victories, accomplishments, and all the good you have brought to the fore and laid upon the Altar of your own Mighty I AM Presence. You cannot give up, for if you give up, all will be lost. If you do, your momentum in ignoring the Holy Purpose and Divine Intent of your lifestream will affect others, and that will multiply. You must stand on a firm Foundation, and that Foundation you find at this Altar. You cannot ascend if you are invested in psychism. As you strive to fulfill your Fiery Destiny, the Ascended Masters will do all they can to hold back the unreality that is continually fostered in the Earth. Mighty Victory proclaims this cycle a complete Victory for each of the Sons and Daughters of God who have participated and for the Earth itself, for it is the beginning of the Fullness of the Golden Age that is to come.
Teachings from the Ascended Masters to Help You Gain a New Understanding and Mastery of the Many Modes and Mysteries of God Love!

Don Your Wedding Garment! For the Entire Spirit of the Brotherhood of Light Invites You to Come Home to a Glorious Banquet of God Love! During the 2017 Harvest Conclave Lord Maitreya, Lord Himalaya, Kwan Yin, Kuthumi, Omega, Nada, and other Ascended Masters presented powerful Releases of their Light, Momentum, and Instruction to help you commune with your Mighty I AM Presence, Twin Flame, God Flame, the Ascended Masters, the Great I AM, and The One. This album contains all fourteen Discourses and Dictations from this Conclave, plus five bonus Releases. Discover how Dispensations occur, how the Angels help humanity, and how to touch the Heart of God. Learn the importance of Love, Forgiveness, and Divine Desire. Understand why your Presence must be your first and greatest Love, what the “Thread of Contact” is, and the prerequisites for maintaining the Vibration of God. Let these Releases bathe you in God’s Love and Comfort Flame to expand your Heart and accelerate your Communion with your own Mighty I AM Presence and to assist you in fulfilling your Divine Destiny!

  • The Elohim Purity holds in his Vision the Earth and its Edenic Blueprint of Purity in the Allness of God. For the transfer of the Power of Elohim to be truly effective in your life, there must be the streaming Consciousness and Light of your own Mighty I AM Presence tethering your Heart Flame in each of the planes of consciousness into the One Flame of the Almighty. Far too many think that they are not ready, that they do not have what it takes to hold the balance for the Earth and all upon the Earth. And so they will allow another to perform that work. Where would the Earth be today if those faithful Servants of God, now ascended in the Light and Free, would have said the same? You are to enact the Shield of Elohim™! This is the activity that the Elohim impart to you so that you might establish upon Earth that which the Elohim established in Creation. Hold fast to the precious Golden Elixir of your own God Presence and the streaming Consciousness of Elohim!
  • Elohim Heros advises that, although there will always be the loving Hand and Heart of God to guide you, you must not neglect your own Responsibility in the process of integrating with the Heart of God. As you strive to internalize the Light and Momentum that you have learned, you can attain to a greater awareness of God in your life. What the Elohim would do for the Earth must be done through those who have come into their Mastery and Attainment. Let the Light so shine within your life that you can be the focal point of Elohim. When you call forth the Shield of Elohim, all twelve, together with their Divine Complements and the Maha Elohim, respond and the Earth and all thereon will resonate with that Tone. Hold fast to Divine Direction for the Victory that you desire. Commune with your Mighty I AM Presence, invoke the Violet Flame, and maintain Purity in all areas of your life that will never be compromised.
  • Beloved Nada proclaims that it is time for you to call forth the Light to consume unreality and negativity and sow the seeds of the Eternal Love of God in the Earth so there can be a flourishing in the land of all that will bring the Fullness of a Golden Age. It is not Cosmic Law for the Karmic Board to right all circumstances; all that would be done must be established as Currents of Light from the Flame upon the Altar of the Heart of the Sons and Daughters of God. You are the key to many of the things that will be shifted according to the Divine Direction of the Hand of God. There is the personal path, but you are not separated from whole of the Fabric of God that is upon the Earth. Your ability to call forth the Ruby Fire is a great opportunity for your own lifestream and for the Earth itself. Give Glory to God for the opportunity extended to you to engage in this Holy Work.
  • Throughout this Conference you are being invited to enter into the family of the Ascended Masters, into the Sacred Precincts of the Brotherhood of Light. Here in Fullness of the Light of God, the Great I AM, the Divine Presence, is holding its Vision of absolute Perfection and Goodness for every part of life. This Conclave you are invited to accept the Truth of the Nature of the Presence of God and your own Divine Identity; commune with the Great I AM instead of fixating on outer appearances, either in your own life or in the world; reengage with this immensity of the Consciousness of the Presence of God and realize that that Presence is actively conceiving and propagating the most magnificent and best life and experiences for you and for every other part of life. The Fullness of your Freedom from this world can only come when you accept the proffered gift of the Wedding Garment of the Individuality of the Presence of God.
  • What is True Love? Pure Love wants nothing but to Love — it has no agenda and is unconditional. In this cycle you will be presented with many avenues of Love for you to measure your own lifestream against. The first Love to experience is that of your Presence. It is more precious than any jewel, more secure than anything else, and more nourishing. If you feel empty, your Presence can fill you to overflowing in an instant. When two Heart Flames commune, the union is magnificent, because God Love is engaged. Understand how the Beloved, the Mighty I AM Presence, releases increments of its precious God Life for you to learn to be trusted with. During this Conclave do not shy away from the teachings that may bring up old records, but allow the Flame to deal with those records once and for all. Your Presence has entered into incarnation to master these vehicles, and the Violet Flame and other Rays are intended to fill them so you can fulfill the purpose of incarnation.
  • The Anointed Representatives™ hope that you will come to know the camaraderie enjoyed by the members of the Brotherhood, one with the other. However, the communion with the Ascended Masters, symbolized in painting The Wedding of Cana, is only possible through the realization of your own Individual Mighty I AM Presence. The true banquet is Ascended Master Love and the main ingredient is the understanding of God Individualized. Experiencing direct contact with the Light Rays from the Mighty I AM Presence will cause your whole being to relax and you will know it is the Mighty I AM Presence doing the work. In this ardent Discourse you will gain insight into how without God Individualized, creation could never have taken place. Through this Conference on God Love, realize that releasing old hurts of the past with Compassion and Forgiveness is required for God Love to flow. Forgiveness gives strength and allows the healing balm from the Presence to come forth.
  • Kwan Yin comes in her Attainment in the Mercy Flame of God, entreating you to meet that Flame as she embraces you in her Heart. With her momentous coming, surrender all the hidden corners of past records to the Flame and allow for the entirety of your being to be flooded with Light. Releasing those records that you have unknowingly nourished with the Light of your Crystal Cord will allow you to move forward and stand ready for the next cycle and initiation. Abiding in the Hallowed Space of your Presence, you are able to move freely within the planes of consciousness of the Earth, Air, Fire, and Water, bringing Akasha into your vehicles. Acknowledge the Bliss and Love you have already experienced from your Presence through your devotions, meditations, and Decrees. You can have that perfect communion with the Heart of God eternally from now on if you hold fast to your Heart Flame and to the Mercy Flame of God.
  • There is no other reason for pursuing the Path other than the desire for the Presence of God. That is the pearl of great price! Seeking God allows for all the Divine Attributes to come forth — Beauty, Perfection, Grace, Joy — catching you up in that which the Presence wishes to lavish upon life. There is no boredom in the Consciousness of your Presence! You will not find long faces in The Wedding of Cana! By studying the example of the embodiments of Kuthumi, we see how his Presence wished him to experience its Abundance after his austere life as St. Francis. Be assured, it is only the sense of separation from God that produces neediness. The Christ Virtues are aspects of this Limitless Giving of the Abundance of the Presence. Once you understand that it is the Presence’s decision to embody and fulfill its mission of taking dominion over all creation, you will be free of any feeling of being stuck here. Your Presence is totally vested in your Victory!
  • When you raise your consciousness into the Allness of God, entering into that Sacred and Holy space, you know the Hand of God is ever close and the Mind of God is there to help you through all of the confounding circumstances of life. You must be willing to trust that your own God Presence will enter into your life so you are no longer found needy. This requires a Love for God that is beyond any earthly loves. Beloved Kuthumi teaches that the reservoir of God Love is as vast as the Eternal Now of the Great I AM, and when you can stand in that Flame every moment of every day, you will find the richness of life that is glorious to behold. Then you can build upon what the Mind of God has imparted to you and cultivate God Good wherever you reside. Let the Presence of God abide where you are and carry that Presence with you wherever you go.
  • The Mighty I AM Presence is your Rock upon which your very own Temple of The Presence is founded and built. The Love of your own I AM Presence must be the first Love of your being. Obeying the First Commandment and having that whole-hearted study of and adoration of your Presence — as well as devotion, communion, commitment to and identification with that Presence — is the eye of the needle through which you must pass. The realization of your own Individual I AM Presence is the open door to all other Loves: the Twin Ray, brother, sister, son, or daughter. That Individualization of God is the Real You through which you find Love, Communion, Unity, and Oneness with every other part of life. The Mighty I AM Presence must be born again in the four lower bodies through the Christ Flame of the Heart so that the Presence can take dominion in the outer worlds of form.
  • Lord Maitreya, the Great Initiator, and Lord Himalaya, Manu of the Fourth Root Race, initiate the cycles of contemplation and meditation and your ability to absorb the pressure of the Light of your I AM Presence. Lord Himalaya points out that the need for Purity in all that you are to accomplish cannot be overstated. The time you spend in Holy Communion with Himalaya’s Flame during meditation is to reinforce the Purity of your consciousness. Move beyond the level of your comfort and embrace a greater portion of your Presence. Treat your Initiations with Joy. Do not withhold from the Presence of God any vestige of yourself, but surrender wholly, completely into the Love of God. All other loves will follow and will be richer, fuller, and more complete. But only the Presence of God can prepare you for that glorious achievement and Mastery.
  • You will not wish to pause in your ascent before you have arrived in that Realm where your own Electronic Body dwells, the Realm of the Vibration of your Mighty I AM Presence. Ask yourself: “Should I be anywhere else than where the Ascended Masters are convened?” The records of our Decrees that we are giving are worthy of the Causal Body Momentum of the Entire Spirit of the Brotherhood of Light. Questions asked and answered include: Should we visualize the I AM Presence as the decreer? Why is the World Action Decree not currently in the Violet Flame Vigil? What is the meaning of “the inner purposes of this decree session” in the Archangel Michael Decrees? Why are students of former Ascended Master Activities not at The Temple? What is "vibration"? What did the Maha Chohan mean when he said, “When you do everything in your power, we can make the difference”? What is the White Cube of Cosmic Christ Consciousness?
  • Lady Master Venus poses the question of whether or not there’s a part of you unfulfilled, not having found your Twin Flame? There should not be, for if you can elevate your consciousness and the Flame upon the Altar of your Heart into the Flame of the Presence, you will have the ability to touch the Heart Flame of your Twin Flame. In each embodiment there are different requirements for the development of God Love in your life. For some it is to enter into the wholeness of family; for others it is to commune solely and completely with their Mighty I AM Presence. The love that you give one to another always goes to the Presence of God and ultimately to your own Twin Flame through the Office of the God Flame. So it is lawful for you to love all of life. Allowing your Heart to always be in a state of Universal Love allows you to be able to share that Love freely with all of life.
  • Lady Master Nada instructs you on the all-important Service that you render at your altar. When you proclaim the Presence of God and you call forth the Ruby Fire of the Oriflamme Chalice™, standing firmly fixed in the Rod of Power of your own Presence, calling forth the Shekhinah Pillar® to be placed in accordance with the need of the hour, you have understood your Office as the Christ. You have established a momentum in your Vigils that holds a balance for the Earth. If each Torch Bearer is following suit daily with their devotions to God and their Calls to the Shekhinah Pillar, what an avalanche of Light is flooding the Earth! Do not discount or forsake your Service to God in Life. For it is so powerful and necessary and can shift the momentum upon the Earth for so many to be assisted by the Holy Angels and the Ascended Masters. Make this your Call: I AM the Son, the Daughter of God, and I proclaim in the Earth this day the Shekhinah Pillar to perform its perfect work here and now in accordance with the Divine Mighty I AM!
  • Archangel Chamuel gives you a new understanding of the Service that you can render to God in Life and insight into the Service of the Angels on behalf of mankind. He reminds you that to give of the Love of your God Presence is the highest activity that you can ever engage in. For your Presence is in the constant flow of giving its Love to you. The Truth of your Identity is the Mighty I AM Presence. If you feel change coming in your life, it is because you are taking on more of the Truth of your Identity as the Presence. Have full Faith and trust that the Presence of God is fully engaged in your life! There are millions of Angels for every Ray of God Consciousness. The Archangels are always involved when there is the slightest tragedy that occurs, and there is not one lifestream that is not held in the embrace of at least two Angels.
  • Our work is mastery, dominion, and unfolding the Nature of the Mighty I AM Presence — not abandoning the vehicles and escaping the body, but rather drawing down and unfolding from within the Heart the intensity of the Threefold Flame to take dominion over elemental forces, balance karma, and give the gift to life that our Presence desires. The Ascended Master Way of Life means that you hold the doorway of your consciousness open to the level of your Mighty I AM Presence. Simply because you are not always spanning these Realms does not mean they are not there for you. You are here at the behest of the Presence and making every effort to give your life to the Presence. We are held on the Path by the Light of the Ascended Masters. That assistance can be given as long as there is striving for the goal of the Presence.
  • Your vehicles of consciousness have been bathed in Omega’s Love since the first incarnation upon Earth. As old as recorded time, there has been a constant state of transmutation, forgiveness, and the Mercy of the Law that has allowed lifestreams to move beyond transgressions, misperceptions, and innocent mistakes and enter back into the Holy of Holies of their Identity in God. You need not travel to the Great Central Sun to be in touch with the Allness of God. It is right where your Heart is. The Mother Light is required for you to bring forth the fullness of every manifestation of the Qualities of God within the elemental forces of nature entrusted to you. Omega commands you to go forth and fulfill your Fiery Destiny, for you have all you require. Each time you invoke the Mighty I AM Presence, be prepared for change in your life. When you let the Mighty I AM Presence enter into active participation with your life, then you have Alpha & Omega involved in your life.
  • One with the Presence of God is the true majority rule that determines what is to come forth into outer manifestation. Immaculata holds the Immaculate Concept for all that pertains to the Earth. She focuses exclusively on the Patterns of Perfection issuing forth from the Mind of God in the Great Central Sun. Align yourself with the Hierarchy of Light and remind yourself daily of the close association and Service of the Mighty Elohim. In acknowledging that the Earth is the Lord’s and that the Presence of God has a Divine Plan for the Earth, you can stand at your altar and call down the Light of God by the Authority of your Presence and insist that Perfection come forth — not only for you personally, but you may multiply your Calls for all mankind. When the Calls are multiplied by the Ascended Masters and Cosmic Beings, there can be a turning point that will reverse the course of civilization.
  • Elohim Immaculata, planetary Great Silent Watcher, beholds the Earth as the Golden Age. She knows the Patterns of Perfection that you are to outpicture and the Intonation of your Causal Body. She never has and never will place her attention upon your human creation. Immaculata explains why Dispensations are given and why Illumination’s Flame and the Emerald Ray must be invoked. The time you are given is so precious. What is there that is so important in the Earth that it should take precedence over your Communion with your Presence? Know that Immaculata is there, holding the Patterns and the Fire with your Presence. Together they will heal your life, heal the Earth, and establish a Golden Age. Let your Heart resound in the Purity of the Mother Light. Let your vision always behold your Presence. And let the streaming of the Consciousness of Elohim be your greatest advocate and Momentum that you rely upon to fulfill your Divine Destiny.
Teachings from the Ascended Masters to Help You Attune to, Absorb, and Anchor the Perfect Divine Patterns of the Golden Age!

Let God Freedom Ring! For the Ascended Masters Invite You to Attune to the Akashic Liberty Bell Resonating with the Perfect Harmonies of the Divine Design of the Golden Age!During the fiery 2017 Freedom Conclave, Saint Germain, the Goddess of Liberty, Sanat Kumara, Lady Master Venus, Surya, and other Ascended Masters presented powerful Releases of their Light, Momentum, and Instruction to teach you how to reach into those Realms of Perfection where the Golden Age is a tangible Reality — and anchor that Perfection into the physical plane. This album contains all fourteen Conclave Releases, plus five additional Discourses and Dictations. Discover the Power within Akasha available to you. Learn the importance of Divine Wisdom; of your Electronic Circle; and of conserving and elevating the Sacred Fire. Understand how to access the Momentums of your own Causal Body. These Releases are your invitation to join your Heart to Saint Germain’s and drink in the glorious Patterns of the Golden Age — and then anchor them into the Earth in all their Perfection to remake the world!

  • You are a living filament of Light and Life that issues from the Heart of your God Presence. The Mighty I AM Presence sends forth its Heart Flame through all intermediate planes of God Reality, coming to rest in incarnation in the physical world. Your role is to attune to your True Selfhood and those transcendent realms of God Perfection and God Reality, making yourself the open door for the Presence and an embodiment of the Golden Age of one. Hold your attention riveted upon your own Presence as God Individualized, as well as the many levels of God Reality that are Eternal within the Great Central Sun. The Divine Principles and Wisdom of Cosmic Law are the foundation for the Golden Age, set forth as an Ascended Master Way of Life. The Matrices of the Golden Age and the Power needed to manifest them are already anchored in the Great Electronic Fire Rings of the Great Central Sun.
  • Surya, Elohim of Akasha, addresses you on your Liberty, your Freedom, and what it takes to have God Consciousness immediately available to you to draw upon in every circumstance of life. He instructs that Akasha is filled with the substance of God Consciousness that you desire to appropriate for God Good. He explains how you can become the Chalice to hold that God Good. Akasha is a reservoir of all the substance of God Life, Light, and Momentum you require to fulfill and accomplish your Divine Plan. When you have a relationship with the Divine, with your God Presence, you take on a new way of life. Miracles are the way life is supposed to be lived; it is the natural course of drawing forth God’s Light and putting it into action. Surya commends you to enter into the Peace and the Harmony that allow your vehicles to be knitted together in the One Heart of the One God. Let the Intonation of Akasha be your home wherever you journey!
  • The Ascended Masters' goal is to bring forth the zeal and passion for more and more of the Presence of God. It is so very important that God be central to everything that takes place. The only real long-term future of the Golden Age lies in the Resurgem Christos of the Ascended Master Teachings, the Truths of Cosmic Law ensouled by the Golden Plume of the Mind of God that is Divine Wisdom. Wisdom is the awakened Consciousness of each one’s own True Selfhood. It allows the reconnection with this True Selfhood again, flowing through the Heart and informing the mind with the Golden Plume. Divine Wisdom is one of the greatest hallmarks of the Golden Age. The success of a Golden Age cannot be measured in the number of people in attendance, but by the externalization of the Light of the God Presence within those present. The Truth of God Individualized is the greatest Wisdom that the world needs to know.
  • Desiring that the youth of the world receive Illumination and ample opportunity to embrace their Higher Consciousness, Lord Lanto asks you to let the Light go forth from your sanctuaries and from The Temple’s Altar. Mankind must awaken to the Mind of God. Teachers must be taught the Wisdom of the Presence and of Cosmic Law. It is time for there to be leaders — not leading after the example of a godless creation, but of the Flame of God that has Illumination and Wisdom at its core. The Light of the Christ must become the subconscious of the many and replace the human consciousness. As you retire in the evening, let your consciousness soar to those areas of your life that need to be illumined and strategically shifted by the Mind of God. Then call upon your Presence to sort through all of the dilemmas that you may have and watch how the Hand of God works as Cosmic Law!
  • Lady Master Venus and Sanat Kumara have determined that it is time for the Dispensation of a more than ordinary amount of Light and Momentum from the Secret Love Star to be released to the Earth. This cycle is intended for you to expand all that is God Good within you and to put into the Flame of Transmutation all that is not good and does not rise to the level of the vibration that allows for you to be overshadowed by your own Holy Christ Presence. The true Love that you desire and are to give is first and foremost to your own Mighty I AM Presence! The greatest of all Love is the Presence of God. You can walk in Love, act in Love, create in Love! And therefore, Love will be your greatest Shield and Protection. Everything stems from the Source, from The One, and from God Love!
  • Sanat Kumara commends you for all that you have accomplished thus far. But there is much ahead that you will need to anticipate and accelerate your striving to meet. That striving will elevate your consciousness, your momentum, and your vibration so that the Intonation of Akasha streams forth at your command and the Light of God is where you are. Honor your Heart Flame. Respect the opportunity to be in incarnation. Educate your consciousness in the Flame of God and Cosmic Law. You are gaining in Mastery and Attainment to take command of the Elemental Forces of Nature — first and foremost, those that make up your body temple. When you put on the Light of your Presence, when you establish momentums of Purity within your life, you are becoming more of the Presence where you are. The work of the Secret Love Star is not just to emanate pure God Love for Love's sake, but to reestablish the Divine Blueprint of Life.
  • Our keynote throughout this Conference is Harmonies of the Golden Age, the pealing and resounding of the Flame of Liberty. These Harmonies are where the Golden Age first issues forth from the Heart of God in the Great Central Sun. The Ascended Masters desire you to reach into those Realms of Realized Perfection where the Eternal Divine Patterns of the Golden Age exist in the Heart and Mind of God. You are reconnecting with and reestablishing the Edenic Consciousness that has never ceased to be. As an Ascended Master disciple, your great Service to Life is to offer yourself as a living conduit along which the Ascended Masters and your own Presence can lower into the physical realm all that is the Reality of this Great Central Sun. As you are able to give birth in consciousness to the Outpouring of the Light of the Dawning Golden Age it will be anchored in the Earth and flourish, proliferate, and expand from Heart to Heart in Rings of Fire to encompass the entire world!
  • The Goddess of Purity comes with a Charge of the Mother Light of her Consciousness and Momentum, establishing for you the opportunity to receive the Streaming Consciousness of your own Causal Body Attainment, which is ready to be lowered into your hands and use. She hopes that you will mark this as the day when you entered into a new awareness of the Reality of who you are. This opportunity requires a conscious decision on your part to shift into this new gear. As did the Masters Jesus and Kuthumi, dispel any sense of yourself as human. Say to yourself “I AM not born of humanity but of the Divine.” When your Causal Body Attainments descend, you will suddenly have a more than ordinary ability, and you will be most grateful to the Presence of God for allowing you to tap into that record. The Goddess of Purity tells you: Purity is attainable! It reigns supreme! Consciously embrace Purity as a way of life for all your days!
  • Learning more about the Nature of God is necessary if you are to confront some of the superstitions that could be barriers to bringing forth the Golden Age, as well as to your own Ascension. For example, it is a superstition to think that God will supersede his own laws through so-called miracles; whereas in fact, Cosmic Law is immutable, natural, and universal in its action. The goal is to strip away ignorance and inculcate a sense of security and Peace. Avail yourself of this Discourse which contains remarkable descriptions not only of the Nirvanic Realm and your own Causal Body, but also the activity called the Panoply of the Christos. All the Qualities of God and Harmonies of the Golden Age are there in the Realm of Akasha, waiting to become something in this world of form. Saint Germain has said that you have only to step forth into the Nirvanic world where all of these essences are ready for your use!
  • Partake of God Harmony’s Cosmic Momentum of Harmony as you focus your mind on the instruction and encouragement from his Great Heart. Keeping your four lower bodies in the right vibration will help you to attune to the streaming flow of harmonization from your Mighty I AM Presence, allowing for the Fullness of your Keynote Identity to be expressed. Just as musicians train to create masterful pieces, likewise you are training to be able to bring forth the plan of your Presence. Everything you do is training. Everything is spiritual — the timbre of your voice, keeping thoughts focused and pure, and holding your emotions in harmony. When the Light parts the way for you to have God Vision, it is a wondrous gift! God Harmony asks you to awaken to the Mind of God and bring forth the Intonation of your Keynote Identity, here and now. When you ascend, symphonies will play and your voice will resound in the Fullness of the Great I AM!
  • This inspiring Discourse will lift your heart and mind. It expands on the Good News of your Individuality as the Mighty I AM Presence. You who are a part of this Vanguard Activity of Ascended Master Teachings must awaken to the Power of the ipse dixit of Saint Germain. The students of Pythagoras, our Beloved Kuthumi, would use this phrase to affirm that the Master’s pronouncements are based upon Truth and no further discussion is needed, for "he hath said it." Similarly, if moments of confusion in interpreting the Teachings should arise, you can refer to Saint Germain’s words. The way to the Victory of your Ascension lies in the understanding of your Individuality as the Mighty I AM Presence. The Ascended Master Saint Germain has experienced reaching the level of The One and has come back with this definitive statement of Truth, his ipse dixit¬: I and my Mighty I AM Presence are One.
  • Beloved Saint Germain poses the question: What is Freedom and what is the purpose of your life? He instructs that true Freedom for the mankind of Earth is when the Threefold Flame has the opportunity to express and to chart its Divine Destiny without creating harm to any part of life. The Liberty that you experience in the United States was designed to give you the Freedom to know God and to enter into the Higher Realms to create whatever is the desire of God. Even in lands where there is not Freedom, the Heart Flame is free. It can leap in joy. It can impart the Fullness of Illumination to the mind. Beloved Saint Germain reminds you that with Freedom comes Responsibility for every erg of energy. He advises you to listen to the still small Voice of the Heart. You know who you are! Let others know who you are by letting your Light shine!
  • Prepare to receive the Mighty Momentum of Perfection of the Goddess of Liberty! This august Cosmic Being serves at the court of Vesta with her great Attainment on the Emerald Ray and many other Rays as well. You will hear the compelling story of Demeter, which depicts the Goddess’ magnanimous Heart and her ability to raise up the Sons and Daughters of God. With her passionate Divine Desire to assist your Heart Flame and to bring in the Golden Age, she will assist you in the buoyancy of your feelings and the brightness of your mind. A Golden Age comes when upon entering into the realms of your Holy Christ Presence you cannot help but want to make life outpicture Patterns of Perfection. Be ready to welcome and celebrate Divine Perfection. Many hearts and hands are required in service, giving their all, making the Work of the Brotherhood their vocation in life.
  • The Goddess of Liberty comes with guidance and support, assisting you to focus your consciousness within your Heart. She knows the Presence of God that you are. She sees your Heart Flame and knows how much bigger it can be! There are activities that will lead you to the Harmony and Peace you require to be in that Flame, such as meditating on music or nature, and that Flame will accelerate you into the God of Very Gods. When it is time to rest, you are free to enter into the Ascended Master Retreats at night. During the day you may drink from the fountain of the Heart Flame when you need a recharge or need to regain your Harmony. The door to the Heart will lead you to the expression of life that you desire. Begin with the harmonization of your vehicles in the Flame of God. There’s no need to wait for others for you to have your Victory. Be the one who shows the example and the way.
  • The technological advances that our modern civilization enjoys today have resulted in an abject indifference to spiritual solutions for what ails the Earth. You can only receive what you have made an effort for through your Decrees and in applying Cosmic Law, all of which returns to you as good karma. You must be ready to give of your life in Service. The role of government as set forth in Plato’s Republic is reviewed and compared with subsequent forms of government, including democracy. We as Torch Bearers must engage at the Altar to arrest downward spirals of political and social degradation so that more and more elements of the Golden Age can be lowered in America and Freedom loving nations around the world. The Torch Bearers in this era will determine if the trust of the Ascended Masters is warranted in future generations.
  • Your Mighty I AM Presence ever gives gratitude to the Holy Angels for the protection they have afforded you throughout your incarnations. Archangel Michael advises you to call forth the Angels to multiply the Goodness of God upon the Earth! They will fill your chalice with Compassion and Mercy, streaming forth all of the Virtues of God. There really are no strangers in your world if you address the Flame of God upon the Altar of the Heart in all that you come in contact with. The test of incarnation is to prove that the Flame upon the Altar of the Heart can withstand any outer vibration and win the Victory. The more that you embrace the Truth of your Identity, the more the Light within will expand and accomplish the Divine Intent. The Presence of God should be the most important part of your life. For when your priorities are in Divine Order, everything else works in accordance with the Will of God.
  • Treasure as your most priceless possession the conscious memory of the story of the Godhead Charioteer. Because you have committed yourself to the full realization of your Mighty I AM Presence, you have freed the Ascended Masters to be of far greater help than would otherwise be the case. This allows for the time and the cycles to be condensed for your Victory. When you rise into the level of your Christ Presence, time and space are set aside. The Christ Presence can shift attention with the speed of light to any record in the past, present, or future, see what is coming and deal with it long before it becomes a threat. Accept the vestments of your Christ Presence and treasure The Temple of The Presence, which is your true home of Light, where the unbroken continuity of Eternity can be shared with you as it exists in the Consciousness of God.
  • When you approach the Consciousness of the Great I AM, let your vehicles be prepared in Purity. When the Presence dawns upon you, you will want to be able to recognize the Presence and have an awareness of the wise use of all that the Presence brings to you. You are intended to build a temple for the Presence of God that is always responsive to the Mind of God. There must first be the communion with your own Mighty I AM Presence so there can be Freedom, not just for your lifestream, but for all. When you choose to take the Hand of God, you open your vehicles of consciousness to the Light of God that will impart to you the Patterns of your God Presence. As the lesser patterns fade away, you will no longer be in struggle. What will remain will be the Love in your Heart for the Flame in the Heart of others. The Nameless One affirms that there is no limitation to what can be accomplished when the Presence of God streams forth into your consciousness.
  • What is it that allows you to have the Courage and Fearlessness of an Archangel to move into the fray of life and be God Victorious? Archangel Gabriel replies that it is Purity's Ray so that the intent of your Heart is always in alignment with the Will of God. Invoke the Violet Flame so that you are filled with the Love of God. The Angels can go forth at your command and stand in the midst of those striving mightily to overcome their human limitations. The Kingdom of God is intended to be flourishing upon the Earth even now. You have a Mighty I AM Presence fully engaged in the Allness of God, deposited upon the Altar of your Heart. You cannot separate yourself from the Allness of God. The Archangels stand in Service to the Flame upon the Altar of your Heart, streaming forth Purity in all the Rays of God Consciousness. Let their aid assist in bringing you into the Victory your Presence desires for you.
Teachings from the Ascended Masters to Help You Master the Science of the Ruby Ray to Consume Burdens, Negativity, and Unreality — and Re-establish the Divine Edenic Blueprint in Yourself and in the Earth!

Lord Maitreya calls you into the Initiations of the Ruby Fire. Accept…and Accelerate! During the 2017 Easter Conclave and subsequent Acropolis Sophia, nineteen Ascended Masters, including Maitreya, Lanto, Krishna, Saint Germain, Zarathustra, El Morya, the Maha Chohan, the Great Divine Director, El Samyam, and several Elohim and Archangels presented powerful Releases of their Light and Teachings to train you in the intense Love of the Third Secret Ray of the Ruby Fire. Understand the gift of the Dispensation of the Oriflamme Chalice. Discover the Lords of the Solar Devas. Let Krishna activate the Resurrection Flame in your life. And learn the importance of “The Presence of the Presence is Everywhere Present.” This double album contains every Dictation and almost every Discourse presented during this transformational twelve-day cycle. The Whirlwind Action of the Ruby Fire in these Releases will help you rise in attunement, Attainment, and Mastery. The Hosts of Heaven await your invocation of the Oriflamme Chalice — so it can perform its Perfect Work through you and direct Rivers of Ruby Fire to redeem the Earth and thrust her forever into the Golden Age!

  • This Conclave is a complete immersion in the 3rd Secret Ray, the action of Divine Love and Sacrifice, and is consecrated to your training and investiture in the Office of Priest and Priestess of the Sacred Fire. The Oriflamme Chalice Dispensation is the greatest tool for the Golden Age entrusted into your keeping, and the Shekhinah Pillar™, called forth by you in the Cosmic Christ Command, is the open door to the Ascended Master Octave pouring forth to the earth plane. Grasp the key differences and similarities between the public Activity of The Temple of The Presence and that of the Mosaic Dispensation. The work you are now involved in is calling down from God on High the action of the Angelic Hosts and Ascended Masters, but also addressing directly the Presence of God Almighty. Learn why your free will election to make your Ascension is a rule changer for you, and hear key teaching on the essential attitude and attunement required for you to operate the Ruby Fire successfully.
  • The Great Divine Director, Manu of the seventh root race, wishes you to gain the fullness of your opportunity! The Patterns of God Identity that you internalize and the Light that you anchor when you stand at your altar vested in the Charge of Light of your own Mighty I AM Presence establishes an Eternal Momentum of God’s Light on the planet that will not be eroded away. Put on the Garment of the Christ that you need to be victorious, get to know your Heart Flame, embrace your God Identity. Thus, you will discern truly the vibration that you are in; Purity, Harmony, and Peace are requirements for your Holy Christ Presence to overshadow you all your days. Take up the work of the Priest and Priestess of the Sacred Fire; invoke the Shekhinah Pillar, feel and understand the action of the Oriflamme Chalice and the Consciousness behind it. Call forth the Light with Constancy in the flow of God!
  • Vow to yourself to hold to this axiom: if it is not happening in the Consciousness of God, it is not real and has no power. Then don’t give it any power whatsoever! The Teachings of the Ascended Masters support the unapologetic denial of appearances that are less than Perfection. As you put the Presence of God in the place of that imperfection, you affirm what is true all the way down to the physical plane. The Presence of God should be understood to be everywhere present. Every time something less than the standard of your I AM Presence and the Ascended Master Consciousness announces itself to you, call to the Ascended Master you trust most. Remain profoundly indifferent towards imperfection, because attraction or repulsion is an admission of the condition being real. You say, “Beloved Mighty I AM Presence, direct your attention into this condition!”
  • Avail yourself of these detailed instructions on making calls at your altar in the Divine Outpouring of the Ruby Ray, Violet Flame, and Emerald Ray. First attune with the Mighty I AM Presence, calling on the Angelic and Ascended Hosts, then put those things in the forefront of your consciousness into the Flame. Call all that is lawful in your being and world to go into the Flame. Finally, allow the Fullness of God Love to flow through you to touch all of life. Use the Ruby Fire for anything you have wrestled with time and again. Being so saturated with the Momentums of God Qualities and the Virtues of the Christ that you can wield those Qualities on the instant is true adeptship. When you are called home at the end of this embodiment you will see what a tipping point this opportunity has been! Beloved Zadkiel urges you to pay full attention to the upcoming Class instruction as to what to put your attention on when you go to the altar as a Priest and Priestess of the Sacred Fire.
  • Saint Germain invites you to reflect upon the opportunity available to you right now. To walk in the hallowed halls of The Temple and commune with the Masters, to not only engage with the Light but to call it forth, that is the opportunity! It is time to expand your awareness to include the whole Earth and all thereon. You are making a turn now and grasping the Attainment and Mastery needed for your Victory. You have touched the Flame of God and communed with the Ascended Masters. That should encourage you. Consider how far you have come since feeling the Flame of God and gaining the understanding that there was a plan from the beginning. You are that plan. Indulgence and excuses are not acceptable, nor should you limit what your Presence is capable of! Saint Germain asks that you surrender your all to your Presence and allow for the Oriflamme Chalice to pour forth over its rim the Divine Ruby Action. With the coming of the Dispensation of the Oriflamme Chalice you can bring divine change through the Will of God and consume all that is opposed to that Will. Your reward will be the Ascension.
  • A Dispensation is a grace, a Mercy of the Law. It is an investment of God Life, Light, and Love. Some Dispensations relate only to individuals, and some are worldwide — such as new world religions. Dispensations have included: the Maxin Light; the knowledge and use of the Violet Flame; the sponsorship of Anointed Representatives; the Theosophical Society; The Temple of The Presence; Golden Helicon; the various elements of the Shekhinah Pillar; and now, the Oriflamme Chalice, which enlists the Power of the Solar Devas acting under the direction of the Elohim. The Golden Earth, the Perfection of our planetary home, is lowered safely within this Oriflamme Chalice to re-establish the Divine Patterns within the mind of mankind. The Oriflamme Chalice is an instrument of immense Power. It must be used with utter Harmony, Compassion, and Love in the Virtue of Sacrifice.
  • As Beloved Nada releases the spiraling action of the Ruby Fire from the very Heart of God, allow it to consume unreality, catch you up, and help you to surrender all to your Mighty I AM Presence. Invoking the Ruby Fire first requires that you stand fully in unconditional Love. All Ascended Masters, including the recently Ascended Elizabeth Brookhart, mastered this before they could ascend. This will ensure no negativity returns into your world. While Beloved Nada reports all you have already achieved, she urges you to value every new opportunity to enter into the Heart of your God Presence, to have the Charge of Light come over you to vivify the cells of your body! It could be the tipping point for your Presence to have the Victory! How blessed you are to know of your Mighty I AM Presence, more so than those given great missions or wealth. Run to grasp and understand every Dispensation! Trust your Presence! Your Presence is trusting you with the Glory of God!
  • For most students on the Path, mastery of their feeling world is most challenging. The Angelic Hosts can be your heartfelt companions. It is the Divine Plan for the Angels to stand within your four lower bodies and transfer their Qualities into your feeling world so that you can receive the additional Momentum that they can bring into your forcefield. As many Angels as are needed to help you overcome will stand within your aura. When your Heart Flame can command stillness and Harmony, reasserting its God Dominion over your feelings, you will have won the greatest of all initiations. You can look to your I AM Presence as the Fountainhead of Divine Love that takes charge of your feeling world. You have the Authority to send the All-Consuming Love of God to encompass the Heart Flames of mankind. Make the Call and let the Light do its work!
  • Archangel Chamuel brings forth a Great Dispensation of the Ruby Fire from the Heart of God in the Great Central Sun and begins an action of the Ruby Fire going into the Earth. This Dispensation gives you all you require in your spiritual centers to stand in this Fire and convey the Light of God. By immersing yourself in the Consciousness of the Angels and acting as Priest and Priestess of the Sacred Fire, your calls to the Ruby Fire will produce an immediate response. Misuse of the Ruby Fire would make great karma; therefore, you must have internalized the teaching on Cosmic Law and become that teaching. Going to the Retreats at night you will receive more instruction, and the Angels are here to help you raise your consciousness and vibration. You are establishing a Momentum of the pure Essence of God Love to go forth to consume negativity layer by layer. Your responsibility is to respond to the direction of God, to be a pure chalice, no longer being timid. You are the Mighty I AM Presence!
  • Torch Bearers are called to invoke the full outpouring of the Ruby Fire to manifest on a cosmic scale, encompassing the Earth. Wherever the Heart Flames of the Sons and Daughters of God are assailed through superstition or peril, the Solar Devas, the cherubim, the Oriflamme Chalice, and the Shekhinah Pillar will fly to their side. The service that you give by calling forth the Ruby Ray is to siphon off the overburden of discord in the mental and emotional planes before it can rupture through as cataclysm. The Ruby Fire is the most intense concentration of God’s Love that will pursue wherever those conditions have their causes and cores. As the Ruby Fire acts in your own life, let things go and do not return into old momentums of doubt or fear. It takes Courage to focus that Fire.
  • Lord Maitreya brings initiation in the Communion with your God Presence, in the action of the Threefold Flame of the Heart and the release of the Ruby Fire of God Love accelerating your vehicles of consciousness to prepare you for the next initiation. In this wonderfully definitive Dictation, Lord Maitreya describes the process of initiation as an acceleration and stepping up of the Light in your vehicles, a moving beyond the status quo in terms of vibration, a new awareness and expanded horizons. This lifetime has seen a great initiation for students in comparison to the Mystery Schools of old because of the teaching coming forth on the Heart Flame. Lord Maitreya encourages you to prepare to receive these increased initiations of Light by increasing your Violet Flame momentum and developing God Poise. Describing in detail how your bodies may feel as the Light is increased, Lord Maitreya explains the importance of allowing the Light to flow through the vehicles. Cook in the Flame! The increase of Light will give God Vision and will accelerate your spiritual centers. What will change with the next initiation and cycle?
  • The Solar Devas work in cooperation with the Elohim to produce the precise Action of the Oriflamme Chalice. This Action will be magnified when you understand that the Presence of God is truly present everywhere, despite appearances in this outer world of form. When you issue the I AM decree, God’s Omnipresence responds to that Call. The Lords of Karma recognize that the Sons and Daughters of God are entangled with the world’s karmic conditions. The Hand of God, through your Calls, stays those conditions so there can be an unraveling of the discord without harming the Good. It is the Divine Intent that the Great I AM hear the Decree and answer personally. The last place where Victory has to be won is in the emotional realm. Your feelings need to be engaged by your Threefold Flame so that you can have the Power of God stepped down. This God Power has to come through your mind and emotions.
  • Our World Teacher brings the Charge of Illumination to consume the dross clouding the consciousness and highlights the urgency of grasping your opportunity here and now. Consider the ticking of the clock as a hammer driving more negativity into the Earth! The Angels are waiting for your calls, and there is a need for daily regularity of invocation. Understand that humanly you cannot deal with the downward cycles, but when you actively engage in service at the altar, the Life Force of God lifts you above all concerns and brings the answer. When calling to the Ruby Fire your heart immediately responds, “Yea, I AM here, it will be done.” Do not wait nor expect others to do it for you, for that will be the human beguiling you. Don’t accept it! And when Illumination’s Flame begins to flow and the Fire of God begins to consume the dross, then there is new opportunity for a lifestream, a new awareness of God that has not been embraced before. When the Ruby Fire descends into your vehicles you, will be so grateful to God for your training, disciplines, and striving! It will have all been most worth it
  • Lord Krishna entreats you into the White Fire of the Mother Light, activating the Resurrection Flame in your life so that the Fires of Purification will course through your vehicles of consciousness. There within the White Fire you will have the Charge of God that will purify the core of your being, allowing you to have the pure intent of the Heart as you enter into the Rituals of the Oriflamme Chalice. Lord Krishna cautions you to enter into the invocation of the Ruby Ray with the full Wisdom of the Mind of God, so there is not the misuse of the Light overlaid with malintent, for therein great karma can ensue. You are called to invoke the Oriflamme Chalice, to be an adept of the Fires of God. For who else can the Brotherhood count on to make a difference in the Earth?
  • The Solar Devas are elemental beings who do not become burdened by human thought and feeling. The term “Solar Deva” refers to Elemental Life operating in the great Buddhic Plane of the Cosmic Christ Consciousness, as well in the Akashic Realm. The Solar Devas are always under the Cosmic Christ Command of Ascended Masters and Cosmic Beings. These Elemental Beings perform their Service and move into action only when divinely directed, commanded by the Authority of an Ascended One. They are Builders of Form, very involved in the fashioning of higher matter. Some Solar Devas not only fashion the cup that is the form, but become the Divine Expression of God’s Spirit filling that form. Saint Germain’s personal experiences from his life as Proclus and from one other unknown embodiment provide an example of the importance of holding to the Patterns of Divine Perfection.
  • Beloved Lord Lanto bathes you in Illumination’s Flame as he treats you to the Wisdom of the Ages. This beautiful Dictation gives essential instruction concerning Illumination’s Flame. You are meant to bring forth the Radiance of the Mind of God from your Heart. To do this the Heart must be open and the Heart Flame must be free to express itself. Your heart is being prepared to be responsible for the Ruby Fire coming from the Oriflamme Chalice! Being caught up in the minutiae of daily living makes this difficult, as does the tendency of the human mind to think you are separate from your Divine Self. Illumination’s Flame is far more powerful than the human will! It is the Higher Vehicles that demand the outer vehicles to come into alignment, and to do this the Heart must be breathing in and out with God Love. Learn how the Mind of God is the foundation of all that comes forth from the Great Central Sun and comes forth ahead of the Ruby Fire. Knowing when, where, how, and the dimension of flow is the work of Illumination’s Flame.
  • There are no limitations for your Mighty I AM Presence. Your Presence is able to produce and send forth limitless Actions of the Light into world conditions and into your own life conditions simultaneously. It will hold those Rays fixed where they are directed, however long it takes for them to accomplish their work. When the Presence comes forth, it is Supra-full, a blazing Outpouring of God The One. Your Presence has elected to unfold the totality of its own inherent being of Love, Light, and Life here as the outermost outpost of that Presence, unfolding and cultivating the Seven Rays and the Five Secret Rays. Elevate your four lower bodies as a grail for your I AM Presence and for the Brotherhood, saying, "You may use my upraised consciousness as the Authority and conduit to leverage your Limitless Power and bring it to bear wherever it is needed across the Earth."
  • Beloved Zarathustra comes with fiery words to awaken you to the great opportunity you are now receiving to grasp the awareness of your Mighty I AM Presence. He surrounds you with the Charge of Light so you might have your Victory here and now. You have been prepared. You have the God-given talent of calling forth the Light at your altar. To have the Fullness of the Charge of the Rays of God at your Christ Command you must allow your Heart Flame to spiral at will into the Fullness of the Identity of the Presence. The Masters are looking to you who are tutored in the Word, who speak in the name God I AM, to anchor Patterns of God Identity, to enlighten those who are responsible for making wise decisions. Sharpen your swords! Do not settle or procrastinate! That is the death of an adept! Ignite the Shekhinah Pillar and be the Oriflamme Chalice, establishing the Ruby Fire and allowing the Flame on the Altar of your Heart to become the Chalice. When you truly do this, you will be performing the Work of the Lord, turning the tide to establish the Love of the One here on Earth.
  • When the Oriflamme Chalice consumes all that is not of the Light, there will not be any vacuum remaining to cause a backlash to those who invoke that Light. Wherever the Shekhinah Pillar is invoked you have a guardian wall, a bulwark of protection. The Legions of the Lords of the Praetorian Hosts are encamped about, directing their Light both inward and outward. The completion of the Shekhinah Pillar in the Temple of Light’s Victory represents the coming forth of the Golden Age. Wherever you send it throughout the world, God will raise up this Pillar of Fire. The time will come when you will pass through the nexus of the Realm of the Great Central Sun and enter into the Realm of The One and The Good, experiencing the Causeless Cause of all, and you will want that experience to last forever. You are the open door to the Realms of Eternity and Coming-to-Be.
  • The Maha Chohan stands upon the high step leading to the Pharos of Hierarchy and welcomes you to come and enter into the study of Cosmic Law with each of the Chohans. He entreats you to allow your consciousness to soar with the Chohans to assist you in taking dominion over the elemental forces of nature by the Christ Command of the Heart Flame. Sit with these Ascended Masters and work with them on their specific Ray of God Consciousness; enter into a course of study with them so that you receive the training that you require to be victorious over the necessities of life. With this Dispensation you will begin to appreciate just how close the Ascended Masters are and their desire to assist you.
  • Mighty Hercules draws you into the current of the Will of God. He explains the importance of entering into the flow of God. You have the ability to move within these great currents and be treated by the Perfection of the Mind of God. Engaging in the work of the Oriflamme Chalice will accelerate your Mastery and Attainment. You will want to have your attention galvanized to your Mighty I AM Presence and enter into the flow of the Oriflamme Devas. Be aware of the Mind of God elevating your consciousness, the Charge of your Christhood surrounding your consciousness in the White Fire of the Mother Light, and the Ruby Fire that will surround you as you call forth the Charge of the Oriflamme Chalice and invoke the Presence of God. It all requires the knitting together of the Flame of the Heart in the Will of God.
  • The Goddess of Light teaches that if the Light is to be transferred into your vehicles of consciousness, the bodies must be receptive to the Light. You will want to accelerate the vibration of your vehicles, to purify them, to keep them clean, rested, refreshed, and renewed as you daily give glory to God and drink in the Substance of God Consciousness that brings the Light into these outer vehicles. Then you have clarity of vision, for you are able to see exactly what it is that you desire to accomplish. This is important because if you do not know what it is you desire to accomplish, how will the universe know what to give you back? There must a more than ordinary pressure of the Mind of God as Illumination’s Flame within your world. Mark well that what you learn is for the highest use of the Mighty I AM Presence.
  • You are learning how to move within the currents of the Pranic Breaths prepared for you to convey the Light and Momentum of the Fire of God. You have the opportunity to stand in the Light of God, to draw it forth, and to allow that Light to change your life. It is not enough to do the work of your Presence solely for your own benefit, for the Heart of God desires to expand the Light of God into life all about you. When you elect to call forth the Oriflamme Chalice, you can be sure that the full resonance of the Shekhinah Pillar in all of its Glory will be anchoring its support and Momentum behind you for the completion of all that you are endeavoring to accomplish. The Light will always win when the faithful servants of God stand as a Pillar of Fire and perform their Perfect Work.
  • When all of your four lower bodies are truly under the God Control of your Mighty I AM Presence, you are on the way to your Freedom and your Mastery, because it means that the Power of the Presence can safely be shepherded through the four lower bodies. This is a path of Love in all of its many attributes, and the Attainment of the Ascension can only be won when Love is the only power and force that is used. Training in the use of the Light Rays includes being acquainted with the Consciousness of your Mighty I AM Presence, because that is the very Light and Consciousness that needs to be stepped down. In your Beloved Mighty I AM Presence there is the knowledge of Perfection and the certitude of the Victory of the Ascension and of all things good, including the Providential Knowledge of the Perfection of planet Earth.
  • The Chohan of the Third Pranic Breath of the Ruby Fire beseeches you to galvanize your consciousness within the Heart of your own Presence, draw upon that Love of God, be the Heart of the Ruby Fire, and perform the Rituals of the Oriflamme Chalice. You have the Heart Flame that resembles that of the rose. You are called to sacrifice that Heart Flame upon the altar of life. The Rose of Light instructs you on how to know when you have entered into an action of the Oriflamme Chalice and engaged in the Light of God. The initiations you receive on the Third Secret Ray allow you to gain greater Courage and recognize the depths of your Identity in God. As you are learning to put on the Ruby Fire, come to Rose of Light’s Retreat. Call upon her Flame to give you the Courage to stand in the Fire.
  • El Morya draws your consciousness back to the Flame upon the Altar of your Heart. This is the very Source of all that you require to fulfill the Will of God. When you enter the Fullness of your Heart, you know El Morya’s Heart. The Will of God requires the wise use of all of the Rays of God Consciousness. You must have the razor’s edge consciousness keenly fixed upon the details of your life. Hold fast to the vibration of Harmony and Peace — the deep Peace required to fulfill every alchemy of your Presence. When you put your attention upon the Presence and do not allow for any distractions, this is training. This is disciplining your outer vehicles. El Morya commends you to continue your journey in the pursuit of the Mastery of all that you are learning.
  • Monroe Shearer introduces and explains the Ruby Ray triptych. The Ruby Ray action of the Oriflamme Chalice is a living grail of the condensed Liquid Light of the All-Consuming Love of the Presence going forth. He then relates some episodes from Carolyn Shearer’s encounters and training with the Ascended Masters, attesting that she is the most loving, compassionate, and patient lifestream that you could ever want and that your personal connection with her Heart Flame is profound. Instruction is given on the Light and Sound Rays and the Service of Immaculata. If you can understand that Truth, Perfection, Life, Youth, Beauty, Magnificence all already exist, it is a small matter for the Presence of God to take what has always been, to unite with it through the Golden Chain in the Threefold Flame, and decree it should come to be in the realm of manifestation.
  • El Samyam invites you to come to his Retreat to receive instruction on the Ruby Fire. The Fires of the Heart of God move through currents of Light and Momentum of the Pranic Breaths so that the Hand of God may move in the land, building into the fabric of life more of the form and formless Nature of God in the Perfection that is required. The Ruby Fire is most important to your ability to more quickly excel on the Path of your Mastery and to resolve many of the situations upon the Earth that require the attention of the Ruby Fire and Oriflamme Chalice at this very moment. You cannot wait to become an Ascended Master to draw forth the Currents of the Light. You begin where you are, knowing that with each invocation, with each acceleration of the Fires of your Heart, you are building upon your own Mastery that eventually will result in the full Victory, and you will stand as a Pillar of Fire.
  • We revere the Oriflamme Chalice as the Holy Oriflamme Grail Consciousness, containing within it the condensation of the compassionate Love of God for all of life in this world. It is the Holy Grail Chalice from the Great I AM, from the Heart of the Presence of God Almighty, Love condensed in the utter givingness of the selfless Sacrifice that flows forth into this system of worlds and returns back to the dynamo of the Heart of the Presence. The compassionate Love of God expressing through the Oriflamme Chalice is willing to disassemble and completely forget every creation that is unlike its own nature. We must use the Oriflamme Chalice with an absolute sense of kindness and harmlessness to every part of life. Every bit of Love is sent forth with that Ruby Ray Action and the directing intelligence of the Mind of God working through that Love.
  • To anchor the Ruby Fire of the Oriflamme Chalice requires Wisdom. What vestments of Christhood have you donned? Have you been able to stand in the full release of the White Fire of the Mother Flame? To be filled with the overwhelming Love of God, to come into alignment with the Will of God, that is the Mastery required. As quickly as your attention goes to your Christ Mind, you see that suddenly you have command of the Light, because you are living more and more the life of your Holy Christ Presence as it is intended to be. As an initiate on the path to your Ascension, you understand the importance of every moment of every day. You cannot waste one erg of energy. Apollo urges you on to the further exploration and expansion of your own Illumination’s Flame, so you can have wise use of all that God is giving you.
  • The Elohim Kronos instructs that there must be Lightbearers in the Earth who issue the Conscious Cosmic Christ Command, calling for the Light of God to consume all that is impure and for the reestablishing once more of the Patterns of God Identity. You have the ability to perform this. Your consciousness must be filled with the Light of God, with Harmony, knitting together your spiritual centers so as to be the Christ Light where you are. Stand in the fullness of your Christhood and allow Illumination’s Flame to knit together your consciousness with the Buddhic Web so there can be only that which is perfect and whole in the very Presence of God. Allow Illumination's Flame to burn brightly so that when you call forth that Ruby Fire you will move mountains of adversity for all the Sons and Daughters of God. Allow your Causal Body Momentum to come to the fore and gain in mastery each time you render the call.
  • Lady Master Venus reminds you that when you are seated within the Flame of God, life all about you is nourished and you make the difference. As you partake of the action of the Secret Love Star and all of the Dispensations granted in this time and cycle, you are required to have a greater stamina, Courage, and striving to keep on in the Divine Direction that your Presence has chosen for you. Be about your work fulfilling your Divine Plan, gaining your Mastery and Attainment. Be grateful for the challenge. Run to greet the opportunity to grasp new initiations and cycles. Holding fast to the Identity of who you truly are gives you the Courage and Strength to go through any test, any initiation, and any refinement of the Refiner’s Fire. Run to greet the Flame of God!
  • Each day there is new opportunity afforded by the Mercy of God, by the Love of God, to overcome lesser states of consciousness. The Elohim Arcturus adjures you to call upon the Presence of God to give you Wisdom and Enlightenment so you can have the clarity of the Vision of God to pursue your way of life in accordance with the Will of God. All should be striving to enter into the Will of God. Let every Son and Daughter of God invoke the Violet Flame and the Flames of God Consciousness, unfurling all of the dimensions of the Qualities of God, as they accelerate their journey toward their Victory of the Ascension! Refine your vehicles of consciousness each day with the Violet Flame and call forth the Ruby Fire to go after those more recalcitrant energies. This is a great Dispensation for this era.
Teachings from the Ascended Masters to Help You Expand the Spark and Experience the Joy of Your True Divine Identity!

Rejoice and Celebrate! Shout Exultate! Jubilate! For the Ascended Masters invite you to come home to God and bask in the Bliss and Joy of the Divine Consciousness that is your Birthright! Ascended Masters, including Gautama Buddha, Lord Maitreya, Beloved Omega, Saint Germain, El Morya, Immaculata, the Maha Archangel Purusha, and the entire Karmic Board presented powerful Releases of their Light and sacred, in-depth Teachings on the Divine Spark of the Great God Flame. Discover the Limitless Consciousness that will bring your Freedom. Learn what will and will not allow your Presence to act in your world. Understand the value of God Perfection and the Power of the Great, Great Silence. Enter the Vibration of Cyclopea’s Retreat. And know the Unconquered Light of Lux Invictus! This double album contains every Dictation and almost every Discourse presented during this twelve-day cycle. Drinking in the Light of these remarkable Releases will accelerate you on your Path and help you become that Light of God that Never Fails! — the Mighty, Divine, Limitless Light that will powerfully and victoriously transform the world!

  • Lord Ling teaches that if you are missing the Happiness and Joy of life, it is because you are missing the Charge of Light that you require. You are not alone. You are surrounded by Brothers and Sisters of Light who desire to comfort you, who stand with you before the Altar, shoulder to shoulder, while you forge on to your destiny! You can put your attention upon the unreality in life. Or you can put your attention upon the Mighty I AM Presence. In that Presence you know no despair, no negativity. You experience the pure joy of living, of making your journey to the Ascension in Happiness. Put all the transgressions and debts into the Violet Transmuting Flame. In the Presence of God is Joy, upliftment! For it is that acceleration of the Light that lifts from you the burdens, the negativity. That is the secret of the Violet Flame.
  • The Glorious Exultation and Jubilee Consciousness of God Perfection is the keynote of this Conclave. To enter into the Joy of this Exalted Consciousness and sustain that Light in the Momentum of your Presence, you must train your four lower bodies not to accept the unrealities of this outer world. If you do not feed your life and attention into imperfection, it is powerless to cross the thresholds of the Electronic Circle, the Tube of Light, and the Shekhinah Pillar™ established around you. If you are consciously or unconsciously holding on to patterns that are less than the Perfection of your Presence, then you will be locked out of the Realm of your Christ Presence or of your I AM Presence — because that substance cannot enter those Realms. The only time your attention should go to reports of imperfection is when you are making Calls on them. And even then you give them no power.
  • The Elohim Purity offers you the training of Elohim so that you might create, move, think, and love only in Purity. He explains how to establish the Joy Flame of God in your life by clearing away the debris that has become the burden, by establishing momentums that are uplifting, but most of all, by training your vehicles to hold fast to Purity, allowing for the Light of God to bathe your consciousness daily. You must be attentive to your Heart Flame in all its Purity. For it is that Purity that creates a new world. When the Light becomes more important to you than all worldly acclaim, when your Presence is the All-in-All of your being, then all things that are true and just — the fulfillment of your Divine Plan and the creation of your world — will be complete in accordance with the Will and the Purity of God!
  • Will you be one of Saint Germain’s Torch Bearers pledged to his Dawning Golden Age and to the Path that leads to the Ascension? Make the firm resolve to advance into the Outpouring of Light of your Presence and come apart from the mass consciousness of this world. The choice is “to be or not to be.” The Divine Spark of your Heart Flame must be kindled and fanned until there is the rebirth that is the Resurrection and the Ascension. When you truly know your Individual God Presence and its Power to work change in your life, there are positively no adverse conditions that can touch your world. The work of the Ascended Masters is to sing the praises of your I AM Presence and reveal to you one facet after another of the Being of this God Individuality that is your Presence so that the God Consciousness of your Presence will be able to engage with you in your life.
  • Affirming that he holds you in high regard, the Great Divine Director presents instruction on the Path that can be a lifeline of opportunity for some. He instructs you on how to prepare for your Initiations and be victorious. You are required to stand as a Pillar of Light, holding fast to the Charge that you have been given and attentive to the Flame of God that you are! He encourages you to have Faith in your Presence, Faith in your own Heart Flame, and Faith in the Light that streams forth from this Altar so that you can overcome all limitations. Appreciate and embrace the Path, and allow the Flames of God Gratitude and God Love to buoy you up. Put all temporary disappointments into the Violet Flame. Establish new momentums that will not allow you to move back into those old patterns again.
  • One of the first Moments in Eternity is the Lux Invictus Moment, the breakthrough into the Realm of the Great Central Sun. This is depicted in the fiery engram that is the artwork for this Conference. This moment is the stepping forth of the Individualizations of the Godhead that takes place as the Great God Flame rays forth into the Great Central Sun. Then the Godhead Charioteer descends into the realms of Coming-To-Be. In the Lux Invictus Moment, the Great I AM is making its Presence known and leveraging its Power as the first stage of manifestation of what is to come. When you call, “Blaze the Power of the Great, Great Silence!” it grips everything less than itself. Take The Great, Great Silence Decree not only as an Invocation, but as a lesson from Beloved Jesus on this threshold into the august Presence of the Presence of God.
  • Streaming forth his Love to you as God, Purusha, the Maha Archangel, stands in the Earth with the Twelve Archangels in attendance to assist God’s Sons and Daughters in knowing who they are. For all else will come in due course when you know your Divine Heritage, when you no longer deny the Presence of God within you, and when you begin to put on the Garments of Light. You are surrounded by the Light of the Most High, even in those times when you feel furthest apart from God. If at a moment’s notice you cannot touch the very Presence of your own I AM, feel the Flame upon the Altar of your Heart expand, and be in the Harmony and Bliss of God — then what you have placed your attention upon is wrong for you at that moment. The Archangels protect your Heart Flame and desire for you to always be building upon that Divine Consciousness of the Presence of God!
  • All that you require to cause the Reality of the Great Central Sun to come forth and outpicture in your world is available to you in the Panoply of your own God Identity. Your Mighty I AM Presence can overshadow your thought and feeling world so that what you express is an outpouring of God Good. It is an impersonal principle of Cosmic Law that what goes forth flows back, and as you give forth unconditional Love as God Perfection, Goodness and Mercy will follow you all the days of your life. As this action is sustained, the space around you is charged and that Charge of Light is sealed in its own realm as a charged forcefield. In all of these worlds, the center of all activity is Love — the undiminished giving of the Selfhood of the Presence.
  • The loves that you share with father, mother, sibling, spouse, and friend are to teach you how to Love the Presence of God, for it is in that Love of the Presence that you are fulfilled. Your Heart magnetizes those you are to come in contact with in accordance with the Divine Plan of your lifestream. When Maitreya suggests that you abandon the foolishness of your human thoughts and ideas of love and put your attention upon the Love of God first, you can be assured that it is the Divine Intent for your lifestream. The reservoir of the Abundance of God Love is beyond measure. You need not hold back in reserve any portion of that Love at any time. You are fulfilled and complete when the Presence of God is flowing through you. You must practice engaging in the Love, the Will, the Illumination of God, the Emerald Ray, and the Violet Flame of your God Presence.
  • Your God Presence can establish forcefields of God Perfection in your lower bodies. Your Tube of Light displaces footpounds of emotional and mental pressure and insulates you from the astral and psychic planes. You have the Light of your Mighty I AM Presence to draw upon. You have the assistance of the Ascended Masters and the Angels stepping into the current of your thoughts and feelings, giving you their Courage and Strength. You can decide to counteract discord with an overwhelming momentum of Ascended Master Light so that you do not register that discord. Your Holy Christ Presence knows what is coming and should alert you before the first thought appears. The only way you win the Victory is when you make the calls and your Electronic Body performs its Perfect Work. Your Heart Flame should be the Sun of Even Pressure that holds this forcefield around you.
  • Saint Germain brings a Dispensation from the Karmic Board of the consuming of ten thousand years of karma. The Entire Spirit of the Brotherhood of Light stands on tiptoe waiting to give you the Kingdom of God. Accelerate your momentum of the Violet Flame so you can have Freedom’s Flame burning brightly in your life. Saint Germain will assist you in accomplishing this great and glorious work. Do not be timid to speak of God or hold back what you as the Sons and Daughters of God must bring to the fore. The alchemies you are able to perform are great if you practice the Teachings released from this Altar, perform the disciplines, and hold fast to the Sacred Fire and to the Light of God. You cannot intellectualize or theorize the Presence; it must be experienced through each vehicle of consciousness. When that occurs, you know the Presence of God and no one can dissuade you from that Reality.
  • Because your Heart Flame always desires God, you will ultimately have Holy Communion with your Mighty I AM Presence and all you require will be fulfilled. To enter into Holy Communion with the Flame of God requires Harmony, Peace, and Fearlessness. To manifest the pure fruit of God Good, there must be the full weight and measure of Purity and Perfection. Let your Heart Flame fill every cell of your being, building an impenetrable garment of the Threefold Action of the Flame of God. The Thoughtform of the Year is a Flaming Arrow carrying at its tip the Charge of Light of Illumination to pierce through the density that may remain within the world. A Shield of Blue Flame establishes a protective forcefield for you to perform your perfect work in the Presence of God, and a canopy of White Light surrounds and seals you in an Ovoid of Light that allows you to perform your Perfect alchemies to bring forth the Mighty I AM Presence and be purified in the Sacred Fire.
  • You are preparing for a one-way journey to the Ascension and that means relinquishing one’s conscious or unconscious attraction, curiosity, or desire for the things that this natural world has to offer. The Ascended Master Way of Life is far richer and more fulfilling and joyous than anyone can ever really describe. A tremendous amount of help is initially given to the student by the Ascended Masters, but the plan is for you to invoke the Light of your own Presence, engage in World Service, and make your own application on the Path. The rebirth of the God Self in the Heart Flame — your personal Lux Invictus moment — is an initiation everyone must face and conquer. Your Faith must always be in your own Mighty I AM Presence, your Ascended Master sponsors, and the Releases they give to you from this Altar.
  • Omega teaches that each breath, thought, and erg of energy of your being is pulsating and emanating the very Presence of Alpha and Omega from the Allness of God. As there is a closer proximity to Alpha and Omega, the initiations begin to accelerate. When they send forth the Radiance of their Heart and Momentum to touch you personally, that charge is mitigated according to what you are able to receive at any given time, but it is always more than you think you are able to handle. The pure Ray of the White Fire of Alpha and Omega is there to bring you to the point of awareness in your life of Purity so that you can accelerate to all of the plateaus that your Presence has prepared for you. Hear the word of Omega. Hold to Purity’s Ray. It is your greatest protection on the Path.
  • When we speak of the Presence, we are speaking of The One and The Good. The Goodness of The Good has always been. Out of The One and The Good comes forth the whole Chain of Being and it is still coming forth even now. All of that Limitlessness is the capacity of the Power of the Goodness of The Good to become every possible variation of what is Good. The Presence has resolved to individualize itself for the purpose of bestowing Good and enriching life, unfolding the attributes of The Good. Every I AM Presence has the “AMness” of the Great I AM and can make out of it anything it chooses. In the Oneness of The One, the I tinctures the AM and these two are brought together by a third equal partner, the Presence, as the Harmony, or Golden Plume. They form a trilogy, limitless in the Power to create Good.
  • You have heard the phrase “Thou shalt not Aristotle the Teachings.” That really means “Thou shalt not Aristotle the work of the Ascended Masters.” Napoleon Bonaparte was raised up by Saint Germain as an instrument for establishing a United States of Europe, along the pattern of the United States of America. As Napoleon became more powerful, his ego became inflated and the good that had been brought about by Saint Germain and the Brotherhood was usurped and redirected. The Temple of the Presence belongs to the Ascended Masters. They have brought the Teachings and lavished their Love and Wisdom and Radiation on the students. And it is thanks to the steadfast Dispensation of that outpouring that the Activity is what it is today. The Temple of The Presence belongs to the Ascended Masters and is the vanguard Ascended Master Activity that is their living instrument. We cannot compromise the Ascended Masters’ standard of Perfection.
  • Proclaiming it is time for you to be awake, Kwan Yin commends you to assist her in furthering the Presence of God through Love, Purity, and the Mercy Flame. For the Golden Age to manifest, there must be those who carry the Torch and the Purity of the Flame of God in Mercy’s Flame. Being a Torch Bearer of The Temple means fulfilling your Divine Plan, holding to the Patterns of Light and Momentum of God, and allowing the Torch of the Flame of your God Presence to burn brightly. When you have galvanized every erg of energy of your being to make your way to this Altar to receive the Teaching, the Charge of Light, and the acceleration in your consciousness, then the Karmic Board will do all within their Power to bring to the fore the many Victories that you are to accomplish. Trust in the Light of God for the All-in-All of your being!
  • Cyclopea draws you into his Retreat in vibration. The thousands of devotees in service to the Emerald Ray impart to you their momentum and focus of attention on the Presence. It is their gift to you! Entering into Oneness with God requires that you have the desire to accelerate every aspect of your being. Having the Vision of what is possible assists you greatly, for you cannot achieve something that you do not know exists. Knowing and internalizing the Truth of Cosmic Law allows you to put on more of the Garment of Light, the Substance of God, the very Presence of your own I AM, and create with that Presence. You are the Kingdom of God! You must hold the Vision for your lifestream, just as your Presence has held the Vision for your outer vehicles. Let your Vision be sharp and keen, always guided by the Mind of God.
  • Saint Germain states that you cannot experience or enter into the Presence of God and know God as long as you hold on to the idea that there is anything opposed to or unlike God, either inside or outside of yourself. You have long been suffering under the lie that there is anything but God in life. Recognize your Threefold Flame as the Hyparxis of the Great God Flame and identity with it. Take absolute iron-willed God Control of every formulation of thought by your mental body. When you affirm and acknowledge the Presence of God and God only, then you will have Perfection manifesting immediately. Wherever you see anything different from God, you must hold that God is there. This is the discipline of the Path. You can let your Presence have the Authority over your life, giving all that you are out here in this world to your Real Identity.
  • The journey that you have embraced requires the full attention of the Flame upon the Altar of your Heart. In the Poise of God Quality and Virtue of Perfection, you realize that the unfolding of God does not take time; it takes the right Vibration, the right attunement, the right saturation with the Presence of God. Allow your Heart Flame to knit together your vehicles of consciousness so that on your journey into the Higher Kingdoms of God you are protected, secure, and sealed from the outer voices trying to dissuade you from your Path. The Goddess of Light extends the Sword Excalibur to you to cleave asunder the Real from the unreal, to have the Diamond Shining Mind of God pour forth, and to have the Emerald Ray as Truth abide with you. The Fullness of the Power of God is returned into the keeping of the Christ Light of those who are able to uphold this powerful Sword.
  • Lady Master Nada commends you to God Love and reveals what it is like to enter into the Heart of God. You must let go of the outer circumstances of your life and allow your Heart Flame to soar. Give your all to the greatest love of your life — the Mighty I AM Presence! And in losing yourself within that Presence, you gain the Allness of God in Life. Life becomes richer, fuller, more complete. In the Presence of God’s Love, you understand how important it is to be responsible for every erg of energy of God Love that is entrusted to you. Holding to the Pattern of the Ruby Fire will allow you to transmute even the most intense records that would rail against the Beauty, the Joy, the very Presence of the Heart of God. Let the intensity of the Fires of your Heart consume all that would stand between you and the Heart of God!
  • This teaching helps you trace the origin of your God Identity back to the Great God Flame and beyond. The Masters come to help you to stretch your mind and hold the necessary attunement to receive the Mind of Christ, thus opening up new pathways for the Light of God Consciousness. Truly understanding the word “Harmony” will give you access to new vistas of Cosmic proportions, reaching back to the Great I AM, The One, and The Good. It is an understanding set forth in the writings of Homer, Pythagoras, Plato, and Proclus and left to you by these Blessed Ascended Masters to provide a foundation for Ascended Master students of the present time on their Path to the Ascension. The Ascended Masters would ignite the Solar Fires upon the Altar of your Heart and have you realize what your Heart Flame truly is — the very Hyparxis of the Great God Flame itself.
  • Pallas Athena explains that your training at inner levels between your many incarnations has brought you to the outer awareness of the Teaching of the Ascended Masters, to come and drink of the Light of God Consciousness from this Altar. When you come to this Altar and partake of the Momentum and Teaching that is released for you, it accelerates and magnifies what you have begun to externalize and internalize within your life. That develops the Divine Culture of the Sons and Daughters of God, for all to know of the Individualization of the I AM Presence. When you are disciplined in the Truth of Cosmic Law and hold to the Patterns of the great Magnet of God’s Love, when you embody the Purity of the Truth of all that is God, then there is nothing that your Presence cannot accomplish through your vehicles. Pallas Athena reminds you once again of your inner commitment to this Work on behalf of your own God Presence.
  • Immaculata, also known as the Goddess of the Night, holds the Patterns of your Divinity and Perfection in God. For in the veiled Consciousness of the Mother Light, she looks only upon the Presence of God in all its Glory — and this is a practice you, too, may attain. In the Great Silence, when you enter into the meditation upon the Perfection of your own God Identity, you receive the transfer of those Patterns. And they begin to germinate and expand. The Holy Estate that you maintain with your God Presence is precious indeed and must be nurtured. The experiences that you have in the Presence and the Glory of God are your right, your Divine Heritage, and the Fullness of Life that you are to live. Hold fast to the Glory of God and enter into the Joy of giving birth to God in Life! Immaculata stands as your advocate before the Most High, championing and beholding the Pattern of your Victory!
  • There will be times when you will be drawn to one or more Rays of God Consciousness that you must strive to understand and to become. When the Light of God comes upon you and you engage, then you truly know the Victory. You receive more opportunity and assistance and substance of God as you utilize wisely what is given to you. This requires that you know the Will of God, for it is the Will of God that directs you on those occasions. It is a great opportunity for you to accelerate on the Path. You must understand how to make the call, engage with your Heart, and keep that Flame burning brightly so that the Threefold Flame spins faster and faster and returns to you in divine order the requirement of the hour. The Path you have embraced is the Holy Communion of your outer vehicles with the Mighty I AM Presence.
  • El Morya teaches the only way to know you have truly surrendered to your Mighty I AM Presence is to be in a constant state of surrender. Even as you go about your daily life, you can be in a figure-eight flow with your Presence. When presented with gossip, Students of the Light have a duty to counsel those who gossip to give the Violet Flame and to call upon the Law of Forgiveness. El Morya will not abide gossip within his forcefield. A strong, well-trained military is important. It is a challenge for the Ascended Masters to work with those in leadership positions who are not students of the Light. Your calls for God Government and the protection of the Earth are important, as are the calls for the Temple of the Presence, so this Activity can be the focus of Light to assist and bring forth a greater awareness of God in the governments and the military.
  • Anointed Representative Monroe Shearer addresses some of the questions to El Morya from the previous evening. Regarding gossip, the Great Divine Director said that revolving anything less than Ascended Master Perfection is gossip. Follow the Ascended Master Way of Life by forgiving others and calling forth forgiveness for yourself. To those who wish to serve on the Sixth Ray, your Heart’s devotion and Love should first and foremost be to your own Mighty I AM Presence. Let there be an all-encompassing, impartial Love for the lifestreams who are to come into this Activity and a readiness to serve where the need is the greatest. Elevate your desire to serve those Heart Flames in whatever capacity required. Regarding spiritual healing, send your calls and your Light to that person’s Mighty I AM Presence. Do what you can through their Presence, then let their Presence and their Ascended Master sponsors be the ones to tip the karmic scales.
  • Your Mighty I AM Presence is earnestly striving to impart to you the energy, Light, and Momentum to bring you into greater Attunement with the Presence of God. For you to accomplish all your Presence desires, there must be an active participation in invoking the Violet Flame. It is not a waste to invoke more Violet Flame; for should you have balanced all of your karma, your Violet Flame will then serve to hold the balance for the Sons and Daughters of God who know not how to invoke it. When you come together as Hearts afire under the canopy of The Temple, you bring together all of your gifts and talents; and in that wholeness and unity of Heart Flames, the greater Good of God Reality of the Ascended Master Teachings is anchored. Let the Violet Flame perform its Perfect Work so that you can establish the Presence of God and abide there all your days.
  • The affirmation of “I AM THE WAY” is how every problem and limitation is to be addressed and overcome. The I AM, as God Consciousness, represents the Authority of Love, Wisdom, and Power — the Singularity of the Divine Spark of your Great God Flame. Saint Germain espouses the Golden Precept that your mind and feelings must not enter into a struggle with whatever is less than God Perfection. To achieve this fully requires that your Christ Presence, through the Threefold Flame, be the commanding Presence that reins in your four lower bodies when they react to discordant appearances. The key to attuning to the Christ Consciousness is in the use of the affirmation, “I AM THE WAY”. By the Presence of God through my Decrees, Service, and actions will come the means of deliverance in every situation.
  • Only when your vehicles of consciousness are sealed in The Light of God That Never Fails, when you look beyond what is presently being addressed in your midst and allow the Fullness of the Divine Plan of your Mighty I AM Presence to be revealed — only then are you able to have the wholeness of the Vision for your lifestream. You are expected to rise above the fray and to put on the Christ Light as you hold to the Precepts of the Law and maintain the Virtues of the Christ. You cannot escape the requirements of Cosmic Law any more than you can hide from your karma. You have Divine Opportunity to step off the wheel of karma, invoke the Light, and allow the Light to be in the midst of all you do. You have work to do. Mighty Victory holds the Vision of you as a Flaming Light of God!
  • Cosmic Law is the concrete Substance, Activity, and Body Consciousness of the Most High. It is no respecter of persons, and you cannot run from it. By allowing the Love of God to show you how to put that Truth into action, you will be establishing a vehicle of consciousness receptive to the Mighty I AM Presence at every turn. Throughout the remainder of your incarnation, you are expected to be responsible for every erg of energy of your being. There are no excuses — only the opportunity to apply the Law each and every moment, every day of your life. You cannot neglect any of your outer vehicles. All must be in Divine Harmony and Peace and have the Core Fire of the Mother Light so that the Threefold Flame of the Heart might flourish. During these twelve-day cycles, you are always resurrected and renewed into a greater awareness of God, for the Light that streams forth as Dispensation is great.
Teachings from the Ascended Masters to Help You Put on the Royal Robes of God Consciousness of Your Own God Presence!

Pallas Athena Proclaims: “You are the Hope of the Golden Age!” So don your Royal Presence, your Royal Mind, and your Royal Power – and change the world! These Releases will direct you to your Divine Estate! During the October 2016 Harvest Conclave and subsequent Acropolis Sophia, seventeen Ascended Masters, including Saint Germain, El Morya, Kuthumi, Nada, the Maha Chohan, Vesta, Mother Mary, Maitreya, Pallas Athena, and Cyclopea presented powerful Releases of their Light and Teachings on the august Royal Nature of your own God Presence — and how to draw that Presence closer to you. Learn why the Emerald Ray is the key you have been waiting for — and how it can return Earth to its Edenic Blueprint! Discover the message of the Emerald Matrix. Understand why you should not accept anything less than Perfection. Know the Royal Mind and Cyclopean Power of your Presence! This double album contains every Discourse and Dictation presented during this life-altering twelve-day cycle. Accept the Royal Robes of your True Divine Identity from your Royal Presence, and let the jeweled crown of Its Royal Mind guide you to your Ascension!

  • The Ascended Masters proffer to you an education on the Royalty of your own Mighty I AM Presence — the nature of God as Royal Presence, Royal Mind. Understand your Individual Presence in that Consciousness of Divine Royalty. Your Presence has always carried itself with decorum and dignity. Vested with a Mantle of Sovereignty and categorical Authority as a Royal Presence, your Mighty I AM Presence wields great Divine Power, a kingly twoedged sword of the Conscious, Cosmic Christ Command. Your own Presence is an undivided Oneness, the focus of the Consciousness of the Great I AM, one with the Presence of the Godhead. That is from whence all Royalty flows — from the Great I AM. Your Individual Presence wears this same regal Mantle upon its own shoulders — Royal Robes, Royal Scepter and all of the Regalia that is the Panoply of that One Presence of the Great I AM.
  • With all his Heart, Saint Germain welcomes you to your Royal Presence, your Royal Mind, your Royal Power. For you are welcomed into the August Body Consciousness of your own Mighty I AM Presence! Understanding this, internalizing it, and becoming the Fullness of all that you perceive the Presence to be in its High and Holy Estate allows you to walk in this incarnation as a Christ, vested with the Royal Robes of Purity, Love, and God Will. If you desire to soar with the Angels, you must free yourself of your karma. The Violet Flame is an easy way to transmute your karma. Keep in mind that the Violet Flame is the key to the Victory of all your Presence desires to manifest through you. Hold fast to the Royal Estate of your own God Presence for therein you will find the Power of God that you require to win your Ascension in the Light!
  • You have the capacity to invite your own God Presence into every known or unknown element of your life, especially your personal life — because that is where your free-will election reigns supreme. Your Presence is that Royal Monarch who, when invited and invoked, is able to produce Perfection in your life. The only means of producing that Perfection in your own world and in the world at large is to hold with an undivided polarization the knowledge and understanding of God in action. Behind this appearance world, God has always been everywhere in action. So regardless of outer circumstances, you are free to reject anything less than Perfection and to put the Mighty I AM Presence in action everywhere. Anything less than Perfection is totally and completely unreal. You have the Authority in the name of the Presence of God to decree that Perfection shall be present wherever lesser appearances would seek to intrude upon you or anyone else.
  • As his Angels convey Akasha into your midst, Archangel Roiiel from the God Star Sirius asks, “Are you ready to receive the Blessings of the Realm of Akasha?” Roiiel instructs that you can become all that is within the Realm of Perfection of Akasha by your Heart Flame. Are your outer vehicles going to rule? Or is your Presence going to rule? When you enter into the Oneness with your Presence, you understand what it means to be a Royal Son or Daughter of God. You are a Prince or a Princess of the Kingdom of God! Much is expected of you! Engaging in the Royal Presence of God requires you to hold fast to the disciplines that allow each of your vehicles to be bathed by the Flame of God. This is allimportant to the fulfillment of your Victory, your Coronation, and, ultimately, your Ascension. Archangel Roiiel commends you to a victorious Coronation in the Light!
  • May your heart be opened and uplifted into the glorious Sun of your Electronic Body. As you enter into a greater practice of the Presence in your life, a certain amount of unlearning must be done, undoing any deeply held erroneous beliefs as to the nature of God and Reality that might be present in your consciousness. One of the greatest untruths insinuated throughout many religions is the sense that the work of God is a miracle, supernatural, that transcends the natural order of things. But in truth, Cosmic Law produces unerring results, naturally and in order. Remind yourself often that this Path you are on is truly natural. Discover that the natural world begins with God in the Heart of the Great Central Sun. As you meditate upon this you will know that it is right and good to work the works of your Mighty I AM Presence. You will not find yourself holding your Presence at arm’s length, for you will find it easier than you thought to invite your Mighty I AM Presence into your life.
  • Lady Master Leto instructs that attaining Mastery on the Fourth Secret Ray of Necessity requires a sufficient Charge of the Emerald Ray propelling you through the eye of the needle. You are required to be steadfast, constant, Courageous, and Fearless. Call to the Ascended Masters of the Emerald Ray if you desire to fulfill your Mastery — if you desire to have your consciousness so charged in the Emerald Ray that your cells return to their Edenic Blueprint of Perfection, your mind so charged in that singular activity that allows the transfer of Illumination from the Mind of God, and your vision cleared of impurities so that you are seeing with the Vision of the Presence of God. It is your Responsibility to allow your Heart Flame to strive, expand, and glorify God in all your affairs! Do not forget, your vehicles belong to the Presence, so when you call to the Presence, the Presence will always answer.
  • We devote ourselves to resounding the glorious keynote of the nature of the Beloved Mighty I AM Presence and unfolding new dimensions of that glorious Presence. We celebrate chiefly the intimate Oneness of the Individualizations of the Presence with that Lord of Lords and King of Kings — The One, The Good, the Great I AM. Even after your Ascension you will continue to plumb the depths of the mysteries and the mystical nature of the Presence of God. It will be forever a source of marvel and wonder. You will rejoice in its profound and utter unity — the all-pervading sense of Oneness that is truly universal, found in those ideals of being everywhere present, everywhere All-Powerful, everywhere allknowing. You will discover this One Presence as the instigator of all Good, the originator and the source of the great providential Love and foreknowing of Divine Providence. Learn how to leave behind your mortality and enter, here and now, into that Realm of the Consciousness of God The One, its Unity and Oneness.
  • You who have put your Faith in the Ascended Masters and your Presence are a Beacon of Light for the world! You will accomplish what no other civilization has before — the opportunity for a lasting Golden Age! That is what your training is all about. This is your collective Responsibility. You are the Hope of the Golden Age! When you make your Calls to the Ascended Masters, to the Archangels, in the name of the Shekhinah Pillar™, you are establishing a Momentum of the Golden Age that streams forth from the Great Central Sun. The Golden Age depends upon you. Beloved Pallas Athena cannot impress upon you more strongly the importance of your role. Call upon the Lord! Call upon the Ascended Masters, the Archangels, the Shekhinah Pillar! Let the Light of your Presence go forth and proclaim the Victory! Your Calls are being answered!
  • Teaching is revealed on how to invite the unmitigated immediacy of your own Beloved Mighty I AM Presence in the Fullness of its Charge of Ascended Master Light into your world, exercising at-one-ment with the Presence. This level of Attainment you can look forward to as you engage certain principles of Cosmic Law, purifying and disciplining the four lower bodies for the rigors of the Ascension Flame. What the Presence would do for you, the Presence must do through you. With uncompromising and categorical necessity, certain principles of Cosmic Law must be fulfilled for the Presence to work through the outer vehicles. Learn to move aside the outer self so that the Inner Adept might come forth in its full, unmitigated Power. Remind yourself often that it is the real part of yourself, the Mighty I AM Presence, that produces the Light Rays and in all cases is the doer. As the source of its own Light, it is always and ever the Office of the Presence to produce the Flames of the Sacred Fire. At the level of the I AM Presence only Ascended Master Perfection exists — know, experience, and become this nonnegotiable principle of Cosmic Law.
  • The Elohim Virginia shows how the Emerald Ray can change your life. It can perform alchemies of Healing and Wholeness. It can multiply the loaves and fishes as it did for Jesus. It can establish a momentum of proficiency and clarity within every thought and action that you engender by the Needle Ray Consciousness of the All-Seeing Eye. You are the instrument by which God can perform the Perfect Work. Clear away your human creation, don your Royal Robes of the Presence of God, and know who you are! All of your life is a training process to come to that Single-Eyed Vision and Perfection of God, holding to those Patterns of Perfection in all that you do! The alchemies that are lasting and establish the Mastery and Attainment that you desire and your Presence requires must be engaged in consciously, by knowing the planes of consciousness and recognizing the flow of God Light and Momentum.
  • Your own I AM Presence is One with the Great I AM — and when you are One with that Presence, you are the majority that can leverage the Power of the Presence into this world of form. You can share in the Consciousness of your own God Presence, which itself shares in the Consciousness of the Great I AM. God is always in action everywhere across the Earth, and that God in action is Perfection. As you accept this, it opens the door for the overshadowing of your Holy Christ Presence. The Power of your Presence is the ultimate Power over everything within yourself and the world. The discipline of an initiate of the Brotherhood is to remember that appearances have no power, to stand in the mantle of the Christ Presence with all of the Hierarchy of Light, all of the components of the Shekhinah Pillar round about you, and send that Light into all outer conditions. The Ruby Ray whirlwind action of the Shekhinah Pillar will go forth, stripping off misqualification and offering it up into the Light of Golden Helicon.
  • Lord Maitreya gives in-depth teaching on how the Emerald Ray can heal the Earth and how the Ruby Fire can draw forth that Emerald Ray. When you condense the Love of God into the Ruby Fire to treat resistant energies, tapping into the God Consciousness of your Presence, all is consumed and you have the Freedom to be about the business of God. And that is a key statement for you to remember. You cannot limit your study of the Emerald Ray to its specific action, for there are many corresponding Qualities of God and Virtues of the Christ that allow the Emerald Ray to manifest in God’s Fullness. Maitreya shows you that all opportunities come from your Presence, and he warns against procrastination and ignoring the gifts you have been given. Utilize these gifts and the opportunities extended to you. Be a Priest or Priestess of the Sacred Fire! Let your voice be heard, your Heart Flame felt, and the All-Powerful Light of God be multiplied on Earth!
  • It is our Great Commission to remind the Heart Flames of the children of God of their Divine Inheritance in the Royal Presence and invite the many across the face of the Earth to commune with that Regal and Divine Mind. The Transcendent Realities and Divine Ideals of the Royal Presence are there for each one to discover and enter into. Let all hear and acknowledge the proclamation of the true nature of the Godhead, leaving behind all prejudices and misconceptions. In this Kingdom of God, supreme deference is given to each Heart Flame, for there is no class structure, but a profound Oneness throughout. All are honored as Firstborn Sons and Daughters of the Most High. The many glorious facets of the Regalia of the Electronic Body are celebrated so that you can don its Royal Robes, here and now, even while yet in embodiment. Even as we celebrate the many Glories of the Electronic Body, so too we rejoice in the Majesty and Beauty of the Great Central Sun as the Electronic Body of the Great I AM.
  • As you don the Royal Robes of Light desired by your Presence for you to wear, the Elohim Cyclopea reminds you of the Emerald Ray, the Emerald Matrix, and the White Light of Purity. For in this Ray of God Consciousness you can galvanize all that you require, all that you desire and stand in fulfillment of all of the God Qualities and Virtues of the Christ. Enter into the flow of the multiplication and magnification of the Goodness of God and know how the Edenic Blueprint held within the Mind of God is established as life ongoing. The Emerald Matrix flows forth as a Divine Substance of God that you can see, feel, touch, and saturate your entire consciousness, being, and world within. Learn the Mastery of the Emerald Ray, hold the Vision of the Perfection of God, maintain your Peace, Harmony, and Love for God, train your outer vehicles in discipline, and allow the Fire of the Emerald Ray to perform its Perfect Work.
  • Learn to acknowledge, accept, and affirm that the Mighty I AM Presence is always in action in every aspect of your life and in every outer condition. This is the key to accessing the Power of God. The emotional body and the outer mind must accept that Truth before the Power of the Godhead Charioteer can be safely transferred to the outer consciousness and directed into constructive matrices in this world. The Realms of Perfection can never be subject to the impurities of the outer self. This is a Path of conscious self-mastery; there can be no doubt, fear or self-deprecation. If you consciously or subconsciously feel unworthy of your Mighty I AM Presence, that feeling alone will keep your Presence at arm’s length. You are here to learn how to be the messenger of your own Electronic Body. Your Presence wants to pour greater Power through you, but only when it can be safely done.
  • The Maha Chohan emphasizes the importance of training the outer vehicles. By calling forth the Violet Flame and purifying your surroundings, you are preparing to receive the Presence of God. The disciplines are to help you hold to the God Qualities and the current of the Emerald Ray that is required to maintain Purity and God Consciousness. You are blessed to be in a cycle of Dispensation and opportunity when the Ascended and Cosmic Beings are able to give you many of the keys of creation. It is no longer a time when the higher Teachings are hidden from the masses. You must be patient, all the while striving mightily to gain in awareness, Mastery and acceleration in the Light. The Maha Chohan assures you that all is right in your world, and you are on a journey that will lead to the Ascension in the Light.
  • The Ascended Masters intend to raise up the entire Earth into a Golden Age, not just for the few, but for the many. For this to occur, certain principles of the Law must be established in plain language for all to grasp. You are the open door through which the Power of the Ascended Masters must be invoked to flow forth and be anchored in the Earth. For the Power of the Presence to be transferred and stepped down, there are certain mechanisms and processes in your consciousness that must be mastered. This action of the Law is non-negotiable and it is an all-or-nothing process. You must be able to maintain perfect calm in your feeling world as well as Harmony and Purity of thought, and resist all temptations to misuse that Power. This greater Power can act when you accept and acknowledge that your Presence is always in action everywhere.
  • God Harmony teaches that there must be a level of Harmony within your outer mind to receive the Charge of Illumination’s Flame so your emotional body will hold fast to the Divine Patterns and your body temple will be responsive to that which the Mind of God desires to create. You should learn once and for all that Harmony must be maintained. When Harmony is present, the Heart Flame is pouring forth the Light of God in such magnitude that no matter what goes on around you as human thought and feeling, it cannot touch the core of your being. Your Harmony may be tested when you least expect it. Be aware of what triggered that inharmony and put that record into the Flame so it will not come back to taunt you. The ultimate Victory of the Ascension is contingent upon the Harmony you embody and your ability to hold your Peace in that Harmony.
  • You are learning how to electrify your four lower bodies so they truly become the Holy Grail, purified and accelerated out of the socket of mortality, re-radiating the Sacred Fire of your Threefold Flame as a chalice through which your own Mighty I AM Presence can act in this world of form in a more than ordinary way. From the level of your Holy Christ Presence, that Directing Intelligence is able to work through the memory body. The Golden Plume comes from within and ensouls every atom, cell, electron of the mind and memory in an unbroken flow. Your Mighty I AM Presence is poised at long last to play the role that only the Presence can play, pouring forth the Power and direction to work the works it desires in this world. Truly, you are in this business of your life together with your Mighty I AM Presence.
  • Beloved Nada assures you that the Hand of God can and does work miracles in your life, but you also have the Mind of God availed to you. You are charged with the Responsibility to call forth the Light to assist where needed. You are charged to hold the Light, to be poised and ready to act in service to God in life. The servant of God stands as a Pillar of Fire and knows no stranger, for all are a part of the Family of God. The Ruby Fire assists you to stand in the Fullness of your Light and know the Truth from the unreal on the instant. Your Presence does not count the moments or the hours, but knows only of the Charge of Light that flows forth and the return current of the Flame upon the Altar of your Heart. That Heart Flame of your Presence is streaming forth constantly in the eternal NOW.
  • We look forward to entering into the stream of the Mind of God as it focuses the Cyclopean Power of the Presence, the Great I AM — the One Life, Mind, and Heart. If you desire to be ready to be the conscious conduit of God Power there must be the daily transmutation of your karma. In addition, there must be God control over the momentums of the past that need to be held in strict abeyance so they do not pollute the pure stream of God Power that is to flow forth. You must ultimately be the one to invoke and hold that God control. The immediate reward is the ideal state of the Christ Consciousness overshadowing you and the sustaining of that Oneness each day. Make your own Mighty I AM Presence the goal of your life. By doing so, you open the door for a more direct communion with the Ascended Masters.
  • Beloved Kuthumi teaches that the Flame upon the Altar of your Heart can be activated to charge and vivify your outer vehicles, allowing the Keynote Identity of the Mighty I AM Presence to course through you. You will then be able to move through your day with greater efficiency, holding fast to the Charge of the Light of your Mighty I AM Presence. When you maintain your Harmony and attunement, the Power of God that you require will be there for you to complete your day with the full Charge of the Mighty I AM Presence. Once you have become accustomed to your Holy Christ Presence operating by the commanding Light of Illumination’s Flame, you realize it is easy to allow for the full Charge of the Mind of God to be present every day. Whether you are moving or at rest, you are aware of the teeming Activity of the Presence of God and it is very good.
  • Hilarion cautions that it is important for you to have the understanding of the disciplines that protect you from venturing into the astral plane. The world is full of all kinds of astral substance being offered up as the Truth of the Ascended Masters. As you train your vehicles of consciousness in the Fire of Ascended Master Light, you will perceive the vast difference in what streams forth from this Altar and what you observe in that astral substance. You must be forewarned so that as you are elevating your consciousness you do not entertain any state less than the Mighty I AM Presence. There is a great work afoot by the Ascended and Cosmic Beings here and now to establish a Momentum that will carry on into the Fullness of a Golden Age, that will prepare the Sons and Daughters of God to stay in that inviolate state of the Consciousness of Purity.
  • The Green Ray Masters who have spoken thus far have left a trail of communion wafers that can unfold for you a greater appreciation of how to work with your God Presence. Communion means coming into union and is an ideal state where there is an at-one-ment by the invitation of the Mighty I AM Presence. You can share in the all-pervasive sense of Oneness not only with your own Mighty I AM Presence, but with every other part of life. This is the key to the understanding of Royal Power. Wherever your attention is drawn, you will know and affirm that only God is in action in that place. You will know that I AM here and I AM there. When there is only the one Identity, that of the God Self, at that point your Presence is free to use your vehicles as an expression of itself.
  • Himalaya holds the Patterns of the Blue Flame from Alpha, the White Fire of Purity, and Illumination’s Flame that will deposit in your midst a Momentum to assist you in gaining Holy Communion with those same Patterns of the God Qualities that are found within your own Mighty I AM Presence. These Patterns are what you require to hold the discipline, the concentration, the Light of Illumination, and the Purity to bring forth the idyllic Blueprints from the Heart of God to be deposited in the Earth. There must be great Power for even a single thought of the Mind of God to impress upon your consciousness and for you to be able to hold to the Truth and the High Ideal of its inception from the Heart of God. Himalaya will move mountains of adversity to assist you when you are truly in earnest in your Path to the Ascension.
  • As you enter into the God Consciousness of the Royal Mind of the Presence, you can discover how that Mind as Royal Cyclopean Power flows forth into the Realms of Creation, manifesting the outer world in which we live. Discard the old, worn-out artifacts of thought that have been proliferated throughout many of the major religions of the world, misconstruing how God creates. Unlearn the superstitious idea that creation comes forth out of nothing. Be inspired instead by the true creative process of the Presence of God — how the Patterns of Perfection already existing in the Heart of God are lowered into the Realms of Creation. Learn how to create with the use of the Emerald Ray, how to work with the Universal Sea of Light and Life, and discover how you can co-create with your Mighty I AM Presence to produce change and Perfection in your life. All you require can be produced with mathematical accuracy and Necessity by the operation of Cosmic Law. Garner the
  • Saturate your vehicles of consciousness with the Mother Light so that you might bring forth all of the Blessings that the Presence of God desires to bestow upon you. Without the striving, the yearning for the substance of God Consciousness to be where you are, there is not the transfer of the Power of God sufficient to move any negative substance lodged within the folds of your garments and place it in the Flames of Transmutation so the Divine Alchemies can come forth. You should be garnering the Wisdom of Cosmic Law, understanding how the Patterns of Light and Momentum of the Mighty I AM Presence can work through you to accomplish your life in Purity. Mother Mary teaches that it is always wise not to put off to another day or prolong your journey longer than necessary, for you know not when opportunity will cease to be.
  • El Morya commends you to further study on the Emerald Ray. There is much yet to be gleaned from all that has been released during this cycle. It is an alchemy that takes great training and mastery. Time, patience, and striving will bring about the desired fulfillment when there is at the core of one’s being enough Love for God. If you take what you have come to know from this Altar and plant the seeds of the High Ideals of your own God Presence, you will have the divine fruit of all that you desire spring forth. For it is Cosmic Law. You have been invited by the Ascended Masters to drink in an abundance of Momentum and Teaching on Cosmic Law. Should you miss a step along the way, El Morya will be there to catch you. Many have taken him at his word and are now ascended because of it.
  • From the point of view of your Mighty I AM Presence, the Threefold Flame of the Heart is limitless in its capacity and radiates at a vast range of frequencies throughout the planes of consciousness. The Mighty I AM Presence is the doer and acts through the Threefold Flame, flowing out and filling the four lower bodies simultaneously in a rhythmic release. You are preparing this body to endure the rigors of the Transfiguration, the Resurrection, and the Ascension. Occasionally students have complained of the weight of Light, of being unable to sleep, and other conditions. But this is the Steep Path to Christhood. There are those sacred pains, those rigors of the Path that each one in his own way goes through. Be assured, the Presence never gives you more than you can handle.
  • Throughout the Kingdom of God, there is an intonation and rhythmic outpouring of every Mighty I AM Presence, each one proclaiming its unique expression of God. The Goddess of Music describes how the Ascended Masters use the Patterns of the Mind of God to bring forth their individual creations. You have the Heart Flame of the Mighty I AM Presence that can elevate your consciousness into the Vibration of your own God Presence. You have the ability to modulate the cells of your physical body and charge the emotional body with the Light and Power of your own God Presence, then to elevate your consciousness with Illumination’s Flame, expanding the Flame upon the Altar of your Heart to fill your chalice. The pursuit of your Divine Alchemy requires you to be disciplined in each of your vehicles of consciousness so you are one integrated Heart of God performing the Perfect Work of God.
  • Your Heart Flame is a focus of the Limitless Light of the Consciousness of the Great I AM. Therefore, in making your calls, your Heart is actually calling to the more free expression of its own Selfhood. It is one part of the reality of God calling to another part. Begin with a clear vision of the Electronic Body in its magnificence. Practice the Presence in your whole life by meditating on the Crystal Cord that flows forth from the Threefold Flame to all of the vehicles. A mature Son of God accepts responsibility for his own self, but also recognizes the need for World Service and offers himself fully for whatever Service he might render. If you want to wield the Cyclopean Power of your Mighty I AM Presence in greater magnitude, you must admit, acknowledge, insist, and know that the Mighty I AM Presence is always in action everywhere.
  • Vesta comes bearing a Dispensation for the Light of Cosmic Truth to be ignited in the Earth so there will no longer be the hidden agendas of those who would lead the Sons and Daughters of God down a pathway of impurity. You must hold the visualization for every Son and Daughter of God to have the Freedom to be the Presence of God. It is time for the Truth of Cosmic Law to reign supreme, for there to be the understanding of the Mighty I AM Presence, and the full thrust of the Threefold Flame of the Heart to reveal the opportunity to build an Ascended Master Way of Life. The Entire Spirit of the Brotherhood of Light arcs in Consciousness in the Allness of God to hold the balance for the Earth. Go forth now and establish the Patterns of your Divinity as the Christ.
Teachings from the Ascended Masters to Help You Cultivate the Genesis of Your Own Golden Age of One that Will Ignite the Entire Earth into a Golden Age!

Will you join the Holy Kumaras and all who serve on the Secret Love Star in holding the Single-Eyed Vision of a New Earth as “Freedom’s Star” ablaze in the Light of Saint Germain’s Dawning Golden Age? These Releases are your invitation! During the July 2016 Freedom Conclave, Lord Gautama Buddha, Lady Master Venus, Vesta, the Goddess of Purity, Cyclopea, Surya, and Saint Germain himself shared their Light, Vibration, and Momentum while presenting in-depth instruction on “meeting the parent” of your own Individualized I AM Presence of God, and on the Dispensation of the Great Outpouring of Cosmic Light that is the Hope, the Promise, and the Impetus for the Golden Age. Discover how to expand your God Consciousness and fulfill your Divine Destiny. Understand God Love and Purity. Learn the importance of seeing only God Perfection. Enter Akasha with Surya. The Radiance of the Secret Love Star is waiting to assist you. Drink it in and become an anchor point to ignite the Golden Age in Hearts around the world!

  • This Conference we devote ourselves to the theme of the Dawning Golden Age of Saint Germain as it is ushered in from the Heart of God. The Genesis of the Golden Age is a perpetual Coming-to-Be, an Outpouring of God’s Heart in the Great Central Sun. The Thoughtform for this Conclave contains a Fiery Engram for the igniting of that Glorious Golden Age. The image of the Single-Eyed Vision provides a doorway for your consciousness into the Presence of God The One, God The Good. The Perfect Patterns of the Golden Age streaming forth from the Heart of God are received by the Shield of Elohim where all Twelve Elohim at the Shield’s circumference add their Attainment on the Seven Rays and Five Secret Rays. This culminates in the rising up of the Golden Star of Freedom that the Earth is in the Mind of God this very moment—the Star of Regulus.
  • Lady Master Venus comes to radiate the Secret Love Star to awaken within you the desire for the Love of God. It is Love for God that will lead you to the Gifts of the Secret Love Star. If you will make yourself available for all that the Secret Love Star and the Golden Helicon can impart, then the Golden Age will ignite in the Hearts of the Sons and Daughters of God. It is time for you to be in the Fullness of the Presence of God, to truly make the election to live in a Golden Age of One. That is the Genesis of your Path to the Ascension. Hold fast to Freedom. There must be Freedom to be God and Freedom to love God. Honor and Protect that Freedom. The Holy Kumaras await your decision to be God in action. When your heart is ready, their Light will be there.
  • There is only God, the I AM Presence, in action everywhere. That consciousness is your armor of protection. When you look at human conditions from the vantage point of an Ascended Master from the level of the Ascended Master Octaves, you see the Presence of God acting there as the only Reality. That is the meaning of the Golden Precept to see Perfection everywhere. That is the Truth of Cosmic Law. Anything less than Perfection is instantly swallowed up and displaced by the Light of the Presence. When you let your I AM Presence work through you, it can be a Sun Source of God Perfection that is absolutely Limitless and can be poured into everything less than Perfection in this world. Then only Perfection can come back upon you because that is all that you are sending forth. Regardless of what the world chooses, you can choose the Golden Age of One.
  • Surya entreats you to enter more frequently into the Consciousness, the Vibration, and the Momentum of Akasha. Akasha is ever close so that you might at any given moment of your day elevate your consciousness into that Realm of Purity. Let your life be an example of the Christ Light shining forth in the Glory of Light, Love, and Illumination, as you hold fast to God’s Will. You have answered the Call of your Presence to hear Cosmic Law and to know your God Identity. That is a Sacred Trust. Your office as a Torch Bearer of The Temple is also a Sacred Trust, a Sacred Responsibility. Be right with God; be elevated in Harmony; hold the patterns within your mind of Good, of Love, of kindness; establish in your actions momentums of honor and respect for God in all of life. Call to the God Star Sirius and Surya’s Flame! He will help you uphold your mantle and Divine Destiny!
  • The Holy Kumaras, the Nameless One, the Goddess of Liberty, Gautama, and many others are engaged in the Outpouring of the Secret Love Star in the Great Central Sun. For you to be an anchor of that Outpouring, you must know the nature of that Cosmic Light. You must enter into the Joy of life. Purity of Consciousness, God Reality, and God Perfection are forever taking place in the Great Central Sun. And that is a joyous state. There is the giving and receiving of Divine Love among the Masters and the Great I AM, which engenders Bliss and pure Joy. That Joy goes forth from the Great Central Sun and is channeled earthward as the Golden River, flowing wider than the Earth. This Golden River flowing earthward is made up of the rejoicing and Happiness that is native to God’s Consciousness and the Purity and Absolute Perfection that reign within the Heart of the Great Central Sun.
  • The Goddess of Purity instructs that the White Fire of the Mother Light can truly be a vehicle of consciousness for you, if you allow for an ongoing communion with your Mighty I AM Presence. Then streaming forth into your consciousness from the Allness of God will flow all that is Pure, all that is Divine. In the Great Silence there are many Cosmic Beings, including the Goddess of Purity, whose Service to God in life is to hold the Vision of Perfection so it might be a magnet to draw you into greater communion with God and allow you to slough off impurities. With every right decision and pure emanation, you are establishing a momentum that you will carry into your Ascension. As the Single-Eyed Vision of Cyclopea holds to Perfection for you, let that be the Perfection that you hold for your vehicles of consciousness. And let the Light stream forth in all its Glory for God in life.
  • We rejoice in the action of the Divine Eye of God in its role of the providential foreseeing of all that is to manifest. It is the symbol of the All-Seeing Eye beholding only Perfection. This symbol was part of mainstream Christianity for thousands of years, representing the Divine Providence of the Godhead. There are three images you should use regularly to bring the Dawning Golden Age of Saint Germain into delineation: the Portrait of the Presence; the painting of the Godhead Charioteers; and the Shekhinah Pillar. Understand that the Shekhinah Pillar is an action of the Golden Age. It is an engram you may rehearse in your mind and your visualization. The Shekhinah Pillar will continue to be sustained, and every time it is invoked it is stronger in the Earth and the service of it to the mankind of Earth continues to mount up.
  • Cyclopea holds the Vision for your God Identity to manifest in your life. His Single-Eyed Vision upholds God Good and all that is the Presence. He reminds you that the Divine Reality of who you are is the Presence! Where there is an area of your life that is not expressing the desire of your Heart Flame, call upon the All-Seeing Eye of God and upon the Emerald Matrix to saturate roundabout you that Divine Pattern of Perfection that will bring all into alignment with the Mind of God. Let the Light and the Momentum of the Emerald Ray stream effortlessly through your consciousness. Let this Cosmic Momentum be anchored in the Earth so that the Emerald Matrix of the Divine Outpouring of God’s Mind will come into fruition as the Golden Age. All of the Elohim decree it so! You can move Heaven and Earth with their assistance!
  • You are invited to forge new pathways to the Presence, The One, and The Good. As you encounter the Radiance of the God Consciousness of the Great I AM, you will know so much more of your Individual Mighty I AM Presence and be able to enter into greater cooperation with it. As our minds are inspired by the ideals of the Perfect Patterns in the Mind of God, every part of this outer world will naturally be made over in the image of what we have communed with at inner levels. The out-picturing of these Patterns of Perfection is the work of the Golden Age. The Genesis of the Golden Age lies in the perpetual and eternal flow of all the Attributes of the Godhead into this world moment by moment. As you cultivate your spiritual palette to create with the Presence, you will be engaged in gaining the Mastery you require to express and bring forth your own unique gift to life.
  • Lord Gautama presents you with insight into his Mantle and Service as Lord of the World. He instructs that entering into the Consciousness of the Buddhic Web of Life allows you to experience the Family of God. For all were given the Breath of Life by God. When you are tempted to accept a lesser state of vibration in your vehicles of consciousness, you need only recall that you are there in the Allness of God and that very Flame burns upon your Heart as well! Go into the Heart. Engage in Illumination’s Flame to bring you a new awareness of God. Recognize when the Mind of God addresses you and be careful not to attribute your human creation to your Presence. Sealing your vehicles in an Ovoid of Light will protect you from any outer incursion. Drink in the Glory of God presented to you by the Secret Love Star and by all of the Cosmic Beings.
  • Travel through a timeline of Ascended Master Activities and acknowledge the great Gifts brought to mankind by Beloved Saint Germain of the Violet Flame and the understanding of God Individualized. You can come to realize the magnitude of Light that had to be set aside and expended to bring forth these Dispensations — not just the Teachings but the new wine of Ascended Master God Consciousness, affording a quantum leap forward in the consciousness of mankind. Part of our Great Commission in The Temple of The Presence is to establish Acropolis Sophia as the institution of the highest Wisdom and to hand it off intact to future generations. The next step for our Ascended Master Activity is Acropolis Pavilion, a place to hold our longer sessions of Acropolis Sophia. It is our solemn Responsibility that the Truths of Cosmic Law be codified, published, taught, and handed down from generation to generation.
  • Saint Germain proclaims that your Freedom is hard won and once won, must be protected. This includes your spiritual Freedom, your right to speak the name of God I AM, giving voice to the expression of the Flame upon the Altar of your Heart. The Holy Angels, the Cosmic Councils, and the Karmic Board are constantly at work nudging, charging, working with world leaders, affording them an opportunity to make decisions and take actions that will stand for Freedom and benefit the Sons and Daughters of God upon the Earth. But you hold the key, for you can invoke the Power of the Mighty Elohim, the Wisdom and Attainment of the Pharos of Hierarchy, and the Presence of God in the Angelic Kingdom to move directly into the need of the hour, persevering in battle until the Victory of the Golden Age is won.
  • You know yourself as God in Action, standing before your altar and sending forth your calls in the name of your Presence, calling to the Ascended Masters and Cosmic Beings to fly into action. Now we have the understanding of the Genesis, the forever Coming-To-Be out of the Realm of Eternity, the flow of the Golden Age coming into manifestation. Streaming Golden Helicon is the instrument of Coming-to-Be that contains the Gifts of the Gods for a Golden Age. As you visualize the Golden River of the Helicon flowing from the Great Central Sun, there are components of the Golden Age already actualized within Akasha and the Buddhic Realm, and you can see the Earth nestled on the front porch of that Golden Age reality. The Ascended Masters summon you to awaken and work while you have the Light and while greater opportunity is availed to you in this hour. You are on the verge of unfolding a greater vista of the All-Pervading God of very Gods.
  • Vesta anoints each one with the Light of Thousand Ten Suns from the Great Central Sun. Cosmic Beings are constantly searching for the right course to assist you to galvanize the Light of God, to internalize that Light and ignite a Fire that will release the Sun of your own God Presence in the Earth. You are always held within the gaze and the warm embrace of the Ascended and Cosmic Beings. Vesta’s Heart reports to her those who are filled with God and have a love for Truth. It is worth every effort you make daily to go to your altar and engage in Holy Communion with the Mighty I AM Presence, for that is the Genesis of a Golden Age. The Truth of Cosmic Law has never been presented so openly at any other time in the history of the Earth.
  • Liberty’s Land is both a geographical area centered in America and a glorious Gift of the Gods for the Golden Age for those who will accept and use it in service to the mankind of Earth. The Goddess of Liberty together with Saint Germain intends to bring forth the Dawning Golden Age to this Earth regardless of what is happening out here in the world of form. The early ideal of America has always been preserved. The Light of Ten Thousand Suns resounds as a great pealing of Liberty’s Bell in the Etheric Realms. This Divine Ideal of the Land and Light of Ten Thousand Suns and Sons can be understood as the Luminosity of the Light, but also as the Ten Thousand Torch Bearers standing within the Shekhinah Pillar, upholding the office of their Mighty I AM Presence.
  • The Goddess of Liberty entreats you to drink in Liberty’s Flame so you might experience the full Freedom your God Presence desires for you. As you absorb the Truth of Cosmic Law and the Momentum of God streaming forth as Consciousness, you will learn how to bring forth that the same Consciousness and Vibration of God into the physical realm. Hold to a vibration that allows for the Mind of God to be present where you are and for the Will of God to chart your course. When you are brave, willing to enter into a new frontier, a new continent of thought, a new Vibration in God, you truly are Free! And the Liberty that is given to you by your Mighty I AM Presence is to breathe in the Breath of God, charged with the Flames of God, and to create your life in the likeness of your own God Presence.
Teachings from the Ascended Masters to Help You Build Your Own Spiritual Temple of Light and the Temple of the Shekhinah Pillar to Elevate the Earth!

The Brotherhood of Light Invites You to Assist in Building the Shekhinah Pillar that Will Sanctify the World! These Releases are your Divine Blueprint! During the 2016 Easter Conclave, Saint Germain, El Morya, the Maha Chohan, the Goddess of Liberty, Cyclopea, Archangel Michael, Mother Mary, and Jesus presented profound instruction and visualizations regarding the magnificent new Dispensation of the Shekhinah Pillar. Each Ascended Master schools you on establishing a particular action of the Shekhinah Pillar to teach you how to erect this edifice on the Etheric Plane, how to hold it fast, how to nourish it daily, and how to keep the watch so that it is constantly adored by your own Ruby Chalice Heart. The Shekhinah Pillar embodies the Glory of God. Invoke it. Establish it. Stand in it. And feel its Light and Momentum encompass the Earth as you receive all you require for your Victory! Also included in this album are two Discourses and two Dictations (by Lady Master Venus and Alpha & Omega) given during Resurgem Christos!, the accompanying Acropolis Sophia.

  • El Morya has long held the vision of a Temple raised up to the glory of the Presence of God, and indeed, each one of you is a Pillar in that Temple. During this class you will discover how to build a spiritual Temple that will act as a magnet for the Light and how to radiate that Light into your immediate surroundings and around the world. Just as God provided a Pillar of Light and Fire to light the way for the children of Israel, so is the Shekhinah Pillar provided to us in our time as the foundation for the Golden Age. It is the spiritual edifice that we will build up and sustain. It represents the cumulative force of the Entire Spirit of the Brotherhood of Light focused to that one end and purpose of achieving the Golden Age of Saint Germain.
  • Lord Maitreya charges you with Ruby Fire so that you are prepared for your Sacred Work of building the Shekhinah Pillar and maintaining it with the Ruby Fire. As you weave your Crystal Chalice daily, providing a home for the Flame of God, you are also building the greater Temple of Light for the Shekhinah Pillar that will blaze forth for the entire world! And when Torch Bearers come together at The Temple of The Presence, they reinforce and build upon the Light and Momentum of the Shekhinah Pillar. Lord Maitreya fills the Ruby Chalice upon the high Altar at Coeur de Lión with his Momentum. It will continue to radiate upon this Earth for all time as the Heart of God pouring forth for your Victory in the Light! Let the Charge of Maitreya’s Momentum and Attainment be upon you to light the way as you adhere to your Divine Plan in your daily work with the Shekhinah Pillar.
  • The Pharos of Hierarchy is a transcendent vertical spire of Divine Aspiration, one with the Temple of Victory. It represents the Divine Ideal of the Victory of your Individual Presence who, as the Godhead Charioteer, has entered into these lower realms for the purpose of achieving Victory over earth, air, fire, and water. The Masters cannot stand in the place of your Presence. Your own Mighty I AM Presence is the deliverer of salvation and the Source of all Good in your life. This Ascended Masters Activity, with all its glorious Dispensations, is here to assist your Presence to win its Victory. The unascended disciples and their I AM Presences are to be the nexus through which Ascended Master Light comes to Earth and radiates out into the world. This encapsulates the visual message of the Pharos of Hierarchy.
  • El Morya asks you to draw upon the akashic records of these Releases given during this cycle. He commends you to the work, the Labor of Love, of manifesting the Temple of the Pharos of Hierarchy and utilizing the Will of God to establish the Shekhinah Pillar for the Sacred Ritual and Holy Communion with God. Strive with your Heart Flame to be in the Will of God and you will see the edifice of your Etheric Temple of the Pharos of Hierarchy established. This edifice is made without hands by the Heart of God, by the Elemental Forces of Nature, by the Purity of the Consciousness of Ascended and Cosmic Beings. The glorious Shekhinah Pillar will assist those striving on the Path. Each time it is erected with your assistance, you are magnifying and multiplying the Gifts of the Gods for all mankind to draw upon.
  • When you enter into the Sacred Ritual of establishing and adding to the Shekhinah Pillar with your Heart Flame and the Momentum of your Presence, remember that it is a glorious opportunity. It is a service that you render out of gratitude and Love for God in life. You can be a part of this glorious Pillar of Light and anchor your God Identity in the Earth. As you stand as a Pillar of Fire in the Temple of the Pharos of Hierarchy, you see Violet Flame swirling about. As it moves out and covers the Earth, saturating each plane, you know the Golden Age is not far removed, for the work is going on. Saint Germain seals you in the Violet Flame and a Dispensation of the expansion of your Calls and your attunement with this Flame that will carry you into the Holiness of your Holy Christ Presence and the Sanctity of the Shekhinah Pillar!
  • We take up the theme of how God Power is brought to bear in this world of form. The Shekhinah Pillar is a world-encompassing Dispensation granted to Ascended Master disciples whereby God Power can be harnessed and released into your personal affairs and the entire world. The Shekhinah Presence of God Almighty dwells within this Pillar as Infinite Power from the Great Central Sun, and that Power can be invoked in the I AM name, allowing it to be unleashed from the Great Central Sun, stepped down into specific forms by the Elohim and the whole hierarchical chain of Ascended and Cosmic Beings in service to the Great I AM, transferring that Power to the Earth. You too are to be an instrument of this Divine Direction and Power, allowing for the culmination of the Divine Service of the 5th Secret Ray.
  • Lord Michael teaches us how visualizing and concentrating on the pure thoughtforms of the Archangels and Archeiai as they fan out across the Earth will allow your Presence to send forth the Ray to connect with each of the Archangels and Archeiai. You are thus called to stand as the point of the lance, calling forth the Archangels by your service and devotion to God and building the Shekhinah Pillar each time you come to the Altar. As you do this you are building an Etheric Momentum that holds to the Patterns of the Divine Outpouring of Alpha and Omega. When you take up your Sacred Ritual to enter into the Temple of the Shekhinah Pillar, recognize that the Presence of God goes far and wide across the Earth from that Temple. And this is because you have taken up your Garments of Light and Momentum of Holiness and have embodied the Virtues of the Christ.
  • When you make a commitment to the Ascended Masters to enter into service to their Work, the Law permits them to establish with you a more than ordinary connection referred to as the “thread of contact.” Similarly, the legions of Angels come bearing in their pinions of Light the Charge of the Archangels’ Ascended Master God Consciousness, making a communion and at-one-ment with the stream of your Crystal Cord. An even higher level of intercession is rendered by the Elohim. This activity is condensed into the fiery engram of the Shield of Elohim™. It is their role to gaze into the Divine Paradigm, to read the record of those Patterns of Perfection there. If you align yourself with the Elohim and the action of the collective Shield of Elohim, there is nothing of this world that may be permitted to delay or prevent the outpicturing of the Patterns of Perfection from the Heart and Mind of God.
  • Cyclopea provides instruction on gaining Attainment and Mastery in the Detail Consciousness and Single-Eyed Vision of the Emerald Ray. He also instructs you on the importance of the Shield of Elohim. For when you come to the Altar to establish the Shekhinah Pillar, it requires you to be tethered to the Shield of Elohim and to the Consciousness of each of the Twelve Mighty Elohim, as well as the Maha Elohim, Ouranos. When Cyclopea holds the Vision for the Earth and the Sons and Daughters of God, he holds the Perfection of the shining Light of their Christhood streaming forth, lighting a Fire everywhere their foot lands on their journey, everywhere their hand touches, everywhere the Word is spoken, I AM. It has taken many thousands of years of preparation, of training, and of cycles to come to the fore for the Dispensations to be granted for the Shekhinah Pillar. Do not let this opportunity pass you by.
  • The Thoughtform of the Shekhinah Pillar contains the specific action of the Golden River of the Helicon that has been granted as a Dispensation by Cosmic Councils and the Lords of Karma for Saint Germain’s Dawning Golden Age. It is seen coming forth from the Causal Body Rings of the Great Central Sun. In a spiral action, growing broader and more powerful as it descends, you see it coming to a focal point of intensity in the beacon of the Pharos of Hierarchy from whence it rays forth into the hearts and minds of the Children of Light all around the world. This Golden River contains the Gifts and Momentums of all of the Brotherhood’s Members fused together in one mighty stream. The Golden River is an overflowing Fullness, or Supra-Fullness. The intent is that as the Ascended Masters share this Golden River with you, you will more and more draw forth the undiminished supra-abundant outpouring of your own God Presence.
  • The Maha Chohan shows you how you can enter the Golden River of the Helicon and partake of the Gifts of the Gods. When you invoke the Shekhinah Pillar, visualize the streaming Golden Helicon swirling around the Earth, carrying the Gifts of the Gods to the Sons and Daughters of God. Whenever the Heart Flame of an initiate is focused on the Golden River, it expands and is magnified by the Presence of that one. Once you experience the tethering to that glorious edifice of the Shekhinah Pillar, see yourself standing in the midst of the Temple and the Golden River flowing forth, gracing your crown, and depositing that Momentum that you specifically require to assist you. You will be strengthened by the Rod of Power that is one of the Gifts given unto the Golden River that will shine forth the Light of Illumination and Purity. You will take on the garments of your Christhood when you stand in the Shekhinah Pillar.
  • Operation Pharos is moving forward God Victoriously! We have received notice that the design and plans have been approved for Acropolis Pavilion. Our plan is to do the construction in stages so that we are sure the funds are banked for each stage. You can sign up for the Temple’s Facebook page and see posted there photos of the building’s progress. Our Hope and Faith is that as you see the building rising, you can imagine yourself sitting there. Imagine the month-long sessions of Acropolis Sophia and the first Wesak World Congress held there. We trust that as we come closer to the goal, you will want to help speed it along. Our gratitude is boundless for the faithfulness of the Torch Bearers. Saint Germain and all of the Chohans extend their Love and Gratitude for your Faith in this Ascended Master Activity that is laying a foundation for the Golden Age of Saint Germain.
  • We take up the theme of the Panoply of the Christos in the Nirvanic world, home to the Causal Bodies of the Ascended Masters as well as our own Causal Body. There are elements added to your Causal Body from your four lower bodies as a result of all of the Good you do and all that is freed by the Violet Flame. The counterfeit of the Causal Body Action is the soul or memory body. Negative karma remains there unless it is transmuted. But good karma rises through 9 8 the memory body to be stored in the Causal Body. The Violet Flame will not address the negative records you do not surrender. You must be willing to forgive and forget. Call for the Ruby Ray to strip those records off the memory body. As that body is purified, more of your Christ Presence can overshadow you and you will be able to touch the divine records you have created.
  • The Goddess of Liberty teaches that when you establish the Shekhinah Pillar, all the God Qualities and Virtues you desire will be available to you, carried to you by the Golden River. As you establish the Shekhinah Pillar, visualize the Causal Body Momentum of the Rings around the Great Central Sun so that it will reverberate the Intonation of the Presence of God in all of the God Qualities to so saturate all of life that it will have the “Newness of Life,” like the springtime of the Resurrection Flame. When your outer energies flag and you feel you need more of God’s Light, you may put your attention upon the Goddess of Liberty’s Flame and Momentum and feel the support of that Glorious Fountain of Light that is in the center of the Causal Body Action of the Great Central Sun.
  • The Shekhinah Pillar is an action of the Brotherhood of Light established and upheld by Alpha and Omega, Sanat Kumara, and the Holy Kumaras. Through a scientific process it allows the transfer of more God Power from the Heart of the Great Central Sun, where that Power is limitless, to where it is most needed ― in the four lower bodies of the Earth. For the magnitude of that Light to be present 100 years from now, it must be sustained by a return current as the fruit of that Gift. The Ascended Masters are resolved that a Pillar of Fire be established to light your way and interject itself between you and any opposition to your Divine Plan and service to life. As you engage in Decrees and World Service, you are ensuring that the Shekhinah Pillar will continue to expand its power of influence in this world of form.
  • Know that no matter what you go through, trials or failures, Mother Mary is holding the Pattern of your Divinity as the Christ. You are to wear a Mantle of Light and Momentum of Purity and behold the nature of God in all your good works and in the fruits of your labors. As you take up the work of the Shekhinah Pillar, you will be adding to the glorious work of the Golden Age by anchoring the Fire and the Momentum from the Heart of God, from Alpha and Omega, from each of the Ascended and Cosmic Beings that serve the lifewaves of Earth. All of the seeming pain and suffering that may temporarily cross the screen of your life is not real, for the reality of your selfhood is the Mighty I AM Presence. Have Patience; have Faith; and in the glorious Love of God know that all is well, even when outer circumstances seem to report otherwise.
  • Jesus comes this day to dispel any question, doubt, or fear that may be lingering as untransmuted substance in your life so you might be done with it and be filled with the Light of God. For it is that Light that will take you into your future, which is bright and glorious to behold. You can purify every vestige of energy and record lingering within the folds of your garment, clearing them away daily, emerging into the White Light of Purity, ready to receive the Illumination and Will of God. When the Spirit of God as the Mighty I AM Presence comes upon you, there is no mistaking that Flame. Hold fast to the Truth and the Purity of who you are, putting God first in your life, and you will fulfill your Divine Plan and ascend into the waiting arms of the Mighty I AM Presence.
  • If you are to be victorious in winning your Ascension in the Light, it will be because of your Love for God, your desire to always be as close to the Presence of God as possible, and to share that Love, giving of yourself and of your Presence. Let this message of the Ascended Masters become for you the Bread of Life, fulfilling you entirely. Your Presence gives you its Body Consciousness, the concentrated Substance which the Presence is, through the flow of the Crystal Cord. There should be reverence for the Life received from the I AM Presence. As you maintain reverence for the Body Consciousness of your I AM Presence, you enter into greater awareness of the Realms of Perfection. You recognize that Life should be used for the purposes of your Presence. If that Life is allowed to retain its Radiance and Purity, it will transform your life and your world
  • Lady Master Venus explains that by allowing your Heart Flame to soar into your mind, your emotions, your physical body, you express a natural affinity for God. The Power and the thrust behind the Activity of God seeking out its own is God Love. The cohesiveness of the Love of God draws it all into one purpose in life, and that is to be in the Presence of God. The action of the nine-pointed Secret Love Star in the Shekhinah Pillar is to stream forth the Substance of God from the Great Central Sun in a constant movement of Light and Momentum. You must hold to the Patterns of Light all the while you are tending to what seems to be something insignificant. But the significance of that moment is that you are holding onto the Light.
  • For the full level of the Christ Presence to be resurrected where you are, there must be a harmonious, peaceful, and relaxed forcefield anchored in the four lower bodies. The Shekhinah Pillar is a Dispensation from the Entire Spirit of the Brotherhood of Light. It is a collective Gift of the Gods for the Golden Age. Through this Action, the collective consciousness of the Brotherhood of Light can respond to the calls of enlightened lifestreams who will open a Pillar of God Light that starts where you stand on the Earth and goes all the way to the Heart of the Great Central Sun. In the Office of your Holy Christ Presence you can call forth Fire from Heaven, invoking it in the name of God I AM. The action within the Shekhinah Pillar will go on so long as the outer priest or priestess invokes it, each time increasing in strength and power.
  • Alpha and Omega pour forth the Fullness of the Mother Light that you are to embody in all of your affairs. Be attentive to the Flame of God so that as you discover a momentum not in keeping with the covenant of your Heart Flame with Alpha and Omega, you will put it straightaway into the Violet Flame. The Pattern of God Identity established throughout the Hierarchy of the Shekhinah Pillar is meant to carry the Divine Outpouring of Alpha and Omega. The Light that streams forth from the Activity and Action of the Shekhinah Pillar each time it is drawn to the fore of your consciousness will send forth a Beacon of Light throughout the Earth that will begin to turn the tide and establish momentums of Purity in the Earth. This is the work of many ages, a holy and sacred trust given to you.
Enter into a Fiery Decree Service with Anointed Representative Monroe Julius Shearer Anytime, Anyplace with this Special Audio Album!

Join Anointed Representative Monroe Julius Shearer as he leads you through a powerful and fiery Decree Service that will help you stand as a Pillar of Fire under the canopy of your own Mighty I AM Presence to produce both personal and planetary change! This 1 hour and 50-minute Decree Service was given during the March 19, 2016 Crystal Chalice Jubilee. As you follow along, it will help you enhance your own Decree Momentum to more effectively produce your personal alchemies and the alchemies of The Temple, to expand your World Service, and to help the Brotherhood of Light manifest Saint Germain’s Golden Age! If you are determined to stay the course to your Christhood with daily Decrees, this album is a wonderful companion to your Temple Decree Book. Play these CDs regularly to anchor the Light and purify the vibration in your home, sanctuary, or anyplace needed.

Teachings from the Ascended Masters to Charge You with the Light and the Momentum of God Quality of Each of the Archangels!

The Lords of Praetorian Hosts, the Twelve Archangels, charge you with their Light to bless, heal, and protect you! But understanding their Nature and Service is crucial to allowing them to draw ever closer to your conscious awareness. These Releases are your key! During the January 2016 New Year’s Conclave and subsequent Acropolis Sophia, the Twelve Archangels, Gautama, Omega, El Morya, and the Goddess of Light revealed surprising and invaluable new information about the True Nature and role of the Archangels and Archeia and their Legions. This double album contains every Discourse and Dictation presented during this momentous twelve-day cycle, including the first Dictation by Purusha, the “Archangel of The Presence.” The Dispensation of the coming of the Archangels was intended to reinforce and accelerate your attainment by their assistance, helping you stand as a Pillar of Fire consciously entering into Cosmic Service with the Angelic Kingdom — thereby anchoring a greater Momentum of Light upon the Earth to propel this planet into the Golden Age!

  • Angels are how the Great I AM knows itself Universally. You are how the Great I AM knows itself Individually. Your Crystal Cord can be traced back to your Electronic Body and back to the Great God Flame. The Angels’ Crystal Cords can be traced back to the Universal Hearts of the Presence. God gives of himself in these Universal Hearts as single attributes of his Nature. One of the greatest services rendered by the Angelic Kingdom is to plug you into these Universal and Monadic Hearts in the Heart of the Great Central Sun — to step down that Radiation and reinforce your God Consciousness and efforts in obtaining Mastery. So this Dispensation of the presence of the Angelic Hosts is intended to be a “force multiplier” that will take the Dispensations of the Brotherhood at the level of the Elohim and the Great Central Sun and bring them into the physical world.
  • Archangel Michael has been with you since your first incarnation, and he will be with you until your Ascension. It is his role to see that you have the Shield and the Protection by the Sword of all that you require to stand as a Pillar of Light and fulfill your Divine Destiny. You must have Fearlessness and the Guard Consciousness. The natal birth of your Christhood is when you draw forth the Light of the Threefold Flame. When you allow for the Pillar of Fire of your I AM Presence to come forth and establish upon Earth that Kingdom that is the Glory of God, it allows you to have entrée into the Realm of the Pharos of Hierarchy™, to touch the Flame of the Elohim, and to have closeness with the Angelic Kingdom. Let Archangel Michael’s Legions protect you, defend you, teach and train you so that you have the Light of God where you are.
  • The Ascended Masters desire you to experience the closeness and unique outpouring of the Archangels and enter into a new arena of cooperation with the Angelic Kingdom. Once you understand who they are and how they act, you can, with their lawful intercession, remold your life and externalize the true Ascended Master Way of Life. As your Flame arcs with them and they with you, whatever you require will be present. These Angels will stand where you are, receive your Heart, and give back from their Heart. They are the very incarnation and embodiment of one or more Qualities of the Godhead. When dealing with the Angels, you come very close to the Presence of God as that Presence expresses itself in many universal expressions of its nature. The Archangels bring Heaven to you— standing within your aura and producing the effect of whatever you need in your life. Your conscious cooperation with the Angelic and Elemental Kingdoms is part of the Divine Design.
  • Archangel Jophiel instills the Blueprint and Pattern of a Golden Age into the Consciousness of Illumination’s Angels so they might transfer those Patterns to the Sons and Daughters of God. Hold this Vision in your mind’s eye. Your Presence is fully illumined and radiating the Light of Purity. And it is your opportunity to draw your Presence’s Attainment into your outer vehicles. You can so refine these outer vehicles that when the Commanding Presence of the Mind of God calls forth the Light into them there will be the responsiveness, just as the Body of the Angels responds to the Archangels and Archeiai. When your mind is fixed upon the Presence, you are in the state of consciousness that allows the Holy Angels to come close and tend to your Flame to reinforce those areas where you need assistance. Let Illumination’s Flame burn brightly in your crown so that when you are called upon to fulfill a task for and on behalf of your Presence, you are ready.
  • Lord Gautama carefully details to you how to go Home into the Heart of God so that you can expand the Light in your life and be all that is expected of you by your Presence and by the Karmic Board. For you are called to a higher service than merely your own Path and Initiation toward the Ascension. You are called to hold the balance with the Angelic Kingdom, the Kingdom of the Elohim, and the Pharos of Hierarchy so that there can be a quieting and a return to Peace in the land. Lord Gautama releases the Thoughtform for 2016: It is the Victorious Light of the Great Central Sun, shining forth and illumining the Earth. Remember your high and holy calling to anchor the Light of the Great Central Sun. And then you, like his Flame, will be holding dear the Threefold Flame of the Hearts of the many that truly do desire to love God and enter into their Home of Light.
  • Every year, in honor of the Service of Sanat Kumara and the Holy Kumaras, we enact the “Ritual of the Flame.” This harkens back to Shambhala, where on each New Year’s Eve the populace would process to the central temple, where upon its great altar lay wood ready to be ignited. At midnight, Sanat Kumara would step through the veil and a bolt of Fohat would leap from his Heart Flame onto that altar, kindling the wood. The heads of households would kindle their tapers from that Flame’s Fire. Both that original Fire and the Flames kindled would continue to burn like an Unfed Flame. The household heads would take their Flames home, and the Living Fire would be ensconced on their altars. They would keep that Flame burning, tending it with their devotions throughout the year. We bring that Living Fire here. After you have breathed in that Flame, on the next out breath you extinguish the outer symbolic Flame. The action is then sealed. You are receiving a piece of Sanat Kumara’s Heart, as well as those who stand with him in their God Determination to see and sustain our world as the platform for the Godhead Charioteers to complete their pilgrimage and return home Victorious!
  • Rein in your mind’s questions and curiosity about the Angels. What is most important is to understand the nature of these great Hearts of the Presence of God and how the God of Very Gods has found a way to be personal and intimate through these angelic messengers of himself whom he extends to you, while remaining impersonal and universal. The Presence of God serves through the expressions of himself as the Angelic Hosts. These Angels share a common Heart. For the Angels, the Monad that is the Universal Heart of God in the Great Central Sun is the shared Electronic Body. All seven of the attributes of Divine Love: Presence, Intelligence, Principle, Power, Activity, Light, and Substance, are going to be present within every member of the Angelic Kingdom. That is why we feel affinity for them — because we, too, have those sevenfold attributes within our I AM Presence and within us. The difference being that we have self-consciousness— we have a reflective I AM Awareness as Individualized focuses of the I AM Presence.
  • Chamuel and Charity, Archangels of the Third Ray, anchor their Momentum in the Earth so that the Presence of Love may draw all into the awareness of God. The Pristine Perfection of all that is, all that has ever been, and all that will be is because the Presence of God Love desires it so. Your very own vehicles of consciousness have been brought into being because of the Love of your own Mighty I AM Presence. Your role in life is to love and the Angels of Beloved Chamuel and Charity come to assist you, to remind you of how easy it is to love. When their Angels come to tend to the Flame upon the Altar of your Heart, charging your vehicles of consciousness, their very Presence reminds you of your own Heart Flame. Reinforcing the unfolding of the Heart Flame within your vehicles, they act as a great magnet to draw your own God Love forth.
  • Beloved Omega holds you in her Heart and blesses you with the Mother Flame. Utilize this Fire to clear your consciousness of any resistance to Purity’s Ray so that there can be a greater momentum established between you, Archangel Gabriel, and the Annunciation of your Christhood. This Dispensation of the coming forth of the Archangels is so that you will finally know the true nature of the Angels, how to commune with them, and the high respect they should receive from your Heart Flame. Knowing this will expand your opportunities to receive more of the Dispensations of the Lords of Karma. Unique identifying patterns are ever present with the Ascended and Cosmic Beings. It is important to understand this so that you might draw upon a specific Vibration that you require at any given time. Part of your training in Christhood is to know the difference of the Rays of God Consciousness and how to utilize them wisely. When you need a particular God Substance to reinforce your own Momentum, you will know who to call.
  • Visualize the descent of the blazing outpouring of Ascended Master Light that is produced by your Presence that hallows space, charges space, and is the Law of the Being of the Mighty I AM Presence. You are obliged to establish this Light as a current in your world to win your Victory, and the Elohim, Chohans, and Lords of Praetorian Hosts can assist you. The Archangels and their Hosts can help you establish God Control over your thought and feeling world. All of Heaven is waiting for your call to help you establish that outpouring of Light for yourself, and for all who will accept and receive it. One of the best Decrees to establish the blazing outpouring of Light is The One Decree. Every one of those Qualities is one of the Monads. As you give that Decree, you establish this charged outpouring of Ascended Master Light through your forcefield. The Great, Great Silence Decree invokes the Angelic Hosts and the unconditional God Love that is the fuel that engenders this blazing outpouring of Light.
  • As Archangel Gabriel announces your Christhood to you, he asks you to recognize your Responsibility to uphold the Purity and the Perfection of God where you are. He also announces that you have a Divine Role and Mission to play in the coming Golden Age. When Gabriel and Hope share with you the Goodness and Blessings of God, it should bring you great comfort, knowing that God loves and cares for you, and all the pettiness of the human creation that you have amassed is for nothing, save to learn what not to do. Your Heart Flame is worth every Blessing of God that comes your way. As you enter into the Realm of Akasha, it is transferred to you by the Soundless Sound that many times resembles the sound of angel wings. If you are silent, you can hear the Angels in your midst, because they activate that sound of Akasha.
  • Archangel Raphael and Mother Mary stand as the Guard Consciousness of your ability to draw forth the Emerald Ray. You are intended to be a Beacon of Light that radiates God’s Consciousness in all of its Perfection, holding to those Patterns and enlisting the assistance of the Archangel and Archeia of the Fifth Ray. For the Emerald Ray to go forth, there must be the Constancy of your devotion to God. There must be the unfurling of the Threefold Flame of the Heart and the anchoring of the White Light of the Mother. And then, the Fullness of God’s creative endeavors through the Emerald Ray can manifest. Entertaining the Emerald Ray Angels, holding to their Perfection, allowing for God Reality to be the constant Vision that you behold, speaking in the Perfection of God, holding to the Patterns of the Light of God — all this establishes a chalice that allows for all the Blessings of God to flow freely.
  • Our Conference theme is how the Archangels and their bands can approach more closely to you. The minute your mind or feelings pull away from your Presence, you can call to the Angels for assistance. Just as the Seraphim ministered to Jacob, these direct Angelic Presences who are the many Hearts of the many Monads of the Presence, likewise are there to minister to your needs — to be there in your times of crisis. For their intercession to take place, you must give the call and embrace the God Consciousness of their encampment. See the twelve encampments of Archangels and their Twin Rays round about you. The Angels are at the ready to be sent by their Archangels in answer to your calls to move through the astral, psychic, and earth planes to deliver what is needed. That communion need never end. The knowledge of these Praetorian Hosts and your ability to have that ministry around you, as your bodies are the Temple of the Most High Living God, is a Dispensation.
  • Archeia Aurora of the Sixth Ray shares her Flame and addresses you before Archangel Uriel so that you might receive from their Cosmic Light the signature of her Momentum of the dawning realization of the Christ Light upon you. As you receive their Cosmic Light and the Holy Angels that serve the Presence of God that come in the Sixth Ray action of God’s Ministration and Service, internalize every erg of energy, every Momentum that you can possibly garner. And hold fast, so on the dawn of tomorrow you will awaken refreshed and remember that same Vibration. That Vibration can stay with you throughout your days if you practice holding to it. The Emerald Ray, the White Light, Illumination’s Flame, and the Will of God are all encamped within that Realm of the Sixth Ray. Maintain that Vibration Aurora brings you of the dawning Peace of the Christ Light. Let that Light shine forth all your days and keep you in the Service of God.
  • Archangel Uriel instructs you on how to prepare yourself for the greatest Service of all: to serve God in all of life. You are an outpost of the Most High. You have an I AM Presence and all of Heaven ready to respond to your call. The Sixth Ray gives you the opportunity to draw upon all of the God Qualities, all of the Christ Virtues, and all of the Substance of the Body of God. When you invoke the Violet Flame, you are establishing a momentum of transmutation, not only for your lifestream, but for your community, your country, your Earth. And it gives permission to Uriel and Aurora’s Angels to assist all of these civilizations. Learn the difference between Compassion and sympathy. Invite the Archangels into your midst with their Legions of Angels, and see their encampments round about you, protecting and guarding you, teaching and healing you.
  • The Ascended Masters are most hopeful that the Angels of the Praetorian Hosts will become very tangible to you. As long as you maintain Harmony, they will more and more be with you. The Great Silence is a synonym for the Great Central Sun. There is silence and stillness and what is known as God’s great Activity — Divine Energy at work. All of the protective qualities in the visualization of the Citadel come forth as you are able to tap into the capacity of the Great Central Sun to produce what is needed in every condition of your life. The distance across the Great Central Sun is infinite. The home of your Mighty I AM Presence is the Realm of the Great Central Sun. The key is identifying yourself as your Mighty I AM Presence. Have the certitude and realization that I AM here and I AM there. For then you can know you are there in your Mighty I AM Presence.
  • The Angel Deva of the Jade Temple has prepared a vehicle so you might traverse worlds and enter into the Heart of your God Presence, moving into the Great Silence. But if your vehicles are in chaos, how will you know when the Presence of God announces itself to you? Should you desire to achieve more of the Reality of the Presence of God where you are, you would want to remember this Vibration of the Angel Deva. In the domain of the Angel Deva there is only the heartbeat of God, the soundless sound allowing the very Presence of God to announce to you that glorious home you so desire. When you find it challenging to elevate your consciousness back into the Consciousness of God, you can call to the Angel Deva of the Jade Temple to charge you with this Momentum once more to carry you aloft above the clanging and the distortions of the outer realm into the Great Silence.
  • The descent of personal karma accounts for human beings feeling themselves separate and apart from God rather than a part of the Divine Nature. Most are not consciously aware of this karma but nevertheless are burdened by mortal consciousness. This is the antithesis of the Great Silence and of the God Consciousness that is your inheritance. This burden of karma must be lifted off of the Sons and Daughters of God if they are to ascend. Only as the vehicles are purified is there facilitated that ability for the full overshadowing that allows the miracles of the Magic Presence to be performed through the outer self. The solution to this is the Violet Transmuting Flame of God’s All-Consuming Love. This action of the Seventh Ray is the means provided by the Godhead for the redemption of all that is less than the Purity of the God Presence.
  • You have approached the Altar. You have established a willingness to engage with the Light of God. Perhaps you did not consider you would be re-orchestrating your life to put into the Violet Flame old habits and momentums. When you have invoked the Angels into your life at the beginning of your day, you have given them permission to follow you all through the day. They will reinforce the Violet Flame from your own Mighty I AM Presence and go before you to clear the path so that you are not encroached upon by any vibration not in keeping with the Christ Light you had established in the sanctity of your devotions. The Body Consciousness of God as the Holy Angels holds that glorious Vision of Perfection of your vehicles of consciousness. When you have called the Angels forth, they will never fail you.
  • Everything within the Realm of the Great Central Sun belongs to the Mighty I AM Presence and is a vehicle for that Presence. When an Individual I AM Presence elects to become a Godhead Charioteer, it will decide to act upon the Universals in the Great Central Sun. It will send forth the stream of its Liquid Light God Consciousness, unrolling that stream of Consciousness down to the physical world. Once you have cleared your consciousness and allowed for the overshadowing of your Christ Presence, you will realize the supreme privilege you have to let the Light that is your Mighty I AM Presence radiate forth. You will read the record of your Presence and know it is overflowing with the undiminished giving and outpouring which is the essential nature of the Godhead. As the Fullness of your Presence pours forth, the Great Sea answers in kind and in a measured way marches back to you and deposits on the doorstep of your life Perfect Expressions of the Presence as everything Good.
  • When your own Heart Flame invokes the Realm of Akasha and you have prepared your outer vehicles to receive it, the Charge of Light can and will purify the atmosphere about you. Even in those times when you know your vibration is not in the Fullness of the Light of your Mighty I AM Presence, you can call to the Angels of Akasha, and they will purify your vehicles of consciousness to establish the Intonation of the Presence of God where you are. Unhappiness and negativity can be banished on the instant as the Light of God streams forth and displaces those unrealities with the Charge of the Body Consciousness of God. When you maintain the Vibration of Light all about you, you maintain a Vibration that allows your higher vehicles to be where you are. Your Mighty I AM Presence revels in the opportunity and takes great Joy in sharing with you the Glories of God.
  • As you put your attention upon the Realm of the Great, Great Silence, you can know with unfailing certitude I AM here and I AM there. But many students of the Light who put their attention upon this Silence have questions: What is the Great Silence and what are its capacities? How can I hold to its Vibration amidst the turmoils of the outer world? How can I allow its Stillness and Peace to be a great Citadel of Power and Protection in my world, isolating me from outer riptides of human thought and feeling? Learn how your Mighty I AM Presence interacts with the Great, Great Silence and with the Universal Expression of the Godhead, furnishing the directing intelligence for them, the actualization of what they are to become. Learn how you may become the open door to these Realms of the Godhead, commanding the Universals of God to obey the Conscious Cosmic Christ Command of the Heart.
  • You must gain attunement with the Mind of God so that you can hear the subtleties transferred to you by the Mind of God streaming forth into your emotional body and charging your physical body so that you recognize when the Hand of God is moving you. Many times you desire to blame other parts of life for your failures when in actuality it was your own lack of attunement. Make yourself available to God and those Godly Beings that send forth the Ray of God Consciousness to permeate the atmosphere about you. You may find a shift in what God has in store for you as the Refiner’s Fire performs the Perfect Work and allows you to stand in the Fires of Transmutation and Purification. Do not let one day pass that you are not filled with the Spirit of God upon your brow as you entertain Angels in your midst.
  • Obedience and Authority are two sides of the coin of the Second Secret Ray. The keynote of Divine Authority is the Conscious Cosmic Christ Command. Each command and decree you give is done in the name of the Mighty I AM Presence, never out of human willfulness or egotism. The Threefold Flame is the scepter of Authority. It has the I AM awareness of the Mighty I AM Presence, and it is the Flame of God that speaks to the forces of life within us. God Dominion is the expression of Authority over the four lower bodies first and then expanded to every aspect of our lives and elemental life. In order to command any part of life it requires calm, steady, determined, and conscious knowing. Embrace this demeanor of the Mighty I AM Presence and embody the Conscious Cosmic Christ Command.
  • For the Presence of God to saturate your crown, you must have sufficient Love for God to entreat that Presence into your being. When you hold attunement with the Mind of God, you find the answers you need and the ease to move through your day. As the Mind of God saturates your consciousness, you know you are on firm ground, for there is a foundation of God Reality to rely upon. When your consciousness is burdened, call to the Angels so they might come and charge the atmosphere about you and lift you into a Vibration where the Presence of God merely needs to present a thread of a Ray of Light and you will grasp it. True Freedom is when the Threefold Flame unfurls so you are the Presence of God where you are and you have the Freedom to act in accordance with your God Presence, to be the Will of God, the Wisdom of God, the Love of God and to take Authority over your life.
  • The Third Secret Ray, which is Cosmic Fire, is creative and associated with the vehicle of thought and the Quality of Sacrifice. Embrace a Path of true Sacrifice as the utter givingness of one’s innermost selfhood. Sacrifice is the outpouring of The One and The Good that is supra-full and gives of itself without any condition. The Sons and Daughters of God are being trained to wield the two-edged sword of Christ Discrimination and to make calls on every lesser condition as soon as they become aware of them. You are to put your attention on your Mighty I AM Presence and return all back to your own Mighty I AM Presence. By setting up this circulation, the Oneness of your Presence is there with you in all of your vehicles. At some point, you will decide to complete this return current back to your Presence and empower your God Presence to pour forth limitless magnitudes of its own nature.
  • In the Fullness of God Love, Archangel Agapiel comes with his Bands of Angels reminding you that you have a Divine Mission to fulfill. But if there is not a sufficient Momentum of God, you cannot fulfill your holy task. You are called to draw forth enough God Momentum into every aspect of your life. The Holy Angels come to make up the difference and to assist you, to fill you with more of God Love and God Substance to put into wise use for fulfillment of the Will of God. When you call forth the Ruby Fire, you are distilling the very foundation of God Love that will release any burden, any misuse, any impurity back into the Heart of God. As the streaming Ruby Fire goes forth, you will receive transmutation, and it will elevate your consciousness, for you cannot partake of this Activity of God without it affecting the body consciousness of your own vehicles.
  • As you establish in your feeling world the charge of the calmness of the Presence of God, the Allness of the Great Central Sun Consciousness expressed as this Great Silence, you will be home. And you will know this has occurred when you feel disengaged from whatever might be occurring in the outer world and from whatever might be the inward pressures of your own memory, mind, and emotions. You are not your emotions, mind, or memory. These are vehicles your Presence utilizes. In the ideal state your entire feeling world will be electrified with the Pink Charge of Love, the Blue Charge of God Will, and the Gold Plume of Illumination. Then there will be no room for the misuse of the Powers of the Presence. When God Control of the feelings is established, you realize that the I AM Presence is the part of you that pours forth pure God Desire through the Threefold Flame of the Heart.
  • When you are in the Vibration of the Christ Light, establishing a Pillar of Fire and a Momentum of God Consciousness, you have the tools with which to perform the perfect work. When you are to bring forth a creative ideal into the outer vehicles, into life itself, you must weigh how it will benefit God in life. You must take Responsibility for every erg of energy that passes through you, here and now, for the return of that karmic momentum is instantaneous. As you desire to take on more Responsibility, there must be the ability to hold to the Patterns of Perfection in all of your endeavors. Learn to trust in the Archangels to assist you to protect that initial conception. Guard well all that you have received. And be at Peace, knowing that the Flame of God that burns upon the Altar of your Heart is in command when you surrender to that Flame. You are the Flame of God, and all of this is for that Flame.
  • El Morya anchors the Fire of the Will of God in the Earth so that you might be magnetized to know the Will of your God Presence, to stand in the Flame of that Will, and to be all that the Will of God demands. You are not intended to blunder through your day without knowing where you are, what you are doing, or the vibration in your world. The Will of God should be most easy to move within. But for many incarnations the outer vehicles have ruled, therefore it has been most difficult for many to be responsive to that Will. Know that at any moment of your day the Presence of God will operate through you if you elect to engage in the Will of God. And when you are in that Will of God, a Divine Hand propels you forward toward something bigger, greater, and more truthful. Your Heart will report this as so, even as it confirms the Presence of God is within you.
  • Treasure the opportunity to befriend the Glorious Kingdom of the Archangels. Treasure each of their intrinsic, unique God Qualities as direct expressions of the Godhead. And treasure their blessed ministration and service to your Heart Flame as they assist you in sustaining the flow of the Light in your world. The Nature of God Love is to be in action — and Perfect Love casts out all fear. Call to the Angels to stand in your aura; their nearness will cast out all darkness. The Angelic Hosts are immutable, immovable expressions of the Godhead, and the Law of the Being of your Presence is the self-same Principle embodied by the Angels. This Citadel of the Great Silence can be your Shield, your Rock, your Fortress and Strong Tower. And as the Angels tip the scale in favor of whatever God Quality is the need of the hour, they will be a force multiplier, an amplifier, and means whereby the multiplication of God can be spread far and wide across the face of the Earth.
  • Archangel Shaddiel of the glorious Earth Plane comes with his Bands of Angels in the full effulgence of Perfection. In their Pure Estate, these Holy Angels bring with them the pressure of the Body Consciousness of God to move in, through, and around your vehicles. Can you register their Presence, their fragrance, their emanation of God Consciousness? Archangel Shaddiel teaches that maintaining a constant flow of the Light of God in your world allows you to chip away at the mountain of adversity so you can release the Diamond Consciousness of Purity that is within you. Embrace the Angels of the Fifth Pranic Breath so they may assist you in your constancy of devotion to the Presence. For it is most important to your Victory and the Victory of the Golden Age!
  • You are invited to enter into the Citadel of the Great, Great Silence established by the Angelic Kingdom. When you enter into this Mighty Fortress there is the absolute stilling of all mortal consciousness and outer activity. Everything fades away except for the Presence of God, The One. Enter through the Threefold Flame of your Heart, for you and you alone can make this journey into the Great Silence to know, feel, and experience the Oneness of God. Stepping out of the Great, Great Silence, the Archangel of The Presence, Purusha, brings within him the undivided Presence and Oneness of this Realm. Learn the significance and importance of his name, as well as that of his Beloved, Dominica. Learn of the service he renders, so you might call upon his assistance in anchoring the Silence in your world.
  • Revel in the first Dictation ever given by the Archangel of The Presence, Purusha, as he brings with him the Realm of his abode of the Great, Great Silence. This Mighty Archangel calls forth all of the Archangels to stand in the atmosphere about you so you might feel the protective Hand of God and the Consciousness of God surrounding you. Beloved Purusha comes with his Twin Ray, Beloved Dominica, and together they remind you of the sanctity and holiness of God, of the importance of your devotions before the Altar, and of the necessity to call upon the Lords of Praetorian Hosts. He extends a most precious invitation to you — to whisper his Name in the silence so that you can register the full Power of its fohat and be surrounded instantly by the Angels of God’s Consciousness, elevating your vibration into the Great, Great Silence.
  • In the radiant glow of the Angelic Kingdom, Beloved Jesus addresses you. During this glorious cycle, the Archangels have sent their emissaries to anoint you with the Charge and Body Consciousness of God to assist you on your Path to the Ascension. Beloved Jesus acknowledges the great ministration rendered to him by the Angelic Hosts throughout the journey of his many incarnations. For without their service to the Flame upon the Altar of his Heart, he would not have been able to accomplish all of his tasks. Allow the Angel Hosts to serve you. Call upon them for your assistance. The calls that you make are most important! Know there is not one call that does not register upon the Heart Flame of the Allness of God. And as you expand your Heart Flame through your outer vehicles, as you learn to trust that Flame, to have Faith in that Flame, you can begin to move seamlessly in, through, and around the Angelic Kingdom.
Teachings from the Ascended Masters to Charge You with the Current of Light of the Momentum, Attainment, and God Consciousness of Each of the Chohans!

Receive Divine Gifts from the Twelve Chohans and the Maha Chohan: the Charge of their Momentum and Attainment in the Qualities of God! Taste, touch, and absorb their Vibrations; register and recognize them as a pathway to your own Presence to increase your Mastery! During the October 2015 Harvest Conclave and subsequent Acropolis Sophia, the Chohans, the Maha Chohan, Lord Maitreya, Portia, the Goddess of Liberty, Sanat Kumara, and Lady Master Venus registered patterns of their Keynote Identities to help you perceive and move within their Rays. This double album contains every Discourse and Dictation presented during this remarkable twelve-day cycle, as well as a subsequent Dictation by Gautama Buddha. These Releases were given to change you forever — illumining, refining, and elevating you to a higher way of life as the Pillar of Fire of your expanded Heart Flame magnetizes the guiding beacon of the Pharos of Hierarchy to bless the Earth with God Good and help mankind realize their True Divine Identity!

  • The very idea of Hierarchy is often a cause for aversion, rejecting the understanding that there is indeed a hierarchical structure behind God’s Reality. What a tragic kink in the mortal psyche! With sufficient transmutation of records of rebellion and denial of the Presence and total surrender to your Mighty I AM Presence, then Hierarchy will not be something that you flee from or that makes you nervous. Hierarchy will be that Towering Citadel shining forth the Light of Lux Invictus, the Light of the Limitless I AM Presence, standing as a bulwark against all lesser forces of this world that would seek to dissuade you from your Victory. The Pharos of Hierarchy lights the way to the harbor of safety. It is a symbol of the action of the Chohans of the Rays as they enter into a new thrust and initiative to reach the mankind of Earth.
  • The Maha Chohan ushers in the Rays and the Pranic Breaths of the Twelve Chohans. He joyously introduces to you a cycle of outpouring from the Chohans to assist you in recognizing those areas where you are already upholding the Truth of the Light of your God Presence, the Christ Light, and the Good Fruit that you are bringing to bear upon life. You will learn how you can expand that Goodness, that God Identity, into all areas of your life on every Ray of God Consciousness and through every Virtue of the Christ. The Chohans will also show you how you can breathe upon the Attainment that you have already garnered and expand it — glorifying God. Your vehicles are to learn how to be in the Presence of God, how to respond on the instant to the Command of God, and how to be filled with the Radiance of God.
  • The Pharos of Hierarchy symbolizes your opportunity for interaction with the Brotherhood of Light as they come forth now publically, unveiling those things which were hidden before and are now proclaimed from the rooftops. You are called to come and receive that Light and that Momentum. The Pharos represents the lowering into this outer world by the Brotherhood of Light the Perfection of the Great Central Sun, holding that Charge as a forcefield where only God can abide and only God’s Reality can be present. That is your service at The Temple of The Presence. It is your opportunity to be the hands and feet of this Hierarchy, to take upon yourselves the Christ Virtues and work in conscious cooperation with the Ascended Masters to advance the cause of the Dawning Golden Age across the Earth.
  • El Morya, Chohan of the First Ray, instructs you in what it means to be in the Blue Flame of the Will of God. If you desire the Will of God, get to know your own Heart Flame! Go into meditation and then, with the Power of the throat chakra, call forth the Decrees and Affirmations that have been given to you by the Brotherhood of Light. Your vehicles must be trained. You have spiritual centers within you waiting to be charged by the Light of your Presence daily so that you can stretch forth your hand, your heart, your head, in service to God in Life. That is what it means to be in the Will of God. You can call to come to El Morya’s Retreat to learn what it will take for you to change your life, to put on the Garments of Light that are your rightful vestments and the Vision your Presence is holding for you.
  • The “fear of the Lord” is a point of Wisdom that reflects a healthy respect for the actions of the Law of the Presence — Cosmic Law, which is never to be interfered with, even by the Ascended Masters. Cosmic Law is no respecter of any person, place, or thing, and there is never permitted the unnecessary or wasteful expenditure of the Power or Energy of the Godhead. The Ascended Masters can intercede when there is the opportunity for the Illumination of the Heart and mind. The awakening of Illumination occurs when you enter the Safe Harbor of the Pharos. The Seven-Rayed Religion of the Dawning Golden Age is in the Pharos of Hierarchy. The Torch of Divine Illumination crowning the Pharos casts its beams of living Light, the intelligence of the Mind of God, across the Earth. This is the service Torch Bearers are engaged in and why they are the Hope of the world.
  • Lord Lanto, Chohan of the Second Ray of Illumination’s Flame, imparts to you the Teaching on why Illumination is all-important for you to draw forth from the Threefold Flame of your Heart. Illumination will connect you in your mind, emotions, and physical vehicles with God’s Will. Illumination’s Flame conveys Divine Purpose and Holy Intent, allowing all things in the outer to take on that Divine Imprint held within God’s Mind. Every day is an opportunity to expand the Flame of Illumination in your life, for you are constantly being taught. Every situation that you are placed in by your Presence and by your Ascended Masters Sponsors is so that you will expand your conscious awareness of God and draw it more into evidence in your life. Lord Lanto calls forth the Golden Helicon to sweep the Earth with Illumination’s Flame and the Golden Elixir of God Consciousness, giving you this gift to foster greater Wisdom.
  • The Third Ray is the very epitome of the givingness of the Selfhood of God to every part of Creation. As you are caught up in the God Consciousness of the Bethlehem Daystar of your Presence, that Consciousness is the grace of the one shared Consciousness of every I AM Presence. In that heightened state of awareness, you experience the single-eyed Vision of the God Presence which beholds Perfection and only God Perfection in every part of creation, as well as the uncreated realms. The only way to rise out of this world in the Ascension is to no longer allow the dust of this world to attach itself to your garments of consciousness. So there must be flowing from you this one-directional flow. It is appropriately called “unconditional Love.” That unconditional Love is God, the Presence of God moving and giving of itself.
  • Paul the Venetian, Chohan of the Love Ray of God Consciousness, draws forth the Love of God from the Great Central Sun to impart to you that Essence of God that makes all life worth living and all Form come into being. All of life wants what is at the core of the Flame of God Love. Love streams forth to activate within you a desiring to be; and in that be-ness there is a qualification that must come into form, actualizing the Perfect, Pure Essence of God that is at the core of your being. The Safe Harbor for you is to allow for God Love to never cease. Invoke God’s Love so that those areas of your life drawn to you by your karmic patterns in this or other lifetimes will be treated by the most precious gift of all — God Love.
  • The work of the Godhead Charioteer will never be complete until the physical body is regenerated and reaccelerated and those life forces that vitalize and knit together the network of the cells and nervous system can serve as a bridge to the Electronic Body. Then life will be a simple process of holding open the door of Consciousness from the Realm of the Electronic Body into this physical realm. The Electronic Body can not only radiate through the realms of Perfection, but through memory, mind, feeling, and flesh. Like Jesus on the Mount of Transfiguration, you can have that luminosity radiating through every cell of your body. The realm of the Presence is Perfection, Purity, and order. You can liberate the Light to act in your world, to radiate out that orderliness, turning over to your Presence the Authority to reorder every part of your life.
  • Serapis Bey addresses you in the Ray of the Mother Light, the White Fire of Being, so that you may adjust your consciousness to that Purity that is the natural estate of being of your God Presence. For that is why you have come to these Teachings. You are in the Office of Son or Daughter of God. You must take Authority over life, for that is where you are gaining your Mastery and Attainment. To do so requires that you have the awareness and ability to move in, through, and around the White Light of Purity. This Mother Light gives birth to all creative endeavors. Purity is the Divine Perfection of God that has not been tainted. You are to embrace Purity, recognizing that there is a Divine Attribute to that Purity that you are not to sully, distort, or skew. Your outer vehicles must be trained to call forth the Flames of Transmutation so that the White Fire can be your Home of Light.
  • Whether you say “Hierarchy” or “Brotherhood of Light,” both are referencing the same principle — the connection from the Earth to the Great Central Sun. The Ascended Masters have no desire to intrude themselves into your life. They will not interfere where not permitted by the Authority of your Presence. Hierarchy is nothing to be feared if it is truly understood. When you pass certain initiations, you begin to feel that you are part of this family of God where all care for one another and are part of one another. When you give the fiat, “The Light of God Never Fails,” it is like an SOS going out to the Brotherhood. The Masters who need to respond do respond on the instant. That is the protection by the Brotherhood of Light afforded to you in the Pharos of Hierarchy.
  • Hilarion, Chohan of the Fifth Ray, speaks to you of the Truth of Cosmic Law and of its import. For the alchemy of the Emerald Ray to bring forth the Truth of Cosmic Law, there must be those willing to be Pillars of Fire and hold the Fire sufficient to lower that into the planes of consciousness for the masses that will receive it. You are becoming an Adept, capable of calling forth the Rays of God, sending forth the Fohat of God Consciousness, and standing as a Pillar of Fire so that all about you will benefit. Being entrusted with the Emerald Ray is a sacred trust. When you give the Calls to the Emerald Matrix, there is a chemicalization that takes place down to the very cellular activity of all of your bodies. Hilarion welcomes you to his Retreat so that you might learn how to engage more fully in the Light of God.
  • The Ministration and Service of the Sixth Ray begins and ends with your commitment to the Mighty I AM Presence. Regardless of your worldly pursuits, there must be attention, love, and devotion to your own Presence. As you give yourself to your Presence and what your Presence wants you to achieve, the Divine Plan and whatever you require for the implementation of that plan will be furnished. Giving one’s all to the Presence in total surrender and lifelong commitment to whatever the Presence desires of you is a central part of the personal Path to Christhood. It comes about as your outer self realizes that all that is entrusted into your stewardship is not the personal property of your outer self, but is there for use according to the Divine Direction of your Presence. As you truly give everything you are to your Presence, then everything will flow forth in time as it should.
  • Nada, Chohan of the Sixth Ray and member of the Karmic Board, instructs you on the Ray of Ministration and Service. When you engage in the Service of God, you are called upon to wear the multi-colored robes of all of the God Qualities. And you must have Peace in your life, for it is in that Peace that you know God and the Law — what you can lawfully do for another and where you must hold the balance while they make their own decisions. You do not serve the outer persona or circumstances of another, nor have sympathy for their plight. With each step you take on the path to serving God, you will discover a new abundance of God Reality in your life. You will feel a love of God and a Holy Purpose that you have not felt before. Let the Love of your Heart for God be greater than the love of the outer self and you will begin to recognize what it means to serve God.
  • Saint Germain, Chohan of the Seventh Ray of the Violet Flame, explains the Beauty of that Flame and why it is so key to the Victory of each lifestream. He also presents another Dispensation of Violet Flame! It is a Violet Flame that he will call forth daily on your behalf. You need only be the recipient. You must still make your Calls to the Violet Flame as you have, but this particular quotient of Violet Flame that Saint Germain will call for you is so that you will have the opportunity to know your own I AM Presence enough that you will become the servant of God that was intended to be, in whatever manner your God Presence has elected. The magnitude of Saint Germain’s Momentum on the Violet Flame is very great, so expect change in your life! For when you are receptive to his Flame and his Call, it will reorder your life in accordance to the Divine Plan of your lifestream. If you will receive Saint Germain’s gift, it will be worth it!
  • As you enter into this Acropolis week you will encounter new territories of knowledge of Realms of the Godhead, heights of consciousness that might be difficult to grasp. But if you will nurture the Fires of God Consciousness presented to you, they will unfold into a knowing and a conscious awareness that will be yours for all eternity. You will learn about the interaction between your Heart Flame and the Great Sea, and you will become familiar with the consciousness that is pervasive throughout the Great Sea. You must allow for the intertwining of heart to heart to take place. Creation comes forth only when the Presence rays forth that which it knows itself to be back on the Universal. That is the essence of this interaction that we call Love’s Duet with the Limitless Sea. You have the wonderful opportunity to give of yourself to this Great Sea of Universal Light.
  • Lord Maitreya shows you how to use the precious Teachings that are given to you. You must be able to actively draw them forth and produce the good fruit of your efforts. It is in the wise use of what you are given that you are given more, and you find that the Abundance of God is greater than you ever imagined. Embrace willingly, joyously, lovingly new opportunity. Draw forth from your own Heart Flame, from your Mighty I AM Presence, with the assistance of the Hierarchy of Light, all that you require to stand, face, and conquer. That is the Path. You are proving Cosmic Law. You are becoming the Christ. When the Light of God streams forth and takes dominion in your outer vehicles, all is put in its right place and vibration. That is what you are working toward. It is a great opportunity, not to be missed by any sincere student on the Path.
  • To know the Great Sea of Universal Light you must enter into absolute Freedom from any sort of human limitation whatsoever. You must meet that Great Sea at its own high level and elevate your consciousness into all of the Qualities that it holds within it. You will learn to problem-solve by drawing upon the Power of the Presence directly and allowing the Mighty I AM Presence to produce for you all that is the desire of your Presence for you. The Divine Principles of Limit and Limitless are explained. As you enter into the Consciousness of Akasha, the electrons of Light are drawn to your love and you are free to I AM whatever God Quality your I AM Presence chooses for its use. You send it forth on the current of Love, and it returns to you in answer to your call.
  • The Goddess of Light has lowered the Vibration of Akasha so you will have a remembrance and can enter into this Realm of your own accord. But in order to have this level of opportunity, you have to gain the Christ Virtue of Responsibility over all of your affairs, for it is Responsibility that leads to the Victory of the achievements your God Presence desires. You are learning the very operations that Ascended and Cosmic Beings utilize to create with, to interact with Life, to send forth the multiplication of God in Life. Embracing and mastering these Pranic Breaths and Qualities of God affords a closer walk with your God Presence, for it is through these activities that you know how God thinks, how God loves, how God desires.
  • When you are in the God Consciousness of your Mighty I AM Presence, you are imbued as well with the God Consciousness of the Great I AM. Every time you wield the two-edged Sword of Truth, your Presence responds with the Divine Solution to any problem that may be confronting you. As you are so imbued with the Presence of God, your attention is drawn to the Perfection behind the veil and all appearances of imperfection dissolve into nothingness. When you identify with and call to your Presence, it is your Presence who answers your call and issues the Fiat. The Presence is always in rapport with the Great I AM. Give power to your Presence alone. If you master this ability, you are nine-tenths of the way to your Victory.
  • To experience the Freedom required for you to stand in the full dominion of God, there must be the anchoring in your consciousness of the Christ Light. As the extension of your God Presence in the world of form, you have the right and Responsibility to call forth God. The Ascended and Cosmic Beings give of their Momentum in God, their Attainment and Mastery, and they will assist you in charting your course in Divine Direction, if you will allow them. The good work that comes to the fore in time and space is only realized with the support of Hierarchy. The Body Consciousness of God desires to give to you. When you have a tendency to think you are not worthy, consider that you have the Flame of God within you, and trust in that Flame.
  • In the expression of the Christ Virtue of Sacrifice, your own Mighty I AM Presence is in the process of unfolding its Divine Selfhood through your vehicles of consciousness and raying forth its Selfhood unconditionally to every part of reality. Your Mighty I AM Presence can pour forth the Ruby Fire of God’s Heart onto any part of life, and so long as that life remains bathed in that current, it will be polarized to that Love, will receive the Directing Intelligence that accompanies that Love, and will answer that Love in kind. Your own Mighty I AM Presence is the living, breathing achievement of this level of Consciousness and has been working a long time just to catch your attention so that it could ray forth these very realizations through you that have always been fully achieved in the Consciousness of the Presence.
  • These vehicles of consciousness entrusted to you are under the God Command of the Mighty I AM Presence. All of your talents, all of the God Qualities that you stream forth are to culminate in the activity of the Sacrifice of givingness. It is the highest and most glorious activity that a Christ can engage in. It is important to understand that Love is powerful, so you must take care to learn the subtleties of the Fires of the Heart. The Flame upon the Altar of your Heart desires a responsive vehicle through which to express. As you understand how your vehicles of consciousness are a hallowed space intended for the Flame of God, you will give them what they need most. You will give them the Light of God. You will be a Pillar of Fire, for that is what is expected of these vehicles of consciousness that you wear.
  • Within the blazing outpouring of Ascended Master Consciousness, there is only God Perfection with no antithesis. When space surrounding you is charged with this Light, your emotions and mind are charged and even the records of the memory body are bound until such time as they can be transmuted. Then the action of the Ruby Ray unwinds all of the coils and records of the memory body, annihilating them cause, effect, record and memory. Ascended Master Consciousness holds all of life within its Electronic Circle. That is an expression of the Ascended Master Way of Life that each of you should learn to emulate in the receiving of your own Mighty I AM Presence. There never need be any deceleration of the Charge of Light if you allow your Mighty I AM Presence entrée in your life by holding the doorway open.
  • Your vehicles of consciousness are a lens meant to shine forth the Consciousness of God entrusted to you. Your mind holds a powerful matrix that feeds into patterns drawn to the fore, and the Universal Sea of Life will give you what you ask for, because it is Cosmic Law that the Flame on the Altar of your Heart is the Authority over life. Through the water element flows the Power of God to expand and multiply the fullness of all that fosters life. Establishing a communion in the White Fire of the Mother Light allows the transfer of the Emerald Ray into your world so you may be the recipient and conductor of all that is to come into manifestation in your life. When your spiritual centers are aligned, you are a Pillar of Fire that conducts the Light that must go forth to manifest creation.
  • Regardless of its outer appearance, at the White Fire Core of all energy is God Activity. For any force to ever operate, there must be an intelligence at its helm and some degree of life engaged with that force. We must learn obedience because it is the flip side of the Cosmic Christ Command. You may call forth with full Authority whatever you need to balance your karma or to fulfill your mission. The Great Central Sun is the best department store you can imagine. As you send forth Love, you will find the willing cooperation of nature, because all impulses of consciousness return to the point of origin from which they came.
  • The Chohans impart to you their unique Ray, Momentum, and God Consciousness so that you may have the opportunity to draw forth those Rays from your own God Presence. When you have held to the disciplines of a pure life and striven to the very best of your ability, then the Hand of God can come forth in all of its Purity and stream forth a whole new equation of life that you have not even dreamed of. The Chohans part the veil so that you can embrace a higher way of life for yourself. To be God means to be the Truth of the Flame upon the Altar of your Heart, which is closer to you than any human creation. When you allow the Light and God Consciousness of the Chohans to move in, through, and around you, human creation is displaced, but only if you allow those records to go into the Flame.
  • This week we are seeking to imbue your consciousness with the God Consciousness of your Mighty I AM Presence as it seeks to obtain its God Dominion here in these worlds of form. The Path to the Ascension taught by the Ascended Masters involves the invocation of the I AM Presence and calling forth the descent of the Light for purposes of mastering these outer worlds of form. The Heart of God from the Great Central Sun flows down to the Sun of Even Pressure in the center of the Earth and then back, seeking to anchor itself in your physical bodies as it passes through. This flow is ever united with itself. This flow becomes interrupted when mankind does not keep its attention on the Presence. God Power can be deposited in the body through the spiritual centers when this circulation flows unbroken.
  • The Hierarchy of Light, the Pharos of Hierarchy, stands committed to your Victory. It is time for you to realize God Freedom. The Hierarchy of Light is mightily at work, thrusting the Rays of God Consciousness into all of the areas of the Earth where Light is needed. The Karmic Board knows the patterns necessary to bring forth a Golden Age and understands where the Earth is at present. Cosmic Law demands the Purity of God, and there is no greater way to bring it forth than the Flame upon the Altar of your Heart invoking Purity, God Will, God Illumination, and the Fullness of God Love. When the Heart desires to give unto God in full surrender, the lifestream begins to have the Freedom that is their rightful dominion.
  • It is the Will of God that you anchor each of the Rays of the Chohans to your greatest ability. It is time for you to take the Light of God you are garnering and draw it down to the very earth element, the water element, the fire element, and the air element. There is nothing your Presence cannot, but you must call the Light forth and be willing to put all into the Flame so you can move beyond where you are. You are intended to have all of the Goodness of God. Put on the Christ Virtues, for they are the spade and the pick that will mine the very gold of Illumination’s Flame within you. Consider your day-to-day life as a preparation for entertaining El Morya in your home and that will prepare you for your own God Presence.
  • Remember always that the Goddess of Liberty, along with Saint Germain, is truly the heart and soul of America and the Dawning Golden Age. God in nature is part of the Limitless Sea of Light. And the Perfect Patterns of the Divine Nature of God known also as the Divine Paradigm are there in the very Heart of the Great Central Sun — they are there in the Great Sea of blazing Light Essence in the innermost folds of God’s Heart and Mind. The only thing that would separate you from Divine Nature is your own veils of misqualification. Once those are dispensed with by the Violet Flame, all of those Inner Realms are available to you. The Realms of God unfold as a Ladder of Life that you might climb into the very Heart of the Divine Perfection of God.
  • The Goddess of Liberty pours forth the pressure of God Light that is the natural estate of your Mighty I AM Presence and the Light you are to live within. The Flames of God are more tangible and real than your outer vehicles, for they are held in the Purity and Perfection of the Essence of God. It takes desire and Harmony within your vehicles to touch the Flame upon your Heart. And when you touch it, your mind is at Peace. You realize all is right with the world, for the Presence of God is nigh. When you can do that, you are on your way. There will be cycles when all you need is to go to your altar and before the call is uttered, the answer will have come. That is Love’s call, the Love of your Mighty I AM Presence.
  • Journey no farther than the Heart of your own Mighty I AM Presence to find the true Fountainhead of Love. The Love that pours forth from the Godhead is absolutely limitless. As it pours forth from the level of the Great I AM and each Individual God Presence, it creates a circulatory flow that goes forth and returns. Your role as the Individualization of God is to command the Universals. Never be afraid to command Love. Learn the intricacies of Divine Love so that you can use it to solve every problem of your life. Let the Love of your God Presence flow through you each and every day so you may abide within its unending circle.
  • Lady Master Venus comes to teach you of Love — how to embody Love and give Love freely, unconditionally. When you learn to master God Love you will be able to overcome every sense of limitation that you might experience in your life. The very practical day-to-day life you live is an exercise in moving within that Love, drawing it forth, anchoring it, breathing it upon the elemental forces of nature by the Flame of your Heart, and conducting your affairs in this glorious Vibration of God Love. When Sanat Kumara, the Nameless One, and Lord Gautama send forth their Momentum collectively, there is no resistance upon the Earth can stop the flow, for it will come into manifestation.
  • Sanat Kumara charges you to remember and cherish your experiences with your Mighty I AM Presence and the Ascended Masters, for they are most important. These experiences train your outer vehicles so that you may continue to draw forth the Rays of God Consciousness. Then when the Ascended Masters step forth with Dispensations of Light and Momentum, you can receive more into your outer consciousness. Sanat Kumara stands on behalf of the Lords of the Secret Love Star in their Cosmic Light, streaming forth God Activity and Consciousness to effect change on the Earth and to bring about a greater awareness in God. Let the streaming forth of the Secret Love Star in your life be the momentous acceleration that you require to anchor the Fire of God, to be the servant of the Light, and to stream forth the Presence of God Love all your days.
  • Lord Maitreya desires you to have the Fullness of the Flame of God burning brightly in your life. He and the Maha Chohan stand together and call forth the sealing action of the Conclave. This is the time and cycle for the Three Kingdoms of God to be united into one Activity to draw forth the Victory of the Golden Age. This is the cycle; these are the Anointed Representatives to bring it forth; and you are the Torch Bearers of The Temple® to uphold the Flame of God and become a Pillar of Fire to carry it forth far and wide across the Earth. Receive the Light of the Secret Love Star. Receive the Fohat of the Pharos of Hierarchy and the Shield of the Mighty Elohim and you will be unstoppable, indomitable, for the Presence of God will be working through you day and night, carrying you on to the Victory.
  • Your own Threefold Flame resides in the Heart of God in the Great Central Sun where the Consciousness of God draws upon all that is Pure and Divine. This is why you must constantly remind your outer vehicles that the Flame of God is the All-in-All, the Truth of your Identity. Embrace the Peace that resides in your Heart Flame so it governs your consciousness and allows you to stream forth from the Mind of God every Good and Perfect agenda for your life. You are given all of the Kingdoms of God to draw upon but they are to pass through you as the Perfect Creation establishing more of the Presence of God. Every thought and every emanation that passes through you holds the stamp of Identity of your Mighty I AM Presence so that you might expand the God Good of your Presence in all that you do.
Teachings from the Ascended Masters to Charge You with the Momentum and Attainment of the Mighty Elohim to Perfect Your World and Anchor the Golden Age!

Divine Gifts await you: The Shield of Elohim and the Panoply of the Christos to accelerate your Path to the Ascension. Accept them for your Victory! During the July 2015 Freedom Conclave and subsequent Acropolis Sophia, the Twelve Mighty Elohim with their Divine Complements, the Maha Elohim Ouranos, and the Ascended Masters presented in-depth instruction on Cosmic Law and powerful Releases of their Light to help you forge connection with their God Consciousness and that of your own I AM Presence to craft The Shield of Elohim and the Panoply of the Christos around you. This double album contains every Discourse and Dictation given during this life-changing twelve-day cycle. These Teachings are your golden guidebook to help you stand as a Pillar of Fire, fused to the Realm of Elohim to conduct their Light, Perfection, and Gifts to Life into your own world for your Golden Age of One, and throughout the entire world for the Golden Age of Earth!

  • God Almighty and your own Mighty I AM Presence intend for you to receive the assistance of the Twelve Mighty Elohim and in turn offer yourself up as a living electrode—a living conduit and Pillar of Fire that will serve as a connection between the earthly planes and the Realm of Elohim. Over this connection the Elohim desire to send back their Gifts to life, into your personal world and the world at large. The fiery Engram of The Shield of Elohim is the condensed action of the Seven Mighty Elohim of Light and the Five Mighty Elohim of Life — available so that you might draw upon this fused Momentum, building it into the fabric of your life.
  • Elohim Hercules and Amazonia of the First Ray of God’s Will pour forth the Power of God to begin the process of building The Shield of Elohim within your consciousness. They desire that you might forever be aware of how tangible is the Power of God when you are aligned with the Will of God. You have within you all of the elements of Purity and Perfection that are within the Allness of God. At inner levels, you have vowed to fulfill the Responsibility to anchor the Fire of God, to be a Pillar of Light, and to forge a Golden Age! And that begins with the Will of God, for all else matters not! You must be a Hercules in your own life!
  • During this Conclave you are invited to come under the canopy of the Brotherhood of Light and the Mighty Elohim and to flow with the action of their twelve-fold Service to life. These Mighty Elohim are your Shield in so many ways, reinforcing your own efforts. The Shield of Elohim protects you, guards you, and reinforces the Electronic Circle produced by your Presence. This Shield will superimpose over your Electronic Circle; each Elohim at a cardinal point radiates out Perfection and sends it forth into manifestation. A practice that every disciple on the Path must achieve is to see Divine Perfection everywhere. Until you have mastered God Perfection, you will not earn the opportunity and the privilege of directing greater magnitudes of Divine Life.
  • Apollo, Elohim of the Second Ray, releases Illumination’s Flame so that you will expand and build your own Illumination’s Flame into The Shield of Elohim, preparing you to be a Pillar of Light for the Golden Age and to enter into greater participation with the Mighty Helicon. You may call upon that Shield to activate, and it will spin and send forth the Ray of the Elohim that is the necessity of the hour. Apollo’s Momentum upon the Mind of God directs the Will of God, allowing for the fulfillment of the Will of God and the Illumination to make it manifest. Apollo instructs you on the importance of Illumination and on how the Mind of God at work can change your life.
  • The Shield of Elohim is a spotless, shining Shield of the fiercest intensity of God Love. And this Love, a profound and tender Love, is for each of you. The Ascended Masters are engaged in world Service because they are enamored by each one’s own Mighty I AM Presence, and that Love accounts for the great drama of the salvation of a world. The Masters say it is their privilege to be handmaiden to your Presence; for assisting a lifestream to achieve the Ascension is a supreme privilege. The Pristine and Perfect Nature of the Presence must pour forth because it is supra-full and that pouring forth is the utter “givingness” that the Godhead is. We call this givingness Love, and that Love is Joy, Bliss, and contentment.
  • Heros and Amora, the Third Ray Elohim, send forth their Momentum and Light, depositing it in the Earth and upon your Heart. Let the Love you receive be constantly flowing so that you might be a fountain of that Love for all of life. Knowing who you are and why you have come into life, cognizing the life entrusted to you, allows you to internalize the Light of God, the Light of Elohim, and establish The Shield of Elohim for your high and holy calling. Let The Shield of Elohim be your constant reminder of the Blessings of God that are within your grasp, ready for you to appropriate, drawing forth from the Heart of God in the Great Central Sun the Fullness of the Body Consciousness of God.
  • In Divine Realms, that which pours forth goes out and then returns back to its point of origin. As long as the return current goes back to its Source unobstructed there is no duality, no fall from grace, no separation, and therefore, no cessation to its undiminished giving. This Law of the Circle applies here in this outer world, accounting for the limitation and karma people find themselves bound within. But if you send forth Perfection and wholeness, the Law of the Circle will return that Perfection back to you. Identify with your Presence as your True Self and return everything back to your Presence.
  • As they release their Momentum of Purity into the Earth, the Elohim Purity and Astrea ask you to hold the vision of the Earth as a pure star, radiating the sun of the Light of God throughout the Cosmos. Hold that same vision for your own lifestream. You are being given the Dispensation and opportunity to draw from the Twelve Mighty Elohim and their Divine Complements all that you require to establish The Shield of Elohim, activating it any time your attention is drawn there. In the Purity of your Heart Flame you will find the record of Cosmic Law that is intended for you to live by. Do you have enough Purity in your life to let go and let God be the Fullness of Life within you?
  • The Lords and Gods of Creation, the Mighty Elohim, seek to advance the cause of Saint Germain’s Golden Age across the world and in the lives of each individual in their quest for the Golden Age of One. The Golden River of the Helicon, the River of Divine Life and the Gift of the fused Attainment of each Ascended and Cosmic Being, weaves in, through, and around the Shield. Be inspired by the stories told from the Iliad as they illustrate the Power of the Light. The fused Shield of the Mighty Elohim is your protection, and as you align yourself with the Brotherhood of Light, you will come to understand intimately that their collective Momentum is infinitely more powerful than all the depredations of the human thought and feeling of this world put together.
  • Cyclopea addresses you in the Fullness of the Emerald Ray that pours forth from out of the Heart of God in the Great Central Sun. He establishes a Pillar of Light as an obelisk in replication of the focus upon his own Altar in the Great Central Sun. Visualize your consciousness, being, and world saturated with the Emerald Ray, and allow for the Fullness of the Patterns of God Identity to be woven, fashioned, and formed into life. Cyclopea instructs you in the science of bringing forth a creative idea through the dazzling Light of the Emerald Ray — scientifically, mathematically, and harmoniously.
  • This Independence Day, our Knight Commander, Saint Germain, invites you to open your Heart to the Fires of Freedom! Proclaim the Freedom to establish God upon Earth and the Freedom to be the Fullness of God where you are, here and now. God Freedom is the true Freedom all desire and aspire to. Saint Germain stands before the Lightbearers of the Earth, blazing the Violet Flame to consume the unreality that is fostered by so many across the land. Your Calls to the Violet Flame that send forth the Holy Angels and hold the balance for the Earth are the need of the hour! Let your Violet Flame vigils go forth and establish God Freedom in all that you do!
  • Be held in the embrace of Peace and Aloha. The Elohim of the Sixth Ray of Ministration serve your Flame in the Fullness of the Ruby Ray and the Golden Elixir of Wisdom so that you might have all that you require to engage in Service to God in life. For this Service becomes the Joy of life as you enter into the constant state of flow of the giving of your own Heart Flame. Enter into the Deep Peace of their Divine Service as they bring forth the Fires of the Heart to nourish the land and hold inviolate the Perfection of God, allowing all of life to revel and enjoy all that God has prepared for them.
  • Your teachers and sponsors, the Ascended Masters, bring to you the Sword of Truth, giving you the wherewithal to reject outer, limiting conditions and to deny them all power in your life. You may draw forth the Threefold Flame of your Heart and speak to all lesser appearances, “You have no power.” You are invited to rise into attunement with the Twelve Mighty Elohim and your Mighty I AM Presence to view the world and your life from the standpoint of the Divine. From this perspective, a magnificent panorama opens up for you. You can see the many scenes of the Golden Age as the White Fire Core of Being comes shining through, revealing the akashic record of all that is to come forth in Purity and Perfection.
  • In his address, the Great Divine Director presents a key to each one’s Victory — holding fast to the Consciousness of God. Cosmic Law is of utmost importance as it streams forth from the Heart of God, embodying Purity and Perfection. When you forget to hold fast to the Consciousness of God, you lose the tether to all of Cosmic Law. For your Heart Flame to fully engage in life you must allow it to flow forth freely so that you might be in a constant state of communion with God. The Great Divine Director calls forth the Flame upon the Altar of the Hearts of mankind to awaken to the reality of God within, the Mighty I AM Presence, so that each one might become the Christ Light and take Christ Command.
  • The Elohim Arcturus and Victoria stand in the Earth releasing a Dispensation of Violet Flame in such a glorious magnitude, demonstrating the strength and All-Consuming Power of the Violet Flame. Releasing the burden of misqualification on life, the Elohim bring great Joy to the elementals. They desire to bring to you their Momentum in God so it will displace all unreality in your world. You are invited to raise your chalice on high and build your Shield of Elohim. Be stalwart and strong in your Faith in the Mighty I AM Presence. Have the courage to stand as a Pillar of Fire that will allow for all unreality and anything less than the Perfection of God to go into the Flame so that all that will be left is the Fullness of the Presence of God.
  • The full Panoply of the Christos must be forged, utilized, and kept in perfect working condition. As you are armed with the knowledge of the Truths of Cosmic Law, you will be able to lean upon your own Christ Attunement and have Faith in these principles at work. Do not give acknowledgement to outer appearances but rise into the Mighty I AM Presence and, operating from that Consciousness, send forth the Light to deal with all lesser conditions. This week we will learn to look past appearances to the White Fire Core of Being and see the Light of the Presence of God swallowing up all darkness.
  • Utilizing The Shield of Elohim gives you greater opportunity to forge the Panoply of the Christos. You are to absorb into your consciousness not only the Twelve Mighty Elohim, but the Teaching and instruction of the Chohans of each of the Rays of God Consciousness and Pranic Breaths, for it is the integration of all these worlds that allows you to ray forth the full Attainment of your Divine Plan. In the hallowed Consciousness and Momentum of your Christhood, you are elevated into a higher Vibration of the Perfection of God. This Path requires the Constancy of your attention upon the Mighty I AM Presence, even when you are about the day-to-day activities of your life. Learn how to allow the array of your Mighty I AM Presence and The Shield of Elohim to protect your consciousness and world.
  • As you understand the Consciousness of your Mighty I AM Presence and identify and cooperate consciously with it, your Threefold Flame is free to set Cosmic Law into operation. When God Perfection wells up and lesser conditions melt into the Perfection of the Light of the Presence, see in that same location Perfect Patterns emerging. This is an action of Ascended Master Consciousness. The Eternal Principles within the Great Central Sun are graspable by your Heart and mind because your Threefold Flame is even greater than these Realities. Whenever your Threefold Flame expresses itself, not only is its call transferred to your Mighty I AM Presence, but it is simultaneously registered on the Heart of the Great I AM because your Individualization is a focus of that Great I AM.
  • When you are composed, reposed, and in the poise of the Presence of God, you have the capability to return to the Great Silence at any moment of your day. To effect change, your vehicles of consciousness must be prepared to accept that the Presence of God can and will bring the change for God Good that you call forth. When you understand the principles at work in the Great Silence and you are focused on a single point of awareness of God that draws the Light of God into your vehicles, you realize that even in the greatest of chaos you are able to return to the Fullness of the I AM and hold to the Patterns divinely intended. You are called upon to touch the Great I AM with your consciousness, knowing that the Allness of God is within your grasp when these disciplines are mastered.
  • Enter into a greater understanding of the ocean of dazzling, living crystalline Light known as the Nirvanic Realm. The Light of Akasha — brilliant and powerful beyond all conceptualization — has inherent within it every quality that can be called forth or elicited out of it. Akasha, a Light that is no specific color, is best described as crystalline in nature — transparent and translucent. This dazzling, crystalline Light is the outpouring of the raw Power of the Godhead as it is first released from the Great Central Sun. Learn to harness its Power and utilize it for your highest and best use.
  • When the resonance of Akasha pours over you, you have the firsthand awareness of how life is to be lived. The Patterns of God Identity take shape and are formed; the colors and the radiance of life become vivid to the sight; and you begin to appreciate the richness of life all about you. Bearing The Shield of Elohim and the Sword of Truth, you have all you require at every turn. As you adopt more and more of the Patterns of God Life, you begin to live in a realm of consciousness that is filled with Akasha. There are new sounds that you have not heard before. Your own God Presence is most aware of them and awaits the cycle and the time that you might begin to appreciate the intonation of the Music of the Spheres created by the Rays of God Consciousness.
  • Cultivate the understanding that your Mighty I AM Presence stepped forth from the Realm of the Great I AM, descended down into the Great Central Sun, and utilizes all that is there in the Great Central Sun. Everything negative or less than Perfection is annihilated and erased from memory of life when brought into direct contact with the Nirvanic world. There is nothing to fear in treating things with the White Fire. That which is negative will be consumed and only Perfection will remain. Your Mighty I AM Presence wishes to engage in the co-creative process all the way down to the physical world. That is why your Presence goes through the inconvenience of incarnation.
  • The Beloved Chohan of Akasha assures you that you can establish transmutation and change in your world. The true blessing comes when the Heart Flame is expanded to draw more of the Substance of God required to fill, charge, fashion and form life. Being able to stand in the midst of turmoil and still hold to the Purity of your Mighty I AM Presence, with the Christ Consciousness tangible right where you are, is a glorious and most wonderful experience in life. When that Holy Christ Presence draws forth the unguent of Light required to shift the vibration of your vehicles of consciousness, you are no longer tethered to any unreality. Your Responsibility is to maintain the Purity of the Light, to guard the Sacred Fire so when the Light of God streams forth you know yourself to be the Christ Light where you stand.
  • Celebrate the joyous outpouring of the Realm of Buddhi. Within the Buddhic Realm, you find the Gold Print for the Divine Design of all that is to be. In this Realm, the Buddhic Web is more apparent than in any other Realm. The Buddhic Web, celebrated by many of the adepts through the ages, by Homer, Hesiod, Plato, Proclus, and Francis Bacon, is the Intelligence of the Mind of God spinning forth over which Life itself flows. Learn the progression of the coming forth of this Buddhic Web and how when it is fully vitalized and perfectly formed in the lower vehicles, it allows Life and God Consciousness to pass unobstructed from the Higher Vehicles to the lower vehicles, acting as an armor of protection for the lifestream.
  • For the Mighty I AM Presence to fully activate the Light in your world, it is imperative that you hold fast to the Purity of God, allowing your vision to be clear, your Heart to be pure, and Love to stream forth so that at every turn you are a chalice for the Most High. When you are engaged in the disciplines of purification, of receiving and guarding the Light, you will have all that you require for the Flame of Illumination to leap into God Consciousness and draw forth the threads of the Golden Mind of God. With the Shield of Elohim, you have the opportunity to elevate your consciousness at any time into the point awareness of any of the Twelve Mighty Elohim, drawing forth their Momentums, their Wisdom, and their Attainment, to augment that which you stream forth from your own Causal Body.
  • The students of the Light are invited to peel off the sheaths of the unreal self, once and for all, and cultivate a true God Desire for the wholesomeness and absolute harmless innocence and Purity native to all of the Divine Realms. Be apprised of the two diametrically opposed entities ― the one Mind of God and the reprobate carnal mind. Learn to put on the Consciousness of your Presence so that you are operating within the Realms of Eternal Being rather than being dragged over into areas of nothingness. The opportunity being afforded through the Dispensation of the Elohim is the tremendous outpouring of those Cosmic Realms pressing through the psychic, astral, and physical planes. The Currents of the Mighty Elohim are always there, but now a more than ordinary effort is being made to step up the infusion of that Light for you to enter into their Consciousness.
  • You are intended to draw forth the Ruby Fire through total and complete surrender to the Presence, allowing the inbreath of the Heart of God to fill you once more to full capacity so that you might be the Hand of God in action. As momentum is built, there is the multiplication of the Power of God as it is put into wise use. The Power of Elohim burns brightly upon your forehead, and The Shield of Elohim scintillates a Charge and Radiance of rivulets of Light and Momentum. The memory of the Realms of Perfection begins to rush into your consciousness, and you are capable of holding fast to that rarified atmosphere that now rushes to your awareness. As you become the Pillar of Fire intended for your lifestream, the Golden Age will spring into fulfillment upon the Earth, washing away the memory of the desecration of God, for it is no longer upon the screen of life.
  • Celebrate the Quality of Divine Order ― the arrangement of life in accordance with the Wisdom of the Divine Mind. The Path begins with such Order and God Control in the feelings. For you to have your own Victory and Attainment, your Mighty I AM Presence must exert its Momentums through the chalice of your individual identity and through your vehicles of consciousness ― what God would do for you, God must do through you. The Golden Precepts must be embraced freely as you hold to Peace and Harmony. The focus of your attention, your visualization, your attunement, your feelings, your spoken word, your will are all part of the process of gaining the Mastery and Attainment for your vehicles to become the chalice through which the Presence works.
  • The Substance of God is waiting to be played upon by the Flame of God, and when the Heart Flame sends forth a command, you are required to have the Charge of God Consciousness ready for that Flame to act upon. You are intended to master the water element sufficient to elevate your consciousness into the Heart of God, drawing forth on the instant what is needed to address life and to usher in a Divine Idea of God. With the Shield of Mighty Elohim, you have the ability to maintain a constant focus of awareness and Momentum of the Mighty Elohim to draw upon and to become. Enter into the Light of God, protect that Light, utilize that Light wisely, and garner that Light at every turn so you always maintain the reserves required to support the Threefold Flame of the Heart.
  • You can draw forth and understand in your outer consciousness The Shield of Elohim, but will you enter into the wise and active use of each of the Currents of the Elohim? You understand how all-important it is to your Victory to have the assistance of the Elohim, the Chohans, and the Archangels streaming forth the Light of their Momentum and God Qualities until you are able to stand fully abreast with the Presence of God in the Ascension in the Light. This Teaching on the Currents of the Elohim allows you to touch within your own Mighty I AM Presence each of the Qualities of God inherent there. It is in embracing the pure life of the elemental forces of nature that your own Threefold Flame of the Heart soars in Joy and Gratitude to God for the opportunity to be in the Will of God.
  • When God spoke to Moses he gave to him the greatest commandment, “Thou shalt have no other Gods before me.” Our Activity, The Temple of The Presence, pledges to uphold this commandment and places before the students the understanding of their own individual Mighty I AM Presence. Our resounding keynote is the Mighty I AM Presence, for we are The Temple where God lives, both individually and collectively as an Activity. The Fifth Secret Ray is a most glorious culmination of all the other Rays. Here is where final achievements are precipitated and brought forth — distilled into the fruit and productivity so well begun by the previous Rays.
  • The Elohim Regulus and his Beloved stream forth the etheric blueprint of the Golden Age. You are invited to embrace the rarified atmosphere of this Consciousness as it is lowered sufficiently into the Earth. To bring into manifestation all that God intends for your life, you must draw upon the perfect blueprint of the Divine Qualities of God in activity, in substance, and in form. You have all that you need to be Victorious — to win your Ascension, to establish God Government in the land, and to be a Pillar of Light for the Golden Age of Regulus to come forth.
  • Within the Dispensation of The Shield of Elohim there is an action of the Entire Spirit of the Brotherhood of Light wherein they will come to your side as you engage in the challenges of life. Entrusted into your care is a call you may use to invoke this action: “The Light of God Never Fails and the Mighty I AM Presence is that Light!” With this call you instantly have the protection of the Shield and with it one hundred times more Light than you need to overcome the obstacle you are facing. Know that with this call, the Light of Lux Invictus is instantaneously at work — the unconquerable Light will come forth absolutely. Embrace the undaunting consciousness of the Power of the Light, and it will take control of the cause and core of every condition to reveal the White Fire Core of Purity.
  • The Maha Elohim Ouranos stands radiating the full Charge of the combined Momentum of all the Elohim as a finalizing action of The Shield of Elohim. During this cycle there has been established such a great Momentum that allows for the Fullness of the River Helicon of the Entire Spirit of the Brotherhood of Light to stream forth for your benefit and for the benefit of every Son and Daughter of God upon the Earth. As you stand in the Holy of Holies encircled roundabout with the Light of your own Mighty I AM Presence and engaged with the Light of Elohim, you will be most aware how this glorious Shield of Light pouring forth has assisted you in gaining your Mastery. Draw upon this Power of God at any time and submerge your Consciousness in the Fullness of the Perfection of God.
  • In the Fullness of the Light of God, Helios sends forth his Momentum and Cosmic Light to bless The Shield of Elohim, reinforcing the outpouring of the Mighty Elohim. Impress upon your consciousness this Shield as a focus of Light and Momentum that can be burned into the fabric of your life, drawing unto you all of the Teaching and instruction released from this Altar for Divine and Holy Purpose. Helios calls for the Sons and Daughters of God to drink in the Fullness of this Light to establish the Patterns of their God Identity near and far throughout the Kingdom of God. Helios and Vesta bless you and commend you to the fulfillment of the Victory of the Light of God that never fails. For you will be God Victorious!
A Special Double Album of Teachings from the Ascended Masters on Christianity, bringing new Advancements to this worldwide Religion.

These Advancements in Christianity will enable you to understand the true nature of God, the true nature of man, and how, just as Jesus proclaimed “I and my Father are one,” you can become one with your own Individualized God Presence. These Releases given during the 2015 Easter Conclave and Acropolis present new, transcendent ideas that are the keys to understanding who you are, how you can have an intimate relationship with God, who the Ascended Masters are and how they interact with mankind to advance civilization. Listen as Beloved Jesus, Mary, Joseph, Saint Paul, Saint Francis, John Paul the Great and many more of the Saints now ascended in Heaven witness to you new truths and understanding about the nature of God and Heaven — advancing Christianity into the 21st Century.

  • Now coming forth in this 21st Century are genuine transcendent Advancements in the faith we know as Christianity. These transcendent Truths are available to all who will open their hearts and minds and consider the ideas that are presented. None of these Teachings in any way invalidate the genuine experiences of anyone who has had communion with the Heart of Jesus; Mary, the Mother of Jesus; or one of the saints. The Ascended Masters come not to find fault or judgement, but to proclaim the good news of Jesus’ true teaching that all can indeed follow in his footsteps; all can ascend into Oneness with the Father in Heaven, and, in fact, many others have actually done so. And this does not detract in any way from Jesus’ Divinity or his accomplishments. The Representatives speak with the Authority of those who are our teachers, who have gone ahead of us on this Path in the Regeneration and the Ascension, and who have anointed them to speak the Truth publicly before the world.
  • The Great Divine Director reinforces the Divine Direction, the Patterns of Perfection for you to fulfill, held within the Heart of your own Individualization in God. Although you temporarily wear these outer vehicles in the world of form, it was always the intent that you would recognize your true estate as a Firstborn Son or Daughter of God. With the assistance of the Brotherhood of Light, as the Hand of God, you can part the way within your own consciousness to believe the very best of yourself, draw it forth, and begin to live it. As you maintain Harmony and strive to express the Virtues of your Christhood, you are preparing your outer vehicles to walk in the Presence of God, to draw forth the Divine Plan for your lifestream and all that is to be accomplished. The Ascended and Cosmic Beings have the Authority to teach and instruct, to hold the balance, and release Light and Momentum for the Sons and Daughters of God. It is here for you. The question is, what will you do with it?
  • For those who will give honest consideration to the fact that reincarnation is correct, this will bear wonderful fruit and ultimate Freedom to their lifestreams. Is the Christian teaching of original sin and vicarious atonement really incompatible with reincarnation? Accepting reincarnation necessitates exploring questions regarding who you really are, why you are here in this world, and why you keep returning. The conclusion has to be that there is some greater purpose at work. This implies there must be a higher Identity that knits together these individual embodiments and integrates them into a whole fabric of experience. The law of karma implies that there are universal principles at work and that there is a creative capacity within the human spirit. There is a higher part of your selfhood you have yet to discover that has always been there. If that were not so, there would not be the thread of identity that knits embodiments together. God’s Law of Love expressing in the teaching of karma and reincarnation should bring, not apprehension, but hope and joy to sincere Christians everywhere.
  • Beloved Hilarion states that the time is long overdue for you to put on the Mantle of your Holy Christ Presence, to be that Christ in action, to adhere to the Virtues of the Christ. All will ultimately ascend, but how long will it take to embrace the Flame upon the Altar of the Heart, to speak the Truth, to think the pure thoughts that are streaming forth from the Mind of your own God Presence? You have the Divine Identity of the Mighty I AM Presence waiting to work miracles. One day you will awaken to realize that they are not miracles at all. It is Cosmic Law activated by your own vehicles of consciousness in tune with your God Presence and the Flame upon the Altar of your Heart unfurling the banner of your own Attainment and Mastery. You are intended to experience your Presence daily, for God is upon the Altar of your Heart right where you are. But God can only act if your outer vehicles are in harmony, allowing for the stepping down of the All-Powerful Mighty I AM Presence into these outer forms. Fearlessness will allow for the full release of the Emerald Ray that is required within these outer vehicles so that you might walk as the Christ, be the Christ, and fulfill your Divine Plan as the Christ.
  • Every man, woman, and child born into this world is truly an Individualization of God. Thus to understand our own true nature, we must seek to know the true nature of God. An attempt must be made to grasp the foundation upon which individualization is established. Sons and Daughters of God who have made the journey into the Most High God have spoken about the all-encompassing, all-prevailing sense of God as The One and The Good. Plato taught that when you focus on one attribute of The One, you are neglecting all the other qualities and only presenting a partial expression. In this sense, God is above all qualities. Because the Presence is One, it will not suffer to be divided from itself. The One is truly the supreme fountainhead from which the rest of reality stems. It is a Source that needs no source but itself and is the Source to every other part of life. This One is absolute Oneness and Goodness, and nothing will cause it to change what it is at that level. This is the Presence of God that is absolutely behind every single part of life. The Love of this Presence goes forth and loves every part of nature unconditionally.
  • The Nameless One assures you that you are worthy to know the name of God, I AM, to speak the name, to call forth the very Presence of God in your midst and to move throughout all your days in the glorious estate of that Being. This should bring you great comfort. You are to be God Victorious in all ways. The Light and Quality of God that streams forth is the very Substance of God that you can build upon and establish in your life. You must engage your own Heart Flame, have a receptive mind, a peaceful and harmonious vibration. You are the Individualization of the Allness and AMness of God, and thereby you participate in all that is God Good, all that is Holy. The Ten Commandments require allegiance to God as the highest priority of life — Thou shalt have no other gods before me. When you follow this commandment, then the Tree of Life unfolds wonderfully, gloriously, in Divine Order, for the Presence of God is at home. Learn how to move within the Light and Consciousness of God and be in the glorious overshadowing of your Holy Christ Presence all your days. Let the very Presence of The One, The Good, the Great I AM, and your own Mighty I AM Presence abide always where you are.
  • Here are some questions for you to consider: Who are you really? When did you begin? Who do you consider yourself to be? To find the answers we must begin with God. The Presence of God has focused itself to a point of Individuality and affirmed: Lo, I AM! and continues to hold that same awareness at the highest levels of Reality. Not just once, but countless times, the Presence of God individualizes. All of these Individualizations are quite distinct from one another, yet each one shares in the Allness of the Godhead. God Individualized is the root of your selfhood. The phrase I AM Presence contains a profound teaching, linking your Individuality with the Allness of God. Each Individualization of God experiences a profound sense of Oneness with the One God. This is the great drama of the Divine Incarnation. At each level, the Presence builds up bodies composed of the elements of that particular realm. The Portrait of the Presence illustrates the relationship of the outer self to the Electronic Body, the Causal Body, and the Christ Presence, and provides that heretofore elusive answer to the question: Who am I? For indeed you are your Mighty I AM Presence, as above, so below.
  • Saint Germain has walked beside you in many incarnations, and his Love for you is great. Through his Love he gives you all that you require to pass over the gulf of unreality into the Truth of the Mighty I AM Presence that you are. He adjures you to embrace the Violet Flame so that you might once and for all transmute and purify those vehicles of consciousness that you wear and put on the Holiness that is your rightful estate. You must take Responsibility, and that is one of the Virtues of the Christ. Likewise, you must take Authority over your life, commanding the Light to stream into your consciousness to fill your vehicles to overflowing, to give the Sacred Command, I AM whole. I AM pure. I AM the Will of God. The very Heart Flame of the Mighty I AM Presence is right within you. You need only focus your attention there and allow for the Fullness of all that you are to be to come to the fore. Every seeming problem has a solution, and that solution comes from the Mighty I AM Presence. Invoke the Violet Transmuting Flame so that you are always on the cusp of Victory and God Truth!
  • Archangel Zadkiel sweeps you up in a fiery whirlwind of Violet Flame, purifying the atmosphere and elevating you into the higher consciousness of your Mighty I AM Presence. He directs you to invoke the Violet Flame. The Violet Flame and your Mighty I AM Presence as the Flame upon the Altar of your Heart must be engaged in every aspect of your life! Let your sacred labor at the Altar be not only for your own lifestream, but for every Son and Daughter of God upon the Earth who requires assistance in this hour. Know that the Hand of God is in its seat of Authority working miracles to bring about all that is required. You will discover day in and day out how the Violet Flame can change your life. Your perception of life will change; the very features of your physical body will take on a newness; you will be able to invoke and maintain harmony in your life. Then you will fulfill your Fiery Destiny in the Lord! So purify your vehicles of consciousness and let the Momentum of the Love of God consume all unreality! Let Victory be proclaimed upon the Earth and in your life!
  • Just as Jesus is the archetype for the aspect of the Trinity that we call the Son, so there is one also who embodies the third aspect of the Trinity, the Holy Spirit. The Christian world has heretofore been unaware that there was such an Individualization of God, an Ascended Master, holding the office of Holy Spirit, working on behalf of the unascended mankind of Earth. This Master is known as the Maha Chohan, or Great Chohan, because he has attained great Mastery on all of the Rays of God Qualities through the course of his incarnations in the Earth. His earliest known embodiment was as Orpheus, when through his music he tamed the wild beasts, and he taught his disciples the path of return to God through song and devotion. As Homer and as Virgil he was able to scale the heights into God Consciousness and capture facets of the Divine which he exhibited in his life and portrayed in his writings. He often wrote of Pallas Athena, who represents the quality of Truth. Comfort and Truth are qualities associated with the Holy Spirit, as well. In the Iliad and the Odyssey Homer teaches us through his stories important Divine Principles of Cosmic Law. We can learn much that is useful and enlightening about the Path from these epics.
  • The Maha Chohan teaches us the importance of attention to detail. When you embody the Love of God and harmony abounds within, then the Truth of the Presence of God will stream forth, filling your consciousness with the high ideals and seed engrams that you are intended to bring to the fore. But the Flame upon the Altar of your Heart must be engaged. It is not a passive activity! This Flame upon your Heart is the open door to the Mighty I AM Presence. It allows you to put on the garment of your Holy Christ Presence so you are prepared to walk, talk, and have your being in the physical octave as the incarnate Son or Daughter of God, wearing the robes of your Christhood. These Advancements in Christianity give you permission to expand your consciousness and recognize a whole panoply of Ascended and Cosmic Beings that you may entertain and who may assist you. You must draw forth from your own Heart Flame the remembrance of those servants of God who have been there for you time and again in your hour of need. The Presence of God did not come to just one Son of God. You may become a Christ, wearing the robes of Purity. You may ascend into the Oneness with God. Let the Truth of Cosmic Law and the Love of God carry you into that Victory!
  • What is the highest example human beings can ever hope to aspire to? According to Christianity, it is impossible for anyone to achieve Christhood. But throughout time as interest in exemplary individuals arose, the tradition of sainthood sprang up, celebrating the natural unfoldment of the nobility of spirit within the human, and there is to this day a rich tradition of sainthood. Statues and icons of the saints were not meant to be worshiped, but to serve as a visual reminder of their achievements. Likewise, there can be no idolatry toward the Ascended Masters, for they will not permit unascended mankind to venerate them in that way. Each one is referred always to his or her own Mighty I AM Presence. The Catholic Church is beginning to realize more of the truth about the nature of Mother Mary and that one of her roles is to be mother of the Many Sons and Daughters of God. Similarly, there is no idolatry in acknowledging the Divine Spark in each individual lifestream and that all are called to the fulfillment of the Resurrection and the Ascension. The Ascended Masters are lifestreams like you who have awakened to the principles of God Reality and learned it was wiser to conduct themselves in accordance with Cosmic Law and to unfold the Divine Spark of their Heart Flame, pouring forth Divine Love.
  • Mother Mary assures you that from the beginning it was the plan of your lifestream to ascend, just as it was for Jesus. The Mothers of Heaven hold you dear to their Hearts in your moments of need, and wherever possible, rush to your side to assist you. But there does come the time when not only the call is important, but the actions you take and the practices you establish are equally important. From the Ascended Octaves, there are no gray areas such as many justify when in incarnation. There is either the Vibration of the Christ Light in Purity and Perfection, or there is not. Where is your vibration? If you are to draw forth from within the Mighty I AM Presence all you require, you must generate from within your own Heart Flame a striving toward God, a longing for that closeness with the Mighty I AM Presence in these outer vehicles. You cannot take for granted that someone in the Ascended Octaves will read your mind, but they will know your Heart. So as you make your petitions, make sure the words you speak or pen to paper are those of your Heart Flame. What the Ascended and Cosmic Beings and even your own God Presence would do for you, you must draw forth from within, expanding the Flame upon the Altar of your Heart and establishing a life that builds upon that which you receive as a blessing and mercy of the Law. Mother Mary is your greatest defender of the Opportunity to win your Victory in the Ascension in the Light.
  • Throughout the ages, El Morya has labored mightily to teach you about God, to lead you into a new continent of thought. As Abraham, he was guided by the Hand of God, not knowing what God had in store for him, but understanding that the Will of God was most important. You must come to this same conclusion in your own life. Will you make room for the Presence of God, or will you continue in the futile sameness of rounds of incarnations? True Wisdom is when you can see beyond the veil of maya and illusion and draw forth the golden nuggets of Wisdom and the Diamond Shining Mind of God that will electrify your life at every turn. Taking the reins of these outer vehicles is not easy. But your Heart Flame is trying mightily to hold onto the God Direction those vehicles are to go in; and as you understand Cosmic Law, you will have a touchstone of reality upon which you may build your life, according to your own Mighty I AM Presence’s desiring. Recognize there is a vast new world of opportunity available to you if you but open the door to your own Heart Flame. That is the key. It cannot be shut by doctrine and dogma. To those of Christianity who want the Will of God in their life, El Morya says: “Take my hand, and I will teach you how to prepare your vehicles for the Will of God. And you will revel in the joy and the camaraderie of those saints of old now ascended.”
  • All must learn to honor the name of God, I AM, using it in a hallowed, devotional, and consecrated way. We understand that when we use the creative name of God, I AM, we are speaking not of our own mortal selves but in the Office of our own God Individualized Self. We always give glory to the Mighty I AM Presence as the Source for all the good in our lives and to whom all credit belongs, recognizing it to be our True Identity. Jesus knew the power in the name I AM and used that power whenever he wished to invoke his own Mighty I AM Presence and the Universal Presence of God. When he says, I AM the Resurrection and the Life, he is giving an invocation and giving glory to the Great I AM and the Mighty I AM Presence with the intent of having this Light and Fire released through him. There is no such thing as just pretend. Everything is creative because everything we do, think, say, or feel is using the Life that the Mighty I AM Presence has given to us. The Ascended Masters speak to the whole of Christianity and the mankind of Earth, setting forth the banquet of the Truth of Cosmic Law. This is the hour of the Visitation. This is where the Truth of Cosmic Law is being released. It is time to shed the old wineskins of dogma and embrace the Truths of Cosmic Law which can hold the Consciousness of God.
  • The Mighty I AM Presence is ever close at hand! Receive the Light of God! Receive the Truth of your Identity in the I AM. Now is the hour when you can embrace the Truth of your Identity and understand that in all things good, sacred, and holy there is Purity. And that Purity begins upon the Altar of your Heart and must be fostered in your outer vehicles and in all your activities. Cosmic Law is founded upon the pure Heart of the One God who sends forth the Archangels and their legions of Angels to assist in bringing forth the Sacred Sciences of purification, healing, and an Abundant Life in the multiplication of creativity. The Archangels come to protect your forcefield so you might receive the message of God. Prepare your vehicles to receive the Light so you might engage in Holy Communion. When you are in attunement with your God Presence, you will discover all is right with the world, for your Heart is full. You have filled your chalice and are emanating the Purity and the White Fire of the Light of God. It becomes so safe, so comforting, so natural, and you know you have arrived home.
  • Jesus speaks to the mankind of Earth to look to the God within themselves. This God within, the Mighty I AM Presence, will work the miracles you require, and you will see that the Spirit of God moves within you. Your Presence wants you ready for the Ascension Flame, and you cannot be ready if you are not tested and capable of climbing the steep mountain of your Attainment in God. You have many Divine Qualities already honed. You are laying the groundwork, and the seeds you plant will bear fruit. There is a figure-eight flow between your outer vehicles and your Mighty I AM Presence through the nexus of the Heart Flame, and that Heart Flame is constantly reporting your good works to the highest of your vehicles in the Mighty I AM Presence. Awaken to the Truth of who you are. Recognize that you can accomplish far more than you have given yourself credit, for the Mighty I AM Presence is unstoppable, indomitable, and unlimited in all that it can and will do through you. But you must make the effort. You must be willing to throw aside the old habits, the old doctrines and dogmas that have limited your consciousness and not allowed you to fully embrace the higher purposes of your life. Are you ready to receive the Presence of God? It is here, and now is the time. The Light of God is here, the Word is here, and you should be here.
  • The Brotherhood of Light broadcasts their message far and wide across the face of the Earth, establishing conduits of Light for those who are ready to hear these Advancements in Christianity and awaken to the Truth of their own Beloved Mighty I AM Presence. The Ascended Masters desire those of the Christian Faith to have the correct understanding of God’s Will acting through them and all of mankind. This action of God’s Authority and Will is understood as the Law of Octaves. The Law of Octaves teaches that the Mighty I AM Presence sends forth its very own Heart Flame into the outer worlds and builds up a vehicle of expression for itself in each world. The Heart Flame in each world is the Authority for all that goes on there. Thus the expression is true that what God would do for you, God must do through you. Understanding this, you would desire to learn the art of invocation and decreeing as a more powerful alternative in addition to prayer. The Law of Octaves is an Advancement necessary for each individual to understand in order to gain sufficient Mastery and Attainment as they travel along their pathway Home.
  • Godfre proclaims that the I AM Presence is the all-in-all of your being. When you call your Mighty I AM Presence forth, you are calling into your vehicles of consciousness the Power of God, the Love of God, and the Wisdom of God through the Office of your own Threefold Flame. This is what you require to be God Victorious! You must internalize the Will of God and the Divine Plan of your lifestream. When you call forth the Light of God in your Decrees, you are saying to God: “I believe. I have Faith the Will of God is right where I AM, and thus I will be God Victorious!” If you are attentive to the signs, everywhere you turn there will be an opportunity for your Mighty I AM Presence to enter into your life and to stretch forth the Light Rays to assist, to bless, to heal, to comfort, to love. You are encouraged to learn the full benefit you receive from invoking the Light through Decrees. For there are those times when you are required to invoke the Light of God to make a difference in your life, in the lives of those around you, and in the Earth.
  • The Ascended Masters come to overturn old doctrine and dogma and shed new light on the understanding of the nature of man. The deeply ingrained sense of separateness from God must be shaken off. And the concept of original sin, that you are born a sinner and will die a sinner, can no longer be held up as truth. The Ascended Masters say to the mankind of Earth: You are not your physical body, your thoughts, or your emotions. You are a Son or Daughter of the Most High Living God. You are the Heart Flame of the Individual Presence of The One God. God Almighty has focused its Consciousness in self-awareness, and out from its Being has stepped forth countless unique Individualities of its Presence, known as Mighty I AM Presences. This is one of the greatest Advancements in Christianity that must be understood and accepted for true enlightenment to occur. When you accept your inherent Divinity, it opens the door to the floodgates of Heaven wherein the Mighty I AM Presence can work miracles through your life.
  • Lord Maitreya comes in his Office as the Cosmic Christ to initiate the Sons and Daughters of God into areas of consciousness that will allow for the Truth of their Heart Flame to come to the fore and the Presence of God to be established upon the Earth. He is charged with the Responsibility of ushering in new world religions, determining the new thrust that is to take place according to mankind’s consciousness. He knows the progression of faiths and the course of religions. As he rehearses for the students the course Christianity has taken throughout time, Lord Maitreya shows how gentle steps are required to assist mankind in drawing their attention back to the refined Divine Attributes of God. Now with the Teachings of the Ascended Masters there is a new thrust for a purpose and the proclamation of a new world religion. This has required the assistance of Cosmic Beings to hold the balance for the untransmuted karma upon the Earth, as well as a great inner strength on the part of the initiates in embodiment. Many have responded to these Teachings, and this is a great Victory! For the Fullness of the I AM has begun to light the world!
  • The Ascended Masters bring to the Christian world the understanding of the indispensable role of true knowledge. Enlightenment on the nature of God and man must be gained for Advancement to occur. The ideal for true religion is no longer reduced to mere faith, devotion, and loyalty to one person — even to Beloved Jesus. Life and religion are not to be dictated by blind faith or simple formulas of salvation. Things of God are knowable by the illumined heart and mind. For victory to come to the fore in your life, you must be armed with the Truths of the nature of God, the nature of man, and the nature of universal Cosmic Law. This is what the world needs to be educated in — first discovering the principles of Cosmic Law and then putting them to work in the their daily lives. This path to Eternal Freedom is the message of the Ascended Masters. They desire you to know that within the Heart and Mind of God are many knowable Truths right within your grasp that you might appropriate here and now while still in embodiment.
  • There is but one God — known as The One and The Good. Yet there are many Sons and Daughters of this One God — known as Individual Mighty I AM Presences. These Teachings of the Ascended Masters are decidedly monotheistic and along with Christianity assert the belief in one God. Even as there is no inconsistency with Jesus affirming himself as the Son of God, likewise there is no inconsistency with the Sons and Daughters of God affirming their oneness with the Mighty I AM Presence. Jesus made many statements associating himself with the Godhead, the most notable being: “I and my Father are One,” identifying himself as an Individualization of God. Unfortunately, in recognizing the Divinity of Jesus, Christianity made him the exception to the rule. But during this Acropolis, many of our brothers and sisters now ascended come to share with mankind the gifts and graces they have attained. They set the example of what it means to be a Christ, to walk the Earth in the Radiance of the Presence, and then to ascend in the Light and be forever free.
  • All of life is a symphony and your God Presence, the conductor. This is why you are able to know God. Kuthumi and the Brothers and Sisters of the Golden Robe impart to you the God Wisdom you need in all of your affairs so that you might have Christ Discernment and the wise use of the Qualities of God. You are intended to live in a Golden Age of One where you know God intimately and stream forth the Patterns of your own Presence. Your life matters a great deal. You have come into incarnation to learn the science of the currents of Light — the streaming Consciousness of the Mind of God. As you establish this Christ Consciousness for yourself you can establish the Sacred Sciences and learn the mathematical equations behind Cosmic Law. Kuthumi encourages you to wear the Charge of the Light and God Consciousness of your own Mighty I AM Presence. Guard well what you have already garnered within your Heart Flame as the Truth of who you are, and go forth to be the instrument of your Mighty I AM Presence.
  • When the children of the Light are ready to receive the God Consciousness of who they are, the Light streams forth from the Heart of God in the Great Central Sun and pierces through the darkness to bring enlightenment, Illumination, and Wisdom. Throughout your many incarnations, you have gained in Wisdom, but you have not put it to good use because you have not believed you could attain Momentums in God Consciousness. It is time for you to awaken to the reality of who you are. You must draw forth the Flame upon the Altar of your Heart. Your Mighty I AM Presence desires to elevate your consciousness into the Purity and Perfection of God so that every aspect of your being is filled with that pure Light and manifests all that the Presence desires. Who is going to say nay to your determination to be the Presence of God and proclaim I AM? Does it matter what another may think or say when you know within your Heart the Truth of your Identity? The Truth of Cosmic Law is vast indeed, but the first fundamental teaching required is to know the Mighty I AM Presence, for in the I AM THAT I AM all things come forth.
  • The Ascended Masters share with you what it means to experience the wholeness that comes from Love. Those who think love from another human being will bring fulfillment and Peace will be forever disappointed, for their emptiness can only be satisfied by their own Mighty I AM Presence. Oneness with the Presence as the first priority of life results in the outpouring of wave upon wave of Love and Divine Wholeness. This outpouring of the Love of God establishes a tremendous magnetic attraction, and according to the Divine Plan of the individual, the Christ Presence will orchestrate the association they may need for their service in this life. One of the greatest Loves is the Love each Mighty I AM Presence has for its God Flame. The God Flame issues forth the Twin Rays of its own androgynous wholeness, one manifesting with predominantly masculine qualities and the other with predominantly feminine qualities, although each contains the totality of the God Flame. You may raise your consciousness into attunement with your God Presence and God Flame to experience this Love and wholeness that abounds there.
  • Venus, the Goddess of Love, addresses you in the ways of Love. No Love is ever lost, especially when the Flame upon the Altar of your Heart is the Love being given. Most of what mankind considers as love is not love at all. You are only truly loving when the Flame of God Love upon the Altar of the Heart streams forth and touches other Heart Flames. When you give unconditionally all that you are, you know the Presence of God is at the source of that giving. This makes for a Holy Communion, for there is no separation at the level of the God Presence or within the God Flame. Let the Love Venus brings charge your vehicles with the Consciousness of God. For the God of Very Gods has seen to it that you would never be alone and would always have Love. Somewhere in the Cosmos there is a Heart Flame that knows your Heart, for it knows the God Flame that sent you forth. The loves of your life are most precious indeed, and as you engage with those loves, above all, let your first Love be that of your God Presence. Then you will know your Twin Flame, your God Flame, the Great I AM, and The One.
  • According to Christian doctrine, the saints in heaven rest in an amphitheater of paradise, in perpetual adoration to God. When a request for intercession reaches them, they take that prayer to God the Father or God the Son. It is understood that God answers the prayer, not the saint. But this is not the Truth of Cosmic Law. After the Ascension, the Ascended Ones are able to maintain a very close association with this world according to the Service which they wish to render and their ties to various unascended lifestreams who come and go from embodiment. The Chohans of the Rays and the other Ascended Masters, while they have never abandoned their station in the Heart of God in the Great Central Sun, by Dispensation and their freewill election, have chosen to sustain a more or less permanent anchor point in the Earth. As quickly as a call, decree, or prayer reaches an Ascended Master, through the impersonal action of Cosmic Law, the call compels that the answer flash forth from the Ascended Master’s Causal Body. The Decrees and the Ascended Masters’ answers to them are one of the most important ways by which the Ascended Masters are establishing the Dispensations for the Dawning Golden Age.
  • Pouring forth the Light and Consciousness from the Secret Love Star, Sanat Kumara comes streaming Golden Light from Helicon. He requests that you let that Golden Helicon enrich your life with all of the High Ideals and God Consciousness that will benefit you as you face new opportunity and initiation. This may be the greatest opportunity you have had for thousands of years, for you have been given the Dispensation to know, to receive, and to internalize the glorious Mighty I AM Presence that you are! You have an advocate in your life for God; you are dearly loved; and the Archangels send their Angels to minister to you constantly. Now is the time and the cycle for you to catch the Fire! Sanat Kumara reveals that there is great Responsibility in knowing about the I AM Presence and what you will do with that understanding. You have a great Responsibility for the Light and Momentum you receive — hold fast to that Light, nurture that Light, and expand that Light by your own God Presence. Allow that Light to carry you out of the depths of humankind into the Divine to prepare you for all that you are intended to do to make your mark for the Golden Age.
  • You are a firstborn Son or Daughter of the Most High Living God, not a prodigal son only able to approach God through the intercession of Jesus. Rather you are the only begotten of your own Beloved Mighty I AM Presence. You have the Office of being that firstborn of your Presence, destined to inherit all that is the Kingdom of God. This is the greatest Advancement in Christianity that each individual is destined to embrace and walk in the Light of as the Truth of who they are. The Individualized Presence of God is the root and source of your identity. As you embrace this Truth, it empowers you to enter into the immediacy of God’s Presence. This intimate association is possible when you can see and accept that no intermediary is necessary between you and the closeness of the Presence of God. As your relationship with your God Presence becomes a tangible reality in your life, not just a theoretical one or manifesting as a once-in-a-lifetime mountaintop experience, but as your heart realizes the Joy of being in constant and direct communication with your I AM Presence, then your life will be made over in the beauty of a heaven on Earth.
  • Embodying optimism and Joy, Lord Ling instructs you on how to lead your consciousness out of bondage into Freedom. He shares realizations from his incarnation as Moses to help you on your Path. By the Grace of God and the Hand of God working through you, you can accomplish all that is upon the Heart of your Presence for you. You are expected to come together with your brothers and sisters, leaning upon the shoulder of another, helping one another, and drawing forth from the Ascended and Cosmic Beings the Dispensations and the opportunities extended so that you can expand the Flame of God. You can elevate your vibration higher and higher. You can work the miracles that you are intended to accomplish. Like Moses parting the Red Sea, you can draw forth the current from your Presence and have the Power of God flow through you to bring Peace to your life. It is not enough to be disciplined within your emotional body; it must also be a storehouse of Light. Give gratitude to the Presence for bringing you into this remembrance, this awareness, this enlightenment, and opening your Heart to hear the call. The land of milk and honey is right here, right now. Lord Ling holds out the Flame of God Love and the Christic Fire of the Emerald Ray so that you might embody the Christ, fulfilling the miracles of your life in accordance with the Will of your Presence.
  • Elijah comes in the spirit of the Fire of God, the Ruby Ray Action of Divine Love, to cleanse your consciousness. The Light of God must be invoked, and it is up to you to do it! Let the Light of God penetrate the Earth and all thereon! Let the Fullness of the Christ Light be born in the Hearts of the many! Let the youth of the world be galvanized into the clarity of the Mind of God and the Purity they require to have the way prepared for their future. Call for the awakening of the children and youth of the world and for the Holy Angels to go into the schools. May you achieve within your life your own Victory of overcoming! May you have your crown in the Christ Light of your Presence, your vision clear, and your Christ Discrimination keen! May you have the Command of the Power of God through your calls and your invocations so that the Love of God infuses your life with Holy Purpose and Divine Intent! Let your call go forth dynamically and clear for all to hear: The Light of God never fails and the Mighty I AM Presence is that Light!
  • As you search for the Holy Grail, you must not only find it, but you must become it, putting on the Christic Fire that charges your vehicles and allows you to outpicture the Will of God. How glorious it is when all are together at Morya House filled with a joyful heart after receiving one or more of the Ascended Masters and an Ascended Master Way of Life fills the atmosphere. Know that your Flame is never forgotten by El Morya. The door to Morya House is always open, and the Comfort Flame abides here. The living Flame of the Heart of God in the Great Central Sun burns brightly upon the Altar here for all upon the Earth who hunger and thirst for the very Presence of God. You are called upon to exercise the Virtues of the Christ that allow you to fully embrace a higher way of life at every turn. And when that is achieved, you advance to another plateau, and another, until your Presence says you have completed every initiation possible and you ascend into the Light. So you must choose if you will follow the saints of old now ascended in the Light, embracing the Advancements in Christianity or if you will stay in the same place you have been for numerous incarnations. Do not let your human ego and human pride stand between the person you think you are and the Christ you are to be.
  • Within the doctrine of Christianity, there is no understanding of distinct vehicles of consciousness that are the expression of emotion, mind, and memory. Thus there is no avenue to take control over the four lower bodies. Nor is there the possibility of here and now being able to reunite the heaven worlds with one’s own outer consciousness. The Ascended Masters teach a Path of self-mastery over thought, feeling, word, deed, attention, and memory. This concept of self-mastery over one’s self is entirely foreign to most. And yet, Jesus brought forth this teaching — that each individual is here for the express purpose of taking dominion over themselves first and then over all things of the Earth. These principles of Cosmic Law operate whether individuals are aware of them or not. You are being equipped with all of the tools you need to accomplish this Victory. Use the Decrees and Fiats in the Decree Book to assist you in overcoming all outer limiting conditions both within yourself and outside of yourself. As you make the calls, the Law of Octaves will be fulfilled, the Ascended Masters will provide every assistance possible, and you will be God Victorious!
  • When you make the election to enter into the Path to your Ascension, it should be with earnest, steadfast striving, for it takes great discipline in your outer vehicles to fulfill the Fiery Destiny of your Mighty I AM Presence. It is most important that the Fullness of the Mighty I AM Presence flow into your life, take command, and be the Authority over every nuance of your life. Those fearful to start the process of drawing forth their own inner genius will never know what it truly means to fulfill the Will of God and access the flow of the Light of their God Presence. You can draw forth from the Mighty I AM Presence every vestige of energy and Light you require for your life. You need not struggle, for in struggling you push away the very closeness to God. You need not fear, for all that comes forth from your God Presence is God Good. Everything demanded of you by the Presence is for your highest good. If opportunity is rejected here and now, it may not be easily garnered again. But Dispensations come forth time and again to assist those who have a pure Heart, who are striving within the core of their being, to assist them in overcoming and to mark the day when they begin to live an Ascended Master Way of Life ― putting on the mantle of the Will of God, the Love of God, and the Wisdom of God.
  • The Hierarchy of Light from the Ascended Octaves are engaged in assisting mankind to bring forth the Golden Age — more than you could possible realize. There is the need, even in this hour, for Angels of every band and every Quality of God to come forth and assist in protecting the innocent and the holy. It is incumbent upon you to make the calls for those who do not yet know they have a Mighty I AM Presence. You alone can call forth the legions of Angels. Have you forgotten Archangel Michael has given you 40,000 of his Angels to command? It is a mighty feat to stream forth the Truth and Light of God to elevate the vibration of the many so they can begin to defend their country and their world. When you have truly recognized the Flame upon the Altar of your Heart, you can arrest all manner of warring, intrigue, human pride, and ego. Your Mighty I AM Presence is always with you, always looking out for you, waiting to catch you should you fall. Even if there are only a few that uphold the Ascended Master Teachings from this Altar, there is the assistance of the Entire Spirit of the Brotherhood of Light streaming forth, for the Ascended Hierarchy have determined to bring forth a Golden Age even in the face of the appearance of desolation upon the Earth. Let your Light so shine forth that you can be counted among the Pillars of Fire upon the Earth.
  • A rejection of these Advancements in Christianity would leave the student defenseless against the onslaught of things they do not understand but that have a tremendous impact upon their life. Today the Ascended Masters bring to their disciples principles of Cosmic Law, explaining the realms that lie beyond physical sight and hearing but are nonetheless understandable and knowable by the outer consciousness. The core faith of Christianity espouses that Jesus is going to pay the price of sin for those who believe in him, all the while absolving them of any responsibility for their actions; then he will usher them into the Kingdom of God at the end of their earthly sojourn. If this was true, why would anyone need to have a more in-depth comprehension of the mysteries of the Nature of God or know the true makeup of who they are? The Ascended Masters come bringing the true Wisdom of God Individualized and with it the message of self-mastery, Responsibility, and Attainment. Therefore, the compendium of Cosmic Law must be built up and students of the Light come to Acropolis Sophia to learn this body of knowledge of the Ascended Master Teachings. Attaining Ascended Master God Consciousness is a pivotal mission of The Temple of The Presence and these Advancements in the worldwide faith known as Christianity.
  • You have the opportunity to cross over the river of life into the Ascended Octaves. You, too, can be adorned with the Light and Consciousness of God. The Life of God offered to you by your God Presence will allow you to establish momentums to be able to cognize within your consciousness God Reality, God Quality, and ultimately that Life of God you have so desired. Awaken to the Fullness of who you are, and let your Love for one Son of God expand to the Many Sons and Daughters of God. You have the opportunity to speak the Word of God, I AM, to throw open wide the door, and to invite in all those who hunger for more than they have yet received, who are ready to be filled with the Light of God to have that Charge carry them into a new day. Let the Fullness of who you are at the core of your being be a witness and set the example of all that you behold in God. Speak to all who come to you of the I AM Presence, of the glory of the Presence Individualized as the Sons and Daughters of God. Let the Teachings of the Advancements in Christianity go forth far and wide across the face of the Earth to feed the flock of the waiting Hearts who truly desire God!
  • Sophia, Goddess of Wisdom, calls you to embrace the Fullness of the Teachings streaming forth from the Heart and Mind of God so you might be enriched beyond measure. This God Consciousness is the directing intelligence you require at every turn to fully embrace life in all of its dimensions. When the mind is not charged with Illumination, Wisdom cannot come forth. If you do not nourish the Flame upon the Altar of your Heart to expand into your outer vehicles, allowing Illumination’s Flame to take up its rightful place within your outer mind, elevating your consciousness into the higher Mind of God, you will be susceptible to the mass consciousness and the lies fostered out of ignorance. It takes the Love of God and the Will of God, exercising discrimination at every turn, to recognize the Truth of Cosmic Law. Acropolis Sophia is so very important to lowering the Consciousness of the Ascended Masters, not just for the few, but for the many. Let all you have learned be emblazoned upon your forehead to recall in times of trial and initiation so you can draw upon it and receive the Fullness of your own Mighty I AM Presence and shine forth the Light of God in all its glory.
  • In Peace and Love, Archangel Uriel and his bands of Angels come to minister to you. He brings with him his Attainment on the Sixth Ray of God Consciousness and Illumination’s Flame to assist you in fulfilling your Christhood. When his bands of Angels are in your midst, you have the co-measurement of where your own harmony is against the Deep Peace and Comfort Flame of their abiding Presence. As you are attentive to the Flame of God and hold dear the words that stream forth from the Ascended Masters and Cosmic Beings, you begin to accelerate your vehicles of consciousness to be able to hold the high attenuated Consciousness of God, holding fast to all that you are given and make it your own. Archangel Uriel reminds you that the Light and Momentum that they stream forth is the God Consciousness of the Allness of God. As they assist you by bringing forth this Momentum, the purposes of God have a greater opportunity to come into manifestation in your life and across the face of the Earth.
Teachings from the Ascended Masters to Help You Lower the Sacred Realm of Your Own God Presence into Your Everyday Life!

Don the White Robes of Your Christhood and Enter a Pristine Perfect World where All is Possible — the Mystical, Magical Kingdom of Your Own I AM Presence. These Releases Hold Open the Door! During the Acropolis Sophia which followed the 2015 New Year’s Conclave, the Maha Chohan, Lord Maitreya, El Morya, Chananda, God Harmony, Sanat Kumara, Meta, and the Elohim Victoria and Lumina presented in-depth Teachings on how to access the hallowed realm of your own God Presence and your Divine Inheritance stored there. Learn how to establish a citadel of Purity within you to establish your world as an outpost of your Presence. Realize the Power of Harmony and why it is so very important. And discover the Momentum and Blessings of the Secret Love Star and those who hold Sacred Offices within it. Let these Releases help you mark a new beginning where the Sacred, Secret Kingdom of your own Mighty Presence becomes a Reality in your life!

  • Your Presence never needs to become anything, because it is already all things — Beauty, Harmony, Happiness. All Qualities of Perfection are a part of its primal Being. That is the Law of its own Being. When we make a call for something that can be good for our lives, our own Mighty I AM Presence already is the supra-fullness of that. It is life, health, Perfection, freedom, comfort. The Perfection of God is an eternal River of Life that is always flowing. Remember to make the call to your Presence. Your calls are taken up by the Christ Presence to the Electronic Body, and the call compels the answer. Embrace the Law of Perfection, the Law of the Being of your own Mighty I AM Presence.
  • Beloved Meta comes with a Charge of the Emerald Ray from the Secret Love Star and reveals the Office that she holds on the Green Ray as a Mantle of Healing, Wholeness, and Abundance streaming forth to the Earth to assist mankind. Her home of Venus has come into the Fullness of a Golden Age, and it contains great keys to bringing forth the Golden Age for the Earth. The assistance of those serving on the Secret Love Star, streaming the Consciousness of their Attainment and Mastery, is a Blessing for this age that is a turning point that will make the difference for the Golden Age to dawn. This is why there are those representatives of the Secret Love Star who are stepping forth to share the magic, the glory, the destiny that you can draw to the fore. The Secret Love Star that your God Presence draws upon is as close as you are ready to draw to your lifestream. Breathe upon it; then inhale it, touch it, and create with it. Call to Meta for assistance, and together we will bring the Earth into the Golden Age.
  • When you seek first of all God’s Kingdom and God’s Righteousness and put God first, you can be sure that all else will be added unto you in the fullness of time. Wherever God is present, that place is Hallowed and Sacred. The Kingdom of God is both Sacred and Secret, and God is the beginning, the middle, and the end of all of that which is to come forth. We are all here for the Love of God. As you educate your spiritual palate and choose those Patterns of Perfection and Harmony over and over again, you will come to treasure this Realm of the Presence of God and find joy and reinforcement therein. The Masters are ever so grateful because we are keeping the God Consciousness anchored in the Earth.
  • The Elohim Victoria comes with the Fire of the Violet Flame from the Secret Love Star in preparation for the Golden Age of Beloved Saint Germain. She serves on the Secret Love Star so that she might remind mankind of how glorious is the Victory of Freedom — the Freedom to be, to express God, to love, to move within the Will of God, to express God Wisdom, and to create more of God! The Charge of her Flame and Office assists you to consume layers of records that have been waiting to be transmuted. It is up to you to let those memories, records, and the energy associated with them go into the Flame. The Golden Helicon moves in, through, and around the Earth to assist and benefit all as does the Light and Momentum from the Secret Love Star so you might enter into that Kingdom, that God Quality and Perfection. The Lords of Karma and the Cosmic Councils have given the Dispensation of revealing these Offices within the Secret Love Star so that your attention will be more focused upon the shining Star that streams forth great Momentum for the Earth!
  • Harmony is the Power to bring things together and convey the highest of all attributes. The Highest Power of all is that which is contained within God The One and is the Power to make things One. This is the Power wielded by the Individualizations of the God Presence. Learn this power of unity and harmonization so you might create within these Realms and establish your world as an outpost of your own Mighty I AM Presence. Flowing along that Golden River is the Power to make of diversity One, to create all of the weavings of the complexities of Golden Tapestry of Creation. Where there is Harmony within one’s own self, and in giving and receiving with others, you have the Ecclesia. The greatest of all such institutions in this world is the Brotherhood of Light.
  • God Harmony holds a Mantle in the Secret Love Star, pouring forth his Momentum in Harmony as God Love, God Purity, but most of all God Wisdom. He offers his Momentum and Service to assist in bringing forth the harmonization of all of God Life, drawing the Heart Flames of the Sons and Daughters of God closer to their Presence. Harmony is only realized when the Presence of God is at work, knitting together the God Qualities, establishing the cohesiveness of the Creation of God. The Secret Love Star has many facets, many points of Light, Rays of God Consciousness and Momentums streaming forth for the benefit of all who are incarnate. Throughout the Secret Love Star there is only God Harmony. Throughout your life should only be God Harmony so you might be in rapport, not only with your Mighty I AM Presence, but with the great Momentums streaming forth from the Secret Kingdom on high.
  • Wherever the Presence of God is, that place ought to be Pure and Sacred, consecrated to the purposes which God intends. A temple is a structure that has been consecrated and made Holy, such that the living, breathing Presence of God agrees to come to abide there, transforming it from a mere building into a home of God. Likewise, the body temples fashioned by the Individualized Presence of God are made Holy and Sacred by the indwelling Flame. You are always burning life, either with a clean flame that burns without soot, creating harmoniously, or you are burning life as discord. The Threefold Activity of the Pure White Light of the Electronic Circle will assist you to achieve Purity in the four lower bodies and separation from human discord so that you might use God’s Life and Energy to glorify God, and the Kingdom of God shall be once again on Earth.
  • Enter into the prayer of a Christ and bear witness to the hallowedness of the Mighty I AM Presence. As you invoke the very Presence that is the Essence of God upon the Altar of your Heart, then in the silence, in the quiet of the hallowedness of God, you become aware of all that you have ever been in the Fullness of God Perfection and all that you are intended to continue to be. Lord Maitreya comes to speak to you of the Presence of God that you are! He reminds you to have Patience, Harmony, and Peace, for these God Qualities allow for the instilling of the Presence of God into your life. During this holy cycle, the Blessings of the Ascended and Cosmic Beings, of your own Mighty I AM Presence, account for a great momentum you can establish from here to the close of this incarnation and beyond. For it allows you to enter into the stream of God Consciousness that flows forth from the Secret Love Star, that bathes your vehicles of consciousness in the glory of the Momentum of the Essence of God in the pure estate that shines forth as a Light that cannot be denied. Each one of you has a Divine Purpose that will be achieved by your Flame. Maitreya calls you into the Service of the Secret Love Star!
  • As the Flame of Illumination enters into your consciousness, it absorbs on contact all unreality, all thought and awareness of anything unlike the Purity of God! For it knows only the Perfection of God! The Elohim Lumina streams the God Consciousness of Illumination’s Flame from the Secret Love Star to assist you in putting on the Consciousness of your Mighty I AM Presence and clearing away the debris within your outer vehicles. As the Flame of Illumination flows forth from the Secret Love Star, it is intended to bring a Momentum and a Charge of Illumination that will begin the leavening process upon the Altar of the Heart of the Sons and Daughters of God who are ready, who are prepared to elevate that Flame into their outer consciousness to begin to experience a closer communion with the Mind of God and realize the importance of what they are to bring forth for the Golden Age.
  • The Sacred, Secret Kingdom of God is produced by the Mighty I AM Presence wherever that Presence has free reign and has been invited. If your mind or emotions are agitated, or the physical body cannot relax, your Mighty I AM Presence cannot work through you. Your own Mighty I AM Presence is constantly trying to get your attention, speaking to you through the Heart Chakra, through the Threefold Flame, pouring forth its Love. Your calls, the invitations of your free will are the openings that permit the Light of your Presence to come forth. Having set up the necessary protections around your forcefield through spiritual work and decrees, you will know that the Angels are standing guard, and your Presence is holding the balance. You can then turn your outer sense of selfhood over to your Mighty I AM Presence and know that all is well.
  • Chananda pours forth the Light of his Momentum as Chief of the Indian Council to stream forth from the Secret Love Star to allow the Sons and Daughters of God to recognize the Divine Estate of government they are to ratify and adopt as a way of life. The purest of constitutions was established long ago for free people to come under the canopy of a representative government, all the while maintaining Godliness, morality in the land, and Freedom for all. It is imperative there be enough Light streaming forth into the Heart Flames of the Sons and Daughters of God to hold the balance for their respective country. When you are holding in your vision the Divine Outpouring of the perfect chalice for any government in the land, recognize that the Fullness of the Momentum from the Secret Love Star of the Cosmic Councils will assist you in drawing forth the engrams and the fohat that will establish more of the required Momentum. Let the Momentum of the Secret Love Star draw you into greater service for the Earth!
  • As you practice harmlessness and unconditional Love and embrace the Law of your Presence, the principle of God Love which abides in your Presence will abide in your world as well. The All-Consuming Love of God focuses as the single Flame of the Mighty Maxin Light which is the most intense and powerful level of transmutation. That Light is the Law of the Being of your Presence. That is the way things are in the Great Central Sun and the way you want things to be done in this world, expanding the borders of God’s Kingdom with you in the center, producing Perfection in all of the situations of your life. It is impossible for the Presence of God to wish harm to any part of life. You are calling for your own I AM Presence to produce Perfection in your world, forgiving everyone, and sending out that Unconditional Love.
  • The Heart, as the Flame of God Love, desires to be in the Will of God! For there you can express the Truth of your being. You must do all you can to prepare your conscious to be a chalice of the Most High. When you go to the altar and invoke the Light of God, your entire world changes. Choosing the Will of God means you desire the Mind of God orchestrating all your affairs. The Flame of God upon the Altar of your Heart is the All-in-All of your being, the open door to the cosmos of every God Consciousness that would stream forth to assist you and all of mankind! You have the stature to stand in the Fullness of your Presence and proclaim: “I AM my Mighty I AM Presence in action! I AM the Truth of my God Identity! I AM the Will of God! I AM the Love of God!” When you can proclaim this with every conviction of your being, you are ready for the Will of God, for you have recognized life begins when the Will of God is at work in your life.
  • The Anointed Representatives share with the Torch Bearers their recollections of the very first years of The Temple of The Presence, the expansion through leaps of faith, from the first gatherings in a small apartment to the current beehive of activity at Morya House. There is a joyous retelling of their early experiences as a family, overcoming adversity “on a wing and a prayer.” A plan is set forth for purchasing and erecting a structure suitable for larger gatherings and expanded Acropolis Sophia sessions, to serve in the interim until Aurora Pavilion and the Beehive are built. This plan is both feasible and reasonable in the context of The Temple’s sound financial situation. Torch Bearers are invited to give their decree support and their “widow’s mite” of sacrificial giving to bring this alchemy to fruition in a timely manner.
  • When the Light of God comes upon you, do you recognize it? Do you allow your consciousness to follow the Thread of Contact into the Heart of God? Throughout this cycle, you have been shown the Responsibility offered to you as opportunity to gain in your own Attainment and Mastery. As the outpost of the Divine Outpouring of your own Mighty I AM Presence, you would wish to hear the Voice of God, to have God Consciousness streaming forth and so filling your vehicles that there is no desiring save that the Presence of God draw nigh! The Heart always knows and responds to the Vibration of God! When your whole Identity is brought into rapport with the Hierarchy of the Pranic Breaths, you begin to recognize the Mastery your Mighty I AM Presence has come into incarnation to realize. This is the preparation for the Ascension in the Light! You have been given all you require for the journey ahead. Draw it forth! Make it your own!
  • The Cosmic Laws you are learning here proceed from that magnificent Flame of Divine Truth, and this can be verified through your inner contact with the Heart of your own Mighty I AM Presence. That which God would do for you, God, your Presence, is obliged to do through you! There are absolute principles of Cosmic Law that are universal and impersonal, and God Almighty cannot contravene those Laws. For the Presence to act through you, the Heart Flame must unfurl through each of the four lower bodies so they might rise in vibration and act in the overshadowing of the Presence. Nothing good that you ever do for the Light is ever lost! Your Causal Body holds a treasury of Momentum that will see you through whatever initiations you might face. Through the action of the Secret Love Star, more and more of the Momentums of your Causal Body are now available to bring their Power to bear on your Path to Victory.
  • At present, you have more of Cosmic Law available to your outer consciousness than has been realized for hundreds of thousands of years! Your Mighty I AM Presence has written upon the Altar of your Heart an inscription, translated by the Threefold Flame of your Heart, the patterns of life divinely intended for you to exhibit in this lifetime. The Sacred, Secret Kingdom of the Glorious Love Star lends you a greater Momentum to assist you and to establish a foundation upon which you may count on. You have understood your Responsibility in Hierarchy. It is important to recognize that cycles have Dispensations — and this is one that is great indeed! Let this go down in the Annals of the History of the Earth as a time and a cycle that began a great Momentum toward a shifting into the Flame of the Presence of God. Let this day mark a new beginning for your lifestream ― where you grasp and hold fast to the Light of God and never let go so the Sacred, Secret Kingdom of your own Mighty I AM Presence becomes a reality in your life!
  • In the Fiery Furnace of the Heart, Elijah comes to ordain a new Shepherd Templar. He commends each one to the task of raising the Fires of their Heart into the Allness of God to knit together their vehicles of consciousness and to be the Christ! All are called to set the example of Christhood even as a Shepherd Templar is called, to embody the precepts of the Law as outlined by Beloved Saint Germain, and to adhere to a high standard. For a Shepherd Templar, God is the all-in-all of their being, held first and foremost in all their affairs. All of their life is weighed against the touchstone of God Reality, and all of their worldly affairs, worldly personalities, worldly substance is surrendered as they put on the garment of the Light of the Christ. The Fires of the Heart of a Shepherd Templar are ablaze even as the Fiery Furnace of the Heart of Beloved Elijah.
  • Saint Germain gives honor to each and every Son and Daughter of God who has made the effort to step forth in the Light of their Christhood and to fulfill their Fiery Destiny. Throughout out this cycle, the glorious Beings from the Secret Love Star have come with their great Momentums to assist in the bringing forth of the Golden Age. Saint Germain offers his unending gratitude to those who have stepped forth to assist in this great endeavor, most especially the support and assistance of the Goddess of Liberty. Saint Germain commends you to the realization of the dream upon the Altar of your Heart, placed there by your Mighty I AM Presence, to be the Christ. Each day is a Victory when you are standing in the Light of God, when you are a Pillar of Fire. You are called to stand in the Fullness of your Light daily, to have courage, and to learn what the Fire of God upon the Altar of your Heart can truly accomplish.
Teachings from the Ascended Masters to Help You Experience the Reality, the Tangibility, the Unique Quality, and the All-Powerful Nature of Your Own God Identity

There is a Divine Star that shines just for you, more brilliant and precious than anything of this earthly plane. The Ascended Masters invite you to drink in its Radiance! These Releases are your invitation to celebrate your own Bethlehem DayStar of your God Presence — and follow it into the Purity and Perfection of the White Fire Core of Being! During the 2015 New Year’s Conclave, Elohim Surya, Gautama Buddha, Kwan Yin, Cyclopea, the Great Divine Director, El Morya, Djwal Kul, and other Ascended Masters released priceless Teachings on God Reality. Discover what your Presence is as inexhaustible Divine Perfection. Understand why Purity is so indispensable on the Spiritual Path. Bathe in Mercy Flame from Kwan Yin’s Heart. The Ascended Masters desire to charge your consciousness with Purity and Perfection — uplifting your world and helping the Star of your Presence blaze forth through your countenance and be a Radiance for all to behold!

  • During this Conclave you are invited to enter into the consciousness of your own Mighty I AM Presence and the Great I AM, to experience there God Perfection, God Purity, and the Essence of Eternal Being that is the nature of your own Individual Presence. These tangible experiences, more precious than rubies, gold, and emeralds, can be burned into your consciousness and retained, ready to be called forth at will. Unfold, cultivate, and preserve them, for they are the stepping stones to your Eternal Freedom. The pristine Purity of God is unsullied; it is not of this world. In these Realms of Perfection, there is no reverberation of discord or shadow of turning from the Light. So as you choose God Purity in your life, as you treasure it, celebrate it, and revel in it, washing your garments clean with the Fires of Transmutation and the White Fire Core of Being, you allow the Law of the Being of your Presence to hallow your life. Then the Divine Consciousness that is not of this world, will be made manifest here.
  • The Elohim Surya shines forth the Radiance of the God Star Sirius so that you might recognize the Star of your own Divinity— your Mighty I AM Presence! The Mighty I AM Presence of each one is brilliant to behold! And its Purity streaming forth into your vehicles of consciousness allows you to step forth as the Christ. Surya reminds you that the Love of your God Presence is unending, drawing you back into oneness with its Being, calling you into communion with its Heart. As you enter into this oneness and communion, your outer vehicles will be charged with the Vibration of God, with God Power, God Love, God Wisdom. Make the God Determination to know the Star of your own Mighty I AM Presence so you may be filled with God!
  • You are the extension of your Mighty I AM Presence. The Law of the Being of your Presence is absolute Perfection. It is the intrinsic, fundamental, primal nature of your Presence to be that Perfection, and you may allow for this natural estate to be the law of your life. Plato called Perfection one of the primal components of the Nature of the Godhead, defining it as wholeness and completeness. Perfection also means fully realized. Only when one has re-become the original principle or conformed to the ideal state has one become perfected. You have the Authority, if you so chose, to live, move, and have all of your affairs within the Realm of the God Perfection of your own Mighty I AM Presence.
  • The Realm of Perfection is within you, for the Threefold Flame upon the Altar of your Heart evidences the very Presence of God within you. Now is the time to restore the Fullness of God Perfection within your own vision. Cyclopea holds within the All-Seeing Eye of God the Divine Matrix of life for every Son and Daughter of God. The disciplines you engage in daily set the very vibration of your outer vehicles to be prepared to receive God Direction, Divine Vision, and God Momentum; then when the Emerald Ray comes forth in all of its glory and God Power, you have a chalice so prepared that it carries you to the Victory. When you maintain your Constancy in the Fires of God, there is no shortage of Joy, of the Freedom you desire, of the wealth, health, and wellbeing that you require.
  • Slip into the consciousness of your Christ Presence and rise in attunement through the return currents of Life and Love until you come face to face with your own Beloved Mighty I AM Presence. Once there, pay attention and behold all that the Mighty Presence is within its own Realm. Discover the intricacies of the Law of the Being of your Presence. This Divine Law is always overflowing with every quality and permutation of The Good. Whatever you need, your Presence is already that quality right now. You just have to elect to have your outer world governed by that same Law. This and many other discoveries on the Science of your Presence are available to you through these Teachings on the Law of God’s Being.
  • The God and Goddess Meru come to impart the Twin Flame Cosmic Light of their union of Perfection in God so that you might touch the very essence of your own God Presence here in this world of form. Rehearsing the thrust of the Truth of Cosmic Law upon the world scene throughout the ages, they ask you what you will do with the Truth of Cosmic Law that you have been given? Will you make it your own? Will you allow it to become the fullness of who you are? They come to remind you that this is the work of the ages — to attend to the Fires at the Altar, to embody Cosmic Law, and to give of yourself in Service to all of life.
  • Is your God too small? If your comprehension of your Mighty I AM Presence is too limited, your Presence will only be able to work through your limited consciousness. The more you acquaint yourself with and comprehend the nature of your Mighty I AM Presence, the more you will make room for that Presence to be what it is in this world as it overshadows you. Contemplating I AM as anything and everything you wish to be or to become is one of the mightiest means of loosing God Power and setting it into action in the outer. When you enter deeply into the Consciousness of God, you tap into that Power, Light, and Energy. Your Mighty I AM Presence is a Being with self-awareness out of which everything flows forth. When you understand this, you know that the Presence is sufficient unto everything.
  • Djwal Kul comes bearing his Gift of Love for you, extending it so that you might expand the wealth of your God Presence upon the Altar of your Heart. For in this Essence of God Love pouring forth, you are equipped to manifest all that is encompassed within your Divine Plan, you are able to further embrace God Love to make all that is within the Presence your own. Your Presence holds you within the palm of its hand, caressing you, comforting you, but most of all loving you. For Love is at the core of your being; Love is who you are. The Three Kings, Djwal Kul, El Morya, and Kuthumi, came to the Christ Child bearing gifts, charged with the Flames of God, to ignite within Beloved Jesus that which he already had within himself. So, too, Djwal Kul comes, reminding you of those qualities already inherent within your own Heart Flame.
  • In continuation of the understanding of the Law of the Being of the Presence as absolute, unequivocal Perfection and Purity, we trace the lines of certain elements of theology cultivated by Saint Germain. In his embodiment as Proclus, he set down these principles through his own observation of the Reality of the Heart of God. He saw the indomitable dominion and effortless means whereby the Presence creates and sends forth its own Essence throughout the Universe. He saw the Realm of the Presence, where absolute Perfection reigns supreme and where the Presence never lowers its gaze. And he saw the Supra-Fullness of the Presence, ready to pour forth its own intrinsic nature upon every other part of life. The choice is yours: you can elect to have the law of your karma or the Law of your Presence which is Purity and Perfection be the law of your life out here in this outer world.
  • When you believe in the Mighty I AM Presence and invoke the Violet Flame, the Emerald Ray, and the Purity of the White Fire of the Mother Light, all that would stand in opposition to the state of being that your Heart Flame desires is consumed on the instant. Do you have the Faith that is required to invoke the Light of God and wait upon the Lord? Or are you constantly hiding from the Light, entertaining guilt instead? Many times guilt stands as the greatest barrier for the Sons and Daughters of God. Calling upon the Law of Forgiveness, making atonement, and then allowing the Violet Flame to consume every last vestige of a record is Cosmic Law in action! Allow for the records of longstanding to go into the Flame, for Kwan Yin brings the Violet Flame as the Mercy of God to take them!
  • The Anointed Representative, Monroe Shearer, recounts the history of the Teachings of the Ascended Masters throughout the ages from Homer and Hesiod through Plato and the Academy. From Pythagoras through Damascius, there was a continuous progression of the Teachings being refined for 1080 years. By contrast, Unveiled Mysteries will be only 80 years old in 2015. The understanding of many words and concepts has been lost over the ages. So we as Torch Bearers find ourselves here today on the cusp of some very important advances in our Mission from the Brotherhood of Light. And this brings us to the practical steps before us that are truly a great opportunity to accomplish more and more of this work. These practical steps include the building plans for Acropolis Pavilion. These are not luxuries; they are glorious necessities. They are stepping stones to fulfilling the full Divine Goldprint for Coeur de Lión.
  • El Morya proclaims a new cycle, a new phase for The Temple, one that will allow the Fullness of the God Identity of the Torch Bearers and The Temple of The Presence to be thrust upon the world scene in a grander scale. But the stable must be prepared. Allow for the Love of your Heart to make room for the Many who will come and share in the wealth of all that you have received as the Gifts of the Gods, poured forth freely to you. The Etheric City above this Altar draws the Many to this place. Here is where all can begin to throw off the fetters of human creation and put on the Will of God to be the Fullness of all that their God Presence desires them to be.
  • Lord Gautama blazes the Flame of his Heart brightly so that each Son and Daughter of God might engage in the greater Flame, most especially during those trying times that tend to close off the Heart. Recognizing that you are connected in the One Heart of God’s Love will allow you to be at Peace and imbued with Harmony. Throughout the Cosmos, there are many Cosmic Beings, Ascended Masters, and Angels moving toward one goal — Adoration of God! Thus, the natural estate of your own Heart Flame is to love God. Gautama unrolls the Scroll of the Thoughtform of the Year to observe in letters of gold I AM THAT I AM, blazing the Fullness of Illumination high in the atmosphere as a burning bush, proclaiming that the Golden Helicon Consciousness for one and all is here, ready to be absorbed into the outer consciousness of mankind! Carry home with you this Flame, the I AM THAT I AM of the Golden Helicon, within your Heart.
  • Our keynote is invoking, building, sustaining, and having faith in a rolling, forward Momentum of God Perfection from each one’s Mighty I AM Presence. You must realize that the capacity to forge, wield, and build a Momentum of God Perfection lies in your hands and in the Authority of your Mighty I AM Presence. Your Mighty I AM Presence is the part of you that pours forth Perfection into your life as long as you keep your thoughts and feelings polarized to your Presence. As you prove to your Christ Presence that more Light can be released into your world and you can be trusted to hold your Harmony, rolling Momentums from your Causal Body will be released. Operate the Law so it will work to produce Perfection for yourself and for every other part of life. You can change the future by the decisions you make right now!
  • As the new day dawns of the New Year, you have before you great opportunity. Mother Mary asks you what you will do with the new day. Will you embrace it with zeal, Joy, and anticipation of all that your Presence has in store for you? Are you ready to break the mold of the encasement and rigidity of your human creation so you are prepared for the adventures of your Presence? Mother Mary gives you the Wisdom of a Mother’s Heart to assist you in consuming records and areas of life that present difficulties for you. She will be there to comfort you and soothe your wrinkled brow when there are those disappointments and seeming separations from God. She extends the Love of her Heart and her promise that she will always be there for her children.
  • By Dispensation from the Lords of Karma, this Beloved Manu brings forth such a Momentum of God Direction that if you give the slightest invocation to your Mighty I AM Presence with sincerity, you will have the clarity deposited within you to know the right course for your lifestream. Right before you is a Path filled with the Glory of God, with all of the beauties, all of the joys, all the Victories of God. Your God Presence, the Ascended and Cosmic Beings, the Holy Angels tending to your Flame have bided their time until the vibration within your outer vehicles could carry forth the Will of God. And when you come into rapport with that Will, having struck the chord within Akasha sown by your God Presence for you to manifest, what a Joy!
Teachings from the Ascended Masters to Electrify Your Consciousness, Restore Your Sense of Holy Purpose, and Carry You to the Next Plateau of Achievement!

The Ascended Masters offer you a swaddling garment of their Light, Consciousness, and Momentum of Attainment. This remarkable Dispensation of the Milky Way Overture contains every formula you need for your Victory! During the 2014 Harvest Conclave, the Great Divine Director, Saint Germain, Surya, Mother Mary, the Goddess of Liberty, Zarathustra, and other Ascended Masters presented a Golden River of Teachings and Light to spur you forward on the Path to your Ascension. Meet the Consciousness of the Ascended Masters and discover a newness to life! Bask in Bliss as Gautama Buddha brings you to Nirvana. Understand how to discern between God’s Desire and the desiring of your lower vehicles. And, learn how your Causal Body can touch every part of your world with Divine Attainment and Perfection. These Releases will help you stand as a Pillar of Light, radiating the Star of your own God Presence!

  • The magnificent Milky Way Overture resounds throughout the Cosmos, echoing the glorious Music of the Spheres as the Causal Body Momentum of the Entire Spirit of the Brotherhood of Light pours forth in a Dispensation of Light to bless all mankind. Hold fast to this Dispensation; learn to harness it so that it might be the wind in your sails allowing you to move as a clipper ship upon an ocean of Peace. Let the boundless devotion of your heart be offered up in gratitude for this Blessing. Cherish this priceless opportunity to have an intimate, kindred association with the Brotherhood of Light available to you through the Milky Way Overture.
  • The Great Divine Director comes to conduct the Fires of this Conclave. Calling forth the Music of the Spheres to descend upon the Earth, he asks you to hold fast to the singular point of awareness that it is the Presence that is the doer! It is the Presence that is the source of your life! It is the Presence that desires to be where you are! When you can surrender your all to the Heart of your Presence, you will receive the Entire Spirit of the Brotherhood of Light. Looking forward into the Light of the Sun is the mark of one who is entering into those final stages of preparation for the Ascension. Let the Momentum of your Causal Body carry you into a new acceleration, here and now.
  • The Flames of Sanat Kumara and Lord Gautama, the in-breath action of the Maxin Light, and the Ark of the Covenant are all examples of the great Power that is required to produce a Golden Age Civilization as well as a Golden Age of One. There are always specific Cosmic Beings and Ascended Masters that pour, anchor, and sustain the practical Power that provides the impetus for a Golden Age to manifest. You will want to have this Power coming forth as a pressure of Light in your life. For your Golden Age of One to come to pass, there must be the component of the Brotherhood’s sponsorship, but also there must be the engaging with this action of Power by your own lifestream.
  • Saint Germain reveals what the Milky Way Overture is all about: that you see the Star of your own Presence in the midst of all of the Starry Bodies of the Cosmos of the Ascended and Cosmic Beings. For when you can see yourself among those billions of Lights, you realize that God is where you are. Saint Germain encourages you to be a Beacon of Light for others to look to when they are in need. Stand God Victorious! Allow your Victories to mount up, filling your Causal Body with momentums of Mastery and Attainment so that you may stand tall and be God Victorious through thick and thin, no matter the opposition. Setting the example of a Pillar of Light is the greatest influence you can have upon the screen of life.
  • The Realm of Being of the Great Central Sun operates in a hypostasis that is eternal, with no beginning and no ending. Out of this Realm unfolds the five realms of coming to be, and the highest of these Realms is the Nirvanic Realm where resides your Causal Body. Learn the intricacies of this Realm of Cause and its role as a sounding board where each note that is played resounds throughout the whole. Within the Nirvanic Plane each Causal Body resonates in an undivided Oneness. Your Causal Body within the Nirvanic Realm is a depthless, spherical solar body — a vehicle of the God Presence and the God Flame. And the great blessing is that each facet of this Body constantly radiates forth Perfection that even now, you can draw upon.
  • Soar with Lord Gautama as he brings as much of Nirvana to your conscious awareness as you are able to receive. Gautama teaches you: how to prepare your bodies so that you may rise in consciousness into Nirvana, how you can overcome any obstacle, and how to know the difference between the desiring of your mental or emotional body and the desiring of the Heart of God. Enter into the right use of creation and learn the greatest of creations that you can embark upon. The Buddha shares with you what will allow the Patterns of your Causal Body to stream forth. Wherever there is a lifestream engaged in this glorious meditation upon Nirvana, the point of Light of their own Presence amplifies that which the Lord of the World streams forth.
  • Surya bathes you in the glorious Radiance of Akasha. He reminds you that there is no greater Service to God in life than fulfilling the Divine Plan of the Great I AM. Your vehicles must be trained so that you may be the instrument of the Lord. You have all that you require: the full protection of Archangel Michael defending your Faith and the Purple-Blue Angels from the God Star Sirius protecting, sealing, and guarding you as a Torch Bearer; the assistance of the collective Calls and Decrees to the I AM Presence and the Ascended Masters; the Teachings streaming forth regularly from this Altar; and Perpetual Voice going forth over the airways. All is prepared. All is set and ready for you to be the victor — for your Victory is assured!
  • First and foremost, you should rely upon your own Mighty I AM Presence. For right within the core of your being is the strength and the Courage you require, the direction you need. And your chalice is filled with sufficient Light by the Mighty I AM Presence so that you might bring to the fore the avenues of Attainment and Mastery desired by the Presence. Gratitude to the Flame of God for all that you have received of the Abundant Life is indeed owed to your God Presence, the Holy Angels, and the Hierarchy of Light. Do not doubt what the Presence of God can do through you if but given the opportunity. The Hierarchy of Light glories in the opportunity to have you as a Son or Daughter of God benefit from their largess of Heart and the magnitude of their Light. Mother Mary reminds you that the Presence of God is the answer and that the Light of God will solve everything!
  • When you entertain the Milky Way Overture and the Light streaming forth from the Cosmic Councils and the Hierarchy of Light, you appreciate why each one of you is important. The Causal Body Momentum you bring, the Light of your God Presence, and all you do in embodiment, here and now, through your Heart Flame, draws forth the Light. The Hierarchy of Light is constantly in service to you and to the Flame of God upon the Altar of your Heart! Your Mighty I AM Presence has the full opportunity to do anything it desires! The more you accomplish each day, the greater is the opportunity for your Mighty I AM Presence. The only limitation is what you impose upon yourself. Your Mighty I AM Presence encourages you in all things that are to be accomplished for God Good. All is for YOU!
  • Your Mighty I AM Presence is God Individualized, coming forth out of The One and The Good, Lord and Master over all that is in the Great Central Sun. Stepping down into the Nirvanic Realm, this self-same God Individuality builds up the complete vehicle of consciousness of the Causal Body. The Christ Presence, the memory, mind, and feeling bodies, the etheric double, and even the gross physical body are all intended to be energized by the action of the glorious Causal Body. As you learn the roles and functions performed by the Presence in the Nirvanic World, you can enter into conscious cooperation with these actions. And this is one of the major keys to harnessing the Momentum of the Entire Spirit of the Brotherhood of Light — the Milky Way Overture!
  • It is not sufficient for you to pretend to be harmonious, for you must have God Harmony through and through to have the full transfer of God Power, God Love, God Wisdom, God Truth, and God Consciousness. Shift your attention into the Fullness of God. Let go of the physical, emotional, and mental for a short time and allow your Heart Flame to lift your consciousness into your higher vehicles so you might be fully galvanized into this glorious Substance of God that harmonizes every part of your being. All through your life you will be challenged from every quarter to maintain Harmony, but know that it is possible to maintain it, build upon it, and allow it to be the crucible that keeps you in the Presence of God.
  • The Ascended Masters as they look across the face of the Earth see the countless Divine Sparks of the Heart Flames of mankind. There in a Stellar Nursery, these formative unfed Flames are destined to rise and pulsate to become the mature Heart Flames of the Sons and Daughters of God. From the vantage of the Ascended Masters, the stark contrast between the Purity and Perfection of these Heart Flames and the mortal consciousness that shrouds them can be seen. There is eternal enmity between the mortal and the Divine. Therefore, the Ascended Masters stand as the guardians and shepherds of mankind and bring the Sword of Truth of the knowledge of God Individualized to cut the gordian knot of human consciousness to allow these Heart Flames to expand into great bonfires of Light.
  • Zarathustra comes in a Fiery Spiral, standing as a Pillar of Fire. One that you, too, are to ignite within your own world as you put on the Garment of your Christhood and fulfill your Divine Destiny! He stands as champion of your Heart Flame and the Light that you are to invoke. For as you draw forth the Light of God, there is no opposition to that Light and where you stand is hallowed ground. This hallowedness will ripple out across the land, catching other Heart Flames in that upward spiral. Light the Fires of the Heart and allow the reverberation of your own Causal Body Momentum to accelerate the very atmosphere about you! Thus, Zarathustra commends you to the Fiery Spiral of your Divinity!
  • The God and Goddess Meru desire that your outer vehicles chalice the Keynote Identity of your God Presence, that you adopt the ways of the God Qualities, and that you allow the fabric of your life to be one that is in communion with the Holiness of your Higher Vehicles. For you to become the Christ, you must put on the inner sphere of Attainment that you have already achieved at inner levels, drawing it forth. You have embodied so that you will gain greater Mastery when you ascend into the Octaves of Light, having expanded your Causal Body Momentum with talents your Mighty I AM Presence desires to work with. You were born of Stellar Nurseries of Light and Cosmic Consciousness from your Mighty I AM Presence, and you will return to those glorious Vehicles of Consciousness in the I AM!
  • Every Quality expressed by the Ascended Masters is right now inherent within your own Mighty I AM Presence. You will be joyous as your Presence whispers to you: All that I AM is yours. As you excel in your disciplines and Path, your Presence will overshadow you in living the ideal life. This is the Ascended Master Way of Life. Extol the beauties and joys of the Divine Attributes of Ascended Master Light, as well as the Attributes of the Light of your own Mighty I AM Presence, and thereby enter into a more profound appreciation of the nature of your Presence. Inviting your Mighty I AM Presence and the Law of its Being to radiate through your world is the best way to problem-solve everything in your life! The Light brooks no opposition, for it is All-Powerful!
  • The Goddess of Music comes to sing the Song of God, to emanate the Symphony of your own God Presence. As you begin to discover the wealth that is available to you in the Higher Octaves of your own Mighty I AM Presence, you realize that you have only just begun to intone that glorious Fabric of God. Your God Presence knows itself to be part of the glorious Symphony of the collective hum of God Consciousness, and thus you, too, are part of that Symphony. The Goddess of Music reminds you that life is glorious music, orchestrated by your own God Presence and performed by these outer vehicles, always intended to be in Perfect Tone, Vibration, and Rhythm. She invites you to strike the Chord of your Causal Body and sing the Perfect Song of your God Presence!
A Special Double Album of Teachings from the Ascended Masters to Help You Enter Into the Divine Perfection of the Mind of God!

Let there be Light! And Perfection! For once you experience the Reality of the Lights and Perfections of God, your world will never be the same. During the 2014 New Year’s Conclave and subsequent Acropolis Sophia, the Ascended Masters and Elohim presented priceless Teachings to help you understand and experience the tangible Perfection that is the natural estate of the Great I AM as well as your own Individualized Presence. Learn how to expand your ability to sense these glorious Inner Realms of Perfection. Explore the Mind of the Godhead and discover how all Creation was fashioned from Divine Patterns of Perfection. These Releases are gifts from the Ascended Hosts to bring the Consciousness of God Perfection into your world, enabling you to live a life of Happiness, Joy, and, yes, Perfection in the Sanctity of the Presence of God — and help anchor Saint Germain’s Golden Age!

  • Embark upon a journey into the Higher Realms to acquaint yourself with the nature of the Great I AM and the Great God Flame. Here you will experience the Divine Attributes and God Consciousness native to your own Mighty I AM Presence. You will want to partake of these most practical Teachings because God’s Consciousness and Divine Qualities must be reproduced consciously in order to have Perfection manifest in your life. Your mind must actualize the Perfect Patterns of the Mind of God. There is more understanding yet to be shared with you of the interplay between the Great I AM and your own Individual Presence, unfolding how the Great I AM is intimately involved in every nuance of your life.
  • Elohim Hercules of the First Ray of the Will of God describes the process of acceleration on the Spiritual Path as you surrender all that is unreal and allow for the Divine Nature of God to utilize your outer vehicles — and you decide to be God. You need not wait until you are ready to take your last breath to gain the Wisdom, the Will of God, and the sacred tools of Divine Qualities that are inherent within your own Presence! Isn’t it time to let the Light of God perform its Perfect Work and consume the unreality that you have fostered? Hercules reveals the secret of the Will of God and how it can truly take precedence in your life. The true transfer of the Power of God comes over the current of God Love, and the White Light of Purity accompanies that Will of God.
  • Do you ever wonder why it is important to know what is transpiring in the Realm of the Great I AM? You are empowered to discover why it is so practical and relevant to your life to know of the nature of The One and The Good. These Inner Realms are far more permanent, lasting, real, and all-powerful than you dare imagine. As you trace one world into the next, you will arrive at the innermost level of The One and The Good, and there you know that this Godhead is the Prime Mover, the first cause that comes forth. The more that you discover about the nature of the Godhead, the more you will be able to tremble the rafters of Heaven, the highest Realm that is the Great I AM. The omnipotent, omnipresent Power of God can be harnessed, tapped, and released by your lifestream while still in embodiment!
  • Apollo, Elohim of the Second Ray, brings forth the Divine Mind of God as Illumination’s Flame. He explains that the Elohim desire you to fulfill your Divine Destiny — to be God! You must be the example! You must stand in the Flame of God! You have a Divine Purpose to be outpictured in the glorious Fabric of God! Your Presence is not limited! Your Presence knows exactly how to motivate these outer vehicles through the labyrinth of all that would appear to be a limitation. You must be constantly vigilant to purify your vehicles and establish a Current of Light and a Fire of Momentum of God Reality to shun that which does not hold to the level of the Vibration of the Christ. Apollo desires for you to embody a Pillar of Illumination’s Fire so that the Mind of God is never removed from your conscious awareness.
  • Heros and Amora, the Third Ray Elohim, teach you the Mastery of Love. God’s Love fuels all of life. It must be present for there to be life! The One, the Great I AM, so loved that the multiplication of its own awareness as Love became a Necessity. Just as the Great I AM loved into Being the Individualization of your own Presence, your Presence has loved your vehicles of consciousness and the Threefold Flame upon the Altar of your Heart. The Presence of God loves you beyond measure. You are intended to command God Love so that there can be the Wholeness of God Love at the foundation of all. The closer you come to your Presence, the more childlike is the expression of your Heart. Let not one pass you by that does not feel your Love at some level. Let only God Love be the motive of your every endeavor!
  • The Realms of Divine Perfection are the backdrop to all of creation. God is active, active, active and at work creating his Kingdom — from the Realm above the Great Central Sun through the Realms of Coming-To-Be to the fivefold universe. All this belongs to God. It is one unified whole, embraced in the Consciousness of God, embraced by the Limitless Light. The Presence, out of its own Heart’s devotion, desires to lavish its Love throughout the entire universe. The Divine Plan is for the Individualizations of God to command that very Presence. God says, “Command ye me.” Then the process of creation comes to pass. As you encounter this Reality, seeing it, sensing it, as it becomes a firsthand experiential constant in your life, you will be able to accept in full faith the ability of your Mighty I AM Presence to outpicture in your world the Perfection that is there in the Higher Realms.
  • Holding the Immaculate Conception of your Divinity, Mary, the Mother of Heaven, anchors the Mother Light to prepare you to receive the Charge of Elohim. This Light of the Mother Flame has always been the perfect garment for you to wear! Mother Mary brings you practical Teachings to manifest health, wholeness, Joy, Harmony, and Love. Your Heart Flame is always worthy. And the Heart Flame is the open door through which your consciousness must elevate into the Oneness of God — accepting for yourself the Healing, the Illumination, the Will, the Love, and the Purity that is the Divine Nature of your Presence. Take those moments in each day to fix your consciousness in Holy Communion with that Presence, moving in the figure-eight flow of the Heart of God where you are bathed in the Mother Light, and then you will have the Listening Grace of God holding you in God’s Will.
  • Elohim Purity of the Fourth Ray teaches you Purity’s great importance. When Purity streams forth, it can be in all Qualities of God, but at the core of that Purity is the White Fire. This Rod of Purity allows for Life to move in cosmic dimensions and cycles. For the co-creative process with God to take place, there must be Purity. Purity allows you to be free! All of the respective Rays of God Consciousness and their Quality; all of the Christ Virtues that you are to impress upon the Elemental Forces of Nature; all that comprises the very Body Consciousness of God is determined by Purity. Wherever your eye lands, it should embrace Purity, telegraphing back to you the Perfect Matrixes of the Patterns of God. Strive mightily to practice the disciplines of invocation; Decrees and Affirmations; and prayer and meditation. And strive to fulfill the Christ Virtues to bring forth greater Purity in your life.
  • The Presence, out of its own blessed nature as The One, pours forth all of the Excellences and Perfections of God Good that are inherent within it, unfolding them from its highest nature. The Infinite Presence, the Great I AM, acts and controls everything in the universe through its very own Individualizations. This is how creation takes place. As God Individualized, your Mighty I AM Presence is in fact the Individualization of The Good and The One. Your ability to know “I AM” is because that Consciousness is presently being afforded you by your Presence. You have the certitude, the comfort, and the conviction of knowing “I AM” by the action of the Thinking Flame upon the Altar of your Heart.
  • The Elohim of God’s Fifth Ray, Cyclopea, the All-Seeing Eye, commends you to the Truth of your God Identity. He unfolds for you the nuances and actions of the Emerald Ray for your highest and best use. The Emerald Ray is creation, Truth, Wholeness, Purity, God Love, and God Wisdom. The Emerald Ray desires to multiply all that is like the nature of God and thus reflects the Presence of God, the Allness of God — the Great I AM! The Perfection of the Mind of God as Truth should be that sword that you behold. And when you have a Necessity that must be drawn into actualization, call upon the Emerald Matrix, allowing for the Ray of your own Presence to release the full weight and measure of the Emerald Fire into your consciousness to clarify your vision, purify your feeling world, and allow for the fulfillment of what you require in that hour.
  • Your Individual Presence comes down as a Ray of Light out of the Great I AM into the Realm of the Great Central Sun. The Consciousness of your Presence is absolute Divine Perfection, Beauty, and Power. The Presence is a Craftsman, able to propagate its own innate Oneness and Goodness and cause creation to manifest through its ability to make things One. It pours forth its Life into Creation through the templates that are the Patterns in the Mind of God. The Presence is Self-individualized, Self-constituted, Self-actualized, and able to know itself as its own Source of all Good. It possesses a lawful sense of taking command, being in charge, and having at its disposal everything in the Great Central Sun. It is incapable of cognizing opposition or accepting anything less than Perfection. Each Individual I AM Presence wields Omnipotent Power.
  • Peace, the Elohim of the Sixth Ray, instructs you on the nature of Peace: what will bring you Peace and allow for Peace to reign upon the Earth. He also reveals why your Presence took embodiment and the steps you must take to win your Victory! You are charged with the commandment to have Peace instilled in your life so that God’s Power may flow through you. Right upon your Heart’s Altar is the Peace that will allow all that you require in that moment to flow to you from your Presence. All of God’s Cosmos waits to respond to your every need. But the Law of Octaves requires that you must ask. You must invoke that Light! You must set in motion a figure-eight flow that allows for the Light, the Body Consciousness of your Presence, to enter into your vehicles. You are charged to remember the Responsibility that you have to embody the Peace of Elohim!
  • Your Mighty I AM Presence has the power to extend itself and bring together the elements to mix creation from the highest to the lowest levels of Coming-To-Be. Your Presence projects the life pattern your body is built upon into the world. All things are bound up in the Gods and deeply rooted in them. Should anything become separated from the Gods, it falls into nothingness. When you take out The One, everything goes back to the Universal. Ascended Master Consciousness is uncompromising in holding to the Perfection of God and God alone. You will rejoice in the knowledge that your Presence is waiting to give of itself, extending itself to your Heart.
  • Arcturus and Victoria, the Seventh Ray Elohim, seal the Earth in the Violet Flame. They instruct that the greatest Freedom of all is the Freedom to be the expression of God. This is the lesson of all lifetimes — how to allow God to be free where you are. You are here to create in God! For you to be the Chalice of the Most High, your invocations to the Violet Flame are essential to your Victory. Your understanding of how to utilize the Rays of God Light, calling them forth, establishing momentums of their right use in your life, will give you greater opportunity. The Violet Flame is a miracle worker! With the Violet Flame, all things are possible! The Violet Flame can consume, even within the most resistant consciousness, all which is unreal. Remember your experience with each Elohim. Treasure it. Rehearse over and over again the Teaching and Instruction given during this Conclave.
  • Above all else, the Ascended Masters during this Conference seek to lift your heart and open your crown, the combined vehicles you need to elevate into the Consciousness of the Presence of God. It is imperative that you cultivate a relationship with the I AM THAT I AM, as well as a relationship with the Ascended Masters and your own Mighty I AM Presence, for truly that God of Very Gods does enter into the equation of how you are to gain your mastery. Know that the I AM Presence is the doer, and divest yourself of the sense of outwardly being the one who is performing the work. The Christ Presence mediates between the Perfection of the Selfhood of the I AM Presence and the four lower bodies. The formula I, plus AM, plus Presence is explained.
  • The Snow King and Snow Queen come by Dispensation from the Lords of Karma to release the White Fire of their Heart and their Momentum to guide you into the White Fire Core of your own Being. This White Essence of God can act as a magnet for the Mother Light within you to spiral up the spinal altar. And in the White Fire, you recognize the I AM, the Great and Glorious One God. You are required to let go. Take your outer will and release it so that you might receive the Light of God flowing into all of your life, filling it with Light. Your Threefold Flame is there to fire, to consume, to direct, to heal, to prosper! Let your Heart be so filled with the White Fire that you are sure that every day it is snowing, filling your world with the Purity of your Mighty I AM Presence.
  • There are many dynamics that enter into the equation of God, but there is always Harmony at the core, for it takes Harmony to knit together the core aspect of the Power of God. Your Presence knows your history, knows the shortcomings, but likewise knows the momentums of Victory in your Causal Body capable of streaming forth when Harmony is present. Gautama treasures your Heart. Thus, when he is in contemplation upon the Sons and Daughters of God upon the Earth, it is the most sublime activity imaginable, for the Rays from his Heart are touching every lifestream upon the Earth. In the Allness of God we are all one. The Flame of God knows no separation, borders, cultures, language. The only language the Heart Flame knows is the language of God Love, God Harmony, God Peace, God Purity, God Sanctity, and God Holiness.
  • As it streams forth from the Heart of The One, the Intonation of God establishes currents, filling the space and the dimensions of the physical, emotional, mental, and memory bodies so you might play upon the Pranic Breaths with specific detail. Realize that within your own consciousness is the opportunity to give birth to the Mind of God, knowing only that which is whole, perfect, and beneficial to life. The great Pranic Breaths only respond to the Light upon the Altar of your Heart. The key is what is filtered through these outer vehicles as that Light stretches forth and begins to activate the Pranic Breaths. It is not enough to know that your Mighty I AM Presence exists. The Great I AM desires to stretch forth the Mind of God through your consciousness and expand your horizons.
  • Hyperion, Elohim of the Air Element, comes to announce your Christ Consciousness to the world and prepare the way for you to fulfill it. There must be an active Threefold Flame transferring the Consciousness of the Mind of God to activate the very beating heart of the physical body. The holy purpose of incarnation is that the Threefold Flame might ignite the Consciousness of God from within out, and receive the high ideals born out of the pure design of the Great I AM. It is not enough to wait for something to happen; you must make it happen by drawing forth the Mind of God and allowing that Consciousness to enter into your vehicles. You are part of the whole of God. This is something the Elohim understand most intimately as they draw forth the Momentum that creates worlds through the Holy Communion with the Allness of God.
  • We can think of the Great Central Sun as the One Heart and the One Mind of God. All Mighty I AM Presences have the sense of a shared and common inheritance of all that is there in the Great Central Sun. Each one has the full and limitless access to all that the Great Central Sun is. The Mighty I AM Presence acts upon the universal nature of the Great Central Sun, adding the unique Life of its own individuality, blending it with the qualities of the Universal. In this way we have the coming-to-be of creation. The process of creation necessarily takes place as Individualizations of the Godhead add the impetus of their own Heart. All of the world within the Mind of God is available to your Mighty I AM Presence!
  • Elohim Kronos ignites the Ruby Fire of God’s Love in your world so that you might step forth and proclaim the Divine Destiny of your lifestream. All of God streams forth in answer to the great magnet of the Heart of God Love. When you initiate Love from your own Heart Flame, it is important to have the fullness of your attention upon the Desire of God. The vehicle of consciousness that is tested the most is the nature of your Heart Flame coming-to-be as God Love. There is no substance on the Earth that can stand in opposition to the Ruby Fire. What remains is your ability to hold fast to that Fire as it is released. You must elevate your vehicles into the Christ Mind and allow the Mighty I AM Presence to issue forth the action of the Ruby Fire, all the while drawing upon the Flame of God Love upon the Altar of your Heart.
  • The Thousand-Petaled Lotus of the Mind of God is the expression of the devotion of the Heart as well as the blossoming of the Crown. For in the Great Central Sun and in the purified consciousness, the Heart and mind operate as one. When the Lotus begins to respond to the warmth and luminous nature of God, gently it starts to open to the glories which pour forth from the God Presence. As it unfolds, it conveys the power of the Mind of the Presence, engaging in countless activities all at one time. Each individual petal is a separate thought and outpouring of the Mind of God engaged in simultaneously as part of the whole of the one Lotus. Be inspired by the beauty of the Mind of God — enter into the connectivity, the eternal existence, the Good, the Forms — all within the Thousand-Petaled Lotus of the Mind of the Presence of God.
  • The Maha Chohan offers you the Ruby Chalice of his Heart to assist you in communing with the Heart of your Presence. He imparts to you the Divine Mind of God as Illumination and understanding. In the Fullness of God Love, the Mind of God imparts to you what you require each moment of your incarnation. Knowing this should bring you the comfort that you require to allow for the Flame upon the Altar of your Heart to expand, to engage in life so you as the Christ may perform all that you have come to achieve. This is what is meant by taking Authority for your life: You look within to discover what it is that you will do and draw it forth. The answer is always announced to you by the Flame upon the Altar of your Heart, for that is where you know God.
  • You can call to Mighty Cosmos for assistance! In his Office, he receives your Calls so that you may consciously connect with the Outpourings of the Divine Essence held by the Elohim and more easily manifest all that you are required to bring to the fore. The Ray of Necessity streams forth as the Desire of God to create and bring forth every good and perfect creation held within the Mind of the Great I AM. The needle ray action of the Mind of God streams forth as Patterns of Perfection requiring the Consciousness of the Flame of God to propel each thought, each matrix into fulfillment and manifestation. With the Flames of God Qualities and the Rays of the Pranic Breaths firmly seated as an outpost within your vehicles, you have access to all you require. The necessities of God can be revealed and absorbed into your consciousness even in this moment. This is the fulfillment you are required to master!
  • The true Source and Fountainhead of all that is going on within the Great Central Sun comes forth from the Great I AM and the Presence of The One. For there in that Great I AM, born out of the exhaustless depths of its own innate Goodness which flows forth as the Force of Divine Love, comes the desire to enrich every single part of life. Out of this driving motive of the Wellspring of Love comes the fifth of the Christ Virtues which is Constancy — practicality, productivity, and eternal fruitfulness. Discover the nature of the Godhead as active, active, active! This fruitfulness can be seen in the Divine Abundance expressed through nature and in the commandment given to the Sons and Daughters of God — to be fruitful and multiply the good works of the Lord!
  • The Elohim Regulus holds within his Consciousness the Edenic Blueprint of the Earth that you might draw upon, not only for your own lifestream but for the entirety of mankind. The Presence of God requires a Flame anchored in each plane of consciousness for there to be the actualization of God. Perhaps your outer consciousness is not aware, but your Christ Consciousness is always cognizing the Mind of God. Your Electronic Body is always fashioning, creating, and thinking about all there is to be accomplished in the Fullness of God. The missing ingredient is having sufficient Sons and Daughters of God anchoring the Fire in their own life. That which you sow into life you are responsible for; it contains the stamp of your own identity. And thus you have Authority over that which you are sending forth.
  • El Morya commends the students of Acropolis for their stalwart Courage, for many have been able to fully embrace all that the Elohim have desired to release. They have determined within themselves to hold fast to all that has been taught, to remember even the slightest detail of how it feels receive an Elohim. But is this the end? Indeed not. For this Dispensation is ongoing. The students of the Light must adhere to certain disciplines if they desire to have the forefront of their consciousness filled with the Mind of God. For those who are ready to jump headlong into the Flame — the Allness of God awaits! There is no limit to what can be accomplished! If it is the Will of God, it will be done. But all must make the conscious election to step forward and engage in their Divine Plan, for it will not happen absent the Flame of God actively participating in life!
  • To bring to the fore a Golden Age requires the Perfection of the Mind of God distilled into a way of life that magnifies the Divine Essence of God. Saint Germain asks you what you will do to assist in bringing in the Golden Age. Will you be a Chalice for the Presence of God? This is what you must be concerned with first and foremost, for it is the highest priority in life. In bringing your own God Identity to the fore, you have begun to recognize the ideal life you desire to live. It is important to have your surroundings filled with the Charge of Light, but that Light comes from within you. As the Rays of Light stream forth from your Presence, you are aware that your Mighty I AM Presence has the capability of stretching forth the fingers of God to touch every part of life. Your God Presence has given you the role of being the Flame of God where you are.
  • During the week of Acropolis, you have elevated your imagination and heart into Great I AM, into the Heart of the Great Central Sun, realizing all that is divinely intended there for you. The Elohim and the Ascended Masters have sought to inspire, educate, and put you in direct experience with the Godhead. You are now ready to go forward as a clipper ship, filled with everything you need to be God Victorious. The wind of the Great Central Sun fills your sails, unfurled and billowing with the Power of God; your Mighty I AM Presence is the captain, sailing your ship of state. The overflowing Good of The One spills into all the realms of creation as Divine Providence. May you elect to engage in the service of the Divine Plan for the Earth, and the Hand of Divine Providence will come to your aid!
  • The Elohim Ouranos stands in the Earth, proclaiming the God Consciousness of the Great I AM as the Divine Patterns that are to take shape, form, fashion, momentum, and reality right within you, right within the Earth. He is charged with holding the Immaculate Conception of your Divinity and your out-picturing of the Allness of God. You have participated in the Mind of God, for your own Mighty I AM Presence is filled with that same Substance of God; and thus, right upon the Altar of your Heart resides the Seed Ideas of the Presence. You can change your life into God Reality. When you touch the Consciousness and Momentum of Ouranos with your Heart Flame, it ignites the Divine Plan that is to come into manifestation for your lifestream. You can call to your Presence to reactivate the record of the initial release of Elohim so you might once more enter into Holy Communion and be reminded of this Vibration, instruction, and teaching. This is the Divine Estate granted to you!
Teachings from the Ascended Masters to Help You Better Understand and Utilize the Talents and Attainments within Your Own Causal Body!

Release the magnificent Panoply of your Causal Body Momentum into your life — and change everything! These Discourses and Dictations are the key! During the 2013 Harvest Conclave, Surya, the Great Divine Director, Pallas Athena, the Goddess of Light, Mighty Victory, and other Ascended Masters presented Teachings on the many facets of the Causal Body. Learn why your Causal Body was fashioned and how to have its Divine Momentum entrusted to you. Explore the Divine Crystalline Realm of Akasha. Examine how the Mind of God creates. Understand the benefits of “Living the Ascended Master Way of Life.” By releasing your Causal Body Momentum, you will unite the Perfection in the Great Central Sun with this outer world, reproducing in your life all the Gifts and Glories waiting within the Heart of your Presence. Then the Treasury of God Reality, Perfection, and the Abundant Life that is your Divine Inheritance will be eternally yours!

  • The Great Central Sun breathing within itself contains magnificent reverberations, harmonious tones, and glorious overtones of different frequencies and vibrations — all together making one collective chord of Divine Harmony. As you learn the intricacies of the great dynamo that is the Great Central Sun, you will come to understand why your Causal Body was fashioned and the role that it plays in the Cosmos. Your Causal Body is the repository of all the Momentums of Good achieved by your lifestream during your long pilgrimage as the Godhead Charioteer. But being a storehouse is only one of the many facets and functions of your Causal Body. During this Conclave, you will learn more about the magnificent qualities of this vehicle of your Presence and discover how this knowledge can change your life.
  • Tara, Hierarch of Akasha, instructs you to be like a singing bowl, to have transferred to you each God Quality with its respective sound, rhythm, and structure that builds the fabric and foundation of life. Your outer vehicles need training to hold fast to the Divine Patterns that you recognize as the Truth of your God Identity. Your task is to draw forth who you are, allowing your Presence to reside all about you and intone the keynote of your Identity. To have the Realm of Akasha be your touchstone of Reality is worth every erg of energy you must draw to the fore. Tara asks you to hold fast to all that is given to you, for many Dispensations may not come again. Rehearse them, hold onto them, and make them your own.
  • The Ascended Masters call upon their disciples to take up the Sword of Truth and engage in practical service, invoking the Light on behalf of America and the economic situation she faces. Looking with the single-eyed Vision of Cyclopea, you are to pierce through the sophistry perpetrated throughout the land that denies the need for individuals to take Responsibility over their own affairs. Civilizations go through life cycles and as they come into their own with an attendant prosperity, peace, and opportunity, there is an even greater need for its citizenry to strive to follow the precepts of Cosmic Law. The Truth of Cosmic Law is immutable, and as you wield that Truth on behalf of yourself and the nations of this world, you will see the Golden Age dawn upon the Earth.
  • Speaking on behalf of the Karmic Board, Pallas Athena explains that you, as the Body of God upon Earth, must make the call for the protection of the holy and innocent and for the righting of the economies of the world! The political landscape on every front and in every country must come under the God Dominion of the Karmic Board, the Darjeeling Council, and the Brotherhood of Light! Hold the Vision, the Immaculate Conception, of the Divine Intent that the Brotherhood desires for the United States. You have the opportunity to give the very calls that the Earth needs. For a God-Victorious civilization to take hold upon the Earth, Cosmic Law must be upheld at the core of every endeavor, in the life of each individual, and in the country itself.
  • Your Causal Body is a living, breathing, sentient vehicle, intoning vibration and sound like a series of tuning forks, an orchestra, or the great Wurlitzer organ. It interprets the thoughts of the Mind of God and is constantly resonating and reverberating with the harmonious chords and tones of the Great Central Sun. This is where the term Music of the Spheres comes from. Your Causal Body steps down the intensity of the Light of the Electronic Body, translating, transforming, and passing it on to the Christ Presence and the higher mental body. You can learn how to lower the Perfections of your Presence into this outer world by accessing the Momentums stored within your Casual Body.
  • The Great Divine Director, Manu of the Seventh Root Race, reveals that it is his great honor to serve your Presence and the Flame of God burning upon the Altar of your Heart. Your life is intended to be an ongoing experience in the Presence of God; and this will come about if you stay the course divinely intended by your Presence, following the Path laid out for you, and adhering to the precepts of Cosmic Law. The Violet Flame is a major key that cannot be ignored. By invoking the Violet Flame, the Illumination of God has the opportunity to announce God’s Will to you, and you can follow the Path home to the Heart of God.
  • What is an Ascended Master Way of Life? How is it lived? How do you embrace it? The Ascended Master Way of Life is a commitment to living these Teachings, day in and day out, in conformity with the way the Ascended Masters live their life. As you learn how to embrace the precepts of Cosmic Law, knowing what to abstain from and what to engage in, you will become the open door for your Presence to act through, and your day- to-day experience will outpicture the vibration of the Higher Realms. Purity of Consciousness allows for this closeness with your own I AM Presence and an Ascended Master’s sponsorship of your lifestream.
  • The Goddess of Light, Chohan of Akasha, reminds you that incarnation is opportunity! Your Presence does not owe you life — you owe your life to the Presence! She petitions you to remember why you came into embodiment — what you are destined to fulfill! What are those areas of life that you knew before coming into incarnation would be a challenge that you must now stand, face, and conquer — and be God Victorious over! You must ask yourself how long you will tarry with the unreality of your outer vehicles, letting them rule your life? How long will you put off to another day the cycles that your Presence desires to bring to the fore for you? The Goddess of Light commends you to increase your ability to reside in your Christhood, to accept your Presence at every turn, and to continually surrender to the Heart of God.
  • All of creation is one living, breathing organism knit together. It is a Cosmos of order, adornment, and Beauty, with the One Heart, One Life, and One Mind of God enveloping all within. Because there is oneness, the Authority of The One to say what shall happen within itself goes unchallenged. The thought of the Mind of God is harmonious, perfect, and constant. That thought measures and modulates the flow of Life, so as that Life exits the Great Central Sun, it goes forth as a Liquid Light Sound Ray with all the seed patterns capable of germinating, then culminating in the creation of form.
  • The Hierarchs of the Elemental Forces of Nature, Virgo and Pelleur, call you to their Retreat to bask in the glow of the Sun of Even Pressure that begins in the Great Central Sun. They invite you to absorb their Body Consciousness and to expand the Golden Light of the Sun that is the vestment you wear to gain your Victory in the Light. They look forward to welcoming you as often as you desire to come! By understanding how the Light of God can be distilled into form and dimension within the physical octave, you will have a greater facility in drawing to you the elements required to heal and nourish your bodies. This allows the Purity from the Great Central Sun to establish a figure-eight flow of Light within you.
  • Your Mighty I AM Presence lives in a world of absolute Perfection. It does not cognize time, place, space, or any condition that does not rise to its vibration of Purity and Harmony. Your Threefold is the ultimate Authority in your world, and when you acknowledge and accept your Presence as the only governing power acting, this self-same Perfection can manifest and flow through you. Learn to send forth Light Rays in response to negative conditions you are confronted with. Learn to see through the eyes of your Presence so that God may reign supreme in your life.
  • It takes Courage and Strength to stay the course. You must always have at your command that tether to the Mighty I AM Presence and to the God Star Sirius as the streaming Consciousness that holds all in its perfected form, turning the wheels of momentums and cycles so that all revolves around that single point of God Awareness. When the Rod of God Power issues forth, everything within your world comes into Divine Order. By understanding what is available to you, you can begin to establish that Pristine Pattern that allows you to receive the streaming God Consciousness from the Great Central Sun. Then momentums will be garnered, opportunities offered, Dispensations granted, and lo and behold, you will discover you have changed. You are no longer the same person you once were.
  • Enter into the streaming Consciousness of your Mighty I AM Presence and make the call to the Brotherhood of Light on behalf of the mankind of Earth. When the call is made, the Ascended Masters can give more assistance to the Sons and Daughters of God than would otherwise be possible. The Vigil that we are engaged in has a world action that will go forth across the planet and is intended to rectify the economic situation and restore Purity to the land. Hold in the forefront of your consciousness the perspective held by your Mighty I AM Presence and Christ Presence of the Immaculate Vision of this World as it is held within the Mind of God.
  • Mother Mary sends forth the Healing Ray of her Momentum in the Mother Light so that you might receive the Healing Currents you require to prepare you for all that your Presence desires to accomplish through your lifestream. As the White Light of the Mother Flame takes its rightful dominion in your life and works its miracles through your spinal altar, you will begin to understand and put into actualization the precepts of Cosmic Law thus benefiting yourself and the Sons and Daughters of God. Mother Mary comes to assist you in drawing forth the Mother Light so that you may return to the pristine Perfection of your Presence.
  • As Apollo streams forth the Golden Light of the Helicon from the Great Central Sun, you will receive a Charge of God Consciousness to reinforce your Heart Flame. By understanding all that is held within this glorious River, you will be able to draw upon the Momentums of far off worlds that are deposited for the Sons and Daughters of God to draw upon to enrich their lives. You are given this lifetime so that your Threefold Flame may chart its course, so that it may be free to expand and guide the outer vehicles as the loving and compassionate arm of God desiring to teach and protect. You may grasp the Momentum of Apollo and draw forth the Golden River of the Helicon to embody the change that you require.
  • You stand in the perfect opportunity to be God Victorious! Grasp the Golden River of the Helicon! Do not accept any limitation! If you stumble, pick yourself up and keep moving! Keep expanding your horizons to a new frontier of God Mastery! You must accelerate the Violet Flame and all the Rays of God Consciousness that you have already attained in your Causal Body! You can hold the Vision for the Earth as a Golden Age! You can see the acceleration of your Mastery! And one day there will be generations who will talk of the initiates of the past who upheld Mighty Victory’s edict and command, “Behold a Golden Age is here,” and they knew it to be true!
  • This day marks a great conflagration of the God Star Sirius as it descends into the Earth and pours out a Light so great that nothing less can enter it, swallowing up everything less than God Perfection, washing away all discord, and putting in its place the White Cube of the Cosmic Christ. You have the opportunity and are charged with the Responsibility to elevate your consciousness and be a chalice for this descent. It is the Ascended Masters’ intent that you hold in your vision the entirety of this Earth so you know intimately that God holds the world in the hollow of his hand. All of life is here for the purpose of lavishing upon you the very best gifts from the Heart of The One. The highest gift is for you to know that upon the Altar of your Heart is the God of Very Gods and that you are a Son or a Daughter of the Most High.
  • Just as you have been looking to the Chohans for their assistance, likewise you should look to the intonation of the Presence of God within the God Consciousness of Elohim. In the Heart of every Elohim is that Divine Pristine Pattern of the Allness of God in a greater Momentum and magnitude than you can begin to fathom. When the Elohim come and address you, it is so you may grasp the nature of God so when that Divine Substance of the Presence of God is presented to your outer consciousness, you will recognize it, know what it is to accomplish, and make yourself available for the expansion of that Consciousness in your life.

Cloaked in mystery…locked in enigma…inscrutable to the outer consciousness…the Great God Flame has never been truly unveiled and understood — until now! During the 2013 Freedom Conclave, Saint Germain, Omega, the Goddess of Liberty, God Harmony, Lord Himalaya, Mother Mary, Rose of Light, and Archangels Michael and Shaddiel gave unprecedented instruction on the Heart Flame of God. Learn how your self-sourced God Flame is a window into The Good. Follow the progression of the Realms of God Reality, and how, stage by stage, your God Flame unfolds its Divine Intent. Examine the attributes of your God Flame, Presence, and Threefold Flame. These Releases are your pathway to the wellspring of every Blessing that your Presence desires for you. They will inspire you to exercise your God Freedom and claim your true independence as the Individualization of God. Internalize them and forge your Divine Destiny!

  • This Freedom Conclave is a celebration of each one’s own Immortal, Victorious Great God Flame, unfolding as a Fountainhead of Light across the Realms of Eternity. This God Flame is the source of your True Identity, the limitless nature of God unfolded from The One. It is self-sourced and gives of itself to every other part of life, sharing its own unique expression of The One and The Good. As you approach the uppermost pinnacle on the Path to Christhood, you can attune with this level of your own Identity and continue to unfurl the Threefold Flame of your Heart throughout all of Creation.
  • Omega extends the Mother Light to you so you might breathe in the Consciousness of God. She desires you to understand the very precious nature of the Cups of Light you receive each moment of every day. The Vibration that allows you to maintain the precious Holy Communion throughout the entirety of your life is sustained by the Mighty I AM Presence. This is the Vibration you should be striving for. Call to the Karmic Board. This august body of Cosmic Beings takes your petitions to heart and desires to assist you in maintaining this Holy Communion with your Presence throughout each day. Be the Light of God, and you will know the Fullness of God The One.
  • The disciples of the Ascended Masters hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men and women are God Individualized. We trace the lineage of our True Self to the Fountainhead of the Great God Flame and then see how stage-by-stage our God Flame unfolds its Divine Intent in all planes of consciousness. We are an integral expression of the Great God Flame, a focus of the Great I AM. That is why the formula is I + AM + Presence. When the Ascended and Cosmic Beings come forth to dictate, they unfold for you what they themselves have unfolded of the Great I AM.
  • Your Mighty I AM Presence already knows what you must accomplish and is establishing in your outer vehicles its Divine Blueprint so you can throw off old habits and negative karma to make room for that Divine Expression. The Divine Attributes of your God Presence were established in the beginning when the Great God Flame stepped forth and proclaimed its Individuality. Each day you can proclaim your God Individuality! When you call forth the Violet Flame, you cannot fail! Your Victory is assured! When you are faced with a dilemma, go to the altar and invoke the Light of the Mighty I AM Presence, clear away the debris of human consciousness, and then make a decision. The United States of America is to be a glorious realm where the free expression of God Identity can thrive. You are the key. You are the heroes of this generation.
  • As you wade into the Infinite Ocean of God’s Presence of which your God Flame is the anchor point, you realize that every good and perfect thing is there and is forevermore a part of the Presence who you are. Within your God Flame you have something of ultimate worth to give to every part of life. The God Flame dispenses and shares, in an absolute, universal, and unconditional way, its Individualized Presence of The Good. It retains its integral identity because there is always an unbroken flow of God. The God Flame can propagate its own Selfhood wherever it wishes, across any plane of reality, and with a unifying action brings forth Creation.
  • Victory begins with the Mighty I AM Presence! Your Mighty I AM Presence has already seen the Victory of your accomplishments, your masteries, and understands every necessary step along the way to bring them about. The Archangels hold within their Consciousness all that must come to the fore for mankind to realize the Golden Age. There is a great Responsibility placed upon your shoulders to call forth the Light of God and to make yourself available to the Mighty I AM Presence. As your calls go forth, there are those unknown to you who will be assisted by your calls. You are the Body of God reaching out to touch Heart Flames around the world, expanding your calls so the Holy Angels can assist you in igniting the Heart Flames of the Sons and Daughters of God.
  • Holding your consciousness upon the Heart of God allows the Conscious Awareness of your God Presence to be revealed to you. When you hold to Patterns of Divine Wholeness, given your Attainment and Mastery, every vehicle of consciousness can begin to intone the Vibration that is known within your Causal Body, bringing to the fore the Will of God. When your consciousness is unfurled, you have a vehicle receptive to bringing into manifestation all the good works of your God Presence. The first time you experience the Oneness that is present and possible for you, you will realize that The One knows the Flame upon the altar of your Heart intimately, and you can allow that understanding of the Law to take you closer to becoming one with the Allness of God.
  • The Light from the Great God Flame is a fiercely crystalline white laser Ray that maintains its own integrity and shape as it descends through each of the Realms of Eternal Being as well as all of the realms of Creation without ever ceasing to be the Light of its initial release. As you are able to identify yourself as your Heart Flame, you will find it a thousand times easier to detect when the four lower bodies are misbehaving and to exercise the Christ Discrimination of your Christ Presence. Mastering the disciplines outlined for you is the only way to win your Ascension.
  • When you give of yourself in true Love, you know the Love of God and you know when that Love has been received. In this Activity of God, you are knit together in a most precious communion. Love the opportunity to give of the Threefold Flame of your own Heart without any expectation of return. For that is when the true Sacrifice and Love of the Heart is given. You must set into motion in your life that which allows you to hold to the patterns of the Virtue of God Love and Sacrifice. Every divine thought, energy, creative endeavor, and action you embark upon is unfolding a petal of the rose of your Heart.
  • Harmony has the power to make things one and is one of the greatest actions of the Threefold Flame. Only an Individualized Mighty I AM Presence has the ability to fashion and propagate a Threefold Flame and must constantly elect to continue to be in embodiment. The action of the Threefold Flame unites, and the power of this bond is at work behind all of Creation. It is the unseen superstructure that holds Creation together. The Heart Flame of the Godhead is perfectly fashioned from the beginning to integrate, to unify, to bond, and to bring forth and sustain Creation.
  • You know in your heart the Charge of Light you require to fulfill every Initiation. As you begin to appreciate how the glorious I AM Presence has built up the body temple in which you live, you must ask yourself: “Am I doing all that I can?” You have been given the disciplines of the Path. Communion with your God Presence should be of the highest priority among these disciplines, giving the Decrees and Calls to the Presence, placing yourself in supplication to the Presence, and having a heart filled to overflowing with the desire for God that it must give of itself to God in all of life. You must give permission to your Mighty I AM Presence to be where you, to speak through the voice, to think with the mind, to act with the will. All is to be under the God Control of the Threefold Flame of the Heart.
  • God Harmony sends the Fire of his Momentum into the Earth, asking you to step into that Flame. Allow his Momentum to carry you into a new awareness of your own God Presence and to anchor your mind, emotions, physical body, and memory body in the Heart of your Presence. Harmony is your ability to maintain that conduit of the flow of God through your vehicles, and there must be established within you God Harmony at every plane of consciousness. This can only occur when there is such a deep Peace abounding in your life. God Harmony will draw you into the conscious awareness of the Allness of God.
  • Your Threefold Flame is to expand within your four lower bodies, emulating the great Fountain of Light of the Goddess of Liberty. As your Threefold Flame unfurls, you will see miracles happen and experience this Fountain of overflowing Blessings. Every Mighty I AM Presence is Lord and Master over the Realm of the Great Central Sun and within this Realm are found all the Patterns of Perfection — ready for you to appropriate and utilize as you call to the Heart of your Presence. You are here to learn to navigate the Sea of Universal Light, and you are being schooled to operate the Cosmos.
  • The Goddess of Liberty proclaims your Liberty so you might have the Freedom of expression of your Mighty I AM Presence right where you are. She instructs you on how to be that Presence, reminding you that within the Office of the Holy Christ Presence is your ability to give the Christ Command! And the Elemental Forces of Nature will respond. Your Presence will answer your every call and send forth all that you require to fulfill those necessary tasks that you are called to accomplish. It is your prerogative to allow your Heart Flame to unfurl! The flow of the Fountain of Light from your own Threefold Flame will knit together each of the vehicles of the Presence until there is no separation and you are standing in the Holy of Holies.
  • Archangel Shaddiel of the Fifth Secret Ray of Constancy comes to assist you in realizing that you can and will ascend. All that stands between a lifestream and a Victory is how much of the Threefold Flame has been invested in that Initiation. You cannot be lackadaisical with your disciplines. Hold fast and true to the Divine Outpouring from your Presence so that when you have given all that you can give, the Holy Angels can come to your aid. Look to your Presence and when you find your spirits flagging, call upon the Angels. Call upon Shaddiel’s Flame, and he and his legions will come to assist you. Emulate in your Heart the Vibration of Mighty Victory! For Mighty Victory knows no defeat, no limitation, neither does your Presence. When you are seated in that position of Authority within your Threefold Flame, the Will of God must manifest.
  • The Divine Plan is for you to no longer be dependent upon anything outside of your own God Flame. Each Individualization of God is a focus of the Allness of God. There within you is the Wellspring of God’s Heart that can furnish everything you might ever desire and every solution needed. And the most important means whereby this is produced is by the Threefold Flame of that Great God Flame upon the Altar of your Heart. It is truly a cornucopia, a horn of plenty, to your lifestream.
  • By Dispensation of the Lords of Karma, Lord Krishna initiates new cycles of Resurrection’s Flame for the Sons and Daughters of God! And thus, Heart Flames across the Earth will be accelerated, even in the unknowing, the untutored, and the undisciplined, as long as there is a respect for God. This stepped-up activity of Resurrection’s Flame will guide each one upon Earth into a new shift of consciousness and momentum. With this new Dispensation, you will see a greater Necessity to go before your Altar to invoke the Light of God so that you do not lose your momentum and can have an ongoing acceleration in your body temple.
  • The Nameless One comes with all who serve on the Secret Love Star to ratify and lend their support and Cosmic Light to Lord Krishna’s gift of the Resurrection Flame. As a result of this Dispensation, the Golden Age is possible and assured! Mark this day for Resurrection’s Flame to be celebrated in the Earth! Henceforth, each time the Threefold Flame of your Heart desires to purify your vehicles and manifest more of the Patterns of God Identity in your world then hold fast as Resurrection’s Flame begins to work the miracle of transformation in your life. Your outer vehicles, treated with Resurrection’s Flame, will become a Chalice fired in the Refiner’s Fire that your Presence desires for you!
  • Introduced by the Nameless One, the Goddess of Liberty once again unfurls her Fountain of Light. She knows well your striving. If you will continue the Constancy of your devotions to your Presence and to the fervor of Freedom’s Flame, you will have your Victory! The vastness of the Cosmos of God is availed to you by your Threefold Flame. This is why you are encouraged to internalize the Teachings released throughout this Conclave and Acropolis Sophia and make them your own, understanding that a New Continent of Thought has been released for your benefit! As Lord Krishna’s Dispensation of Resurrection’s Flame begins to take hold over all your affairs, you will see with lightning swiftness, as though Zeus were standing right behind you, your life come into Divine Order. Give your Heart’s devotion to every nuance that your Threefold Flame is unfurling in your life. For the Goddess of Liberty raises the Torch of her Flame on High to commend you to the Victory of the Golden Age and your Ascension in the Light!

Awaken to your I AM Presence and climb the steep Path to Christhood that leads to your Ascension. The Ascended Masters stand ready to be your Sherpa guides, giving you the training necessary for Attainment and Mastery! During the 2013 Easter Conclave, the Great Manus of the Root Races, as well as Jesus, Omega, Pallas Athena, and the Maha Chohan, guided students on a trek of high adventure, presenting remarkable instruction on who and what your I AM Presence is; why your Presence chose earthly incarnation; and what your Presence is doing Here and Now in your four lower bodies. Discover the vision your Presence holds for you. Examine the character traits of your Presence as your keys to Victory. Recognize the fetters that stall spiritual progress. With these Releases as your rope and pickax, you can forge victoriously upward through every Initiation and reach your reward at the mountaintop — your Ascension in the Light!

  • The Steep Path to Christhood must be evaluated and viewed from the perspective of the Presence. Each God Presence knows itself to be not only a focus of The One, the Great I AM, but also a miniature expression of the totality of the Godhead. If God Almighty creates universally, macrocosmically, then each I AM Presence likewise creates and is a microcosmic, perfect, complete expression of the Allness of God. As God unfolds all of creation, takes dominion over creation, and animates creation, so likewise every Individual Presence or Godhead Charioteer must take its dominion over God’s vast realm of creation.
  • Lord Himalaya calls you to the mountaintop so you will have the magnet of devotion to God that is within the call from his Heart. It is the Ascended Masters’ hope and desire that the many Sons and Daughters of God will follow that magnet of devotion. Lord Himalaya has called you to his Retreat many times and comes once more with a greater insistence, for it is necessary that you learn the lessons you will receive at his Retreat. You will be rewarded for your striving by being in the Presence of those who serve in his Retreat, and you will have the opportunity to expand your Heart Flame and become filled with more of God.
  • Because the Presence is God Individualized, it has Divine Qualities. Your Presence is self-sourced, self-luminous, self-energized, self-sustained, self-made, self-vitalized, self-animated, self-determined, self-willed, selffulfilled, self-contained, self-creating, self-conscious, and self-aware — yet it is a selfless Presence that focuses its attention on giving to every other part of life. Your Presence has Being, Essence, and an eternal existence within itself at the level of the Great Central Sun. All that is in The Good is within your Presence. Your Presence is an Individualization of The Good, and your Presence is refining that Good. Another term for this is “actualizing” that Good. Every God Flame, every Presence has its own unique perspective on The Good and The One.
  • Vaivasvata Manu holds the Patterns of God Identity that the Fifth Root Race is to bring to the fore. Consider a father-like or mother-like guardian of your lifestream — that is the relationship the Manus and their Divine Complements have with your lifestream. The Manus continue to hold the Divine Patterns of your Identity for you. As you draw forth the record of the Truth of your Identity, you can begin to fashion your house and put it in order. Flushing out the old habits and vibrations of unreality by the Violet Flame and by the Purity of the Light of God will remove from your consciousness all that does not belong there, all that has confounded and confused you throughout many incarnations, and will prepare you for the next step, the next God Realization.
  • The five Virtues of the Christ explain the Path that we are to embrace: Responsibility, Authority, Sacrifice, Necessity, and Constancy. Embrace Responsibility for the highest use of Life. The Life and Light we send forth will come back to us. The twin Virtue to Responsibility is the Virtue of Divine Authority, Hierarchy, and Obedience. Authority and Obedience are like a coin, heads and tails of the same quality. Authority is the functioning of the Virtue of Directing Intelligence whose role is to issue the Cosmic Christ Command to the universal aspects of the Godhead so that they, too, will be able to fulfill their reason for being. Everywhere up and down the Buddhic Web of Life there is always giving and receiving, commanding and obeying.
  • The Manus of the Sixth Root Race, the God and Goddess Meru, stand together to radiate their Momentum of God Consciousness as the White Fire of Purity, the Mother Light. Look at where you are in life. Is your consciousness giving the benefit of your Presence to those around you? Are you sharing the Energy of your Presence when you walk into the room? Let your Heart Flame expand! Take down the barriers keeping you from becoming that Christ! No karma is too great, no circumstance impossible to overcome when you have the Light of God! You have what it takes to master time and space. Throw away the human tendencies and allow for your Threefold Flame to take command of your life! Let the Mother Light be where you are.
  • The Ascended Master Path should be a steady acceleration. The Golden Precepts are enlightened principles by which one may elect to live life. As you commune with your Presence and as you desire to have the Perfection of your Presence outpicture in your life, you will begin to learn what does and does not allow you to remain in the perfect state of Harmony of your God Self. Part of the Path is the process of purifying and accelerating the frequency of your four lower bodies. The Calls in the first part of your Decree Book are scientifically designed for you to use to stand, face, and conquer the soul consciousness so it no longer prevents the Light of your Presence from shining through your world.
  • When you have challenges, the Great Divine Director, Manu of the Seventh Root Race, is close at hand! When you require a greater infusion of God Direction, there is a great canopy of the Blue Flame of the Will of God, of Divine Direction from his Heart that is ready for you. You need only enter into the Secret Chamber of your Heart and draw upon his Blue Flame of the Will of the Great I AM. When you have become a student of your own Heart’s Love as Sacrifice, your own Heart’s Wisdom as Illumination, and your own Heart’s Will as God Power, then you are ready to begin the alchemies required to manifest those actions that your Presence desires of you in this embodiment.
  • The Laws of Life are immutable and changeless. These Laws come forth from the Presence and from the Great Central Sun. Some of the fetters which plague mankind and stall spiritual progress in the individual student’s life are defiance in the form of judgment and criticism, gossip, curiosity (mental gluttony), misuse of the Mother Light and the Sacred Fire, psychism, human sympathy (the fixation upon outer appearances), and superstition. In all cases, the Violet Flame is the antidote to these maladies. Say to these conditions: “You have no power!” and call down the Light of your Presence!
  • Pallas Athena, Patron of the Golden Age Culture, instructs you on the Power of the Spoken Word. When you by your Calls clear the debris, not only in your own life but in the masses, you allow for the Divine Culture to be born. It is important for you to give your Calls, your prayers, your Affirmations for the lowering of the Divine Culture that is to usher in the Golden Age. Athena desires for you to exhibit one single example of what you would offer to the Ascended Masters as that Divine Culture in the land. And she reminds you that when you use the phrase “I AM,” you are invoking the Power of your Presence — so you would want to take care with what you say and how you extend yourself to any other part of life when you use the words “I AM.”
  • This Discourse touches upon initiations that involve the final victory over the outer human ego, the not-self of the soul. First the student must say to unreality, “You have no power.” This unreality will bubble up within the consciousness as riptides of fear, suspicion, doubt, human questioning, and momentums of the past masquerading as the True Self. The student must become adept in the use of the All-Consuming Flames of Transmutation. It is for you to be alert in your communion with your Christ Presence and its faculty of Christ Discrimination. Once you start on the Path, you either advance or fall back. So it is necessary to have your undivided attention on the Presence, giving yourself wholly to your Beloved Mighty I AM Presence.
  • The Hierarchy of Light descends into your midst, waiting for the upraised chalice of your being to receive their Blessing. The Ascended and Cosmic Beings give you the very best Teaching and Instruction so that you might be afforded greater opportunity to draw into your world every nuance, every high ideal, every dimension, every charge of Light and Quality of God you require for each initiation. The Maha Chohan holds within his Consciousness the Victory for each one of you. You should understand that the Ascended Masters hold you in high enough regard to bring the greatest of Cosmic Beings to assist you so that you might be God Victorious.
  • Some of the greatest trials of life come in the form of temptations. Remember the Lord’s Prayer by Beloved Jesus: “Lead us not into temptation.” At the beginning and the end of Jesus’ public ministry, he was given trials tempting him with power and the will of the outer ego. Your Christ Presence may prescribe a wake-up call to your outer consciousness in the form of adversity or necessity to alert the outer consciousness to blind spots. When we call upon the Law of Forgiveness, we ask to be shown the lesson in the experience, so the full action of the Violet Flame can take place. Regardless of the situations present in your life, you may trust that there is a Divine Plan for you that is supremely good. With the Mighty I AM Presence as the doer, you are able to complete every task that the Presence desires.
  • To embody Peace in your life requires a certain alignment with the Law of Life, with your God Presence. When you, as a Son or Daughter of God, make a conscious election to turn away from riptides of discord, the Presence of God announces: I AM here. I AM ready. Jesus desires to teach you how to be a Christ. What are the requirements? You will not hide behind a rock for fear that your Light will be discovered. You will walk in the midst of tumult undisturbed, for the Light of God will be upon you and will touch any negativity that does not resonate with your Holy Christ Presence. You will have a keen vision and know where you are going, what you are to accomplish, and how to accomplish every task.
  • Alpha and Omega sent the initial call to the embodied lifestreams upon the Earth. Throughout the ages, many Cosmic Beings have come to the aid of the Sons and Daughters of God. Thus their united efforts have brought you to this point where the realization of God may be in the forefront of your awareness. This era is most special, for the Sons and Daughters of God are prepared sufficiently to call forth the Light of God, to open their hearts to all of the possibilities that their Presence for many incarnations has been training them for, to have enough impetus to desire God and the Light. How glorious is the opportunity of your lifestream to be in the Presence of these Ascended and Cosmic Beings. Omega knows the Divine Plan your Presence intends to manifest through the incarnation before the return of its Heart into the Oneness of the Ascension.
  • The heart of an Ascended Master Activity is found in the direct interaction of the Ascended Masters and the collective response on the part of their disciples. Having received much, there is always the corresponding Necessity for the Torch Bearers of The Temple to give back, rendering service to the world. It is an Activity that understands the involvement and the leadership of the Ascended Masters in the present tense. An Ascended Master Activity must conform to the principles that the Brotherhood of Light itself is obligated to operate within. An Ascended Master Activity cannot compromise the standards of the Brotherhood if it is to continue to have the overshadowing and sponsorship of the Hierarchy of Light.
  • Lord Krishna was asked to assist the Earth and all that are destined to come into incarnation to forge their Victory on the Path. He brings with him the gift of his Heart and his Attainment on Resurrection’s Flame. Resurrection’s Flame is not always comfortable when it begins to course through your body temple. For when it meets any opposition, there is a corresponding action in the physical body that feels that Fire, that elevating of Vibration, throwing off into the Fires of God’s Heart all that must be consumed to allow the consciousness to be raised. Let Resurrection’s Fire perform its perfect work through you, allowing your consciousness to be readied for the next initiation and cycle.
  • Your Mighty I AM Presence decreed for you, by the inner commitment and desire of the heart, to come into incarnation. Your bodies are fashioned in these elemental forces of nature so that you can give voice, action, creativity to the Heart of your God Presence. Your vehicles are designed to respond to Purity, to the Divine Patterns of God that you discover all about you. Therefore, maintaining the Constancy of your devotion to the Presence of God allows for that Presence to be where you are. The Violet Flame, the Emerald Matrix, and Purity’s Ray are the greatest physicians of all, for they catch those patterns of unreality and consume them on the instant.

Expand not only your horizons, but your sense of Reality as you take Lord Maitreya’s hand and explore the mysteries of the Great Central Sun! During the 2013 New Year's Conclave, Lord Maitreya, Lord Gautama, Sanat Kumara, Mighty Cosmos, and the Mighty Elohim unveiled the secrets of your true eternal home: the Great Central Sun. Learn about the attributes of God within this Sun, and the limitless resources there at your Presence's disposal. Understand the Realms of Being and Becoming, and the Divine Design for all of Life. Discover how the more you unite with your Electronic Body, the more the Reality of your Existence in this Great Sun can be super-imposed upon your four lower bodies — allowing you to operate Cosmic Law and live in the Perfection of the Golden Age of One while you yet reside on Earth. These Releases are your golden ticket home to the Heart of God, The One, in the Great Central Sun!

  • For your hearts to truly revel in the joy of the Heart of God in the Great Central Sun, a complete renovation and regeneration of your consciousness and any limiting concepts is required. Unique to this Activity are the teachings of The One and The Good. The name Mighty I AM Presence refers to the Ray of Individuality that comes forth from the God Flame. Our goal is for all of you to realize that everything in the Heart of God in the Great Central Sun is subject your own Individual Mighty I AM Presence. Your Presence, as the focus of the Great I AM, operates in a realm above the Great Central Sun, which has come out of the realm of the One and The Good.
  • The Realm of the One Being of the Presence is preeminently knowable through your Heart, as your Heart includes the thinking Flame of God in the Golden Plume. Behind the screen of manifestation there is this Presence of God that is there as a backdrop, a foundation for the manifestation that provides the three-dimensional world space. Wherever you might go, this Presence is abiding and being acted upon by the Individualizations of God and that interplay is engendering each of the lesser realms in turn. Certain Laws of Life apply in the Great Central Sun that allow for the unrolling of the realms of Perfection. This is the Law of the One; God and God only. There is steadfast resolute focus on Divine Perfection. The Great Central Sun is like the Electronic Body of the universe and the whole of the Mighty I AM Presence is thinking, being, knowing as ONE.
  • Lord Maitreya instructs you on the initiatic process and how to take on the Stature and the Mantle of the Son or Daughter of God. Maitreya warns you to guard against believing in outer circumstance. The only Truth is the Truth of the Threefold Flame that abides upon the Altar of your Heart! The Flame of God upon your Heart is the Door that opens wide to all of the Beauty of the Great Central Sun. The course of study is how to recognize the impetus of your Presence; how to know the Divine Will of God; how to understand the Mind, Heart, and Will of God, and translate it into your outer vehicles. What is important to understand is the Individualization of your Presence is intimately involved with what you do, say, think, and emanate as Energy.
  • You will not evolve into something tomorrow that you are not already. In your Heart Flame you already are your Mighty I AM Presence. That which you already are needs to expand in the Light. Expansion occurs as you give of yourself. With that expansion, all that you require or wish to bring into outer expression and use is already there within the realm of the One Being of the Presence. This is a coming to be out of timelessness that issues forth with a Constancy that continues to come to be. One of the greatest services you will do is maintain round about you not only the Tube of Light and the Violet Flame, but also the action of the Electronic Circle.
  • Elohim Cyclopea of the Emerald Ray schools you in the process of learning how to draw the Light of God from your Presence — and ultimately, from the Great Central Sun — into creation in your life. As you are the Presence of God, you can create with the very Rays of God Consciousness details of the Mind of God and Substance of Divine Perfection, just as God creates! As you are filled with the Glory of God, you must create, so that more of that creation can be shared. This is why the Great I AM could not remain solely that One Consciousness of God without expanding as the Individualization of God! For God so loved that the Individualization of your own Presence was born. Your requirement is Christ Discrimination. For that is when you learn the difference between right and wrong, negative and positive vibrations.
  • It is the fond desire of Ascended Masters that you become more and more familiar with the real nature of God as it exists in Great Central Sun. If something is not part of God Reality, it will never blink into existence. The fact that God continues to love us and lavish us with life is testimony that all along we have been part of the Divine Family in Heart of Presence of God. The Master has reassured us that the Presence of the Great I AM is in a giving and receiving relationship with every Threefold Flame. That Threefold Flame is a focus of the Great I AM, which will not be severed from itself. All that is there is pledged to your Victory and available to your own individual Mighty I AM Presence.
  • In Heart of God in Great Central Sun there abound the pure activity of God Love in every action, and the Elohim grasp every opportunity to send forth these Rays of God Love into the earth so mankind will know they are not forsaken even in the darkest hours. God Love cannot be contained; it must be in an active state of flow. As you experience more of the Heart of God in your life and are comfortable in that state of being, the Presence accelerates the action of Threefold Flame and reveals new awareness of God. Never have you had your consciousness so bathed and prepared to remember your experience in the Heart of God in Great Central Sun.
  • It is for you to discover that you possess something to give and to lavish upon all of creation, something that is uniquely yours, the gift of your own individuality as the Mighty I AM Presence. The Ascended Master knows himself as the Oneness of God in life. Therefore all things obey the Ascended Master’s command because the Ascended Master is a self-consciousness free being who controls the Light in himself. Each Mighty I AM Presence focuses its selfhood and is self-constituted, self-sustained at every level. Wherever that Presence goes in the Cosmos, there follows that unique Light of that Mighty I AM Presence. The cause for joy in your life is that every single second your Mighty I AM Presence is dispensing its own unique expression of the Goodness that it is to your Heart Flame, together with its Love, Light and life.
  • As you participate with your Presence in the life your Presence is living, you will enter into the spirit of rejoicing that is ever in the Godhead. The Great I AM has, with the foreknowledge of Divine Providence, conceived a majestic, eternal design for Life in the realms of the Great Central Sun and the outer universe and cosmos. Our purpose is to reach up to our Presence and share in participation with this Divine Design, knowing it is God Reality; it is Truth; it is that which God has envisioned and is envisioning — and know that God is in the process of fulfilling that Design. The reason to be happy is the fact that in eternity the Mind and Life of God is willing, loving, and reverberating this eternal paradigm. You have the opportunity participate in that Divine Design.
  • Commending the Torch Bearers of The Temple, Apollo proclaims that a New Mark is being established on the screen of life! For sufficient Sons and Daughters of God have come together upon the Earth, ratified their I AM Presences, and united in their Holy Cause — to let the Great I AM be present in the Earth! Taking up the God Control of their outer vehicles, these Godhead Charioteers are moving forward to accomplish what no other group upon the Earth has accomplished in history! You will eventually be known as that Activity of God that began a whole new cycle of the expression of God upon the Earth. The Etheric City is ablaze because of the coming of The Temple of The Presence to this land! The cycle for this Activity of Light is an open Dispensation.
  • All of the attributes of the Great Central Sun, while they are the Law of Life that applies to that realm of Eternal Being, they are, likewise, part of the Law of Life of your own Presence. Your I AM Presence has as much stature as the Great Central Sun itself. As you are becoming more accustomed to identifying yourself with your Presence, you will also adjust to the sense that already the best part of you is living, moving, and having its being in the Great Central Sun. You are not cut off from that Presence in any way. And your brothers and sisters, those Cosmic Divine Beings, are part of the Divine Family that you now know you belong to. This combination of individuality and universality makes for the whole romance of creation.
  • Hercules instructs you on the glorious Estate of Being that you can engage in. He reminds you to mark well your attention upon the Presence of God so that you are always in the Will of God. Hercules reveals: the purpose for wearing bodies made of the Pranic Breaths; how you gain the mastery and training required for you to be of greater assistance to your Presence; how you can become masterful in all of the Rays of God Consciousness and the Christ Virtues; how Jesus was able to bring forth miracles, Peace, and Wisdom; why you have a Threefold Flame of the Heart; and what is required to awaken your Heart Flame to the inner Call of your Presence. He also reveals what will bring you the Ascension: You follow God. You behold God and draw more of God into your life.
  • Your Individual Mighty I AM Presence, even unascended, is a focus of the Great I AM. Hence when this August Personage descends into the Great Central Sun that Mighty I AM Presence is the Lord of all it surveys there. So your Presence is greater than the totality of all that is in the Great Central Sun. The Divine Plan is for you to bring everything in the Great Central Sun into this world of manifestation. The purpose is to bring the Threefold Flame down and through the Heart to have the Mighty I AM Presence expand its Light from within out, through the earth, water, fire and air elements and take dominion.
  • To have the Mind of God pouring out effortlessly so that you can grasp the ideas that your Presence desires you to implement means that the body consciousness must be fully charged with Light through and through. You must be attentive to the Virtues of the Christ, for if they are absent, how can you be a Christ to many? There is a fabric of life that you are intended to engage in. You either receive the transfer of the Fire at the appointed hour that your Mighty I AM Presence has deemed or you must wait many cycles for that to return again. Each one must awaken to the Light of their Mighty I AM Presence and be able to hold wide open the door to the Heart of Elohim, the Consciousness and Fire of Elohim so that as the Flames upon the forehead burn brighter and brighter you are in that Hallowed Consciousness through and through.
  • When you bend the knee before the altar, you surrender all you are to the Presence of God, and in so doing, the outer vehicles are bathed in Light of all that is right, cosmically true, and that you require. Those who skip discipline do not realize how difficult their life will continue to be. Your sanctuary Hearts is where you go to regain your inner strength, your direction, your Holy Purpose in life. But that is nor the whole of your life. As Christed Sons and Daughters of God, you are charged with the responsibility to be among mankind and stand as the example of the Christ. To have the transfer of the body consciousness of the 7th Ray, it requires great invocation to the Violet Flame and all of the variations to that Violet Flame as it is condensed into the action of God Love.
  • Lord Gautama advises students draw forth sufficient Love to wash away any energy unlike the pure Love of God prior to the New Year. As you know and internalize all God has for you, you can appreciate how important it is to have the Flames on your Heart ablaze with anticipation and divine intent. God requires from you more communion at the level of the Christ Consciousness so that when you enter into the Buddhic realm you are home. The Thoughtform for the year is a scroll upon which is written in blazon gold, “You are God! God is where you are! And all are coming into the Golden Age!”
  • Great a change can come quickly when there are those who hold the banner of the Golden Age on high. When the Mighty I AM Presence sent forth the Light, when the Ascended and Cosmic Beings sent forth the momentum of their Flame, you are required to open your Heart. Soon that Love will pass through you, warmed and touched by the Consciousness of your Presence. All that is God belongs to God and is for God’s Holy Purpose and must move freely. Love is the greatest Activity of God. As you embrace this as a Divine State of Being, you will be ratifying that you are the Golden Age, for it has come from a Heart of Love. As you move into the New Year, remember to traverse each day with the Love of God, for that is the only way tyou can be successful and Victorious in your endeavors.
  • The Elohim Astrea shatters negativity so the Elohim Purity can step forth and release the Consciousness of the Allness of God in its pure Edenic form. The Elohim can when invited enter into your life and help you to reestablish those patterns of God Identity of your own Mighty I AM Presence. You are striving every second of every day to have the Allness of God as close to you as the breath that you inhale and exhale, as the beating of your Heart. You know each of the Elohim well, but you have forgotten the pure essence of their Consciousness and Momentum. You need not look further than your own brow to find a charge of God Consciousness of Elohim.
  • The Temple of the Presence is the Vanguard Ascended Master Activity, carrying forward the Truth and Principles of Cosmic Law and laying the foundation for a bona fide World Faith; the Faith of God Individualized. The Temple is taking the body of understanding of Cosmic Law at the stage where it is from earlier works of Ascended Master instruction and then building upon that which is accurate and refining it if needed to advance the knowledge of the Law, generation by generation. We are linking up the Precepts and the Principles of the Teachings of the Ascended Masters with a very proud lineage of the examples of great lifestreams, great Initiates, who have for many thousands of years given their all to leave for posterity the record of their experiences in their time in the Presence of God — so that there could be this foundational basis for our Teaching. Christianity built upon all that was written in the Old Testament.
  • As the Sons and Daughters of God, you are arriving at the cycle where your true inheritance within the GCS and your own Causal Body may begin to be distributed into your watchful care. These things can be known by your heart registering it. Each one must do the work of reminding themselves of the GCS as the home of your Presence and the Masters. You are free to affirm that while you are here, you are likewise there. The Vibration of the GCS is not geographically removed except by attention and the rate of vibration in which the outer self is suspended. The Maha Elohim Ouranos is introduced.
  • For you to elevate your consciousness into the awareness of worlds beyond worlds, you must have a sufficient storehouse of the Mother Light with which to on the instant elevate your consciousness to the vault of heaven so that you might abide there, drawing forth every element that you require for the facets of life you are to fulfill. Mother Mary breathes upon the Flame of your Heart the Courage, the Will, and the Illumination of God so that as the Mother Fire of Omega is released into your temple, the elevating of your consciousness into the Heart of Ouranos will be fulfilled and you will be the recipient of his Divine Nature as the Maha Elohim.
  • When the Consciousness of God determines to bring forth a world, it takes every Elohim involved. For the wholeness of the fabric of life that you have come to know right within your own body consciousness and those areas of your life you are being introduced to all have their foundation and inception from The One. You were born of the Heart of God. You came forth with all of the divine outpouring of God in the Kingdom of Heaven. You are to breathe in the Presence and infuse the God Command over time and space, creating a world for yourself and for others. You have the opportunity for God in all of the Hierarchal structure to multiply your creativity and see it thrust back to each plane of consciousness that had born it forth. This is the Divine Purpose of Life. You must enter into the stream of Consciousness of Elohim.

Lift off the weight of the world, climb the ladder of Consciousness, and experience the most exciting and life-changing journey possible — for you are summoned to enter into the Holy of Holies, the sacred Temple of the Heart of your own Mighty I AM Presence! These Releases are your invitation and your compass. During the 2012 Harvest Conclave, Saint Germain, the Nameless One, the Great Divine Director, Vesta, and other Ascended Masters presented instruction on the science of the Divine Temples, the many mansions in which the Presence of God abides. Understand the disciplines involved in the raising of your Temple. Learn how to navigate the Buddhic Realm and work with the Buddhic Web of Light. The time is NOW to walk boldly into The Temple, receive the transfer of God Power, and expand the borders of God’s Kingdom, not only for yourself, but for the good of all mankind!

  • This Conference covers the science of the Divine Temples; the tabernacle, the place where God lives; the unfed Flame that glories those tabernacles in various epochs and Dispensations. And it sets forth some of the more precise ways in which you may expand the borders of God’s Kingdom for yourself. The divinely ordained plan is for you to come up higher, entering into that sweet communion with the Divinity of your own Presence and that level of receptivity that enables that tremendous Power, which has been banked eternally in the Heart of your Presence, to unfold and to produce meaningful and lasting change for Good in this world of form. One of the chief attributes that precedes the release of this Power is the sense of re-entering the Realms in which God lives, entering into the pristine, immaculate, unsullied Purity and Holy Innocence of those Divine Realms.
  • The Nameless One comes to remind you of the Pillar of Fire that you can stand within and call forth daily. When you stand in the Holy of Holies of your Presence, you drink in all that is Perfect, Holy, and Sacred. To maintain this newness of Life, you are required to maintain Purity, to uphold the Constancy of your devotions to God, and to keep the Vigil with all of the Sons and Daughters of God across the Earth till their I AM Presence is known to them; till the day that they walk in the Light of God and all proclaim a Golden Age for the Earth! Understanding Cosmic Law allows you to fit your consciousness for the work at hand that your Presence desires.
  • Our subject is the raising up of the many Temples of the Presence. Chief among those Temples is the edifice of your own Identity. It is your prerogative as the Firstborn of your Presence to go up your Crystal Cord and commune with your own Selfhood that is the God Individualized Presence. You are free to affirm your intimate Oneness with that Presence. Let no condition of this world take your crown. Let no one convince you that you have done anything that cannot be undone by the Violet Flame. The Flame upon your Heart is intended to exhibit the unmitigated Consciousness of your Presence. That Light of Ascended Master God Consciousness is the greatest gift humanity will ever receive.
  • Stating that you are dear to his Heart, Saint Germain reminds you that you cannot take for granted the Violet Flame. You cannot presume that merely because you know of the Presence that your Temple is prepared for that Presence. You are required each day to drink in God’s Light; to allow the Presence that is your true Divine Self to have its Reality right where you are, right within your vision, your thoughts, your energy, your actions. The Freedom Vigil is making a difference, establishing a shift in the mass consciousness and those in the Octaves of Light are seeing a major change. Saint Germain asks you to pray that all the governments on Earth receive the Blessing of the Darjeeling Council to assist them in God Government.
  • The Buddhic Web constitutes the Intelligence of God that operates from the level of the Great God Flame, as well as from the level of the Individual I AM Presence operating in the Electronic Body. This Buddhic web extends vertically and horizontally and accounts for the whole warp and woof of every geometry of every dimension of God’s creation. There are many layers in the Dispensation of Golden Helicon, each one representing a focus of one Ascended Master’s Causal Body Momentum. All are fused together, flowing as this great river of Peace from the Heart of the Ascended Master Octave along this Buddhic Web and intended to be dispensed by the Ascended Masters and also made available for utilization by your own Christ Presence.
  • When you stand in the Light of your God Presence, all things unlike the Vibration of God fall away. And when you lay your work upon the altar of the Most High, giving gratitude for having carried out the bidding of the Presence, there is joy beyond measure. It is then you realize that all of life has come forth by the Hand of God. You discover there are many plateaus which you can climb to, recognizing that with each assent you are building your own temple of Light. Expand your Heart a little more to invite another into the safety and the harmony of your Heart. By proclaiming I AM, the transfer of the Consciousness of your True Identity begins to take its rightful place. The Maha Chohan loves communing together with the students.
  • The Golden River and that expression of it called the Buddhic Web of Life are currents generated and regenerated within the Heart of the Sun Behind the Sun. Everywhere the Buddhic Web of Life plays and wherever it goes, Life forces flow. In this manner, all is kept vitalized, alive, and integrated. The Buddhic Web forms a part of the Panoply of the Christos, acting as a shield of protection by sealing off the astral plane and psychic world. Think of the inverted pyramid of the seven planes. There is a buildup of the pressure of the Liquid Light as it goes into the lower worlds. If you meditate on the Sun Behind the Sun in the Buddhic World, the word “dynamo” will have new meaning for you. This explains the mysterious power of the Golden River as it expresses as an irresistible force, spontaneously flowing forth from within itself.
  • Vesta assures you that she and Helios hear your call, your dreams, your aspirations. They know the Divine Plan which your Presence has for you, and they keep this in the embrace of their Consciousness. Vesta tutors you on becoming tethered to the fullness of your Presence, and recognizing your Presence’s Hand at work through you. When you begin to understand how you are a part of that glorious Fabric of God, you can begin to draw upon it, fashioning a Garment of Light, establishing a vehicle prepared so that the Buddhic Web of Light may be constantly scintillating into your consciousness. You are to be filled with the Light of God. Your Source in the I AM Presence is your True Identity.
  • The “reluctant chela” is the one who has a love-hate relationship with the Light, instinctively knowing that they must have the Light, but wanting the Light on their own terms, not on terms that are in agreement with Cosmic Law. Not with bending of the knee in surrender to the God Self and surrender to the Hierarchs of the Ascended Masters. The soul is the sum total accumulation of all misqualified use of life since the first incarnation. As the Heart Flame is obliged to operate in that soul, there is always this challenge as to which will manifest its dominion over the other. The energy within the memory body is the barrier that prevents the Light from flowing through your consciousness from those higher realms.
  • Declaring that you are known to his Heart, the Great Divine Director asks: Will you make the freewill election to be in the Presence of God? Will you receive the Brotherhood’s assistance? Will you take the Divine Direction of your Presence? When the highest priority of your life is the Presence of God, all things that are divinely intended for you come in perfect order. When you understand your vehicles as the Temple of the Most High, you realize how very close-at-hand is the Allness of God. You have elected to be in the Will of God and understood the Will of God for you is the highest Good. It keeps you tethered to the course that establishes greater mastery and attainment. The Will of God knits you together with Hierarchy, so that as you require assistance, it is there on the instant!
  • This afternoon we are going to cultivate the sensitivity of all of Nature as one vast cathedral, an enormous temple of many dimensions, ensouled throughout by the One Life of the One Presence. There is an overlapping of selfhood that includes all other parts of life. As you rise from the Buddhic to the Nirvanic Causal Body, this overlapping becomes more profound while still preserving the uniqueness of Individuality. The formula of the Identity of the God Self includes the uniqueness of the Individuality (I), the expanded circle or Allness (AM), and The One that is the ultimate foundation (Presence). Thus, the Ascended Master feels within himself the Oneness of omnipresent God Life.
  • As you learn to create consciously with the Flames of God in the elemental forces of Nature, you discover the Responsibility vested into your keeping. Your surroundings absorb your vibrations and thus you are leaving the mark of the Identity of your Mighty I AM Presence, minute or great. To have Peace within the depths your being, you must understand that Peace can only occur in each of your vehicles of consciousness when you are tethered to the Heart of God. There must be enough Love for God to transfer that Love into the action your physical body will carry out. Patience allows for the cycles to unfold naturally in the timetable the Presence knows will be the most effective.
  • The Emerald Ray is a key to your Victory in all things. When you go to your altar and you make the invocations to the Emerald Ray, see yourself standing in the midst of that glorious Flame as liquid fire all about you, healing every aspect of your life. As you are attentive to the Emerald Ray, you will begin to see all of your vehicles of consciousness fashioned, honed, chiseled into a refinement not there before, so that the Light would pass through you, heal you and elevate your vibration sufficiently so you are prepared to be a priest or priestess of the Sacred Sciences, for all about you is a world waiting to receive the charge of Light your own God Presence has desired to release.
  • The Kingdom of God is overflowing, undiminished supra abundance of everything good and perfect. This is the first product of the outpouring of the Presence coming forth from the Light of Lux Invictus, and your own Mighty I AM Presence abides in that realm. When you enter that realm of the Great Central Sun, you don’t have to be told this is Reality because it comes right through the atmosphere. Just as God created the whole universe, your Mighty I AM Presence, as a Creator, is fully capable of creating what you need. The only part of life that can prevent that from happening is you. Your Presence is sending forth the actions of Transfiguration, Resurrection and Ascension. Be joyful in the goodness of God.
  • When your life stream began its journey, all was prepared for you by the Cosmos. Now you have to trace back to that Edenic Consciousness when you walked the earth in the Light of the Christ. Your Presence has a detailed plan that with each of the God Qualities sewn into your vehicles there is the opportunity to weave creation. Your Presence desires to live where you are, vibrating, charging and emanating the very Consciousness of the True Identity of God. When you are comfortable in the Light, the Mighty I AM Presence will release more Light. There must be the acceleration of the Threefold Flame of the Heart to deposit enough Light into the outer vehicles.
  • Krishna brings portions of the Great Central Sun with him when he comes to earth. Mankind was never intended to wander alone and attain God Wisdom on its own. Krishna’s Flame inaugurated the Resurrection Flame upon the earth. Any call for Resurrection is a call upon the Heart and Attainment of Krishna. When you place attention upon the Ascension Current, you are magnetized in your outer life to that life your Presence desires you to live. The purpose of calling forth the Resurrection Flame is to refine the temples, these areas of life that you live, collectively and individually, as the Mighty I AM Presence embodies your Heart Flame. The Truth of the Golden Age is within every word, every emanation of Consciousness, every Fire that emanates when Krishna comes.
  • The purpose this week has been to broaden the scope of your participation in the Universal Consciousness of the One Presence operating through the Divine Mind. The Limitless Power of the Presence must be lowered into the four lower bodies of the earth through the focus of the disciples. There must be the translation of Power from God’s Heart, through attention and attunement, stepping down the Christ Mind and etching thoughts of Perfection and Divine Desire. The symbols of Zeus are explained.
  • You have been given enough of the Substance of God; what remains is what you will do with that Substance. Many absorbed in the mass consciousness have lost their tethering to the Heart of God. You must be the example. Wherever you move, live, act and have your being, there must be enough Presence of God to radiate out and telegraph that the Presence of God is here. Building the edifice of your Presence is what life is all about. The Earth requires the Fires of your Heart and the Light your Presence desires to release. There are millions of Angels. God Consciousness continuously releases more Angels on each God Quality and they await you in the Christ Command. The faithful know well that the Presence of God is always nigh at hand and will assist in every endeavor.

Saint Germain asks “Are you ready to truly have Freedom in your life?” If so, don your Royal Robes and make ready for the journey! During the 2012 Freedom Conclave, Saint Germain, Apollo, Mighty Victory, Pallas Athena, and other Ascended Masters imparted profound, life-changing instruction to help you understand the Royal, August, and Noble Great I AM in all its vastness and Universality and your own I AM Presence as its regal Individualization. Learn how to have more of the Royal Mind of the One God stream through your consciousness. Receive the Karmic Board’s Dispensation to help you manifest your Divine Alchemies. Discover how you can help the Brotherhood of Light roll back all that is less than Saint Germain’s Dawning Golden Age and make the Earth Freedom’s Star. These releases will help you claim your Royal Birthright and restore God’s Kingdom upon this planet!

  • You are assembled here to know the One who is at the helm and the heart of all Creation. There is great joy in knowing that the Great God of Very Gods is in a parental relationship to you and there can be a twoway priceless dialogue between your heart and the Heart of this precious Presence. The Perfection in the Presence is so much a totality that it is All Inclusive, Changeless, and Unmoved by anything less than itself. You must reconcile with the fact that there is a Highest Godhead who is ensouling all of Creation. While there is permanent Individuality and Freedom, it is all part of that Great Presence.
  • From the very beginning of proclaiming I AM you have been preparing for this moment. Even now the Mighty I AM Presence reminds you to make ready for the journey. Each day is a part of that journey. You are part of that Wholeness of God. From the Consciousness of Alpha and Omega, the Christ you bear witness to by the endeavors of your life is the journey. How will the earth accomplish the Golden Age if not for you passing your initiations? Are the things you create worthy of your God Presence? Establish in your consciousness the ability to flow with God Direction. When you take God out of the country, you have no anchor for the Flame of Freedom to remain. Uphold God in the land! The Golden Age is indeed on track, but it does require you to extend more of the anchoring of the Fire of God into all your affairs.
  • The work at hand is to bring you into a first person experience of the Great I AM as a loving Creator. The more you absorb the Consciousness and stature of the I AM, so many things can come to fulfillment in your life. You need co-measurement so you can say to yourself: This is the example I AM to follow. If one is going to make sense of being alive in this world, one must begin where things originate at the logical point of foundation. Though that beginning might be transcendent, it is still real. In the Mind of the One God there is the Vision of the Ascended Master and Cosmic Being to be. The Presence of God is working out that purpose which it has set forth for itself. Because that pattern exists in the Eternal, it is the Rock.
  • Your vehicles of consciousness are a small representation of what you are to command. The very first blush that flashes upon the screen of your conscious awareness, having already been fashioned in the Mind of God, awaits each detail, and not one can be missed if the true alchemy is to come forth. You must develop a spherical vision. Surely you must realize that for God Good to come forth, your vehicles must be resonating with the Presence of the Good. Therefore, attend ye to the purification of each of your vehicles of consciousness. Would it not be preferable to have the initiations coming to you consciously by the Mind of God rather than always reacting to the returning karma? our body temple is to be that Presence of the Most High, having all momentums of Victory and all that is pure come forth at your command consciously, interacting with God.
  • Those out of Christianity and other world religions are still using the word “soul” to define what it means to be a distinct self. God makes your “self” when he makes your “soul.” When we speak of the Royal Soul, we are speaking of that Royal faculty of Divine Life and the capacity to convey Life; convey animation. One of the attributes of this Royal Presence is that it is Lord of Life, able to command Life. The ancient Greek word “hyparxis,” refers to the way in which the Threefold Flame on the Altar of your Heart is both the Flame of God and the extension of the Great God Flame as the henad in the Heart of the One and the Good that sends forth the Ray of the Crystal Cord. The session ended with questions and answers.
  • Pallas Athena proclaims the time is neigh for you to take the Sword of Truth, the Shield of Light, and a Heart of Courage to stand at your altar and do whatever is required, calling forth the legions of the Holy Angels, the Ascended and Cosmic Beings, to assist you in the battle between Light and darkness. That work will be the answer to the negativity upon the Earth. You are required to become a priest or priestess of the Sacred Fire. This is a time for the full Strength of your Heart Flame to fill the bellows of your chalice to allow you to extend the Light from your Presence anchored into your consciousness and radiated outCome together to talk about the Teaching, to give the Calls, to socialize.
  • It is for you to work out in your Heart and mind the relationship you have to the One Mighty Presence and to build the ladder of Light that you might levitate up that ladder in consciousness and forge your own pathway through the realms of creation back to the Heart of God. Having ascended that ladder, you are one with The One, and there is only a super nova of fingers of Living Limitless Light going forth and being everywhere. And you, too, are everywhere in the Consciousness of the One God. The Presence puts itself in rapport with every part of life that would put itself in rapport with The One. The greatest alliance available to you is with The One, which does answer your call.
  • Guard well what you think, what you desire, and allow the Flame of God upon the altar of your Heart to be the mode of expression you adopt. When you stand before your altar, let that space be hallowed. Part of the initiatic process of life you are living is to recognize Vibration, to have a keen awareness of the shadings of unreality that would trick you into believing a falsehood and take you into areas of pursuit that are unholy and absent the Will of your Mighty I AM Presence. All this is so that you might recognize how glorious is the estate of the Vibration of Holiness and how it augments life. Let all your vehicles be knitted together so that whatever the Presence desires, your vehicles of consciousness are ready to respond.
  • As you establish the Electronic Circle consecrated to receive the charge of Light, you can be the instrument of the hand of Providence that is eternally bringing forth the dawning Golden Age. The goal is for each of you to realize the connection you have to this Golden Age ideal. What is the process for bringing forth this Golden Age? That there be a Heart and Mind of a Presence that connects with that Divine Design, brings it within its very being and then externalizes it. Realize the choice open to you: You can huddle beneath the smog of the psychic and astral planes or you can realize that you are an undivided expression of what is going on in the Great Central Sun and elect to live in that now. All Hierarchs hold connection to this eternal model.
  • What is it that brings one to that place of consciousness that thinks only of another and not of oneself? It is the Flame of the Ruby Fire. For then and only then is one prepared with the courage to give of themselves the precious Light entrusted to them so that another might benefit of your attainment. If your heart is locked away, if it is merely an intellectual idea of what a heart should be, then you have yet to experience the all-embracing, all-encompassing Activity of God that allows for the Flame of Love to burn brightly, sufficient to the task at hand. Once you have the Shield of Protection of the Will of God, the Illumination as Wisdom moving as the fingers of the Mind of God in your life, then you have created the safe environment to let your Heart soar as though carried on the wings of Angels to the Heart of God in the Great Central Sun.
  • Mother Mary commends you to the White Light of the Mother Flame and the Threefold Flame of your Heart. She instructs you on traversing life with the Flame of God upon your Heart’s Altar. That Flame is One and the same as the Flame upon the Altar of your Presence. When you begin to understand how your Threefold Flame can bring you the clarity, the Peace, the rejuvenation required, then you can be about the work you came to accomplish. The White Light of the Mother Flame that flows continually from the Heart of Alpha and Omega allows for a firm foundation upon which your Threefold Flame is ignited.
  • El Morya asks, “Are you ready to integrate with the Chohan of the first Ray?” “Have you performed those disciplines that you know make you ready?” “How many addresses from the Ascended Octaves will it take to awaken you to the steadfastness required of your life stream?” El Morya trusts that you are taking stock of those small details in your life that are depleting you from opportunity to have greater Power, greater understanding and Wisdom, greater opportunity. Clean out the storeroom of your consciousness if you wish to have the Mind of God anchored in your world and in the entirety of the world. For that is what is required. Have you not experienced change and acceleration in your life because of the Valley Forge Freedom Vigil? Not only are you clearing away your own debris, but you are creating good karma. Be happy. Be joyous. The Flame of God works.
  • Saint Germain comes with his Miracle Pouch to announce a new Dispensation from the Karmic Board that will help you fulfill the Divine Will of God: There will be sufficient amount of your personal karma put into the Flame by the Lords of Karma, wiped away completely, not merely pushed aside, so that you might complete even one of those Ideas out of the Mind of God and therefore, manifest a greater momentum for all of the Sons and Daughters of God upon the Earth! With this Dispensation, you can begin to fine-tune and hone your alchemies and the karma that would have otherwise held you back from bringing them into manifestation will be consumed by the Violet Flame. You are called to write down your experience in performing your alchemy and send it to the Anointed Representatives, so that they might take this to the Karmic Board with Mother Mary and show them your good works.
  • Our Faith is truly in devotion to the One Presence, the One God of Very Gods, who we know as an All-Pervading Presence that fills every part of life. As you enter the Holy of Holies, you will have the sense of the All- Pervading One God. It will be a singularity, like a point of concentration, and also an all-encompassing sense of the Allness of that Presence. The Ladder of Consciousness begins with the understanding of the God of Very Gods. You can speed up your Path if you can realize the profound Truth that the Flame animating your Heart is actually the Most High Living God. This is the focus of the One Presence on the Altar of your Heart.
  • Stating that you have been given the magical keys to the Kingdom of God, Apollo asks if your Love for God has been sufficient for you to desire throughout all your days the Presence of God above else. He presents profound Teaching from Elohim to instruct you on your Spiritual Path: what self improvement leads to; how Wisdom’s Ray comes; the Dispensation of the Helicon; the Fires of God as the Pranic Breaths; appropriating more of the Mind of God; the Office of your Christhood; how Illumination’s Flame magnetizes the greater Flame of Cosmic Beings; perceiving a Golden Age; why the Ascended Masters train you; the ritual of being filled by God and then giving; the Nature of God where you can find Comfort, Love, and Peace; who you are as the One God; how the Individualization that you are should live life; letting go of your human creation into the Refiner’s Fire; and more.
  • Mighty Victory proclaims the Earth’s Victory for the Golden Age, for it is assured! He brings with him Mighty Victory Angels to deposit the Resurrection Fire into the Earth. Look beyond the human creation on Earth and see that Glorious Core Being of the I AM Presence that has deposited within all things, all places, all conditions, a kernel and a seed of a High Ideal of God that will come into its own. If you nourish and love it, it will manifest. You will purify the Earth. Your Holy Communion at the Altar holds the Fire of the Consciousness of The One God. The time draws nigh for you to manifest those Victories that you came to accomplish. That One God will show you how.
  • A hallmark of Golden Age civilizations is the calm self-assurance, poised stature, aristocratic demeanor of those societies. You do not want to postpone the Golden Age of One for yourself. Learning Cosmic Law is a process of remembering. As you rise in attunement you find those records of identity. Each Mighty I AM Presence carries that authority, dignity and sense of its divine birth that can never be stripped away. It knows from whence it comes and from wither it goes. When you are willing to come home to the heart of your Blessed Presence, there will be a remembrance of the glorious God Qualities and they will come to the fore. The attributes of Divine Royalty are discussed.
  • Mighty Hercules stands with his crown in the Great Central Sun and his feet in the center of the earth to create a core of Power going out so people can experience the Power of God flowing through their consciousness displacing confusion, doubt and fear, and allowing the Wholeness of God to come. You are answering the call and committing the power of your Mighty I AM Presence to the salvation of a cycle. You are establishing the reinforcements on earth required so there can be a chalice of the Earth herself to receive those Blessings yet to come. You cannot put off to another day the requirement of your lifestream this day. You can’t wait because your fire is required here and now.
  • You have been instructed in the rarified atmosphere of Ascended Master Consciousness and received many Blessings and Dispensations, but none greater than the ability to know and be the Mighty I AM Presence where you are. As the Light of God is afforded to you, you are tested. In the future, you can depend upon the initiations that require you to draw upon every erg of energy, Illumination and remembrance you have ever engaged in to bring you into the Victory. The magnitude of the united release of Helios and Vesta, Krishna and Sophia, Sanat Kumara and Venus, and Alpha and Omega will go to each plane of the earth body to heal it, charge it, purify and lift the burden so that the earth will carry that Edenic blueprint that will allow you to drink in more of the rarified atmosphere of Purity, Wholeness.

The Great Divine Director declares “The time is now!” “The cycle is now!” The Karmic Board requests your assistance, for the Ascended Masters are God-determined to have a Golden Age on Earth! During the 2012 Easter Conclave, Saint Germain, El Morya, Jesus, and each of the magnificent members of the Karmic Board released profound instruction on the state of the Earth; how the consciousness of God’s Sons and Daughters must shift; and what you can do to help that change. Learn how to wield the Sword of Truth on behalf of Cosmic Law and make a difference with your Calls, holding the balance for millions of your brothers and sisters across the planet! These Releases will help you stand as a Pillar of Fire in the oncoming Cosmic Light needed to re-chart America’s course to help her fulfill her Golden Age Destiny. The Ascended Masters look to you! Seize this momentous Opportunity!

  • The best way to enter into a closer association with a Master is to make yourself useful in their work. This you may do in the service you engage in after the class. There must be a focus of the Light of the Brotherhood, as the Emerald Ray of Truth, in all arenas of life to annihilate the cause and core of negative conditions and hold the balance so there can be a true redemption of the age. Everything that presents itself for your sensation needs to be held up against the standard of Cosmic Law. If it is found in the Realm of God Being, it is an example of Divine Truth. If there is no counterpart in the Realm of the Divine, it is error. The Way of Truth references the Divine.
  • Saint Germain commends you to the Cosmic Vow that you uttered before your first incarnation, for it was then that you came with the full weight of the Divine Plan and mission of your lifestream. It is his hope and desire that you would stand as a Pillar of Light with your crown fixed in the Great Central Sun and your feet anchored within the Sun-of-Even-Pressure in the center of the Earth and allow the Light to go to and fro so there can be a greater measure of balance restored to what is a sorry state of affairs. The greatest work occurs when there is the awakening within the lifestream of who they are, creating a world worthy of the Son and Daughter of God. It is a great opportunity to be incarnated as a Son and Daughter of God.
  • Here in America one of the issues we are dealing with is the total sanitization of every reference whatsoever to anything of a religious nature, the idea that God has no place in our government or country. The federal government is seeking to become the savior of every man, woman, and child in America. But the founding emphasis of this country has been on Freedom and the individual having the accountability to make of himself what he will. The Sword of Divine Truth and Cosmic Law must once more be the Law of the land.
  • It should be a comfort to you and bring you great joy to know that in spite of all the trials and tribulations and the wanderings through impure lands, you have come to a state of awareness that enables you to sit in the Presence of a Cosmic Being and receive their Blessing. What a glorious joy of expanding the Flame upon the Altar of your Heart so that you might have a greater grasp upon your own life, glorify God in all of Life, and assist those in positions of greater authority in the nations of Earth to make the right decisions for and on behalf of the masses. Your Calls do make a difference. You must understand that the Power of God can be released through your consciousness.
  • It behooves every prudent student of the Light to discover the Laws by which their Presence lives. The Presence is Cosmic Law and the Presence lives by the charge of Cosmic Law — Laws that are irrefutable, immutable, Eternal, and the Truth of each one’s own I AM Presence. For us to share the space where our Presence abides, it is for us to learn what those Laws of Purity and Harmony are and to make them the Laws of our being. Only in this manner can we enter into this Holy of Holies, the inner Electronic Circle where our Presence lives, moves, and has its Being. Cosmic Law has much to do with the “AM-ness” of the I AM Presence. It is the Universal Law of the Allness of God.
  • The Great Divine Director instructs that you are called to embark upon a most important assignment. He commends you to your calling and the commitment you have vowed to your Presence, to the Ascended Masters, and to Saint Germain to bring forth the Golden Age. The time is now! The cycle is now! The Karmic Board speaks to you throughout this Conclave to make you aware of the state of the Earth, of what must be changed in the consciousness of the Sons and Daughters of God, and of what you can do to assist that change. The Karmic Board brings you the understanding of each of the God Qualities as they are to be drawn into your life so that you might have all that you require from your own Presence. You must have a healthy brain in which to receive the Flame of Illumination. The Voice of your Presence is the most important aspect of life.
  • The rugged individualism of the frontier of Freedom that was in the United States as the spirit of the founding and the building of our nation and as the writing and the adoption of our Constitution is being undermined to a degree that would have been hard to conceive of long ago. Freedom, Individuality, Self-Reliance, and the Christ Virtues are being bargained away for a feather mattress made by the federal government, a panacea supposed to cushion every citizen from every adversity. Sons and Daughters of God are saying this is not the criterion, and we will not countenance this to be the future for ourselves and for our Freedom-Loving nations. Understanding the process of visualization helps you access the Realm of Eternal Being. Hold to the Thoughtform for 2012.
  • Cyclopea commends you to the Emerald Matrix Calls and the Ray of Purity to clear away the debris of human consciousness, ego, and pride that fuels the perversions of human power. Let the Christ Consciousness take its rightful place. Fashion your Calls to include all who are in positions of power to hear the Word of God and to have the clarity and the God Vision that is aligned with Elohim, with the Karmic Board, and with the Divine Destiny for the Earth! And when this Divine Destiny is held within their vision, call for the Constancy of that Vision to be upheld! See a Pillar of Fire and the Emerald Ray firmly fixed — surrounding all those in positions of authority — that will be that radiating factor as a Touchstone of Truth to remind them of the co-measurement of what is Real and unreal!
  • Let the One Being of the Presence be all around you. Work diligently to overcome any tendency to input a separation that would translate into a distance or a time span. The Realm of Perfection is as close as the Harmony and the attunement you are able to make. When you share the Consciousness of your Presence, you will find your Heart is one point of center and the “AM-ness” of your Presence envelopes all of that Realm within its Being — so that your Presence truly is everywhere in that level of God Consciousness. Cultivate the sense of the closeness of the Great Central Sun Consciousness used by your Presence, which you may use to charge space around you. Then send forth the Love Charge of The Good wherever you want Love to concentrate. As an Ascended Master, you will be the incarnation of that Love.
  • The Ascended Masters have gone to great lengths to give you every nuance of human conditions so that you would recognize them and make wise decisions to draw yourself out of the morass of the mass consciousness and elevate your vibration into that vehicle of consciousness that is in the Realm of God Reality where every good and perfect action, every good and perfect gift, every good and perfect momentum is established for you. The necessity for the lightbearers is to have a clear pane of transmittal of the charge of Light through each of the vehicles of consciousness so that it remains pure and holy. Constantly absorb the Violet Flame. Even in the midst of your day-to-day affairs, in the back of your mind, rehearse the Violet Flame.
  • What a Blessing and Mercy of the Law that there is such enormous Love of God that can be disseminated from on high and ultimately felt within the feeling world of those so in need, bringing them comfort, Peace, and letting them know that they are loved. The Karmic Board does not think less of you for bringing your challenges to them. They understand, and you are always met with Love. That Sword of Cosmic Truth that you have come to know will be there. But when your Presence determines you must go through a particular learning circumstance in life, even the Karmic Board must bow before your God Presence. Let your Heart be at Peace even in the most confounding circumstances of life so that you might hear the Voice of God conveyed to you across the Flame of Truth of the Loving Heart.
  • You have been given the opportunity to expand upon the Truth of Cosmic Law for yourself. You have been given the example of what occurs when you put the Light of God into your alchemy and then hold to that Fire, bringing the fullness of Perfection of God into your creations. It is the accumulation of right thinking, right action, and that vibration that is resonating with the Truth of Cosmic Law that prepares you for greater discernments. When you vest yourself with the garments of your Christhood, you are preparing to be the example of a Christ so that wherever you go, whomever you come in contact with, you will have the Vibration of the Christ Flame. You have the glorious opportunity to enrich your life with the full glory of your Mighty I AM Presence.
  • We trust you will join with us in galvanizing your free will and crystallizing the determination that America will not be overrun and destroyed. We will preserve her for the Dawning Golden Age, for which she was intended. Fill the land with such a charge of Ascended Master Light that it is packed so full, it leaves no place for anything less than itself. Visualize an Electronic Circle around this land. Then see the Light of 10,000 Suns as the dazzling White Light of the Panoply of the Christos of the Great I AM who hears your Heart’s Call. You are the Authority that allows that Great I AM to hallow space and to bring forth the fruits of Cosmic Law so that the Law of God, the Truth of Cosmic Law, must be the Law of the land. Cosmic Law is the Law of The One.
  • In his 2012 Easter Address, Jesus speaks to you of the Responsibilities of Christhood and of the great importance of making the Calls. Although you can’t change anyone’s momentum that doesn’t want it changed, their Mighty I AM Presence can make that change. So between you and your Calls to the Heart of God at your Altar and the I AM Presences of the lifestreams engaged in unreality, there can be a shift in the currents and momentum upon the Earth that allows for a greater portion of the Light of God to come into action in the thought and feeling worlds of the Sons and Daughters of God. This is a time for you to come to the fore, to put on your Christhood, and to be stalwart, faithful, and true to the Commandments of God to take Responsibility, to Sacrifice, to fulfill all the requirements of Cosmic Law, all under the Authority of your Presence.
  • Delivering the Emerald Ray as the Sword of Truth, Pallas Athena stands before you from the Karmic Board. She reveals what she holds in her Vision for the Earth. Athena teaches you how to achieve mastery and states what is asked of you — that every moment be an opportunity for the Spark of God to leap into action. The Earth is in one of those cycles that requires you to engage — you as your Presence issuing the Christ Command. It is time to be the Presence of God you have desired to be. For a Golden Age to occur, you must set the example and stand in your Christhood. Until you have understood what it means to stand in the Fires of God, you can’t be an instrument of God. Regardless of former pursuits, all can become the Christ
  • The Goddess of Liberty reveals glorious good news for the Earth: the Karmic Board and other Cosmic Councils have come to ignite a Fire of Freedom. She proclaims a day of new beginnings, initiating you into the next level. When you approach your altar, if you are right with your vibration, you will feel the Flame burning more brightly. You will feel the charge of Light begin at the first word you utter. Your Calls will be expanded more than you thought possible. Your Fountain of Light will begin its acceleration. You will have the Vision of the Ascension and understand the Transfiguration. As you resurrect your vehicles daily, you will feel the shift and charge of the Power of God. The Goddess of Liberty looks forward to looking in on you as you give your Calls. She will be the first to breathe upon the Flame of your Altar.
  • If you feel the Love of your Presence as the Love of the God of very Gods, the Compassion of your Presence for all mankind, and the desire of the Godhead to redeem this world, you will take upon yourself the Responsibility as a burden of Light to uphold the world while you are yet in it. You will have the serious sense that the time remaining to you in this life is precious and your Presence desires to use it productively for this great work of salvation — the World Action of the Great Commission with the multiplication of Heart Flames engaged simultaneously in the Freedom Vigil and the Violet Flame Vigil. Initially, there will be five Heart Flames sending forth the Light twenty-four hours a day for a three month cycle. Hold the vision that the Sacred Fire invoked by these vigils will be an Unfed Flame that will continue to burn as the Dispensation expands across the world for the Golden Age.
  • Instructing that Arjuna is a great study in how to be the Christ, Lord Krishna tutors you on your Divine Mission. Your first activity must be giving a home for the Light within you, allowing for that Divine Being of your True Identity to come into your body temple. You are of worth, being born of the royalty of the Presence. As such, remembering who you are is most important in your day. Strive mightily to change the way in which you move through life. Hand over the reins of your vehicles to the Mind of God. The Oneness with the Charioteer of your life will guide you directly into the heart of all that you require; all that you desire.

Glory in the Consciousness of the Great I AM shining as the brilliant effulgence of the One Light! Re-experience what it means to stand at that Moment of the Natal Day of Unconquered Light! Before the separate outpourings of Light, Life, and Love there was Lux Invictus, the Firstborn Light of The Good and The One. During the 2012 New Year’s Conclave, the Ascended Masters imparted invaluable instruction on the secret mysteries behind the all-pervading, intelligent, limitless Light of God that creates and sustains the universe. In addition, momentous Releases by the Archangels of the Five Secret Rays will charge you with the Divine Qualities of these Rays, helping you master the Christ Virtues and understand the Elemental Forces of Nature. Learn how to work with God’s Light to increase your Spiritual Power and turn your entire world into Perfection. These Teachings are your guidebook. Joyous Lux Invictus!

  • This conference is intended to be an experience of going up to the mountaintop pinnacle of God Consciousness to bath in those eternal God Moments when the Light unfolds into the Eternal Being and then explodes out into the world of becoming. The purpose of incarnation is that the Great I AM has elected to fashion Perfect expressions of itself that are complete in every possible way. The Great I AM is self-made and self-created. Lux Invictus is a Light from which everything else has differentiated. The Consciousness of your Presence is its own source of Light and Love.
  • You are not to attain mastery in the final hour before your Ascension; you came into embodiment to have the full command of Christ Consciousness now. For there to be God Good come forth, there must a Son and Daughter of God able to hold that Light and anchor it all the way to the center of the earth. The fabric of life is woven together so that there can be a Ray of God Consciousness that streams forth from the Great Central Sun to the center of the earth and feeds Light into every Heart Flame called to embody.
  • El Morya expresses his joy at the coming of the Archangels of the pranic breaths. I count this night as a wondrous cycle the Karmic Board and Cosmic Councils have determined for you. From this day on, there will be those who will know the names of the additional Archangels. Songs will be song. Artists will paint renditions. Stories will be told. But you will know they have always been long side you since the beginning of your incarnation. Let the rejoicing go forth across the land. The Archangels have come and are here to announce themselves to you.
  • The goal of this Conference is to have you encounter the God Consciousness of Light, or the Light that is God’s Consciousness. You are kin to this Light, having the shared common Source in the Allness of the Godhead. Everything of the sidereal universe is within you, nothing is outside of you; all is a part of your selfhood. All the cascading levels of Reality and creation can be traced back to one originating point, even to the level of the three-dimensional Earth plane. And then all return back to their point of origin, where Lux Invictus emerges as the Light of The Good, the Light of The One.
  • Standing as a Purple Blue Angel from the God Star Sirius, Roiiel, the Archangel of the First Secret Ray of Responsibility and of Akasha, comes at Elohim Surya’s request. Roiiel’s Divine Name holds within it the engram and fohat of the Royal Birth of the pure estate that allows you to fulfill your divine responsibilities. Roiiel renders you the vision to behold the Face of God, and asks you to think how important it is to uphold the discipline of the Law, exercising your free will election to invoke the Presence of God where you are and have your Presence dissolve all that has plagued your consciousness for many lifetimes.
  • Shaddiel, Archangel of the Fifth Secret Ray of Constancy and the Earth Element, holds fast to the Golden Purity of the divine complement of the Earth of the Elohim Regulus. In the Fohat of his name is Light and the streaming golden elixir that will infuse your body temple with a momentum that accelerates its very cells. Call to Shaddiel’s Angelic Realm for assistance in clearing all of the debris that must go into the Flame so that the Golden Age may thrive.
  • At that threshold of the absolute of the Good and the One, there is released this Light that manifests and lights up all of the realms of eternity. Then it continues to cascade and propagate itself into all of the realms of creation, the realms of Coming to Be. This Light goes through major and minor cycles and even if it comes down to the lowest Earth element, it immediately begins its return journey. This Light is in constant divine circulation, all driven by the Heart of God. And when this Light first comes forth as this Light of The Good and The One, it is prior to even its mode of behavior as being; prior to God Love. Soon it develops into being, and the movement of being as Love.
  • Adonel, the Archangel of the Second Secret Ray of Authority and the Air Element, reminds you how important it is to understand that you are the Presence right where you are. Understand your Responsibility and the Authority with which you are able to invoke the Light of God and have that Light respond on the instant. Mark well that you are in training every waking hour, for as your consciousness goes to those areas of life that require your attention, therein is your opportunity to exercise the Christ Consciousness, discerning, fashioning, forming, and establishing patterns of God Identity at every turn. Let your chalice be so prepared and disciplined as to not lose one erg of energy intended for God use.
  • By repeated journeys into that Consciousness of the One Light, you will see this Light is the agency that facilitates God being omnipresent. In addition, this One Electronic Light of God Consciousness lets God be All- Powerful. Discover your kinship with that Light; that you are it and it is you. Then in poised attunement, let that Light do its own operation through your upraised chalice as the internal Power of God Almighty flowing through your Heart. Each of the Five Secret Rays as the liquid Light currents are the means of transfer of the Allness of God and the transfer of your own Presence.
  • Anankiel, Archangel of the Fourth Secret Ray of Necessity and the water element, can open the door to your own indwelling attainment and mastery over your emotional body. When you call to his Flame, recognize the Fohat that shows you the pathway to forge to your Presence, allowing your emotional body to be readied to receive the charge of God Consciousness required to fulfill the need of the hour. Anankiel gives you a simple exercise for regaining composure, Harmony, and Poise. He reminds you that you require only one need in your life — your Presence, for that is the priority. Anankiel holds in his Consciousness your Victory and entrusts you to his legions of Angels to assist you throughout the remainder of your incarnation.
  • We are going to plunge into the sublime mysteries of the third Christ Virtue of Sacrifice. The unconditional giving of the divine selfhood that is in the Presence of God is God giving God’s very own selfhood to creation , pouring out the quintessential essence of that which God is in his innermost nature. The One and the Good gives of itself what it does not have. It is intrinsically what it is and because of this essence all it has to do is be what it is and there is an action from that essence that establishes something that is emulated by other levels of reality as well. That is the principle of undiminished giving which is exhaustless.
  • Archangel Agapiel comes in the Ruby Fire of God’s Love so you might have the piercing action of his Heart Flame to move you into a new vibration. When this Love comes forth from God, it will clear all the debris and allow your Heart Flame to be its divine purpose in life. The Love of Agape wants for nothing save only to be more of itself in creation. You are intended to exercise the Fires of the Heart so when those Fires are ignited they consume your human creation and anything that would block Love. When you give all, the Universal Sea of Light comes together and your chalice is filled to overflowing. When you call to Agapiel you will receive the action of the Ruby Fire and realize how these Fires will consume all you have dallied with throughout the ages.
  • This night represents one of the most sacred events begun in Shambhalla when Sanat Kumara offered himself as living sacrifice with his own Heart to beat the heart of everyone on this planet. The ritual we will reenact this evening is that signature Dispensation whereby the pressure of the Heart Flame of the Lord of the World magnifies our hearts within the 4 lower bodies and augments our Heart Flame, nurtures it with his great Love, and causes it to be its own unfed Flame of the Heart.
  • All are yearning for Home in the Heart of God, and once you experience that, nothing can take that experience from you. When you came into your first incarnation, you did not consider all that must be remembered, but here you are rediscovering how to infuse the Flame of God into your body temple. The Light of God you call forth can bring Peace to the water element, Illumination to the mental body, Will of God as the Power of God to move you through all adversity because you have instilled Peace in your life and drawn forth the memory of Home. And once you have mastered this, you can be at Home wherever you are. No greater Love could be experienced than to know the Presence of your own Mighty I AM. The Thoughtform of the year — the vision of the Earth as a Golden Age — is described.
  • The Ascended Masters are ever concerned that you should be able to sustain the contact between your outer experience and the Realms of God Reality that is your true home and to which you are returning. Every individuation of God is an individual focus of the Good and the One. And as such, it is its own source of everything required to sustain creation, identity and Being and the divine plans of all life. All of life is intended to be a process of this individualization of God in action, coming forth from that essence pouring into action and activity. So long as God is permitted to be the directing intelligence and the Law of Life, all is well.
  • When you bend cry out to the Presence of God and the healing Angels, are you remembering to call forth Wisdom so you have sufficient Illumination for there not to be a reoccurrence of the disease you have experienced? You are lord and master of your life and responsible for everything that out-pictures in your life. You have every opportunity to call forth the Light of God to change your habits and instill in all of your life every detail of the Christ that is aborning on your Heart. The vehicles woven together by the elemental forces of nature house the Flame of God you are. They breathe through each of the planes of God Consciousness that have been given to you for your wise use.
  • Why has it taken so long for the Sons and Daughters of God to ascend? The answer is free will — your decisions and how to utilize the Light of God. Alpha and Omega stand in the Great Central Sun and send the Blue Fire White Fire Sun to each Son and Daughter of God, to every part of life, so there is sufficient Light for every part of life touched by God to excel and expand. You have been charged with their Consciousness and Momentum of Light as much as the Law will allow to be released
  • Never again will Christmas or New Year’s be the same, for they will be wrapped on either side of time by this magnificent rejoicing of Lux Invictus, which is truly intended to be a celebration of the moment in eternity when the Great I AM burst forth in all of Its magnificence as the One Unconquered, All Encompassing Light of God. The Anointed Representative, Monroe Shearer, examines the different modes in which the Light expresses: as this bursting forth of the Firstborn Unconquered Lux Invictus; as a trinity of action, of Love, Life, and Light, the three components that are one; as the Universal expression of the Great Sea of God’s omnipresent Presence that is everywhere in action; and as the Ascended Master Light that has vowed to never descend below the level of Perfection.
  • Let that Light illumine your pathway to keep you on the straight and narrow of the Divine Purpose for your life so that you might fulfill all that your God Presence has desired for you. You have come forth as this Divine Creation and it is to that Divine Wholeness in God that you return at the close of your many incarnations. Having come into the awareness of Cosmic Law in this lifetime, your role is to call forth the Light of God, to let the Light be multiplied, expanded, first and foremost, in your own life. It is a grace to incarnate. Its an opportunity to expand the Light of God, to draw forth more of God Light, Love and the Life as the body consciousness of the Mighty I AM Presence into your life and ultimately to touch the life of all of those you come in contact so that you are bringing something of value. For if anything is absent the vibration and the Flame of God it has no value. It is time for you to be put on the garment of your own Light and allow that Light to shine forth through all of your affairs. You are as near to the Allness of God as your own Heart Flame, and when it begins to spin faster and faster, knitting you together in that Divine Concert of your own Causal Body and Mighty I AM Presence, you know the Power of God is transferred to you and you are invincible, invulnerable, for God is at the helm of your life.
  • Torch Bearers have a Flame to carry from heart to heart, inspiring the divine imaginations of the lightbearers around the world to the glorious future and destiny that awaits them. Throughout history, the Brotherhood has sought to define the nature of a person. We want to draw your attention to the forces of Light that are standing ready and are already moving through the earth. The Light and the Dispensations necessary to move against the density of the world are present. The magnitude of your calls to the Light will align you with certain actions that are the antidote to those worldly conditions. We are not alone in this work. There is always a device for the stepping up of the Light. At this time it is the Golden River of the Helicon and the Secret Love Star with its nine points of dazzling Light. You have this Cosmic Light at your back. You need to know it exists, put attention upon it, and harness it.
  • How do you come to the awareness of God in your life? You tear down the barriers of your own human conditioning that has woven a shroud over the precious Heart Flame that your Presence has entrusted you with. When the Sons and Daughters of God do not hold on high their vision, intent and vibration, slowly those vibrations begin to be absorbed into human consciousness and the riptides of thought and feeling. Once you have the awareness of the Mighty I AM Presence, you are able to begin to believe the highest and best for yourself and for every Son and Daughter of God. With the coming of Lux Invictus as a Dispensation, the magnitude of Light released has given many a new level of awareness of their own life. With each Dispensation and the stepping up of the Presence of God into the affairs of the Sons and Daughters of God, there is the requirement to accelerate the disciplines of decrees, right thinking, action and use of all that is given. Sanat Kumara calls for the release of these Instructions to go far and wide.

Great Goddess Pallas Athena proclaims the Golden Age! Call to her as “Athena Heliconos” and enter the golden streaming God Consciousness of the Helicon! During the 2011 Harvest Conclave, Pallas Athena and fellow Ascended Masters released in-depth instruction on how to use the Emerald Ray to access the Mind of the One God and attune with the Eternal Ideals that are the Truth behind every unreal condition. Learn how to practice the “undivided Presence” to utilize the limitless Power of your own God Self to meet every Necessity. Athena desires to be your sponsor, championing you to become the all-conquering hero like Odysseus and Perseus. These Teachings will help you stand with Athena and her Twin Flame, the Maha Chohan, in the flow of the Golden Helicon that will transform your world into the Golden Age of One, and the entire Earth into the Golden Age of Saint Germain!

  • We are here to send forth a mighty impetus from the I AM Presence out into the world, and to give the assistance you require to hold all that is less than Perfection in the Great Silence and then to expand the borders of the Kingdom of God from your personal world to include all of mankind. We will be learning and practicing the lawful intercession of the Masters in opening a means for the Individual I AM Presence to expand its Heart Flame to acquire the mastery and attainment that is in accordance with the Divine Plan for that lifestream. As we come to register the bedrock Truth and Reality about the attributes of our Presence, we will trigger the release of that into our outer life. The attributes of Pallas Athena and the Emerald Ray are outlined.
  • Those willing to receive that acceleration being offered are to be beneficiaries of all that can be given to assist you. Understanding why you incarnate to begin with is a most important part of the process. Many times it takes more than one incarnation to prove the Law on a particular action of the God Quality that is to be mastered by the lifestream. You are required to know without doubt that when you approach the Ascension Flame and that Current is established through your vehicles to raise your vibration into oneness with your Presence that you will not be looking back longingly, attached to any part of life. It is Serapis Bey’s desire to assist each one to realize the Purity, the White Light of the Mother Flame, burning brightly within them to carry them into the final hour of the Ascension.
  • The Archangelic Kingdom is able to perform great works and assist you at all levels, not merely to stand by your side but to instill within your vehicles of consciousness a charge of their God Consciousness that will allow you to accelerate your vibration and throw off the negativity and human creation that would weigh you down, keeping you from the acceleration into your Presence. Your Presence is the source of life for your vehicles and thus desires to give all, to assist at every turn. You receive more when you make yourself ready, surrender to the Heart of God, interact with the Holy Angels when they come into your midst, radiating their Essence of God. These angels love you, for they love the Flame upon your Heart and wish to have that Flame fill your chalice. The price you pay is the striving and opportunity to be in that Flame.
  • The Anointed Representative discusses the three major outpourings and they interact with each other in relationship to the necessities of life that have to be mastered and the obtaining of dominion over the elemental forces of one’s own personal world. As you enter into the stream of Consciousness of your Presence and feel and know the Light going forth from your own Mighty I AM Presence, you will breathe a sigh of relief inwardly and be filled with Peace. More and more, being on the Path means you are ratcheting up each of your bodies with the outpourings of Life, causing them to accelerate to at faster and faster spiritual frequencies.
  • Take dominion with the Flame of God that burns upon the Altar of your Heart, for it is with this vehicle that you exercise the Christ Command that puts into motion the design, the outpouring of the Will of God and the opportunity to fill your chalice with all that is the Presence. It is time for you to come into your own, appropriating those Divine Attributes of the God Qualities that are your Mighty I AM Presence. It does not matter if there is one Heart Flame or millions of Heart Flames, your Flame is known intimately. That should give you great pause of consideration for all of the things you engage in. The Hand of God will guide you. The Mind of God will execute the Divine Intent into actuality. This body you wear was built for you in Love. That Love can only be known when you are in communion with your Mighty I AM Presence.
  • To embody the Love of God is most difficult for many lifestreams for that Love demands that there be Purity, Illumination distilled as the wise use and the Will of God in answer to that Love. The Holy Angels desire to take from you the patterns of unreality, allowing for their Consciousness to be absorbed into your body temple so that they might wash clean your garments and leave you in Purity recognizing the God Flame that you are. If you do not realize the responsibility you have as a Christ, then you will not know to act upon it when that Divine Will of God prompts your Heart Flame. It matters not how much you know; it matters that you know who you are.
  • The Mighty I AM Presence is impersonal God Power. Part of the mystery of how to direct this God Power of the Presence is to acknowledge, accept, and affirm at all times that the Presence is always in action. That is called “practicing the undivided Presence.” Hold to the undivided Presence by establishing a beachhead by building up your Electronic Circle of Protection. Facing outward, it insulates and isolates your personal space. Facing inward, it seals off your outer awareness from anything not transmuted in your mind, memory, and emotions. Your thought and feeling worlds are then free to be the vehicles of your Presence. As you reenter this realm of the One Being of the One Presence, you will discover how active that Presence of the One is
  • Archangel Michael asks you to protect those coming into embodiment. You are the salvation of the next generation to come. If you are not holding the Purity, the Immaculate Concept, of these little ones, who will? They need your calls. They need you as much as mankind needs them. There will be a change and a shift of Light and dark on the planet. These little ones can be the salvation — for among them are the 7th root race, trained to hold fast to Purity. They will make a difference. The world is going through a required adjustment period. Your calls assist greatly in mitigating cataclysm. When you are tempted to set aside your Decrees, think of those who know not where to call, where to turn. Go to the altar; do all you can do. You will see great reward for your service
  • It is one thing to have an understanding of Cosmic Law, and it is another to have arrived at the true co-measurement that you as your embodied Heart Flame must play as you seek to operate through these lower vehicles. This afternoon we are going to stress some of the imperative states of moment to moment consciousness and radiation that must flow through your 4 lower bodies. The Angels can rally with your feelings and thoughts, and assist you with maintaining Harmony and Faith so your world is able to transfer according to the Law of the stepping down of the Rays of Light from your Presence in order for that Light to achieve what it wants. This can only happen if you invite the Angels and have some degree of acceptance about the process.
  • The Goddess of Light wraps her Causal Body around you, activating the charge from within your own Causal Body to come to the fore to assist you. For you to gain the Mastery that began long ago, you are required to engage in life. You need not go looking for initiations. You must look first and foremost within the folds of your garment of consciousness. That is where the real battle is won. Your Divine Plan is the accumulation of all of the Victories, all that you establish in the co-creative process of the Divine Holy Light that is entrusted to you. Maintain a high vibration at every level of your being so that when you are called to stand with the Sword of Truth you are ready.
  • This Path requires that you exchange your old mind and its perceptions and put on this Divine Mind with its way of perceiving. There are many accrued blessings as you enter into the stream of consciousness of the Mighty I AM Presence and its way of looking at life. The uncompromising stream of God Reality must be agreed with and entered into and adhered to regardless of any other tendency or temptation or entrancement. When you blend your consciousness with the Holy Christ Presence and then the Electronic Body, you will share in that Allness of Consciousness, that expansiveness at the level of your Presence. Then from that point of view, looking out on this three dimensional octave, you will know as that Presence knows, “I AM Everywhere in Action.”
  • You have the capability to allow the currents of the life force of your body temple to be in constant Harmony with the Mind of God at your command. All this and every creative endeavor from your lifestream comes forth because of the Flame that burns brightly upon your Heart. The Mighty I AM Presence has the limitless capacity to create, fashion, form and sent forth Rays of God Consciousness to all points of the globe. Your Mighty I AM Presence is a part of the Allness of God and, when necessary, in answer to the Presence’s call, legions of Angels and Ascended Masters, will augment all that is required to complete the task. It is your responsibility to learn how to fulfill the necessities of life.
  • Vision is the action of the Mind of God concentrating its attention to drive through into the realms of creation the coming to be of those patterns that are eternally forever in the Infinite Mind of God. This vision is also part of the mystery of the Fourth Secret Ray of Divine Necessity. The message of the Five Secret Rays above all else includes the theme that I AM the Way. I AM the open door to the Presence of God. It is a path that means that one willingly yokes oneself to the mission of the Mighty I AM Presence in life in whatever capacity that mission might call. The key to passing the initiations of the Necessity Ray is that Perfect Love of selflessness and of sacrifice.
  • Cyclopea knows well what it means for you to have to hold the vision for your lifestream, to have the Constancy of the striving required to elevate the Heart in joy to magnetize the very Currents of God that will bring you into that greater awareness of the co-creative process with God. Cycles come and the cycles go until one day everything is in alignment, all of the chakras are humming in attunement with the Heart of the Mighty I AM Presence and you awaken to the Reality of God. Your vision is able to perceive the Hand of God at work in your life. The Emerald Ray will be unleashed to course through you. It will begin its alchemy of magnetizing to you the Divine Attributes required so that each time you bring forth a desire from the Altar of your Heart it will be as though the Gifts of the Gods had created them
  • Archangel Raphael comes to the earth with his Legions of Angels and Beloved Mary to serve mankind in addressing the circumstances of ill health of mind, emotion, and the physical body that has so plagued the earth that it has cut mankind off from their creator. Your karmic patterns are different than another’s. And therefore you are working with a different set of equations. You may not understand why you are still dealing with a particular malady in your life, but your Mighty I AM is there to comfort you, to give you peace, to love you. Do not limit what God has rendered unto you, for this Light deposited upon the Altar of your Heart is capable of far more than you are giving it credit. For that is the open door to the Mighty I AM Presence and to each of these vehicles of consciousness that you wear and to all that you will accomplish.
  • Pallas Athena has been the sponsor of Golden Age culture. Part of her mission is to lift mankind’s consciousness back to its divinity. She stands between these worlds offering to translate, so you can receive elements of that Consciousness already formed within your Presence and of which your Christ Presence is aware. Through your service with her, Athena is willing to serve you, so you can have your outer consciousness living in that exalted state. Athena’s twin flame is the Maha Chohan, who focuses the Golden River of the Helicon. Athena plays the role of “Athena Heliconos” — she who holds with the Maha Chohan the impetus of the Golden River, anchoring it in the physical. You can almost see an emerald sheen at the edges of that river.
  • Pallas Athena proclaims the Golden Age! This is an age of opportunity — the age of the Golden Helicon. Athena is the Mother who will stand in Strength to show you who you are. Her gift to you is the matrix of her name as “Athena Heliconos.” Call to Athena in that Flame when you desire to enter the Golden Helicon, and together you will know the Golden Age. Should you find it difficult to bridge that gap between your Heart Flame and the Helicon, Athena will be standing there. She will hold the door open, keeping the watch with you. At day’s end, you may rest in her attainment, going to the inner retreats where you may be restored with the Truth of Cosmic Law and divine intent. Remember to elevate your gaze back to your Presence, to drink in the Golden Helicon, and remind your vehicles that the initiations they go through are to forge the Ascension.
  • Mighty Cosmos instructs you on the consciousness of an adept of the 4th Secret Ray of Necessity and the role of the Five Secret Rays in your life. Look at your needs as an opportunity to exercise the Green Ray of God Consciousness, drawing forth, fashioning, and forming all with controlled precision, with every detail absolute. When you have the mastery of this Ray of God, you understand what an honor it is to know of its use and purpose. When you call forth the Emerald Matrix, it must be a focal point of meeting the necessities of your life. Cosmos will be ever present, holding his pressure of the Consciousness to allow you to have the Power and precision to perform perfectly all your alchemies and be God Victorious in all your affairs.
  • Every moment of waking consciousness is a moment coming forth from eternity as an opportunity for you to step out of the stream of mortal consciousness and enter into the Stream of the Divine Consciousness. Thanks to the indomitable spirit of the Presence of God that drives your conscious awareness and your life, you can expand the scope of your realization of life. You are now unmasking self-illusions and returning back into this River of Life. Once you know the Truth, you realize it is within your Authority as the Individualization of that Presence of God to trigger the activation of that Presence to swallow up the outer appearance in the All-Consuming Love of God.1
  • Since the beginning of the inception of your natal birth in incarnation you have known the sacrifice of your own God Presence. You have known what is has meant to be loved unconditionally, to receive all when nothing was asked in return. The Sons and Daughters of God are vested with the responsibility of learning how to use this Love of God in all ways. How glorious is the momentum of God Consciousness that you have been learning to receive. How greater still is the wonder of how that Abundance of God Love and all of the God Qualities can come through your consciousness when you are prepared. Do not think less of yourself than the fullness of the Mighty I AM Presence working through your being. Every day is an opportunity for you to appropriate upon your crown an expansion of the Flames of the Twelve Mighty Elohim
  • As the Ruby Fire goes across the world, those with bended knee who proclaim God with the full weight and measure of their Threefold Flame will be receiving this blessing as Dispensation of the Ruby Fire that will being a clarity and a raising of vibration sufficient to know the Christ Consciousness and prepare them for a future cycle. Chamuel and Charity understand that the distillation of God Love as the Ruby Ray can be a most intense Ray, and yet you must become adept and learn how to draw it into action in your life so that when it is necessary for you to clear the way to bring forth a Divine Alchemy, you will have the tools to bring it forth. Until you have completed your attainment on the Ruby Ray, you can call to their Flame and they will send their Angels of Ruby Fire. Allow for the expansion of your own Heart of Love and continue a rolling momentum of all that your Mighty I AM desires through you and with you.

As time, space, place, and condition hold no limits for your God Presence, they can hold no limits for you! Stretch your mind, expand your emotions, and be lifted into the Consciousness of Eternity! During the 2011 Easter Conclave, an unprecedented floodtide of Light was released as the Ascended Masters initiated new momentums and levels of awareness of God. These Discourses and Dictations will galvanize you into the Higher Consciousness required to turn over a new leaf, grasp a new God awareness, and participate in God’s Great Family in all of the Moments of Eternity in which your Presence abides. Come explore Eternity, where past, present, and future are One. Know the Destiny your Presence has decreed for itself! Celebrate your Eternal Being and Coming to Be. The tremendous Power of the Consciousness of Eternity can be yours through these Releases!

  • Religions follow this pattern: they have the glory days of the initial Dispensation from the Brotherhood, with those adepts charged with bringing forth Cosmic Law and moving civilization along. Those initial days of that timeline are never intended to be the final word, the be all and end all of everything intended to come forth. Our Activity and religion should look forward, upward, and inward to the Presence that stands even now as Master of all time, space, and eternity. Rather than holding our attention upon and memorializing the past, we uphold the eternal message of the lineage of your Presence. These are moments of eternity.
  • Apollo reminds you to remember your God Identity. It is time to connect with the Mind of God, establishing the I AM Consciousness, the I AM Light, so you will be prepared to receive the instruction from the Golden Helicon, appropriating that God Consciousness, momentum, and Light into your life. Strive for the Pure Identity of your Presence; for therein is the eternity of your life. Apollo will hold wide the open door to the Golden Helicon , so you might absorb more of that divine estate that is the glory of God and the eternal Now of every moment in time.
  • Imparting Cosmic Law, Hilarion trusts that you will adhere to his instruction, rehearsing it until your mind, emotions, and body begin to resonate with this Truth. You have a Mantle of Divine Right, which occurs only when your outer vehicles are resigned, disciplined, and submissive to God’s Will. Every day, every moment is a new challenge and opportunity for you to prove Cosmic Law, and establish within your life the miracles that unfold naturally as the Emerald Ray streams through you in those creative endeavors of thought, word, and action that express your Christhood. Ascension’s Path is the most benevolent endeavor for all Earth. You have a responsibility to your brothers and sisters of Light which can only be fulfilled if you walk in the Presence of God.
  • The intent of the Brotherhood of Light is to rivet your attention in the eternal, for you will discover that your Mighty I AM Presence is vibrant and alive in eternity now. The Great God Flame multiples its own Heart so that in that multiplication greater Service to life can be rendered. Readings from Plato’s Symposium discuss the original state of the coming forth of the Twin Flames and how each was obliged to unfold within itself the intrinsic sense of wholeness it had known in eternity in the Great Central Sun. Your Mighty I AM Presence is engaged in unfolding within your Heart the Allness of the Presence from within.
  • You are held within the Heart of the One God and all about you is all that you require, all your Heart could desire, to fulfill the Divine Destiny your Mighty I AM Presence embarked upon. The greatest Love of all is the Love that you are drawn within by the I AM Presence, for it is that great magnet that establishes a Harmony that flows within your vehicles. The Flames of God Love as transmutation gently lift one’s Divine Estate and true identity in God out of negativity and allow for that negativity to be consumed, giving you the truest Freedom. Saint Germain calls to unawakened Torch Bearers to let the Flame on your Heart allow for the Wisdom of the Flame of Love to be ignited in your life to draw you to the Cosmic Law of the Ascended Master Teachings.
  • See your Glorious I AM Presence as a Being whose natural habitat is the Spiritual Sun. From the Electronic Body of your Presence an orderly array of Electronic Light issues forth. As you have an understanding of these inner Truths ongoing throughout all eternity and grasp in consciousness all that is already the Authority of your Mighty I AM Presence, you will become the upraised chalice, poised and confident, able to trigger the release of the Infinite Power of your Presence. In contacting the Divine Patterns of the Mind of God, you realize the Presence is actively engaged in conceiving and holding these patterns. They are the thought of the Great God about itself.
  • With each Ray that streams forth from your own Mighty I AM, there is a purpose. At times necessity requires a greater abundance of Power to come forth and you must have vehicles prepared to receive that transfer according to the Will of your Presence. You are never given more Power, charge of Light, or Substance of God than you are able to withstand in the outer vehicles, put into active use, and establish as your Presence desires. So put away the sense of unworthiness. What then remains is: Are you willing to accept a closer association with your Presence? You are intended to live, move, and be within the Presence every waking and sleeping hour of your life.
  • Today is an exercise in the process of packing Ascended Master Light into every point of space where you are. You have permission to insist that this be the Law of Life for you and the world at large. This Ascended Master Light filling space is the divinely ordained solution to every condition you and all mankind face. The Ascended Master Consciousness, in which there are not dual expressions, must be lowered into the full chalice of your thought and feeling world. The plan is for you to hold the Vibration of the Ascended Masters in conscious awareness and let the Presence sustain your thought and feeling worlds between the Masters’ visitations. This is the formula of Attainment.
  • Kuthumi comes to awaken within you the desire to have no other god before the I AM Presence, drinking in the Divine Elixir of life that is afforded to you daily, allowing for the Flame upon the altar of your Heart to expand into all that you are and are to be. You try to determine if the world has what you are desiring when in reality you should be lifting your gaze into the Heart of your own God Presence and asking of the Presence: What is your Will? What do you desire for me to pursue? How must I fill my days in glory and honor of you? It is the edict of the Mighty I AM Presence of each lifestream to learn how to be the Presence, to put on the garment that is the Presence, and to function in your vehicles of consciousness by the desire of the Heart of the Presence.
  • We speak to all the mankind of earth, exhorting you to choose the best life can offer to you, to focus your attention and to draw forth the higher God Reality that is your own Mighty I AM Presence. You are tethered to this anchor point of God Reality, the source of all good things to come to you and every part of life. The Rock of God Identity that needs to be elected, attended to, and used as the model upon which the individual and civilizations should model themselves is the Electronic Body. It is the fond hope of the Ascended Masters that more and more you be able to register the Touchstone of your own Mighty I AM Presence and feel the Light Rays going forth in answer to your calls.
  • You must be concerned with your own Path, holding fast to what you know is the Truth of your own Presence in God. Are you absorbing that Presence in your life? Can you with certainty enter into meditation on the Heart Flame within you and touch the Consciousness of Himalaya’s Heart Flame? Until you can do this, you have not completed your journey. Beware not to put off to another day what must be started this very hour, for you know not the turning of the cycles for the earth and what might erode a way of life you have grown accustomed to. If you have not built enough momentum of the Vibration of the Presence within your day to day life, how can you enact all that is required in the moments when the greatest of testing may confront you? What matters is from this day forward how you will embrace life.
  • As the Reality ongoing in the Buddhic Realm is pressed more and more into the realms of the outer mind, the feeling realm, and the earth herself, the Golden Age will be precipitated. There is no substitute for communion with this Buddhic Realm, for in that Realm exist the tangible Reality of the Ascended Masters and the Cosmic Beings. The Buddhic Realm knits together the highest levels of the absolute Perfection of your Mighty I AM Presence with the outermost levels of your physical form. Already in the Buddhic Realm the so called Golden Age is accomplished and Victorious.
  • The Presence of God is always with you. But you must elect to be in that Presence, draw forth that Presence, and allow it to enact in your life according to its design and desire. The Goddess of Light comes to remind you from whence you have come and to establish enough Light around you with her Presence for you to consider how you will establish more of your Presence within your life. You must desire more of God than you desire all of the wealth and the riches of the lands, for the Presence of God will be the source of all that you desire, and at every turn your needs will be fulfilled. The Goddess of Light reminds you that the Sword of Excalibur has been extended for your use according to the Divine Estate of your Christhood.
  • The two most precious gifts you can aspire to are the living, breathing contact with your own Beloved Mighty I AM Presence and the contact and communion with the Radiation of the Ascended Masters. You have a Dispensation from your own Mighty I AM Presence, which is your present life. This gift of life is received from the Heart of your Presence moment by moment. The sponsorship of the Hierarchy comes forth imperceptibly from within out and is not ordinarily distinguished from one’s own attainment. The great giver is the Presence, and the Ascended Presences whom we call the Masters. Our life belongs to the Presence, and it is for the Presence to say how it shall be used in all cases.
  • There is still the ignorance of the Path intended for the Sons and Daughters of God to live. For health, well-being, and the abundant life of your God Presence to flow into your vehicles of consciousness, there must be a current of the Emerald Ray you are able to receive and allow to work through the outer vehicles, so that what you say, do, and touch has that element of the Christic Fire flowing through you to establish the current of Cosmic Truth that will align all of your affairs to report to you all required and desired by your God Presence. It is time for you to become that Christ Consciousness that is a vehicle of your own Mighty I AM Presence.
  • Every time you allow a thought to cross your mind, an emotion to stir within, or to engage in an action, you are determining the course of your path. The ideal is for your own God Presence to be at the helm, charting that course, maneuvering you away from the pitfalls, allowing the Mind of God to impress upon you those signs of Christ Discrimination so you choose what is right, what is just and what is according to the Will of God.
  • The Presence lives, moves, and has its being in Eternity — operating outside the confinements of time, space, place, or condition. As you withdraw from the fixation on outer limitations, and reinvest that same Faith, acceptance, and attention upon your Presence, you will no longer be chained to that which one creates in the outer world, and reenter Eternity. It is important that your attention be drawn to these actions occurring at the level of your Presence in Eternity and even beyond, the Mystery and Singularity of the One. As you do this, you will be feeding your attention where it should be, upon the infinite Source of your Presence, and you will already be transitioning into that glorious Body of your Presence that is ongoing in Eternity.
  • Elijah cries, Awaken to the Reality of God within you. For Resurrection Flame to occur in your life, there must be the sufficient Fire of God that searches out human consciousness, desires, and momentums and puts them into the Flame, leaving that pristine record that was your Edenic blueprint sown into your Heart. That is what you are striving to fulfill. As you prepare for this coming cycle of Resurrection Flame, cleanse and purify your vehicles and consciousness. Then, as the Ascended Masters come with their Consciousness of Light, you will know that the Hand of God is at work.
  • Paul the Venetian addresses you in the Power of Love that allows you to always know that God’s Presence goes before you. He releases this Love into the Earth for Holy Purpose — to command the Heart Flame of each Son and Daughter of God to rise up, expand, and knit together one Heart with another, so that there is a greater whole of the fabric of God taking dominion in the Earth. You are commanded by this Love to try until you have won the Victory. “Try” should be your middle name. It matters not what is presented to you; you should have enough Love for God that you never give up or are dissuaded. Have you loved with unending fervor God’s Presence in your life? That is the key to fulfill the Commandment of Love that your Presence desires.
  • It is important that you make room in the formative chalice of your thought and feeling world for that eternal, timeless, spaceless Consciousness of your Presence to radiate through you. Your Christ Presence, with the speed of thought, can focus itself wherever in the whole Buddhic web it may wish. In that realm of eternity where your Presence abides, that Presence knows all things for all eternity. Your Presence gets to stay in eternity, and at the same time, it gets to unfold its nature in the formative aspect of itself in time and space. There is tremendous Power in this Consciousness of Eternity. Side by side with the quality of eternity, there are many other divine attributes, divine principles, that are tangible and everlasting God Realities.
  • Omega initiates you in the greater awareness that is present within the Allness of God. She imparts to you all that is possible, so that you can stretch your mind, expand your emotions, and touch the very Body Consciousness of your Presence — and then allow yourself to touch the One God and have the transfer of that Consciousness in the Allness of God displace any vestiges of unreality still lingering in your life. Receive the charge of Omega’s momentum of Light, the Body Consciousness of Wisdom, and the understanding of the Power of Love, as well as your own mantle of the Will of God as determined by your Presence. Omega initiates new momentums; new levels of God awareness necessary for a new Dispensation and opportunity for the Earth.
  • It is time for you to begin to think as does your Mighty I AM Presence, to know as your Presence knows, to awaken to those eternal realities that are the native realm of your own Mighty God Presence; to expand and expand your awareness of the nature of your own Presence so you will be able to cooperate with the Powers of that Presence that have been banked unto the present moment, awaiting the dawning within your conscious awareness the ability to liberate that Power to produce in you the miracle of change in this world and to restore you to the fullness of your Divine inheritance. No thing or no one ever ceases to be that which they are at each of the levels of God Reality.
  • Archangel Michael comes in the fullness of the Flame of Protection to instill within you the Faith to go beyond where you have thought possible. You should be approaching every initiation, every situation, fulfilling all of your responsibilities as though they were already attained in the fullness of the Victory of the Light. Michael asks if you remember the angels he has given you to command each day. You may not know how to accomplish a particular task, but your Presence knows, and many of you already have a Causal Body momentum that will assist you in the beginning processes. All is right in the Kingdom of God when the Sons and Daughters of God are responsive to the Will of the Mighty I AM.
  • There are very few lifestreams who have a living, breathing connection to the Selfhood they have always been in eternity: the Mighty I AM Presence. All impulses of qualified consciousness return back to the point of origin, carrying with them a life record. This means that for the Presence there is an unbroken stream of awareness of all good that has been sent forth into the universe. The Presence bore the impress of its own record of stepping forth from the Great Central Sun, knowing every moment of eternity it had ever experienced. This was the plan for all who incarnated.
  • The Ascended Masters come to remind you, to teach you, to transfer the Body Consciousness of their Momentum so you might have a greater portion of the Substance of the Body of God to keep you on your journey through all your days. The entirety of your lifetime is an Ascension one increment at a time. It takes Illumination to understand the highest priority for any moment. You must establish Illumination’s Flame so when you are ready to avail yourself of the disciplines necessary to hold the Light your Presence desires to flood through you, you will be prepared to hold it. Then what you might do could make a difference in the lives of others. You must have the Flame of your Presence burning so brightly you know your mission in life is to be God Victorious.
  • It is the Divine Plan to absorb and accumulate more and more Light and Life. How the world could be a different place if mankind only knew of the precious Life and Light of their Presence that they were receiving into their worlds daily, and the containing and preservation of that Life and Light for divine purpose. The ideal for God’s Sons and Daughters vested in their mastery: have all of your bodies overflowing as a cup of liquid Light with Perfection, Harmony, and kindness toward every part of Life. Then when there is a sending forth of the Light, the cup is immediately filled. Safeguard this energy in your world.
  • Reminding you that you are precious in the eyes of your Presence, Kronos instructs you on God Love, the greatest gift of all. Once you have understood how that Love works through you, you have a greater understanding of how important it is to have the full Sacrifice of that Love in all areas of your life. Never waste one erg of energy or feed God’s Light into negativity or the debasing of life. Always uphold the Divine Qualities in Vibration, in pattern, in detail, in intent. You are responsible for what you create; what you feed your energy into; what you allow your mind to think; those actions you engage in. Let your Heart be so soaring into your own attainment in the Christ that you are capable of discerning what is the Divine Quality your Presence is sharing with you at any given moment.
  • The Light of your Presence must build up within your four lower bodies, and be concentrated and full-to-overflowing. A key to accumulating Light is the action produced by your Presence known as the Electronic Circle. This activity is threefold: 1. The outward facing away from center to guard your consciousness against all forces that would break your Harmony, not allowing any penetration of mortal consciousness; 2. The inward force that allows the Ruby Fire to search out and cleanse the untransmuted karma within your vehicles; and 3. the action of Divine Limit (not human limitation).
  • Anointed Representative Monroe J. Shearer answers a variety of questions posed by Ascended Master students attending the Conclave. These questions concern: the guardianship of Love and the protection provided by the Angelic Kingdom, the Ascended Masters and Cosmic Beings; the human phenomenon of time and the nature of consciousness before and after the fall of mankind; the various stages of drawing down the Light of the Presence from within out; the patterns forged by the Mind of God as living visualizations for each life stream for their “Moments in Eternity;” and the important Dispensation of the Golden Helicon.
  • Championing your Victory, Saint Germain instructs you on the requirements for mastery: Remember the fullness of your God Identity; no other love can come before your Presence; be washed clean by the Violet Flame, the Ruby Ray, and the White Light of Purity; protect your Threefold Flame; expand the Presence of God where you are; drink of the Light from The Temple’s Altar and absorb more of the Body Consciousness of God and the Illumination of Cosmic Law; make the calls to go to the Chohans’ and Archangels’ Retreats; keep up your devotions; and let your mind and heart expand and realize the Great I AM and the One God. Your daily call to your Presence should be: Chart my course so I might be God Victorious!
  • Through the Temple of The Presence, a foundation of the spiritual sciences and Cosmic Law is being laid so that the principles are clear, reason is drawn upon, and the Light of Consciousness, the firsthand feeling of the Vibration of various God Qualities and Beings, can be felt. Coeur de Lión is a university of the spirit, where the true Teachings of the Ascended Masters can be set down for this and future generations. This is a serious first step toward bringing the Golden Age into the physical. Our fond desire is that in this way of setting forth the Teachings, they will become the vanguard Faith. We shall set an example and prove the viability of this Path as something that has Power and can produce change for the better in this world!
  • Mother Mary gives you her Emerald Momentum, reminding you that your Presence holds the Immaculate Conception of all that is perfect within you. Your Presence expects you to multiply your talents. Start the disciplines today that allow you to be sure you are fulfilling all the Virtues and practicalities of the Christ. In order to initiate cycles of the Emerald Ray, you must be a student of the Rays that precede it, including the Seventh Ray of the Violet Flame, for that, too, is an important part of the alchemy of the Emerald Ray. For true healing and mastery to manifest, you need to apply the Law. When you have striven as much as you can, then the Mercy of the Law and the setting aside by the Karmic Board of all that might be standing in the way can occur.
  • Cyclopea gives you an understanding of the Emerald Ray, along with a description of and invitation to his Retreat. He explains that you came into embodiment to learn how to call upon the Presence and draw forth the Presence through your spiritual centers, so you can be God where you are. The Will of God utilizes the Emerald Ray. Illumination’s Flame cognizes patterns, but the Emerald Ray brings them into manifestation. You may Love, sacrifice, and give, but at some point it requires the Emerald Ray to carry it into manifestation. The Purity of the divine blueprint of the White Ray is exacting, but the Emerald Ray must take that blueprint and fashion it into the thought forms, the patterns, and the Light that will be crystallized into manifestation.
  • The Ascended Masters desire to anoint you with a baptism of Fire that contains the God Consciousness of your Presence with its realization and visualization of the Victory of its selfhood in this world of form. For Jesus and the Ascended Masters, there was as well a preconceived vision of that Ascended Master held in the infinite Mind of God of which their Presence was the incarnation. The Presence of each one has charged a fiat of its Will that it will ascend and has invested within that Daystar of Destiny a sufficiency of God Light and energy to achieve the task. The Annunciation of your own is being announced to you time and time again by the Ascended Masters.
  • When you proclaim I AM, you have the full Power of God behind that I AM and thus all comes into manifestation that has been given that Power. What remains is whether you can maintain it. There comes a time when you must be the one who stands in the fullness of the full Consciousness of the Christ. You are the Christ and therefore it is time to begin to wear that mantle. Although you may not have attained all the Qualities of the Christ, you are able to begin to practice all the exercises outlined for you so you have a greater opportunity to attain to those gifts. Discipline is paramount. There is nothing you go through that you cannot overcome with the I AM Presence. Jesus comes on Easter to rejoice in that moment in time when you will take your Ascension.
  • For the Christ Light to come forth, there must be Resurrection in every cell of your body. It must be invoked daily. When you have been infused by Resurrection’s Flame, the Consciousness of your own God Presence is then allowed to reveal to these outer vehicles how life is to be lived. When you are in the fullness of your resurrected state in the glory of your Christhood, you have entrée into the Heart of your Presence and your Presence has entrée into all of your affairs on the instant, for the Christ is already involved in your life and you have an instantaneous response.
  • God created out of his own essence and nature, and furnished out of his eternal being the very substance utilized as the basic ingredients for creation to come forth. Our God Presence is the sum total of all the Presence of God is. Hence, our own Mighty I AM Presence is the personification and individualization of all the Good that has been in the repository of The One since time immemorial. Each individualization of the Mighty I AM Presence knows itself to be the source of all it would require. Creation is a process whereby the Universal Patterns are distinguished at each level and brought out into the world of form. The imperative of being in physical embodiment is to master Divine Will.
  • In the Presence of God you know all; you understand your true nature: how you would hear the Voice of God, enact the Direction of God, and then become God. The more you elevate your consciousness into the Presence of God, the greater your ability to remember every nuance of your own journey. No opposition can ever overturn that which is decreed by the Presence of God. You must become the alchemist of the spirit of your own God Presence as it announces itself to you. You cannot be passive and make your Ascension. Take the hand of your Presence and you will know how to proceed in your life. It is now time to remain at home in the Reality of that Presence of God.
Teachings from the Ascended Masters to Help Youy Become One with Your God Presence and the Instrument and Beneficiary of God's Kingdom on Earth!

Imagine lowering the Supreme Abundance of God’s Kingdom into this physical world. Once you understand how to operate the Law of Life that governs the Realms of Perfection, this is not only possible — it is your Divine Birthright! During the 2011 New Year’s Conclave, the Ascended Masters released in-depth instruction on Cosmic Law and the Divine Perfection and Intelligence behind all creation throughout the Universe. Learn how to manifest the Perfect Patterns and Divine Design of your own I AM Presence and live life as “I AM on Earth, even as I AM in Heaven.” These Teachings will help you become the Open Door through which your Presence can powerfully release its Perfect Love, Light, and Life into this Earth to establish an anchor point where the Goodness of God’s Dominion can be expanded and maintained, reuniting Heaven and Earth and manifesting Saint Germain’s Golden Age, Here and Now!

  • This Conclave is about those inner realms of Perfection being out pictured here in this realm of form; the Kingdom of God manifesting even as it is already in heaven in the Ascended Master Octave. Have the sense that your Presence is the only Power and Authority for your life. As you do this, your life will out picture the Kingdom of God upon earth. Hold the vision of God Perfection swallowing up every lesser appearance. You can be confident when you say “I AM thy Kingdom come.” Your Presence has its own kingdom, its own miniature version of the Great Central Sun. The work to be done is in your four lower bodies, cultivating and weeding these bodies with pure desire, and transmutation and acceleration, so that that kingdom can be lowered.
  • Lord Maitreya comes in Illumination’s Flame to electrify your crown chakra and impart to you practical Teaching that you must adhere to for there to be the acceleration of God in your life. Illustrating how important it is to have Holy Communion with your Presence, he instructs that you must search your life from time to time and weigh that life against the highest vibration that has been experienced to date. Does your life measure up? Hold fast to what you know and have experienced. Build upon it, allowing for the Teaching that you receive to accelerate all that is good, right, godly, holy, and sacred within your life. For in doing so, you are always within the Will of God.
  • In the beginning, the One Presence affirmed: I AM Light. The behavior of this Light is universal in nature and is always consistent. Wherever this One Light is present, even when it enters into an infinite multiplicity, it remains one with its original Source. This means all creation is knit together as one whole by this Light. This is the part of God that agrees to be acted upon by other parts of God. You are acting upon Life in your thoughts and feelings, and these are instantaneously acting upon the outpouring of Light that will come back as a manifestation of your consciousness. You are Light itself and there is Freedom in the expression of that Light.
  • The Goddess of Light commands each one to receive the fullness of the Light that is availed to you. Invoke the Light and it will serve you. Squander the Light and you will be in need of all the requirements to uphold the Life, Light and Love of your Presence. Merely being in the proximity of the Light does not mean you will win the Victory. When your Heart issues the call to God, it is heard; it is answered; it is known. You are desirous of drawing forth the Kingdom of God. For this to occur there must be the awaking of your Heart Flame to work in your life. When you are in the Vibration of your Christhood, all things are possible. You have become the instrument through which your Presence can draw forth the Kingdom of God where you are.
  • When you arrive at the Great Central Sun and look at all of life, you will share the Consciousness of God, which simultaneously encompasses the totality of the universe. There is one Divine Mind from which derives the many. The One is tied to the whole multiplicity of the Divine Individualities of itself, and no part of creation is ever chopped off. The Great Central Sun is the center of the action of the Christ, which is the eternal Light that is ever expanding The One. It is the One Power moving throughout all creation, existing everywhere, and penetrating all manifestation. The Light is the Kingdom of God. To enter into the Light is to enter into the Kingdom. When you speak to the Consciousness within the universal expression, the Law operates for you.
  • You are called upon to activate and galvanize the energy, the strength, the Fire, so that when you command your body temple to respond, there is the teeming Light and God Consciousness that has been drawn forth at the hand of your God Presence. Creation comes about when the Mind of God enters your mind, is nourished, loved, and held out as the glorious gift to be given up to the Most High. With every step you take and word uttered, you are creating. When you fully appreciate this, you know Christ Consciousness, for that is the Love, the attention to God the Christ engages in. You are responsible for the Dispensations that come forth to the earth. You are the one who must draw forth into your life the Light of God.
  • No matter what appearances seem to be, there are no adverse conditions. With the disciple’s attention fixed on this Truth, only good can come from any condition. You must know that God in you is the only Directly Intelligence. You should be able to rise out of force fields of formative consciousness into the Consciousness of the Cosmic Christ and exercise Christ Discrimination long enough to understand what is going on. You can serve all of mankind by putting the dazzling Light of the Secret Love Star in place of appearances of negativity. Look past outer appearances to the White Fire Core of God Perfection that is active in every part of space.
  • The Elohim Arcturus comes on the whirling action of God’s Transmuting Love, commending you to the fullness of the Violet Flame. Should you give up all negativity, it will be gone by the end of his Address. Understand how important free will is in this Dispensation, for if you are fully engaged to be the chalice worthy of a Dispensation, then you are the greatest of receivers. It is not the Dispensation that allows you to accelerate. You must make the effort to accelerate. The covenant between the Almighty and the Threefold Flame of your Heart is that the Presence of God will always be there, will not deny you when you are in the right Vibration. Let the Violet Flame so move in your world this day that you enter the New Year a new man or woman.
  • Gautama would have you understand the Peace that comes when you draw into your life that glorious awareness that is your true nature in God. It is the natural progression of life to drink in the Body Consciousness of your own Mighty I AM Presence. No matter how much you absorb into your conscious awareness of Cosmic Law, internalizing it is the key. Gautama has longed for the day when each one in embodiment would greet the other with the sign of Peace, the unconditional Love of Harmony, and the recognition that the Will of God is good. The thought form for 2011 is the image of the Goddess of Liberty in her glory with the radiance of a Fountain of Light exhibiting a Threefold Flame action for the earth. When there is Freedom, God is present.
  • Divine Love is a constant universal outpouring of itself unconditionally and impersonally. It is Real, eternal, and God Perfect. Because Love is the first thing to come out of the One, it has a changeless nature. Love is the verb or the act of the Good. The numberless Individualizations are the outpouring of God Love. The Kingdom of God is fulfilled by the Presence coming forth through the doorways of the chakras when the four lower bodies are willing and ready to live according to the higher vehicles. Then there is a one-way flow from the Presence into the consciousness.
  • Bathing you in God Love, Sanat Kumara announces the Dispensation that the Secret Love Star will be radiating even greater magnitudes of God Love, God Light, and God Action so that each day you will recognize what calls should be made, what devotions engaged in, and what you should exercise as the Christ Command of your being to address all that will manifest throughout this year. You can no longer be timid, for you are who you are in the Presence of God, and you should be that Presence in all your affairs. You must be responsible for your actions every day. Let your Light shine and let the Presence of God be where you are. Let the Light, the Life, the Love of God propel you into fulfilling your Presence’s divine plan.
  • Instruction on guarding your consciousness and choosing well what you give power to in your life, especially teachings purported to come from the Ascended Masters. Those who would receive the transfer of the Ascended Masters’ God Consciousness will not be permitted to commingle that with the psychic plane consciousness of imposters of the Ascended Masters. Students must give accounting for the Light they receive. Q&A follows: the meaning of “monad” and “henad”; components of all three outpourings in everything manifest; leaving details of your calls to your Presence; and the relationship between the Great I AM and the Individualities of the Godhead.
  • Exercise your talents and fulfill the dream your Presence has for you. Allow the Flame of Freedom that you are to take dominion in your life; when there is a stirring within you to accomplish an ideal, do not let it languish — search out the next step required; adhere to those disciplines you know will assist you; have detail consciousness; clear away the debris of your human consciousness; let your decisions be governed by the Mind of God; keep your mind clear, resilient, exercised so that it can be responsive to all your Presence desires; and hold fast to the Thought Form of the Year, tracing its details. Let the charge of your Causal Body Momentum guide your talents. Call to the Great Divine Director to assist you.
  • Individually and collectively we must lower the kingdoms of heaven into the outer world of form. To be elevated to the status of a first born Son and Daughter of God means there can no longer be any gulf between who you think you are and your Presence. For your Presence, your Heart Flame is the outermost expression of its own Heart Flame. This means there is a tremendous worth that has always been present on the altar of your Heart. The Presence has never accepted in any way the limitations of the outer self. All within the Great Central Sun is tied to it as the Love, Wisdom and Power of your Presence. This is a consciousness you must guard.
  • To safeguard your Christ Consciousness, there must be a Constancy of devotion to the Heart of God. You are the Mighty I AM Presence, for that is the Flame on the altar of your Heart. All is for the glory of God. When you begin to adopt this as a way of life, you will have even greater blessings bestowed upon you. You are being held within the Body Consciousness of the Snow King and Queen so you might know you are loved and cherished. A Dispensation has been granted for the stepping up of the Mother Light, drawn forth from your God Presence through the Crystal Cord, to be deposited into your body temple. Guard well as it descends into your life, for you will know the difference.
  • Eternal watchfulness is a discipline your Heart enacts. It is saying: Pay attention to your Presence. Your God Presence will look to see if there is enough guard consciousness for you to be entrusted with more and more energy and Power of the Presence. You are the living, breathing testimony of how your Presence is announcing itself to life and fashioning creation of its own being through the chalice of your own formative nature. This is the whole of the Path ― to more and more set up the conditions evocative of the Presence coming down and raising up the chalice of the four lower bodies into all that the Presence intends those bodies to become.
  • The life you have lived prior to now is gone. It is consumed by the Flame of God. Today is the beginning of your new life. You have learned that the greatest Key to the Kingdom is the Love of God, for in that Love all becomes possible in your life. Understand that as you move through your day you are intended to make room for God. When you are fully engaged with your Presence, you have all available to you to maintain the highest Vibration required to fulfill your Fiery Destiny. Make no mistake that your destiny is to be in the fullness of your Christhood while you are incarnate. How glorious is the Heart of God when the devotees of the Light bring their gifts to the Altar of the Great Central Sun. Those gifts are sacred.

Throughout the entire universe, what is the core of all creation? Love! Master Love and you can lawfully command, control, and direct the forces of creation! During the 2010 Harvest Conclave, Lord Maitreya, the Maha Chohan, and the Ascended Masters released exquisite instruction on how you can be The ONE All-Pervading Love in Action — invoking and operating the Force of the Individualized Expression of the Self-Luminous Love of your own I AM Presence, just as the Ascended and Cosmic Beings do. Learn how to wield the scepter of Divine Authority and issue the commands of Love to the Great I AM THAT I AM that will manifest mighty miracles of Perfection in your life, your nation, and the Earth! These Teachings are the education you need to exercise your Divine Birthright to co-create with God and become the wise “Commander” of Love, constantly making a positive difference in the world!

  • You have been called to this Conclave to enter into Holy Communion and to have the command of Love to saturate your life so you are so filled that there is no discouragement. You stand fully vested in the Christ Garments to fulfill the desires of your God Presence. It is the Masters’ desire that at the close of this Conclave you will have gained enough attainment to not allow your human consciousness dissuade you from putting into motion everything guided by your Christ Consciousness. Saint Germain will stand near throughout this Conclave to assist you with an extra spin of Violet Flame to wash away doubt, questioning, and records that still remain. Establish within you the full Divine Command: Thy will be done, for I AM THAT I AM.
  • The Heart of God is everywhere and when you begin to discover for yourself how to access that Heart, your life becomes filled to overflowing. You must know the Heart of God to know God Love, for it is in God Love that the transfer of all that is to be conveyed to you occurs. You have within yourself the full Wisdom, Power and Love of God to heal all that is out of alignment. Maitreya has come so that you will hold in the forefront of your consciousness what your Presence expects of you, for this is a universal initiation that every Son and Daughter of God must go through.
  • Love Commanded and Commanding is a formula of overcoming, an All-Powerful way in which creation takes place and life flows on. This Conclave is to lift your hearts so you have an encounter with the Heart of the I AM THAT I AM. It is so valuable for you to understand how this Presence is to be encountered. The nature of this Presence is so fundamentally One that if the Presence is present, it is there in its totality. The Universal One Being is radiating Life and Light but it is Love going on. Once you reach the level of communing with that Being, you see that every part of creation comes forth out of that Love.
  • As you have a greater appreciation for the responsibility of the Threefold Flame to unfurl its Divinity into your outer vehicles, you will know what it means to stand in a Pillar of Fire and enact even the slightest nuance your God Presence desires. The greatest commandment your Presence desires for your vehicles is to love them with a love that nourishes and allows for the free flow of that very love to touch every part of life in which you are engaged. The Light is always with you, for you were born of and are sustained by that Light. You are called to stand before the Flame of the Nameless One to cast out all unreality you are aware of and all that is below the level of your conscious awareness.
  • Parmenides of the ancient Greek colony of Elea was lifted out of his body and escorted into the innermost realm of God’s Presence; that same Presence of which each Ascended Master and unascended being is an undivided part. His poem titled On Nature, conveys that: God is the Allness and the Oneness of the Presence; only God is real and all that does not share in the being of God’s Presence is truly unreal; everything is already there is the Divine Presence, for all creation in its infinite variety is a perpetual coming to be out of the changelessness of God’s Presence; all is an absolute Oneness; all is held together by the bond of Love; and God Power is part of the threefold nature of Love.
  • Sophia instructs you on Illumination’s Flame and God Love. Knowing the true nature of your Presence allows you to believe the best about yourself, and to put into the Flame those things you do not like about yourself. All of the good, the kindness, the generosity of spirit, the Love that you convey will keep you in the right Vibration that allows your Presence to walk with you, talk with you, work through you, love you. Sophia asks that you let your Heart create such a spinning action in the Threefold Flame that it is in constant radiance, vitality, and Light, illumining your Path, and guiding you to your Divinity.
  • One of the objectives of this Conclave is for you to have encounters within the Presence of God. Part of this process is the restoration and conferment of your Causal Body flowing through your outer awareness. A portion of your Individuality remained in the Higher Realms all the while it also emanated itself in this world of form. This thread of unbroken identity will be one of the initiations that come to you. With the correct understanding and practice, you can liberate the love and desire of your heart to connect with the Universal Presence, not only giving love but receiving love. As soon as you reenter that realm, you are loving and sharing other portions of your own self. The One Presence is your Presence Individualized. This means your Mighty I AM Presence is the God of very Gods.
  • Many of you feel a pressure upon your Heart Flame that pushes you to align with the Will of God. That Will allows you safe progress throughout your days, for the Presence knows what is best for you. You will know God Love when you are able to continue to stand in the Will of God. When you are in the traces of your Divine Destiny, you have the interest of the Manu of your Root Race thrusting forth, reinforcing your foundation, drawing you Home at the appointed hour. Those who wish to enter into communion with their Presence will cherish the opportunity to enter into the Will of God.
  • Two of Saint Germain’s writings as Proclus bear on the theme of this class. The lines of this first poem or decree call attention to the Great Sea of Universal Love and Light and the behavior of that Sea as giving forth all levels of creation; sustaining them as ordained and then calling them home. The second passage describes the inter-relationship between the Mighty I AM Presence and the Allness of the Presence of God expressing as Love and the Great Sea of Light and Life and Love. Proclus reveals his experience of the Individualizations of God and how they are associated with the One Presence and the Allness of Love of that Presence when it is expanded.
  • Lady Master Nada shares with you the secret that once you have touched the Light and Consciousness of your Presence, you may always whisper the prayer, “Come to me, for I desire your Love” to reenter the stream of God’s Light and Consciousness. The Love of the Heart contains the power to propel your life and every situation you face into the grand design that your Presence has held for you to fulfill. Love is at the core of every Presence, desiring only God Good, initiating Cosmic Order in all things, knowing that where there is Cosmic Law out pictured, God’s Presence abounds. This should be the Law of your Being. Let your Heart be so filled with God Love that you cannot hold it back, but must allow it to overflow your chalice and bless all you contact.
  • You will discover there is no love extended by you or received by you that is absent the Vibration of God. To accomplish change for the better, one must know what is better and then know how to achieve it. This is what the disciplines of the Teaching taught at this Altar affords every Son and Daughter of God. When you are right with God and your vibration is sure and constant, you will know what is expected of you and how to convey the desire of your own God Presence through your vehicles. You are important in the eyes of the Ascended Masters.
  • The full Fire of the Mother Light must course through you and draw forth all of the essence of God Love you require and desire. You must strive and engage the Flame of God in your life. Your Mighty I AM Presence is not in some heaven world so detached from your lifestream that you must wait until you are ready to make your transition to touch that Vibration. Your Presence is as close as the Threefold Flame on your Heart. You must give of the love of the compassion of your heart into every circumstance of life. You must stand as a pillar of White Fire allowing your Presence to stream forth into the areas of your life so you are permeating the atmosphere about you with the Light of the Christ.
  • There is a power you may wield that comes from knowing how Reality is constituted. The One Mind of the One Presence is eternally engaged in the process of catapulting ideas of Perfection in lavish profusion from the Great Central Sun. Discord is only an overlay put on this Perfection. Refocus your attention on the foundation of Purity and the Love of the Presence that is underneath it, and you are able to speak to that outer appearance: you have no power, because you realize that Love is not going to sustain that imperfection. Work on cultivating this realization of the All Pervading underlying Oneness of the Presence.
  • The Maha Chohan instructs you on Christhood — playing your part in the great symphony of God’s Love. If you feel a lack of support in your life, go back to the beginning, which is always within your Heart, for there are the patterns your Presence has deposited for you to recognize and to play upon in this lifetime. Recognize that each day is a new opportunity to embark upon the next part of the same journey, for it is all One. It was laid out in the beginning, when your Presence elected to incarnate into these outer worlds as the Threefold Flame of the Heart.
  • To be the fullness of God Love daily is one of the greatest blessings you can accomplish. The “to and fro” action of the igniting of each erg of Love allows for the buildup of the acceleration you require for your Ascension. With the Dispensation for The Temple, Sanat Kumara and Venus had the opportunity to release the magnitude of the Secret Love Star, creating a pathway whereby students could travel to the Great Central Sun and receive the blessings that await them. Now a Dispensation is given that allows life streams to recognize their Holy Christ Self imparting God Love to them.
  • This creative name I AM is the full orbed Consciousness of the God of very Gods focused through your very own Heart of Hearts. The Ascended Masters desire you to feel the utmost worth of your own Blessed Heart Flame as it is the extension of your Individual Mighty I AM Presence in action here in this world of form. One hundred percent of all that the Great I AM is shall unfold from within you, and that process needs to begin here and now. As you accept this Truth, you will find that when you give the I AM commands, they will come forth from the God Consciousness of your own Individual Being of the Presence that you are, and you will be proclaiming them as Truth to the Great Sea of Universal Light.
  • You have been initiated in the Pink Flame of Love in the Cosmic Light streaming forth from the Great I AM. You have received into your care and keeping that Body Consciousness that is the full weight and measure of the Identity of your own God Presence. This Light and Consciousness is to keep you all the days that not only remain in this incarnation but that will prepare you for the coming cycles when you have gained your full Mastery. You have desired God. Now it is time for you to be God. You are charged with the responsibility of maintaining this Charge of Light you have received throughout this previous cycle.
  • Have the conscious awareness and Vibration of your own Presence of God holding to the Truth of the pattern of your Identity born out of the Heart of the Individualization of your own I AM. That Flame upon the Altar of your Heart knows itself to be the Presence of God. Abide in that Presence throughout all of your days. When you have allowed sufficient Light of your own Threefold Flame to fill your four lower bodies, you can and will walk hand in hand with the Consciousness of God and that Consciousness will overshadow you as the Christ Light. All is divinely orchestrated for you individually. The Great I AM holds out in that Allness of God all that you require to be the Individualization of that Great I AM. Once Ascended, you will recall all the times you have received the Blessings of the I AM Presence, and Gratitude and Joy stream from your Heart, for you will know how you have been loved, cared for, directed, encouraged.

It is the story you need to know. A story long forgotten, but ongoing and timeless. An epic so amazing that, once you fully understand it, you understand the great mystery of life itself. And it is the true story of you!

During the 2010 Freedom Conclave, the Ascended Masters released in-depth Teachings on the tale of the Godhead Charioteers, the story which answers the fundamental questions of mankind’s origin, identity, purpose, and destiny. These Discourses and Dictations will help you elevate into the Godhead Charioteer of your own I AM Presence and attain the self-mastery required to take dominion over the life forces flowing through your four lower bodies. Then, as a co-creator with God, the final Initiations that allow your Presence to fulfill its Holy Purpose and return Home to the Sun Victorious await you. Master this Instruction and help your Presence write the final chapter in its unique version of this remarkable story!

  • Welcome to the true story of yourself in your true God Identity as the Godhead Charioteer. You have been cut off from this story and from so many of the aspects of God Reality that are an absolute part of that story. The goal this week is to set forth clearly the purpose of the Presence in incarnating; to electrify you with the living, breathing record of the memory within the Causal Body of those transcended events before the very first incarnation; to trace this story and try to reactivate these records. As you begin to understand these purposes of incarnation, you will begin to realize that the Mighty I AM Presence is active and at work.
  • Surya comes to inaugurate this conclave under the Canopy of the Great Central Sun so you might have a greater understanding of your true identity, the purpose of your life, and the goal of that life. Having stepped forth out of the Allness of God, you proclaimed I AM, and in doing so, the Individualization of your own God Presence was born. For the Golden Age to dawn upon the Earth, there must be Christed Individuals upholding the Vibration of Perfection and Purity. The Presence of God is right where you are. Squarely between your eyes is the God Vision of that Divine Estate of your own Mighty I AM Presence that you are to be at all times. You are God. Let God step forth.
  • The story of the Godhead Charioteers answers the fundamental questions of humanity’s identity, origin, purpose, history, and destiny. The Brotherhood comes time and again to free mankind from the grip of mortal limitation. From their vantage point, they see the face of the individual Godhead Charioteer and they understand what is really going on in life: Man is the outer expression of God Individualized, here in this world as an extension of the Godhead to master the powers of creation. Wake up and identify with the Godhead Charioteer you really are, and let your Presence solve your life’s problems and produce Its Perfection.
  • The Maha Chohan explains: why you have come into incarnation; why, when you first come to the Masters, you are prepared far beyond what your outer awareness considers; why the Ascended Master Teachings have come alive for you; and why you are taught the Science of the Spoken Word. It is most important for you to have a goal. Mastery is when you can take hold of your life by the Mind of God, disciplining your outer vehicles and allowing God to command your life. There is a timetable for your Destiny. You have a part to play in this great drama of the Godhead Charioteers. Let your story be one of Victory that all ages will remember as the Victory of the Godhead Charioteer of your age.
  • The message of the Godhead Charioteer is that you are your Presence, and there is not two of you. Nothing is truer than “I AM here and I AM there.” You should have the sense that you walked out of the Sun but you are IN the Heart of the Great Central Sun. If you make that attunement knowing I AM here and I AM there, you can be a citizen of the Sun, your homeland. And the way of life there can be your life here. In doing so, you are plugging into all the momentum in the Great Central Sun. The key to accelerating your bodies is your conscious awareness and your ability to put your attention where your I AM is as the connecting link to your outer self.
  • The Elohim Purity and Astrea clear away the latent energies of unreality in your life to allow for more of your Presence to flood into your outer vehicles. They instruct you on mastering each of the Seven Rays, and how all of these Seven Rays work together to assist you. With Purity as a foundation, you fulfill your Divine Plan. Guard what you hear and say. Let your lips convey your prayers for Light. Let your Heart be ensconced in Sacrifice and Love. Let your hands be extended in Service to God in Life. Look to the Presence of God, your own Individualization. When there are those unrelenting energies of negativity that needle you, call upon Astrea and Purity. They will take up that karma and relieve you of that burden.
  • In your Christ Presence, the individualized intelligence of your Presence can step down and safely shine Its Illumination into your four lower bodies, register what is going on that needs correction in those bodies, reach into the Presence and draw forth the solution that is needed in every situation. Your Presence is operating in that step down of Itself in your higher mental body or Christ Mind. That is why we call it the “Christ Presence.” This explains the mystery of why whoever is possessed of Christ Consciousness can identify as the Presence in action. Understand this principle at work in the Christ Mind, and you understand the drama of the Godhead Charioteer in your outer bodies.
  • Nada instructs you on manifesting an open and courageous Heart of Love. She walks you through an exercise to help you realize those areas that cause you to stumble and recoil from the opportunities your Presence has orchestrated for you to accomplish all the requirements of this incarnation. Know that you are the I AM Presence where you are. Know that your own Presence loves you, adores you, and would never leave you. Once you have recognized this as the Truth of Cosmic Law for you, then you may begin to build upon all of the glorious achievements to garner here and now. Nada charges you with the Responsibility of knowing your own Heart of Love, the Heart of your Presence.
  • Lord Maitreya instructs you on the process of initiation. For you to express the fullness of the Christ Consciousness, you must be initiated. Those initiations concern whatever you have not learned or mastered. Make room for your Presence and you will receive Maitreya’s interaction with you at the appointed cycle when your Presence recognizes you are prepared. Maitreya also addresses the initiation of the new world religion. This is a cycle for the understanding of the Godhead Charioteer. Maitreya comes again with a new impetus and the Fire of the Cosmic Councils as a foundation upon which to spring forth a new continent of thought founded upon Cosmic Truth.
  • The profound Oneness of all Life is what Saint Germain calls the “Law of the One.” The One exists everywhere and controls all of Life everywhere. It is the Office of the Individualization of the One, the Presence of God Individualized, which is the part of the One that gives the Directing Intelligence to the other two modes of behavior, Life and Light. Light is operated on by the forces of Life, the five pranic breaths, and these universal Life forces are, in turn, operated upon by the Individuality of the Godhead directly. The way your Individualized Presence talks to the Great Sea of Universal Light is by speaking the language of the Life forces.
  • Saint Germain addresses you on the ideal way of life. You begin by understanding that the Presence of God is the Source of Life. In the Presence you will find the solution to all things. You are vested with the lineage of your own Godhead Charioteer that can hold the reins of Life. From Saint Germain’s vantage point, there is only one decision: to be in the Presence of God — to be in the Will of God or not. This is the decision you make throughout the day. Make the call to your Presence to consume your old habits. You have certain karmas that even he and the Karmic Board are unable to wash clean until you call God’s Light into those areas of your life. Elevate your Heart into the fullness of your Presence and allow for that Freedom to finally take hold of your life.
  • The Goddess of Liberty is real and has been engaged in the Divine Plan of sponsoring an Ideal of the New World with a view to bringing forth a nation of disciples of the Ascended Masters and settlements of a Golden Age Civilization. Make the personal acquaintance of the Goddess of Liberty. The Goddess of Liberty came at the beginning of World Congress and gave a Blessing from the Great Central Sun in the form of a fountain of Liquid Light produced by her Heart Flame. She said she would unfurl her Heart Flame and establish that Fountain of Light and invited every Torch Bearer to blend with that Fountain of Light, a miniature of one maintained in the Great Central Sun.
  • Drink of the Fountain of Light of the Goddess of Liberty, for you are given the Opportunity this very day to fill your chalice in the fullness of God’s Opportunity for you so that you might change the Earth. That change begins each time you inaugurate in your life the Freedom of your own God Presence, for it is that Freedom of expression of God that must reign in the land. You are charged with the responsibility to expand the God Awareness of the Light and the Substance of God you stand as the example of. You are required to call forth the Light into the land. You have a torch you can raise high. Banish that darkness and let the Light of the Golden Age dawn right where you are.
  • Part of the final initiations of the Transfiguration, Resurrection and Ascension consist of the Individual I AM Presence, from within the Heart Flame, permanently ensouling Life and Light. This means that the unique charge of the flow of Love of the I AM Presence expands its God Consciousness permanently within the substance of the various planes. The Consciousness of the Great I AM is actually expanding itself through your world and permanently ensouling Life and Light. If you can attune with the Presence of God within you desiring to come forth, you can liberate your Heart Flame as the Heart of your Presence and liberate this outpouring of Love to flow out into all of life.
  • You came forth in your very first incarnation galvanized with a sense of purpose, vowed to fulfill on the instant every command that your Presence would issue. But in each successive, you have found it increasingly more difficult to establish a firm grasp on what your Presence really desired. You understand the right course for your lifestream, but sadly, it must be proven to you time and again. All of Heaven is filled with angels who come on the instant to assist you if you are in the right vibration and make the call. You do not realize how much is going on behind the scenes for each one of you. Mother Mary is in constant surveillance of the Heart Flames of the Sons and Daughters of God petitioning her Heart, ready to assist them, holding the Immaculate Vision for them.
  • Perhaps you have only thought the Resurrection Flame relates to your Ascension. But daily you are resurrecting all of the latent energies within your being to come up a little higher, so your vehicles of consciousness respond to the Directing Intelligence perfectly and in Divine Order. The Resurrection Flame assists you all along the way to draw up every vestige of latent energy and prepare the vehicles for the day when you return into the sanctity of your Home. Let your Flame of the Threefold Action of God upon the altar of your Heart accelerate faster and faster until you are caught in a glorious ascent into the Heart of the Allness of God.
  • El Morya comes to not only seal these proceedings but to pay honor and respect to the staff and the Anointed Representatives for all of their joyful labor over these many years coming to the Sheraton. Thousands upon thousands of hours go into preparing this place, not only with the physical hands, but the Angels have maintained this forcefield constantly between Conferences. Morya is so very grateful for all you do day in and day out, and the Constancy of your devotion. Wherever you are in the Earth, he knows your Flame and you commune one with the other in the Heart of God. Morya wants you to know in your Heart that you are loved most dearly and that you will be carried along on the Golden River of the Helicon all the days of your life if you maintain the Flame of God that you are.

Like Aeneas and Odysseus, you have the stuff great heroes are made of! Prepare to accomplish the seemingly impossible! During the 2010 Easter Conclave, the Maha Chohan and the Ascended Masters released extraordinary Teachings on the Secret Ray of Divine Love, the alchemical key that allows you to overcome adversity, transcend your mortal nature, and perform the heroic deeds that originate in the Heart of your own I AM Presence. Add to this treasure chest Their instruction for putting on your Panoply of Light for protection. Plus receive Saint Germain’s amazing Dispensation of the Transmutation of 10,000 years of your karma — and your Victory is assured! As a bonus, the 2010 Wesak World Congress Dictations by the Seven Chohans are included, helping you master the God Consciousness of Their Rays. You have a role in The Temple’s Great Commission for the Brotherhood. These remarkable Releases will equip you for the Great Work at hand!

  • There are multiplications and amplifications that take place when we act together as one. You must accept your own Christ Mind and Electronic Body so that, as you enter into these sessions, your consciousness is able to overflow the boundaries of individual personal expression. The Vision of the Masters needs to be burned into your consciousness. As that Vision is transferred and held by disciples, it is as if 1000 currents of Liquid Light begin to flow into and impact the world arena. As the Torch Bearers break the loaf of Love with each other and the Masters and that Love goes forth, it is the Rock, the firm foundation that nothing can prevail against. You must accept the Responsibility to bring about all the aspects of the Great Commission.
  • Cyclopea implores you to receive the Vision He holds of the Earth as a Golden Age. You must have the Will of God Determination to infuse that Vision into every dimension that the Presence of God desires, establishing those patterns as a way of life. This is the Great Commission for the Torch Bearers of The Temple: That you uphold your Purity in God; that the intent of your Heart be that which is the Presence; that the Love of your Heart be unconditional; that the Will of your Heart infuse your body temple to move, act, and be within the concert of the Direction of the Mighty I AM Presence at all times. The Vision is great to behold. Let your chalice have the Strength and the Courage to hold it.
  • There are no touchstones of God Reality in the outer world that allow you to make the associations necessary to see and know yourself robed in the vestments of your God Identity. The work of the next five days is to take a rough hewn block of marble and chisel out of it what it means to be God Individualized. When you rise into the level of your Causal Body, you will know who you are as the Mighty I AM Presence. You will have restored the memory of stepping forth and all that you, as the Presence, have done. It is the work of the Masters, the Anointed Representatives, and all of the disciples to teach this Divine Image to a doubting world that has everything but the Reality of these Inner Realms.
  • It is not enough to merely desire God or proclaim you are God. You must have within every fiber of your being the assured knowing that it is not the fanciful mind that has called you to the mountaintop but the Heartbeat of God residing in the Threefold Flame of your Heart. Himalaya would tutor you in stilling the outer vehicles so that, as the Current of Light plays upon each of your bodies, they respond on the instant, carrying out the Desire of God. The Manu of the 4th Root Race comes to rehearse in the forefront of your consciousness how important it is to maintain the disciplines that allow for your Presence to step forth as the Christ where you are.
  • As your attention goes to your Presence, that Light comes back tenfold down your Crystal Cord, pouring through your four lower bodies and accelerating them. That Light going forth becomes a veritable armor of Ascended Master Light flowing through your world. Although there is an action of your Tube of Light produced by your Electronic Body coming down directly, there is another action of your Tube of Light — expansion from within out. This Light goes forth hallowing space and establishing that citadel of protection christened the “Panoply of the Christos.” You now have the Consciousness of the only begotten of the Presence, the Godhead Charioteer stepping onto the world scene. Make it the work of your life to out picture the character traits of your Presence.
  • Godfre speaks about putting on your armaments (the Light, the Wisdom, and the steadfast Constancy of your disciplines) so that you will always be in a state of preparedness, no matter what is presented to you. Now is the time to put on the garment of your Christhood, wearing it proudly, extending your hand in Service, loving unconditionally all of Life, respecting and loving the Christ in others, and allowing the Maya to be dissolved in the Light from your Heart. This is the battle. This is the overcoming. This is the army of the Lord you are called to join. Godfre’s momentum of overcoming is great and he is most happy to share it with you.
  • The Maha Chohan understands the Heart of the Sun Behind the Sun and the Sun of Even Pressure within the center of the Earth equally well. He is Chohan of not only the Seven Rays but the Five Secret Rays as well. He stands as an example before your Heart and the inner sight of your soul of the goal of life for you, so that you may also fulfill your Destiny of Mastery and the God Control of the forces and substances of creation. This Mastery is won by your Constancy of study, Service, practice, and Attunement. In the Mind of your Mighty I AM Presence is a Shield for your lifestream, and the story playing over and over upon that Shield is the story of the Godhead Charioteer.
  • As the Children of God, you must be receptive to being taught, tutored, and schooled in the ways of the Divine Manchild. Understanding how to allow for the Threefold Flame of the Heart to expand and fill your countenance with your own God Presence is a requirement so that when you receive the Mother Light, it is not squandered away needlessly but is protected. Guard well the Mother Light, for as you have received freely from your Presence, you have the free will to utilize It according to your desires. Let your desire be the Love of the Presence of God.
  • You are like Aeneas, for there burns within your Heart an irrepressible impetus toward the realization of your true Homeland. You are awake and empowered by the restoration of a forgotten memory of the narration of your lifestream that is a transcendent version of The Aeneid — the story of the Godhead Charioteers. Like Apollo in The Aeneid, Saint Germain has brought the awareness of a land that is accessible to all of us: the Great Sea of Universal Light. The key to our immigration into that new world is the golden bough. In The Aeneid, the golden bough was the Buddhic Web, the Golden Consciousness, the Helicon, the Christ Mind flowing through the four lower bodies in the Golden Plume of the Threefold Flame. This allows for entry into the realms of Perfection.
  • Vaivasvata, Manu of the Fifth Root Race, imbues your Christ Mind with the streaming Needle Ray Action of Christic Fire to draw you to the patterns of your True Identity. He explains why you have come into embodiment, and what your life’s priority is. The epic stories of old impart the Path of becoming God where you are. Become that Christ Presence. It is in the “be-ness” of life as the Christ that you can be the greatest servant of God, emanating the patterns of God Identity in all of the creativity you bring forth.
  • Lady Master Leto instructs you to drink in and maintain the Awareness bestowed by Vaivasvata and his Beloved as long as possible. There is great mastery in holding to the Fire. Run to greet the new cycles as they are released. And continue to study the former Releases, so that you will be prepared for what is to come. Leto trusts that you will recognize every line, every facet of detail of your Presence that comes into your awareness. Leto expresses the Ascended Masters’ Gratitude to the Manus for their constant streaming of their Momentum on behalf of mankind.
  • The Maha Chohan’s standard of Perfection when composing The Aeneid and the patience this required is an example that all Ascended Master students should emulate. We should seek to bring our efforts in a given creation up to God Perfection. As thought and feeling are brought up to the threshold of Beauty and Perfection worthy of the Christ and the Presence, then there can be more instantaneous response on Nature’s part for manifestation. You can liberate your Presence to act through you. You can imbue your creative process and your Decrees with the Consciousness of your Presence to where your Presence uses your four lower bodies like a flute. Three questions and answers follow regarding: the stilling of the impulses of the emotional, mental, and memory bodies so that they attune to the Presence; the distinction between astral and psychic energies; and the difference between “akashic record” and “Akasha.”
  • The Will of God is the greatest possibility you could behold and become. Do not be too quick to pass over the epic of the Godhead Charioteer, for that is your story. Consider each day an opportunity to have another increment of your Divine Plan revealed. Let your Heart magnetize the Great Divine Director’s Momentum to assist you, and you will see what great works you can accomplish together. Preparing the way for the Seventh Root Race should be of importance to those who kneel before their altars daily, for if the Earth is prepared for these new lifestreams, you have established enough of a momentum for the Golden Age.
  • Saint Germain proclaims the good news that the Karmic Board has allowed him to share with you a glorious Release of the Violet Flame to consume another ten thousand years of your karma! Begin to see the Responsibility you hold and the Authority you must take for the coming ages. The Karmic Board has honored Saint Germain’s request so that you would have the greater Freedom in your life to accelerate your Christhood. Give your Violet Flame religiously to maintain the current transmutation of those areas of your life where you may fall short unknowingly.
  • The Path itself is rigorous, and when you enter into the rigors of the Path you can’t doubt yourself or the Law. You need to stand, face, and conquer in your life. Today we will talk about the archetype of the hero and the character traits that are celebrated for him. The characteristics of Aeneas include piety to the Gods, which was not only a devotion in terms of worship, but fulfilling the duties and obligations the Gods had laid upon his shoulders; taking responsibility; courage and good conduct; justness and righteousness. Accepting the Great Commission and taking Responsibility to advance the cause is an action of your Christ Presence exercising Responsibility. As soon as you accept the assignment, a degree of Authority to execute that assignment is transferred. Then you are the Conscious Christ making the Command.
  • You have been given the Grace and Blessing of a Dispensation of Violet Flame that sets aside an enormous amount of your karma. Yet it may still be necessary for you to draw forth the healing currents, even in your physical body, for the records once erupted into the physical must still be dealt with. You are here by the desire of your Presence to carry out the desire of your Presence. This is why you would want to be diligent and mindful of tending to your body temple with all of the requirements to keep it healthy, vibrant, clear, and accelerated in the Light. Study of the disciplines that would bring about the optimum health and wellbeing of your temple.
  • It is time for you to recognize the Opportunity that is extended to you, for you have the ability to hear the Voice of the Ascended and Cosmic Beings announcing the Truth of Cosmic Law, of your identity as the Mighty I AM Presence. The Masters have given Their Commitment to continue the pressure of Light so that if you apply all you know in your day to day life, you can be assured the Victories are in order not only for you but for the entire Earth. Changing the course of the thinking, the habits, the culture of mankind begins with the Word, for when the Word is released as Fiat, it ignites Light, and where your I AM Presence receives the directive of the Christ, it will move into action and accomplish its Perfect Work.
  • To be the Ascended Master is your Destiny, and the flowing Golden River of Helicon is the Pathway to your Destiny. You should be studying the Destiny of the Ascended Master Presence, familiarizing yourself with the many attributes of that Presence. Your path is a rehearsal for some of the final initiations to come. The goal of life is the reunion and at-one-ment with the expression of the Presence you are at this very moment ― the Ascended Presence you are to be. That means familiarizing your outer mind so that it will not be some foreign experience. There are vastly more amounts of the Helicon being set aside for you than you are appropriating.
  • The Maha Chohan has long desired to finish the glorious epic stories He once began. But He has come to realize that you are the story. You are writing the pages of the journey that will leave the record for other Sons and Daughters of God so they might hear of your overcoming. You have a glorious story to be told, and your Presence desires you to strive with all your being to overcome, to awaken the latent energies in you to become the hero of the ages. You must have the clarity of mind and vision, the understanding of vibration, for that is what you can depend upon. The Great Commission is for you because you are ready. You are the ones to whom the Masters look to make a difference.
  • Many have not been given the opportunity you have. You know of the Presence. You are becoming that Presence each day. As you put on the Garments of Virtue that you practice daily, you are worthy to be called a Son and Daughter of God. Attention to detail is important, for that will report to you the Vibration and the Divine Course your Presence would have you follow. You must begin to understand it is not enough for you to know of the Presence; you must exercise the Will, the Heart, the Wisdom of that Presence. Will you accept it, internalize it, and draw forth your part of that Great Commission? Guard your force field, for you are already a new man, a new woman.

During this most holy season of the year, the Grace of the Brotherhood and the Great Central Sun opens wide the cosmic high-ways for the Hand of God to still the troubled waters upon the Earth, anointing the bodies of the Sons and Daughters of God with Golden-White Holy Oil of Ascended Master light, lifting the burden of the mass consciousness, and bringing back into the blessed memory the greater expanse of life open to all. As this Liquid Light flows into the four lower bodies, it is like a sparkling wine that gladdens the heart, lifts the spirit, and bubbles up with Joy, Freedom, comfort, security, communion, and most of all home. We call it the Christmas Spirit. In the Realms of Perfection, it is an Eternal Christ Mass of Goodness and Righteousness.

  • This class has been planned as a steppingstone for the outpicturing of your personal Victory so your life can express the full measure of the Ascended Master Way of Life™, and our collective Ecclesia can carry forth the Golden Age agenda of the Ascended Masters into the world. The Divine Intent of the Masters is to transfer accumulations of Momentum from the Ascended Octaves, depositing into your four lower bodies Light Substance intended to produce change in your life. The plan is for you to leave this Conference filled to overflowing with the Light, having learned specific techniques to conserve what you have received and seal your world to retain this Light and Life, accumulating more and more in your lower vehicles.
  • You have been invited to the Great Central Sun. Far too many Sons and Daughters of God have settled for what is rather than what could be. As you bathe in the glorious Sun of the Light of God, take note of how that Sunlight of God Consciousness is affecting your own outer vehicles. You have made room for the Light of God, and it is because you have been faithful to the Divine Decree of your own Mighty I AM Presence that you have been chosen to receive the opportunity to bathe your consciousness in the Great Central Sun. When emissaries come from the Great Central Sun, there is a Blessing for the whole Earth, and all receive new opportunity in the Light.
  • Understanding the impersonal aspect of Cosmic Law is the beginning of true Divine Wisdom. The operation of the Law is no respecter of any man’s person. The One Presence behaves the same way consistently in its universality, and that behavior accounts for the behavior of Cosmic Law as impersonal and, therefore, universal. There is a universal aspect to your own Presence. You have an individual universality, a universal individuality, and a universal universality. As your Presence is part of this impersonal impersonality of the One Presence, so your Presence has, as the Law of its Being, compliance with the Perfection of the Godhead.
  • Surya, the Elohim of Akasha, desires you to experience the Will of God. You are most important to God The One. God so desired you to accomplish all that is possible that you have been given two Angels or more to assist you. What remains is whether or not you will open your heart to their assistance; whether you will listen and take heed, even when it may seem a dark hour. All that stands between you and your Victory is your acknowledgement and freewill election to integrate with the Light that will establish more of God in your life. There must be the Constancy of striving to the very last breath of every incarnation.
  • You are entering the New Year and embracing new cycles, determined to make right those habits and areas of your life that must by Necessity go into the Flame. When you engage in the active participation of drawing forth the Light from your God Presence into not only your own temple but also to benefit all mankind, you are expanding the very Fires of the Heart of your own Heart of God. The Thoughtform of the Year is a glorious, self-luminous orb held by the right hand of the initiate on the Path. Within the orb is the most perfect diamond, fashioned at every point with a Ray of Light from the Great Central Sun. Those Rays of Golden Light will remind each one’s consciousness of this glorious cycle and journey to the Great Central Sun, bringing back to memory the Releases of each of the Ascended and Cosmic Beings, their Dispensations, and their Momentum.
  • The Holy Kumaras refuse to be deterred from bringing forth the Work of the Golden Age. They each hold an action on the Seven Rays and reinforce those aspects of your God Identity that relate to your attainment on those respective Rays. Surya instructs the Angels of the Presence to make way for your Presence to descend into the formative chalice of your four lower bodies. They are impersonal Angels charged to guard your Heart Flame. You can call to these Angels of the Presence to stand in your world.
  • Lord Maitreya reveals that this Conclave brings another Dispensation of Light to continue the acceleration of the Earth and all thereon into a Golden Age. The first Initiation to pass is learning to still your outer vehicles in his Presence. Follow the Light from your Heart Flame into the Great Central Sun. Mark well this opportunity to engage in the Cosmic Christ Light, allowing your Heart to soar into the Central Sun, bestowing upon you a saturation of Light that will deposit the engrams and patterns of God Identity that your Presence so desires for you to receive. The most important priority is your Mighty I AM Presence — first — as the Source of all life. You are charged with the responsibility of internalizing your own Christhood. You are intended to know the Heart of God, the Mind of God, and the Vision of God.
  • Anointed Representative Monroe Shearer reads from Plato regarding Kronos and then answers students’ questions on the following topics: understanding a past embodiment, concentrated Light, the effect of violent video games on Torch Bearers, the difference between an Ascended Master and Cosmic Being, how Astrea calls differ from the Ruby Ray calls, relationship between Elijah and John the Baptist, how to recruit more people to build The Temple, the value of Bodhisattvas delaying their Ascension, and revealing Ascensions.
  • Saint Germain draws you into the vastness of the Violet Flame so you might have the clarity of mind, the vision, and the peace within your world to grasp your True Identity in the Flame of God. Measure your life according to the Virtues of the Christ. Every Son and Daughter of God who is truly trying must awaken to the reality of the Light upon the Altar of the Heart and will feel coursing through them a burden of Light, a Power they have not known before that allows them to step forth and exhibit some extraordinary feat that otherwise would have been impossible. You are charged with the responsibility to remember the Thoughtform of the Year so you might remember all you receive during this 12-day cycle, so that at any time you may draw upon the Momentum of one or more Ascended Master who has come to tend to the Flame on the Altar of your Heart.
  • Your Presence is aware of not only its Individuality but also of the totality of The One that is all through the Cosmos. The only way to come into the fullness of your Presence is to clothe your vehicles in the Love that has cast out everything less than Perfection. Speak in the Office of your Christ Presence and use the creative words “I AM.” Your call goes out through the Allness of the Presence to the Great Central Sun and the Great Sea of Universal Light. Contact with the Living God is the key to happiness and overcoming.
  • Mother Mary is always with you. She recounts the Goddesses on the Mother line of Hierarchy who attend to you, and she reminds you that it is not difficult to achieve the White Light of the Mother. She details the various steps you must practice in order to accelerate the Light within you, including maintaining your Harmony, guarding what you see and hear, and making sure your surroundings invite your Holy Christ Presence to abide. She gives instruction on transmuting negative patterns, on regaining the wholeness established by your Presence, and on allowing for your Holy Christ Presence to be reseated in the position of Authority to direct your intelligence.
  • Regulus schools you on holding to the Golden Earth, to Illumination’s Flame, to God Determination, and to the discipline of your lower vehicles. Let your heart so desire God that this discipline comes easily. Maximize every opportunity to call forth the assistance of the Elohim for the Earth and to bring about the necessary changes in your life to assist the Brotherhood. The Elohim stand ready to shift the currents of the Elemental Forces of Nature to draw all on Earth into a greater Purity and alignment with the Higher Octaves.
  • Anointed Representative Monroe Shearer briefly discusses Regulus’ Release and then takes participants’ questions regarding: the ending ceremony mentioned by Regulus, meditations to rise into the Higher Realms, how to best use the focus of the Thoughtform of the Year, the Necessity of rising into the Christ Presence to experience the Higher Realms, the relevance of Dictations from previous Ascended Master Activities, and the impersonal personality of the Angels of the Presence.
  • There is room on the Path for all. No matter how gently your climb, you will reach the summit of your Attainment, for it is written upon the screen of life by your God Presence that if you come forth into incarnation, you will return Home. As soon as you become accustomed to the sameness of any plateau, you will be thrust into new initiations and cycles so that you might learn more. For the Will of God desires you to open your consciousness to the possibilities of all things under the sun. Your destiny has an identity, a thoughtform filled with the desire of your God Presence. The awareness of this thoughtform is firing the Light Rays required to ignite, in your outer vehicles, the determination, the Wisdom, and the Power to bring it into manifestation. You are invited to make the trek to Himalaya’s Retreat.
  • To the degree you rehabilitate your lower bodies, affirm the overshadowing of your Electronic Body, and are able to sustain the Joy Flame of your Presence, you will have vehicles suitable to reflect and transmit for you the appreciation of the Great Central Sun, which is both Heart and Head of the great I AM THAT I AM. The universe is a marriage of the individual and the universal. The Individualization announces to the Heart of the Great I AM, and the universality of that outpictures that which has been decreed because the Individuality is working from the Heart of the I AM THAT I AM. As you understand this relationship, it will enable you to rise into that Office to give that command.
  • When a Golden Age comes forth for God, there must be those raised up to lead, to stand in Cosmic Law, to proclaim it, to believe sufficiently that they become it. You were chosen at a time when the Earth needed assistance, and you answered that call. To celebrate the Christ Mass means to put off all of the garments of your humanity and put on the Virtues of the Christ and the God Qualities of the Presence. It means you are no longer the served, but the servant of God. You are expected to be imbued with the White Light of the Garment of your Christhood. And as that expression of your Christhood comes forth, you celebrate the Christ Mass over and over again each day many times.
  • All the days of your incarnations are lived preparing for each step required by Cosmic Law. When your desiring carries the stamp of your own God Identity, every aspect of God moves into alignment for you. Situations demand that you draw forth sufficient Light from your God Presence to meet the necessities of life. By transmuting the patterns of negativity that have imprisoned elemental life, you are the key to the Victory of a Golden Age. Your God Presence desires to fulfill the Necessity of the Law, to give back to God in life, to set the Earth spinning in a Vibration that will assure the Golden Age. You have within you all that is required to mount a glorious campaign for Victory.
  • The Secret Love Star shining forth from the Great Central Sun initiates patterns of God Identity in the folds of your garments so you might begin to experience the very tangible Reality of God that moves throughout the Cosmos. It is as close to you as your own God Presence. Galvanizing your attention from every level of your being to focus your awareness upon the Secret Love Star allows for momentums of your own life to take on those same patterns of Attainment that each Cosmic Being is holding as a focus for you. In loving the Presence, you take on the patterns of your own Mighty I AM Presence.
  • Side by side with the prosaic world you experience, the eternal Worlds of Perfection are approaching very close to your life. Elect to step through the veil and enter into the Joy of these Perfected Realms. You are being empowered to accept that you are the Individuality of the One Presence and that the Light, Life, and Love pouring forth from this Presence can fill every part of your life. This is your Destiny, and it must be achieved in consciousness here and now; then it will begin to outpicture in every aspect of your life. The vastness of the river of Life that comes under your God Consciousness is your choice. The Great Central Sun gets its Light from the Limitless Love of the Godhead. It is an eternal outpouring of itself. Your part is to activate that Life to come into manifestation, and you do this by the I AM command.
  • You must approach the High Altar at the Great Central Sun in a vehicle of Pure Consciousness. You are charged with the Responsibility to take Authority over your life. If you master God Love flowing through you unimpeded, all else will become the natural unfolding of, first, your Christhood and then your own Causal Body. The Initiations of this cycle have prepared many of you to hold your conscious attention upon Alpha’s Flame and to receive the transfer of his Light as the White Light of the Power of God. This is the Christ Mass in which those who aspire to fulfill their Christhood will engage.
Ascended Master Instruction to Help You Master the Science of the Electronic Circle for Personal and Planetary Victory!

Establish Your Electronic Circle of Light and you will establish an entirely New Life! Protection. Purity. Peace. Perfection. The Power of Your Presence. Precipitation of all your alchemies. The open doorway to the paradise of the Buddhic World. These Divine Treasures and more are yours within your own Electronic Circle! During the 2009 harvest Conclave, the Ascended Masters released a remarkable gift - in-depth teachings on the electronic circle never before revelaed in such glorious detail. Understanding and applying the Law of the electronic Circle will, as Lord Gautama instructs, allow the Light to mount up in your life and help you accomplish your Heart's every desire. Master this instruction, and you will have such a storehouse of the Charge of Light ready to meet any need, to answer any call, and to be God victorious that you will become, as Saint Germain proclaims, "the hero of the hour!"

  • Your Presence, Causal Body, and Christ Mind are most desirous of lowering into the Circle of Your New Life all of the Good that has been banked there. Before that can safely and permanently be done, there must be the acceleration of each of your four lower vehicles. As this acceleration takes place, your God Flame will throw out this Radiance from the Heart that is the fixed anchor point in each lower vehicle. This fashions for you a Circle of Electronic Light Substance that stays at its place. It is self- luminous, self-sustained, anchored substance that establishes this Perfect Circle of Light around you in ways that lawfully create a citadel of your personal space or Selfhood that no other part of life may intrude upon unless invited by you.
  • Saint Germain declares that you are key to the Victory; you are the hero. The requirement of the hour is for you to give your voice, your Heart Flame, your Presence, in active participation with the Ascended Masters, so that a greater momentum of Light can sweep the Earth and establish more God Reality. He asks you to wholly embrace the World Action Decrees, the Protection Decrees, the Cosmic Light Decrees, and the Blue Lightening to manifest more of God’s Light in the Earth.
  • The Electronic Circle will anchor your Presence’s powers in the Earth. One of the greatest benefits of this Circle is that the intelligent Light going forth, assisted by the Angelic Hosts, will travel the perimeter of that Circle and build up pressure so that, in ways you might not consciously know, your problems are solved, opportunities are presented to you, doors opened, and you are able to go forward, advancing to the fulfillment of your Divine Plan. Your Threefold Flame beaming the Star of the Heart of your own Electronic Body is a visualization of this action of the Electronic Circle.
  • The Lord of the World answers every desire of your Heart. Upon the Secret Chamber of the Heart is written every desire your Presence has for you. For this to manifest, understand and apply the Law of the Electronic Circle. Make room for the Buddha, make room for the Christ Consciousness, and make room for your Presence. When the door has been opened by a disciplined vehicle, the Light of the Presence rushes in over the crystal cord and fills your chalice to overflowing. The Electronic Light streams from the Heart in great Abundance. You stand in a sphere of Light. As this Electronic Light Substance filters out all impurities that would come into your life, it likewise works upon those latent energies in your own consciousness if you apply the disciplines of maintaining and guarding the Light that you invoke.
  • Momentums in the psychic and astral worlds work together to sap the strength of nations, taking away the Light intended to be the foundation for the Sons and Daughters of God to win their Victory. The World Action Decrees are designed to lift that weight off of the Heart Flames of every lifestream in the world so that those things will not press in upon mankind. As these elements come in and the Light is usurped, the result is the breakdown of order, harmony, and unity, and a draining off of the energies of the Crystal Cord. The beauty in these World Action Calls is that they will arrest those mechanisms taking place at inner levels, collapse the riptides in the emotional world, and drill the Ruby Ray into the misguided intellect that is the driving force behind so many of those conditions. These calls will banish these forces from your life.
  • Once you understand the Electronic Circle and have the buildup of its Power in your world, it will be that Pillar of Strength, Protection and penetration into the world that can accomplish the miracles you need. The Electronic Circle is not only able to impact the physical body and your immediate surroundings, but its influence can reach out and ensure that every person, place, condition, or thing that is part of your life is similarly under Its God Control. Establish your Electronic Circle safely, and the momentums of your Causal Body will be released to you. Study in depth the Teachings on the Great Sea.
  • You are a part of the Brotherhood’s alchemy to bring forth the Light of God that never fails, and to see that Light moving across the Earth, restoring God Vision. Strive for Purity of Heart so that God’s Light can perform its Perfect Work. When you give the calls fervently, not only for yourself, but for the substance that is prevalent in the land to go into the Flame, then you will be doing God’s Service. You will be fulfilling God Direction. This is what is meant by embodying the Light of God, walking in the steps of the Christ, and fulfilling the Divine Purpose for life.
  • The Electronic Circle hands you a scepter of Divine Authority — your Presence’s actual Heart Flame. You can smite the Earth as Elijah did, rolling back the psychic realm, filtering out impurity, and creating God’s Sacred Space. Whatever cannot be transmuted is sealed off, allowing the memory body to be free of its mortal encumbrances and become One with the Presence. This threefold activity is the Triple Ring Pass Not. The Electronic Circle is known as the Rope of Angels, who face outward and inward in a circle, swords brandished. Let your Heart throw out this Electronic Circle and hallow your world.
  • The Chohan of Akasha instructs on how you will change the world. Light is the alchemical key to your Victory. Your vehicles must have discipline to hold that Light, accelerating the body’s cells, clarifying the mind, and instilling the Christ Consciousness. Do not squander the Sacred Fire. Maintain Poise while you forge the doorway into your Presence. The door must be entreated by the love of your Heart. That Love will allow you to maintain the Strength required to hold the focus of your attention, so that the Light may perform its work. Determine that the Light of your Presence is the most important thing — no other God before your Presence. It is Constancy that allows the transfer of Power from your Presence.
  • When you are faced with discouraging situations, if you are attuned with your Presence and set up receptivity in your lower bodies, there will be the descent of the Light from your Presence. If such a momentum of charged action is maintained over years, greater things come, for your microcosmic world will be serving as the harmonious chalice of your Presence. If you are able to be alert and set up conditions of deep Harmony, Purification and Perfection in your inner bodies, maintaining that over an extended period, there will be the ratcheting up of the overall vibration of your lower bodies and when crises arise, you will be able to keep your attunement and the doorway to your Presence open.
  • You are learning that you are not alone. Surely you who bask in the glory of your own Presence can begin to take a greater role in your own life as the Christ. Mother Mary has seen those area of your life that would bring you the greatest joy, if you would but be attentive to the Altar of the Most High, move outside of your self-absorption and begin to sacrifice the Light upon the altar of your Heart for others. Knowing that your lifestream is important to the Brotherhood of Light should give you the encouragement to give of your Heart a little more, and maintain the Constancy of your devotion so any Ascended or Cosmic Being can utilize your lifestream to release the Light at any time.
  • Lord Lanto comes as the point of the lance of the Golden Helicon so you might have the pressure of this Golden Elixir of Light work upon the latent energies of your vehicles of consciousness and charge them with Ascended Master Consciousness so that, at every turn, your glance beholds the Life of God. The Light of the Golden Elixir of the Helicon can come forth if you nourish the Threefold Flame of your Heart. Learn to push the boundaries of your awareness, to go beyond your self-concerns, for that is the requirement of Christhood. At the core of that Golden Age is the glorious Helicon, the Golden River, given in this era as a Dispensation so more could be awakened to God Perfection. This is the legacy you are intended to leave to the next generation.
  • All of Creation is One vast unity: living, breathing, coordinating, expressing, and unfolding the Divine Plan. Only Individualizations of the Godhead have freedom of will and the ability to reflect upon their own identity: to know and affirm I AM. And only those Individualizations are free to give Love to all of life. When unencumbered by human qualification, elemental life will necessarily out-picture the impulses of the Godhead in every part of life. It is in your power to decide to align your creativity in accordance with the way in which God creates and decree that your life will come into conformity with that Perfect Life.
  • Surya trembles the Earth with the intonation that will bring Light and more Light, and be the constant reminder that you are born of God and are Gods in the making. You do not accomplish anything in your outer vehicles absent the Light of God, absent the intonation of the Consciousness of God, absent Akasha. Right beyond the veil of your own human consciousness is the glorious storehouse of your own Victories. Right where you are is the Mighty I AM Presence. You are to fulfill your Divine Mission in this life. Let no voice speak against the Will of God for you, for it has no power. You are intended to be the shift for the Earth, where the Golden Age is fulfilled and lasting.
  • For those who can hear Their Voice, the Ascended Masters throw open wide the door and welcome you to your new life. The Ascended Masters share a history with you, and their desire is to weave together a union between Heaven and Earth to cultivate here below a way of life that resembles the Divine. But first there must be a confirmation in each Heart that this is Truth and Reality, and that it is possible for you individually to enter into that Spirit. Most important is the intertwining of your Heart with the Ascended Masters, and the building of a union of Consciousness that stands the test of time and inspires you to go on to greatness. Let no part of life ever take your full Divinity, the wearing of the Electronic Body of your Presence.
  • When your life is held in the palm of the Heart of God, you know true Harmony, for the Heart yearns to hear the harmonization of the many Voices of God. You may begin even now to galvanize the Power of God to resonate through your vehicles of consciousness and intone the Fabric of God through life. The requirement for the Ascension is the maintaining of Harmony for sufficient periods so the Perfect Patterns of God Ideal can be transferred into active momentums of life through you. This requires attention to detail, honesty about your affairs, a respect of Cosmic Law, and an internalization of the Virtues of the Christ flowing from you effortlessly. Sincere students understand they must draw into their life streaming Light, accelerate their Causal Body, and expand the Threefold Flame residing in the Secret Chamber of the Heart, for when you draw the Light in it will, by Cosmic Law, necessitate the change required. Allow God Harmony to impress upon your outer vehicles enough momentum that you can trace the memory of His Identity and hold on to that conscious awareness when you need to be re-tutored, reminded and refreshed in the Light of God.
Teachings to help you fulfill the Cosmic Cycles for America's Destiny and the Golden Age!

Say "nay" to lesser appearances and march boldly into the Golden Age!  Here are the Ascended Masters' strategic plans for Victory! The 2009 Freedom Conclave marked an important turning point in the history of The Temple and its role for America's Destiny and Saint Germain's Freedom Flame.   In these discourses and dictations, the Ascended Masters share their long envisioned aspirations for The Temple, America and the Earth.  Realize the Golden Age Goldprint that you may help manifest!  Discover the Great Commission and your Golden Opportunity to become part of it!  Learn how you can assist America to achieve her Divine Destiny as the cradle for the Masters' birthing of a New World Religion and the Dawning Golden Age!  The hour is critical.  Now is the time for Victory!  Then the Liberty Bell will ring again in celebration of a new level of freedom for all mankind.

  • You are summoned by the Ascended and Cosmic Beings to assist in the transformation of the Earth; to help lift the burdens weighing down so many Heart Flames who could otherwise recognize the Truth of the Law. Attend ye to the Heart of God. Then you will have the detail consciousness to see all parts of your life in proper perspective and draw forth the Nature of God. Through your calls and the patterns of life you sow, you can make this life a divine culture of the Ascended Master Way of Life and set in motion a momentum that the Flame of the Christ in coming generations will desire.
  • Indomitable Victory is the Consciousness of your Mighty I AM Presence. Where this Light, Life and Love of the Presence are radiating forth, nothing else will dare or can possibly affect your world. The Ascended Masters are the guardians of the Heart Flames of the race of mankind. The Mighty I AM Presence of the disciple produces the Ascended Master. Do not limit your own Presence, for it possesses all the Qualities and Power the Ascended Masters possess. El Morya said it was always the plan of the Brotherhood that The Temple would be their Activity and have an ongoing Dispensation. America is the launching point for exporting the Teachings, and The Temple is the vehicle through which the message is to be broadcast.
  • All that would take your attention from the high Ideals of your true Reality or separate you from the patterns of your Divine Plan is to be banished from your consciousness. For it is your birthright to proclaim your Divinity and command life to obey. The fabric of God’s Consciousness is always present just beyond the veil, waiting for you to shift the thoughts of your mind, the vibration of your emotions, and surround yourself with Beauty and Harmony. Sincere students of the Masters will embrace the fullness of their Christ Presence, be receptive to the Voice of their God Presence, and attend to the Flame upon the altar of their Heart daily. The Mission all begins and ends with the Mighty I AM Presence.
  • As a Torch Bearer, you can cooperate with the Brotherhood’s plan to guide this civilization away from the cycles of decline and bring in the Golden Age. The Ascended Masters have assigned The Temple a Great Commission: to proclaim the Truth of Cosmic Law to all nations and peoples; to assist every individual to live the Ascended Master Way of Life; to treasure, preserve, and expand upon every Heart Flame the Light and Radiation of the Masters and their message of planetary and personal deliverance for generations of lightbearers; to serve the individual disciple on the Path; and to be the Divine Instrument of Saint Germain’s Dawning Golden Age.
  • Nada describes the attitude, the demeanor, and the state of being that you are to become. She helps you understand the importance of developing a rolling momentum of your own attainment, galvanized, fortified, and ready to meet any challenge. The key to building this momentum is Constancy in the figure eight flow of Light knitting together each of your vehicles. It is important to not let this moment pass you by without breathing in the Flame of God and exhaling the co-creative vibrations and talents your Presence desires of you. Nada stands in the Ruby Fire to assist you in clearing away the debris in your life and ultimately, the debris upon Earth, so that God’s Light may prevail.
  • There is a subtle shading of difference between Divine Compassion and sympathy. Sympathy is agreement with human imperfection that siphons off and depletes the Light. The Law of Karma and the Law of Octaves are inexorable, and each individual is responsible for their own lifestream. When there are appearances that could engender human sympathy, remember that: Beyond that lesser appearance, there is a glorious Heart Flame, and you can call for the person to be set free; and you must refuse to give Power to the appearance, and instead put God Perfection over it and hold that pattern there. Otherwise, you will chain yourself to that appearance and you will not ascend, but find yourself bound in a similar manner.
  • The Goddess of Liberty stands fixed upon the glorious Vision of the Golden Age for you, in addition to upholding your Presence’s Divine Plan that you are to fulfill. Let the Light of your Heart expand so that you are overflowing with the Joy for Life that allows you to take command of your life and not give it away. Stand for your Freedom, and where it is being eroded, take up your calls. Invoke the Light of the Karmic Board, Archangel Michael and his Legions, Mighty Victory, and the Goddess of Liberty’s Flame, for they will uphold the Divine Right of every Son and Daughter of God, and stand together to protect those gathered under the canopy of The Temple. Proclaim the Cosmic Christ Command of Freedom here and now!
  • Supporting the Brotherhood’s programs is the most beneficial thing you can do for yourself, as well as for your loved ones, society, and civilization. There is limitless Abundance in life, and limitless Life and Substance in the One Presence. As long as individuals desire to be wholesome, productive, self reliant, and come into the Law of the One Presence, there is no limitation, but only limitless capacity for Abundance. As you use Life for the glory of God, you will have more than you can utilize. So amidst the unfathomable tumult do we erect our Temple and move forward into the future. El Morya and Godfre are on the front lines and will have the Victory!
  • Mother Mary instructs you on mastering the cycles of your life. There will be cycles that require you to exert a more than ordinary amount of striving, while other cycles allow you to go into the Silence. Do not leave the Rosary for only one day per week, and do not do it by rote. Consider that the Rosary ties you to her Mother’s Love and the White Fire of the Mothers of Heaven. Consider the Rosary your Opportunity to invoke more Freedom by the Violet Flame. Mother Mary surrounds you with the Light of the Mother Flame and with the Love of her Heart, so that you might know you are loved and have the Strength to stand as a pillar of Light.
  • The Goddess of Light reminds you that you are called to the Round Table to take up the Sword Excalibur. The time is now for you to give the calls, to command the Light of God, to prepare your chalice. For as you are connected with your Presence, you are One in communion with the Presence of all, so that a difference can be made and negative cycles cease. This is an opportunity to change the course of history! Let the Sword Excalibur and the White Fire of Purity go forth and prepare the way for the legions of Light and the Archangels to perform their work in the Earth.
  • Your Presence is a limitless Source streaming down into the lower worlds. You are learning to derive the flow from your Presence and sustain that action eternally. As you establish this flow more and more, and master yourself more and more, controlling your thoughts and emotions, you will find that life around you must conform your decrees into substance. You must become uncompromising with your vehicles as the natural way in which you move through life. Only your own Presence can ever sustain that action for you perpetually. Questions and answers follow.
  • Godfre instructs you on completing the campaign of your mission victoriously. Put God before all else and make room for your communion with your Presence. Decree that the Rays of God Consciousness come forth so that you can be the hands and feet of your Presence. Then stay alert and keep your consciousness clear, for your vehicles must pierce through unreality and be the listening ear to your Heart Flame. You are charged to use the Violet Flame, the Ruby Ray, and the Emerald Matrix; to become Purity’s Ray; and to have the White Fire knit your spiritual centers together so that you are no longer separated from God. This is the cycle and you cannot shirk your Responsibility.
  • El Morya welcomes students to his abode. You are the spark that will ignite a whirlwind action. Now is the time for you to galvanize the Vibration and Consciousness of the Masters, and the Light of your own Mighty I AM Presence to put into action the glorious plans that have been detailed for you. It is Morya’s great joy to guide you, guard you, and protect you, and give you every vestige of Teaching needed to overcome. This is an Opportunity for many of you to come into the fullness of who you are. Anchor the Fire in your own life and be that great shield and defender of God in the land.
  • Saint Germain calls for a resurgence of the understanding of what it means to be God Free, and to stand in the fullness of all of the momentum of your Victories as you proclaim your Divine Destiny. You have been shown the Great Commission so that you might know the Cosmic Council’s desire for this Activity. Every day the Holy Angels and the Ascended Ones await your approach to the altar so they may take up your offering, multiply it, magnify it, and send it out where it will bring about the greatest God Good. The Entire Spirit of the Brotherhood of Light is the foundation and the Rock upon which you stand. This is your legacy and why you have come into embodiment.
  • Where the Presence of God is active, only Perfection and Beauty can abide. This is the principle of practicing the Undivided Presence. The Undivided Presence is the consciousness that does not interject duality or juxtapose any existence other than God. For where your Presence abides, there is only a vast Oneness that includes all of life. The Light of the Presence must enter into this world with its full unmitigated intensity and displace everything unlike itself. Your Presence remains joyful because it is untouched by what goes on in this world. Our biggest task is to escort our feelings and mind back into the overshadowed state of Oneness with the Presence.
  • You are the ones the Masters and the Archangels look to for immediate response when they give the directive to invoke the Light of God and anchor the Fire where you are. It is not enough to sit before your alter in meditation. You are called to be proactive, to take command, to invoke I AM, and establish that Fire where you are. You have been assigned angels who wait for your command. If you do not utter that command, how can they perform the Sacred Duty of their Heart. You must be able to stand in the Light of your own Presence, be a student of the Will of God, understand what it means to understand the Will of God, to have that Will. It is time for you to proclaim your Victory.
  • It is so important for you to absorb the Nature and Consciousness of your own Presence. This allows the full Nature of God to be transferred from one Heart to another and another until all are caught in the glorious foundation of God Love. The Pillar of Fire extended from the Etheric City acts as a canopy of Light to seal off the world’s illusions and allow your consciousness to be free. Welcome into your consciousness the transfer of the Fire of the White Light of Purity’s Ray so that, as this Fire moves through your being, you will know all is right with God and you are within that Universe of God’s Kingdom. Then you will know God and never return to duality again.
  • Transferred to you have been various visions: of the precise details of the individual aspects of Identity that are your Presence’s Nature; of Perfection as the Truth of your nature; of the Mystic Rose of the Ecclesia of Torch Bearers; of the Ascended Master Way of Life; of your Christ Presence looking down at your four lower bodies as vehicles of expression; and of the Goldprint for Coeur de Lión. Now you must hold the Faith and the thread of contact. The rolling momentum comes from the Presence and goes out through your world. It is a resistless Power that includes the action of your Causal Body as well as the momentum of Good that has been set aside by the Brotherhood.
  • Arcturus and Victoria address you for Holy Purpose — for Freedom’s Flame to march across the Earth. You are responsible for the Earth, and have the ability to invoke the Light of your Presence and the Elohim to change the affairs of your life, of your countrymen, and of all Earth. The Elohim will create that Divine Blueprint for you to establish. This responsibility and great cause that you are a part of is a Great Commission. You are leading the charge to galvanize the Golden Age into manifestation right from the Cosmic Councils, and Arcturus and Victoria’s momentum of Divine Intent. Let the Light go forth from your Heart in acclamation and proclamation of the divine Goldprint that they hold for you to draw into the physical.
Teachings to Help You Wield the Flaming Sword of Love as the Ruby Ray to Transform Yourself and the World

To master Love is to become the master of both Life and Light! Everything is subservient to Love. Make the Law of Love the Law of your being, and you can accomplish all you need through Love, just as the Ascended Masters do! During the Easter Conclave of 2009, the Ascended Masters, including the Mighty Elohim of the Five Secret Rays, presented priceless Instruction on how to become One with your I AM Presence to generate Love as the highest and most powerful force in the universe. Learn how to send forth the greatest intensity of Love — Love as the Ruby Ray — with Divine Authority to strip away the burdensome recalcitrant, misqualified substance within your own world and the world at large, clearing the way for your Divine Alchemies and Destiny; blessing all Life; and helping Saint Germain transform this Earth into his Dawning Golden Age!

  • Upon entering the conscious Path of self-mastery, a disciple must understand that he or she is obliged to accomplish everything with the Power of Divine Love released from the Mighty I AM Presence. You can no longer problem-solve the challenges of your life by lesser means. You want to use the science of the Teachings of the Ascended Masters in a way that blesses life but does not force life. Your role is to be the chalice of love, to harmonize your feelings and mind, and to use the Power of the Decrees to activate the Authority of Love wielded by your Mighty I AM Presence. Your goal is to enter into the stream of awareness of your own God Presence and create the conditions that allow Divine Love to flow through you.
  • As you allow the Flame upon your Heart to expand, you will begin to see the Virtues of the Christ begin to take hold in your life, for right upon the Secret Chamber of your Heart Flame is the identity of those God Qualities you desire. When you desire more of God in your life, you must begin within your Heart Flame. You have come to learn how to give the Cosmic Christ Command of Love. Calling forth the currents established by Cosmic Beings is a blessing for all mankind. You will be the victor if you do not give up until the last trumpet has sounded.
  • This week is to equip you with a practical ability to wield Love as a force that can have leverage in this outer world. Success depends on how the four lower bodies are able to step down this force of Love. It will take a more than ordinary impetus of God’s Light to act across the face of the Earth, to act in a universal, cosmic fashion, addressing the whole body of the Earth at the same moment. The Divine can and does accomplish this. Do you have the conviction in your feelings and is your mind in full agreement with the affirmation that all of this world can be held within the chalice of the Ruby Fire? The expanded consciousness of the Buddhic Realm is explained as well as the Golden Age reality that exists there. The Earth is alive and Perfect in the Heart of God, and God is pressing that Perfection down into the earth plane.
  • Apollo addresses you on the matters of your Christ Identity, commanding your outer vehicles to awaken so there can be enough remembrance of the Light of God and your own Presence flowing through you, establishing a momentum of Christhood, so that when you make the command, you are not constantly wrestling with an untutored vehicle. The Cosmic Beings look forward to the release of the Rays of God Consciousness streaming forth because you have issued the command. Apollo has come to call forth the Elohim of the Pranic Breaths.
  • With the stepping forth the Five Elohim of the Pranic Breaths, we can give proper names to some spiritual bodies. That body previously known as the Sun behind the sun will be called Hyperion. And since the Cosmic element of earth is powered and sustained by the Elohim Regulus, the Earth at the level of the Buddhic Realm will be known as Regulus. Already the Earth shines with her own self-luminous pressure of God Substance in the Buddhic Realm and is known there as the Star Regulus. The Masters desire you to have the capacity to focus your attention on this living, breathing, preserved Reality at the level of the Christ Consciousness. The images in the Ruby Ray Redemption Ritual poster and the actions they command are explained in relationship to the Five Secret Ray Elohim.
  • Hyperion serves God in life as the pranic breath of air. As you conduct your affairs in the Christ-like nature, there is opportunity for mastery. The greatest trials you face are overcoming your own human creation. Call forth enough of the Love of God to put into the Flame your rebellion, your inattentiveness to your own God Presence. Are you ready to have the Fire of God moving through you? The Elohim see you at the level of your Mighty I AM Presence. Approach each day as the dawning of your Christhood.
  • From the Good and the One, all worlds have been rolled out, one after another. It is a precipitation that is a reflection of the Godhead, a reflection of Divine Design. There is structure and order and Harmony throughout the cosmos. Love emanating from this structure produces creation. All of the cosmos is one living, breathing, intelligent creature. The Buddhic Web of Life connects the highest levels of the Godhead to the pure substance in the earth element. There is this perfect circuitry, a seamless weaving of creation, performed by the Presence, the Divine Mind, and the Cosmic Beings. With the Power of their thought, they have fashioned these perfect interrelated lacey patterns of Perfection that exist in Life. As the Ruby Ray travels the Buddhic Web, it envelops the entire Buddhic Web from within out and throws off the discord and lesser appearances that mankind has placed over theses patterns of Perfection.
  • Mighty Cosmos holds you within his Ruby Heart to assist you in maintaining your Peace. To have the mastery and attainment for your Ascension, you MUST know how to manifest the desire of your Presence’s Heart through your energy centers into this world. When you call to Mighty Cosmos, his momentum of God Consciousness will assist you in the God Control of the areas of your life that require Peace and Harmony. Where there is the mastery of the water element, there is the transfer of Power. And when the transfer of Power occurs, worlds begin to turn, both in the microcosm and the macrocosm.
  • Behind the outer appearance world, in the Heart of all Life, there is a loving Presence whose motive for creation is Love. This One Presence has two basic expressions: universal and individual. The dance of life goes back and forth between the universalities and the individualities. We are mastering the process of bringing forth God Consciousness to the outermost levels of creation. The great pranic breaths flow close to the physical world, and can be awakened within your flesh and etheric double with the sluicing of concentrated liquid Light sent by Regulus. As you feel the acceleration of your physical body, bless your Presence, and know it is the final stages of the earth element to be lifted up in the Ascension.
  • Saint Germain gives you his Love, support, and encouragement, reminding you that to express your Heart Flame into the affairs of your life, you must transmute your returning karma, and exercise the Christ Virtues even before you attain them. Attend to the study of the Ruby Ray, for there are entrenched energies in the Earth that require concentrated momentums of God Love. Chamuel and Charity and those who serve on the Ruby Ray await your calls. Call upon Nada, for she will know the exact course for the Ruby Ray to take. Saint Germain will stand with you all the way, not only to your Ascension, but in assisting your accomplishments following your Ascension.
  • Regulus holds within his Consciousness, for you and for Earth, the fulfillment of your destiny ― your Ascension. He has held the Vision of the Perfect Earth, shining the Purity at the core of all God’s manifest substance. Even now a Golden Civilization is already present in the Octaves of Light. Regulus asks you to give the Violet Flame, accelerating it into the Ruby Ray, so you might have sufficient levity to ascend and accomplish what you have come to accomplish.
  • The first Seven Rays relate to God expressing as Light and substance, an impersonal expression. The Five Secret Rays are forms of concentrated Life in a fluid, flowing state. The Seven Rays are operated by the action of the Five Secret Rays upon them. The Secret Rays are Life and the Seven Rays are Light. Life controls Light. Love controls Life. Everything is subservient and responsive to Love. This equation is fundamental to all creation. You can command Love. Your Heart must completely unfurl and fill your outer self. As this occurs, Love, combined with the Authority of the Threefold Flame, is giving the command to itself and to all of Life. Love is all the Masters need to control Life.
  • Mother Mary receives your petitions and takes them to the Karmic Board. She takes into her Heart all that burdens you, loving all that you are, even your transgressions. As the Karmic Board deliberates your petition, she will keep the watch with you, so that, where possible, your calls will be answered. The answer to your calls must work through your own interaction with the Flames of God to manifest your requests. You are never completely void of the Responsibility, even when the Grace of God blesses you. There is always one Heart you know will never forsake you, that of your Presence. Your Presence’s Heart is your Heart, your Identity. Stating that you are never alone, Mother Mary seals you in her Heart of Love, asking you to never entertain aloneness again.
  • Rose of Light instructs you on unfurling the petals of your Heart so you might master the Ruby Ray. Commanding the Ruby Ray comes as naturally to your Heart Flame as your body breathes in oxygen. Once this Ray goes forth, it is like the Needle Action of a laser beam that knows its target and never stops until it has reached its destiny. Let your Heart be the Heart of the perfect rose that emulates Rose of Light’s Heart Flame as a balanced action of Love, Wisdom and Power, calling forth the Purity of the Mother Flame to manifest the perfect pattern of God Identity in Love.
  • Surya explains that he loves God so intently that he would hold to the Blue Flame and the White Fire of Purity to initiate a Ruby Ray Action of Divine Love. He draws into your life the divine blueprint inherent within your own Presence, assisting in establishing the Purity and the Divine Design of all your Presence desires you to fulfill. Explaining why the Angels who serve on Sirius look simultaneously blue and purple, Surya instructs that when you enlist these fierce angels there is no retreat and the Victory is assured. Learn to surrender and sacrifice all that you are on the Altar of your Heart, for only then can you have the transfer of the patterns of the high ideals from the Mind of God through Akasha to deposit in your life.
  • The Resurrection Flame burns ever brightly and is carried on the Golden River of the Helicon to more quickly enter your atmosphere in this era. When you understand the swirling action of the Golden River that comes as an activity of your own Threefold Flame, you will begin to wear the Garments of the Christ. Then you are actively participating in the action of Resurrection’s Flame, whether you call to it or not. But when you invoke Resurrection’s Flame, expect change in your life. When the Heart Flames begin to spin and spiral, calling into focus the White Light of Purity and the Resurrection Fires, the Ruby Fire can go forth and perform its perfect work. This is the training you must master. Treat this embodiment as if it is your final incarnation.
  • You are able to wield the Power to liberate the Light, Life and world of your own Individualized God Presence so that it streams forth into all lower worlds. This process begins and ends with your Presence, which has the ability to energize and accelerate the outer vehicles so they no longer create misfortune. This Conference has sought to re-establish in your lower bodies the Perfection of the Presence so you have a place to put your attention. You are being taught to attune to the accomplished Victory of the Golden Age Consciousness that already exists in the Buddhic Realm.
  • God’s Love is everywhere, waiting for you to determine whether or not you will become an active participant in Love. Perhaps you thought Love was a passive activity. But you are called to first touch the Heart of your own God Presence, and then bring that Love into a concentrated action. When that Love touches any part of life, it must give way to the Divine Aspect of God. Perhaps you have thought yourself unworthy or unprepared, but Nada declares you are ready; you are worthy; and it is the desire of your God Presence that you engage with your own Heart Flame.
  • When you can hear the heartbeat of God always resounding, pulsing God Love into the entirety of the universe and beyond, you will know the Flame of Kronos. Holding fast to the Consciousness of God will allow the Ruby Fire to mount up a fiery chalice in your own world that will, on the instant, consume all unreality. That Ruby Fire comes because you love God more than you love your outer self. This Fire clears the way for all the Flames to perform their Perfect Work. The Dispensations and Teachings released through The Temple of The Presence provide the tools and the understanding of God’s Law required to bring forth a Golden Age.
  • To accomplish things in life, there must be a great resolute thrust centered in the Electronic Body, in the Heart, and joined to the Power of the Buddhic Web by way of spiritual alliance. You must hold the balance for yourself and enter into a measure of World Service, gaining the momentum needed to control your thought and feeling worlds to keep that absolute dominant Radiation going forth from your world. Accept only God, only Perfection, in your life. It is absolutely imperative that our complete student body operate in the Oneness of the One Mind and the One Presence, insisting that the Perfection of God is present beneath every imperfection and visualizing that Perfection. Take what the Brotherhood has given us and propagate it far and wide across the Earth.
  • Elohim Arcturus stands with Kronos so there can be a unified action of the Purple Ray and Ruby Fire going into the Earth to break up all recalcitrant human thought and feeling that must go into the Flame. At the very core of life is the pristine essence of God as the Golden Web. Entreat that Golden Web, with your calls to the Violet Flame, to throw off all unreality. As the momentum of that Fire stretches forth the Rays of your own God Presence in answer to your call, you are already touching every part of the Earth through the Golden Web. Do not let the day pass you by without invoking the Violet Flame and the momentum of Elohim, of Saint Germain and of all who serve on the Ruby Fire. Be the Flame of God where you are.
  • The Buddhic Web has the Power to knit all together as One, but this forward momentum of Cosmic Christ Consciousness must be held in connection with the original Source of Love, the Mighty I AM Presence. This Source accounts for the undefeatable nature of the Buddhic Web whenever it is accepted and invited into an individual’s life. The spiritual alliance between the Sons and Daughters of God, who are forging a new God Given alliance with God in nature, and the Brotherhood of Light will overpower everything of a lesser nature. The Ascended and Cosmic Beings have come and given your world a spin. The moment you recall their name and their Flame there is conscious connection between them and you. The Buddhic Web is forward momentum that can blow over the seeming impossibilities in your life.
  • Maitreya speaks to all on the planet: Awaken your Heart; allow for the Flame of God to burn more brightly and ignite the Christic Fires. There must be a concerted effort by each one to stay the course until the Fire of the Mighty I AM Presence has completed its work. Allow the Presence to pour into you all you can hold. Then you will have not only enough for your own tasks but megatons of Light left over for the Sons and Daughters of God worldwide. There is no limit to what your Mighty I AM Presence can do through you. Never before has there been so much Instruction given from the Ascended Master Octave so you would have all needed to fulfill your Divine Purpose.
Teachings to Help You Understand and Operate the Principles of Cosmic Law to Harness Your Presence’s Perfection Via the Emerald Ray’s Alcmical Power!

Imagine if you mastered the secret science of the Emerald Ray…then all things would be possible, including greater service to your loved ones and the world. Now you can! Here are the most profound Ascended Master Teachings on this alchemical Ray ever to be released publicly! During the 2009 New Year’s Conclave, the Ascended Masters delivered in-depth training on the operation of the Emerald Ray as the Emerald Matrix, revealing how to condense, crystallize, and focus the action of this implacable Ray to precipitate your alchemies. Learn how to lower the Emerald Ray into your world to mold, shape, and transform all your affairs into the true alchemist’s gold of God Perfection, God Good, and God Abundance — and help Saint Germain manifest the Golden Age! Work with the Emerald Matrix, and understand how the adepts heal, multiply, and change life!

  • It is the fond desire of the Ascended Masters that you feel yourself surrounded on all sides by the great pillars of Power and Strength and Light that are the signature of the Entire Spirit of the Brotherhood. Whenever you have the fortune of being enveloped in a portion of their Radiance, immediately your feelings are at ease, your Heart at Peace, your mind tranquil. Your connection to this limitless Source of Power is through your attention upon your own Electronic Body, the I AM doorway that no man can shut. It is a great blessing to know that the eye of the Brotherhood is on those who have opened their eye through their attention to their Mighty I AM Presence. Each one is held in the hand of the Brotherhood. The Infinite Mind of the One Presence is instantly on the threshold of Consciousness when it is called forth by an open Heart. Whatever happens in the Earth, it never affects the Rock, the Light, the superior Power that is harnessed in the Brotherhood. Three year-end rituals are explained: The Violet Flame Angels have been very busy closing up certain records of yours this past year; the Thoughtform of the year is a point of unification and simplicity where all is focused on the one vision of the coming year; the Dispensation known as the kindling of the Yule log is a reenactment of a ritual from Shamballa.
  • You have been invited into the Heart of Gautama, who has breathed upon your Heart Flame so that, together, you can forge the pathway through Wisdom’s Flame to your Victory. You are called into many activities and pursuits of life, and oft times you discover within the talent of your very hands a Flame of Peace you had not realized before. This Peace allows for the life of your Heart Flame to leap into action wherever Love is needed. When there is Peace in your life, when you have enough of the Courage and Strength afforded by the Will of God, all is tempered by the Wisdom that can be imparted to you ― if you would but prepare your consciousness. As you maintain your Peace, the action of the Threefold Flame of the Heart may be always at work, protecting you, guiding you, and enabling a Vibration that does not allow for any lesser thought or energy to encroach upon your life. This is the first prerequisite for attaining mastery on the Path to the Ascension. The Thoughtform for the year is a glorious Sun of Crystalline Light streaming out of God Consciousness that holds patterns of identity that correlate to all Threefold Flames on the Earth. Those who consciously meditate upon this Thoughtform will be enacting a ritual of seeing the Earth expanding in the Golden Light.
  • Your thought, feeling, and physical bodies must become suitable vehicles for your I AM Presence and Christ Presence to lens the Law of Life. The One Law of the One Life is absolute Perfection. Once you know that one Law of Life, you are able to conform to it and make that Law beneficial to you. The Fifth Ray is able to concentrate liquid Light into an indomitable pressure. The Green Ray is the big brother of the other Seven Rays when it comes to operating this principle in the physical world. The pressure of the liquid Light going forth from your Presence will press upon the Great Sea of Universal Life and create everything your Presence intends for you in your life.
  • The Goddess of Light extends the Sword Excalibur to your right hand. Excalibur conveys the Truth of the Law, and as it strikes the chord of your Causal Body momentum, it allows for the acceleration of your attainments into your outer vehicles to meet the requirements of the hour. The Goddess of Light teaches what is required for the release of these Causal Body talents into your wise use at any time. She commends you to the study of your vehicles of consciousness, and how you may strike the chord of your God Identity and then change the world. Hold fast to the pure intent of your Heart, not letting your outer mind or emotional body sway you from what the Presence of God reports to you within your Heart. That is the Commandment of God. The Presence of God is always to be at work in your life.
  • Monroe Julius Shearer introduces the science of decreeing for the benefit of new students. Love is our only recourse in these teachings. We do underscore the Power of creativity, however, and there is a locked up Power that is released when the name of God I AM is spoken rhythmically, coupled with the mind and full engagement of the feelings. The Conscious Christ Command is what you are about to experience. Carolyn is a daughter of the Green Ray. This Flame of the Emerald Ray is native to her lifestream and Presence. When she is in the Green Ray she is in her element. Giving a rhythmic decree is like learning to play a piece of music. In the beginning you are disciplined until it is mastered, and then you can enter in and play. That is where we want to be in the delivery of all our decrees. Your body is a flute; your Mighty I AM Presence is singing and decreeing the tone of the Emerald Matrix through your world. When you arrive at the point of the Emerald Matrix, you are at the stage where you are now commanding in the Office of your Presence that the universals shall, in the NOW, come forth in manifestation in accordance with the decree your Mighty I AM Presence is giving through you. That is the sense you want to cultivate.
  • Carolyn Louise Shearer leads the Emerald Matrix Decree and explains aspects of decreeing and the Emerald Ray. Each facet of the Emerald Ray plays upon the life currents. Everything that emanates from you has been touched by the Emerald Ray, for it is part of the process of creating. When you are giving decrees at home, there will be times when you speed up and pull back. There will be times when you will want to catch your breath and then take up the call again. Your Presence, with whom you are communing while decreeing, is commanding life to go forth and perform the perfect work. Sometimes you don’t know what that perfect work is. Then call to Cyclopea. There are many Victories that can be accomplished with the Emerald Matrix. Cyclopea is at the core of the Emerald Ray and hold the Consciousness of Perfection. The Emerald Matrix will reorder your life. It may not be comfortable but it will always be right.
  • You are the Vision of God. For it was within the Heart of the adoring God that you were conceived, establishing the patterns of identity that would be accelerated with every mastery and attainment. Within the Secret Chamber of the Heart is written what God has envisioned for you. To unlock that awareness into your life requires you live within a Vibration that can receive it, can hold fast to it, and then make it your own as you breathe the breath of life into it. Your own God Presence has sent forth a Ray of Consciousness as Truth to illumine your Heart so that you might awaken to the reality of the blessing you are upon life. Though there are misdeeds, at the core of your being is Light, Wisdom and the Will of God. Each day you are involved in creating. Every thought and erg of energy that passes through you is creating, and you qualify that energy by your vibration, by your vision. Many of these creations are a work in progress, training you how to bring about a more refined manifestation. The greater work for all is the Ascension in the Light. Your Mighty I AM Presence has determined that you will ascend. All of God’s vast and glorious realm will move into lockstep to assist you in that endeavor when you apply your own Heart Flame into the equation. Cyclopea explains what it means to be truly within the Emerald Ray.
  • Your Christ Presence is undefiled by mortal consciousness. The Purity of your Christ Presence cannot cohabitate with any level of mortal impurity. This is a tremendous key in allowing your Christ Presence to operate Cosmic Law, for all the work of the Light is performed at the level of your undefiled Christ Presence through your Causal Body, your I AM Presence, and the rest of Hierarchy. To have your full Christ Presence occupy your force field, you must make the “perfect disconnect,” withdrawing the allocation of your Crystal Cord energy that you have been accepting into mortal appearances and limitations in your life and in the world. The Electronic Circle Affirmations can help you establish this perfect disconnect.
  • Ever holding the vision for your Freedom, Saint Germain presents in-depth instruction on how to perform your alchemies correctly. He explains the knitting of the Emerald Matrix, and how the Violet Flame is so important to the process. When you invoke the Emerald Ray, the first action of your Presence is the release of the Violet Flame into your world, even when you have not consciously invoked it, so that what proceeds will be clarity under the canopy of Wisdom’s Ray. Before the Emerald Ray can manifest the Christ, it requires the Will of God, Illumination, Love, and Purity. Saint Germain explains why you must keep the single-eyed vision upon Perfection, and why you cannot invoke the Emerald Ray incorrectly. If there are elements of Teachings from The Temple delivered on the Emerald Ray that you have not studied, then Saint Germain commends you to search them out within the archives available to you.
  • Carolyn Louise Shearer continues her instruction on giving the Emerald Matrix. In the painting of the Emerald Matrix, the hues are so vibrant until you get to the Golden Light and All-Seeing Eye. Then, the All Seeing Eye appears ever present; not physical, but behind the scene, looking on and holding the gaze and vision of alchemy. Closer to the base of the obelisk, the Violet Flame action is more physical, and you can appreciate the action going on in the physical body. You must prepare your sanctuary so that it is clean and free from any objectionable color that will take you away from the Causal Body momentum of the Virtues of the Christ. The colors represented for you at the Temple reflex those pure colors that exist within inner levels. Surround yourself as much as possible with the right vibration, the right sounds, the right elevation. Tucson was chosen by the Ascended Masters because of the Etheric City overhead. This allows those in Tucson to reach the heights of Consciousness in this Etheric City. The more your vehicles are tuned closer to the Vibration of the Mighty I AM Presence and the Master who will answer your call, the more quickly you can have your call answered. We must be guarded to not desecrate the ground upon which the Holy Christ Presence would walk, for you are the temple of the Presence.
  • Far too many do not engage their Heart Flame in bringing forth what is required for their lifestream. The alchemies you are learning are the integration of the Flames so you might call into manifestation all that you require. Many things come to mind that you could call to the Presence to bring into your life. But would not the better call be for Wisdom, clarity, Purity, Divine Purpose? For each of the talents of your Causal Body to come streaming forth, you must have the discipline and the training so that you do not squander them when they are given. Whether you are aware of it or not, this atmosphere is saturated with the Consciousness of the Emerald Ray and you are floating in this Sea of Universal Light as the Christic Fire performs the action your Presence desires for you. When the action of the Emerald Ray is performing its Perfect Work, there is always joy, upliftment of spirit, and a glorious sense of wonder at the workings of Cosmic Law. In time, this will be the norm of your day-to-day life. The Angel Deva bestows a gift, the sphere of the glorious Radiance of the Universal Sea of Life as perceived through the Angel Deva’s Consciousness.
  • To have the precipitations you wish, what your Presence would do for you, it must do through you. Embracing the Green Ray will enable you to be entirely self-sufficient in the dependency upon your Presence. Your own Presence is a limitless outpouring of all the Secret Rays of Life and the White Fire Core of God Love. This is the one and only Source you need for everything in life. Love is a Power within you and, when you unveil it, all of nature will fall over itself to be where you are ― to bask in the radiance of that Love, and then to dash off on an errand to please you. Creation comes when the Universal merges with individuality. In invoking the Green Ray, your individuality is operating on the Universal, the All-Pervading One.
  • By Mother Mary holding the vision of your Divinity, there is a strong magnet that assists your own God Presence in drawing your vehicles of consciousness back into the pristine estate of your natal birth. More times than you would care to admit, you have given lesser energies entrée into your life. Many times, the most sincere student will lay down their Sword of Truth and elect to stop right where they are, thinking surely they will not lose ground. This is the time when all of the Mothers of Heaven will insist with their Heart Flame that the Light upon the altar of your Heart speak out. Each one who takes up the Torch of Light and elects to expand the Threefold Flame of their Heart, has been placed in a position to wear a mantle in this incarnation to assist the Brotherhood of Light. Understand that when you make the call, you can elevate your consciousness into the Heart of God and be assured the Light Rays will go forth, just as they go forth from the angels upon Mary’s request. It is imperative that you respond to the Mothers of Heaven, magnetizing your Heart Flame into an accelerated cycle to bring you up higher in vibration so that you are ready to respond to your calling. As the Christ, you have the Authority to call forth the angelic kingdom and to issue the God Command to your own God Presence to release enough of the impetus of the Light Rays of your own momentum ― as the I AM Presence ― into conditions of the world.
  • As one of the Mothers of Heaven, the Goddess of Liberty will not leave anyone without the understanding of what is required to multiply, magnify and become more of God where they are. It is an action that begins with the Threefold Flame of the Heart and can lead to a great fountain of Light seen from far off worlds. First purification of your vehicles is required. When God is the first priority of your life, all else follows suit. Dispensations would not be forthcoming if there was not Victory on the horizon. But you have been warned that there must be change, that those recalcitrant energies not in keeping with your Christhood must go into the Flame. As these changes occur, it is not always comfortable. So it was deemed necessary to bring forth a more specific Teaching on the Emerald Ray so you would understand the importance of standing in that Fire. As you enter into the Threefold Action of your Heart Flame and know yourself to be that Torch of Light, life right around you will respond. If you magnify the Light that you are as the Christ with the action of the Emerald Ray, the Radiance of your Christ Light extends further out. If you call forth your Mighty I AM Presence to stand with you, overshadowing you in that Emerald Ray and allow for Cyclopea to take up that Consciousness and spread it across the land, cannot you not begin to see how you can make a difference in the Earth?
  • Compression and condensation are the Emerald Ray’s actions; the necessary ingredients to precipitate your alchemies. You must engage in that green ray concentration of the Light, along with the action of your Threefold Flame — especially the blue plume. With God Will, you hold a resolute determination, a consciousness of the Cosmic Christ Command and the lawful Necessity, demanding upon universal Light that your alchemies manifest. The magnet of the Love charge in your Heart from your Presence is the attractive force that draws everything toward you. When the flow begins from your Electronic Body, hold open the thread of contact, knowing that your Presence is the doer sending out the Light Rays that hold your alchemies in their perfect patterns. Hold your attention and will steady. Build up the pressure of Light to create a super saturated alchemy. When your matrix holds all the Light it can, it must precipitate.
  • Holding you in her embrace so you will know your Golden Age of One, Pallas Athena furthers your understanding of the Emerald Ray. She reveals the mystery many have missed: You cannot invoke the Emerald Ray if any of the first four rays are wont in your life. As you expand your consciousness, you can work the Emerald Ray’s great alchemies so that Light can be anchored for the righting of Earth’s conditions. The Golden Age is the banner stretched across your third eye, so you might have the vision penetrating all aspects of a Golden Age. Athena states that the message of the I AM Presence is one you can carry through your sources of communication. She also asks you to guard well what you read. Let the tone of the vibration strike the chord of your Causal Body to reveal its Truth. Apply the Emerald Ray and let Cyclopea guide your vision.
  • The solution to all situations the Ascended Masters afford you has not only the dual accomplishment of protecting you and providing your daily bread, but the greater purpose of building into your character the lines of the Christ Identity ― the Panoply of the Christos. This creates a dazzling white substance that fills your forcefield, hallows it, and displaces all imperfection unlike itself. You have the Divine Right and Authority to bring forth this Christ into this world regardless of anything else that is going on in this world. It is a state of awareness you must relearn. If you are to have the Emerald Ray lens through to your Electronic Body so the Panoply of the Christos takes dominion, that will have to shatter the mortal image of identity and allow the Flame within to be all that it is. You should have the sense that your Presence has descended to this world using a form of its own through which the individual Intelligence of your Presence looks out. The challenge for you is to submit to the pressures of the Emerald Ray in molding and shaping the lower bodies so they align with the Perfection within the Emerald Matrix. Wherever there is one willing to give their all, there will be the Brotherhood working with that one as much as the Law will allow. The Ascended Masters want you to know how much Hope and Power there is in our united efforts with one another.
  • The Great Central Sun is a place you may frequent and have Illumination bathe your consciousness in the Truth of the Law. Vesta adores the Truth of the Law, for within it is every exacting opportunity any Presence of God could desire to fulfill. You are required to master the Emerald Ray so you might have a body that is in attunement, one with the Perfection of Cosmic Law. Every nuance of Teaching you have received at the Temple has been under the tutelage and guidance of Vesta’s Consciousness. What you learn of Cosmic Truth will never leave you, for within the Mind of your Holy Christ Presence resides those engrams of Truth, ready to be called forth at any time and imparted into the affairs and circumstance of the moment. What is true, what is just, what is within the Vibration of Perfection always remains. If you learn nothing of the Emerald Ray, learn this: that when it is invoked, the Truth of Cosmic Law is inherent within its nature and it will command all to come into alignment with that pure God Reality that is to be. The more you practice and understand the workings of the Emerald Ray, the greater appreciation you will have for Cosmic Law. When you invoke the Emerald Ray, all of Heaven smiles down upon you, sure that you are ready to enter into the Sacred Science, bringing forth the alchemies that are required. Within the Allness of your own God Presence is the expanded awareness of God in all life, and you are required to have that expansion of consciousness so you might draw upon all of the elements of God.
  • The Goddess of Liberty speaks to you in her Office on the Karmic Board to encourage you that your karma is not too great that you should not strive. The Karmic Board has read the record of your life and know what is possible for you to accomplish here and now. The Goddess of Liberty will remain throughout this cycle to uphold the students.
  • Meta has tarried long with each of the Heart Flames upon the Earth to assist in furthering your attainment in drawing forth the currents of wholeness and healing. These outer vehicles you wear were intended to be charged with Light. Putting on the garment of your true identity requires that, from within the core of your Being, there be a great momentum of the Fire so that you have reserves upon which to call when needed. When the Emerald Ray enters into the proximity of your lesser vehicles of consciousness, its very Presence demands Perfection; it will settle for nothing less. The Violet Flame always precedes the release of the Emerald Ray, clearing the way for the Emerald Ray to descend. Meta has mastered Love and understands how, when Love is present, the Heart naturally invokes the Needle Ray of God Consciousness as the Emerald Matrix into life. Your Presence desires that you also establish this momentum.
  • Know yourself to be one who has stepped forth from the Source of the spiritual outpouring of Universal Light and Life and Love, the Source of all good things. You have the pressure of the acceptance of yourself as the Mighty I AM Presence. Your Decree fulfills the Law of Octaves, so all of heaven is waiting to pressurize your world with the Emerald Ray, with the full Perfection of Christhood which you are. Whereas your outer bodies are of this earthly world, this is not the case for your Christ Presence. When you can shift your center of attention and feel through the Heart and Consciousness of your Christ Presence, you will rise into the pure ethers of the Buddhic world and find conditions quite different from this world. You can cooperate with your Mighty I AM Presence, utilize the Power of the Emerald Ray, and determine that life as it is now lived in these Perfected Realms shall be the Law of your own experience. It is the determination of your Mighty Presence to bring this Perfection forth into this world of form, and your Presence is keenly engaged in accomplishing your Victory. The more your outer self can live the life and play the part of your Presence, your Presence will respond, and you will have greater achievement. You are turning back time, unwinding the whole spiral of all your embodiments with Violet Flame. As all is transmuted, it is replaced by this Dazzling White Light from the Christ Presence filling your bodies. As you rise in attunement, you will discover that those inner worlds are all-pervading and that the Great Sea of Universal Life is right here.
  • It is through the office of your own Christhood that you gain the Ascension, for within that Christhood is the Attainment to master all you are required to galvanize. Each of your vehicles is a greater understanding of who you are, of how you are to perform your day-to-day life. It is the Necessity of the Law to draw forth Cosmic Light for Divine Purpose, and this requires the drawing forth of the Emerald Ray. You are ready to perform the alchemy of setting the Emerald Ray in motion in each of these bodies so you might have a greater absorption of the Light of your Presence. As you put attention upon the high ideals of Christ Consciousness, allowing for the precise, exacting, determined release of the Light of the Emerald Ray into areas of your life that require change, you will understand how grand and glorious is the opportunity of embodiment. You are not bereft of Attainment when you come into your very first incarnation. You already had an understanding of each God Quality and how it works. What is missing is how to work with the elemental forces of nature in each of their dimensions to fashion, create, mold and shape the pulsation of the Heartbeat of God through form and formlessness. The Heart has always remained Perfect, always there as a repository to receive each day the offering of your God Presence to keep your vehicles of consciousness knitted together, charged with Light. You have been bathed in the effulgent Light of the Ascended Masters, so you have a co-measurement of what it means to have this Light most physically active all around you. Do not allow one moment to be lost in gaining mastery and Attainment.
Teachings to Bathe You in the Divine Intelligence of the All-Knowing, All-Powerful, All-Pervading, All-Uniting, Victorious Consciousness of the One Mind of the One Presence!

Electrify your mind, electrify your memory, electrify your feelings, and electrify the etheric double portion of your physical world with the illuminating Golden River of Life that is the Helicon! Let the Brotherhood’s Dispensation of a mighty river of liquid Divine Light of the Mind of God refresh, renew, and transform you! During the 2008 Harvest Class, the Ascended Masters and the Seven Mighty Elohim delivered invaluable Teachings on how to put on the Golden Fleece of your Christ Mind, elevate your attention out of this physical plane, and, operating in your Christ Presence, enter the stream of the Golden River and the Perfection of the Buddhic World. Learn how to make your mind an extension of the One Divine Mind — and have the Helicon’s golden healing currents of Peace, Harmony, Illumination, and Enlightenment flood your world!

  • The Elohim of Peace comes to inaugurate a cycle that cleanses each of your vehicles of consciousness to prepare the way for greater Illumination, more Love of God, and the instilling of the divine aspect of your own God Presence into the fabric of your day-to-day life so there can be Peace coursing through every level of your being. You must adopt a discipline for each of your vehicles of consciousness that you will uphold. Put into the Violet Flame those areas of your life that hold no good purpose in the kingdom of your God Presence. What remains following this washing of your consciousness is the Consciousness of your Holy Christ Presence. The Responsibility begins with you and springs forth from your own Heart Flame when there is enough desire for God. When you have disciplined your vehicles of consciousness enough, you are given an infusion of Light that builds a Christic Fire that allows you to stand in the fullness of Peace, even while there is turmoil all about you. When enough students are calling forth Violet Flame, there can be true Peace within the elemental forces of nature. Bringing forth a Golden Age is dependent upon those who will call forth the Light of God. There is so much the Elohim wish to convey to you so that you maintain the Fire and the Peace required to move through this lifetime with enough God Consciousness flowing into your being to make a difference. Open your Heart to the disciplines you must practice for yourself to make a difference for the world.
  • This class has been divinely ordained and occurs at a critical moment when much is happening in the feeling and mental worlds of millions of people. Today America is a house divided against itself. The Ascended Masters desire to immediately begin pouring forth the Golden River into these turbulent rivers and bring all the Ascended Master Light possible to bear into these conditions. But even if the issues facing us were outwardly solved, the root causes of these problems would still be there ― the wholesale misuse of the Life forces. The Ascended Masters wish to help. For us to be victorious, we must remain keenly alert, attuned, actively engaged in our part of the formula of taking command over our life and, as much as the Law will allow, moving the consciousness of mankind as well. It is through Cosmic Christ Consciousness that change occurs. When you stand in the Ray of your I AM Presence, there is no worldly authority who has power over your future. You, in your Presence, are the Authority over your life. Streaming the Golden Helicon occurs when the outer bodies cease worrying about themselves and are under the control of the Heart Flame and the divine direction of the Presence, radiating the Light that comes forth from the Electronic Body. Several aspects of the Golden River are outlined; the images of the Torch Bearers’ logo and the symbol of Victory are discussed; and the three stages of “The One” Decree are explained.
  • Sanat Kumara enfolds you in his mantle of Light and assures that you are never alone if you remember the tie that binds his Heart Flame to yours, for together there is Victory always. Now is your hour to fulfill the Fiery Destiny of your calling. Every cycle has unfolded an aspect of the grand picture of your own life, setting in motion a momentum for you to carry out. Having recognized and begun to live a life filled with the I AM, you are able to move out of the consciousness of the human thought and feeling worlds and embrace your own Divine Qualities, sowing the seeds of God Identity in all your affairs. This allows you entrée into this glorious Brotherhood/Sisterhood of Light. By the request of the Goddess of Liberty, the Elohim come to once more infuse each plane of consciousness within the Earth with their Vibration, their Fire, their Love. The Holy Kumaras stand shoulder to shoulder as that unified action of the Entire Spirit of the Brotherhood of Light, allowing each one to receive benefit of the Engrams of Perfection that stream forth from their Temple of Light. They come to reinforce what you know within the Secret Chamber of your Heart is required of you ― the disciplines of the Path, the commitment to a holy purpose. They will enfold each one who is consciously putting their attention upon the Releases of this twelve-day cycle.
  • The Ascended Masters are keenly interested in raising up and training their conscious disciples to cooperate with their own God Presence and facilitate the triggering of the release of God Power. When you understand the mechanism of this Power, you have the attendant Wisdom to know when and how to flex that Power so it isn’t karma making. When there is a forging of the knowingness of the Divine Mind flowing through your outer awareness, through the overshadowing of your Presence, you know, you see, you understand, and you can operate that principle of the Law. But first you must demonstrate that you are beyond all temptation to misuse this Power. The Path of the Teachings of the Ascended Masters is all about the embodied part of every lifestream realizing that there really is One Self, One I AM, One Identity in the I AM Presence. The release of Power will only occur when you understand that it is the Office of the Individualization of the Mighty I AM Presence to give the Conscious Command to life. Your God Self is the Great Sea of Universal Light. You are commanding that part of yourself. And when it receives your call, the Universal says, “Thank you. Here I AM in obedience, precipitating that which you have commanded.” A Golden Age comes to pass when there are Unfed Flames, such as the Helicon, established by the Brotherhood for use by unascended lifestreams.
  • You, as students of the Light, desire to know how to be more like your God Presence, how to live a godly life, how to be within the Divine Will of the Mighty I AM. Victory is within your grasp. However, far too many ignore those things in their life that would lead them to that Victory. Do you have enough of the Rod of Power firmly ensconced in the center of your being, allowing for your consciousness to be held by the Mind of God, for your Heart to be desiring only the Will of God, and for the Power of God to transfer into all of those areas of your life? Absent the Violet Flame, the Will of God is hard to perceive. Giving the Violet Flame clears away old habits and momentums and prepares your consciousness to be written on by the hand of God and imbued with the Power of God. When you begin to appreciate what is at the ready, waiting for you, you will be amazed. Then you will wonder why it took you so long to recognize it. When you love God, the Life of God becomes all that you desire. Hercules and Amazonia affirm the God Command that the Earth will move through every Initiation, every cycle, into the Golden Age. And it will be because you have embraced your Mighty I AM Presence and made room in your life for the Consciousness of the Ascended and Cosmic Beings.
  • The Power within your own Electronic Body is the absolute Power of creation, as powerful in your Presence as in any Ascended Master! The stepping down and bringing this Power to bear in your life is accomplished by elevating the atoms of your physical brain and emotional, mental, and memory bodies until they operate as One with your Electronic Body. Strive to achieve complete reunion with your Presence: practicing the undivided Presence, never allowing separation in your consciousness, and accepting and acknowledging that your Presence is always the doer. Your four lower bodies — in poised receptivity, alignment, and attunement — are your transmission device for your Presence’s Light. The best conductors are selfless chalices, which are responsive to the Threefold Flame of your Heart. Then that Power will flow and effect the change in your life that will bring about the Golden Age!
  • Saint Germain asks, “Are you ready to fly?” “Can you be counted upon?” He explains what is required of you in these trying times: to give enough Violet Flame to deal with your own returning karma, and then apply your calls for Earth’s greater good. Be engaged at your altar, for that is where change occurs. When you see degradation, you are responsible to invoke sufficient Light to make a difference. You have come into embodiment in the West to proclaim the Cosmic Christ Command for Earth. Invoke enough Light for those far and wide, giving unconditional Love to all.
  • Your I AM Presence is an eternal focus of the One Presence in your own Electronic Body. The One Presence is actively thinking, creating patterns of Perfection and spawning them onto the Great Sea of Universal Light. The Divine Intelligence of the One Presence is accessible to you. Learn to still your thoughts and feelings to equipoise so they resonate with the Divine Mind of the One Presence. Then you may harness this Power and utilize it in all elements of your life. When you reemerge into this Divine Mind, you discover that God’s Consciousness is motivated by Love. As you operate from your Christ Presence, you shift consciousness from this physical world into the Buddhic world. You will rejoice to know “I AM Here and I AM There” as you experience the Oneness and Perfection of the Buddhic web of Life.
  • Elevate your consciousness into Apollo’s golden chariot and ride upon the currents of the Golden River! The Second Ray Elohim of Illumination instructs you on practicing the Reality that you are at the core of your Being and not falling sway to human patterns of unworthiness, procrastination, limitation, the “liar and the lie” — nor filling your day with the senseless minutiae of life. You can only know true Freedom when your consciousness is soaring within the Mind of God. Apollo sends forth the Decree that wherever there are two or more gathered together, there will be a multiplication of their momentum in Purity as they give the call, as they commune with God, by the Power of his Heart Flame. Apollo asks you to see if there is a stirring of your crown chakra in his Presence.
  • Anointed Representative Monroe Julius Shearer discusses various topics before answering questions from Ascended Master students. These include the descent of the Presence into the Buddhic world and the lower worlds; the giving and receiving of Love, Light, and Life in the higher realms; the voice and Vibration of the Ascended Masters in The Temple; this Activity and the company of Torch Bearers as the Hope of the world; Ascended Master impersonators; the dangers of psychism; how to reach out to students of previous Ascended Master Activities; how to build the alchemy of achieving the goals of your Divine Plan and the Ascension, and working with elemental life to do so; and on the Ruby Ray and how to safely invoke its action.
  • Waves of perfect Love anoint you from the Third Ray Elohim Heros and Amora. Instructing you on Love, they reveal that the Love of God knows no end and has no beginning; that you are loved beyond what you have ever thought possible; that Love is the magnet that seals the seams of your garments in one flowing unification of Light; that Love will heal all wounds and despair in your life; that when there is enough Love, you have Harmony; and that Love allows you to see through the maya and misconceptions of life. Also, that the Violet Flame has its foundations in Love, and that the Ruby Ray Action is God Love. Your returning karma can be balanced by God Love. Let God Love carry you to completing your Divine Mission!
  • Monroe Shearer addresses concerns about what is happening in the U.S. and around the world to allow students to have a perspective from the vantage point of the Ascended Masters and not to lose heart. There are karmic patterns that have a deep momentum to them. History repeats itself because it is the mortal nature of human beings to recreate after the old patterns because past errors were never purified. The life cycles of civilizations as outlined by Plato and where the U.S. currently stands in that cycle is discussed. The high moral standards established by the Founding Fathers have disintegrated into the abuse of the Bill of Rights. The story of the Godhead Charioteers is a Message that has the ability to turn things around for a civilization because it enables people to understand that thoughts are creative, that what you feed your life into does come back to haunt you if it’s wrong, and that legislators could take steps to protect society. We need 100,000 individuals giving the Violet Flame. Hold to the vision of your Mighty I AM Presence overshadowing you and do not yield one iota to any lesser condition. Current projects underway at The Temple are reviewed.
  • Knowing that as your lifestream entered incarnation you would desire to know more, become more, every avenue of the Consciousness of Alpha and Omega that could be sent into your awareness has been. There is no action, no thought, no creative endeavor that you have ever embarked upon that has not been a learning lesson. As long as there is separation in your own consciousness from the Mighty I AM Presence, you are not able to receive the transfer of the Power of God to fulfill your sojourn in Light. When you place the Flame upon the altar of your Heart consciously within the spiritual centers within, you begin to accelerate each of these spiritual centers to align your consciousness with the One God, the One Light, the One Life, the One Love. Having looked at the circumstances of the Earth, Omega has raised her right hand to hold in abeyance any great calamity that might cause disillusionment for more Sons and Daughters of God ― that they might continue to have Hope for a new day. As one embodied individual, you may not have the direct association on the outer to change the course of history; but you most certainly have the direct connection with the Heart of the Hierarchy of Light in all the varied offices of God Quality that you can call to assist.
  • As the Ray of Purity and Circle and Sword of Astrea go forth, know that Purity will reign at the conclusion of their cycle — and if that Purity can only be maintained by those in embodiment for one moment of a 24-hour cycle, a great task will have been completed. It used to be the astral plane that was of concern; now it is human consciousness. Many are eager to revolve all manner of degradations against the Body of God. You are all knitted together across the Earth; and there must be enough of the awareness of the affairs in far-off lands for you to make the proper calls, to give the weight of your Decrees, affirmations, and prayers to assist those in need. You are the lifestreams the Cosmic Councils look to, for your have the Purity and Love in your consciousness to make the difference. When there is the unified action within the core of one’s being moving straightway through the spiritual centers, it allows for the knitting together of all of these worlds with one common voice that proclaims, “God is in the Earth! God is in your life! And God is there to stay!” As the Power of God is transferred to you, you will know it to be so, for there will be nothing but the Light going forth.
  • Your ability to connect with your Presence is in relation to the acceleration that has taken place in your body during this Conclave. It is the desire of the Brotherhood that this acceleration be maintained. You can gage for yourself your ability to monitor if your thoughts and feelings do retain the sense of acceleration they have at this moment. When an impulse of consciousness has been set in motion, qualifying the White Fire Core with a rate of vibration, that vibration continues to act until the authority that created it changes that vibration. Even though your world has been bathed in the Light of the Ascended Masters, there is still the tendency of the lower bodies to settle back down to whatever has been the norm for them. As you record the operation of this in your world and remain alert to it, you will know what to do to cure that condition with transmutation and Illumination. It is a litmus test to gage how you respond when things arise in your life. One aspect of having lesser consciousnesses invade your world is that it creates an invisible veil that masks out the Divine Consciousness. This is referred to as the human veil. This should heighten your appreciation for the Flames of transmutation and your vigilance about what you allow into your consciousness. When you charge your thoughts and feelings with Love, your Presence pours out to you abundantly.
  • Every day there is streaming forth from your Presence an impetus of the Mind of God that would impart to you new avenues of the expression of God; new experiences that would allow you to know God; new and glorious realms of conscious awareness so that you might be more of your own God Presence in action each day. But what does it mean being the Mighty I AM Presence in action? Your life was intended to be lived in a state of listening grace, in a charged atmosphere of Light and energy so you could respond on the instant. Build the temple of the Most High right where you are, making sure that every cell is spinning with the Vibration and Purity that allows for the Light to shine forth. The Elohim could speak all day of the benefits of the Violet Flame, of the Power of Invocation, of the communion with the Heart of God. But you must receive it. It must be internalized within your own consciousness, allowing you to recognize what the Violet Flame is and how it is working in your life. When you know who you are and how to perform these great and glorious Sacred Sciences before the altar, you will be a greater force in the Earth for unreality to reckon with. What remains is the self mastery of each Son and Daughter of God. Every Cosmic Being stands at the ready to pour their Consciousness into the Golden River so it can be carried lawfully even to those who are not yet willing participants in its action.
  • The Knight Commander introduces the Goddess of Liberty and explains the importance of her role. He expresses his deep Gratitude to her and asks the students join him in that expression.
  • The Goddess of Liberty explains that the Flame of Illumination on her Heart is the same as the Flame of Illumination on your Heart that entreats the Will of God. It should give you great consolation to know that right upon the Secret Chamber of your Heart is a glorious Flame that is pure, perfect, holy ― all you need to do is make room for its expansion. There must be Wisdom’s Ray within the consciousness of Freedom. You must protect the Freedom to express the Christ Virtues, to be the God Qualities where you are, to proclaim the Freedom of God, to protect the innocent and holy until they have enough internalization of their I AM Presence to be who they are to be. For you are preparing the way. You are charting the culture you will live in; the way you teach your children; the way you relate to one another; the consciousness you hold for other parts of life; the receptivity you have to receiving instruction from your own God Presence, from the Ascended and Cosmic Beings, and from the Anointed Representatives. You must have a greater appreciation of those areas of life where you are blessed so you can breathe upon those Blessings, sharing them with others. The Karmic Board, having received your petitions, has deemed it a requirement for the Service you have rendered to balance 25 percent of the karma associated with every one of your petitions.
  • This is a time of great trepidation of what may befall mankind. But the Ascended Masters continue to bring clarity of vision to your heart amidst these activities. Rejoice that you link arm in arm with the Brotherhood of Light and that you may be about the constructive affairs of your Presence, having your Victories mount up. Not only are you not tied to the karma that may or may not occur, but you are free to move with your own karmic impetus and establish your life as a Golden Age of One, joining with other members of our Ecclesia. The foundational White Stones for a Golden Age are: carrying yourself with the Confidence, Poise, and Grace of knowing yourself as the Firstborn of your Presence, with a divine destiny and inheritance; exhibiting the Virtues of the Christ; allowing your God Self to act through you; mastering the Laws of Life and embracing the Golden Precepts; and entering into conscious creation with your Presence. Stand as a pillar in your own Presence and let your Presence expand from within out, through the Power of the spoken Word. Decree for all the world!
  • The Elohim of the First Secret Ray of Akasha, Surya, comes because Earth needs a greater impetus of God Reality. He desires for you to have more understanding of the Strength of God so that you might unfurl your Threefold Flame and take dominion, not being whisked about by human consciousness. Surya states that you are responsible for every jot and tittle of your life and for what is going on in Earth’s greater whole. You must give the calls, give Decrees, give the Light of your Heart Flame to have this transmuted. The Earth can be healed in the blink of an eye by calls and by the Elohim. Surya stresses that you are the Hope of the world. You have a divine Mission and must take Responsibility! Surya instructs you to invoke the Violet Flame; invoke the Ruby Ray; invoke Archangel Michael’s Blue Flame; and invoke Surya’s Angels who carry the mantle of Blue and Purple Fire with a Ruby Ray action at the core that instantly consumes any unreality. Call, “Let there be Light! Let there be Life! And let there be God Love!” Hold God Reality in the forefront of your consciousness, along with the goal of the Ascension. Stay the course!
  • Revealing that he looks on with great Love and devotion to the Flame of God on the altar of your Heart, the Maha Chohan holds you in his embrace and gives you an unforgettable Blessing. He encourages, “Let your life be so lived that at the close of this lifetime you may proclaim that you were counted upon by the Ascended Masters and you have responded to their call. You have fulfilled the divine destiny. And you have made of your life a Godly life, filled to overflowing so that there was much to share.” This Great Lord instructs you to hold fast to the Consciousness that has been imparted and entrusted to you so that you can perform the Work of God, as above so below, and enrich life all about you with the Blessings of the Love of God. With the sign of the Cosmic Cross of White Fire, he commends you to life as the Christ.
Teachings that reveal the epic story of your own I AM Presence working out its divine purpose of mastery, dominion, and Victory over the energies of Earth!

Do you really know all you need to about life? — about why you are here and where you are going? But how could you, when a gigantic piece of the puzzle is missing, a piece greater and older than even the Earth itself! During the 2008 Freedom Conclave, the Ascended Masters unveiled a remarkable story about humanity’s origin and destiny, a profound and glorious saga so vital and essential to understanding human experience that once you fully grasp it, it does indeed change everything you ever thought about life! Saint Germain taught this revolutionary Truth in his embodiments as Plato and Proclus. You will feel his excitement as he shares this unforgettable story with you. For it is your story. Your history! Your lineage! Your destiny to know, adore, and become One with your Presence, your true, exalted identity as God Individualized — that Godhead Charioteer within you who longs to take the reins and exercise loving dominion over the bunking broncos of your four lower bodies and complete its divine purpose to master life and nature and ascend home to the Sun in Victory!

  • The complete story of the Godhead Charioteers is the story of you in this real life drama. It reveals a new history of mankind as a race of Godhead Charioteers who, coming into this world, have been engaged in an odyssey of high adventure. There is an immortal Divine Identity working out its own destiny, a Ray of God Identity within you that has always been and shall always be. This is the Ray of the Individuality of the One and only true living God that is timeless and spaceless, while still expressing itself in realms of time and space. You may awaken to that reality, seeing the Flame of your Individuality raised into the fullness of its Divine Identity!
  • Saint Germain reveals that the story of the Godhead Charioteers is his story for you of your Divine Origin, Mission, and Destiny. There are cycles within cycles you will discover as you meditate upon the Godhead Charioteers’ painting. Every day you decree and invoke the Light of God, you are adding to the momentum established by the Godhead Charioteers. The greatest requirement is to hold fast to the Ray of God Consciousness. Saint Germain asks you to consider how your Presence would desire you to approach a situation and move through an action of God to solve it. He encourages you to stay the course. Holding fast to your Presence will reveal to you every nuance required to be God Victorious!
  • How the Godhead Charioteers define the world does change everything. If the world can glimpse the implications of man’s true Divine Nature, they will have to judge every situation in light of this. This understanding can enable society to thread its way through the labyrinth of ethical, moral, and scientific decisions that it is called upon to make in all areas of life. The Godhead Charioteers set forth the proposition that we human beings do not just affect ourselves but qualify energy as surely as God does, for it is the Godhead that is at work where you are.
  • The Nameless One from the Center of the Universe instructs you on the journey of life, on your Divine Estate, and on how to attain your Victory. He reminds you to have no fear, for your Presence has never lost the sense of Identity and the Allness of God. The choice you must make is whether you will stay within the outermost bounds of identity or become aware of the Presence of God — infusing every thought, every deed with the impetus of the desire of God’s Heart. The Nameless One asks you to not lose sight of the Commanding Presence and not to enter any endeavor where the glory is not given to the Presence of God.
  • The Presence is eternal. The Ray that you are is the Immortal Ray that has always been and will always be. None of Creation would have ever come forth if the Infinite One had not acknowledged its own Being through affirming “I AM.” The God Flame determined to be the embodiment of the One and projected the Alpha and Omega Rays out of this Oneness into the Sea of Universal Light. However, the God Flame keeps its Identity throughout all eternity. Your Presence can dial into all of the worlds, expand its Consciousness to participate in any part of life, and is the Authority by which you create. The Presence is the doer. You have come out of the Presence and will return there. Do not accept anything less for yourself.
  • The Manu of the 7th Root Race comes to rehearse with you your own history. Each lifestream must pass certain Initiations required for the fullness of the God Presence to wield the Rays of God Consciousness to create, fashion, and form. When there is not sufficient Light in the energy centers, you are not able to vibrate at a rate sufficient to resonate with your Heart Flame, the vehicle that will elevate you into the Heart of the Presence. Standing in the Will of God is the highest good you can accomplish at any given time in your sojourn of life. When you appreciate this, you will no longer bristle at the encroachment of the Will of God.
  • Before you can have the vision implanted within your gaze, there must be a consciousness holding the Wisdom to know where you are going, why you are going, and what you will do when you get there. When the Presence determines to enter into the physical octave, there is a galvanizing of the Power of God within the Electronic Body and the Ray is extended into the next vehicle of consciousness. But never is the consciousness separated out from the Electronic Body, for the Mind of God knows itself in each of these dimensions and vehicles of consciousness. The purpose for knowing of your beginning and sojourn of life is to stay on point and have enough of Illumination’s Flame burning through your lifestream to exercise the Freedom to be in the Will of God.
  • Saint Germain comes as the representative of the Karmic Board to announce the release of Violet Flame in sufficient numbers to balance at least ten years of your karmic debt. You will leave this Service lighter and brighter. There will be a new enthusiasm upon your Heart, for your Heart Flame will recognize that Freedom of expression transmuting that karma. Do not ignore the daily Dispensations and Blessings poured forth from your Presence and the Angels. When you give Gratitude, you are priming the pump; more Love comes back than you can hold. This Dispensation is for every Son and Daughter of God across the Earth. Rejoice for God Freedom to the Earth!
  • Each Individuality is a miniature version of the Wholeness of the Godhead. The words “I AM” must become flesh, not only in the physical body, but in the emotional and mental bodies, as well as at the level of the Christ Presence. Any mastery you attain in any embodiment is preserved forever in your Causal Body. The only way to experience these levels of God Consciousness is to be born into them and make them a part of yourself. That is what your Presence is in the process of doing. Thought and feeling are not human qualities, but the way in which God expresses.
  • Your Presence never distances itself from you; rather you are the one who removes yourself. Many times you go through most of an incarnation being buffeted about by the affairs of your life until the Heart Flame is awakened and you are reminded there is a purpose for you to fulfill. Do not put off the day when you take command over your life. The Karmic Board instructs you to do what is within your capability. Listen to the voice of God. All of the Heavens would part for you if you are doing all you can, for that is when the Grace of God comes forth.
  • The Divine Plan was always for your God Flame to go into the physical planes of the Earth and be God Victorious. Pallas Athena has promised to give you a greater vision for what you are to do. Each one of you has a part to play. Call to God daily to anchor the thoughtforms that will outpicture the Divine. The story of you is the story that must be told for all. The Teachings regarding the Individualization of the Mighty I AM Presence are key to each one knowing who they are. The Masters will hold the balance for you so that if you keep your gaze firmly fixed upon your Presence, you will be God Victorious. As you embrace each day, let your first thought be your Mighty I AM Presence.
  • May you meditate on the fact that God expresses his Intelligence universally as well as through your own individual consciousness. Your thoughts and emotions are not your possession, but are a continuum flowing from your Presence. The physical body is where God will wield God’s Power and flex God’s Will. Only a self-conscious being can have free will. So your will is the supreme expression of God’s Will and the Power of your own Presence that expresses in a host of ways. Your free will allows you great discretion in its use. What you have in your world today is the product of what you have chosen in the past. Now that you know that, you are going to pursue this Path and facilitate the buildup of the Life forces in your four lower bodies.
  • For the Love of your Heart to truly be at home, it must have the Love of your Presence acknowledged, expressing to your consciousness that you are not alone. Lady Master Venus recounts how you came to Earth at the request of Sanat Kumara to save the planet. Knowing this can help you have a greater sense of Responsibility in solving the problems of your own life through the Light of your Presence. The greatest Victory you should never lose sight of is the Victory of knowing and experiencing God Love. Standing in the Flame of Love is the greatest protection for your lifestream. Right within your own Heart Flame is the Love you desire.
  • It is important for us to present the painting of the Godhead Charioteers to the world. If you are able to rise into and look out through the sense of your own Christ Body, you will experience a living, breathing fait accompli of a Golden Age ― because the Golden Age is already there in the Buddhic world. We don’t have to make a Golden Age out of nothing; it already exists in the Buddhic world and just needs to be lowered. You are here because of the Godhead Charioteer of your Presence. And this Godhead Charioteer is right now active, active, active in your Heart. You are the Godhead Charioteer, the outpost of the Consciousness of your Presence.
  • Helios comes that you might have the exacting portion of Light deemed necessary for your lifestream, and in just proportion. For he would have you drink in every aspect of his Outpouring, ingesting the body of his Consciousness, so that at future times you might recall it to memory and know that Helios is ever close at hand, as close as the Heart of your own God Presence. Change, Helios instructs, is an important aspect of life to embrace. For where would the Teachings of the Ascended Masters be today if change was not possible?
  • Alpha comes to release the pressure of his and Omega’s Twin Flame action as a foundation of the Radiance of the Light of Ascended and Comic Beings who will stream forth and make the difference everywhere the Godhead Charioteers’ painting is placed. Avail yourself of the opportunity each day to gaze upon your life as Godhead Charioteer as a reminder in difficult times to hold to that high estate. Your first allegiance is to your own God Presence; for when you are placing your attention upon your God Presence, you are knitted together with every Ascended and Cosmic Being and with the Heart of Alpha and Omega. You will desire to cast the Light of your upraised chalice far and wide so that all may know there is the Presence of God in the land.
  • You have determined within your mind to have conscious communion with the Light of God. But have you ratified that conviction within your own Heart Flame? To break the bonds of unreality in your life requires a more-than-ordinary exertion, a striving, the exercising of the Will of God within you. Have you not come to the Masters’ Teachings so you might expand God in your life? For this to occur, there must be a willingness to engage ― and at the appointed hour. The vehicles of consciousness you wear are so important to your mastery, to your journey, for they are to carry you to your Victory ― and the Victory is assured! El Morya’s Flame will burn brightly throughout the Cosmos so that you have the God Star to follow to the Victory.
  • You have a unique and permanent Identity as an Individualization of God. You are imbued with all the Qualities and capacities that God himself possesses; you have the potential to release spiritual Power associated with miracles. The Golden River is the highest Life force, the Light of the Christ that controls all lesser forces. You will discover that all of creation will yield to the direction of that Golden River as it is focused through your conscious awareness by your Presence. You are here to obtain this mastery and become the Presence whom you are. Then your Presence can turn on all the Power to all your bodies, raise them back into itself, and win the Victory of the Ascension.
  • Beloved Omega blesses you with a mother’s Love and the Mother Light, explaining that you have never been outside her gaze. She has charted your course since the beginning. If you meditate on your Heart Flame, you will know she is there. Omega explains that she and Alpha give of their body Consciousness into the Godhead Charioteers’ painting so you might meditate upon it and receive God Direction; God Strength and Courage; and the understanding that you are loved beyond measure and that your life is of great worth to her and to Alpha. They await your return Home. Meditating upon your own Godhead Charioteer will help you open your heart and become more of your God Identity and for Alpha and Omega to touch the Heart of your Christ Presence.
Teachings to help you re-establish conscious contact with your Christ Presence and master the intense Power of the Ruby Ray to create a New Golden World!

Imagine — all negative personal and planetary karma and unreality washed clean by a fiery whirlwind of God’s All Consuming Love! — all humanity living life in Joy and Harmony, happy and free in a purified world, as their Christ Minds lovingly control their four lower bodies! Here are the Ascended Master Teachings you need to make this a reality for yourself and the whole world. Learn how to unleash the Power of the Refiner’s Fire of the Ruby Ray in the Ruby Ray Redemption Ritual. These Discourses and Dictations give you intensive training on this alchemical science to help you master this blessed action of God Love that will bring Divine transmutation and healing wherever needed — for you, your loved ones, your nation, elemental life, and the entire Earth — and help birth the Golden Age! A brand new world is waiting!

  • It is Maitreya’s intent that you have flooding forth from the realms of Perfection enough of the Love of God to accelerate you into a greater momentum of your own Christhood. When the Heart knows itself to be the Heart of God, it has the Strength and Courage to withstand all that might be pitted against it. We begin in the Heart, for that is where begins the spiraling action that draws you into a greater current of the Consciousness and momentum of the Ascended and Cosmic Beings. When you come to Maitreya for instruction, you are required to be ready to not only receive it, ponder it, and study it, but also to practice that instruction and become the Teaching. One should not be discriminating with the unconditional Love of the Heart. When you begin to realize each of your bodies eventually succumbs to the Heart, you cease to struggle against the Heart Flame taking its rightful place in your life. As you begin the Initiations of the Ruby Ray, your lower bodies must learn how to activate this most intense Fire; to be the chalice that will set spinning one unified Heart of the Love of God to go forth and assist those who are in need; to clear a path for the descent of Light, of Consciousness, of the Golden River of the Helicon.
  • Side by side with the outer appearance world, there is a Divine experience going on right now. Our ability to wield the Ruby Ray will be magnified as we are able to re-enter this Divine world. The Divine Plan is for us to begin here and now to literally step outside of time and space to measure the current situation on this Earth and compare it with the perfect counterpart that is ongoing in the higher realms. This is our opportunity to reunite these disparate worlds and elect to live the Ascended Master Way of Life. As this becomes tangible for you, you are able to insist that your feelings and mind hold to what your Heart knows to be true. This means no yielding to anything less than that which the I AM Presence decrees, regardless of outer conditions. When Lord Maitreya announced this Ruby Ray Redemption Dispensation, he was aware that this body would have to rise to new levels of Attainment to hold the balance for those forces that do not want to yield to the Light. The Perfection of the Buddhic Realm is pressing all the way through to the physical world, and that is how the Masters and adepts can accomplish what they do. The Law of Octaves and the stages of the Adoration and Acknowledgement are reviewed.
  • Nada explains it is not enough to merely know of the Heart of God. You are called to enter and experience the Heart, extending it to God in all of life. The Heart would sacrifice all that it is, for it knows that there is no limit to the Love of God that pours forth and that God is all the Heart needs to feel whole, fulfilled, loved. Now it is time for you to regain your awareness of the purpose of incarnation, of the momentums that are the natural flow of God you are called to expand, to move within to establish more of the Presence of God where you are. Your outer consciousness needs to relax its grip upon the Heart, allowing it to swing wide, to embrace life as was intended for you. Begin by adoring the Flame of Love upon your own Heart, knowing it is the very Heart of your God Presence you commune with and love. You are intended to move within that Grace, to have that Peace, so that when you are called upon to hold fast to the Fire you are to release, you will have built a momentum of comfort within the Ruby Fire as the acceleration of the Flame begins to move by the command of your Presence.
  • The Ascended Masters would not ask anything you were not capable of fulfilling. Quite the contrary: you have asked to be initiated; and they have answered. The Masters call together smaller groups of lifestreams in different generations to perform certain tasks because it takes a most attuned consciousness to the subtleties of the Fire to embrace the instruction given. More can be accomplished by the use of the Ruby Ray Fire of the Heart than by any war. The Masters would like you to learn how to expand your awareness beyond the limitation of the physical octave and realize you are only limited by the box you place your consciousness within. There is no limitation to the Mind of God and where you can be guided to fulfill your Divine Plan. Your consciousness is to be constantly in a fluid motion, ready to receive the prompting of your own God Presence. Your Presence has desired you to attend this Conclave, to pay attention to the instruction, and to receive the Ascended Fire that is to be conveyed to you. For those ready to step up the Light of God within their own vehicles, the Masters are willing to grant greater and greater Dispensations.
  • The Buddhic Consciousness is a never ending stream of Light that moves forth weaving its consciousness for every lifestream that is to come into incarnation. When you elevate your consciousness into this Buddhic Realm, you are moving within that seamless Garment of the Light of each Presence of God that has come forth. As you invoke your Presence to release the Fire of the Ruby Ray, you will desire to have any unreality elevated to a point of Godliness by passing the Resurrection Flame, the Transmutation Flame, and the White Light of Purity’s Ray through every point of your outer consciousness. Krishna asks where you are in the grand journey of your life and if you have continued to call Light, God Direction, and the Fires of the Heart into momentums and habits that obstruct your journey of Christhood. To reap the benefit of the opportunity of the Initiations of the Ruby Ray, study every word, meditating upon the transfer of Light and Consciousness, allowing it to displace any sense of duality in your life. The transfer of the momentum of the White Light of Purity to set in motion a Vibration and Tone of your own Buddhic Consciousness has been activated. Hear it, feel it, move within it, and see how the Fires of the Heart are unleashed for the Love of God.
  • In the station of the Ruby Ray Redemption Ritual known as the “Immaculate Vision,” we are uniting all the worlds into one integrated organic whole through the Christ principle, from the highest level of the Electronic Body down to the Earth element of solid matter. The realm of Cosmic Christ Consciousness, where you enter into the Oneness of the One Presence, the interconnected web of all Life, is known as the Buddhic Realm. This all pervasive world has a sense of Life, newness, vitality, and designed Perfection from the Mind of God. It is the essence of the Third Secret Ray of Sacrifice and Selflessness. Here the Christ Selves of mankind already experience the Golden Age. These patterns of Perfection and Divine design also relate to another station of the Ruby Ray Ritual, the “Diamond Heart.” In this stage, you take imperfect precipitation, or miscreation, back into the formless, highest state of the White Fire Core. You hold it in the dazzling White Light and recreate the original Perfection, reapplying the Divine design of the Buddhic Web.
  • The Goddess of Liberty holds the Vision for your Victory. She instructs you on holding the Vision in many aspects: the Vision of your life’s purpose; giving birth to and holding the Immaculate Vision for yourself; how to receive the Immaculate Perfect Vision for performing the necessities of each day; and the greatest Vision of all, your Ascension in the Light. You are the Silent Watcher within your own God Presence, and your outer consciousness should be holding to patterns of Perfection from your Holy Christ Presence — the Immaculate Vision for each of your bodies, your words, your thoughts, your deeds. When every Torch Bearer and Son and Daughter of God holds the Immaculate Vision in Light, and when the Light of each Threefold Flame is knit together in that same Immaculate Vision, a permanent Golden Age can manifest. Raise your torch on high, knowing that all things are possible for your Victory!
  • Immaculata, the Great Silent Watcher, traces the Garment of your Christhood and gives you the exciting sense of being newly born, approaching life for the first time. This is the way your life can be lived even now. If you hold the Vision for yourself that she, the Ascended and Cosmic Beings, and your own Presence hold for you, you may be bathed in the Light and kept in safety, Love, and Illumination. Let all of your incarnations be washed clean by the Love of God so that Purity may return to your consciousness and you may appreciate life’s Beauty, Joy, and Light. When your outer vehicles are disciplined and enough of your karma is transmuted, you will be magnetized into your Holy Christ Presence. Hold this Vision for yourself and for every Son and Daughter of God. Immaculata seals you in Purity, asking you to let the child of the Christ Consciousness within you keep the watch over you day and night as she maintains the watch for all.
  • Your Presence acting through you desires to be the instrument of true deliverance, of Ruby Compassion, to God’s children. In the Ruby Ray Redemption Ritual, this is the station known as the “Lamentation” — where you champion the cause of the Christ against the negativities that populate the psychic and astral planes. Among these are: cold indifference to the Presence of God; ignorance about the life forces; the materialistic mind; religious superstition; and psychism. These entrenched conditions are cleared by invocation to the whirlwind action of the Ruby Ray. Before the Dispensation of the Ruby Ray Redemption, this misqualified energy would be stripped of negativity until it became as the White Fire Core, charged with the Love of the Great Central Sun, and then allowed back into the Great Sea of Universal Light. Now, under the sponsorship of the Lords of Karma in cooperation with the Ascended Masters, the misqualification being cleared will be recharged and, rather than put into the pool of Universal Light, will be infused with the God Consciousness of the Helicon, becoming part of this Golden River’s momentum of Ascended Master Light for the Golden Age.
  • Lord Maitreya provides instruction on the Path of Initiation — on transmuting patterns of unreality to make room for your Divine Self. He poses some necessary questions so that you may mount the spiraling action of your Heart Flame sufficient to connect with the Ruby Ray of your Presence. Then, as you ride that current, everything unlike God’s Vibration will be transmuted, leaving you the momentum to march on and manifest a Golden Age! Maitreya asks, “Are you ready to stretch forth your hand and call the Presence to where you are?” The Initiation of this Release is for you to determine how close you desire your Presence to interact in your life. Are you content to have separation and distance? Are you willing to continue another day bereft of the Wisdom Flame to teach you how to traverse the Path of Love? Maitreya instructs that gaining your mastery requires that you train yourself to hold to those patterns of Christhood within each lifestream you would serve. Your Identity as the Christ Presence can affect all you contact. But even should you only sit before your altar, great Work can be accomplished!
  • Elijah conveys to you his momentum of God Determination so that you might fulfill the fiery nature inherent within your Presence, determined to fulfill every opportunity to the greatest extent the Law will allow. You are a saint in every respect of the word. The laurel wreath of Victory is within your grasp. What matters is that you have a fiery Heart and you understand what it means to be undaunted. And you must decide, once and for all, to throw off unreality in your life. When you elect to accomplish this, you will be prepared to invoke the Ruby Ray for the world that needs your calls. But wielding the Ruby Ray requires Discipline in your vehicles. Noting the seriousness of the times, Elijah reminds you the Ascended Masters implore you to give an hour of Decrees each day to hold the balance. No one ascended has ever ignored the Responsibility to hold the balance for others. This is a requirement for the Ascension. Cosmic Councils have deemed that the Torch Bearers will be God Victorious. Allow your countenance to be Strong, Courageous, and Fearless, and you will have your Victory for the Earth!
  • These are the stages where the Heart reaches out and contacts the more Universal aspects of the Presence. When you attain attunement with the Presence and function in the Streaming Chariot of your Electronic Body, you will discover the interplay between your Heart and the All Pervasive Oneness of the Presence. Imagine Light coming from everywhere converging at the point where you are making your calls. That is part of the action of the Diamond Heart you are invoking. The Outpouring of Love is more powerful than other forces because this Love has what every other part of life instinctively desires, whether it knows it or not. Love, the White Fire Core as the innermost expression of the Allness of God, is the hub of the wheel of Life. As this Love pours through you, it creates the Diamond Heart, initiating the spinning action that creates a huge, throbbing Universal cloud that comes in and goes out with regular undulations. Light comes together and you become the focal point for all of this sparkling Radiance of the Diamond Heart. By using the Dispensation of the Luminous Presence to absorb misqualification, you are bringing your mind into agreement with your Heart, which knows the Truth of the Law.
  • Vesta comes to impart the Radiance of the Sun so you have a greater appreciation for the Light awaiting you each time you elevate your consciousness to your own God Presence. As you weave together your mastery, it establishes a brilliant spark of Identity that accrues to your Causal Body. You have the right as a Son and Daughter of God to activate the Fires of the Heart and call forth the Allness of the Heart of God into your endeavors. Cosmic Law always answers every need. But you must have vehicles prepared to receive the wherewithal, the Light, the avenues by which you may realize that Blessing. You are required to engage consciously. For the Sun to shine within your Heart as a dazzling, accelerating momentum that takes you to your Victory, you are required to be in alignment with the Consciousness of the Holy Christ Presence, responsive to the Mind of God, disciplined to hold your Harmony, keenly attentive to the words spoken or thought so they bring no harm to any part of life. Your Heart Flame desires to be engaged at the level of Cosmic Service required in this hour. Let your beacon shine with the Radiance of the Sun so that all might be nourished in the Light of Cosmic Truth.
  • Merely eliminating negatives is not the same as achieving the Attainment of the Christ. There needs to be a positive charge of Ascended Master Light coming in and building out as an incursion against the world’s energies. That is why the Ruby Ray calls culminate in redemption. All the while the outer world has been going its separate way, the Perfection of the Cosmic Christ has never ceased to go forth. We are bringing down this Perfection and making it the normal estate, building a citadel of Christ Perfection in this world that displaces mortal consciousness. Your Presence can release as much Light as you can endure. The key to these calls is keeping a rolling momentum in your own four lower bodies so you do not become bogged down when you focus your attention on world conditions. When the Golden River flows through matter, it creates a magnet of life which attracts the Consciousness and the Abundance necessary for the Golden Age. The Whitsuntide and Panoply of the Christos are explained.
  • When you enter into daily devotions to your Presence, you give the Authority to your own I AM to send forth Light throughout that 24 hour cycle to address every need requiring intercession by the Light of God. It is not enough to say you will pray when you have enough time and think that time will be presented to you. As Torch Bearers, you have the capability to cry out as Elijah, giving your Affirmations, Fiats, and Decrees for the release of Light into the world. Surely you realize that the Entire Spirit of the Brotherhood is ready to respond to every call. You have been given the Teaching of the Ruby Fire, the most intense action of God’s Love, waiting to be called forth. When the Light streams through you, the vast and unlimited “eye magic” that comes from the Mind of God imparts to your consciousness those things you can accomplish. As you understand this and cease delaying engaging with your Presence, you realize what you are capable of achieving to assist God in all of life. There is a glow you cannot begin to imagine from the Mighty I AM Presence of those who are calling that Light into their world. You are already gods within your God Presence, and that God awaits your call to move through you as the Christ in this world of form.
  • Maitreya desires you have etched in your consciousness all that has been transferred during this Conclave. Your Presence is capable of accomplishing all things through you. But if you in ignorance determine you have all the answers right where you are, then think again of the Fire transferred through this Conclave and consider: Do you stand in that same Fire? If not, strive and continue to strive until you have attained just that. Recognize the human ego and put it into the Flame as quickly as you can. You cannot lay down the guard consciousness at any time. The Ascended and Cosmic Beings are depending upon you; for you are accountable to your own God Presence, and your Presence desired you incarnate this cycle so you might utilize the talents of your Causal Body. When there is enough Love and unconditional caring within your Heart, take up the Ruby Ray calls. This Ruby Fire knows only to leave in its place the Perfection of God. As you surrender more and more into the Heart of your God Presence, you will be capable of more. The building of the momentum of the release of the Ruby Fire is accomplished each day you invoke the Light of God and send it forth to perform its Perfect Work.
Teachings that empower you to soar into the Consciousness of your God Presence!

Taste true Freedom and take the ride of a lifetime to the Great Central Sun. Your very own DayStar Chariot, streaming forth from the White Fire Currents of your Electronic Body, stands ready to lift you out of the grip of mortal consciousness into the tangible, immortal body temple of your own Individualized God Presence. Here is your instruction manual. Let the Ascended Masters teach you the formulas for attunement, self mastery, and Attainment, including divine problem solving. Once your lower bodies are disciplined and purified, the doorways of your consciousness open wide for the unmitigated sunlight of your Daystar Chariot to blanket your world in a blizzard of White Light that blesses all of life. Just as the radiant Star of Jesus’ Higher Self appeared over Bethlehem, signaling the descent of the Christ, the streaming of your DayStar will herald the birth of the Christ in you!

  • Your life could be described as a chariot race where you are not competing against others but for your personal best. The original Divine Plan was that you remain enthroned in that great sun chariot of your own Electronic Body, holding to the high estate of the Presence and your identification as the Individualization of that Presence. But you long ago tumbled out of that glorious chariot; and so the goal of this Conference is that you realize your prerogative to once more climb into that sun chariot and to henceforth operate from that level of Consciousness.
  • Surya stands in the Power of God, which when thrust, returns bearing fruit and Victory. Is this not your desire? In the small details of your day-to-day life, you are practicing the same Consciousness and action of the Law this Cosmic Being embodies. This is a cycle during which the Sons and Daughters of God need to elevate their consciousness into the Heart of God, calling forth the Radiance of their own God Presence. There must be a return to Purity and a greater awareness of the Light of God that never fails. It is possible for you to have all required to complete your Divine Plan in this lifetime.
  • For your alchemies to precipitate swiftly, the action of your Christ Self and Presence must be unfettered by any direct figure-eight-flow with anything less than Ascended Master Consciousness. You must disconnect from the mass consciousness and all of the threads that have ground you to the Earth. By that disconnect, you create the Akashic film that can be filled with the perfect, pure charge of the Substance of your Presence, allowing your four lower bodies to radiate the Christ Consciousness.
  • The Goddess of Purity comes to teach you how to overcome negativity and maintain more Purity about you, establishing an example for others to follow. She instructs you to invoke the Light of God and guard your consciousness so you do not squander that Light; refrain from putting your attention upon anything less than Purity; and guard your ears against gossip, harsh words, or deriding of another lifestream in any fashion. If you would place your attention upon your Presence, you would not need to be concerned with placing your attention upon unreality.
  • Your Presence took embodiment to experience the fullest spectrum of God Consciousness. This means taking on the material status of these outer worlds and bringing the exalted Consciousness maintained in the Electronic Body down and out through the material worlds without losing that high Consciousness. It’s a process of allowing the Light of the God Consciousness to stream fully through the densest vehicles and then in the Ascension Spiral, bringing some of that material back into the Electronic Body, enabling the Consciousness of the Presence to know more of the Allness of the Godhead. The purpose of incarnation is to awaken to God Consciousness in the lower bodies so that the Radiance of the Presence shines through.
  • It is important to hold the Vision of your own God Presence in your outer consciousness to remind you in those moments when you are not as charged with the Light to keep the Faith and re-galvanize your energies to call forth the Light of God and be about the Work of your Presence. For the Fire to be transferred into your outer consciousness, there must be a desire for the Fire. Although there have been times when the Light has been great, Earth has not been able to maintain Constancy of the Flame; therefore it is up to each one individually to take Responsibility for your part. Constancy wins the day, and the Victor is the Christ.
  • The wonderful beauty of the Law of Lordship is that Love is so desired by life that all of the intelligences and beings of the forces of Light and Life are magnetized willingly and voluntarily to that Love. They will perform the most amazing gymnastics and join the rituals of Service and all processes of life to have the Love that pours forth from the Universal Presence and the Individualizations of that Presence. As you learn to release the gift of your Presence out into creation, it will be a magnet that the elementals and the Ascended Masters will be pleased to commune with as the gift of Love from your Presence.
  • The Light you desire is within you. You need only touch the Hand of God, draw up your energy, and enter into the current that is the natural estate of the Love of God. Call forth Resurrection’s Fires, for it will consume all unreality and shift your consciousness and state of being into the Purity that exists within the core of your Being. Practice focusing your attention upon your Affirmations and Decrees to still the thoughts of the mind, calling for the Light of God to fill your being.
  • The Anointed Representative reminds you that as a Torch Bearer of The Temple there is a covenant between your Heart Flame and the Heart of Saint Germain, who has declared it is possible for you to raise the consciousness of your body, your thoughts, and your feelings into the pure Essence of God where all things become possible unto you. The Crystal Cord has an innermost current of Love, surrounded by a current of Life, surrounded by a current of the Light of the Seven Rays. The Plan is for all of your bodies to hold the Light pure and harmonious while expanding and radiating it forth.
  • The Maha Chohan holds within his gaze the Victory for each one according to the mastery they are working toward. When the Maha Chohan’s Consciousness is directly attuned with the conscious awareness of a divinely ordained thought-pattern you are holding, those thoughts will have the reinforcement of his momentum. Should you be having difficulty attaining one of the Virtues of the Christ, call to the Maha Chohan to reinforce the momentums you may be lacking. The Virtues of the Christ must be in evidence for there to be a sufficient flow from your Electronic Body to set in motion the Light that would allow you to be entrusted with more Crystal Cord energy every day.
  • Mother Mary implores you to open your Heart enough to hear her voice, perceive her Love, and recognize that she has come to bear the Truth of Cosmic Law so you can trust it and believe it for yourself. Let her Mother’s Love heal the hurts and rents in your garment that have caused you to put steel girders about your Heart. If the Heart is to give, it must be able to receive; thus, it must be open. Mother Mary asks students to consider petitioning the Karmic Board for world conditions and for a greater release of Violet Flame to transmute those conditions.
  • One of the purposes of incarnation is to pour through these lower worlds your Presence’s luxuriant stream of luminous, conscious awareness in an open curve of selfless Love. You want to be the most clear, transparent pane for your Presence to work through. As you clamp down on the chatter of your lower bodies, you will dial out of the world’s consciousness and dial into the Divine Consciousness. In disciplining the bodies in God Control to be poised and radiating the stream of Consciousness of the Godhead, you are able to be part of that vast One Presence.
  • Stressing that Constancy is indeed possible, Amerissis reminds you that you are to remain in the Light, ever striving within the Will of God, invoking the Light and making the Light of your Presence your home. When things are not going as you think they should, get back on course by turning your gaze to your Presence and invoking its Light to enter into your world once more to move and to accelerate you with the Light and to keep you keenly attentive to the Light. She also reveals the key to precipitation — knowing what to think, what to desire, and what to see within your mind.
  • Addressing the practical issues of your life, you are employing methods that bear the fruit of the Abundant Life while also building up the Attainment and self mastery fitting you to rise permanently into the Ascension. Whatever the outward situation, it will respond to the Light in the fullness of time if you have the Patience to continually apply the Law. When you enter the Path of the Ascended Masters, you forswear all other methods of dealing with life — save the method of sending forth Love in its many variations. Our formula is to enforce the Presence of God in our life and trust that everything around us will take on the Perfection of the Presence radiating through us.
  • Beloved Omega reminds you that there have always been those in attendance to your Flame to keep the watch and breathe forth the Consciousness of the Perfection of God so that you might have continual opportunity. The Constancy of your striving allows you to be able to stay the course through all of the highs and lows with which you are faced. There is no limitation imposed on your Electronic Body; and therein is the key to your Victory. Omega comes with a Dispensation — a scroll that has written upon it a particular Mission that each one individually will have revealed to them through their Holy Christ Self.
  • The Brotherhood wants you to feel connection to the glorious worldwide organization known as the Entire Spirit of the Brotherhood of Light. Through them you can draw upon the Strength, the common goal, and the family spirit of this spiritual family. Sanat Kumara is the Heart and Soul and Spirit of our Brotherhood. Neither he nor Lady Master Venus have retired from their active engagement in the Work of the salvation for this planet. Their Dispensation in the living Thoughtform of the Secret Love Star continues to pour out its Light. Make room in your Heart for the time when your consciousness will become one with the Entire Spirit of the Brotherhood of Light.
  • Lord Gautama adds the impetus of his Golden Lotus to the Golden River so his Wisdom and Attainment may to be carried into all of the areas where there are lifestreams desirous of the knowledge of God. The Thoughtform-of-the-Year, received by Gautama from the Silent Watcher, is a glorious bridge of white marble that spans over the abyss of a sapphire sea. Lifestreams invited to the glorious Etheric City of Shamballa must cross over this bridge; but they are not able to step one foot upon its surface unless their consciousness is purified and they are in alignment with the Will of God.
Teachings to Galvanize You to the Will of God and Help You Accomplish Your Divine Mission and Destiny!

The Will of God is Good. But do you posses the Will to become it? Do you need to renew your determination to be in the Will of God? Then receive the Fiery Baptism of the unmitigated Power and Authority in the Divine Will released by the Hierarchs of the Rays of White Fire and Blue Fire in these Discourses and Dictations. They proffer to you an electrifying infusion of Blue-White, Liquid Light that will galvanize you to God’s Will! Drink this New Wine of Ascended Master Consciousness and receive an impetus of Strength, Courage, and Determination needed to stand, face, and conquer all that opposes your Oneness with the Glory and Power of the Divine Will within you! Your Victory awaits!

  • This Conference will develop, explore, and release the vast spectrum in the Will of God as well as the White Fire Core. Part of our task is to open a window into the Ascended Master Octaves that the Pure Good Will may stream forth from the Brotherhood of Light, for the Brotherhood is poised to detect the signal from your Heart that you desire to gain mastery over yourself and the Earth. The Masters will be speaking to three segments of society: the first is that which cries in the wilderness and speaks to the billions of lifestreams in the thought and feeling worlds of the planet; the second is the Ten Thousand Torch Bearers of Saint Germain; and the third is those of you who feel the tangible Presence of the Masters. If you are prepared to make yourself the instrument of the Divine Will, there is much you can accomplish. The transfer of Power and momentum that are intended to be accomplished happens through the Will of God. We will be developing the concept of God Faith, exploring the elements of the White Fire Action and the unsheathed Power of the Blue Ray as it works through the others Rays. As you make your life one of living devotion to the projects of the Brotherhood, you may look forward to this marvelous momentum of bringing in the Golden Age.
  • The Chohan of the First Ray of the Will of God envelopes you in a more than ordinary measure of the Will of God so you might have a greater impetus to resonate with the Heart of God. To possess the requirement to fulfill your Divine Destiny, your outer vehicles must be filled with Light and prepared to receive the transfer from your Presence to answer the need of the hour. Where the Will of God is manifesting in your life, there can be the transfer of the Power of God. This requires the training of each of these vehicles so you have reserves of Light to meet the requirements. Each day is a new opportunity to be filled with the Light of God. What will be revealed by your Heart will strengthen the Fires of the Heart and allow for the transfer of the Light of God into your outer vehicles to once more gain an equilibrium in your standing for God. The real battle is within the vehicles of consciousness — this is where you determine who you are. All of creation needs the Light of God; all of creation desires the Love of God; but the Power of God is reserved for those who are trained. Let there be a renewed impetus in your stature, in your countenance, in your determination to be in the Will of God. The time is now.
  • The Will of God is perpetually caring for each lifestream. The relationship between the outer self and the God Presence, both individually and universally, is discussed as well as the foundation laid by prayer and Decrees and how they form an indispensable component to the ultimate Victory. The Will of God is your will. It works for you and with you and is in no way an encroachment upon your personal individuality and identity. The concept of The One undivided Presence of the Godhead is part of this understanding. At some point, your consciousness will pass through the nexus of your Heart Flame, and as your consciousness emerges on the other side, everything will be within your expanded awareness. The foundation of the Teachings is the mystery of how The One organically whole Presence of the Godhead focuses itself to a point of individuality numberless times and yet never surrenders its sense of Oneness. The challenge facing the Masters, and us as their instrument, is how to awaken lifestreams to freely choose the Path so the Brotherhood can execute the Divine Power necessary to bring forth the Golden Age. We have the opportunity to prove Saint Germain’s Faith that there are unascended lifestreams mature enough to open their consciousness to their Mighty I AM Presence and lay the foundation for the Ascended Master Way of Life and a Golden Age.
  • You receive the Light when you bend the knee in supplication to the Allness of God. When your devotional life takes priority, you have a fixed consciousness ready to receive direction, ready to lead those who might follow, ready to set the example, ready to become the Son and Daughter of God you are destined to become. If you are not in a state of listening grace with a receptive Heart in love with God sufficiently to respond, you will not be in the right place at the right time or right cycle to receive the assistance awaiting you. When you are so charged with Light, when you have the constancy of your prayer, you understand there is only one election you desire: that is to be in the Radiance and Blessing of God, calling forth the Light Rays, standing as an example of Christhood. This lifetime is one of great opportunity for you to grasp the meaning of the Mighty I AM Presence and to understand your Divine Mission and the Light Rays streaming forth from your Presence. Godfre asks if you are ready to give of the Flame of your Heart in Service to God and to stand as an example so that when the history of this era is written there will be those who gave their all under the canopy of the Light of God to foster a Golden Age. If so, you can turn the tide of negativity in the land and foster the Golden Age.
  • The Power of the Blue Fire is a product of the Love at the hub of the White Fire Core of all Creation. Out of that White Fire Core spins the Heart of the God Presence. The great adepts are able to inspire their comrades because in moments of peril, the adepts find themselves in the grip of the Great Silence of Perfect Love — Love that casts out all fear. They see beyond their mortal selves and have the foretaste of the Love of the One Presence. In this state there is the sense that with God all things are possible. An explanation of Plato’s understanding of diamones is given. Prayers of George Washington relating to the devotional life as well as an excerpt from his final address are read. The Masters’ ability to see the cycles of civilizations is explained.
  • The Goddess of Liberty reminds you that every need is filled in the Mighty I AM Presence. When you have the Faith to understand that where there is God there is good, you are prepared to enter into a greater communion with the Light of God. When an initiate comes to a point in life when there is conscious recognition of the Light of God, there is a greater Responsibility to keep the watch for those who know not. Torch Bearers holding high the Flame of God for all on the Earth are making a difference. When you approach the altar to commune with your Presence and the Masters, make the election to have a willing Heart and enough Faith to allow the process to work. This is the training you need to expand the Light of God on the Earth. One hundred years from now, if the course continues on its appointed cycle of fulfillment, you will not be able to gather together all who are part of this vanguard of the Torch Bearers under one canopy. But the unfolding of cycles is in direct proportion to the calls made, the lives led, and the Faith kept. The Goddess of Liberty asks you to hold her Vision that there be enough Liberty in the land for the Christ to be present and to afford the Mighty I AM Presence a home in the land.
  • There is no greater sense of liberation and Freedom than to return to the Allness that is the innermost breath of the Great Presence. This session explains how the One Flame of Love becomes the Threefold Flame of Love, Wisdom, and Power; becomes the Fivefold Flame of the Secret Rays (Life); becomes the Sevenfold Rays of God Consciousness (Light and Substance). The thread of contact with The One remains open throughout this process. Once you understand that your own consciousness is the point of connectivity to your Presence, you are free to begin to step down the Divine Direction coming forth from the Presence. Your Destiny is fashioned by your Presence at the time of your Individualization and is already accomplished in the Mind of God. It is a self-willed act that remains as it has always been in the pattern of your Electronic Body, which while forever in the realms of Perfection, is actively engaged in mortal affairs. As soon as Love comes out of the Great Silence and moves forward, it appears to the rest of creation as Life, as Vitality; and as soon as Love becomes Life, it immediately becomes life-in-motion. As the Life currents come down your Crystal Cord, from within out, you begin to breathe the Pure Pranic Breaths of the God Presence. This throws off oppression and regenerates your bodies.
  • Justinius and the Seraphic Bands have the ability to pass through each vehicle of consciousness with their Light, Consciousness, and Purity so you might have a clean and clear garment of Light with which to pursue your destiny. It is imperative that you invoke the Seraphic Hosts to enter into your devotions with you, to course through with the electrifying Fires of their Heart, for they hold only Divine Patterns of Perfection from which you have descended. Your Presence continues to expand and add to that Fire. There cannot be denial in any area of your consciousness that the Seraphim exist or that all of Heaven would come to your defense to augment what you have already accomplished. They always stand with you to assist in the purification of each of your vehicles so they might be stepped up in preparation for the charge of Light. When you stay the course, when you are undaunted, when you have Fearlessness at the core of your being, you will feel a release and a Freedom unknown since before the first incarnation. Where there is consciousness fixed upon God, all else will follow. Should you make the election to enter into this glorious communion, you will truly know the meaning of becoming the Mighty I AM Presence-in-Action.
  • Love is the superior magnet that all of Life and Light quest after. The individual is meant to be the expression of the outpouring of that Love into creation. A filigree expression of that original Love is focused by your Electronic Body and dispensed to your Threefold Flame moment-by-moment and is the greatest magnet in the entire universe. All parts of Life and Light are magnetically drawn towards that Love. There is a convergence from everywhere back to its point of origin. As you enter into the exalted Consciousness of your own Mighty I AM Presence, you will realize the kinship that exists between your Presence and the Universal Presence in Nature and understand you are forever allied with Nature. There is a natural, innate alliance between the Universal expression of the Presence and the Individualized Presence. Looking within yourself from within the Buddhic world, there is an unbroken thread of Life that knits together the mental, emotional, and physical worlds on the Buddhic level so that they are one great throbbing Soul of the Presence. All of this is one living, breathing, throbbing, organism — the Body of God we call Mother Nature. This has been spun forth into these Universal lower worlds by Hierarchies of Creation as the platform for mankind. The principle of Union and Unity exists throughout the Cosmos. Constancy is the relentless determination of the Will of the Blue Flame.
  • Surya reveals to you a Light carrying the engrams of Alpha and Omega given long ago unto the safekeeping of your Presence for your lifestream. Within the Power of God is Love, and that Love keeps you magnetized to the Divine Mission of your lifestream if you will give it that attention. You can count on Surya’s Flame of Constancy. It is never wavering, but neither is your Presence. The Mastery you are to gain, the Attainment and the fulfillment of your Divine Plan all is within your Presence waiting for you. It is being handed to you daily, but you are required to receive it. This is the Fiery Destiny that you should be aspiring to. When lifestreams on the planet are reverberating with the Light, the Earth will have no choice but to come into a Golden Age — but the question is: Will the Sons and Daughters of God respond? Most importantly, will you be constant? In the Ascended Octaves, the Mighty I AM Presences of the Sons and Daughters of God are unified, but their hands are tied to assist unascended mankind until those Heart Flames acknowledge God and bend the knee to the command of the Presence. If you have been constant with your Presence and have enough Light to give, you become the star that can be followed. Be in the White Light of Purity so you can be the star your Presence desires you to be.
  • Saint Germain will wrap you within his Heart Flame when the going gets tough so that, from the depths of your being, your commitment will once again arise. The Mind of God would always impress upon you the right course and election for your life. But if you are not aligned sufficiently to hear and follow that direction, you will be floundering for many lifetimes. Saint Germain vows to strengthen and expand the Violet Flame in your life so you may have a clear vision and keen eye to see what is the course and election for your lifestream. If you entertain any limitation, you do not know your Presence. Saint Germain gives major keys to attaining your Victory and explains why students do not feel connected to their Presence. You are never removed from the Mighty I AM Presence, for the Presence is as close as the minutest detail that needs your attention. Have the Vision of the Golden Age and make that Vision who you are on the instant. Liberty has been afforded to the Sons and Daughters of God to commune with God, to become the Mighty I AM Presence where they are and overcome all limitation. More you cannot ask. For when you are in the Will of God, all things come forth in accordance with the Divine Plan of your lifestream.
  • Anointed Representative Monroe Julius Shearer emphasizes the importance of being aware of the forcefields surrounding you. You carry your own forcefield around with you and are constantly moving in and out of other forcefields. It requires presence of mind to guard against picking up thoughts and feelings from the mass consciousness of which we necessarily are a part while on the Earth. The Masters afford you the opportunity to step out of the present world consciousness into the God Reality of the Ascended Octaves. The primeval Edenic God Consciousness that initially brought this world forth continues to sustain it. Therefore, in the White Fire Core of all Substance, that Purity remains and no amount of overlay can overthrow it. By the Power of your attention and acceptance of the Truth of the Light, you can dial into forcefields of God Perfection that coexist in the same space as this world exists. The pure stream that still flows through this outer world is there for us to enter into and educate our palate to the Ascended Master Way of Life. Three ways to invoke and expand the Light so that it radiates from within you out, thus dispelling threatening momentums, are explained.
  • It is the Blessed Mother’s desire that you fulfill the Will of God; that you have a greater understanding of what you are to accomplish; and, with this dawning awareness in your outer consciousness, be given the Gifts of God with which to accomplish your Mission. Mother Mary explains that she and the Karmic Board know immediately when a request is fashioned out of greed and selfishness and must be set aside for cycles to unfold in your own consciousness. You know on the instant when old habits have been corrected, for there is a surge telegraphing that you are within the Will of God. When you call forth a Dispensation from the Karmic Board, search your Heart, measure your words, fill your chalice with Love, and let your petitions fly on wings of Gratitude even before you have received the answer.
  • It having been decreed by the Heart of God that the Sons and Daughters of God will fulfill their fiery destiny and a Golden Age come forth, Lord Himalaya releases the Consciousness of the full pattern and Power of God so all creation may respond. This is the Power of God that initially sent you forth. Having squandered that Power, you are required to invoke it back into your life. When you create a figure-eight flow with your Presence, you establish a Pillar of Light that will throw off any form of discord, any patterns of illusion. It is important to prove the Law for yourself, for when you know how the Law feels and moves through your vehicles and you speak the words of Truth according to Cosmic Law, it rings clear because the full Power of God is behind that word. It requires great detail consciousness to adhere to all the nuances in your life. It is a Blessing that there is no end to Hierarchy, for there is always someone keeping you in their gaze at any level of Attainment. This is the Allness of God at work. Meditate regularly on Himalaya’s address and let it be a measure of your Attainment.
  • Archangel Michael asks you to ratify your commitment to fulfill your Mission. This Mighty Lord of Heaven encourages you to make the calls and desire the Will of God. The Faith you uttered when you first came into embodiment is the same Faith you must reestablish today, for it is that Faith that will allow you to be victorious. You will have the support of the Brotherhood as they reinforce those momentums. There will be a new Earth, a new day, and new Sons and Daughters of God.
  • Chohan Serapis Bey gives you greater understanding of why you have embodied and how to become a master builder in accord with the great architect of your life — your Presence. Serapis instructs you on building the foundation and second tier of your pyramid, reaching the apex, and leaping off into the Ascension Current. He reminds you of the Brotherhood’s latest Dispensation of the Golden River, which has as its core the White Fire and blueprint for a Golden Age. As you call this in, more of the blueprint, action, and purpose that are there will fill your being and you will be moving with the tide of Ascended and Cosmic Beings, bringing greater acceleration in your life. Serapis stresses that while you wear these vehicles, you must discipline them to allow for the instantaneous connection with the Heart of God. Work while you have the Light to balance as much of your karma as possible. Be about your Divine Purpose. Take each step required to The Temple, putting in place every stone of Attainment so that you have a strong, fiery foundation filled with Light!

Some refrains linger down through the ages, obscured for a time perhaps by lesser melodies, but nevertheless ringing through the spheres for those who have ears to hear. Such is Orpheus’ Song. This eternal hymn will unlock for you the mysteries of God — The One — and prepare your consciousness, being, and world to receive the Golden River, the Mighty Helicon. Armed with the conscious awareness of your inherent Divinity and the desire to be the Mind and Heart of God in Action, you will be daily forging your Path toward the Ascension. If you long for union with your Presence, the revelations in this album are essential for your inspiration, study, and meditation. Let your journey begin NOW! Open your consciousness and receive the Music of the Spheres. Nine Dictations are included.

  • Every 4th of July the Torch Bearers come together with Saint Germain to advance the Golden Age on two levels. First, it is within the prerogative of your free will, by the Power of your God Presence, to mold and shape your world into a Golden Age of one lifestream. Then, as you assemble countless times across the Earth, a Golden Age Consciousness emerges and the entire fabric of mankind’s consciousness is elevated. To have this Golden Age, you must be able to capture the Vision of what a Golden Age would look like for society as well as for your own personal life. Then you will need to understand how to lawfully, step-by-step, bring about this Golden Age. This class is a series of Dissertations on the Golden Age from the point of view of the Ascended Masters.
  • The Anointed Representative Monroe Shearer introduces and explains elements of the new Decree, “NOW HELICON — The Golden River!” He references specific lines, defining certain words so students can connect with the meaning and purpose of the Decree. Both Anointed Representatives then lead the giving of the Decree.
  • Our Beloved Knight Commander applauds the Fire upon your Heart. That Fire is necessary for your Presence to impart to your Christ Mind the engrams, the Teaching, the knowledge, the creativity, and the God Qualities you are to place your attention upon and call your own. The Helicon represents each of these engrams of Light of the Consciousness of Ascended and Cosmic Beings. Saint Germain proclaims the Helicon and the River of Light as the focus for the Golden Age for this and all generations to come. Let your attention be fixed upon the Christic Fire so that you can be the Mighty I AM Presence-in-Action and proclaim, “I AM THAT I AM!”
  • In order to enter into the Stream of Consciousness of the Oneness of the Presence of Life, you need to understand the nature of The One. The beauty of aligning yourself with The One Presence of all of Life is that you come to understand how much more All-Powerful that Presence is than all of human creation. The One is an All-Pervading Presence that is everywhere present. The One is existence, being, and total awareness. We all share a common Oneness in the Presence. In order to operate the Law, the mind and feelings must be able to exude the charge of spiritual Radiation that is in the Presence.
  • The Maha Chohan streams forth the Consciousness of the Christic Fire so you might take up your Scepter of Authority and call the Golden River into your consciousness. While in the Presence of the Masters, garner all you are able to absorb and keep your vision upon the goal. When you know yourself as The One, you can truly appreciate the Entire Spirit of the Brotherhood of Light that communes in that Oneness with your own Presence. When you enter into communion with the Golden River, you are drinking in the Consciousness of the Entire Brotherhood of Light, who reflect upon the screen of life that which can and will become the Golden Age.
  • The use of the Life forces coming down along the Crystal Cord may reach the Chalice of the Heart and immediately be rocketed back into the Heart of the Presence. Then all that comes down instantly ascends back to God. Practiced over time, this creates a coil in the mind and the feelings. As you commune with the Outpouring of the Helicon as it augments this updraft in each of your bodies, you will find contentment and reinforcement in that Golden River. The Masters do everything with their own Light; they can go anywhere and be master of that environment — and so shall you!
  • Lady Master Venus comes to impart the understanding of the glorious Golden River and its Source, the Secret Love Star. Each Ascended One serving on the Secret Love Star holds a Divine Archetype for you. When this glorious Star is condensed at its Source into liquid manna from God’s Heart, the flow of the Golden River begins. When that Outpouring touches your Heart, it activates the records of the Christic Fire that allow you to revel in the God Qualities of your Presence. For there to be a greater portion of this Golden River bathing your consciousness and moving through your vehicles, there must be an intense Love in your Heart that desires only the Love of God.
  • The Elohim of the Second Ray instructs that you are required to hold fast to your God Presence so the Authority of your Presence courses through you, directing the energies of your lifestream. The Presence knows each nuance of your life — every thought, every emotion, every cell of your physical body, and every karma lodged in your garments — and has determined that you will no longer continue to be ruled by that karma. Your Presence desires to impart to you in this era enough Wisdom to establish a way of life that will keep you tethered to the Heart of God.
  • The Grace afforded by the Dispensation of the Helicon adds to your Power and to the outpicturing of your God Mastery. As part of this Dispensation, you who receive it will need to strive diligently to maintain Harmony and Perfection in your vehicles. As the Masters see that effort on your part, the Dispensation can be stepped up and made permanent in your life. But you must understand that it is not possible to enter into this Dispensation while still holding onto or yearning for your previous way of life. For you to hold onto the Golden River of the Ascended Masters’ Consciousness means that you are setting your worldly affairs in order and preparing for a one-way voyage that takes you forever from this world into the world of Ascended Master Perfection.
  • Maitreya instructs that practice is required to maintain your connection with your Holy Christ Self and the Heart of God. Your outer vehicles were meant to be tethered to the Heart of your Presence. This is why when you desire to commune in the unity of The One, you enter the Heart. You are required to internalize the Law of The One to bring into conformity these outer vehicles with your own God Presence. Every thought, word, deed, and emanation of energy is an active creation. You must acknowledge The One, and in doing so, internalize the pattern that is already Cosmic Law.
  • Mankind cannot reach a transcendent understanding without knowing of the exalted measure of man as God Individualized. Orpheus spoke of man sharing a Divinity common with the gods and goddesses. But divorced from the higher influences of the Holy Christ Self and God Presence, mortal consciousness competes with this heroic strain of Consciousness. As Plato, Saint Germain established the watermark of God, The One, as Absolute Good. Re-embodying as Proclus, he spent a lifetime developing the seed ideas he planted as Plato and knit together the ladder of identity from the One Presence to embodied lifestreams who could trace connection back to the One within The One.
  • Pallas Athena, Goddess of Truth and Wisdom, sponsored the Golden Age of Ancient Greece and vows to sponsor the transformation of our civilization into a new Golden Age! She shares with you the Golden Age Vision she holds for Earth, as well as practical instruction to help you manifest your own Golden Age of One — by elevating your consciousness into the Golden River of Light. Athena instructs on how to become the Teaching and how to give your Decrees. She is looking forward to taking up permanent residence in the temple we will build for her at the White Temple!
  • Anointed Representative Monroe Julius Shearer summons the Torch Bearers of The Temple to implement the Vision of the Ascended Masters for the Golden Age. Sharing opportunities available to Torch Bearers to actively participate in furthering the Teachings of the Ascended Masters, Monroe especially delineates how those activities relate to mastering the Five Secret Rays of Responsibility, Hierarchy, Sacrificial Love, Necessity, and Practicality, which includes Constancy. Morya House is to be a thriving center of Wisdom, Love, and Power — a beehive of constant harmonic tone. Mastering the elements of these Flames will assure our advancement not only to The White Temple, but on to Victory’s Temple. Consider anew the role you can play in this great Work of the Ages. Bring the full momentum of your Causal Body and fulfill the Desire of your Presence.
  • The expansion of your Heart Flame is how all of the Abundance of your God Presence will stream forth. But allowing your Heart to integrate into life is the biggest challenge of all. It is time to break down those barriers of the Heart and allow your own Mighty I AM Presence to unfurl the Threefold Flame of the Heart into your outer vehicles. Then you will know the Abundance of God as Light filling all the necessities in your life. In receiving your petitions, Mother Mary conveys the Immaculate Conception of your Heart to the Lords of Karma.
  • When each of the Ascended Masters exhibits their Keynote as a Vibration sounding a particular God Quality, it reinforces that same God Quality in your own God Presence. It likewise strikes the Tone of your own Causal Body momentum in that God Quality. If you desire to have the transfer of your own Causal Body momentums into the outer realms of the vehicles you wear, there must be Harmony. All your vehicles must be knitted together in one Heart. You must know what is in your Causal Body and maintain a listening ear to the desire of your God Presence.
  • Ours is not an otherworldly faith. Ours is a recollection and understanding that here is where the Consciousness of Perfection must be won and externalized. The Ascended Masters have progressed into the Ascended State because they long ago adopted this Vision of Perfection. Now they ask you to make it a tangible reality in your awareness. The only way change will occur is through the lowering of Ascended Master Consciousness to displace negative mass consciousness. When you realize how these God-Free Beings have been holding to the same pattern for thousands of years, you begin to realize the opportunity you have to tie into the Perfection they are projecting.
  • Each Master who has addressed you during this Conclave has brought their specific action to enable you, when in attunement with your Holy Christ Self, to elevate your consciousness and enter into this glorious action that streams forth from the Secret Love Star. Your life exists by the behest of your own God Presence — all comes under the Scepter of Authority of your Presence. Enter into the stream of the Consciousness that knows God is everywhere; knows that you are part of that One God; and knows that throughout all of the vastness of God’s world, there is a place prepared for you.
  • Our world is sorely in need of a Vision. It is your solemn office to absorb the Vision of the Golden Age; to allow your Heart Flame to dare to hope; to hold the visualization of how the Golden Age will appear for you; and to understand that as Torch Bearers come together in devotion, you are weaving several streams of Divine Light together: the Golden Vision, the Pink Flame of Love, and the Blue Flame of the Will of God. You are being handed a script, the outline of the Golden Age. And you must choose which part to play in creating a new, heightened Purity of Culture that exhibits Ascended Master Consciousness. Accept this Gift of the Golden River with all the Love that the Brotherhood is pouring into it.
  • Saint Germain tells you to awaken to the Reality of who you are. If you do not, you may miss the purpose of life and find yourself incarnating again into a situation where it might not be so easy to figure out that you are more than flesh and bones. There are those claiming to have a secret; but you have the answer to all mysteries upon the altar of your Heart.
  • The Wisdom that Sophia holds as a focus for you streams forth as Cosmic Law that imparts to you what is most important to galvanize your attention and your energy on at any given time. You must guard what you allow to seep into your own consciousness and invoke the Light of your Presence and the Ascended and Cosmic Beings to flood through your being their Light, Consciousness, and Vibration so that you will stand in the Holy of Holies of your own God Reality and be ready for your own Golden Age. Your Presence desires you to receive into your being engrams of Light, to form and fashion them into particular patterns of identity unique to your God Presence, and to impart them upon the screen of life. As Sophia establishes a momentum of Wisdom in the Helicon, so does her Twin Flame, Krishna, release Resurrection’s Flame into the Golden River.

The trials and victories of Heracles are examined in detail as the study of the nature of Perfect Love is continued in this Acropolis Sophia class. This mighty adept endured many of the same or similar challenges we all face on the Path as we journey toward the Ascension. Learn from Heracles how to remain constant and focused on your goal. This album includes Dictations by the Chohans of the Secret Rays.

  • The Chohan of the Seven Rays lifts you into the Radiance of your Holy Christ Self so you have a greater awareness of what is expected at some point in your Attainment on the Path; for you are to become this glorious Radiance of Christic Light. When you enter into meditation upon the Radiance of God Consciousness, you know that God is in every blade of grass, every breath you breathe, every beating heart. Nurture these dimensions you experience, allowing your own God Presence to establish a firm identity within that experience.
  • The story of the life of Heracles is the story of a lifestream from birth to death, showing how a human being can transcend the confinement of this three-dimensional world that imprisons the genie of the Presence. This is the story of one Son of God who struggled and overcame in the end, returning back into the Godhead. One of the first lessons of Heracles is to consider yourself the only begotten of your Presence. Adversities allow the Ray from your Presence to come forth. The twelve labors and additional events in the life of Heracles are outlined.
  • The crucible is the fiery furnace of life’s trials that heat up your being, producing change and transmutation, liquefying all of the mortal elements. What remains is the pure Golden Substance of the Divine Nature. The Dispensation of Chamuel and Charity to have their Angels stand inside your Tube of Light and pour the liquid Light of their momentum into the depths of your feeling body is key to Mastery; for the feelings add the great River of Light, marrying the pranic Breath of Life to the action you are invoking.
  • Lanello comes to fill the atmosphere about you with his Radiance so that it will activate your own Threefold Flame and so that you learn to draw the Christic Fire forth at will to affect change in your life. When the Threefold Flame of the Heart is allowed to expand, you have the Courage to move into Initiations because you have filled space with the Christhood of your Being. This Radiance you are called upon to exercise allows you to be accountable for what you are given. It is the tool required for you to satisfy the Law.
  • Because the physical world is the outermost out-pressing of the Godhead, Mastery of the physical is imperative for the Ascension. This seeming paradox and the struggles it brings are explained. When we understand that the God Presence is the directing Intelligence and commanding Authority, the equation changes. Then Universal forces become the servant of the God Presence as it stands in the place of the outer self. Heracles’ Mastery of the Sacred Fire and the feeling world are discussed.
  • Lord Maitreya emphasizes the need to absorb as much as possible within a short time. When you are able to elevate your consciousness sufficiently into the realms of Light, you discover that which you have thought would take you an entire lifetime to master can be done quickly. Attend to the Flame of your Heart. Garner and call into your own that which you have already attained throughout this cycle. This will enable you to hold fast while that Light begins to move.
  • Beloved Amerissis brings Initiation of the Sacred Fire so you can establish a greater portion of the Light of the Mother Flame to work through you. Absent the ability to hold this Fire sufficiently, you are unequipped to enter into battle. When you give your invocations to the Light, the Light descends upon your being more rapidly, allowing you to accomplish greater work. Understand how important it is for you to hold fast to the pure Light of the Mother Flame, keeping that Light inviolate in its pure action and allowing it to perform its Perfect Work so that you might unfurl your Christhood.
  • Lady Master Leto accompanies you to Eriel’s Retreat for Instruction on how to physically enter into communion with your own Heart Flame. The Light is sent forth from the Heart of God, your own God Presence, in just the portion required for you to accomplish every good and perfect task to win the Victory. When you procrastinate, that Light diminishes and the cycles begin to change. As you establish your own momentum in this Light and your Heart is allowed to soar, you will feel the wind blowing you in the right direction. Eriel instructs it is time for you to realize that to become an Ascended Master you must be able to traverse these higher worlds, moving in and around the etheric retreats. When you have established enough of a momentum in your own body temple, you are able to come and go with ease, grasping every nuance required for your lifestream. Eriel invites you to his Retreat any time you desire and promises that, each time you come, you will gain and retain a greater momentum.
  • Lady Master Leto accompanies you to Eriel’s Retreat for Instruction on how to physically enter into communion with your own Heart Flame. The Light is sent forth from the Heart of God, your own God Presence, in just the portion required for you to accomplish every good and perfect task to win the Victory. When you procrastinate, that Light diminishes and the cycles begin to change. As you establish your own momentum in this Light and your Heart is allowed to soar, you will feel the wind blowing you in the right direction.
  • Eriel instructs it is time for you to realize that to become an Ascended Master you must be able to traverse these higher worlds, moving in and around the etheric retreats. When you have established enough of a momentum in your own body temple, you are able to come and go with ease, grasping every nuance required for your lifestream. Eriel invites you to his Retreat any time you desire and promises that, each time you come, you will gain and retain a greater momentum.
  • Maitreya charges you with the Responsibility for that which you have received. Know that as quickly as you have received an Instruction, your Holy Christ Self leaps in Joy to initiate you in that very Instruction. Look upon the Instruction by Leto and Eriel as opportunity, for these Virtues are to enact the Laws of God through your life. The virtuous acts of your consciousness and your being are building the foundation upon which you will stand at your Ascension.
  • Heracles’ Mastery of the four lower bodies and defeat of his ego are discussed in this Discourse. Sooner or later, we all must face the Initiation of looking only to our own Mighty I AM Presence as we face these challenges. Torch Bearers are equipped with the Ruby Ray to annihilate these human propensities so they can never be revived again. The Heart Flame must take command of these bodies and exercise God Control. We are in this world to take dominion over the Earth by consciously issuing the Christ Command. Light on the Path is recommended for those experiencing this Initiation.
  • The Chohan of the Third Secret Ray defines Sacrifice as the Love given of one’s self unto the desire of God. This selflessness allows the distillation of Love to move through your vehicles of consciousness and impress upon life. It entreats the Love of God inherent in all Life to shine forth to reveal itself. The Flame of Love cares not how much it gives, for it is infinite. If you find it difficult to grasp the action of this Love, begin by exercising virtuous acts of Charity, extending yourself beyond what you might normally consider your capability. This process begins to prime the pump of the Flame of Love.
  • Monroe Shearer employs the Socratic Method to begin this session. Preventing your mind and emotions from being fed into astral and psychic substance is discussed. Use the Ruby Ray calls to seal off and destroy those momentums. Fill the space of those appearances with the Electronic Light. Our supreme Office as Firstborn of the Presence is to affirm that only God is in action in every part of life. There can be no middle ground with any of these momentums: it’s all or nothing. Your Threefold Flame is so fashioned to ignite Life. Be content to let it flow through your world.
  • Morya instructs that Sacrifice of the Heart means giving of the essence of the Threefold Flame of the Heart. Ascended Master students cannot fear change; for absent change, there is no Ascension to look forward to, no Christ Consciousness to make room for. As you let down the guard around your Heart, you find that an enormous Radiance of God Love streams forth. You have permeated the mundane aspects of life with the touch of God; and instead of running away from God, you are running toward God. These Words will become yours when you enter the stream of Cosmic Law consciously, knowing you are in that action that is the Law of your Being.
  • During the Dictations and Discourses of the Ascended Masters, the Light Substance of their Attainment is deposited in your four lower bodies. If you are able to give your undivided attention to the Masters, in time you will see life with the same God Consciousness as they do. The various stages of the Ruby Ray Ritual are rehearsed as well as aspects of the Sacred River, which goes forth silently blessing all life. What should be important to us is what is important to our Presence. When the Sacred River flows, the greater works of the Presence can be operated through your four lower bodies and you have your being within God Consciousness.
  • Standing firmly upon Cosmic Law, God Tabor comes to impart that which allows your inner bodies to establish such a momentum that they are firmly fixed in the Consciousness of the Almighty. When you put your attention upon your Electronic Body, all you are to fulfill streams forth. The Presence is the Source of all Life for you ─ your future, your past, and your present. Remember that what is done in the Allness of God should be the blueprint that is performed by God in life down to the very smallest particle holding God Consciousness.
  • God Love is Lord of Life, for it possesses the ability to direct Universal Life. The Masters want you to realize the vast opportunities open to you as you slow down the pace of your life long enough to make the connection, to imbue your consciousness with more and more of this Nirvanic Light. The God Consciousness that would direct the Universal Life is “I AM the focus of that Universal Life.” You can short circuit everything by saying, “I AM the Open Door.” To command life, love and become an open aperture for the giving of Life. This is the essence of the Ruby Ray.
  • Lady Master Venus comes to impart a most important understanding of your Path of Perfect Love. When you understand the ways of the Sacred Fire you are to call forth, you have a greater appreciation of the practicality of the Ascended Master Way of Life. To follow the Divine Intent of your Presence requires the ability to center in the Heart; for therein is the direction, the desire, and the Wisdom to accomplish that Divine Intent. Venus has come in a swirling, spinning action of the Secret Love Star that will continue its spinning Radiance throughout the year so that the intensification of the Ruby Ray can continue according to the Dispensations of the Karmic Board.
  • Lord Maitreya instructs you to call forth the Ruby Ray for the expansion of this Light and this Teaching; to call forth the Ruby Ray to wield the sword that will cleave asunder all unreality; to call forth the Hand of God to reveal to the consciousness of mankind the awareness of the Christ and the reality of the I AM; and to hold fast to the glorious momentum that has been invested in you. Attend to the Fires of the Heart as you bring forth a Golden Age!

The Ascended Masters and their Representatives take you step by step through the various stages of the forthcoming Ruby Ray Ritual. The understanding you will gain from these releases will prepare your heart and consciousness to join with the Ascended Masters in World Service through this Ritual of Love. Sixteen Ascended Master Dictations are included in this album.

  • In this Conclave we are approaching the Holy of Holies, the highest levels of the nature of God Almighty, and seeking to tap what the Ascended Masters have held to be the greatest force of God’s Power, the all-inclusive quality of God Love. We must be careful not to allow the slightest insinuation of discord to enter into this powerful release. The stages of the Ruby Ray Ritual are briefly explained. Once God Love has begun to flow through you, a new equilibrium is established and you become the chalice of the benevolent Sun of your Mighty I AM Presence.
  • Finding the Love you desire requires stilling the outer and going into the Heart, cycling in and out with the rhythm of your heartbeat until suddenly there is the Heartbeat of the Presence sending forth a current that establishes a new rhythm, a new tone. This is the state of consciousness in which you are intended to live. For you to receive the Light sufficient to discipline your outer vehicles, there must be a Fire activated in your crown chakra to establish a sufficient spinning action to open your crown to the Light of your Electronic Body. Then the Initiations of Christ Consciousness can ensue.
  • The Acknowledgment of the One Presence is what lawfully facilitates the Power of the Mighty I AM Presence to intervene in this lower world. When we understand the correct relationship of our self to our own Mighty I AM Presence and to the One Presence of Life, we understand it is by this Acknowledgment that we are tying into the limitless, vast Presence of the One God who is everywhere present. When you truly enter into the Fullness of your own Holy Christ Self, you will be aware that you are to be the doorway through worlds so the One Presence can act here in this world of form.
  • The Nameless One instructs that your destiny is to call into your being the Light of your own God Presence and the Allness of God. It is not enough to think yourself a good individual; there must be God Good where you are. Ratify the fiats, “I AM THAT I AM! I AM THAT GOD! I AM THE PRESENCE IN ACTION!” As you speak the Words of God, enact the deeds of God, think the thoughts of God, emanate the Vibrations of God, you become more of that God Quality that is closest to you at any given time.
  • A great deal of preparation is needed to set our consciousness so that when we unleash the full intensity of the Ruby Ray it will go forth with the innocence of a dove to bless every part of life. The Adoration is the stage at which you pierce the veil and unite all worlds, going to the highest pitch of God’s Presence. In giving Adoration to your Presence, you are pouring forth Love and giving Power to the Presence. When you return to the One Presence, there is nothing outside of you anymore.
  • Beloved Nada comes in the action of Love, the Divine aspect of God that knits all together. The Ruby Ray will dissolve all patterns of negativity, will draw unto itself all that is unlike that nature of God Love and consume it. With the Ruby Ray, you have at your disposal an action you can call forth into the most difficult, confounding circumstances of life. When you love God more than your outer self or any part of life, the great returning current of that Adoration streams back to you on the instant with all that is required to overcome any limitation or circumstance.
  • When you understand the great mystery of Life ─ that your Heart, consciousness, emotions, and body temple are to be the vehicles of your Presence ─ you will have already won the greatest Victory. You are called upon to take what the Masters and your Presence offer, continually breathing upon that Vibration and transfer of Consciousness and Fire so that it will magnify, multiply, and take dominion over your own life and the Earth herself. When you determine this is your election, Maitreya vows to you it will occur.
  • The Ascended Lady Masters stand eager to throw themselves into action here in this world of form. We are called to join them in holding the Immaculate Vision of gazing with dispassionate feelings but a compassionate Heart upon the drama unfolding for the Sons and Daughters of God in embodiment. Send the Ruby Ray into world conditions without tying into those conditions yourself. As you align with and become the instrument of the Oneness of God, you discover that the whole macrocosm of the Presence presses into manifestation through your consciousness. Allow the One to be what the One is ─ Individualized where you are.
  • The Goddess of Liberty sends forth the beacon of Light from her Consciousness to shine ever brightly for those who are burdened or in bondage. Those in attendance at her Retreat continually expand the Flame of Liberty as the action of the Christic Consciousness embodied in the Threefold Flame upon their Heart. When the Consciousness of God streams into your vehicles of expression, it recharges, renews, and sends a Resurrection Flame through every aspect of your being. When you maintain Constancy, you can outpicture what is upon the Heart of your Presence with ease. Applaud your Victories with Gratitude to your God Presence.
  • Mother Mary vows to not leave the Earth and all destined to come to the Earth until each one has returned in Oneness to God. She desires to train you in the ways of the Heart so you will have the greatest opportunity to win your Victory. Beloved Omega has charged the Mothers of Heaven to, in her name, send forth Compassion and fill the space about you with their charged Radiance to fulfill your every need when you abide in the Consciousness of your Holy Christ Self. You are constantly given the keys to the new patterns that will foster the God-like qualities you desire.
  • The Ascended Masters are never concerned with external forces, for they know that all defeat or distraction comes from moral decay within. Peace and prosperity test most the mettle of a people. The Ascended Masters are especially concerned about cultural trends and legal “freedoms” that are damaging the Sacred Fire bequeathed to the lifestreams being born. Music, cinema, video games, literature, and decisions of the Supreme Court continually lower standards rather than reaching toward Perfection, polluting the eyes, ears, and minds of the young and innocent. We will send the Ruby Fire into all of these conditions and more.
  • When the Fire descends into your vehicles and you take the reins of the steed of Fire, you will throw off all unreality. Elijah comes to clear the way so you will have greater opportunity. Call upon the Ruby Ray to consume all that stands in your way. Your Mission is to become more of your own God Presence that will Light the world. You want the crown chakra open, the Heart Flame blazing, and God’s Wisdom reigning in your life. There is enough Love in your Presence to fill the Earth.
  • Chamuel and Charity come to activate a Ring-Pass-Not around your consciousness and to establish with the Ruby Fire about you the forcefield that will not be encroached upon by any negative vibration. This action is the key to your Victory, but you must have Christ Discrimination about what you let within that forcefield. Call to the Angelic Kingdom to wield the Ruby Ray Action into the Earth and your own consciousness so you might have the experience of knowing God as Perfect Love, Will, and Consciousness. Chamuel and Charity will encircle the Earth for the next year. Do not forget them, for they will never forget you.
  • Maitreya applauds your ability to stand in the Fire of Chamuel and Charity. Mark well the Consciousness that has been given to you as it is an action of the Sacred Fire that will allow you to continue to nurture that Sacred Vibration and expand it until you are firmly fixed in the Mastery of your own Attainment. As those experiences dawn upon your consciousness and expand the Light within you, you will be able to appreciate the Words spoken this day. Your outer vehicles are intended to move in, through, and around life at the behest of God.
  • The Ritual of the Diamond Heart is the means whereby you transfer the Power from the Electronic Body. When you abide within the Diamond Heart of the Godhead, the Light pours forth as rainbow rays through the Diamond Shining Mind. The discipline is to do your work, consciously, from the level of the Heart and upward. You are to choose wisely what you want, putting your I AM Presence first. When you have the Consciousness of the Diamond Heart, your oneness with every other Heart Flame supersedes your self-centeredness and you step into your Divinity.
  • Morya and his Beloved come to seal you in their Twin Flame spinning action of the White Fire/Blue Fire Sun bursting forth as Love condensed into the Ruby Fire, stepping up your vibration to bring forth the Diamond of your own Attainment so you might register every nuance from your crown to the soles of your feet, to the depths of your Heart Flame, and to the heights of Consciousness of your own God Presence. Your greatest Service is nurturing your own God Presence and letting that Presence fill you with Light. Become adept at calling forth this Ruby Ray Action to facilitate the marching cadence of generations to come.
  • High Priest Zarathustra initiates those prepared with Cloven Tongues of Fire descending from his Consciousness and with coals of Golden Fire from his eyes, igniting a Fire in the crown chakra and accelerating the consciousness and vision with Illumination’s Fire. If you desire to be a Priest or Priestess of the Sacred Fire, refine your appetites for these subtle planes of Light — with the action of music leading the way. Striving is acceleration, and Decrees are the gentlest way to accelerate. Long for the day when your calls release the Light and your Heart leaps in rapture and Love to your Presence.
  • Monroe Shearer gives instruction on the action of the Electronic Circle, reminding students that included within that Circle is every circumstance having to do with your life throughout the Earth. You can only approach your Presence through Love. As you give Adoration to your Presence, you raise your vibration into the Vibration of your Presence. Also discussed are visualizations for the whirling action of the Ruby Ray and the Twelve-Rayed Whitsuntide, the Panoply of the Christos that is the ultimate protection and action of Ascended Master Light and Fire that rolls back in a karma-free way, according to the Wisdom, Compassion, and Love of the Godhead, every lesser condition.
  • Beloved Jesus comes this Easter to infuse you with as much Light as you can hold; for unless the Mighty I AM Presence, through the Office of the Holy Christ Self, abides with you, those areas of your life that must be transmuted cannot go into the Flame. For the Victory you are to accomplish in this lifetime, you must be absolutely assured that your Presence will answer your every call. You are the extension of the Heart, the Mind, and the Qualities of God streaming forth in all of their grand and glorious dominion. The most important message Jesus brings today is to maintain your state of readiness.
  • Lord Maitreya entreats you to listen over and over again to these Instructions so that they become a way of life for you. It is by this course of study that you will put on more of the Light of your Holy Christ Self and the Garment of White Radiance that will shine before men, establishing your Authority in this time and space over all of the lesser energies you are to command. Your God Presence awaits your Victory. Perform the Perfect Work as you go forward to fulfill your Divine Destiny.
  • The Chohan of the Seven Rays lifts you into the Radiance of your Holy Christ Self so you have a greater awareness of what is expected at each point in your Attainment on the Path; for you are to become this glorious Radiance of Christic Light. When you enter into meditation upon the Radiance of God Consciousness, you know that God is in every blade of grass, every breath you breathe, every beating heart. Nurture these dimensions you experience, allowing your own God Presence to establish a firm identity within that experience.
Teachings to Help You Return to the Heart of Your God Presence

Yes, you can go Home again — back to your true Home in the Land of the White Fire Sun. During the 2007 New Year’s Conclave, the Ascended Masters expanded their Teachings on entering into the Heart of your I AM Presence. Allow the Masters’ Consciousness to enter your own and begin your homeward trek. This album also contains Releases from Bringing Home Here, the Acropolis Sophia that followed, and includes Instruction from four Manus of the Root Races. With the encouragement and guidance of these august Beings, your thrust homeward receives an unprecedented impetus!

Study These Teachings and You, Too, Can Take the Journey of a Lifetime — The Journey to Liberation Taken by Each Master Now Ascended! The Only Passport Required Is Your Heart Flame! Restore Your Divine Memory and Travel Home to the Heart of Your Own God Presence in Nirvana!

After the Divine Bliss of Your Visit Home, Learn How to “Bring Home Here” to Your Physical World. Listen and Discover How to Make Your Personal Life into the Image of the Divine. Then Heaven And Earth Will Become One for You as You Yet Walk the Earth While Abiding at Home in the Heart of Your God Presence!

  • As an Ascended Master student, you appreciate your origin in the Heart of God as God Individualized. Therefore, you are homeward bound, knowing that your future involves a return journey back to the Heart of your Presence from where you have descended. You are still One with that Heart. As currents of liquid Light from your Electronic Body flow through your world even now, you are stepping into that Land of the White Fire Sun. The Ascension is the ultimate Homecoming. As your Heart resonates with your Presence and that flow becomes alive to you, it will motivate you forward until you have reached your Home in the White Fire Sun.
  • Prepare your chalice so it is ready to receive the Twin Flame Action of the Snow Queen and King as they lower to Earth a great Radiance of God’s Blessings as pure as the new fallen snow — so you may know the greatness of your Presence’s Light. Each day throughout this Conclave, they promise to release more and more of the increments of the White Fire Sun; for they wish you to have a reigniting of the taste, touch, smell, and volition of the Action that occurs when you stand in this Radiance. Should you desire it, they will connect your Heart Flame to theirs in the Great Central Sun so that this River of Light may be the conduit to facilitate a great release of Light for you and for Earth.
  • The Love of God is the engine that moves all Life. This Love of God must be your own inspiration, moving you on in whatever form of Service you desire to render. Meditate on the meaning of “Going Home to the Land of the White Fire Sun” to understand your Mission on the Path. You are reminded that where you put the focus of your mind, there you will be and that is what you will manifest. The human mind and the Mind of the Holy Christ Self are contrasted. There is no need for defenses in the world of the Holy Christ Self, for it is filled with the all-pervading Love and Purity of the One Presence. As you lavish yourself in this Love of God, you will be filled to overflowing and be compelled to offer Service.
  • Lord Maitreya has put aside your human creation for a time while you abide within his Presence so you may experience your own Threefold Flame. Within this Flame, you know who you are and have transferred to you the Will of your Presence. When the Heart is cut off by the lower bodies, it becomes starved for the nourishment of the Light. Your Heart must take dominion over the lower bodies, hold the Harmony of the Music of the Spheres, and charge your cells with the Light so you stand in the Radiance of your Holy Christ Self. How blessed is the opportunity to enter the Heart. Call to Maitreya for assistance.
  • The Ascended Masters would have you enter into the awareness of the infinite possibilities available to you through your Divine Identity and trigger the release of the Flame of the Love of your God Presence into action. Through this process of attunement with the God Presence, there is no limit to what can be done by your Mighty Presence. This process has been blunted because of doubt, fear, suspicion, and discord, which clog the doorway from allowing the Light of your God Presence to flow into this outer world; hence, the need for the constant application of the Violet Flame. The difference between sympathy and Divine Compassion is explained.
  • The Maha Chohan oversees the Instruction you receive, giving every impetus required to sow the seeds of the Divine Intent of your God Presence in this world of form, have them take flight into the fullness of their creativity, and return Home God Victorious. At the core of your Being are many great talents already won. This Attainment can be multiplied and amplified by the Chohans, Elohim, and Archangels of the Seven Rays of God Consciousness to assist you. Your first allegiance is to your own individual Mighty I AM Presence, which knows itself to be God and has sent forth your Threefold Flame into the world of form.
  • The Masters have a different way of problem solving. They do not wrestle with negativity and try to defeat darkness. Instead, they lower Divine Light into manifestation and expand that Light outward, displacing anything unlike that Light and re-establishing God’s Kingdom. Stop struggling with negativity. Use the Violet Flame and gaze fearlessly upon all problems, no longer yielding to appearances less than Perfection. When you establish order in your mind and feelings through mastery and discipline, then Purity, Harmony, Love, and Comfort will flow. Limitless Love is pouring down the Crystal Cord from your Presence, and you can dispense that Love to all Life.
  • Enter into communion with Archangel Gabriel and the Angels of Purity as they descend to Earth to clear a path for your Christhood. Gabriel instructs you on interacting with angels and what allows these servers of Light to intercede for you. Stating that you are the master of your fate and even the most powerful angel cannot override your free will, Gabriel warns that nothing in the physical octave is permanent. Take rightful dominion over all of your life according to the Mind and Desire of God.
  • The concept of the Presence Individualized has to become part of your awareness. It would be impossible to have the sense of returning Home to the Heart of God unless you realize that you stepped forth from that very Heart and that there was an individualization of the Godhead that fashioned its own nature and willed its own identity, cast itself into physical manifestation and elected its unique gift to Life. Your Presence knows itself to be that focus of the One Creator of all Life and therefore possessed of that Authority, Dominion, and mantle of Attainment.
  • Saint Germain addresses you in the Flame of Freedom so that you will be God Victorious and don a garment of Light. He instructs you on God Freedom, the purpose of incarnation, and what you should be aware of in facing that Initiation known as “standing in your own Light.” Saint Germain asks you to hold fast to the change within you dictated by your Presence. As you connect with your Presence and with his Heart, Saint Germain releases the Violet Flame to help you transmute those negative energies you are willing to let go.
  • The Goddess of Light lowers her Consciousness so you may enter the Realm of Akasha. It is through the Threefold Flame that you ascend into Akasha and are able to discern the Voice of God. Many voices clamor for your attention daily. Some of these voices even argue with the Voice of God. Only enough Light will enable you to discern the still, small Voice of your Heart. The question is: Which voice will you follow? Which path will you elect for your lifestream? You have a twofold mission that can only be fulfilled when you make the election to live by the still, small Voice of the Heart.
  • Monroe Shearer explains the two inner rituals of the Brotherhood that Torch Bearers participate in on New Year’s Eve. The first is the lowering of the Thoughtform for the new year, which comes from the Great Silent Watcher through Lord Gautama. The second was initiated by Sanat Kumara on Shamballa. Each Torch Bearer present has their personal candle lit from the Flame upon the Altar and then breathes that Flame into their Heart where they will keep it nurtured for the next year.
  • Lord Gautama invites you to open your Heart and trace the fingers of Light into his Heart, for he is always in meditation upon your Flame. As you refine the meditations upon your Heart, you will discover a new world that will open up a greater awareness to life. Merely because you enter into the Heart, you discover a greater you and you bless more of mankind. The Thoughtform of 2007 is a Threefold Flame of the Heart enveloping your entire lifestream, weaving a garment of Light around your physical body, and registering the White Light of Purity where your Heart would be. This Light has been nourished by the Mother Light from the Land of the White Fire Sun to guide your Path.
  • We are seeking to reunite Heaven and Earth within ourselves and bring it to bear in this outer world of form. From the vantage point of your Presence, they are already one. Just as we carry around our life record in our memory body, the Earth body is carrying around its forcefield and its records of all that has taken place within the Earth. Above this is the Buddhic Realm and beyond that the Realm of the White Fire Sun. These higher Realms all encompass the lower realms. So we are already part of a greater Life that has included us as part of it. Have the consciousness that “the Earth is the Lord’s.” I AM is the Activity of all Life.
  • Mother Mary attends to the Christ child aborning within you. Many know of her Flame but not her name. It is incumbent upon the child grown in years to return to the Home of Light as experienced in early childhood and enter into communion with the angels and Ascended Beings. Many think they are unworthy, but Mother Mary knows you are worthy. She will answer your calls and let you know that she is present and has answered. Use the Light being given as a springboard into a new level of consciousness.
  • When you entered the Earth’s atmosphere for the first time, you began to make a record, not merely of your misdeeds, but you have woven a record of victories as well. You have also woven memories to help you recognize relationships you would desire to engage in and those that are harmful. Without transmutation to clear away mis-perceptions, it would be easy for you to be deceived. When you have enough Christ Discrimination within your life, you are able to chart your course. You are no longer thrown when thrust into a particular situation born out of karma. Vesta stands ready to receive you when you return Home.
  • The I AM Presence can project its awareness and know itself to be present in many seats of consciousness without ever having a sense of separation or duality. The Presence beating your Heart is the same Presence of Life that has brought forth all creation. And because your Presence acts through your Threefold Flame, all creation must come into alignment with what your Presence decrees. It is a question of allowing that Presence to be the Presence-in-Action. Once you do, things will change. Do not let any false sense of unworthiness or lack of humility delay your honoring your own Heart Flame as the Most High Living God.
  • You are forging your own destiny. For within God within you is that single, cognized thought: I AM. It is this seed I AM Individuality that you must re-enter once more. To traverse throughout the Allness of God, you must be able to focus your attention upon one seed ideal of the Heart of God, for every part of life was at one time in this vast Universal Sea of Life. For you to re-enter the Estate of Perfection, it requires going within to the beginning and opening up the vastness of the Cosmos. Lord Himalaya invites into his Heart those on fire for the Will of God.
  • The disciples of the Ascended Masters must always put Love for the Presence first and foremost. Divorced from the Presence, all the lesser mysteries are self-ego centered and spell the fall of man. One of the greatest obstacles to mastery is the coil of habit, of limited thought, of doubt and fear of the outer mind. You must disentangle your Threefold Flame Consciousness from the consciousness of your outer mind and feelings, reasserting the Authority of your Heart to command these bodies. This session begins with questions and answers on how the Presence projects Consciousness as a Threefold Flame both horizontally and vertically.
  • Your God Presence has envisioned for itself an Ascended Master Divine Identity of its own Truth that it desires you to become. Your Presence has sent that forth as a living embodiment of itself to the Realm of the Holy Christ Self. Some characteristics of this Ascended Master Divine Identity are these: an august sense of knowing your own Source, noble character and royalty of Consciousness, greatness of Spirit that is Transcendence, the sense of immense Power, possession of the bedrock of changeless and vast God Reality, the personification of a God Quality, and the sense of ecstatic bliss in the Love of God.
  • This Great Manu reminds you of your Divine Estate. In the beginning of your sojourn as the Presence, you beheld Light, you were Light — and you are Light even now. Within you is a remembrance of wholeness. What remains is how you will draw that Light from within and externalize it, setting in motion patterns of creativity held within God’s Mind as your Divine Blueprint. Stressing the importance of Purity and of preparing your chalice, he instructs you on becoming the great alchemist for your own life. Should you lose your way, remember his Vibration and he will be your guiding star.
  • Monroe Shearer discusses the Initiations of the Dark Night of the Soul and the Dark Night of the Spirit. The first is an opportunity for the Presence to test how much the Threefold Flame has expanded and can last a few minutes or lifetimes. Following this Initiation, you are on the Path because this is who you are and what you have chosen. The Dark Night of the Spirit is the God Consciousness being born in its fullness as the outer expression of the Threefold Flame. From this Initiation, the God Presence slingshots through as a starry, self-luminous Sun of the I AM that will flow on forever. Experiences of those who have just transitioned are also discussed.
  • Vaivasvata, Manu of the 5th Root Race, reminds you that the vision activated within the third eye is not merely focused on what you see, but on what you perceive, and that you perceive through the Heart what the Mind of God would have you externalize. When approaching the Heart Flame, the desire of your outer consciousness must be to change, to surrender to that which is within the Heart. The more you are able to transmute by the Light of God all that is unlike that Divine Pattern, the greater will be the release of that Divine Pattern throughout your creative endeavors. The Manu of your Root Race holds that Pattern of Perfection for you. Expand it. Call it forth.
  • Anointed Representative Carolyn Shearer provides a wealth of practical guidance for your Spiritual Path as she answers students’ questions. Topics covered during this session include overcoming shyness, how to improve visualizations during Decrees by perceiving with the Heart, how to reinforce the sense of self-worth in others, ways to cultivate the Heart Flame, how to steer clear of the astral plane and psychic substance, interacting with others in the workplace, exercising the discerning faculties of the Heart to create balance and establish correct cycles each day, and how to be in alignment with your Divine Plan.
  • You may “Bring Home Here” by asserting your God Freedom to reject the power of outer appearances in yourself and in the world and accepting your God Freedom to be all that your Presence is. You are at liberty to reject every appearance less than Ascended Master Perfection — appearances that still reside in your outer self, past mistakes, mistakes that you still make, and even temptations. You are free to stand in the Light of your Presence and say to all these, “You have no power!” if you remain sealed in Harmony and in your Tube of Light and Electronic Circle.
  • As Manu of the 6th Root Race, the God and Goddess Meru release waves of Illumination’s Flame from their Hearts to bathe you in their Consciousness and in the Light of your own Christ Identity. They instruct that Illumination’s Flame must expand upon your Heart for you to internalize and live every nuance of life according to the desire of your Presence. Be receptive to the still, small Voice of your Heart; pay attention to areas of your life that require change; and invoke the Light of Transmutation, the Resurrection Flame, Illumination’s Flame, and the White Light of the Mother Flame.
  • Serapis asks: “Are you living up to the ideal of your life?” You have within you all required to fulfill the tasks asked of you. When you go to Serapis’ Retreat, you are to pull upon those Divine Memories. The Light within the Great Central Sun is constantly pouring forth to give you every good and perfect gift under the Sun. With the release of the Consciousness of the four Manus, you are absorbing not only the consciousness of your own Root Race, but the building blocks of each of the Divinities of Consciousness. Serapis awaits your entrée into the Ascension Temple.
  • It takes a great amount of attunement and Purity, vision and overshadowing by the Ascended Masters to be able to fully grasp, consciously embrace, and cooperate with the transcendent idea and vision of what it means to be God Individualized. Always, the pressure of human limitation is bearing down upon you. The Manus provide the pressure of their God Consciousness, compressing the blueprint of your individual Identity and the Ascended Master you are to become. You are engaged in making your Mighty I AM Presence visible in this outer world through your conduct and understanding of life. The Christ Virtues are also discussed.
  • El Morya states that you will carry that torch of Light, of your Root Race’s consciousness and of the Light from the White Fire Sun, to illumine the darkness in the land. He affirms that at the core of your being is God. Cease to entertain the not-self, and your life will be filled with the Blessing of the Love of God. Understand that you lose nothing in surrendering your all — but you gain all when you surrender to the One. Then you are in the right consciousness to have authority over greater wealth of God’s Light, God’s Love, and God’s Will.
  • The Brotherhood of Light stands with the Mercy of Cosmic Law as an ongoing Dispensation of Freedom afforded to humanity for expressing the Divine Life of the Presence within the individual. Freedom is a gift — not a license to abuse our creative capacities in unclean use. However, society continues to allow this misuse in Freedom’s name. Therefore, for Freedom to be preserved, there must be the Brotherhood’s continual intercession to stave off the returning karma for this misuse. The Brotherhood desires the separating out of those who are in devotion to the Light from those content to continue on in life’s unclean use.
  • The Seven Holy Kumaras and those who serve on the Secret Love Star release points of Light as currents of Fire into the Earth to elevate your consciousness and reorder your life. Sanat Kumara instructs that if you desire to change the Earth, then open the petals of your Heart, connect with the Secret Love Star, and allow for the White Light of the Purity of the Mother Flame to perform its Perfect Work through you. As you attain, you are changing the world around you. Sanat Kumara reveals that he and Lady Master Venus take a personal interest in your Victory!
  • Our goal is to prepare the way for the Diamond Shining Mind of the Holy Christ Self, which is so directly in touch with the Electronic Body that it knows all things are possible. Right here in physical form within our Heart of Hearts is the extension of the Consciousness of the Most High Living God. The Threefold Flame of your Heart is the point where all planes of reality are one. The Power behind all creation is Love. When you still the outer, you open the window to Infinity and the Love of your Presence radiates through your Heart. Lord Himalaya’s Dispensation is explained.
  • God Harmony assures you that all you require to enter into the Allness of God is at your disposal. But holding fast to that awareness is the challenge. You are to call forth the Fiat of your God Presence for your lifestream and magnetize those patterns of Vibration so your Divine Blueprint is impressed upon your outer vehicles. You will understand more of God when you are able to flow with the current of the Pure Light of your own God Presence. For every God Quality to manifest through your lifestream, there must be Harmony with that God Quality resonating in your outer consciousness.

This is an era when far and wide across the world the hearts of men quake for fear with the prospect of a chance encounter with that nameless, faceless, heartless, implacable foe of terrorism.

Take Heart! The Seven Mighty Elohim are determined to make their Presence known, descending with the LIGHT AS OF A THOUSAND SUNS into this seething vortex to champion the Christ Light of those who will receive them! Each has signaled their readiness to plunge into the front lines with a studied, controlled release of their unmitigated Power, according to the readiness of the student body to receive them. As the Christ in you wins its Victory, so are We victorious far and wide across the Earth. Come join us in a solemn pact of mutual service. And we together shall “Wage Peace” for a thousand years, worlds without end!

The Ascended Master,
Morya El

  • True Peace is more than the absence of warfare. We must be engaged in teaching people how to wage the Peace which brings down the spiritual dimension. Mankind must realign their attention to their Presence. Charging your forcefield with Light not only creates a safe space for yourself, but also creates an open doorway for the Ascended Masters to pour Light to help conditions in the lower worlds. The very nature of that Light will roll back any harm upon those who stand in that Light. That circle of Christ Light must expand until it can guard entire cities, nations and peoples.
  • Archangel Michael comes with His legions to wage the Peace that is to reign on Earth, and to implore you to use every erg of energy to invoke the Light and then stand as the example. You are required to hold fast to enough Light for that Light to make a difference. It is incumbent upon the Torch Bearers to invoke the Light and make it move across the land. Stand before your altar each day and invoke the Light of the Holy Angels to go into the areas of conflict and to bring the Light that is to provide the clearing action.
  • One of the meanings of “waging Peace” is that the greatest weapon for protecting and blessing a populace is the lowering into manifestation of the Divine, bringing that Divine into the outer world from within out—drawing down tangible God Reality and anchoring it permanently into the physical world and having it go forth to recreate an Edenic life. This is how the Golden Age will eventually come to pass—not merely by the erasure of negatives, but by the positive lowering of those things of Divine Nature. Love and Adoration to the Presence are required for this lowering to occur.
  • Kuthumi imparts the requirements for embodying that Truth that will lead to your Christhood and Ascension. Constancy of Devotion to God’s Heart, discipline of your daily habits, and the willingness to change are required to maintain your acceleration to the Ascension. Change those latent habits taking you from your Presence and the Vibration that allows your Christ Self to overshadow you and engage in your life. Bow before your Presence on bended knee so you are reminding even your physical body who is Lord over your outer consciousness. Call to the Brothers of the Golden Robe, and they will attend to you.
  • The Elohim invite you to climb to the vastness of their Consciousness and visualize their seven great streams of Cosmic Light converging onto Earth. You also observe that within your physical form this combined influence of all the Elohim is bursting as a crown of all Seven Rays upon your brow, integrating your four lower bodies into one identity. As you accept this reality, you will find a formula of overcoming; of staying your course; and a means whereby you may complete your Divine Plan, knit your lower bodies with your Christ Self, and resurrect these bodies into the Ascension!
  • Dwjal Kul presents you with the gift of Love, teaching you what Love really is. The Source of your true Identity in God desires you to know Love, be Love, and give Love through every thought, word, and deed — which you can achieve when you exercise the willingness to reside within the Heart. If you are always looking outside yourself for some far-off vastness of God, you miss the very close and intimate God within, the God that speaks through your Heart. Should you desire to study this action of Love for all, Dwjal Kul welcomes you to his retreat.
  • The enmity of the carnal mind against the Christ Light is a principle applied both personally and universally throughout history and right now in America. Anyone who stands up for the Christ Light will become the target of those in darkness. The Elohim need our calls because the Law of Octaves is behind their ability to set aside the carnal-minded messages of hatred coming over satellites and the Internet that put pressure upon the elementals. Rally to the Violet Flame Vigils! Take your stand with the Archangels and Elohim and hold the line of Light for another round of Opportunity for mankind!
  • Stating that this is a difficult time, Archeia Faith instructs that the dangers are real but they have no power when you have sufficient Faith in the Presence. Holding fast to that Faith makes you invincible. Call for and become the Light! Stand in Fearlessness Flame and make the calls to protect the Sons and Daughters of God. You in embodiment must make the calls and stand united as a front of Faith, Hope, and the Charity of the Love of God. Then nothing can stop the Light and the Golden Age to come. Remember that Dispensation of 10,000 angels to direct daily.
  • The Maha Chohan helps you prepare for the coming of the Elohim. He instructs you on the importance of Purity of Heart, revealing that those ushered into the Ascended Masters’ Retreats have a pure Heart and understand that every breath is a creative process involving their Presence. All that matters is the desire to know, love, and be God. The true Attainment that will take you into the higher Octaves is not being afraid of entering a new realm of Consciousness. Should you find it difficult to commune with Elohim, this Great Lord permits you to petition him to assist you.
  • For your Holy Christ Self to step forth through your four lower bodies, there must be a threshold of Harmony, Purity, and Light in your world. Then the Christ Light can go forth. Ascended Master students are given the Opportunity to direct the Light, powerfully rolling back discordant energies, enforcing Peace in your worlds. The Elohim are depositing their Cosmic Consciousness into your world. When all Seven Flames are activated simultaneously, you will have the Cosmic Christ Light thrusting out, leaping from Heart to Heart — and this mighty impetus will roll around the world.
  • Master Morya comes to give the impetus of his Heart to your receiving the Mighty Elohim and establishing within your world the God Qualities embodied in each of the Elohim. As the Elohim step forth, each Chohan of that Ray will be present to help you integrate the Fire of that Elohim. They come for the Love of the Flame of your God Presence burning upon the Altar of your Heart. They desire this Flame to multiply, to co-create with the Mind of God, and to have each of the Flames of God Consciousness soaring through your consciousness.
  • The Elohim Hercules stands with the Earth so you will have the Power to hold fast to the Will of God and to become that Will. If you are unable to hold fast to the Mind of God, your co-creation will be merely all manner of worldly things. Without the Power of Protection, all other God Qualities can be assaulted. Mighty Hercules transfers the Flame of the Will of God according to your Attainment and your ability to receive it. Let that Flame establish the right path and cycle for you to follow.
  • The possibilities are limitless as to what your Presence can do through you when your Light and Attainment are supplemented by that of the Seven Mighty Elohim. Each chakra along your spinal altar has connection with Elohim. Through your deliberate attunement with their Consciousness, each of your chakras can be brought into total communion with these Cosmic Beings — and their Light and Attainment will augment your efforts in winning your Victory. This is lawful and is how you will accomplish those Herculean tasks which are part of your Divine Plan!
  • Apollo assists you in understanding how to become the Consciousness of the Mind of God. He asks if you will determine to put on the garment of Light proffered by the Elohim, to expand it and let it be the standard bearer of all your creative endeavors — every thought, word, and deed. Instructing you on how to maintain this Light, Apollo teaches that as you hold to, nurture, and breathe upon that Light, it becomes the Breath of Life. You must actively participate in this Divine Dance with the Light.
  • Christhood is not achieved by the elimination or defeat of opposing forces within or without. Rather, it is drawing down and enthroning the Godhead within each individual. Ascended Master Peace is forged by living the Ascended Master Way of Life, by re-educating your cultural palate regarding all aspects of your life. This is possible because you are the living temple of the Godhead, you are God Individualized. Waging Peace begins with making the calls for the Light to come down and occupy the space where you are.
  • The bridge you build into the Heart of your own God Presence will be firmly fixed for eternity. This Love knits together the Will and Ideal of God to establish for all time an immortal vehicle of Consciousness. Embrace a passion for God! Then you will understand what is required of you to extend the Love of God into all of life, to share that Love, and to nurture God in other parts of life. Heros comes to charge into your being a passion for the God Love that can only be known when the Flame of Elohim is deposited upon your brow.
  • Every nuance of mankind’s thoughts and feelings are creative and are catapulting onto Nature’s White Fire Core. Movies, music, satellites, and the Internet constantly churn out discord. Eventually, Nature throws back upon mankind its own inequity through cataclysmic action. This mechanism is impersonal and one of the most fundamental, underlying principles in Life. We must aid Mother Nature, giving the calls that will deal with hatred of the Christ and take the burden off elemental life. There is no greater Opportunity than to be such a deliverer for mankind.
  • Declaring that you are the vehicle to return Purity to Earth, the Fourth Ray Elohim instructs you to invoke, become, and foster Purity. As you know greater Purity in your own life, it will help Earth return to the Edenic Consciousness. Stressing the importance of your daily calls, Purity states you must hold the balance for elemental life, calling the Twin Flame Action of Purity and Astrea to go across the Earth, encircling it and consuming mankind’s negativity with the Circle and Sword of Blue Flame and White Fire.
  • If you elect to call down a reinforcement of your Electronic Circle and send it outside your Tube of Light, it will successfully protect you and will only be penetrated when you open yourself to misqualification within your four lower bodies. Visualizations of the Circle and Sword of Astrea and the White Cube are discussed. Questions and answers follow: the Elohim, making calls to help others, global warming, alleviating the suffering of children and the elderly, attuning with the intelligence in nature, and holding the balance for those suffering.
  • Cyclopea asks you to exercise more Vision of God, not only for yourself, but for all mankind. He instructs that true Peace comes when you wage war on all negativity by the Spoken Word of Truth. With the Wisdom Flame of God directing your calls with the Purity of Perfection and with the Love of God to move into action with the Vision to behold the call into manifestation, then you can move mountains of adversity, shift the tides of emotional energy, and reestablish Peace in the land.
  • The Goddess of Liberty comes to pierce the veils of maya and illusion that keep the Sons and Daughters of God on the wheels of karma. You are called to take the scales from your eyes and see what is right before you. Open your Heart to your Threefold Flame and let the Presence chart your course and destiny ordained by God. Expanding the Threefold Flame in your Heart is key to bringing forth more Light. Lady Liberty holds her Torch high to illumine your vision with the Light of Ten Thousand Suns when you call to her Flame.
  • Exuding Purity, the Elohim Peace establishes a ring-pass-not to protect the innocent and holy. This ring will be reactivated every time this Release is played. You will know Peace when you have released enough Light to consume returning karma and negativity in your world. The Service of the Elohim to God and Life is allowing the Presence to fulfill every God Gift. The Elohim Peace establishes the Flame of Peace upon the brow of those able to receive that Flame of God Illumination, God Resurrection, God Service, and God Love as Peace and then be counted among those who fulfill the Christ Consciousness.
  • Your attention has been held on the Elohim so that their Cosmic Light could establish a point of contact in your world — a new electrode in your bodies vibrating at the level of the Elohim’s God Consciousness. Continue to expand your consciousness of the Elohim, for they are the Panoply you wear that will overpower both the negative energies of this world and your personal world. When you have the flaming action of the Elohim augmenting your efforts, you will prevail in balancing your karma and winning your Victory!
  • Arcturus instructs that the Elohim will accelerate their Fires into this world to win the day in answer to your calls — but you must remember to make the call! Arcturus presents you with the fiats to invoke that will activate the Flame of Elohim on your brow for Earth’s salvation. Remember to hold fast to the fiat—and you will be God Victorious! Arcturus also instructs you to reinforce the Violet Fires of Freedom so that the Violet Flame children of the Seventh Root Race can be born.
  • The Panoply of the Christos occurs when the Love from your Christ Self flows from you, hallowing space where you are and wherever your call is directed and annihilating from that part of life anything unlike God’s Love. For this to happen, your Christ Self must be overshadowing you, working through your four lower bodies through your Heart Chakra. The Christ Self and the not-self cannot inhabit your temple simultaneously. You must issue the Conscious Christ Command that banishes the not-self, sealing your world from human thought and feeling. Then your Christ Self can throw out the radiance of the Panoply.
  • Amazonia brings the Mother Light to anchor the Divine Culture of the Mother in the Earth. She instructs that where there is the decay of the Mother Flame that nourishes and teaches, that establishes divine patterns for the young to follow, you begin to see the breakdown of that civilization. If you call to the Will of God and the Twin Flame Action of Elohim Amazonia and Hercules, you will understand the White Fire, Blue Fire that will come forth. Call to Amazonia to have assistance in manifesting the Divine Culture and the Divine Ideal in the Will of God.
  • God does not force anything on any part of life. Nothing happens unless you send forth the call! Then the Presence within your Heart calls to the Heart within the Presence. Your calls must be dynamic. If there is inharmony in your world, the Holy Christ Self will not descend. Your daily allotment of karma needs to be treated by the Violet Flame. Then there is a suitable chalice for the Holy Christ Self to radiate through the four lower bodies and thrust out the Light of the Panoply. How the Light descends and the Law of the One is explained.
  • Illumination’s Flame carries the pattern that knows itself to be God, wills God into manifestation, and desires to reflect God in all of Life. The spiral of the fiery nature of the Second Ray Elohim is impressed with the Consciousness of Alpha and Omega that holds the patterns for mankind. For there to be a Golden Age, the Teaching must go forth in its highest, purest Vibration. When you make the election to move within the realm of Christ Consciousness, you open the doorway of the Heart to receive more of Illumination’s Flame from Elohim — and you will be off and running.
  • When the Elohim come, their vast Consciousness and transcendence flows into your outer, physical vehicles. In order to achieve the goal of life, you must take the physical body in the form of the etheric double into the ritual of the Ascension. Questions and answers follow: loving one’s enemy, the function of the Sevenfold Flame, how to visualize the chakras, and purifying the memory body.
  • Pure, unmitigated Love for God in all of life allows for the fullness of Life to respond in its highest nature. That which you love enough will not fail you when you perceive the highest God Quality within it. Hold within your vision the immaculately conceived blueprint, and Love will multiply it by the action of the expansion of God in all of life. If you are to garner sufficient Light to accelerate into the Ascension, listen to the Heart, foster the Wisdom of the Heart. That Wisdom will know God as Love and desire you to love unconditionally.
  • Some characteristics of your Holy Christ Self’s state of consciousness are: it is a silent watcher with a dispassionate, utter calmness and an unshakeable state of God Consciousness, looking on without being bound by the glamour and Maya of the physical appearance world; it has a fully developed God Consciousness anchored in changeless God Reality that extends from the outer world to the worlds of the Presence and the God Flame; and it simultaneously has the Wisdom of the All-Knowing Mind of God and the harmless innocence, spontaneity, and un-selfconsciousness of a little child. Allow your Christ Self to fully awaken within you.
  • Astrea teaches you how to begin the process of unleashing the Purity at the White Fire Core of Being. Instructing you on what it means to call forth her Circle and Sword, she asks you to invoke her Flame into your negative patterns and habits. She will deal with any substance, going into your consciousness to bring to the fore those recalcitrant areas as far back as the Law will allow and establishing a momentum of Purity so when those records are brought up as returning karma, they will be consumed. Astrea gives you a call to make to invoke her Light.
  • The Ascended Masters respect the cry of “uncle” when the Sacred Fire becomes too intense. They will dial back the intensity and allow you to re-equalize. Various natural ways to facilitate the re-equalization process are breathing, exercise such as swimming and walking in nature, sleeping, meditating, and bathing the body. Questions and answers follow: the Elohim’s true colors, the Blue and White Ray Actions of Purity and Astrea, finding balance in visualization, advising someone not to have an abortion, using herbs for healing, balancing the Threefold Flame and the Action of the Christ Self, discernment, and when to give which decrees.
  • The Vision of your Presence and the Divine Plan you are to out-picture, including how the Seven Mighty Elohim are Divinely Ordained to play a direct role in assisting you to forge the identity of the Christos, is discussed. You need to have Ascended Master Consciousness deposited in your aura so you can protect that image, have a sense of what you are striving to externalize, and feel the Authority of your birthright. The Elohim and their Complements can whirl into action and assist you in your mission when you assume the Office and Responsibility of the Christ.
  • Understanding how to return to Virgin Consciousness is the initiatic process of the Sons and Daughters of God. When there is lack of discipline, you are unable to hold sufficient attention upon the flow of Life required for the co-creative process to work. For the Emerald Ray of God’s Consciousness to flow sufficiently in your life, you will desire Perfection and make room for that Perfection. This is the mastery, the Attainment, and the focus of the attention required by the Sons and Daughters of God.
  • The wonderful adjectives describing the Christos apply to your own Holy Christ Self because your Christ Self is an undivided focus of the Cosmic Christ Consciousness. Through elevating the attunement of your four lower bodies and your Christ Self’s intercession, you can enter into Harmony with your Electronic Body. This is a harmonic relationship because you are literally attuning to a higher pitch. When you establish God Control over your thoughts and feelings, then you can have the action of the Panoply. Then the River of Life flowing from your Presence through your Christ Self and out your four lower bodies can work miracles.
  • Bathing you in waves of Peace as a Golden Elixir Love Ray that emanates the fragrance of a rose, Aloha invites you into her Consciousness to receive her electronic charge. But this Dispensation requires holding a balance by maintaining your Harmony. She stresses the importance of serving God in Life and completing cycles of Service. Peace and Aloha send the Constancy of their Flame so you might have the Opportunity to grasp Peace and to fulfill your fiery destiny. You are required to mount the Courage and the Fortitude to hold fast to that Peace. Aloha welcomes you to her retreat.
  • El Morya reminds you that those unhealthy habits and areas of consciousness needing the transmutation realized through your communion with the Elohim must not be forgotten. You have been tutored in Purity, instructed in Cosmic Law, and charged by the Consciousness of Elohim. El Morya asks you to maintain the Purity of your consciousness. Allow for that Purity to move through you from your Presence all the way to the tips of your toes, and allow for the expansion of the Mother Light into your Temple so you will have enough God Light to roll back all opposition to the Light of the Christ.
  • The Masters have explained that no matter what your Attainment in a previous embodiment, you must regain mastery of the Sacred Fire in each new incarnation. When your focus is on the outer, material world, your energies are driven downward and all kinds of human effluvia is sucked into your chakras. You must cleanse with the Violet Flame and then call to the Resurrection Flame to raise your energies into an upward spiral. This is how human beings become Gods.
  • The Violet Flame understands the Heart of God, for it knows itself to be Pure and desires all life to return to Perfection. This is the great Mercy of the Law available to you when you invoke it, become it, and overcome all sense of limitation. Transmutation must occur for you to stand in the unmitigated White Fire Core of the Electronic Body. Upholding the Truth of your Being is your priority of life. To do this, one must transmute enough of the outer consciousness so that the Mind of God may be revealed through the Flame on the Altar of the Heart.
  • Surya releases the Victory of the White Fire, Blue Fire Sun of the God Star Sirius into your consciousness. He explains the effects of the OM on Akasha and his role in this realm. Light is Earth’s greatest natural resource to be protected—the key to alleviating all Earth’s ills. Harmony in all your vehicles is required to exercise the great Pranic Breath of Akasha. Then your Presence can manifest through the Christ, working miracles through the great Outpourings of Life. Surya’s Angels clear imperfection and unreality with the Purity of God Love. Call to them to clear Earth and make way for the Golden Age.
Teachings to Help You Tap the Unlimited Resources of the Great Sea of Universal Light

Saint Germain invites you on a voyage of discovery into a wonderful new world! Let your consciousness soar as Saint Germain provides your passport into the Edenic Perfection and Purity of the realm where the Ascended Masters and your own God Presence reside — that tangible realm known as the Great Sea of Universal Light — that is your native and eternal home. During The Temple of The Presence’s 2006 Freedom Conclave, Saint Germain provided in-depth instruction on how to navigate and master this realm. This dimension holds a vast array of wealth, opportunity, and talent that is yours to garner! Celebrate your spiritual independence — elevate your consciousness into this New Frontier of Freedom!

  • This Conclave is a true voyage of discovery into new realms of life. These realms of the Great Sea of Universal Light are like a new frontier. Your Presence already lives in the God Freedom of these realms, and you are an Individualization of the One God. To become a fit Temple for your Divinity and to enter the Consciousness of God and this world of Universal Light Substance, your feelings, mind, and memory must be washed by the Violet Flame. The Freedom offered to you is the Freedom to be your God Presence.
  • Saint Germain invites you to voyage upon his ship of Consciousness, soaring in the Perfection and Purity of the realm of your Presence. To break the pull of the mass consciousness, of human thought and feeling, requires an acceleration of vibration. You have the right to call forth and become the Light. The open Heart is the key that allows you to sail into the New Frontier of Freedom. Treat your mind, thoughts, and memory body with the Violet Flame; then your consciousness can sail within the realms of Perfection.
  • Our attention and greatest Love must always be reserved for our Presence. In order to enter the Great Sea of Universal Light, the mental, emotional, and physical bodies must be redirected away from attention to outer world affairs and back toward the God Presence. The Commands from the altar of the Heart that harness, tame, and still the bodies must be given so that they polarize to the Electronic Body of the Presence. When this occurs, the bodies become the vehicles of the Presence. Then our Presence, through us, is able to operate the principles of creation.
  • Lord Maitreya sends Fire directed from his Attainment on the Ray of Love so you might have the opportunity to embrace more of the pure Love that is your True Nature. Joining Maitreya are Chamuel and Charity and their Angels, conducting an action of the Ruby Ray that consumes opposition to the elevation of the consciousness of those ready to be initiated in the Fires of the Heart. To conceive this Pure Love of God requires Illumination’s Flame. You must know what it means to receive Love. The first Love you should cognize is the Love of your Presence.
  • The process of creation is ever an interplay between God Individualized — the I AM — and God Universal in a state of primal Oneness — the Presence. These two are married and locked into a Oneness that expresses as the “I AM Presence.” Your Presence has a sense of being the One Creator. To enter into the Universal Sea of Light, release the sense of duality and allow the outer self to merge with the Consciousness of Oneness of the Presence. This allows the Presence to be the doer and to be responsive. Then you are a focus of the Great Sea.
  • If you determine to move forward with lightening speed into your Presence, taking your rightful Dominion here and now in time and space as the Presence of God, you are ready to embark with Saint Germain as he conducts you safely through intermediate worlds so you might have the understanding of how easy it is to elevate your consciousness and soar into the Oneness with your Presence. You must fearlessly move into these realms of consciousness without looking back, without pulling back on your energy, for then you stop the flow that would propel you into that realm.
  • Torch Bearers are pioneers launching into the New World of the Great Sea of Universal Light. The foundation of this process is your acceptance that you are the expression of a focus of the Allness of God. This makes it possible to produce whatever you require to accomplish your Divine Plan. There is Substance and limitless energy at the White Fire Core of each Electron of the Great Sea. The Mind of God flowing through you speaks to the Intelligence in each Electron and triggers its release. Know yourself as the Temple of the Most High, and your Christ Self will be God-in-Action, producing physical changes.
  • The Goddess of Light schools you on what is required to make the journey into the Light and on the co-creative process of expanding God in life with your Presence. She teaches you how to garner the first four Rays, laying the groundwork for creating within the Universal Sea of Light all that your Presence desires to manifest through you. By elevating your consciousness and readying for the journey, you can receive all that you require in life. She stresses that Purity must be present — in intent, deed, word, thought, vision, and vibration — and then the Light can manifest.
  • Saint Germain uses the terms “treasure house” and “storehouse” when describing the Great Sea of Universal Light, for it is very, very good. The Great Sea of Universal Light is an ocean of God Goodness found everywhere throughout the cosmos. It contains Absolute Goodness because every part of it is harmonious. Out of that Goodness comes every good thing and action, including creativity and life experiences. In creating with the Substance of the Great Sea, the Presence within you is summoning elements of the Godhead, separating out those particular Qualities of the Allness of the One that you want to see manifest.
  • Allow your consciousness to soar into the vastness and the Allness of God with Saint Germain as he shares with you the realm of the Universal Sea of Life. Here is your True Home. Here you will understand what it means to be Free. Saint Germain encourages you to overcome limitations and fear of the unknown, for you are required by your Presence to push the envelope of your consciousness, to allow for the acceleration of the vibration within your body temple to carry you first into the realm of your Holy Christ Self and then into the realm of your Presence.
  • Master Morya discourses on staying the course, noting that your Presence has long studied your propensities to determine the best situation to afford you greater opportunity, greater Light, and greater awareness of the Mind of God. He explains the Dispensation of the Vanguard of The Temple. Those who attend to the altar daily and call to the Mighty I AM Presence to resound in their life, to expand Christ Attunement, to establish the Virtues of the Christ, to transmute their karma, to send forth the Light Rays to bless all mankind, and to protect the Light and The Temple will be regarded as the Vanguard of The Temple.
  • Mother Mary bathes you in her unconditional Love as she receives you into her Heart. She explains why refinement is necessary before your alchemies and healing requests may be fulfilled. Never feel lost or separated from God’s Heart, for she is always there to respond. Mother Mary affirms she will assist you at every turn when there is genuine, pure intent.
  • Patterns of Perfection reverberate constantly through the Great Sea. The Great Sea of Universal Light is an infinite storehouse and treasure chest of design, blueprint, and energy Substance, full of untapped resources. You have the opportunity to become a co-creator and to give pattern and quality to some of this material. The Consciousnesses of the Electrons in the Great Sea are innocent; however, the new world of the Great Sea is not like Antarctica, a formless, white blankness. The main distinctions between this realm and the Earth are Perfection, the lack of discord, and the changeless nature of the Christ.
  • Saint Germain presents the solution to all problems — the Light! He explains how the Violet Flame is the key to the Golden Age and why you should hold the visualization of his Banner as the symbol of the unbroken thread and river of Violet Flame that will move through you and the world when you invoke it. He presents instruction on its invocation; for as you master this Flame, you begin to master the Christ Virtues. Warning against procrastination, Saint Germain instructs that to assure a full and abundant life and the fulfillment of your Divine Plan, accomplish tasks in a timely fashion.
  • Your Freedom is won by the interaction between the Individuality of the Presence that you are and the Totality of the Godhead. When you understand that the Great Sea of Universal Life is the Substance of which you are composed, you will be able to trigger the use of that Substance for your creation. There is limitless expansiveness within this Great Sea. All you would ever need is at your disposal. If you are able to meditate upon these ideas, work with them, and allow your Heart and consciousness to enter into that Consciousness, you will experience those realms.
  • You can accomplish great feats if you will but put your attention upon the Presence, call sufficient Light into your being to take its rightful Dominion, and then stay the course. Saint Germain knows that you are up to the task, for he has already seen your Victory. The Chohan of the Seventh Ray will lend his momentum to all who will call upon the Violet Flame to not only transmute the records of negativity that stand in the way of their Victory, but to clear a pathway so you might find yourself at home in this New Frontier. Saint Germain introduces Sanat Kumara.
  • Sanat Kumara brings the understanding that though much is given, much can be lost. To counteract negative influences, quickly mount the Vibration of the Flame of the Heart and carry your thoughts into the Presence, realign your thoughts with the Perfect Pattern and Blueprint described to you by the ancients who know Cosmic Law, then rehearse them over and over until they become a part of who you are. You can illumine the darkness in the Earth if you have a consciousness able to elevate into the Universal Sea of Life. Sanat Kumara will not leave Earth until the Golden Age is firmly established.
  • Your Divine Plan is to remake this world in the Vision received from the Ascended Masters. They are ready to birth the Golden Age and desire you to catch and hold this Vision in your every waking thought. You can step into the Golden Age of One right now. Then you are ready to enter into a cooperative effort with the Ascended Masters and we will have an unbeatable team working to manifest the Golden Age. Once you understand the principle of the Golden Age of One, you can multiply it for other lifestreams so they, too, can manifest it.
  • Saint Germain instructs you on journeying into the Great Sea of the Allness of God. The ascent is through your vehicles of consciousness, your Holy Christ Self, making room for your Presence to release Light into this world. Free yourself from negative human thought and feeling and elect to receive the inner Purity that allows you to unfurl Christ Consciousness and know your Divine State of Being. Then you are ready to receive greater portions of Light, Wisdom, and God Power. This allows you entrée into the Universal Sea of Life, wherein resides a glorious Sea of Harmony, Peace, and Cosmic Light.
Teachings on the History, Activities, and Exalted Consciousness of The Brotherhood to Help You Associate More Closely with These Great Ones!

You have an extended family that watches over you and loves you dearly. Learn how to receive the unconditional Love, support, and assistance they freely offer you! These “relatives” are divine beings, part of an august body known as the Entire Spirit of the Brotherhood of Light. During the 2006 New Year’s Conclave, the Ascended Masters parted the veil and revealed the origins, characteristics, and specific Service to Life of the Three Kingdoms of God that compose this Brotherhood. Learn how the Archangels, Ascended Masters, and Elohim lovingly hold you in their Consciousness, and await your calls — then move into action on your behalf. Discover how Sanat Kumara founded the Brotherhood and the covenant he keeps with you. Draw closer to these Divine Beings and receive their direct sponsorship. Under their tutelage, you, too, can win your Ascension and join the Brotherhood as an Ascended Master!

The Banners of the Three Kingdoms DVD contains Instruction by the Mighty Elohim, the Chohans of the Rays and the Archangels on the Allness of God. You will want to hold within your consciousness how very closely these Cosmic Beings are constantly holding you within their Consciousness, awaiting your calls to move into action. As you delve into their Consciousness, you will learn the Divine process of creation that will enable you to create Peace and Harmony within your own being and world. Included are Dictations by Sanat Kumara, Lord Gautama, the Maha Chohan, Vesta, Arcturus and Victoria, Mother Mary, and Archangels Michael and Raphael.

  • Three kingdoms, or parallel streams of Divine Identity from the Great Central Sun, operate in unison as one throughout all cosmos, making up The Brotherhood of Light: the Angelic Hosts (the pink plume), the Elohim (the blue plume), and the Sons and Daughters of God (the gold plume). This conclave will help you realize the Opportunity open to you of association with The Brotherhood — first through your own application with your Presence; then through your Ascended Master sponsors; and subsequently, through your Presence and those sponsors to The Brotherhood itself.
  • Listen as Sanat Kumara tells the story of his coming to Earth, and why that august body of Light, known as the Entire Spirit of the Great White Brotherhood, was established. Explaining the Covenant that he keeps with you, Sanat Kumara asks you to let the magnet of your Heart magnetize the Light of God that is inherent within The Brotherhood of Light. And let this Spirit of the Allness of God in the Perfected State of Mastery be the touchstone of your reality that you strive toward.
  • Go within to touch the Mind of God and see through the eyes of God Reality. Your Causal Body is constantly registering information which the Mind of God processes. In the inner realms the process of creation is ongoing and never-ending. As you make the acquaintance of the Elohim, attuning with them, and creating a sacred place within the temple of your being, you will more and more look at the world with a different perspective, sensing the Presence of God everywhere.
  • Pointing out how important are each of the details, decisions and situations of life, the Maha Chohan instructs you on overcoming the wheel of karma, and on achieving the God recognition whereby you hear the great Tone of the Light that streams as attainment from your Causal Body and ultimately, the great Causal Body of the Allness of God. He stands ever ready to assist in releasing the tone, the rhythm, and the sound that will facilitate the vibration required for God to be present where you are.
  • The Consciousness of each of the Seven Mighty Elohim and their specific role in the process of creation is discussed in detail. For the Elohim, this world is but a footstool kingdom, the lowest of seven which they have created. As you forge your attunement with the Elohim, and expand their Consciousness within you, you will look out at this world with a different perspective. The Flames of Elohim will literally become a crown upon your brow, gracing your Third Eye and Crown chakras with their vast Consciousness.
  • The Ascended Masters desire us be conscious of how earnestly heaven is awaiting our Victory. The overriding purpose of life is to give birth to the God Identity within us. This means making calls daily with the assurance your I AM Presence will respond. The equation for Victory entails expanding the Light within, gaining mastery, and fulfilling the Law of Octaves. Your God Identity is all you ever require for fulfillment as there is always more of the Godhead to discover, externalize, and bring forth. The Golden Age comes by the mutual effort of unascended lifestreams together with Ascended Masters.
  • Arcturus comes with his Angels to anchor sufficient Violet Flame across the Earth and capture the misqualified energy ready to be released by the Sons and Daughters of God. When you call to Elohim, the Flame upon the Altar of your Heart ignites and leaps into union with the Seven Flames upon your brow, allowing the Crown Chakra to open, giving you the full Authority of the Mind of God. Those who give the Violet Flame Vigil receive the Dispensation of the multiplication of the Violet Flame in their world by ten times.
  • Your greatest initiation is bringing into manifestation the Divine blueprint of your own Mighty I AM Presence — the form, the Vibration, the Light of your own Presence. You are called to enter into your Christhood and ignite the Flame upon the Altar of your Heart sufficiently so that you can bear witness to the Vibration of God and the Cosmic Beings. Petition the Flame of Helios and Vesta that they might give you greater assist in bringing forth the priorities of your life required to pursue your destiny.
  • Mother Mary petitions the Karmic Board so the Sons and Daughters of God may come forth in Wisdom’s Ray as Christed Ones to fulfill their fiery destiny, multiplying God’s Kingdom and expanding their own attainment. She offers her own Causal Body momentum and that of Archangel Raphael and all who serve on the Green Ray, to anchor that Light for the fulfillment of the Christ Light in all who are willing to bend the knee before their own God Presence.
  • In his New Year’s Address, Gautama instructs you on the importance of having an open heart; attention to detail; and wise discernment; and of guarding all of the right actions required for a virtuous life. He presents the 2006 Thought Form: a glorious bell, whose tone is your own Keynote of Identity that allows you to hear the inner tone of your Causal Body. This bell rings out for Freedom, releasing Violet Flame that transmutes even more of your returning karma than the Law will allow, by the Power of 100x100.
  • Everyone who wishes to make their Ascension must win the battle over the human ego. This is one of the fundamental initiations. When you no longer have the baggage of the ego and its separate self-consciousness, you can then enter into the Glory of the inner realms and the fraternal sense of Oneness of the Buddhic “Web of Life”. The Ascended Masters wish you to have the sense that you are part of one great family with all the members of The Brotherhood of Light.
  • Archangel Michael places his Sword in front of you as a shield to cleave asunder all that would assault you and attempt to tear you from your Christhood in this lifetime. He reminds you of the 10,000 angels assigned to you to command daily, and requests you to summon their help. When you entertain a greater resurgence of Faith in your Presence, you will have a closer attendance by the Entire Spirit of The Brotherhood. Do not to limit the possibilities of your service to God in life!
  • You are the ruler of your personal life, and you may decree Perfection and Light into your world. There is no greater gift that your Presence could give you than the abiding Peace that is the firm foundation of Its Glory. Cosmic Christ Peace is an inheritance which you may claim for all eternity. You can abide in that Peace and Harmony and direct the Light Rays from your Presence to perform their perfect works. Hold to Peace and Harmony to produce miracles, for they are prerequisites for precipitation.
  • Archangel Raphael instructs you on the nature of God’s Truth. He asks you to adopt the affirmation: “I AM the Truth, I AM the Way” to accomplish all your Presence wishes. Raphael explains that to actually manifest the creative endeavors which you desire, you must embody Truth, for Truth allows everything to manifest in Perfection and in right use. At the behest of the Karmic Board and of Alpha and Omega, each of the Archangels stands with Archangel Raphael to bring a momentous Dispensation of Light to Earth!
Teachings to Reacquaint You with the Stream of Christ Light from Your Own God Presence, and Help You Follow that Stream to the Great Central Sun!

Are you ready for a great cosmic adventure? Are you ready to experience the deepest part of you, your unique blueprint of identity, your Source — your own God Presence that resides within your Heart? Then, once your consciousness is situated within your Heart, you can begin to follow the “Stream,” that flow of Christ Light projected into your Heart’s Threefold Flame by your God Presence! During the Harvest Conclave of 2005, the Ascended Masters delivered incomparable Instruction to help you take the plunge into this Stream of Light, and travel up your Crystal Cord into the blissful world of your Christ Presence and the realm of the Cosmic Christ. And then even higher, into the Great Central Sun! Dare to take this unforgettable journey, and experience the true meaning of the Christ Consciousness that is your Divine Destiny!

  • During this Conclave, Lord Maitreya and the Ascended Masters spoke to the Divinity within the hearts of those in attendance and the millions of Children of God across the Earth, hurling the challenge: When and where will the Christ Light appear within you? You are called to become your Presence — that Greatness which is already within you. Never allow yourself to be satisfied or content with your lot in life until you find yourself awakening in the fullness of your Electronic Body. Excelsior! Excelsior! Excelsior!
  • Hoping you will awaken to the Tone of your Presence within your heart, Lord Gautama instructs you on realizing your Christhood. Placing attention upon the Heart of your Presence, and becoming more and more aware of the integration of your Presence in your entire life, allows you to fine-tune how you are to express the Christ, becoming those Christ Virtues and God Qualities, and establishing your Divine Plan. Awareness of those areas to avoid outside of Christhood will enable a greater acceleration of your Heart Flame.
  • Within your Heart is where you begin to follow the stream — for there in the Threefold Flame is where your Christhood is to be discovered. Your Christ Self knows It is the Presence in Action at all times. Your Christ Self is reaching up and holding connection with the Presence and at the same time, with the Threefold Flame in your four lower bodies. This is the consciousness you are to put on. When you cognize “I AM”, it is the same Presence in Action that is speaking.
  • After imparting to you a portion of his Dream, Lanello states that his key point is to begin with the Heart. For your Threefold Flame to unfurl as the Christ Self, the Light through your Crystal Cord must expand through the wise use of that which is given to you every moment. And in that wise use, you are rewarded with plenty. In addition to reminding parents to share the Truth of the Law with their children, Lanello instructs you how to manifest your heart’s Dream.
  • Pallas Athena wields her Sword of Truth and delivers the Karmic Board’s Dispensation of the Release of the Emerald Ray to clear away the debris in your consciousness, allowing the Christ to manifest. Stressing the importance of Gratitude, of paying attention to God, and of embracing change, she teaches that if you were to adopt a new way of living, of acting, of speaking, of interacting with others, of invoking the Light sufficiently, and of what you place your attention upon, then the battle is won.
  • As an Ascended Master student, you must have the utmost courage to renounce the not-self and instead enshrine your Presence. You must also undergo the death of the soul. When the Christ becomes active within you, you will be able to discriminate between your Heart acting, and your four lower bodies acting. If you want the Ascension, then you must apply the disciplines of the Path — and you will be sponsored by one or more Ascended Masters. The “pearl of great price” is this thread of contact.
  • Lord Maitreya sends forth the Ruby Ray of his Heart, anchoring God’s most intense Love to shatter the old mold and raise up the new consciousness within you. Presenting instruction on the Path of Initiation, he states that the right to become the Presence in the Cosmic Cycles is a right that is yours. Your Presence initiates your outer vehicles; but for the Ascended Masters to initiate you through Opportunity, it is a Grace. Know well that Opportunity is given, Opportunity is given, and Opportunity is given!
  • Tragedies are a means of producing needed changes. True transformation can occur either through the high road of transferring identity to the Presence, whereby change occurs from within out easily with the outer self being cooperative; or through the low road of some catastrophe needed to break up the stubborn entrenchment of human traits. Questions and answers follow on the soul; the Council of the Pleiades; the Light of the Electronic Circle; the Mahatma Letters and the release of Ascended Master Teachings; and Earth’s destiny to become Freedom’s Star.
  • Portia is sent by the Karmic Board to instruct you on the Violet Flame, and then bathe you in its transmuting Fire. She stresses that your key to Freedom and becoming your Presence is this gift of the Violet Flame. By invoking the Violet Flame and taking command over your thoughts, feelings and actions, and steadfastly holding to the level of attunement with your God Presence, you will be assured of becoming God Free. All that stands between you and the Victory is to do it!
  • El Morya asks: What is the resolve of your Heart Flame that is able to take hold of your consciousness? He instructs that Honesty is the best policy when it comes to recognizing your resolve. The resolve of your Heart needs to be firmly fixed within the Will of your Presence. He uses the metaphor of Kingship to instruct you on how to establish your own domain and Kingdom of Light, so that you may be held high in the Kingdom of your own God Presence.
  • Mother Mary asks you to take her hand, so that she might help you become the Christ. She shares with you instruction on healing, revealing that often, the greatest test of your patience, which is a Christ Virtue, is when there is some form of malady. Mary encourages you to invoke the Emerald Matrix, explaining how its action works with the Violet Flame. Invoking the Emerald Matrix can elevate you into a new vibration of your Christhood, and visualizing it can effect dramatic change in your life.
  • “Following the stream” is an important key to your Victory. Part of this key is contacting the stream of the Divine Mind, connecting with the Divine Thoughts from your Presence. Most important to you is the thought your Presence has about Its own Identity, and the intent of your Presence for Itself — for your Presence sees and affirms Itself in the Office of the Ascended Master Presence. This is your Destiny. Attune with your Presence and enter Its Divine Mind holding this pattern of Perfection for you!
  • The Elohim Apollo comes in the Radiance of the Cosmic Christ to impart Illumination to your lifestream. He reminds you that the Christ Consciousness should rule your four lower bodies, for then and only then do you have the Mind of God actively at work, assuring wise decision-making and right action. Apollo reminds you that the Christ elevates, the Christ expands, the Christ sets spinning into action the Emerald Matrix of Perfection that comes from the Mind of God, because it is what the Christ perceives at all levels. Victory Is My Cry for You! — Mighty Victory — 9/25/05 Mighty Victory comes with Apollo to inspire you to your eternal Victory in the Christ Consciousness. He proclaims that “Victory!” will be your cry for now and forever, for “Victory!” is his cry for you! Declaring that the Commanding Christ Consciousness will bring the Golden Age, Mighty Victory reveals that Saint Germain will have his Victory; for the Golden Age is already established at inner levels. You are the one who will set into motion patterns and blueprints of Christ Consciousness that will allow the Victory to come forth!
  • The Elohim Apollo comes in the Radiance of the Cosmic Christ to impart Illumination to your lifestream. He reminds you that the Christ Consciousness should rule your four lower bodies, for then and only then do you have the Mind of God actively at work, assuring wise decision-making and right action. Apollo reminds you that the Christ elevates, the Christ expands, the Christ sets spinning into action the Emerald Matrix of Perfection that comes from the Mind of God, because it is what the Christ perceives at all levels.
  • Mighty Victory comes with Apollo to inspire you to your eternal Victory in the Christ Consciousness. He proclaims that “Victory!” will be your cry for now and forever, for “Victory!” is his cry for you! Declaring that the Commanding Christ Consciousness will bring the Golden Age, Mighty Victory reveals that Saint Germain will have his Victory; for the Golden Age is already established at inner levels. You are the one who will set into motion patterns and blueprints of Christ Consciousness that will allow the Victory to come forth!
  • When invoked, your Presence has the capacity to effect change in this world of form. You, as the unascended Christed individual, are to make the call and command your Presence to perform Its perfect work. As your Heart Flame is the actual Flame of your Electronic Body in this physical world, you are the instrument of your God Presence. So, the call you make is the call of God to God that compels the answer by God. Keep making the calls and you will see miracles occur!
  • Jesus teaches you how to forge your Christhood by making room and inviting the Vibration of the Christ Presence to be where you are. Once you have elected to enter the stream of the Light of God, you need only move out of your human thought and feeling. Jesus asks you to allow your human ego to be transmuted, and awaken to the Christ Light so you might be the fullness of your Presence and establish the Vibration of God Good — setting the example for others to follow.
Teachings to help you claim your independence from human limitations and enter the immortal Freedom of your Divine Self

Claim your independence from human limitations and enter the Immortal Freedom of your Divine Self. Wash away all your cares in the great Cosmic Light! Learn to invoke this Light to elevate your Consciousness, balance your karma, and gain greater mastery over the planes of matter. Discover and fulfill your Divine Plan and ultimately gain your Ascension!

The Temple of The Presence presents Teachings directly from the Ascended Masters on how to invoke and anchor this Cosmic Light, and then use it wisely to create the greatest good possible for your own life, the lives of those you love, and the entire world. Create your own Golden Age of One, which will help manifest the Golden Age of Saint Germain for all on Earth — making our planet Freedom's Star!

  • During this momentous Freedom Conclave of July, 2005 and for the six months that followed, a vast outpouring of Cosmic Light streamed to Earth as a rain of pure Grace, elevating and accelerating the consciousness of the entire human race closer to the Godhead. Learn how to use the spoken word to anchor this Cosmic Light on Earth for the greatest benefit of all mankind and elemental life, and clear the astral and psychic planes.During this momentous Freedom Conclave of July, 2005 and for the six months that followed, a vast outpouring of Cosmic Light streamed to Earth as a rain of pure Grace, elevating and accelerating the consciousness of the entire human race closer to the Godhead. Learn how to use the spoken word to anchor this Cosmic Light on Earth for the greatest benefit of all mankind and elemental life, and clear the astral and psychic planes.
  • In an event of astronomical importance for the Earth, Mighty Cosmos releases the Karmic Board’s Dispensation of Cosmic Light so that you will have the opportunity to enjoy life in the fullness of Freedom’s Flame. He asks that you allow for this Cosmic Light to continue to wash clean your consciousness, so that you perceive your Christhood and understand the God Qualities of your Presence as you establish your attainment and mastery.
  • This Discourse will stretch your mind and heart to understand the goodness and the oneness of Life. “I AM here and I AM there.” There is but the One God everywhere. When you understand God The One, you know there is no limit to what can manifest. You can harness Cosmic Light and use it to clean up the Earth with the help of the Masters and the Violet Flame.
  • Kuan Yin explains how the Violet Flame and Cosmic Light work together to purify, accelerate and expand your consciousness, making you ready to move into action to fulfill the fiery destiny of Freedom’s Flame for the Earth. She asks you to maintain Purity of Heart by invoking these two Flames, so that that which is God Good, God Mercy, may come forth in the greatest Blessing for Earth and God’s children.Kuan Yin explains how the Violet Flame and Cosmic Light work together to purify, accelerate and expand your consciousness, making you ready to move into action to fulfill the fiery destiny of Freedom’s Flame for the Earth. She asks you to maintain Purity of Heart by invoking these two Flames, so that that which is God Good, God Mercy, may come forth in the greatest Blessing for Earth and God’s children.
  • Godfre’s incarnations are examined, so you will understand the positive momentums he exhibited that you, too, can develop for your Victory. As Achilles, Alexander the Great, Richard the Lionhearted, the Roman Centurion, Henry V and George Washington, Godfre demonstrated gifts of great Faith and Fearlessness Flame. Call to Godfre to charge you with his God Consciousness of overcoming Victory and absolute Fearlessness in the face of all mortality.
  • Godfre enlists you as a general of the Ascended Masters in pursuit of the Light, sharing strategy on how to win your Victory and fulfill your destiny! Stating that each time you invoke the Light of God you are Victorious, he explains how to attain the fullness of life. Speaking of inner vows and summing up the Path of Initiation in two short sentences, Godfre encourages you to hold the Vision of the Ascension for yourself.Godfre enlists you as a general of the Ascended Masters in pursuit of the Light, sharing strategy on how to win your Victory and fulfill your destiny! Stating that each time you invoke the Light of God you are Victorious, he explains how to attain the fullness of life. Speaking of inner vows and summing up the Path of Initiation in two short sentences, Godfre encourages you to hold the Vision of the Ascension for yourself.
  • Give The Temple’s World Action Decrees with a universal Love for all of life, leaving it to your Presence to know how certain situations are to be out-pictured. Do not worry about world conditions. Give these calls in the office of your Holy Christ Self, visualizing yourself wearing its White Garment. Speak to the Allness of the Godhead. This Allness will press back down upon Earth and produce the miracles for which you call.
  • Zarathrustra anoints you with the fiery baptism that allows your untransmuted substance to go into the Flame. But you must be willing to enter into the Sacred Life of the Christ. Accompanied by Salamanders, he guides you on how to invoke them to bring the Fire. Stating that the invocation to the Light is your highest calling, Zarathrustra proclaims you will see great advancement when you invoke God Government and call to Mighty Cosmos and the Salamanders.
  • Thought-provoking questions posed by Ascended Master students are answered by Anointed Representative Monroe J. Shearer. Included is information on the attainment of Mighty Cosmos and a teaching on the triangulation of the God Flame; detailed instruction on the process of meditation; a discussion of the Cosmic Light and the involvement of the Holy Kumaras and the Goddess of Liberty in its release; and an explanation of the action of a riptide.
  • Astrea radiates the Love of God as the Blue Flame Action that desires only the Perfection of the One. She introduces you to the Magnet of God’s Love at the core of her being, asking that you emulate it. She requests you not merely call to her when the battle rages, but in the stillness of the devotion of the Heart that desires to know more of God’s Will and the fulfillment of God’s Love.Astrea radiates the Love of God as the Blue Flame Action that desires only the Perfection of the One. She introduces you to the Magnet of God’s Love at the core of her being, asking that you emulate it. She requests you not merely call to her when the battle rages, but in the stillness of the devotion of the Heart that desires to know more of God’s Will and the fulfillment of God’s Love.
  • This Great Manu calls you to awaken to the Christ Light upon your Heart’s Altar, to the inner call of your I AM, to the Ascended Masters’ direction for your lifestream, and to God’s Will. He instructs you on the purposes of life and of the Cosmic Light, stating that you are called into the Love of God to multiply your talents and to be the chalice of the Cosmic Light of Freedom.
  • Wrapping you in her blue girdle and embracing you in her loving arms, Mother Mary implores you to hold fast to your Heart and enter into Devotion to the Love of God. For you to have the fullness of the Light, the Teaching, the creativity, the communion and the fulfillment of your Divine Plan, your must desire — Heart, Head and Hand — the Love of God with regularity and Constancy. Allow your Heart, in constant rhythmic flow, to build a momentum into God’s Heart.Wrapping you in her blue girdle and embracing you in her loving arms, Mother Mary implores you to hold fast to your Heart and enter into Devotion to the Love of God. For you to have the fullness of the Light, the Teaching, the creativity, the communion and the fulfillment of your Divine Plan, your must desire — Heart, Head and Hand — the Love of God with regularity and Constancy. Allow your Heart, in constant rhythmic flow, to build a momentum into God’s Heart.
  • You have the choice to live the Ascended Master Way of Life. The Masters have a fully developed culture. It is the Divine Plan for their culture and ours to merge. You can share in the Masters’ life now — your Christ Flame is the dial that allows you to enter that Consciousness. However, you must wean yourself of those things that cannot exist in their realm. The Great Cosmic Light is another step in communing with the Masters. (Questions and answers follow.)
  • Let El Morya teach you how to receive the Refiner’s Fire and unite with the Light of God and with the Entire Spirit of the Brotherhood by engaging correctly when you give the call. You must be in the Will of God and in Harmony fearlessly invoking God’s Light, with the galvanizing Fire of the Heart determined to unleash that Light. El Morya reminds you of your greatest job and labor — allowing your Holy Christ Self to envelop you in the Radiance of your Christhood.
  • Your Presence is not passive, just awaiting your call. Your Presence is active and engaged in every aspect of your life. As all creation takes place from within out, your Presence is constantly projecting its impulses within your heart, compelling you on in pursuit of your spiritual path — desiring to finish the work of the Victory of your Ascension. Your role is to be that open door for your Presence to create through you, speaking and acting in this world. Then you will raise your attunement and perceive the Love that is the wellspring of all Life.
  • Mighty Cosmos releases a momentous magnitude of Cosmic Light to bless you and elevate all life. Let this Cosmic Light remind you that you are born of the Most High and have the fullness of God Good within you. Cry out for Freedom’s Cosmic Light to deliver you into God Freedom. As you hold fast to Harmony, ratify the “can do” spirit of the I AM the One, and make the Will of God your own, this Cosmic Light will build and you will see change within yourself.
  • Mighty Victory proclaims the joyous news that your Victory is already assured, for he beholds the Victory of your completed Ascension! He sees the glorious Light of God bursting forth from your Heart and God Presence — for you have internalized the Light of God and it is shining forth as God Victory! All the Ascended Masters celebrate the fact that you are grasping the thought that you are your Mighty I AM Presence in Action.
  • The Goddess of Liberty comes to illumine your pathway to Liberty. She stands with her Torch held high as the constant reminder of your Presence and the Liberty that is given you to attain the Victory of your Ascension. She states that you are to fulfill the highest purpose of life for your Presence, and that life is to call forth God’s Light. This Mighty Goddess instructs you on how to assist those who require Liberty in order to have the full expression of God in them.
  • You can have Violet Flame pouring from every cell of your body — to the point where you have a foretaste of the Freedom of the Ascension. Learn these keys to generating Violet Flame to the greatest extent possible — what must be in your thought and feeling worlds when invoking the Violet Flame; how to know how much Violet Flame to give; what causes the Flame’s consuming action; the best visualization to use; and how to be karma free.
  • On this July 4th, Saint Germain urges you to declare your own independence, and to elect to be in God’s Will. The Violet Flame is key to your Christ Attunement. Life cannot be fulfilled if it is not filled with the Violet Flame. Saint Germain closes this conclave with a great gift of Violet Flame, the Cosmic Freedom Flame, from his Causal Body that encompasses the Earth — calling every negative electron of Light in bondage back into God’s Heart and the negativity consumed.
Teachings to help you connect with the Greatest Source of Love, Wisdom and Power in the Entire Universe — Your Own God Self and Discover and Fulfill Your Divine Destiny

There is so much more to yourself than you have ever dreamed. Despite the appearance of human foibles and limitations, your true identity is Divine! You are God Individualized, and within your Heart, here and now, exists the Allness of the Godhead! The Temple of The Presence presents 10? hours of Ascended Master Teaching which reveal the much sought-after Secret of Life: how to connect with your Divine Self, your God Presence, and fulfill your Divine Destiny by becoming God-Realized — just as the Ascended Masters have done. Let these Ascended Beings bless you with their limitless Love and Light, and instruct you on how to attain life’s greatest achievement — the incarnation of your God Self, which leads to your Ascension in the Light!

  • There is much more to you than you have dreamed about yourself. At inner levels, there is a part of yourself that is Divine, and that will achieve for itself the fullness of the expression of the realization of the Allness of God. You are the means whereby that divine part, your God Presence, is fashioning its own identity in this world — “Ecce Deus”. The secret of life is to become God Individualized, God Realized, God attained to the fullness of its nature. The Ascended Masters have achieved this goal and are the acme of life.
  • Apollo comes with the Mind of God of Illumination’s Flame so you might have greater understanding of your Presence’s Will for you. He urges you to adopt God’s Will and allow for your Heart Flame to meet the Mind of God in desiring the fullness of your Presence. Apollo instructs that through this Mind of God and your Holy Christ Self you will fulfill your Victory, but you must believe it. You will accomplish all that is required and have the full weight and reinforcement of the Ascended Masters because you ratify God within you and desire to call God into manifestation.
  • Just as Mother Mary held the Immaculate Concept for Jesus throughout his life, you must hold the Immaculate Concept for yourself — the vision of the Electronic Body of your Presence as the Truth of your being and the Divine Destiny you have come to fulfill. Your Presence came into embodiment to become more of the Godhead in expression in manifestation. You are on your own odyssey to take dominion over the Earth, and then rise victoriously in the Ascension. Chart your course by the Daystar of Destiny, the record of your destiny as an Ascended Being which was decreed from the beginning.
  • Releasing the Light of Purity, Archangel Gabriel comes to restore your Inner Identity to your outer human consciousness and awaken you to the higher way of life. Gabriel instructs that your Presence desires you to become a Golden Age of One and have the release of the Daystar of Destiny for your final Victory! Teaching that each day you are to be reunited with the Flame upon your Heart, Gabriel encourages you to commit to greater striving, for there is no such thing as a halfway mark for the Ascension. Desire God-Good, and let Purity be your standard.
  • The Ascended Masters invite you to participate with them in initiating a revolution in thought. The idea that God has individualized over and over again, and you yourself are one such individualization, is a revolutionary concept. This presents you with a new idea about your nature, the nature of life and a new world view. You can prove it to yourself through your calls. Your Heart is the key to bring you to the place where you and your Presence are one, which is the beginning of Christ Consciousness and the Path to your Ascension.
  • howering you with Violet Flame, Kwan Yin asks you to allow your human creation to be gone in an instant as the Flame washes all unlike your True Identity into the river of God’s Love and Mercy. She proclaims that all things become new when the Flame of Transmutation clears away the debris of your many incarnations and the pure land unsullied by any human thought or feeling becomes your abode. Kwan Yin reminds you that the Violet Flame is present at your request, and instructs you to ask your Presence for the God Qualities you require for your attainment.
  • Rest in Mother Mary’s arms and receive her Light as she reminds you of Home. Allow her Heart’s Love as the Mother to be the magnet to draw you back into the Oneness of your own Presence and the infinite realm of God. Encouraging you to partake of the Joy of your life’s journey, Mary shares with you how to overcome the sense of struggle and gain mastery over returning karma. She instructs that the obstacle is merely an opportunity to learn, to attain, and to be victorious; while the sense of struggle is an appearance and nothing more
  • Lord Maitreya educates you on expanding your consciousness. He states that to understand the fullness of life, you must embody The Ascended Master Way of Life™ that allows for the Vibration that will invite the Ascended Masters into your midst and carry you into the greatest Victory. Maitreya instructs you to approach each new day on bended knee before your Presence. Establish the Authority of your Presence over all things in your life and be a willing student of your Presence.
  • God has never been of an order different from humanity. Mankind must relearn the intrinsic nature of its own Divinity, for we are Gods in Action, creating with the energies of Life. All mankind are tethered to their own Presences. Therefore, the attitude you must have and the part you must play is that of a Christ, the only begotten of your Presence. When you flirt with duality and limitation, you act against your own best interests. Unlock the Current of your Presence, and tap the artesian well of your own limitless Light and Love. Your Victory has already been decreed!
  • Cyclopea schools you in holding the Vision of Perfection for yourself — for if you ratify that Perfection, you can become it. By holding this Vision of Perfection for yourself and for all life, you are lowering that Light into manifestation. This does not mean that you deny appearances, but that you not give them your energy, for the only true Reality is your Presence. Cyclopea instructs you not to disfigure your Christhood or to allow for anyone else to disfigure your Christhood. You are not obliged to buy into any lesser state of consciousness than the Mighty I AM Presence in Action.
Teachings to Help You Transform into a God-Realized Being

You have the right to know what will bring you everlasting Freedom! Learn the secrets of the Adepts — how conserving, guarding and guiding the “White Lightening” of your Kundalini Fire will sweep you up in the ultimate bliss of the Divine Alchemical Marriage — and transform you from a mere mortal into a God! The Temple of the Presence presents over 10 hours of Ascended Master Teachings to help you unlock, sustain and elevate the Creative Life Force, the Sacred Fire, throughout your physical, emotional and mental bodies, resulting in: increased health and well-being; enhanced vigor, vitality and mental clarity; expanded creativity; stronger willpower; clearer personal direction; Freedom from doubt, fear and guilt; and lifelong happiness!

  • The Sacred Fire is deposited within your vehicles from your Crystal Cord, which is a combination of the outpouring of Light, Life and Love. Your Presence draws that energy from the Great Sea of Universal Light, imbuing it with a charge of creative fire. Your Presence also imbues that charge with its own Life and Self-Conscious Awareness. The conservation and mastery of this energy is required for your Ascension.
  • Your love for your Presence must be above all other loves. Love of no other person, career, interest or your own outer self may be of greater importance than the love of your Presence. This will be the tie that binds you to the spiritual path and keeps moving you forward. Your desire for God will propel your Heart toward your Presence, and you will realize how much God loves you. This mutual admiration between you and your Presence will carry you to your Ascension. True God Desire is the expanding force that pushes life into accomplishment. Harness this principle for your Victory!
  • The Maha Chohan instructs you on how to perceive your pathway and build the Temple of your own Presence. He asks you to mark well what defines the Victory. What is the goal? Where is the desire of your Heart? Being victorious in the wise use of Sacred Light will bring you greater Attunement in all matters of life, and instill instant recognition of the Vibration at the core of a situation so you can act rightly. He points out that the desire for God is not sufficient to win the Victory — you must imbue this physical plane with the Light of your Presence.
  • One of the tests that will come to you as part of the Initiations leading to the Ascension is standing in your own Light, the Light of your Threefold Flame, which you have externalized. All help from the Ascended Octave will be suspended, and you will be on the razor’s edge. Will you be tempted by the impulses within your own body? Or will you exhibit the mastery that will guide the lifeforce into constructive ends? The stories of three heroes faced with the test of the Sacred Fire are reviewed: Lancelot, Samson and Percival.
  • Lanello shares with you a greater understanding of the Path and what is meant by “moving toward your Ascension.” Frankly admitting the temptations he faced in certain embodiments, Lanello instructs that no love is as sweet as the Love of God. He explains that all loves can come within that sweetness when there is the full embrace of the Presence, but that must come first. Lanello reminds you when any part of God’s life is used wisely, it multiplies and blesses all, and you are uplifted. He affirms his commitment to assist you in the fulfillment your fiery destiny!
  • Helios and Vesta in the Sun of our system, like a beating heart, constantly generate great macrocosmic flows of Prana and Electronic Light. The average man is involved in this downward flow toward greater density. This downward pressure of descending Electronic Light continues until it reaches the Earth’s center. There this Light is received in a tremendous focus of White Fire at the Sun of Even Pressure. From here, this great River of Life is sent back to the Sun-behind-the-Sun. Instead of focusing on the downward flow of Light, you have the choice to focus on the returning magnetic flow and be levitated with it.
  • Kuthumi instructs you on the River of Life of the Mother Flame. Your role is to harness that Mother Light and allow it to prepare you for the work of your Presence. He points out that the Mother Light is not always comfortable, for it must clear the debris for purification to ensue. Kuthumi asks you to exercise the disciplines to open your Heart chakra, setting into motion a current of Love, not merely for your Presence, but for God in all of life, and then have the Patience to endure the cycles of training as the Light of the Mother Flame flows through your vehicles.
  • Minus the charge of your own Christ Mind or an Ascended Master’s sponsorship, your mortal mind is a doubting Thomas. This is a barrier to the instantaneous response to your calls and to the full overshadowing of your Presence. You can overcome this barrier by using the Violet Transmuting Flame and imbuing your mind with God’s Mind. Imbue your feelings with true acceptance of your Presence and its ability to do the work!
  • This profound yet lighthearted Discourse, given by the Anointed Representative Carolyn Shearer, tackles the age-old question “What is love?” and answers it with deeply spiritual, yet highly practical Wisdom relating to the correct use of the Mother Light within you. How do you accomplish all your daily responsibilities and still do the work your Presence desires for you? How can you be celibate and still maintain a loving relationship? What is the key to nurturing harmonious family relationships? How do you accelerate the Mother Light, and what happens when it begins to rise up in your chakras? These questions and more are answered in detail.
  • The Biblical story of Job is examined in detail in reference to raising up and maintaining the Sacred Fire energies. As true mastery includes harnessing the macrocosmic electro-magnetic forces of nature, you will learn how the Electronic and Magnetic Light are actually discussed in the Book of Job, and discover how Job became his own deliverer. A very educational series of questions and answers follow on such topics as the Electronic Circle and the difference between kundalini and the Mother Light.
  • Lady Master Venus helps you understand Love and the desire for Love, discussing the pursuit of Love throughout the many stages of the human journey. Love itself does not evolve but expands. Using the Violet Flame will help you to distinguish whether an attraction is the magnet of karma or Divine Intent. Call to her, and she will instruct you in the practical application of the Flame of Love.
  • Feel El Morya’s Love as he educates you on putting on the Vibration of your Presence and entering into and maintaining a New Way of Life. It is not enough to dip in and out of the Flame. You must exhibit Constancy to win your Victory. El Morya urges you to keep the constant flow of the Mother Light and see the great work that your Presence can accomplish through you. A great mission is taking place right where you are — for as the Light is being ignited within you, it multiplies and expands to bless, protect and uplift all of life.
  • The lines of succession in the Temple of The Presence are discussed and compared to the process initiated in the Catholic Church upon the transition of Pope John Paul II. Should there not be an immediate succession of Anointed Representatives, provisions have been made for the continuity of leadership in the Temple. Teachings follow on self-discipline; El Morya’s embodiments as Thomas More and Thomas Becket; and the Electronic Circle. The session concludes with questions and answers.
  • The Goddess of Light permits you to partake of the Mother Light from her Consciousness and the Consciousness of your Holy Christ Self. Having gained attainment of the Mother Light through many embodiments, she imparts to you an understanding of this White Light so you might further experience the Truth of the Law. Pointing out that the movement of the Mother Light is a requirement for your Christhood, she declares that you know neither the beauty of life, nor the joys that await you, until you have tasted and absorbed the Mother Light and wielded it as the Sword of Truth.
  • Dictating through the Anointed Representative Monroe Shearer, Aurora compares the daily miracle of the Light of the dawn as it approaches Earth to the inner miracle of the oncoming Light of the dawning of your own Christhood. She stresses that now is the opportunity for you to move with that Light and travel back to the luminous body Temple of your Presence. As you do so, the angels will multiply their efforts within you, preparing the way for your Holy Christ Self. And as you and others are kindled with this roseate Fire, you will collectively radiate Saint Germain’s Dawning Golden Age.
  • A tremendous impetus of the Mother Flame is anchored on Earth as Serapis Bey instructs you on the discipline and training required to be the Body of God and bring forth a New World. Serapis reveals the true nature of discipline, and what it takes to receive the Refiner’s Fire that will prepare you for your Ascension. Invoking the Light is not enough. You must hold fast to that Light if you desire to have a New World. When you are able to allow that Light to accelerate within your Temple, you will be the Standard Bearer for the Golden Age.
Deep within your Heart lies a God waiting to be born. Believe and become!

Shift your identity from the human to the Divine
Deep within your Heart lies a God waiting to be born. Believe and become!

The Temple of The Presence presents Ascended Master Teachings to help you live a new life as the Divine Being you truly are. During the Easter Conclave of 2005, the Ascended Masters presented advanced instruction on how to reconnect with your unique God Identity. Their Love and Light will help you undergo a radical new birth and enter into a joyous new life as you slip off the chains of human consciousness and limitations and enter the new world of your true, eternal, and infinite Divine Self!

  • Kuthumi teaches you how to become the Christ, urging you to allow your consciousness to soar to your Presence and flow through the Office of the Christ in your creative endeavors. Your first mission is to establish God on this physical plane. Develop Mother Mary’s Listening Grace so you will have Purity of Vision and hear your Heart’s Inner Voice. Then you will see and hear the response to your calls, and perceive the signs you are to follow. Hunger for God and thirst for the Rivers of Life, embracing Life and becoming Life in the Vibration of your Presence!
  • While the mortal mind says, “You can never go Home again,” your Home of Light is actually very close at hand. As you let go of the ego and its habit patterns, as you develop the Humility and Purity of the little child, and as you use the Violet Flame, the Consciousness of your Holy Christ Self returns to you. Then, as you still your lower vehicles and elevate your consciousness, you will begin to live in that realm of Perfection of your Holy Christ Self. You will know what it means to proclaim, “I AM Here and I AM There.”
  • On this Palm Sunday, as your attention focuses on Jesus, Saint Patrick encourages you to ratify that you, too, are a Son or Daughter of God. Saint Patrick presents you with a key to your Victory by disclosing that, in his final days, he was not humanly perfect, but was in a Perfect State of thought and feeling. Cast out all that is less than that Son or Daughter of God within you, and a firestorm will spread across the land. There will no longer be those who cry out for death, but those who affirm life and rejoice in life.
  • The goal of this Easter Conclave is to unmask the illusory nature of your world, so that you will shift your sense of selfhood from your human ego in your four lower bodies (the physical, emotional, mental and memory bodies) into your true Divine Identity, both of your Holy Christ Self and your God Presence. This shifting will produce a genuine new birth of selfhood as you allow your Presence to shine through your consciousness. This new birth results in new life, and as this newness of life is appropriated by more and more disciples of the Ascended Masters, collectively we will create a new world fashioned after this Divine Design.
  • Bathing you in the glorious Radiance of the Light of God, Omega instructs that, if at the beginning of each day you would embrace the River of Light that comes from your Presence into your prepared Chalice, you would know no pain, no suffering. You would understand the actions in your life that set in motion certain tests and cycles to be fulfilled and responsibilities to be satisfied. With a mother’s tender Love, she explains which efforts are worthy of your energy and asks you not to put off any longer what you know you can attain this very day.
  • It is time to shift from the patterns of human identity and expression to a new birth. You are to awaken to the fact that you have never been other than your God Presence. That is who and what you are, a blue blood born of royal parentage from your Sun Presence. It is important to understand how your Presence conducts itself and looks at life so that you can do your part, manifesting the Christ down to the depths of your being. Have enough Faith and Love to live from this moment on as your God Presence in Action.
  • Sit at the feet of Lord Maitreya, Cosmic Christ, as he helps you understand the Path of Initiation and how to develop the Christ Virtues that lead to the God Qualities required on your journey to the Ascension. Granting you insight into the first Secret Ray of Responsibility and the Second Secret Ray of Hierarchy, Lord Maitreya explains this system established long ago by the wise counsels of Ascended and Cosmic Beings so that you would have your Victory, becoming the one within the One I AM, establishing a Pillar of Light in the Earth, setting the example and benefiting all.
  • The Ascended Masters have a healthy contempt for time, for to one who is God-Free, time is not to be feared or given power. Your Presence has outlived the rise and fall of worlds. When you make the Single-Eyed Vision of your Presence the center and circumference of your being, its Infinite Mind will deal with every condition in your life as well as world conditions, taking command of every person, place and thing. You are hemmed in unnecessarily by accepting the appearance world. See God everywhere and live in a new world of God Perfection, the world of your Presence!
  • Saint Germain comes to sweep away your human creation and teach you how to stay on track all the way to your Ascension. He asks you to beware the warring not only between your outer consciousness and your Holy Christ Self, but also of those whom you allow into the circle of influence in your life. Revealing how your God Presence trains you, Saint Germain reminds you that you are made in the image of God. All that stands between you and that image is the karma, the maya and the false identity you have allowed to remain lifetime after lifetime.
  • This Discourse deals with the complex issue of euthanasia. The Ascended Masters are not in favor of “mercy killing.” The crucial question here should be, “Does that Presence have the opportunity of progressing through the vehicle of the four lower bodies?” Questions and answers follow on the Violet Flame; the coming to Earth of Sanat Kumara; Saint Germain’s miracle of the resurrected meal; and cremation.
  • Mother Mary sends you the blessings of Illumination’s Flame so you might become adept at fulfilling the Law and calling the Emerald Ray into your life. Declaring that you may count yourself among the heroes or heroines of your time who stand for the right of the Brotherhood of Light, Mother Mary states that you know not how far-reaching is the Torch you raise for the Freedom of the Sons and Daughters of God to know the I AM. With her Heart’s Love, she offers you insight into how your petitions to the Karmic Board are reviewed and Dispensations are adjudicated.
  • As an Ascended Master student, your goal is to rise through the Victory of the Resurrection to the Ascension. This means the complete transformation and elevation of your outer chalice of identity until it is fired in the crucible of the White Fire Core of Being and reabsorbed back into the fiery Temple of your Electronic Body. Understanding and mastering the science of the Sacred Fire is a tremendous key to your Victory so that your chalice will be able to hold the spiritual tension of the Light and allow it to flow through you at intense levels. This mastery is central to your final initiations.
  • Kwan Yin welcomes you into your new life, presenting instruction on how to achieve it. She states the requirement of the Law is to have the Constancy of your attention upon God. When you are able to taste, touch, smell, and feel the Vibration and Oneness of God’s Light in all areas of your consciousness, you enter into a new life — knowing what it means to have that Love of God pouring through you. You know Mercy’s Flame’s greatest blessings. Revealing that Mercy is already within God’s Love, she teaches that where there is Mercy, it requires Forgiveness. And Forgiveness requires forgetfulness.
  • A very interesting series of questions posed by Ascended Master students are answered by the Anointed Representatives. Included here is an invaluable Teaching on how to deal with and overcome the emotion of fear, and how to use the Resurrection Flame, coupled with Adoration to your God Presence, to have your chakras thrust out the Light of God that you invoke. This will provide you an understanding of how to protect yourself on all quarters. Also, learn the special distinction between the “Sons and Daughters of God” and the “children of the Light.”
  • If you wish to triumph, listen as the Goddess of Light teaches you how to increase your capacity to win every Victory! Disclosing that Light is the key, she instructs you to mount up your storehouse of Light, for when you are filled with Light, you are prepared for anything. For your God Presence to be fully engaged in your life to create the new world, this Light must come through your Holy Christ Self — and it must be constant. The Constancy of your Service to God’s Flame marks the difference. Be filled with Light and have it consume all negativity.
  • As a student of the Ascended Masters, you understand how God the One can remain forever undivided, yet at the same time individualize without losing any divinity. If you are willing to lose your outer self, surrendering everything that is not your God Presence into the Violet Flame, you will find your Divine Self standing in its place. As you enshrine your I AM Presence as the one Self you are, seeing your Presence filling everything and everyone in your world with its God Perfection, you will gain your Freedom and attain new birth, new life and a new world view.
  • Jesus grants insight into the new birth, new life and new world that comes when you internalize your God Presence. He urges you not to put off bringing the Light into your life daily. Adopt Ascended Master Vibration. Apply the Violet Flame to consume any negativity and bring forth the Purity at your core. Your Threefold Flame will wash you clean and return you to the pristine life you are to establish as the Golden Age.
  • Dictating through the Anointed Representative Monroe Shearer, Aurora compares the daily miracle of the Light of the dawn as it approaches Earth to the inner miracle of the oncoming Light of the dawning of your own Christhood. She stresses that now is the opportunity for you to move with that Light and travel back to the luminous body Temple of your Presence. As you do so, the angels will multiply their efforts within you, preparing the way for your Holy Christ Self. And as you and others are kindled with this roseate Fire, you will collectively radiate Saint Germain’s Dawning Golden Age.
  • A tremendous impetus of the Mother Flame is anchored on Earth as Serapis Bey instructs you on the discipline and training required to be the Body of God and bring forth a New World. Serapis reveals the true nature of discipline, and what it takes to receive the Refiner’s Fire that will prepare you for your Ascension. Invoking the Light is not enough. You must hold fast to that Light if you desire to have a New World. When you are able to allow that Light to accelerate within your Temple, you will be the Standard Bearer for the Golden Age.
Teachings to Help You Wield the Powers of the Godhead

Claim your Office as the mature Christ, demonstrating all the Gifts, Graces and Powers of Divine Sonship! The Temple of The Presence presents Ascended Master Teachings to help you attain illumined Christ Consciousness. During the 2005 New Year’s Conclave, the Ascended Masters presented an advanced symposium on the powers of the Christ Self. Feel the electrifying Presence of these Great Ones as they teach you how to master the Conscious Cosmic Christ Command to achieve not only your own Victory in the Light of God, but also Earth’s deliverance!

  • As you receive this message, you will begin to absorb the Consciousness of the Ascended Masters and what they intend by that great glyph they coin “The Conscious Cosmic Christ Command.” Mastery has to be practiced and engaged in consciously and deliberately, for there is no vicarious Attainment. When you decree, the full nature of your four lower bodies must be engaged, your attention must be focused, and your thought qualified with vision. Your feelings are engaged in acceptance of what your mind has guided them into, and your Heart understands its role in relation to your God Presence. The more your God Consciousness is awake through your four lower bodies, the more you are able to hold the sense that I AM the Mighty I AM Presence in Action, I AM this God Consciousness expressing here and now, and it is your Presence that is speaking as the Word and commanding Life. The more that you understand the role of giving the Command as the Cosmic Christ and you are able to step into that role consciously, the more swiftly will come the full understanding and full accomplishment of your own Victory and of the deliverance of this planet. You will set the example of the mature lifestream acting in the Office of the Christ, giving command in the name of your Presence to Life, fully expecting that Life will obey.
  • This New Year’s Conclave begins in a blaze of Illumination’s Flame as Apollo comes to help you develop your Christ Consciousness and to understand your Responsibility as a Son or Daughter of God. He comes with his fiery steed pulling his chariot across Cosmos so that you might understand the Fire that is within your own God Presence commanding the fullness of your destiny! Apollo discloses that the steeds of your own chariot, which you command, are the Virtues of the Christ. You are called upon to become the Fire of God where you are. You are to stand in the vortex of the Light of your own God Presence and see that Light and the Rays of God Consciousness go forth from your Mighty I AM. You are to take the Conscious Cosmic Christ Command of every situation in your life and allow the Light of your own God Presence to move into action to right all circumstances, and to teach you the ways of becoming an Ascended Master! [Note: Apollo established a vortex of Illumination’s Flame fifteen feet tall upon the Altar of the Heart Center as his gift of the New Year cycle.]
  • Conscious awareness of your God Presence in this world of form is your goal. The key to this Transcendence is to realize it comes about through conscious awareness and conscious application. The moment-to-moment quality of conscious awareness is critical: a part of your consciousness must be constantly alert and accessing what is going on within your four lower bodies from the level of your Holy Christ Presence. The Divine Plan is for these bodies to be the obedient and responsive Grail Consciousness through which your Heart Flame can act. As you gain this Mastery, it will be easier for your Heart to issue that God Command and for your bodies to come under your Heart’s control. You must make this an Ascended Master Way of Life. Then the Masters can add their impetus to your striving, and share their Consciousness of Attainment with you. Part of the grand scheme for the Golden Age is that you create the conscious link with the Masters’ gifts and momentums, revisiting the “Gifts of the Gods” from the 2004 Freedom Conclave to reactivate them and have more of their Ascended Master Consciousness available to you.
  • Saluting you in the Flame of God’s Love, Saint Germain bathes you in waves of Violet Flame. Stating that it is God’s greatest Love to mankind to release the Violet Flame, he asks you to allow this Vibration of the Violet Flame to move through you, being aware of what it means to have this Flame coursing through your blood and nervous system, your emotional, mental and memory bodies, and moving you into Akasha so that you have the awareness of the Christ. Saint Germain instructs that while so many students have striven to be of assistance in all manner of ways, the true assistance that is needed most is conscious awareness of the Mighty I AM, for when you know your True Identity and consciously elect to be in that stream of consciousness, then it is a new life, a new world. It is a new awareness of what is possible so that there are no longer the shackles keeping you held fast to the wheel of karma. But there is Freedom that brings the Ascension and the Golden Age.
  • The Twin Flames of the Goddess of Light and El Morya bless you, as Amerissis sends you the Light of the Sword Excalibur to allow the Will of the Mighty I AM to come forth and cut away all that opposes that Will in your mental, emotional and physical bodies. The Chohan of the First Secret Ray of Akasha expresses her desire that you come into an even greater awareness of what is possible through you. She reveals that your daily calls and the Service you render to your Presence and the Ascended Masters do indeed save lives, protect the innocent, and stave off cataclysmic action in the Earth more than you are ever aware. When you expand your calls to include one or more Ascended and Cosmic Beings, can you not see what is possible? Is it not the new world religion of The I AM Faith to command Light and God in Life? Life responds to the Christ Consciousness. And when the Christ Consciousness sends forth the Command, the Presence will not be denied. Then you can save worlds.
  • The God Presence reigns supreme within the auras of Ascended Masters and unascended Adepts. Their charged forcefields constantly throw off Cosmic Radiance that sanctifies space, carving out a paradise of the exquisiteness and beauty of the Godhead. Your aura, too, can be a blazing Light of your Presence, as long as your attention remains riveted there. You can come into such oneness with your Presence that there is an illumining from your Holy Christ Self. Your aura becomes so galvanized and electrified by this Light that you enter into the glorified estate known as “Christified.” As you are alert to your Heart Flame and have your attention fixed upon your Presence, your outer vehicles are electronically charged by your Presence via the Crystal Cord — and your Presence expands its Kingdom to the edge of your Electronic Circle. Within your Electronic Circle, the center of each atom has the pressure of the Holy Christ Self and God Presence holding inviolate the Perfection of the Mind of God, God Harmony, and the Peace of the Christ.
  • At the request of the Maha Chohan, Chananda assists you in opening your Heart, and accelerating your conscious ascent into your Electronic Body — so that you might catch a glimpse of what you can attain. This Master, Chief of the Indian Council and beloved by readers of the I AM books, addresses you on the ways of the Christ so you might enter into the Vibration of the Presence of God at will. Urging you to allow the falsity of the outer self to go into the Flame, making room for the Christ, Chananda instructs you to let go and allow the Flame upon the Altar of your Heart to expand and fill you. He reveals that he is in training under the Maha Chohan to someday assume that Office, and encourages you to enter into training with your own God Presence. Flex the Light Rays of the fingers of God into the affairs of your life and allow for the Mind of God to be your directing intelligence. Then and only then will your Heart truly resonate and Love reign supreme.
  • Bathe in Lord Gautama’s Peace, Compassion and Love as he embraces you and encourages you to instill the God Qualities within your consciousness. Wishing you to have a greater sense of belonging to the family of God, Gautama asks you to put away the old ideas that you were born in sin, for indeed you were born of the Heart of God. You embody the Heart of God. And you are becoming more of God each day. As is his ritual each New Year’s Eve, Gautama releases the Thoughtform for the new year. The Thoughtform for 2005 comes wrapped within the most magnificent golden cloth, tied with a ribbon of self-luminous fabric representing the White Light of the Mother Flame. As Gautama unties the gift, this ribbon begins to flow, moving in, through and around the Earth as a Cosmic dance of Light. As this dance continues, the golden wrapping opens, revealing within your Heart a White Garment, woven with the Virtues of your Christhood. It is to remind you of the Purity that comes forth when you are in the Consciousness of your Holy Christ Self. This Purity will allow you to enter into your God Presence and, ultimately, into the Heart of God in the Great Central Sun. Let this Thoughtform be the Garment that carries you into the Ascension!
  • Five days after the tsunami disaster of December 26, 2004, which took the lives of hundreds of thousands in Asia, Mother Mary instructs you on the cycles of returning karma and the grave importance of bending your knee before your God Presence and rendering every vestige of your being into God’s arms daily. Many times that split second of attunement can mean the difference between finishing out a given embodiment according to the Divine Plan of your lifestream, or being released into the Octaves of Light to prepare for another incarnation. Reminding you that you are a vehicle for the Most High, Mother Mary states that as you master the conscious awareness of God where you are and give the Command, the response will be instantaneous. Blessings will go forth from your God Presence as well as Light Rays reinforced by the momentum of Cosmic Beings who are consciously serving on those Rays. Then, when there is great need for healing in the land, you might anchor a Light to keep in abeyance some cataclysm or occurrence that would otherwise bring greater harm.
  • El Morya points your gaze to the destiny of the Ascension — not only yours, but the Ascension of the Earth body as it comes into the Golden Age. The Chohan of the First Ray instructs you on how to prepare your vehicles, stating it is your destiny to become the Christ and to give the Conscious Cosmic Christ Command. As you elect to be conscious of the Will of God, you are then capable of commanding life to respond to the Light of your Presence, to be healed, transmuted, purified, and electrified. In so doing, you “Christify” your vehicles. Then you are prepared to enter into your Divine Mission. El Morya explains that you need only put on the Garment of your Christhood, prepare your vehicles for the Light and then stand in the commanding Presence and issue that Command to go forth. When you are in the right vibration, when it is a just and holy cause for which you decree, when it is the Will of God, the Light Rays go forth, blessing the land. And you begin to glimpse what it means to be ascended!
  • This illuminating Discourse will help you better understand what achieves and what hinders your Christhood. The combined action of the Electronic Body and the Holy Christ Self constitutes the “Cosmic Christ.” The Divine Plan is for this Cosmic Christ to fashion for itself vehicles in the outer world — the four lower bodies — and for the Heart Flame to fill each of these bodies, fully unfolding until it fills the entire form. An individual who has their Threefold Flame fully unfolded and enveloping their outer vehicles is an Illumined One, a Buddha, a Christ. Your conscious awareness is the actual doorway through which that “Christifying” Light and energy must flow. Some of the fetters that hobble the overwhelming flow and Power of the Light within you are: a belief in an independent and separate self; doubt and distrust; superstition; desire and the attachment to physical existence; pride; irritability and anger triggered into loss of emotional control; the need to be entertained and to be the center of attention; ignorance; and being caught up in the intermediate worlds.
  • It is critically important to be on the razor’s edge of conscious awareness, accepting your Divine Inheritance and regaining the reins of Authority over your four lower bodies — for your consciousness will either be in cooperation with the Godhead, or it will fetter your Christ Self in its movement through your outer self. You are God Individualized, and the ripples of your Threefold Flame go out to all creation. As you attune with your Holy Christ Self, speaking in this Office to command Life, using your mind to etch visions of Perfection and your emotions to propel these thoughtforms into the Great Sea of Universal Life for their manifestation, you will sense your God Presence and Holy Christ Self working in tandem through your outer world. As you align yourself with that great crescendo of the Conscious Cosmic Christ Command, you will fling open the doorway to vast inner realms and the dawning Golden Age of Saint Germain.
  • The Great Initiator, Lord Maitreya, instructs you on the unfolding process of the Path of adeptship into Christhood. Explaining that it is his honor to hold the Cosmic Christ Consciousness for you until the day of your own Attainment in the Light, Maitreya gives the Conscious Cosmic Christ Command so the Light you are worthy and capable of holding fast to, as a result of your own striving and attainment, will be released into your life. Maitreya declares that the process of Christhood does not have to take a long time; virtues and transmutation can occur in the blink of an eye. When the Cosmic Christ sends forth the initiation for the spinning action in your crown chakra, God’s Love is drawing you into closer proximity to your Presence. Then the place for the Mind of God has been fired with the tone of the Cosmic Christ, responsive to your Threefold Flame and the Mind of your Presence — responsive to the Cosmic Christ Consciousness!
  • Building upon the White Light of the Christ Consciousness released by Lord Maitreya, Lord Krishna stands in your midst so you may receive the Flame, not only of Wisdom and Resurrection, but of the Love of the Christ. It is this Love that Krishna wishes to reinforce in your life, allowing that Love to be a great magnet to draw you into the Heart of God, and allowing Resurrection’s Flame to accelerate you for the dawning of your Christhood. Krishna encourages you to invoke Resurrection’s Flame, and to gain as much Light and Attainment as you can while in physical form. Greater Christ attainment facilitates greater use of the Light of your Presence once you are Ascended. And as you accelerate more in each of your vehicles, the enlightenment of the Christ shows you with precision those things that are harmful and that would keep you from maintaining that Christ Vibration. Also, the more Light you acquire, the greater the Resurrection and transmutation through your vehicles, allowing you to traverse to the Retreats of the Ascended Masters and receive more understanding than you would otherwise receive in your outer consciousness.
  • Abundance equals the state of Divine Flow of Life and Light. Permanent Abundance equals the Divine Flow consecrated to the purposes of the Presence. Doubt, fear and self-centeredness are the antithesis of Divine Flow and stop Abundance. Givingness multiplies the potential for Abundance — that which you give freely to life, consecrated to Holy Purpose, will go out to the universe and come back to you tenfold. All you possess belongs to your Presence. You are only the steward. Gratitude to your Presence for all you have initiates an Ascending Arc back to God and expands the flow into your world. Tithing is a Ritual of Gratitude and a building block of the Emerald Matrix. Once you put this Law of the Tithe into action, priming the pump and relying totally on your Presence, your Presence will find unexpected ways to give you Abundance.
  • Vesta, Twin Flame of Helios and Mother of Truth, seals your crown chakra in the Wisdom of the Emerald Flame of Truth so you will truly know what it means to stand in the Abundant Life. She desires you to be transformed, elevated in consciousness, your Threefold Flame expanded, so that when you issue the Conscious Cosmic Christ Command, you possess conscious awareness of the Truth of Cosmic Law and stand by that Truth. Vesta instructs you on the importance of placing your attention on the Perfection of God, consciously utilizing the Currents of Life upon the Altar of your Heart in the same Perfection as they came forth from God. Your attention on Perfection will allow the Golden Age to manifest. As you stand within the flow of God’s Love, consciously commanding the Great Currents of Life by the Mind of God, holding fast to the Cosmic Law of Truth and integrating all your vehicles in Harmony — the Tone of your Presence will impress Light, Life and Love upon all Life. Then you will experience abundant Blessings.
Ascended Master Teachings to Infuse You with the Invigorating Light of Immortal Life

The Ascended Masters are the world’s Lovers of Life par excellence. To listen to their releases is to become infused with the invigorating Radiation, the vitalizing Life Force of their Immortal Presences! Recorded during The Temple of the Presence’s Harvest Conclave 2004, the Ascended Masters touch the blazing torches of their Heart Flames to your Heart, firing you with their passionate Love, Zeal and Enthusiasm for God Life — the true “Good Life” leading to your own Immortality in the joyous Victory of your Ascension!

Have years and decades of past experience taken their toll on your youthful outlook on life? Feeling blah about the Path? Unsure of your prospects after your retirement years are finally over? You may have iron-poor willpower and anemic hope sapping your life. You need an infusion of Liquid Light distilled just for you by the Ascended Master Lovers of Life to kick-start your Divine Plan back into high gear!

  • The goals of this conclave, “Lovers of Life” are twofold. First, for you to have a foretaste of the great radiating and ecstatic bliss that is the first nature of the Ascended Masters, and sense the co-measurement of what is possible for you along those lines here and now and throughout the balance of your embodiment. Second, it is to redefine the meaning of the “good life” here on Earth as “God Life,” the true and everlasting good life of God Consciousness that is indeed possible and should be sought after instead of the quest for impermanent creature comforts. Mentioned in this Discourse are many of the wonderful aspects of this good life of the Ascended Master Way of Life, which are truly the highest and best that life has to offer — Peace, Harmony, Freedom, Fellowship, Chelaship, Love, Wholeness, Perfection, the Twin Flame Relationship, the Pranic Breaths, the Restoration of Memory and Immortality. And your attainment of everything belonging to this true good life begins with the Flame within your Heart, referred to as the immortal Flame of Life, that immortal victorious Threefold Flame.
  • Lanello, with his magnanimous Heart, was the first Ascended Master to Dictate during this conclave, transmiting to you his vast Love for Life and his great Love for you! Stating how he embraced all of Life in his final embodiment (as Mark L. Prophet), Lanello dares you to embrace Life, and to make your Ascension in this very lifetime! He instructs that it is a desecration of God to deny that you can become your God Presence, and for you to think less of yourself or any other lifestream. Adopt the unconditional Love that allows for the Love of your God Presence to bless all and hold fast to Perfection for all. Lanello declares his greatest wish for you would be the understanding of your Heart Flame, for you must enter into your Heart, open the door and traverse worlds. The Constancy with which you enter into your Devotions and into living Life will determine the acceleration of your vibration and the fullness of your opportunity. Lanello proclaims that you should live Life in the fullness of the “I AM”!
  • There is an intimate connection between your own Heart Flame and the Allness of the Godhead, producing for you a natural kinship with all of God’s Life. The tight circle of individuality that you have mentally formed of your “self” can melt and blend with the great ocean of God’s Life and Presence to accomplish the complete “at-onement” with God the Ascended Masters experience. First, it is necessary for you to realize that you are truly the Son or Daughter of God, the only begotten of your own God Presence, and when you trigger the action of God, as do the Ascended Masters, the gigantic forces of nature swing into action to produce miracles. The key is completely accepting this Truth of your being. Your Heart Flame, by blending with the I AM THAT I AM at the root of all creation, can allow you to have an all-embracing consciousness, for your Heart Chakra is the central point where all dimensions and worlds come together. Enter your Heart, and you can enter into the Great Sea of Universal Life.
  • Lord Lanto, Chohan of the Second Ray, helps you understand Illumination’s Flame, for once you understand the vibration of Illumination, it can be the testing barometer for all things presented to you throughout your life. Reminding you that the Heart is your key to Victory, Lanto instructs that you can open the door to your Heart by allowing the Mind of God to show you the way. Your Threefold Flame knows at once what is right, and when you begin to enter into and trust your Heart, exercising Illumination with the discriminating faculties of the Christ Mind, you can send your thoughts of goodness and creativity to all Life, extending your Heart’s Love and having the Will of God charting your course. Lanto explains that it is Illumination’s Flame that allows you the Peace to seal every aspect of your emotional body in God Control. When your emotions are controlled, when Illumination guides the choices you make, your Heart can then perform its perfect work, extending unconditional Love from your God Presence to all of Life.
  • Your own God Presence, Holy Christ Self and Threefold Flame are living the life of God Consciousness, and it is possible for you to enter into and live that same life here and now. There is so much more for you to become, and it is all there within your own Heart Flame. The Will of God is calling you into greater expression. The most complete reflection of the infinite is the God Realized Being that an Ascended Master is. The Ascended Masters are truly the Lovers of Life. And each Ascended Master has God Attributes that they would love to share with you. Just give them the call and the open invitation, and they will be right there at the door of your Heart. The question is: Are you, too, ready to go up the crystal ray of the Ascension Current and live?
  • Proclaiming that you cannot approach the Path that leads to your Ascension with anything less than an undaunted Victory coursing through every aspect of your being, Mighty Victory imparts to you his momentum of the God Quality of Victory. Encouraging you to live life with this victorious consciousness, he declares that now is the time to grab the brass ring of the Causal Body momentums of your own intrinsic victories that are stored within your God Presence as the victory wreaths of the God Qualities you know intimately. Stating that there is no such thing as failure, Mighty Victory instructs you not to limit your ideas and not to shackle your Heart. Do not forsake your God Presence by placing your attention on all outer circumstances. Keep your focus upon your Presence as your Source of Life. Allow your Presence to be where you are, and do not embrace any sense of limitation, for this automatically sets up a sense of duality. Mighty Victory reveals that when there is a Victory for your Presence, there is a Victory for all. Each Victory is helping mankind, and each Victory begets Victory!
  • Chamuel and Charity shower you with God’s Love and grant you insight into their Angelic Hearts, sharing what it means to be in Divine Service to the Flame of God Love. The Archangel and Archeia of the Third Ray stand before you in the Twin Flame Action of Love, holding the Vision that you might charitably extend to all Life the Perfect Love from your Heart. They come with their Angels to educate you on God Love in its many aspects — how God Love may flow into your vehicles ― as well as what may prevent you from experiencing it. Pointing out that you are surrounded by God Love, they request that you look for its signs throughout your day. Call to Chamuel and Charity, and they will come to nourish and expand the Flame of God upon the Altar of your Heart. They stand to the right and left of your Heart Flame as its protectors. Their desire is that you be filled with God Love, have the Comfort of God Love, and be God Love in Action.
  • You and your Holy Christ Self are in the business of this life together. The mature approach is to keep yourself tethered at all times to the realm of your Christ Self, so that all your activities contain a degree of interaction with this Higher Self. It is up to you to open the doorway between worlds, and to keep that doorway constantly open — that flow of Love and Light going back and forth between your consciousness and your Christ Self. If a part of you is in Listening Grace to your Christ Self, then you build upon that momentum. But if you are not listening, then that realm is sealed off to you for hours or days in between your Decree sessions. As you build upon that attunement, you experience the Joy of Life that your Christ Self experiences as part of yourself spans that higher realm even before your Ascension. This is the wonderful life that awaits you! The Golden Age will emerge as more people place their Holy Christ Selves at the helm of their lives.
  • Declaring that it is her great Joy to be of Service to your Flame, and to extend the Love of God through Mercy’s Flame to you, Kuan Yin comes to lift the burden from your brow. She instructs that for Mercy to be extended to you, you must extend Mercy to others. It is in the giving of the Mercy Flame from your Heart and the invoking of the Violet Flame that allows you to be Free — the total Freedom you require from any involvement. Stating that each day is a new opportunity for your God Presence to instruct and teach you, Kuan Yin reveals that you are drawn into the great River of Life so you might gain Mastery and have the tools to traverse worlds. She assures you that you are precious to God’s Heart and to hers, and when you call to her Flame, your call will be answered. She will send sufficient Mercy Flame to transmute any circumstance, and to hold the balance with you. Join Kuan Yin in holding to the Vision of the purified land, where great rivers of Violet Flame move throughout the Earth!
  • Bathe is waves of Violet Flame as Victoria comes with Arcturus at the call of the Karmic Board to help you put on the garment of your Christhood. By Dispensation, they anchor greater magnitudes of Violet Flame into Earth so you might have a shower of blessing that washes away all that would keep you from knowing Victory and Freedom and from fulfilling your Divine Plan. Victoria declares that the good life is the Freedom to express God where you are. Life is not meant to be filled with depression and duality. She discloses that the Violet Flame is your key, for it is impossible to achieve your Ascension in this lifetime without it. Command the Violet Flame to purify your Memory Body so your Causal Body momentum will be released. Once you have cleared enough of your karma and your Memory Body can send forth the momentum of your Causal Body, you will be Victorious. Victoria brings you her message that Victory is assured when you determine it — and Victory must be proclaimed on every level of your being!
  • Mother Mary imparts to you her blessings and her Love as she accomplishes two very memorable actions: she speaks quite directly to those caught up in the thralldom of the psychic world, telling them to awaken to the Christ Consciousness and to the true reality of their Divine Self; and she introduces the new Healing Rosary, asking you to establish a rhythmic pattern for your daily devotions to her Heart. Mother Mary declares that for you to Love Life as she does, it requires that the life you live be filled with Light. Build your momentum through the Constancy of your devotion to the Flame of God and the Mother Light. Inviting you into her Heart, she introduces a new rosary to carry you into the Golden Age and into your own Victory of the Ascension. All who give this rosary will not only be blessing their own path toward the Ascension, but this momentum will connect with those of other faiths giving their rosaries, and entwine with her Heart to build an antakarana of Light throughout the world, blessing all on Earth.
  • This Discourse will grant you a greater understanding of the consciousness of the Ascended Masters and the wholesomeness and naturalness of the Ascended Master Octaves of Light. The Ascended Masters have no sense of self-consciousness or self-importance. This gives them the Freedom to create and to enjoy Life in all its magnificence at inner levels. Childlike spontaneity, innocence, humility and Charity are the nature of every Ascended Master and of your own God Presence. Although the Ascended Masters are exalted Beings who have mastered all of the Christ Virtues of Responsibility, Authority, Sacrifice, Necessity, and Constancy and Practicality, these Masters are always the servant of the God Presence within your very own Heart. You will find that as you internalize the Golden Precepts and enter into closer communion with your own God Presence, you will want for no good thing, for within your own Presence is every joy, fulfillment and satisfaction. And when the Consciousness of your Causal Body is restored to you, stepping up into the Ascended Masters Octaves of Light will be as natural as a homecoming!
  • Feel Saint Germain’s great Love in this momentous Dictation! Announcing that it is his great Joy to give and continue to give the Violet Flame, Saint Germain grants you this Dispensation — that he might once more take ten years of your karma into his Heart and consume it by that Violet Transmuting Flame! And when anyone in the future hears this Dictation, they, too, will receive this Dispensation! Saturating you with Violet Flame, Saint Germain imparts to you his Heart so you might grasp the great Love he has for you and for all of Life, so that you might internalize that Love, and when you emerge from his Heart, stand as the God you are and extend that same Love to all of Life. Instructing that the elementals need your Love and the Violet Flame, and that mankind needs more Violet Flame, Saint Germain affirms that you have great Power at your disposal to change so much in God’s Kingdom if you will but integrate in all areas with your God Presence, become the Christ you are intended to become, and then be that lover of Life!
  • The Consciousness of the Abundant Life is the Consciousness of your own God Presence. Your Presence has no sense of limitation, but only the limitless ability to pour forth Life, Love and Light to all creation. Once you, like the Ascended Masters, attune to your Presence and its connection to the Great Central Sun as your Source, you will be able to self-sufficiently draw on that Source, that great wellspring issuing from the Heart of God in the Great Central Sun, and command it to come forth. Then all of creation marches into manifestation in answer to your Decrees. You will be able to draw forth from within yourself all that you require and never again be subject to outer conditions. You can access and share with all of life the largess of God’s limitless Heart.
  • In this landmark Dictation, Sanat Kumara and Lady Master Venus stand with you so you might tangibly and consciously receive the Light from the Great Central Sun as it infuses and purges each of your vehicles, making room for your true attainment of God Consciousness. Instructing you on what is required for the Victory of your Ascension — the final steps of understanding how to move within the Light; how to be that Light; and how to allow that Light to bless all on Earth — they encourage you to unfurl your Threefold Flame and have the Courage to step within the Heart of God. You are to bring forth the artesian well of Life, for it is within your grasp. Sanat Kumara and Lady Master Venus, with the Holy Kumaras, Gautama, and the Nameless One, stand within the Great Central Sun and release to you the magnificent River of Love from the Secret Love Star, so you might never lose awareness of God’s Love. And they shower you with the Light from the Great Central Sun, so you might continually remember your own calling to the Light to come Home.
Teachings and Remarkable Gifts to Aid You in Achieving Your Christhood

The Ascended Masters present to you — the infant Christ Child of Saint Germain’s Dawning Golden Age — priceless and profound gifts of their vast momentums of attainment to accelerate and aid you in achieving the golden crown of the Victory of your Christhood! These Discourses and Dictations from the Ascended Masters were recorded during the July 2004 Conclave of The Temple of The Presence® and the Acropolis Sophia® which followed. Discover these momentous Dispensations of divine grace from the Masters’ Hearts: Elohim Apollo’s Sun Ray Compass to keep you pointed to your True Identity; the Angel Deva of the Jade Temple’s Turquoise Sphere filled with the consciousness of all the Fifth Ray Masters; Ray-O-Light’s powerful Fearlessness Sword; and Rose of Light’s flaming Ruby Heart. From Serapis Bey, Hierarch of Luxor’s Ascension Temple, receive a Golden Key with Seven Bars of the consciousness of each of the Seven Chohans. Claim your own additional gifts from the Maha Chohan, Mother Mary, Saint Germain, Lanello, Vaivasvata Manu, the Goddess of Music, and Karmic Board members Nada, Portia and Pallas Athena. These fourteen gifts will change your consciousness forever if you will but accept and utilize them! Also included in this album are Discourses introducing you to the Ascended Ones who embody the archetypal divine attributes symbolized by the ancient Greek Muses. Inheriting their momentums will fire your creativity and inspire you to join with those across the Earth creating a new divine culture under the sponsorship of Pallas Athena!

  • During the releases of the Freedom Conclave 2004, Gifts of the Gods for a Golden Age, and the Acropolis Sophia Class that follows, Saint Germain and the Twelve Muses, fourteen Ascended and Cosmic Beings, by Dispensations from the Karmic Board, step forth and present to you priceless Gifts of their vast momentums of attainment. Each Gift grants you greater understanding of the Christ Virtues you can manifest as you utilize these Thoughtforms and align yourself with the greater God Qualities of your Being. The Ascended Masters want you to use these Gifts all the way to your Ascension. In order for you to appropriate these Gifts, the Masters emphasize it is imperative that you master your thought and feeling worlds, maintaining Harmony at all times.
  • Saint Germain is the first Ascended Master to present his Gift. Bathe in waves of Violet Flame released throughout this Dictation so that, at your election, those old momentums pressing upon your mind and emotions from your memory body are transmuted and exist no more. Saint Germain asks you to begin this process of transmuting your memory body, mind and emotions, for both this great Master and the world need you to invoke Freedom into the Earth. Saint Germain calls you to make a new election to stand in the Light of your Holy Christ Self and to allow for your devotions to your God Presence to be constant.
  • To help you internalize the Light of the Great Central Sun, the Sun-Ray Compass is Apollo’s Gift to you. You may wear this Compass, and visualize it resting right above your Heart, perhaps hanging upon a golden chain that links you to the Golden Light of Illumination. The Compass takes on the form of a globe of your own world. Open that orb, and hear the tones and rhythm of your own Keynote, reminding you of your True Identity. As it is played, your Threefold Flame resonates and spins. The moment your Keynote is established within your Threefold Flame, a Ray of Light is released to you. As this Ray goes forth, it separates into two and is magnified through your eyes, giving you the Vision of Christ Discrimination, which enables you to understand the Illumination of the Mind of God and to call upon the Divine Memory of the Victory of your accomplishments held within your Causal Body. The Compass Needle is a golden shaft of Light issued from the Heart of Apollo and the Heart of the Great Central Sun and is situated at the centerpoint of the Compass. Circles around the Needle Ray are your own Causal Body momentums, reminding you that the Perfection and Holiness within your Heart are within your grasp, and as long as the Compass Needle Ray is pointing to the North of your True Identity, those desires will be released from the Heart of your Electronic Body. Before your Altar each day, focus your attention on this Gift. Then you will understand what it means to put on the garment of the Lord, for you will have a fixed point in time and space to hold your attention galvanized and will no longer fall sway to old habits and memories that do not hold to the Christ Consciousness. The Needle Ray of Illumination will quickly galvanize you to the Christ Mind, and you will remember who you are. Hold fast to your Sun-Ray Compass until you return to the Heart of your I AM Presence, where your Victory is assured.
  • This Discourse gives a detailed explanation of the magnificent Sun-Ray Compass Dispensation. When you win your Freedom and look back at the record of this embodiment, Apollo’s Gift of the Sun-Ray Compass will be one of the Keys you credit for your Victory. This Gift is intended to help you re-establish the “connectedness” between your outer consciousness and your God Presence, for this Compass is the Ray of your Presence within that knows its origin and the Divine Direction for your life. This talisman is an anchor point here below of the Consciousness of your Holy Christ Self and God Presence, reinforced by the Mind of God through Apollo, Elohim of the Second Ray of Illumination.
  • You are invited into the confidence of the Angel Deva to receive instruction in the Constancy of the use of the Emerald Ray. The Angel Deva presents to you the Thoughtform and Gift of the self-luminous Turquoise Sphere. This ball is filled with the consciousness of all who serve on the Emerald Ray and brings forth the Constancy of their Service and dedication to mankind. It represents God’s Breath and Heartbeat in its regularity. The Pure White Light at its center is the source of the luminosity of the sea-green turquoise at its circumference. Gazing upon it, your consciousness is stilled, allowing you to galvanize the Power and tension of the Light within to perform creativity’s perfect work. This sphere is ever in motion, ever reliable, without any sharpness to stop the continual flow from God’s Heart. When meditating upon it, you find the impetus to push on, knowing God’s Constancy is ever strengthening you, giving you the resolve and the Will to press through resistance. This Ball can continue rolling on at your will, stopping only when your consciousness does not allow for your striving to continue. Enter into the Heart of this Sphere, drink in its Purity, its White Light, and allow it to go within and merge with the Secret Chamber of your Heart. As you are within the Silence looking out from the Sphere’s center, the gradations of the sea-green blue mist ― the blue, the turquoise ― are swerving about unformed, waiting for the Desire of the Christ. Let your desires be Pure and Holy, and the details exacting. Then your manifestations will come as quickly as the Law allows. God is creating in the firmament and you, as the Christed One, are the conductor, performing the work of your God Presence. In your meditations upon this turquoise, sea-green blue Sphere, you find coolness from the heat of your striving. In this Peace, you are within the creative flow, holding the Poise of the Power of God in Harmony and in sharp attunement. Holding fast to Apollo’s Gift allows you to receive this Gift from the Angel Deva.
  • A vast accumulation of Light and Life has been set aside for the Golden Age. The flow of Life into your being from your Crystal Cord is regulated by your Holy Christ Self at the discernment of your God Presence. When you are willing to comply with your Presence’s Will, and with the Laws of Harmony and creation, then you are free to draw upon the limitless resources of your own God Presence and also of the Great Sea of Universal Life, enjoying the Abundant Life of unlimited energy consecrated to advancing the Divine Plan. The Ascended Masters need you to rise into your Christhood and become a Chalice for this greater Light and Life for the advancement of the Golden Age.
  • This great Lord desires you to realize your Holy Christ Self is close at hand and offers you his instruction on how to achieve a more constant integration with that Divine aspect of yourself. The Scepter of Authority is his great Gift to you to remind you that within your grasp and conscious awareness is all that is required for your Victory. The Orb maintains the Wisdom of the right use of the God Qualities. It scintillates in the seven major Rays from the Heart of God. There is also a Ray that represents the Five Secret Rays, which are not really rays but momentums of the God Consciousness of Elohim that establish God’s Consciousness in each of these five great natural forces — so you might have within this Orb of attainment the Wisdom to rightly use this Life Force of God. This Orb is attached at the top of the Rod of Power whose base touches the Earth so you will be reminded that the Wisdom for you to attain is within the Heart of God, transferred to your God Presence, and rests upon the Altar of your Heart. That Rod is to anchor this Divine Wisdom into your four lower bodies, receiving the Strength, Resilience, and Steadfastness you need to hold fast to Cosmic Law and so that you might uphold all that your God Presence desires you to release.This Scepter of Authority is a visual, physical Thoughtform, an open doorway through your consciousness, Heart, and God Presence, and through the Presence of Ascended and Cosmic Beings, to the very Source of Life. Receive your Scepter of Authority and allow for the fullness of your Holy Christ Self to take dominion and bring you home victorious in the Light.
  • The Angel Deva of the Jade Temple’s Gift to you of the self-luminous Turquoise Sphere will enable you to develop the desire for the rhythm of the Constancy of ongoing Service to all of life. Your Presence, as an individualization of the Allness of the Godhead, has the capacity to derive Joy and Bliss in perpetually rendering its Service in this labor of Love. This is the Truth of the nature of your I AM Presence, the nature of the whole kingdom of the elementals, who live to serve, and the nature of the Ascended Master Way of Life.
  • Serapis Bey, Hierarch of Luxor’s Ascension Temple, invites you to come for a visit to see if you are ready to enter this Temple! He releases the White Fire of Purity’s Ray to galvanize you into understanding that life is an opportunity for you to appropriate, utilize wisely, and then return Home. Serapis and those who serve on the Ascension Current present to you their Gift of a seven-bar key fashioned from the purest gold, resplendent with the self-luminous jewels of the Attainment and Consciousness of the Seven Chohans. Each bar of this key is the color of one of the Seven Rays. When turned within your Heart, this key will activate the memory of your own attainment on those Seven Rays. Merely placing your attention on each of the Seven Rays will draw you into a closer connection with and deeper conscious awareness of each of the Seven Chohans.You may hold this key or wear it on a ring, chain, belt or bracelet. This key that you wear will remind you it is your Responsibility to turn that key to open the door to your own expansion and awareness of God, and to strive to strengthen your Courage, so the Current of Light from your I AM Presence may move through you. This key will be a constant reminder that you must unlock your Heart to receive the Consciousness of your Holy Christ Self and Mighty I AM Presence. Hold this key to your Heart and allow this key to open the doorway to the expansion of your Christ Consciousness. Then the little key that unlocked your Heart and awakened your Christ Consciousness will become the key to unlock the expansion of the Teachings of the I AM Faith, of the Ascended Master Way of Life, and of Saint Germain’s Golden Age.
  • Your God Flame is the Source of the Substance and Power of unmitigated Love intended to pour directly from your God Flame into the Threefold Flame in each of its three stations: your Electronic Body; your Holy Christ Self; and the Secret Chamber of your Heart. The Power of Love issuing from your Heart is the Power over all Life, the greatest Power in the universe. When you do not experience the Power of your Heart Flame, it is because your lower bodies stop it. Take your bodies in hand and make sure that mental depressions, emotional conditions and the revolving of past records do not stifle the capacity of your Heart to take dominion over all of life.
  • Nada speaks to you about God’s Love, Courage, and Heroism. She teaches that all Heroism is a reflection of the Heart, and that Courage is a reflection of the Christ Consciousness. And so her Gift to you, to help express the Courage and Strength you require to stand through all manner of circumstances until you have fulfilled your fiery destiny is a Ruby Heart fashioned from the most magnificent Love from God’s Heart and imbued with Nada’s Attainment on the Ruby Ray. Etched upon the center of this Heart is a Lion of the Solar Devas, representing this Solar Light that is to come into your body temple, to be utilized wisely and returned to God.The mane of this Lion of the Sun becomes Light streaming as a Ruby action, extending into all areas of your life that need the Ruby Ray to cleave asunder the Real from the unreal and to establish the radiance of your Heart Flame so you may step forth courageously. At the top of the Heart where the two halves meet, there arises a great torch of the Flame of Christ Illumination. This Flame, drawn by the Great Magnet of the Heart of the Almighty, draws you up into your God Presence, allowing for your Christ Consciousness to manifest. This Gift reminds your Heart to glorify God in all Life. It allows your Threefold Flame to swirl about this Gift in Gratitude as it extends these Christ Virtues throughout your day-to-day activities and thrusts you forward in Courage to make Real what is held within God’s Heart. However you hold your attention to this Heart of the Lion, its ultimate resting place is upon the Altar of your Heart, where you connect to the Heart Flame of all who serve on the Ruby Ray. You cannot misuse this Heart of Courage, for it is held inviolate. Only God’s Heart can respond to this Heart. Nada seals you with this Gift of the Courage of God as pure Love so you might be God Victorious.
  • This Gift of the Ruby Ray Heart from Nada, Chohan of the Sixth Ray, is a Gift to use when you come up against the adversities of life. Think of the Light from the Ruby Heart as Light that is inviolate. The nature of this Love will be to fasten itself to wherever there is opposition to Perfection and to pour forth mercilessly upon that misqualification in an impersonal way, adding more and more Love until the appearance of imperfection is erased from manifestation. This can be done by the Ruby Heart with its surgeon’s precision, transmuting the darkness and leaving only healthy tissue.
  • Seeking to help you understand the Justice born of Cosmic Law, Portia presents you with the Gift of the Scales of Balance so you might begin to exercise Christ Discrimination. When the Rod of Power is in place within your consciousness, you can weigh what is right, what is wrong, what is too much or too little according to that Perfection streaming from God’s Heart. These scales remind you to constantly hold fast to Cosmic Law and to understand that the Rod of Power within you, as the White Fire of Purity’s Ray, is your standard. Receive this Gift and establish the Justice of Cosmic Law in your life that allows you to have the Constancy of the discriminating faculties of God’s Mind. Portia’s Gift requires you to look at the core of your being. Is your core aligned with your God Presence or still in maya? The more you are in your human consciousness, the more you will find it necessary to use the Scales of Balance for determining what is right. See upon one scale this diamond shining force with the Light of God streaming with Wisdom and Illumination. Place the object of your discrimination upon the other scale. Will it be in balance or fall short? All things may be weighed in this manner. Moving through these physical octaves, utilizing and taking command of the elemental forces of nature, especially your own consciousness, requires balance. Allow the Justice of your balancing to be determined by what is True to your God Presence. If you are to put on this garment of the Lord and stand in your Christ Consciousness, you will be required to put into the Violet Flame those areas of your life which do not create equilibrium when placed upon the scales. As you begin to hone those Christ Virtues, keep your Scales of Balance close at hand to remind you that True Virtues hold fast to Cosmic Law.
  • Declaring you are her blessed child, Mother Mary seals you in the womb of her Love, instructing you to keep the integrity of your True Identity, the I AM. Proclaiming her Heart’s desire that you know the comfort of wholeness, she places her Gift of the tiny Christ Child in your Heart. Hold this precious Gift in the palm of your hands, nourish it, and perceive it not only with your mind but with your emotions, so you understand this Gift at a very physical level. This newborn babe would replicate the Divine man-child within the Secret Chamber of your Heart, waxing with Wisdom and the Love that understands all things. Now it is time for you, as the mature Mind of the Christ, to understand you are still that child within. You still have the Purity, the Holiness, the Blueprint of your inner vows and commitments. Through the Mind of this Christ Child, you know well what you are meant to accomplish. This Christ Child reminds you that when God’s Light is continually nourishing and breathing the pranas of God Life into itself, this Child grows strong. It then becomes the mature man-child ready to be the Holy Christ Self, fulfilling the promise of your God Presence. As you place your attention upon this child, you will galvanize all of the energies through your Threefold Flame, nourish that Christ, and expand your Flames of Will, Illumination and Love, enabling that Christ Child to impact your accomplishments. Meditation upon this Child will release the Child’s Threefold Flame and carry you into the waiting Heart of your God Presence. Tend to this Child, protect it, feed it, hold it, love it and become it, for in the awakening of this Christ Child from its slumber, you will take on a new understanding of who you are, making Mother Mary the happiest Mother in Heaven.
  • These Gifts released by the Ascended Masters are given for your Mastery. For you to appropriate them, the consciousness of these Gifts must be channeled through your feelings and mind. Your thought and feeling worlds must be disciplined to become vessels for this Light. All of your bodies must become as they are divinely intended to be — God-Directed by your Electronic Body. Rise in your Heart and speak to the elemental essences of your bodies, commanding them to obey your Electronic Body. Then you will allow the Light of your God Presence to extend to your physical realm, liberating you from doubt and fear, memory body records, and the unreality and suffering caused by the undisciplined desires of your lower vehicles.
  • Beloved Ray O Light teaches you how to embody Fearlessness. Stating the Earth is in dire circumstances and requires your calls, he reminds you that you can daily command 10,000 of Archangel Michael’s Angels into Earth’s conditions. Explaining you cannot have Freedom without Fearlessness, he gives you his Gift of the Fearlessness Sword, a White Sword of Purity’s Ray scintillating with the Diamond Shining Mind of God. On one side is the fiat: “Beloved Mighty I AM Presence, you take command of this entire situation and all human creation! You have the Power and it has no power! Its day is done!” On the opposite side: “The Light of God never fails, and the Mighty I AM Presence is that Light!” Surrounding those letters and the Sword’s edge is the Emerald Green of the Christ Consciousness, the Emerald Matrix that brings forth the Edenic Blueprint of all it touches, restoring Christ Perfection. The White Fire, as the Divine Estate from the Heart of God in the Pure White Light of the Mother Flame, cleaves asunder unreality, leaving only what is Pure and Holy. This is a very powerful Sword. When you stand before your Altar and raise your right hand to hold this Sword and give the calls associated with Fearlessness, you will be astonished! As you raise your Sword, see the Rays going forth from your Electronic Body and the Light of your Presence galvanized by the Sword. All manner of circumstances must yield to that Fearlessness you send forth! You must be resolved in your conviction that the Light of God Never Fails! When you make the call that human creation has no power, speak with Authority, and it will be done. The Karmic Board issued the edict that this Sword can only be used when making calls in the Office of your God Presence. When you call for Fearlessness to manifest in your life, Ray O Light will be standing there, along with Godfre and Lotus. Emulate them as examples of Fearlessness!
  • This first of eight discourses given during Acropolis Sophia introduces you to the names and attributes of the nine sister Muses, all the daughters of Zeus and Mnemosyne — Calliope, Clio, Euterpe, Erato, Thalia, Melpomene, Terpsichore, Polyhymnia and Urania — and the three predecessor Muses, Melete (meditation) Mneme (remembrance), and Aoide (tone). Also introduced is the son of Calliope, the adept Orpheus and an embodiment of the Maha Chohan, credited as being the inspiration for the Greek mystery religions, which he learned in the Indus Valley of India. Orpheus played the lyre, a symbol for the Heart. With his beautiful music, Orpheus could tame the wild beasts and levitate objects, symbolic of removing human discord and refining the four lower bodies, making them suitable for higher consciousness.
  • The first Dictation of this session of Acropolis Sophia, “Saint Germain and the Twelve Muses,” is given by none other than Saint Germain himself. Sending Violet Flame Angels to relieve you of the burdens that may be keeping the Flame of Joy from elevating your consciousness into your Presence, he proclaims life does not have to be ponderous! Even in solemnity there is Joy. Let go! No longer strive with your mind, emotions and physical body, but expand the Light of your Heart. Revealing how the Muses accomplish their work and why they dance, Saint Germain encourages you to perform your tasks with the Joy of Heart that allows the Muses to come and assist you in your creative endeavors.
  • It is the Divine Design that you should outpicture the inner Truth of your Being. Now until the end of your days, the Ascended Masters assign you the task of being the instrument of your own Muse in the person of your Christ Self. Allow the promptings and the overshadowing of the precious fiery Thoughtforms of your Christ Self to be deposited into your consciousness and brought into manifestation. This Discourse enlightens you on the means whereby you can begin to achieve this and return to God Consciousness. Discussed are the three stages of meditation symbolized by the three original Muses; Saint Germain’s three-stage meditation; and the Mastery known as “samyama”.
  • Open your Heart, allow each petal to unfurl, and begin a very special communion with Gautama Buddha as he takes you on a journey within to the Secret Chamber of your Heart. As you connect with the flow and the primordial Heartbeat of God during your meditation together upon the Lord, your Heart becomes aware of itself as God Love, touches the Mind of God and possesses the stability and foundation that can only exist in the Will of God. As your Heart breathes in the great Life issued from God’s Heart, appropriating that Life Force to establish the Perfect vehicles of Consciousness, you can no longer speak of limitation, for you are the Master of your vehicles of Consciousness.
  • Following your journey with Gautama into the Secret Chamber of your Heart, the Goddess of Light takes your hand and leads you into the White Light of Akasha, the Buddhic Consciousness. This Realm of Purity brings into form all latent energies ready to respond to the consciousness that will direct it, bringing Pure Cause to those Desires of the Heart, and allowing for your contemplation upon God to bear fruit as Reality. As Chohan of Akasha, the Goddess of Light instructs that if you desire to fulfill the Responsibility of Christhood, you are required to remember who you are; and in this remembering, to take on the Authority and receive the full Responsibility to exercise all that is required for your Mission.
  • God Harmony instructs you on the Tones of God and the importance of maintaining Harmony. Listen as he releases the harmonious Inner Tone of your God Presence, multiplied by his momentum, so you might hear the Pure Tone that will transfer the fullness of the Virtues of your Presence into your Threefold Flame and then into the full manifestation of your Christhood. Each of your vehicles must be trained so you can receive these impressions of the Pure Tones of God at any hour. What keeps you from accepting the Tone and realizing your God Presence in all your affairs is inharmony. Harmony must encompass all aspects of your waking and sleeping states.
  • Take a walk through the centuries with Lanello, Chohan of the Second Secret Ray, and learn how many of his embodiments were overshadowed by the Muse Polyhymnia. This Discourse begins by touching on the topic of Divine Love, covering the seven components of Love and the three Outpourings of Creation (included is an explanation of the drawing that appears on the title page of the Green Books as it relates to these outpourings). As Love contains all of God’s Qualities, beginning as the Allness of the Godhead, when it goes forth in answer to a call, it becomes whatever is needed to answer that call. If you can Love, Life must obey. When Life decrees, Light must obey.
  • Lanello educates you on the Sacred Science of the Word and on the importance of the open Heart. He calls you to allow your Heart Flame to give the invocation that will draw into your countenance the Virtues that keep you in the Word incarnate. Learn to invoke the Light and allow that Light to stream through you. Lanello’s Gift is the Olive Staff, which may grow into a great tree with each of its branches carrying a creative outpouring and mastery of this physical octave. The conveyance of the Goddess of Speech will be transferred to your Heart Flame, so you might exercise greater Christ attunement with this Muse of the voice and impress your desired creativity on the elemental forces of nature and see it manifest. You can hold your staff and discern from it the connection with Akasha. You may fashion a flute and play the representation of your creativity, allowing that air to move through the openings, bursting forth with a beautiful creative ideal — the intent of your God Presence through you.
  • Calliope, Muse of epic poetry, and Clio, Muse of history, both tie into the concept of origins — how mankind understand themselves. The ancient Greeks believed they came from a heroic race, while Christianity took the worst possible view of mankind’s origins, believing man was created from a mud ball and woman from his rib. In Truth, we are God-Free Beings who came forth of our own volition, but have forgotten our Royal Origins. The Muses and the Manus are ceaselessly broadcasting your divinity through your consciousness. Reclaim your Divine Inheritance. These records are as close as your Causal Body and will come flooding back to you at your Ascension.
  • Vaivasvata, Manu of the Fifth Root Race, reminds you of your long and faithful history with the Brotherhood of Light. Stating that you have a story, divinely inspired by your God Presence, he discloses that the Muse to place your attention upon to bring forth your history’s creative endeavors is your own God Presence. Vaivasvata’s Gift to you from the Manus is a Half-Opened Scroll, revealing the beginning process of your God Individuality. It remains to be written upon how you continue and fulfill your journey through your incarnations and sojourn with Earth. This Golden Parchment is precious to your God Presence, for within the memory of that history is the Divine Intent that will speed you on your way to each Victory. Allow this Scroll to be the talisman to remind you of your true heritage of Light and what you aspire toward through the Christ Virtues. Vaivasvata Manu seals you in the Light of the Christ Consciousness that issues from Manu, directing you to take on that Light as your White Garment, compelling you into the Ascension.
  • The Muses of tragedy, Melpomene, and comedy, Thalia, can be examined in tandem because, when viewed by the Divine Mind, they can be seen as opposite ends of the same human experience. Presented here is an examination of the Shakespearean plays from an Ascended Master point of view of mankind’s condition that you will not find in Earth’s schoolrooms. In many of these plays, Shakespeare (also known as Francis Bacon) touched upon the same elements of human nature that he teaches students to avoid, now as the Ascended Master Saint Germain; and how, he personally faced the same the trials throughout his many embodiments that he wrote about in these plays.
  • Sealing you in the impetus of God Freedom so you will be steadfast and not stop before your Victory, Saint Germain instructs you on developing Christ Discrimination and Listening Grace. He wishes to instill in you the impetus to exercise daily the Constancy, the Striving, the Determination that allows you to build upon yesterday and tomorrow until your reach your Victory! Then you will have Joy in your life, not tragedy, because you have understood how to be God Free right in this physical octave. You will have elevated your consciousness into the awareness of Freedom and the fullness of your Christhood that brings forth your own Golden Age, and ultimately, Earth’s Golden Age.
  • This Discourse pays tribute to Erato, Muse of love poetry, explaining how you can become the open door for the universal Power of Love to flow through your world. To express Divine Love, all your bodies must maintain Harmony, so they can become the pure vehicles of your Heart.. Prime the pump with the Love of God in the figure-eight flow of Love with your Presence. This creates the doorway, allowing Love to flow through you. When you radiate Love in this way, dispensing the Love of your Presence to every part of life, it cannot be prevented from fulfilling its circuit back into the magnet of your Heart.
  • Rose of Light, Chohan of the Third Secret Ray of Sacrifice, comes to expand your understanding of God Love, the Ruby Ray, and the Heart, teaching that as you begin to adopt the selfless endeavor of Sacrifice of the Heart in all areas of your life. Whatever you give selflessly will be returned tenfold by your God Presence because you have extended the fullness of the Necessity Ray, of your Constancy, of your Responsibility; and have exacted the Authority of the Christ through your Heart chakra. When you call forth the Ruby Ray, remember Rose of Light’s Gift to you of the distillation of God’s most intense Love, born within her Heart and etched into the shape of a flaming Ruby Heart of the most intense Ruby Fire. Call to the Ruby Ray action of the Heart to go forth, for your God Presence to release that action into the cause, effect, record and memory of all that assails you, all unreality attaching itself to the core of your pure, holy, and sacred Blueprint. It is to go forth from your Heart Flame as the example of the most precise release of God’s Love into all conditions, even within your own latent consciousness that will not yield to the Violet Flame. This Ruby Ray action of the Heart knows exactly where to pinpoint the release of the Blueprint of the White Fire Purity of God into those conditions. That Ruby Ray action of Divine Love brings to you the ultimate Freedom of God’s Love.
  • Speaking softly as a father, El Morya shares with you his vast Wisdom regarding God’s Will and the path of Christhood, specifically the initiation of standing in your own Light. This initiation comes to all sincere seekers of the Ascension ― when you must hold your own connection to your God Presence without any external assistance from the Ascended Masters, even Lord Gautama. Once this initiation is passed, you will have a new command of life and Christhood; a true understanding of the Will of God; and a continual connection to your God Presence that allows you to extend unconditional Love, regardless of the circumstances facing you, to every part of life.
  • Follow along as this discourse traverses many subjects: identifying with your Presence; the Consciousness of your Presence; the dangers of the higher psychic realms that impersonate the Ascended Master realms; your “I AM” awareness; astronomy during the Golden Age of Greece; astrology; the loss of divine art as a result of the loss of the Love of the Divine Mother; the expanded Consciousness of the Ascended Masters and why mankind needs them; the Muse of music; the science of the spoken word that allows you to paint with Light Rays; and the great mystery of the I AM: what you realize of your Presence, you are becoming.
  • The Goddess of Music, twin flame of God Harmony, instructs you on the process of creating with God. She stresses the importance of transmuting the memory body when you desire to create from God’s Heart. Revealing that the great Muse of music is all who are within the Consciousness of God, she entrusts to you the Treble Clef as her gift. The straight rod reminds you of the Creative Power that comes through your Crystal Cord. The clef at the bottom holds fast to the storehouse of the Mother Light, so there might be a foundation for that creativity to begin to spiral up through the chakras, emanating from the Heart. This allows you to play upon the keynote vibration of your Holy Christ Self’s creative thrust, fashioning your creation with the elemental forces of nature and prana. This Gift is a reminder of your ability to take command over lesser states of consciousness in your world and fashion them into something holy, beautiful, and resounding with the Music of the Spheres, intoning the Heart of God.
  • The miracle of the Golden Age will come to pass if you believe in the miracle-producing Power of your own God Presence and in the Hearts and ideas of Saint Germain and the Brotherhood. You have entered a new frontier, that of thinking and feeling with your Heart and challenging the limits of this material world. You are changing the future by what you are doing now. You are going to create the Golden Age by absolutely believing in the Teachings of the Ascended Masters and bringing their divine ideas to the world. The momentum for the Golden Age is there, and if you send this idea forth with all your capability, it will happen!
  • The tenth Muse and sponsor of Saint Germain and his Golden Age, Pallas Athena, sponsors you as well! “Sometime ago I brought to the Sons and Daughters of God upon Earth a Gift which I desire to re-release this very day. It is a Gift you may wear upon your person or establish in the forefront of your mind’s eye to remind you of the unfolding Golden Age right within you. First, see oak leaves intertwined as a double helix spiral, holding fast a cluster of three golden acorns representing the Threefold Flame. These acorns are not separated by intertwined by the radiance of the golden oak leaves, almost as one — born of the same God Flame, but three in nature. Surrounding these magnificent representations of the golden seed of your Christ Identity are the ivy leaves cut as emeralds, fashioned so that they form an unending circle of the God Qualities that you will exhibit as the manifestation of the Golden Age to come. This Gift will anchor the precipitating magnificence in your Christ Consciousness through all of the varied aspects of your talent and the desiring of your own God Presence. The Gift of the Oak Leaf Cluster will activate whenever you are approached by the Brotherhood of Light, and you say, “Yes, I will fulfill that command, for I have within me not only the talent but the desire to bring forth a worthy Gift upon the screen of life for God.” This Cluster gathers together the folds of the White Garment of your Christhood, so that you might move in the Grace of the Christ Consciousness, holding the fixed focus of your attention upon the Golden Age. Blessed Hearts, you are the Golden Age, for right within you is the matrix of which I have spoken. It already exists, for it is within the Threefold Flame of the Heart. It radiates the magnificent Strength and Courage of the oak, swirling about as the double helix spiral, knitting together all of the qualities that make up the identity of your own God Presence so that you might have the Courage to step forth and exhibit the Golden Light of the Mighty I AM Presence as Wisdom distilled into manifestation through the Emerald Matrix, and allowed to flourish throughout the land for all the Sons and Daughters of God. Receive this small token, exemplifying that which you are, that which you are becoming, and that which you have always been. May this Oak Leaf Cluster remind you of your Strength and Courage in those hours when you temporarily lose your Vision, for all the great heroes need reinforcement. Is this not why the Ascended and Cosmic Beings have proffered their Gifts to you? Is this not why we have taught you how to align your consciousness with the Mighty I AM Presence and to be receptive to that assistance from on high? Is this not the reason that we continually strive, century after century, millennium and millennium, with the incarnate I AM Presence as the Sons and Daughters of God? We desire you to fulfill your Destiny! Receive this Cluster as my Gift to you as a magnet of my Consciousness of Saint Germain’s Great Golden Age. I sponsor not only the Golden Age and Saint Germain’s Mission to bring it forth, but I sponsor each one of you, for you are the seed idea of your own God Presence, bringing forth the manifestation of that Golden Age where you are. Therefore, you too come under the canopy of the Goddess of Truth.”
Teachings to Help You Become the Holy Grail of Your Own God Presence

Begin the Quest for the Holy Grail that will transport you from the limits of finite human consciousness into the limitless, eternal springtime of your true Divine Identity. The Temple of The Presence offers18 Discourses and Dictations from the Ascended Masters that unravel the mysteries of Camelot and the Holy Grail. During the Easter Conclave of 2004 the Causal Body momentums of those who were embodied at Camelot and are now ascended were transferred from the Ascended Master Octaves to the octaves of Earth. Draw upon the attainments of the Ascended Masters to multiply your own! Walk with El Morya (King Arthur), Saint Germain (Merlin), Lanello (Lancelot), Kuthumi (Parsifal), and the Lady of the Lake (the Goddess of Light) through the mists of Avalon and learn how to become the Holy Grail of your own God Presence, drinking in the transformative Power of the Liquid Light of God — and step into your own Christhood!

  • The challenge those at Camelot faced long ago is the same challenge facing you today: the way of Life lived in the Ascended Master Octave should be lowered and lived in this octave. The master plan of “A Camelot Easter Remembrance” is to transfer from this Ascended Master Octave the Causal Body momentums now part of the ringing Victory of those who were embodied then and are now ascended: El Morya (King Arthur), Saint Germain (Merlin), Lanello (Lancelot), Kuthumi (Perceval) and the Lady of the Lake (the Goddess of Light). Their embodiments at that time, though not their final victories, are now charged with the resplendent glory of their Ascended God Presences. They avail to you their attainments of their God Consciousness and furnish you the opportunity to draw upon these momentums to multiply your own attainment. Then you can be the hands and feet of these Ascended Masters in forging the Camelot of the future — the Dawning Golden Age of Saint Germain! You will be like Tom of Warwick, entrusted to tell the shining story of the Teachings of the Ascended Masters, of the Divine Ideals of the I AM God Presence, and of this coming Golden Age!
  • El Morya stands as Chief of the Darjeeling Council to receive the members of the Karmic Board who have elected to come to honor the Flame upon the Altar of your Heart, and to bring further Dispensations so you might have a greater acceleration in the Light and the ability to become the Grail Chalice where you are. Disclosing that Camelot was not a time to aspire to, but a saga to learn from, El Morya instructs that you learn from history, but that you are now in the present and are required to live within that Presence, the Presence of the Mighty I AM. Take the great opportunity you have in this era and accelerate not only your own consciousness, but the vibration of who you are, allowing that vibration to keep you as the prepared Chalice, as the Grail, ready for your God Presence to come into your countenance. Then you will have the real vision to entertain, to write about, to romanticize — the vision of the Golden Age!
  • One of the techniques used by the Ascended Masters to radiate out into the mental and emotional world of mankind the Light intended to ratchet up humanity’s consciousness to a higher level is the saga of Camelot and the Quest for the mysterious Holy Grail. Through the last 2,000 years, part of the problem with how to decipher the mystery of the Holy Grail is in answering the fundamental question, “Whom does the Grail serve?” Historically, the answer has been God outside oneself. However, the Grail is to be understood as residing within oneself. You are intended to be the Holy Grail of your own God Presence, drinking in and sustaining the transformative Power of Liquid God Light. As you are the temple of the most high living God and the life within you is the Life of God, every Electron from your Crystal Cord is sacred, and should be treated with reverence as a tiny thimble-full of the Consciousness of your Presence. This is how you are to hold the Grail cup of your consciousness — retaining each Electron in the luminosity of the Christ Consciousness.
  • Lord Maitreya, the Great Initiator and Cosmic Christ, reveals he was indeed Melchezidek, creator of the Holy Order that bears his name. Whenever he has stood to initiate into this Order, it has been to bring close to the Ascension those lifestreams who would anchor the Light of God into the Earth, establishing for all time the record of the Light of God as the elevation of consciousness. Sharing with you insights on the process of initiation and how to move through it, Lord Maitreya states that you, too, can qualify to be part of the Order of Melchezidek. To hold that honor, you are required to: maintain the fullness of the Christ Virtues, aspire toward the Ascension and fulfill Service to life using various forms of the God Qualities in which you have attainment. You must stay the course throughout the remainder of this embodiment; and should there be future embodiments, staying the course as quickly as you have the remembrance of this Order.
  • The zeal for the Quest of the Presence of God, this fiery whirlwind updraft of aspiration toward the highest, has always been a striving shared by initiates like Kuthumi. After his embodiment as Bernard of Clairvaux, Kuthumi returned as Saint Francis, anchoring the Light and pouring it forth to give another great impetus to this message of the Quest and of the Holy Grail. Kuthumi’s zeal for the Quest is boundless. This is the same zeal of the Path available to you. And as you approach closer to the Fire of your Presence, you will be infected with the fiery passion of that zeal, which will help you carve a Path of Light up the mountain of attainment, from the Earth plane straight through the rocky road of the astral/psychic plane and into the worlds of your Holy Christ Self and God Presence. The tuition for this Path is paid in your life energies, husbanded for the Quest, paid in deeds of Courage and valor and selflessness — acts the Knights of the Round Table were so renowned for!
  • Kuthumi, World Teacher and Master of Wisdom’s Flame, comes to give you a simple taste of what you might expect when putting on the office of the garment of your Holy Christ Self. Stating that, “To know the I AM, to be that I AM, and to express that I AM in life is the goal, is the Quest in itself,” Kuthumi grants you insight into his own striving and experience on this Quest during some of his earthly embodiments — when, by desiring to bring forth the pure Devotion to the Christ in all, and by preparing his Heart, he was allowed to enter into the Secret Place of the Most High. Kuthumi reveals how you earn the opportunity for greater awareness of God, and how you receive the blessings, the Love and the attainment. This comes when your attention to detail and to the Christ Virtues has been honed sufficiently to the Mastery of your own God Presence.
  • There is a secret Power that can transform a human being into a deity. This is the Sacred Fire energy, which can either be easily dissipated, or conserved and used to propel you toward your Ascension. When this energy is harnessed, it changes human beings into Ascended Beings who have mastered this Power by snapping the rope of their human limitations. But when this Sacred Fire energy is used for mere sensual gratification, it becomes a wide-open drain upon the etheric double. In Arthurian legend, the Power of the Sword Excalibur was invincible when raised up and brandished over the head and crown, but locked up when thrust downward into the stone. In like manner it is up to you to choose when and how to make this great power available to yourself. If you continue to apply the Violet Flame and do not allow self-recrimination, you will find this energy will be raised up within your temple. The fiat, “I AM the Resurrection and the Life” is an important affirmation which you can utilize to accomplish this.
  • With the Sword Excalibur in her hand, Amerissis, the Goddess of Light and Twin Flame of El Morya, once more extends to you the momentum of the Light of God for your wise use. Stating that you are responsible for every Electron of Light given to you, she instructs that not one electron is to be misused. Through all recorded history, the Teaching of the preservation of the Sacred Fire was the key to Victory. This preservation is the requirement to bring about Purity in your life and to expand the Rod of Power — that Light that will take you home. When you awaken and understand that this precious Light of your God Presence is to be garnered, protected, and utilized wisely, you will be at the appointed hour and place for your Ascension, for your lamps will be trimmed and you will have prepared the wedding garment of White Light Righteousness that is the right use of the Law.
  • As you pursue your Quest for Godhood, you will find you cannot have worldly expressions operating beside Divine expressions in your life. You cannot straddle both worlds by dabbling in actions prohibited by Cosmic Law. When you are dealing with the volatile energies of the Sacred Fire, there is not a middle noman’s and between Light and darkness. You cannot serve two masters and gain any Victory. To gain your Mastery, there can be no compromise or indulgence in discord. Place your highest priority on maintaining Harmony in your immediate forcefield. The closer you come to your Victory, as the Light comes into your world, it will stir up things not yet transmuted that will seek to usurp the Light of your God Presence and tempt you to divert from your Path. Anchor your identity in your God Presence. Questions and answers follow concerning the soul, Moses, superstition, and the themes and images of current movies.
  • Lanello asks if you are ready to claim your Divine Identity and proclaim, “C’est moi.” Posing numerous questions that reveal what must be attained on the Quest, he instructs that the longer you put off proclaiming who you are through every aspect of your life, the more difficult it becomes. Stating that Life is only for those willing to face it, he teaches that Life will test you, instruct you, and feed you. But your God Presence will always be there as a part of that action. The sooner you accept the fullness of the reality of the Light of God, the greater the acceleration of health, wealth, opportunities, and blessings of all kinds in your life — for when you put your attention first upon God, these come as the natural course. Stating he wishes great things for you, Lanello offers to respond to your calls and assist you if you have questions on how to move through certain tests or initiations.
  • After all his many Dispensations of Violet Flame to mankind, Saint Germain comes to anchor in the Earth an even greater magnitude of this Transmuting Flame, calling all of the Ascended and Cosmic Beings who serve on the Seventh Ray to join with him. Saluting your striving toward the Perfection of your own Christhood, Saint Germain proclaims he has determined with the Karmic Board that the cycle is now for mankind to awaken to the I AM. Introducing the term “intent to eternity” and presenting you with a deeper understanding of Freedom, Saint Germain stresses that you have the power to move through the Earth in the Light of your own God Presence, calling forth the Ascended and Cosmic Beings to release great magnitudes of Light into situations that must be righted. You are the key, and what counts is whether or not you are connecting to your God Presence and establishing the Light where you are. The more galvanized you are in the Light of your Presence, the greater the opportunity for the expansion of that Light throughout the Earth. Trust your Presence, rely upon it and anchor it now!
  • Mother Mary comes to teach you the higher Truths, so you will be elevated to the Christ vibration. Desiring for you all the greatness within your True Identity, the Mother of Jesus proclaims she is also your Mother, for she holds you dear in her Heart to nourish, protect and guide you. Let your life be filled with the life of your own God Presence, allowing the fullness of health, wholeness and Peace to be instilled by the Light coursing through your vehicles at your Presence’s direction. Mother Mary encourages you to hold fast to the Perfection of your True Identity, for the more it is nourished, the more it is fed by the Light of God, the more attention you give to every aspect that brings you into alignment with that Perfection, the more you will fulfill that True Identity.
  • Jesus seals you in the Light of the Christ and imparts to you the understanding that you are not alone, that you will be victorious, and that the Christ within you will step forth at the appointed hour for the fulfillment of your Mission! Bathing you in unconditional Love as the God Quality of Peace, Jesus stresses the importance of Holy Communion with your own God Presence. Take the Threefold Flame of your Heart, expand it, accelerate it, guide it with the mind of God and allow for the fullness of the disciplines of the Christ Virtues to expand that Flame until you make a difference, changing not only your own life but the life around you. You are to become that Grail Chalice of Light, emanating forth in the fullness of all that God has to give to every part of life!
  • Like Mother Mary in her state of Listening Grace, or Jesus in communion with his Father in Heaven, your consciousness is always to be alert and listening to your God Presence. This is the challenge hurled by the Ascended Masters to every disciple — to take this uncompromising position that your I AM Presence is in action and, through the exercise of your call and your free will, is going to rule every aspect of your identity. There is only one self and that is your God Presence in action. You can gain control over your four lower bodies by practicing “Presence of Mind.” The Light of your Presence shines through your conscious awareness producing awareness of what is taking place in your lower vehicles and re-polarizing them to your God Presence whenever they attempt to claim identity as to who and what you are.
  • Known as the Goddess of the Dawn, Aurora, the Archeia of the Sixth Ray, comes with Archangel Uriel and their angelic bands to awaken you to the dawning awareness of the Christ Consciousness. In her first Dictation through The Temple, Aurora proclaims it is time for you to put on the new garment of Light and to have clarity of your mind, for then you will understand the Sixth Ray and galvanize the Peace that comes from knowing you are part of the Allness of God. As you make room for the ministration of her Sixth Ray Angels, you will see how your vehicles are prepared to make room for your own I AM — the glorious dawning you must bring forth. And, when this dawn comes forth for a number of individuals, the heralding of the Dawning Golden Age will be proclaimed. Many will see the Light and feel the blush of the Love of God as the Golden Pink Glow Ray comes forth and covers the land!
  • The Ascended Masters wish you to have a new sense of immortality and the ever-newness of your Presence. Your Presence is your own living power plant stoked by the fires of immortality, wherein safely lies your own beautiful blueprint of Perfection. Through the use of the “new wine” of the Resurrection Flame, the Flame that builds up the pattern of Perfection, you can harness this immortality to see it is channeled to resurrect the highest and best of your own Divine Plan. The Power of this Flame is inexorable and cannot be denied. It pours into the Blueprint until it has filled the chalice and has outpictured Perfection. It is your right to invoke Resurrection’s Flame into anything less than Perfection, including physical conditions.
  • Proclaiming that all who have an understanding of the I AM Faith must practice the Precepts of the Law, the Karmic Board states they will grant you the Dispensation to hold in abeyance your karma if you desire to move into integration with your God Presence — as long as you are giving your all. It is the requirement of the Law that you enter into devotion daily. The garment of your Holy Christ Self is immediately available to you if you will but accept it! Allow for your Heart to give the Love of God, be steadfast and constant, exact discipline, act in Purity, uphold the Law of Truth which is your White Fire Core of Being, keep striving and use the tools you have been given.
  • Bathe in Currents of Peace from the Retreat of the Angel Deva of the Jade Temple as you are taught how to prepare your Chalice to hold the Abundance of the Mother Light. The flow of this Light from the Heart of God is your divine heritage and estate. As you gain attainment in the wise use of the Mother Light, as it is accelerated through the Purity of your consciousness, and then given back into the Heart of your God Presence in pure creative endeavors, you establish a Light that must shine forth to manifest the fruit of all things seen and unseen that your lifestream requires. Listen as the Angel Deva reveals the secret to establishing a loving relationship that will allow you to accelerate in all the Christ Virtues.
The Temple of The Presence presents Discourses and Dictations from the Ascended Masters which re-introduce your true Home - Nirvana, the Edenic "Land of Light" from where all descended and to where all eventually return

The Ascended Masters re-introduce your true Home - Nirvana, the Edenic “Land of Light” from where all descended and to where all eventually return. In the New Year’s Conclave of 2004, the Ascended Masters created a “Heaven on Earth” so you could re-experience the perfect Peace of the blissful Realms of Fiery White Light. Re-enter this Secret Place of the Most High and float on seas of limitless Light. Feel Eternity and unconditional Love within its waves! Learn the techniques to HARNESS THE IMMENSE POWER OF NIRVANA HERE AND NOW to bring every good and perfect gift of God into your life!

  • Down through the epochs of the work of the Great White Brotherhood, the Ascended Masters have invented many techniques to capture the attention of mankind and transfer into the Earth plane the charge of Ascended Master Radiation. Gain insight into the purpose and Power of some of these techniques, such as the Candle Lighting Ceremony of Sanat Kumara and the Thoughtform of the Year, used by the Brotherhood to transfer their Divine Radiation directly into the Hearts and auras of their students throughout the world.
  • The Lord of the World seals you in Peace so you might know the Light of God is within your Heart, reminding you that it is within the Heart that the Victory is won. As is his ritual each New Year’s Eve, he shares with you the Thoughtform for the year, impressing this vision upon the forehead of your Third Eye. Hear the glorious description of 2004’s momentous Thoughtform — that of the Holy Family of God —which has forever been the dream of the Entire Spirit of the Great White Brotherhood.
  • It is the Divine Plan for you to enter into the Realms of Nirvana right here and now, to learn how to draw upon that world and harness the immense energy there. However, to experience these Buddhic Planes, you will have to utilize the senses of your own Holy Christ Self, which you enter through the doorway of your Heart. Listen and learn the qualities of this Land of the White Fire Sun, and the qualities you must develop within yourself which will allow you to journey there
  • The Maha Chohan prepares you to receive this Beloved Goddess. She stands in the Earth with her Angels of Purity to instruct you on the Path of Initiation and to answer the important question of how to uphold and maintain Purity in your inner and outer worlds. Receive the great Dispensation she brings as she calls into your midst the White Light of Purity’s Ray in the action of the Holy Angels to Purify and clear your Heart of all misqualification that your I AM Presence has deemed necessary, in order for the Christ in you to step.
  • You already possess your passport into the fiery White Light of the Realms of Nirvana. The key to entering into this ocean of bliss is to open your Heart in Love. You have that thrust of Love within you to enter back into the Sea of Universal Life from whence you have come. Reenter the Oneness of your God Presence, and it will catapult you into the limitless Ocean of God Consciousness, that Buddhic Oneness of Nirvana that will be your eternal Freedom.
  • El Morya’s Twin Flame invites you to become the Light, for that Light which you hold, you are forever. Instructing you on how to build a storehouse of Light within your four lower bodies, she reminds you of the necessity to guard the Sacred Fire and not to squander the precious Light of God — for only that which can fill the Chalice of the Heart to overflowing with the pure electrons of Light will allow you to wear the mantle of your Christhood and elevate you into Nirvana.
  • The Nirvanic consciousness contains the sense of changeless, eternal Perfection. Learn how to bring the certitude of God Perfection to bear throughout your thought and feeling world, so that whatever the outer appearance of discord or imperfection, you can penetrate through the outer veil by fixing your attention on the White Fire Core — which swallows up all that is not God Reality. Learn the fascinating story of how the Great Divine Director trained Saint Germain to exercise the Almighty Power of God to rule over all outer appearances. Questions and answers on the Ascended Masters, imagination and healing follow the Discourse.
  • Prepare to journey upward as this Great Lord wraps you in his Comfort Flame and elevates your consciousness into Nirvana’s Realms of Fiery White Light! Allow yourself to be drawn into this focus of Light, entering into the Great, Great Silence through your Heart, and letting its stillness surround every cell of your being as if it were a great blanket of Light, muffling out the noises of the world. As you are able to move fearlessly into these new vibrations, you will be able to see through the maya, illusion and chaos in these denser planes of existence.
  • Krishna releases into the core of the Earth the Resurrection Flame of his Consciousness and momentum so there will be the acceleration of Purity to bring the Golden Age nigh and procure the ascent of the Sons and Daughters of God. This great Cosmic Being, described by the Maha Chohan as “a father to the Resurrection Flame,” instructs you on the true meaning of “home” and the fiery world in which your God Presence and the Ascended and Cosmic Beings move.
  • Following Krishna’s Dictation, the Masters wished their students to have this instruction on the wise use of the Sacred Fire energy. When you do not send your energies upward toward God, more and more energy tumbles down the Crystal Cord and pools in the chakras, finding a way of dissipating. However, when the Resurrection Flame builds throughout your world, your chakras become veritable suns that radiate outward, and then your energy comes down through your Heart and goes back to the Heart of your Mighty I AM Presence. When energy is conserved in this way, man becomes a God.
  • The Elohim of the Sixth Ray comes with his Beloved Aloha so that the Twin Flame action of their Harmony can guide you into the arms of your own God Presence, where you may be at home, be at Peace and have the fulfillment of all that is required for your lifestream during this incarnation in the Earth. Enter into the Peace of the Great Silence, reestablishing the order of your true identity, as this Cosmic Being instills Peace within your vehicles and imparts to you the key elements you need to bring your creations into manifestation.
  • El Morya seals you in the Will of God, imparting invaluable instruction on chelaship and its direct relationship to Nirvana. Stressing the need to align yourself with this Will of God and the fullness of Purity in all the vehicles of your consciousness, he admonishes that you cannot halfway enter a spiritual path. He calls for the acceleration of your Mastery, so that you may expand to more than one area of attainment. As you allow your God Presence to be your guiding beacon, you will know Nirvana and return home, for Morya wills it so.
  • Understand the mystery of what makes God omnipotent, omniscient and omnipresent. The device the Great Central Sun uses to extend itself is the “electron,” the smallest point of God consciousness. Each electron is an expression of the Allness of the Godhead. Wherever there is an electron, there is God observing life. The Mind and Presence of God are everywhere, because the Electronic Light is everywhere. The Presence of God uses the Electronic Light as our own I AM uses us as the extension of itself. As you realize the Godhead in the Great Central Sun is the same as your own Presence, and these electrons are the emanations of your own Presence, you will have a kinship with these electrons of Light. You will love them and they will serve you. The Light will do your bidding, because it will recognize in you the same Godhead it has known in the Great Central Sun.
  • Contained in this momentous Dictation are two wonderful Dispensations! Saint Germain comes earnestly in the role of father to present an understanding of the Law you cannot ignore. He requests you cease self-condemnation, and do not allow your sense of limitation for yourself to spill over into his plans for the Golden Age! Urging everyone to become Torch Bearers of The Temple, he announces that Violet Flame Vigil participants be given the opportunity to accelerate their Violet Flame fifty times, so there will be more release of the Violet Flame from the Octaves of Light. And, whenever this Dictation is heard, there will be the Dispensation of the Violet Flame Angels in attendance to those hearing this message and have the Heart Flame ready to receive them. This Dispensation is ongoing, so you might forever dip into this Flame with a renewed spirit of enthusiasm for the Path, with a new acceleration toward your Victory, and with the understanding that Saint Germain stands with you to bring you into the Victory of your Ascension!
  • Mother Mary comes to give you a Mother’s Love, so you may have the understanding that the Love of God can be yours, and that Love can extend for all time for you. Stressing the importance of Mastery over the Mother Flame, she instructs you how to establish that connective flow with the Mother’s Heart by entering into dependability, accountability and responsibility, for these are the requirements of every mother. Beloved Omega comes with Mary to reinforce the Mother Fire, so that the White Light of the Mother Flame may be expanded upon your spinal altar as you are able to receive it.
  • Humanity has separated itself from its source, the Mighty I AM Presence. Your Electronic Body is a sun and you are a crystallized ray of Light from your Presence. You stepped forth from this Presence to learn how to control the forces of the Earth plane. All you have to do now is to go back into that sun. Nirvana, the Land of the White Fire Sun, is not a foreign land. You are returning to where you have already been. When you re-enter Nirvana, it will be a true homecoming.
  • Standing in the Great Central Sun, Sanat Kumara and his brother Kumaras release the Light so you might have the opportunity to return Home. He instructs that if you will go into your Heart and elevate your gaze to God, you will gain understanding in the Great Silence and be equipped with the Mother Light, so you may travel more easily to the Great Central Sun. Sanat Kumara calls you to awaken and become who you are, stating that you are not limited to your I AM Presence, but you can partake of the Entire Spirit of the Great White Brotherhood — for this is your family — the family that calls you home!
  • Locked within your Heart is the impetus and God Determination to fly back to the Heart of God. Let your Heart be the fiery chariot you ride home to Nirvana, for your Heart contains everything you need to enter there. Shift your consciousness from this world into the upper ethers of God Consciousness, let the Threefold Flame in your Heart raise its vibrations to be tangibly present in these Higher Octaves, and have the Courage to allow this great journey to begin!
  • The Snow Queen and Snow King are Cosmic Beings who have not delivered a Dictation in any Ascended Master Activity since their reign during a Golden Age hundreds of thousands of years ago. The Snow Queen reveals they now embrace a greater Service to Earth, where it is time for them to be more present. Hold fast to the Light of Purity in mind, Heart and body, and call upon these Beings of Purity to cleanse your consciousness so you may receive entrée into Higher Realms. This momentous Dictation was the last event of the week-long session of Acropolis Sophia entitled “Harnessing Nirvana Here & Now,” which followed the New Year’s Conclave.

The Emerald Matrix is the fertile womb of Light of the Universal Mother, receiving our Decrees and visualizations, nurturing them and, in the fullness of time, bringing them forth into physical manifestation. Listen and learn the Higher Mysteries of Precipitation and Manifestation - the lessons of Divine Alchemy for centuries known only to the highest spiritual initiates - to create the perfect life for yourself HERE AND NOW!

  • If there are no saints, then how can you aspire to become one? The poverty of the Divine Image in our modern Western world is examined. Reverse this sterile view of life by keeping the images, names and calls to the Ascended Masters alive in your life!
  • Beloved Omega comes to seal you within the Heart and Love of the Mother. She calls you to a higher way of life and to a Pure Heart, so you might become more of God and bring forth the fullness of your unique creative endeavors.
  • The Emerald Ray is a living, pulsing dynamo in the Heart of God and in your own Heart. The Emerald Ray spins off service, action, creative ideas and all the various arts, allowing you to fruitfully create your own Golden Age. Work with the Lady Masters of the Emerald Ray, especially Pallas Athena, to create your new life filled with the creativity and abundance of your Divine Inheritance!
  • This great Goddess of Truth comes to bring into your chakras the spinning action that provides the fullness of the Abundant Life of God. Embrace your Mission and Divine Plan, and especially embrace Truth, making Truth your hallmark, so you will be counted among those proclaiming Truth and the Ascended Master Way of Life™, fostering the Golden Age.
  • The Goddess of Liberty was known in antiquity to the Greeks as Demeter. Listen to the ancient story of Demeter and her search for her daughter Persephone, and you will understand how it symbolizes the Resurrection Power and Abundant Life of the Emerald Ray — and it also symbolizes this Great Mother Goddess’ very personal Love for you!
  • The true Liberty for all mankind is to exercise the God Will, the God Love, and the God Wisdom at the core of your being. As you look into your Heart and let your Heart Flame expand, you will magnetize into your life all the talents, all the Love and all the outer associations you require, as well as your True God Identity and Victory! Maya and illusion will fade away as you determine to be more of your God Presence and hold to God Victory.
  • The Blue and Gold Rays become the Emerald Ray of Truth, whose Power is in seeing only God Perfection. The Emerald Ray has access to God’s All-Seeing Eye, which can discover the hidden karmic cause behind every condition in the matter world — and correct them. Do not revolve conditions less than Perfection, undoing your Violet Flame work. Instead, enter your Christ Self, and call to the All-Seeing Eye of God to expose whatever needs healing, letting your God Presence wield the Emerald Ray’s healing power of Perfection to cure every imperfection.
  • The magnificent Twin Flame of Cyclopea accelerates and seals your third eye, making you aware of those areas in your life requiring attention. She reminds you that you are the creator of your world, responsible for your thoughts and their emotional currents in your waking, dreaming and subconscious states. She urges you to not accept anything less than Perfection into your third eye, keeping within your mind the Light of the Christ that allows for God Vision to guide you until you return home to the Virgin Consciousness of your God Presence.
  • The Emerald Ray is primarily a one-two punch of the Will of God and the Mind of God. If you want to work the miracles of the Emerald Ray, you must hold to Harmony and Purity in thought and feeling, word and deed. Then your Christ Self can descend and work in close attunement with your outer self. The more you are endowed with the Power of the Emerald Ray, the more it will be imperative that you guard your creative faculties of thought and feeling, because they are going to act more instantaneously.
  • Feel the scintillating Fire of Akasha as the Goddess of Light takes you into the womb of the Mother to be bathed in the Universal Sea of Light. Presenting invaluable instruction on the alchemy of creativity, she states that the Heart must be engaged and you must maintain the Purity, the consistency and the higher vibrations present within the Heart of God, loving your creations with the Pure Love that issues from the Heart of your own God Presence.
  • Learn the great contribution the Seven Holy Kumaras have made to our planet and the Cosmic Light they continue to outpour to Earth. The questions and answers which follow will increase your understanding of how the Law of the Tithe works; aspects of the Fourth, Fifth and Sixth Rays of God and Masters of the Ruby Ray; and an explanation of and visualization for the third verse of the Emerald Matrix Rhythmic Decree!
  • This great teacher and Chohan of the Fourth Secret Ray reveals to you the secrets of Divine Alchemy. Listen and learn not only how to increase the successes of your personal alchemies with the Violet Flame, but also how to integrate all your talents and God Qualities to garner a momentum of attainment that will ultimately carry you to your Victory!
  • I AM here to be the constant reminder to your Heart, to your outer consciousness, that Love of the Mother is ever present in your Life.” This Mother of Heaven seals you in her Love, explaining you are never alone, and need only touch the Flame upon your Heart to know of her Flame, to have the doorway to the Allness of God open wide to receive you in for nourishment, rest and the Peace you require.
  • This Discourse will help you develop a deeper understanding of the Science of Visualization and Manifestation, and of how you can draw the Sacred Fire into your third eye and become a co-creator with your own God Presence, able to resurrect the Perfect Pattern and Divine Blueprint for everything in your world.
  • Listen closely as Meta shares with you her in-depth knowledge of the Emerald Ray. Stating that another name for the Emerald Ray would be “Life”, she explains how the Emerald Ray is the foundation of all creation, for absent the Emerald Ray Action that comes forth as the application of the Power of God, the Wisdom of God and the desire as Love in action, there is no creation.
  • In this amazing Dictation, Helios, the Sun God of our solar system, gives you an invitation to enter into the open stream of the vast, all-inclusive consciousness of Helios and Vesta. He calls your attention to the Action of the Green Ray known as Truth, the Truth of Identity as the God Presence ― and this certain knowledge within you of this Truth will set you free in the Ascension to enter into the Greater Life Wave of your own Mighty I AM!
  • The Sun Goddess of our solar system, the Divine Complement of Helios, imparts Her vast Wisdom so you might gain greater Christ consciousness. Urging you to “Celebrate your own God Presence,” she instructs that, “All of life responds to the dictate of the Christ Consciousness, for it is the direction of our consciousness from the Great Central Sun that you have within you the commanding Presence with which to create.”
  • The process of operating the mechanisms of Cosmic Law through the Emerald Matrix involves the interplay between you as an individual and You in the Allness of the Godhead. This instruction and the question and answer session which follows will help you gain a better understanding of various points and principles involved in utilizing the Emerald Ray and the Emerald Matrix to perform your alchemies.
  • For you to become the Christ, you must take on the Vibration of your own God Presence. This Great Lord comes to wrap you in his divine Comfort Flame and lead you in the meditative exercise of focusing on your own Heart Flame and putting on the Vibration of God.
  • The Truth of the Law is that you have never ceased to be part of the greater identity of the whole of cosmos. Expand your adeptship by expanding the borders of your identity and entering into that Buddhic sense of consciousness. And when you achieve that attainment, then all the universe belongs to you and becomes your nurturing home. That is when nature speaks and says “I AM yours” ― and you can perform miracles!
  • Your four lower bodies must be mastered in order for your God Self to work through them and perform your alchemies. Visualize your vehicles as a clear chalice and command them to have one particular task — to still themselves to be elevated into a state of Listening Grace and receptivity, waiting for the descent of the Christ consciousness. Learn the Law of Octaves and the Law of the One, and how these cosmic laws benefit you and your alchemies.
  • Leto comes to introduce Lord Lanto’s instruction on Wisdom’s Ray. Leto and Lanto come to teach you the Wisdom of how to bring into your outer awareness those things which will allow you to bring forth the Allness of God. Come walk in Leto’s garden with the Chohan of the Second Ray as he imparts his vast momentum on Wisdom’s Ray. Urging you to know the priorities of Life, he reminds you to seek first the Kingdom of God, your own I AM Presence. Absent the Light of your own God Presence actively engaged in your life, you are putting off until another day having all your God Presence desires you to have — health, sustenance, comfort and well-being.
  • Leto comes to introduce Lord Lanto’s instruction on Wisdom’s Ray. Leto and Lanto come to teach you the Wisdom of how to bring into your outer awareness those things which will allow you to bring forth the Allness of God.
  • Come walk in Leto’s garden with the Chohan of the Second Ray as he imparts his vast momentum on Wisdom’s Ray. Urging you to know the priorities of Life, he reminds you to seek first the Kingdom of God, your own I AM Presence. Absent the Light of your own God Presence actively engaged in your life, you are putting off until another day having all your God Presence desires you to have — health, sustenance, comfort and well-being.
  • The concepts of “emanation” and “matrix” are discussed to give you greater comprehension of what that fertile womb of Light of the Universal Mother, termed the “Emerald Matrix”, is and how it operates to bring about precipitation. This understanding will aid you in successfully bringing your alchemies into physical manifestation. Included are teachings on the God Flame, Twin Flames, the Causal Body, the Memory Body and the Etheric Double. Questions and answers follow.
  • The Hierarch of the Aquarian Age summons his Violet Flame Angels to sweep the Earth round to anchor Violet Flame so Freedom may reign supreme. He instructs you to listen to the Heart, for it always conveys Truth, and to place your attention on the Truth of the Law, the Emerald Ray, and bringing that Law into your vehicles of awareness. Let the Violet Flame you invoke clear the way for the Emerald Ray of precipitation to bring forth Truth.
  • This great Archangel comes with the touch of the Emerald Ray to let the healing in your life begin! Learn how the Angels minister to you, and how healing begins at inner levels within the subplanes of consciousness as they are treated with the Light of God. Touch your Heart and allow the Truth of your Divine Blueprint to manifest. Then your Holy Christ Self will overshadow your bodies and return them to the Purity and Perfection they were originally intended to be.
  • The God Qualities of Productivity and Industry, as well as Detail Consciousness, are all part of the Emerald Ray. Look to your own God Presence first and your self-reliance first to solve the issues in your life, for it is up to you to draw from within yourself all you need, to force circumstances to bow before you. This is what Gods do — they make things happen; they do not wait for things to happen to them.
  • Standing in the Great Central Sun, this Goddess extends the Radiance of Golden Light into your safekeeping for your acceleration on the Path. Inspiring you to let go of human limitation and duality and embrace the Heart of God, she proclaims all abundance is available when used for God. If you desire the Abundant Life, you must put on the garment of the Lord.
  • One of the primary points of utilizing the Emerald Ray to work the works of God is for you to step aside, let the sense of your outer self go and let your Mighty I AM Presence occupy your Temple. This Discourse explores one of the most important techniques of alchemy, precipitation and the return to your God Presence: how to elevate your attunement and the vibration of your physical, emotional, mental and memory bodies so they are in perfect harmonic resonance with the totality your great God Self.
  • Learn how the Cosmic Light comes forth on a planetary scale and can be harnessed for your blessing. The Cosmic Light is the Masters’ answer to the human condition of Life pooling in the lower charkas and degenerating. Everything the Ascended Masters are is condensed into this substance of Cosmic Light to create an upsweep of vital consciousness. The roles the Sixth and Seventh Rays play in precipitation are also discussed.
  • The Nameless One unveils the mysteries of Cosmic Light, Cosmic Love, the Ascension Current, and what you may experience after your Ascension if you choose to help others still unascended. He advises you to allow the Cosmic Light to flow forth to nurture you and all about you, and you will see how Life is renewed and how there is the glorious radiance of the Sun Behind the Sun shining forth right where you are.
  • Commune with the Divine Heart and Mind of the Beloved Chohan of the First Ray of the Will of God, the founder of The Temple of The Presence, Beloved El Morya, as he answers questions posed to him by students of Acropolis Sophia.
  • One of the greatest tools you have for Victory in gaining God Mastery is the Mind of God in you. This Divine Mind is active, cognizing and focusing thought. This thought, bearing the Emerald stamp of Truth, is your greatest friend, your defense and your means of Freedom. Open your Heart and receive those exalted thoughts that pour from the Mind of your God Presence.
  • This great Elohim comes to seal you in the Emerald Matrix of your True Identity. He calls you to purify your emotional body, refine your tastes and desires, and be the co-creator with your Presence. When your Heart gives unconditionally, and there is the upholding of Purity, then your creations will reach from your Heart to the ends of Cosmos, with no limit to what you may accomplish.
  • After the Blue Ray, the Emerald Ray is the Ray with the most Power. This instruction on the Emerald Matrix Rhythmic Decree! Will give you the proper understanding and visualizations you need to utilize this decree to its fullest and propel your personal alchemies to new heights of God Success!
Introductory Instruction on the Fundamentals of the Ascended Master Teachings

Ecce Deus! Behold the God-Realized Man and the God-Realized Woman! This is your Destiny! This is the blueprint of your True Identity preserved within the Heart and Mind of God since Eternity. And this DVD audio file album of the inaugural outreach module of The Temple of The Presence, delivered by Carolyn Louise Shearer and Monroe Julius Shearer, presents the understanding you need to become the real you and to fulfill your Divine Destiny.

Enter into the embrace of the Ascended Masters and experience the Life that awaits only your summoning it forth from the depths of your desiring.

  • Behold the God-Realized Man and God-Realized Woman! This is the special, powerful, and encouraging message of Ecce Deus. You, as a student of the Ascended Masters, have something invaluable to give to the Heart Flames of this world — the unique and brand new perspective of the Teachings of the Ascended Masters, and the wonderful message of God Individualized. People everywhere in the world need to know this story of the indwelling Divinity of their own Higher Self and their Divine Origin as their great, august, illustrious God Presence. They have gone to sleep in the Earth for thousands of embodiments, and it is time now to wake up and become who they have always been — the Beloved Mighty I AM Presence!
  • The Chohan of the First Ray comes to reinforce the Will of God in you, standing with the Shield of his Protection so you will be God Victorious! With all of the Fire of his Heart, El Morya proclaims that you will fulfill your Fiery Destiny, and that there will be the God Victory of the I AM Faith! You have come to fulfill the Word, to enact the I AM, and to be the part of God in these denser planes able to manifest the Light and fullness of God’s Vibration in all things. Asking if you will carry that message of the I AM to proclaim the fullness of not only your own true identity, but the true identity of all, El Morya reveals to you the Divine collective Mission of the Torch Bearers of The Temple.
  • This Dictation will expand your understanding of your own I AM Presence and the meaning of the profound concept of God Individualized. The Allness of God elects of its own inner volition to step forth into an active expression of itself and to announce, “Lo, I AM!” This Presence that is this Allness adds to the “I AM”, and steps forth as the “I AM Presence”. Thereby the Allness of God individualizes and becomes a distinct Being. There is identity in your Individual Presence that is unique and distinct to your own Selfhood. But while there is individuality, your I AM Presence is still an undivided part of the Allness of God from which it stepped forth. The name “I AM” is a key to this mystery, for the “I” represents the focus of Individuality, whereas the “AM” represents the all-encompassing, all-embracing Being of the totality of God.
  • From their Retreat over Lake Titicaca in Peru, these great Manus of the Sixth Root Race release an immense amount of Cosmic Light as they come to proclaim the I AM Presence in the Earth and to awaken Earth’s lifestreams to their True Identity. As guardians of the Mother Flame, they stand in Purity’s Ray, holding fast to the Immaculate Concept of your Identity and your return home in Victory. Explaining that you have within you the Divine Blueprint and Pattern not only of your own individual Mission, but that of your Root Race, they instruct you on True Love and the True Mark of the Christ — the one who has loved God and received that Love in return, coursing over Wisdom’s Ray in the extending of one’s Heart.
  • The Ecce Deus Seminar is designed to give encouragement and added impetus to those lightbearers
  • Just as Jesus invited all to the wedding feast, Saint Germain invites all to come to the Golden Age and to the Ascension! Sealing you within his Heart of Violet Flame so you will move beyond doubts, fears, questions and limitations, he shares with you many secrets — of alchemy; of how a Golden Age is won; of what is written upon your Heart; of your Mission as a Torch Bearer; of how to accomplish the work of the Entire Spirit of The Great White Brotherhood; and of how to move forward with God Determination to become your True Identity of the God Realized Man or Woman in Action. Urging you to fulfill what Godfre began in proclaiming the I AM, Saint Germain reveals that you, likewise, are called to go forth across the land and carry your torch high, expanding the I AM Faith!
  • The questions posed in this session by Ascended Master students and answered by the Anointed Representatives will spark your interest and expand your understanding on a wide range of spiritual topics. You will learn: what it is within you that is yearning to reunite with your own I AM Presence; the principle of the Law of Octaves; the realm of the Causal Body; how the Masters focus their consciousness; the action of the Needle Ray of God; the bond between an Ascended Master sponsor and their students; how your Presence elected to became part of a specific root race; the meaning of the Engram of the Daystar of Destiny; and the dangers of the psychic realms.
  • Pallas Athena entreats you to understand that you are called upon to change the course of history, to proclaim the Light of God in the Earth, and to have that Light move in such quantity and with such momentum that it transmutes the world’s ills, allowing for the Sons and Daughters of God to proclaim their True Identity! Declaring it is time to initiate a new culture to sweep across the land, she states it is up to you, as a lightbearer, to understand how to use the Sword of Truth, to stand before your altar and release the Light of God, allowing that Light to move in the thought and feeling world of the mass consciousness to make the required changes. You will see governments change, corruption exposed, and Vision returned to the people. You, raising your torch high and proclaiming the I AM Faith, will have made the difference!
  • Holding you in the safekeeping of her Heart of unconditional Love, Mother Mary asks you to remember that she, the Mother Flame, will always be where you are, for you are in her Heart and her desire is for you to become the fullness of all you are. Granting you insight into the Karmic Board’s deliberation of the Healing Petitions addressed to her during each Quarterly Conclave, she explains this is a Dispensation that she, the Mother of the World, has called forth so you might have set aside those areas of disease to allow you greater opportunity to serve your I AM Presence. Ultimately, however, you have within your own Heart the key to unlock all that is burdening you.
  • Right here and now, the Blueprint of you as an Ascended Being exists in the Mind of your God Presence as a Fiery Engram of Perfection! Let down your burdens and enter into this Perfection, attuning yourself to the Will and Mind of God. The Great Manus, Mother Mary and all of the Ascended Masters, as well as your own Holy Christ Self, continue to hold the Vision of you as the Ascended Being you are to become, rising up beyond the travails of the human condition. Instead of accepting the crown of thorns, accept your Divine Perfection!
  • In the concluding Dictation of the “Ecce Deus” seminar, this magnificent Manu of the Seventh Root Race, who holds the Golden Age within his Divine Vision, shares what will transpire when this wonderful cycle in Earth’s evolution manifests. With the great Love of his Heart, he instructs that each one fulfilling their Divine Destiny allows for another part of the Golden Age to be drawn together. If you have ever contemplated what wonderful things are destined for this planet, this Dictation is not to be missed!
  • Join the Anointed Representatives and their students as they celebrate the Christmas season in a cozy cabin in the White Mountains in northeastern Arizona. Sit back, enjoy the Christmas carols, be reminded of your divine origin in God, and the higher sense of selfhood and greater destiny you are called to aspire to. You already possess a Divine Blueprint of your own Divine Identity, for every line of character, every attribute, is sketched in Perfection in your own Electronic Body. The same worth that Jesus had as the Son of God is already there on the Altar of your Heart! Look at the grand glory that you are in your God Presence, and realize the angels are celebrating the birth of your own Holy Christ Self in your very own Heart Flame. Open the eyes of your Holy Christ Self in this world, look out through those eyes, and behold ECCE DEUS, the God Realized Man or God Realized Woman! Questions and answers follow this inspiring Discourse.
  • Humanity has separated itself from its source, the Mighty I AM Presence. Your Electronic Body is a sun and you are a crystallized Ray of Light from your Presence. You stepped forth from this Presence to learn how to control the forces of the Earth plane. All you have to do now is to go back into that sun. Nirvana, the Land of the White Fire Sun, is not a foreign land. You are returning to where you have already been. When you re-enter Nirvana, it will be a true homecoming.
  • Standing in the Great Central Sun, Sanat Kumara and his brother Kumaras release the Light so you might have the opportunity to return Home. He instructs that if you will go into your Heart and elevate your gaze to God, you will gain understanding in the Great Silence and be equipped with the Mother Light, so you may travel more easily to the Great Central Sun. Sanat Kumara calls you to awaken and become who you are, stating that you are not limited to your I AM Presence, but you can partake of the Entire Spirit of the Great White Brotherhood — for this is your true family — the family that calls you Home!

Boyfriends. Girlfriends. Spouses. Children. Parents. Siblings. You’ve loved many individuals just in this lifetime, let alone countless previous incarnations. But where is enduring, eternal, unconditional Love? Why does the Heart still yearn for healing, wholeness, and completeness? Let the Ascended Masters guide you beyond the ups and downs of temporal human love and into the everlasting Joy of the ultimate Love — Divine Love. In this valentine from Their Hearts to yours, the Masters continue Their extraordinary Teachings on Love and Spirituality released in Romancing the Path I: how to educate your Heart to completely open and magnetize Divine Love into your life. Waltz happily through your days in partnership with your I AM Presence, giving and receiving, and increasingly achieving the mastery and wholeness that will take you into the permanent Bliss of "marrying" your Presence in the Ascension. Learn Love from those who have completely become Love — the Ascended Masters!

  • Mastery on the Path means wholeness from within oneself, drawn from the wholeness that is experienced in the God Presence and in the God Flame. Nothing from without can ever permanently be a substitute for that absolute fulfillment of the Allness of oneself as the expression of the God Flame. You do have to decide which is of ultimate importance — the Path or romance. You can have romance as a natural consequence of the Path in time, as the Wisdom of God decrees, for wholeness within yourself will magnetize the perfect complement to that wholeness. As your life comes into conformity with what your Presence desires for you, this will ultimately bring you into that perfect communion with your Twin Flame.
  • Nada explains why you love, why you desire Love, and why the Heart is a magnet. The Heart magnetizes because it loves and all life responds to Love. When the magnet of the Heart magnetizes the Light of your Presence and is filled to overflowing, it will only magnetize the Essence of God in all of life. Nada asks you to enter into communion with your Presence’s Heart, and allow for that magnet to be the strongest magnet in your life, affording you God Love. Asking you to know who you are, to know the action of the Heart, and to become the Heart, Nada reveals how the Golden Age begins with the Heart and desiring God.
  • The Temple of The Presence is unique among Ascended Master Activities. It offers revolutionary concepts no other religion offers, and is worthy to be the world religion of the I AM. The Temple is the Altar upon which the Ascended Masters have chosen to anchor the Ray of their God Consciousness in the Earth. One of The Temple’s unique contributions to the history of Ascended Master Activities is its stand for the cause of Ascended Master Consciousness, translating that vibration of Perfection into this world. The Temple teaches you to value yourself as the First Born of your Presence. Know that you are actually the outer expression of that Presence in this world of form here and now. The Portrait of the Presence presents this message visually.
  • Charity instructs you on developing your Heart — why your Heart must become engaged, and the ruling aspect of your life — and why alignment is so important. You have the opportunity to connect with God’s Light and be God Love in Action. The Ascension is the byproduct of all of the striving of your Heart. The Victory is won in the form of Fire, Light, and accomplishment each time your Heart engages in another level of mastery. For the true Abundance of God is in knowing that God is Love, and that you at your core are God Love. When your Heart resonates with that Love, there is no mountain that cannot be climbed, and no Ascension that cannot be gained!
  • Various aspects of relationships are discussed, including balancing relationships with the Path, Twin Flames, and soul mates. Questions and answers follow: discerning whether a budding relationship is due to good karma or human desire patterns by placing it in the crucible of the Violet Flame and also making calls to Mother Mary and Kwan Yin; the Dispensation of the Violet Flame and the Authority for its release; Jesus’ relationship with Mary Magdalene, his Resurrection and Ascension; the Ascensions of Jesus’ disciples; and harmonizing parenthood with the Path to the Ascension. Closing comments concern your relationship to the Allness of the Godhead as your primary relationship; and that the Twin Flame relationship cannot be a substitute for your relationship with your Ascended Master Guru or Sponsor.
  • The Temple makes no apology for its steadfast devotion to the Principles of the Ascended Master Teachings as originally set forth by Saint Germain. He warned against all types of psychic activity, including astrology, prophecy, numerology, etc. There is a joy in coming together for group decrees, for you need and require the multiplication of Heart Flames in a concerted effort. All of the images in the Portrait of the Presence not only aid your visualizations, but hold the charge of what they represent. The Portrait is a doorway into your Presence’s God Consciousness, and a reminder of the God Consciousness you can adopt.
  • Saint Germain instructs you on how you might Romance the Path. It is not unlike the waltz, where you sometimes lead; sometimes follow. All romance between individuals on Earth is to practice how to give, how to take, how to lead, and how to follow. For this is required of you in the communion with your Presence. And, as you take one step at a time, place that step as though it were your Presence taking the step. For in reality, it is. It is not simply the Ascension as the goal, but the Romance of daily life with your Presence in the Light.
  • There is speculation that Jesus did not expire on the cross, but lived out the normal span of human life. But Jesus’ Service was to publicly demonstrate that God could reside in human form, that man could be One with Divinity, and that the destiny of the individual was to overcome death and to live immortal for eternity. The Brotherhood’s plan was for Jesus to project the images of the Resurrection and the Ascension onto the mass consciousness and have Earth’s evolutions adjust to them, accepting this in their feelings as God Reality. Have the sense these Initiations are within your reach in this very lifetime.
  • El Morya teaches you the importance of the Heart. The Heart will give you the barometer of the energy you engage in, and register the true direction for your life. The mind is to respond to the Heart. The emotional body must be ruled by the Heart in Wisdom’s Ray. Then you will understand how to love, how to be loved, and how to engage in all of the joys of life and in the Cosmic Dance. Without Love, the Will of God cannot enter your world. Where you place your attention is the ingredient which the Heart needs to perform its perfect work. El Morya instructs you how to put the records of old habit patterns into the Flame, so that your attention may return to the Essence, Love, Purity, and Perfection of God.
  • This very educational question and answer session covers: how to know what ray you are on and who your sponsoring Master is, plus some of the intricacies of the guru chela relationship; an explanation of the seven major vehicles of expression and what the phrase “the four lower bodies” refers to; where the center of your attention should reside during meditation; the release of Power through the throat chakra in the spoken word; how Love is the basis of the Blue Ray and every other action of the Sacred Fire; what the Electronic Circle is and how it becomes an action of the Triple Ring Pass Not; and Saint Germain’s mention of Chicago as the heart chakra for the United States.
  • Maitreya instructs you on twin flames — their original identical nature; their separate elections of paths of mastery; their resonant tone; and their Cosmic Service. He stresses that, rather than placing great importance on magnetizing your Twin Flame, place your attention on magnetizing your own God Presence. If you desire the ultimate in Love, first seek the Love of your Presence, and know that Love in every aspect of its being in all of the God Qualities on all of the Rays of God’s Consciousness. Clear old momentums with the Violet Flame, so that you can hear the tone of your Twin Flame and know that Cosmic Service for which you are called. The most important key of the Mystery Schools is the Heart of your Presence resonating upon the altar of your heart chakra.
  • Anointed Representative Monroe Julius Shearer answers a few questions from students regarding: the Hierarchical structure of the Ascended Master Octave; two categories of “fallen” angels, and the true way in which the battle of Light versus darkness is won; and the directing of Torch Bearers of The Temple to Volume 3 of the I AM Discourses. The “Be Ye Perfect” CD album is recommended.
  • Mother Mary reveals what is needed for physical healing, for Peace in the world, and for the closer walk with the Ascended Masters that will manifest the Golden Age. Calling forth the healing angels, she instructs you on how to heal the scars and records that keep you locked away from the fulfillment of Love. She explains that there must be a receptive Heart and an understanding of Cosmic Law for you to have the release of Fire from your Presence required for your healing. You must receive healing for there to be wholeness in all your relationships, striving, and mastery. The release of your Presence into the physical world is through the gateway of your Heart. You cannot entertain any separateness from the Reality of who you are.
Teachings to Help You Realize and Fall in Love with Your Real God Identity — Your I AM Presence — and Achieve Completion, Wholeness, and Bliss!

How do I open my Heart? How do I choose the right partner? How can I heal the hurt and scars from previous relationships? What exactly is a Twin Flame or a soul mate? And how can I attract them into my life? During the Valentine’s Day weekend of February, 1999, the Ascended Masters answered these questions and more, delivering incomparable insight into all aspects of Love and relationships — from the human to the Divine! Discover the greatest, most perfect, most blissful loving relationship you can ever have in this or any lifetime: the Divine Romance with your very own God Identity that, if embraced fully, will lead to union with your Twin Flame. Learn how to “marry” your I AM Presence — and achieve the permanent Love, Wholeness, Joy, and Happiness your Heart has always yearned for!

  • This seminar is not merely about relationships but also about the Path. Only in the correct realization of the God part of our identity will we ever find wholeness and completion. The goal of life, as defined clearly for us by the Ascended Masters, is permanent immortality in the God estate. Once this becomes the primary focus of your life, you can magnetize your Twin Flame or the soul mate. This is the ideal we strive for on the Path of the Ascended Masters. The meaning of Twin Flames is explained. The Ascension is the great work of the ages. All other relationships, goals and objectives must be second to winning the Ascension.
  • Many of you have lost sight of the true God Reality of your being, searching for God in relationships with individuals. For the Heart to experience God, to truly love God and others, it must be allowed to express, to give forth the Light that contains all of the Love, Wisdom and Power that can be expressed from your God Presence in a given moment. When you express the I AM That I AM and project currents of love through your Heart, all manner of conflict and struggle will dissolve. It is the requirement of the Path that you determine from your Heart to become one with your God Presence.
  • The Ascended Masters are concerned with our relationships here. Our life partners are attached to us with a lifeline. Hopefully, you are both going up the same mountain at the same pace. Soul mates are those who we have intense karma, both good or bad, from prior embodiments. The Ascended Masters always support the gaining of the Victory for either Twin Flame as soon as possible, rather than waiting for the other Flame to catch up. Questions include: How do you know when you meet your soul mate/Twin Flame? How do we visualize our own I AM Presence? To stay together or split when conflict is present?
  • Kuthumi comes to anchor the Heart of your God Presence, the very Heart that is the center point of your life. For all of life comes in and goes out through the Heart. The mark of Attainment is to rise above your scars, connect with the Light of the Sun, and draw the Sun into your world for healing. Love of God is the answer to everything. To be truly free, one must have a Heart that is open, pure and in love with God. There are not more Ascensions because many serious students negate their work prematurely and are obliged to return to embodiment. In all of your activities and associations, apply every erg of Light and energy in your world toward the Light of God.
  • The Anointed Representative discuss some of the embodiments of Kuthumi and then answer the following students’ questions. How do we maintain Peace, Harmony and a positive attitude in the world? Does the connection with the Presence have a figure-eight flow? How do we give more than we are already giving? What to do with a partner when we seem to always be on the verge of an argument and non-ability to communicate?
  • The following students’ questions are addressed, and Decrees and Releases to study regarding them are suggested. What to do with a spouse who is involved in drugs and alcohol. Explain why Saint Germain didn’t depict the Holy Christ Self in the Chart.
  • It is important to the Ascended Masters that we have an appreciation for the tangibility of life lived by the God Presence and their plan to translate that into this world. This Teaching is intended to equip you with the understanding of how you can identify with the Electronic Body of your Mighty I AM Presence, use it as a vehicle of expression, and merge your consciousness with that of your own God Identity so that the two indeed become one. The Ascended Masters are inviting you into their culture and association, and it is a most joyous and sublime opportunity.
  • The only true and lasting love is born from the Heart of God. Your God Presence is the Divine Lover of your life, the true essence of all that you have hoped for, all that you have desired. The magnet of your Heart ablaze with Fire romances the divine consort to your world. The Divine Romance all should aspire to is Oneness with their God Presence; then you can experience to the fullest bliss with your Twin Flame through many embodiments. Saint Germain’s Valentine to you is the extension of the Love of his Heart to transmute all records going back to the Garden of Eden so you might have the clarity and the Purity within your chakras to move into a higher Vibration.
  • The sonnets of Shakespeare are used to demonstrate how, when infused with Divine Consciousness, the emotional body can produce healing and precipitation. Saint Germain has emphasized constantly that the key to alchemical precipitation in the outer world is found when the individual has God Control over the feelings and is able to release Light, energy and joy from the feeling world into the outer world. Have the renewed sense that when you call to your Mighty I AM Presence to project the Light Rays into your world, they are going in with the power of fire. The emotional body is capable of immense transformations.
  • The Heart filled with Love desires only to give, only to allow the Heart to express the fullness of all that it contains. The Heart waits in longing for the one to whom it can bestow its Perfect Love. The mystery of life is in understanding your True Identity in the I AM Presence. The Fires of the Heart are born from the Fires of the Heart of God, for they are one and the same. The true essence of the Heart is the same identification and blueprint of the Heart of God. You share a life with your Twin Flame whether you know that Twin Flame or not.
  • This instruction can apply to any kind of relationship where you have wholeheartedly given yourself and the love you shared is not returned. The Light of your Heart is fashioned by God for the purpose of loving, of radiating to all of life. There is also love that beams to one person and can become a figure-eight flow between two people. How your personal electrons are sent out to those you love and how they can be called back and re-deposited within your I AM Presence is discussed. This is a powerful action in restoring to you the wholeness of your identity in your Presence. Guilt and human sympathy are discussed.
  • Chamuel projects from his Heart the most intense Ray of Love, the Ruby Ray Action of the Love of God, that will not be stopped or interfered with, but will keep going until it finds its Home back in the Great Central Sun. This Action goes forward to dissolve, transmute, and annihilate all miscreation of God’s Light — all energy that has gone forward to stop the flow of God through the Heart. This Ruby Ray Action will go forward to pierce all veils, all illusion, and all that stands in the way of the Heart receiving this Spark and Fire. Each of you will have one Angel on each side to guard and protect you as long as you continue to place your attention on the Heart of your God Presence.

Come! Sit at the feet of Beloved Vesta, Cosmic Mother of our planet, and receive her instruction and the Dispensations she has brought forth from the Great Central Sun. Feel her Heart’s desires for the children of Earth as she releases magnitudes of Light and teaches Cosmic Law. No one knows your longings better than Vesta, for she helped to fashion this world in which you are to gain your mastery and has been with you from the beginning. She brings all the blessings of the Emerald Ray as well as the Fire of the Altar of the Most High in the Great Central Sun.

The ten Dictations in this album will help you to understand Vesta’s role in the Cosmos as well as your own responsibility to forge your true Identity and bring the Golden Age of Saint Germain into manifestation upon the Earth. Ingest all she proffers to you and make it your own!

  • Vesta comes to initiate a new Dispensation and release of Light that will bring forth the priest and priestesses come again in the full anointed offices in accordance with the Law. There will be the ongoing instruction of the Law to insure the coming Golden Age possesses all necessary to manifest the fullness of the God Reality of life. The Truth must be incorporated into the very fiber of one’s being. These priests and priestesses will have direct connection with the Heart of Vesta. This Dispensation will continue on as an ongoing release of Light from the Heart of the Great Central Sun to bring forth the Truth and the Reality of God. This Great Central Sun Ray that is coming forward will be a polarity and a magnet with the Emerald Ray of Truth, and will continue on, being the magnetic pole and the rod of Power for the Truth of the Golden Age. As you connect daily with your God Presence, know that you are also kneeling before the Light of the Great Central Sun and that Fire will be a part of your Reality on a daily basis.
  • Vesta stands in the Earth to anchor the release of Cosmic Light and Truth so that all might resonate with the inner knowing of the reality of God. The Release of this Light is the Sword of Truth. The Cosmic Beings look for every occasion to release a Dispensation of Light. Torch Bearers hold the balance for those coming into the Earth, keeping the source of Light flowing back and forth, through the Earth, between the Sun of Even Pressure and the Great Central Sun. The Masters take a pro-active role in every aspect of the Earth’s movement to and fro. Cosmic Law released for many millennium dictates that each of you will create and out-picture certain aspects of God. There is no Teaching given that you are not able to cognize and put into practice. Each time you give the fiat “I AM,” you are releasing God Power, so be careful not to attach these words to negative sources. When you can perceive the I AM and invoke the Fiat “I AM THAT I AM” — and mean it — you will see change come into your life and ripple out around you. You are at the beginning and still have much to learn. You will not know until your Ascension just how vast is the Love of God.
  • The Goddess from the Sun comes in search of her children. None who have been born of the Heart of Vesta have left her attention for one moment. Sadly, some would turn away and forget her Love. The gifts that come forth from the Heart of God in the Great Central Sun each carry a part of the identity of both Helios and Vesta. Touch that Vibration, understanding that the Love of the Father and the Mother hold you in the Abundance and Wisdom of all God can offer. You must be able to ingest the Light of the Masters. Understand well that to receive the Light on the Earth requires the understanding of how to move in the Light once more, how to invoke and manifest the Light. One who has touched this Flame at a given point in their history will not forget it and is required to find the way back Home. Embrace the understanding of who you are and return home to the Heart of God, not merely just in the Ascension which you will all accomplish eventually, but back to the Heart of your own Christhood this instant so that you might be about the work you came to do.
  • The Sun Goddess of our solar system, the Divine Complement of Helios, imparts Her vast Wisdom so you might gain greater Christ consciousness. Urging you to “Celebrate your own God Presence,” she instructs that, “All of life responds to the dictate of the Christ Consciousness, for it is the direction of our consciousness from the Great Central Sun that you have within you the commanding Presence with which to create.”
  • Vesta seals your crown chakra in the Wisdom of the Emerald Flame of Truth, so you will know what it means to stand in the Abundant Life. She wishes you to be elevated in consciousness and your Threefold Flame expanded, so when you issue the Cosmic Christ Command, it is in the conscious awareness of the Truth of Cosmic Law. Vesta instructs you on the importance of placing your attention on Perfection, consciously utilizing the Currents of Life upon the Altar of your Heart in the same Perfection as they came forth from God. Stand within the Flow of God’s Love, consciously command the Great Currents of Life, hold fast to the Cosmic Law of Truth and integrate all your vehicles in Harmony. Then you will have more opportunity for more of God to come into your life.
  • Your greatest initiation is bringing into manifestation the Divine blueprint of your own Mighty I AM Presence — the form, the Vibration, the Light of your own Presence. You are called to enter into your Christhood and ignite the Flame upon the Altar of your Heart sufficiently so that you can bear witness to the Vibration of God and the Cosmic Beings. Petition the Flame of Helios and Vesta that they might give you greater assist in bringing forth the priorities of your life required to pursue your destiny.
  • Beloved Vesta extends to you the Rays of the Sun; for just as the planet requires the rays of the physical sun to nourish it, so your consciousness requires the Rays of the Sun of your own God Presence to manifest the patterns of your True Identity. Those who stand in the Light of their own God Presence are showered daily with the Blessings of the Abundance of the Mother Light. Beloved Vesta asks you to examine the degree to which you have striven to accomplish the desires of your Heart. For the fullness of the Sun of your God Presence to shine forth as a Temple of the Sun, you must elevate your consciousness and become that Temple of the Presence. This is the Path of the Christic evolution. This is the calling and the election that your God Presence has determined.
  • When you entered the Earth’s atmosphere for the first time, you began to make a record, not merely of your misdeeds, but you have woven a record of victories as well. You have also woven memories to help you recognize relationships you would desire to engage in and those that are harmful. Without transmutation to clear away mis-perceptions, it would be easy for you to be deceived. When you have enough Christ Discrimination within your life, you are able to chart your course. You are no longer thrown when thrust into a particular situation born out of karma. Vesta stands ready to receive you when you return Home.
  • Each Master who has addressed you during this Conclave has brought their specific action to enable you, when in attunement with your Holy Christ Self, to elevate your consciousness and enter into this glorious action that streams forth from the Secret Love Star. Your life exists by the behest of your own God Presence ─ all comes under the Scepter of Authority of your Presence. Enter into the stream of the Consciousness that knows God is everywhere; knows that you are part of that One God; and knows that throughout all of the vastness of God’s world, there is a place prepared for you.
  • Vesta comes to impart a greater appreciation for the Light awaiting you each time you elevate your consciousness to your own God Presence. Cosmic Law always answers every need; but you must have vehicles prepared to receive the avenues by which you may realize that Blessing. You are required to engage consciously, to be in alignment with the Consciousness of the Holy Christ Presence, responsive to the Mind of God, keenly attentive to the words spoken or thought so they bring no harm to any part of life. Your Heart Flame desires to be engaged at the level of Cosmic Service required in this hour.

Advanced students of the ancient Eastern teachings have preserved the knowledge of a little known yet timehonored tradition of a sacred World Cycle inaugurated once every 2,500 years by the Seven Holy Kumaras. Like the birth of the Christ Child in the humble manger of Bethlehem, without fanfare or worldly acclaim, this singular event took place in Redlands, California, July 4-7, 1996. This Release provided the primary impetus and driving force to inaugurate the New World Religion designed to bring mankind to a higher stage of spiritual enlightenment and self-mastery.

  • Lady Master Venus explains the significance of the Seven Holy Kumaras adding their Flames to the Altar at The Temple of The Presence. Each of the Holy Kumaras has brought a Torch from their Pillar of Fire in the Temple in the Great Central Sun that there might be a small replica of each of their Flames upon this Altar. The more you partake of these Flames, the greater the opportunity to win your Ascension and experience the fullness of the joy of living, for each Holy Kumara holds an aspect of Life for your lifestream. Many have forgotten what it is like to experience joy. You can grasp that Love, Freedom, and lightness of Heart again by partaking of the Flames of the Holy Kumaras. Only you can keep that Flame ignited in your Heart. Protect the Light burning brightly upon your Altar.
  • Eons ago Sanat Kumara ignited the Flame on the Altar at Shamballa each year from the Flame upon his Heart. We are here so the Ascended Masters can re-ignite the Flame upon our Heart and across the world, and then pass the Torch to insure it lives on, preserved in its high frequency, enlarging the borders of the Sacred Land where the Ascended Masters can live. The Power of the spoken word is the great tool. When the word and the visualization are one, a door opens to bring down the Light. We stand on the words of the Masters that you are your Mighty I AM Presence in action today.
  • There are many fireworks on Independence Day. But you can experience your own fireworks by connecting with your Presence and allowing the inner Fire to be released. Then you experience the Freedom Flame of Saint Germain. The true release of the Fire can only be given with your free will decision. Freedom is the Freedom of choice to make your Ascension. You chose to do God’s Will and be free, or to live in bondage. The daily use of the Violet Flame can release the God Flame in your being. Declare your own independence and be free to choose the Will of God. The full release of the Light of the Holy Kumaras requires a certain saturation of the Violet Flame into your world to receive that Fire. This is why Saint Germain has come with his Violet Flame Angels.
  • The topic is the lineage of the Brotherhood of Light. The Teachings are traced from the Theosophical Society through the work of Saint Germain with Godfre, and El Morya with Geraldine Innocente and Mark Prophet. The decision of Sanat Kumara to descend to Earth to keep the Flame here ignited is recounted, along with a description of Shamballa. It is part of the work of the Temple to anchor a focus of the Flame of Shamballa on the altar of each Heart and every altar. Once that Flame is anchored and nurtured once in every 24-hour cycle, it will nourish the Flame of that devotee, and that spiritual contagion will leaven the consciousness of men so more and more of that Light will be sustained.
  • The doorway to Shamballa has been opened to you, affording the opportunity for the release of the Love of the Buddha to enter your Heart. Gautama’s Heart has enveloped your being, and this open doorway to Shamballa will afford the release of the inner instruction by the Holy Kumaras. Your feeling world is paramount to your expansion in the Light of the Threefold Flame. By maintaining a balanced Threefold Flame, you will forge the opportunity to balance your karma, fulfill your dharma, raise your Vibration, and commune with other Ascended Masters. But remember that unless your Heart is open, you cannot internalize the Flame of God. As long as you welcome Gautama in your Heart, there will be an exchange capable of raising the Vibration of this planet overnight.
  • The Seven Holy Kumaras come on a Cosmic Mission to save this planet again from disaster brought about by misuse of the Light. This Dispensation goes far beyond any former Dispensation. Because of the magnitude with which this Light is released, millions of angels are holding the balance lest there be a cataclysmic response that would cause a planetary imbalance. At the conclusion of the seven Dictations from the Holy Kumaras, the fullness of the Maxin Light will be anchored upon this Altar and in this forcefield. Do not run from the Flame of God.
  • We have not appreciated how we are connected to our Source. Our own Electronic Body is an Individualized Being, and to reconnect fully with that Being, we must go within and travel in consciousness up the Crystal Cord into that Light. Once you have this connection, you can stand unmoved and have fulfillment. Our Source is our God Presence, and as we fix our attention on that Source, the River of Life literally pours forth. Put your God Presence first in your life and all other things will come to pass. This Presence is the means by which you will become Ascended Masters yourself. Because the I AM Presence remains in Purity, there is the promise we can express that.
  • Sanatka holds the balance for the Blue Flame in your Heart. All of the Blue Flame Masters receive the stream of Consciousness from the Pillar of his Temple. The secret to the Blue Flame is the full love of the Heart, for when you love, the Power of God is of the purest Essence. There is no standing still in the Cosmos. You are either moving toward the Light or away from the Light. You must learn to step forward wearing the Mantle of your Christ Presence and be strong and courageous, knowing all of the Cosmos stands behind you. The time is now to reinforce all the opportunities availed to you. The Light of the Holy Kumaras is constantly flowing. Mark well these Pillars of Light that are expanded on your Heart. Not one who hears these Dictations will be unaffected.
  • Prior to this embodiment, we met with the Ascended Masters and outlined what we wanted to accomplish for the Light in this lifetime. We must forge our way back to the awareness of the vows we took. When we are doing what we came here to do, there is inner Peace and a sense of well-being because our inner self and outer consciousness are connected. Then we are on the Path. Kumara means holy virgin youth. We are rekindling the spiritual heritage that will become part of the building blocks of a new Golden Age, so we need to revive the ceremonies and appreciation for the roles these Kumaras play. A description of Shamballa and rituals enacted there follows.
  • Sa Ananda comes with Illumination’s Flame to rekindle the Light on your Heart. The Golden Age is golden because it comes with the Illumination of God Wisdom. Illumination’s Flame must be tempered by the pure Love and Harmony of the Pink Flame and protected by the Blue Flame. It takes the balance of the Threefold Flame to have Purity, healing, Service and integration. The spinning action of the Three Plumes allows all others to manifest. The Rays are a Vibration that produces color and a God Quality. Unless you have been absorbed in the Flame, you do not know the Flame. Submerge yourself in the Fire of Almighty God and the Light of the God Mind of your own I AM Presence.
  • This is a time for the full expansion of the Heart. Sa Na Tana is part of the very being of your cells, your physical body, your Heart Flame, and is the one who held the Immaculate Concept from the beginning of time for the lifestreams upon Earth. The Temple in the Great Central Sun is described. Each of the Holy Kumaras is responsible for maintaining the Consciousness for each of the seven Pillars of Light there. God Love is the glue that allows for all Life to be formed. The Holy Kumaras are the fullness of God Creation. It is possible for their Consciousness to be with each and every individual while they still maintain the fullness of their duties.
  • The realm of the Christ Self is a Holy and Sacred plane of Consciousness. To entertain our Christ Self, it is imperative to have a pure consciousness and a sense of the sacredness of life, of how life is lived in the higher octaves and Retreats of the Ascended Masters. The plan is for that sacredness to reside here as well. If we are to entertain more and more of our Holy Christ Self, we must surrender everything that does not speak to Purity. You must decide when you are ready to let go of this world and its ways forever. Mother Mary’s Cosmic Veil is discussed. Your Threefold Flame is the Heart of your God Self in this dimension and the point where you and God are One. We need to joyfully enter into anchoring the Flames given into our keeping.
  • Sujata brings the pure Light of the River of Life, the purest of the Pure Consciousness of the Light of God. Once the Light placed in your charka starts to rise, it must forge through many obstacles and layers before ultimately reaching its goal. But the rewards are great, for when the Mother Light begins to flow, the crown charka opens and the Light of the Spirit moves toward Divine reunion in the Heart. Those who wish to partake of the Kumaras’ Flames need only be open and reach for the Light. It is ever constant and ever flowing. Your desiring to be filled with the pure Light of the Mother will bring such an onrush of Light it will be hard to contain. Absorb and hold the Virgin Light within yourself.
  • Kapila brings the wholeness of the Christ Consciousness within your world. Ultimately, this planet must receive the Christ Consciousness imbued in every aspect of life. Truth carries only one Vibration. Once you accept the Light of God, you have a blueprint, and it is up to you to continue using it. Connecting with the Light of the Emerald Ray for a few moments each day would bring you everything necessary for your life. Find your own keynote and play it as often as necessary to make the connection with your own Christed Identity.
  • Mighty Victory assures that many, both in embodiment and out of embodiment in the higher octaves, are so close to your Victory you need only hold your attention on the goal to attain the Victory. You must enter into the Fire and become the Fire to manifest the fullness of your God Victory. Neither you nor this planet can ascend into the Golden Age without the Fire. You must come forth! You must invoke and surrender to the Fire! Let these be fiats written on your Heart and in your mind. The Word has been released; now it must be carried forward. Mighty Victory declares Victory for the children of the Light on planet Earth.
  • It is up to every one of us to become more spherically aware of the life we are using, to be personally responsible and accountable for the forward motion of our Activity. As we master life in the seemingly unimportant, we will be granted greater stewardship because we have proven ourselves trustworthy. The Masters want to release the Light and Fire that will bring in the Golden Age, but there must be lifestreams in embodiment who have a fiery consciousness capable of stepping down the release of the Light. When you understand the part of yourself that can say “I AM,” you will open wide the floodgates of Freedom. Develop a dynamic visualization of your I AM Presence in Action.
  • What the Mighty I AM Presence would do for us, it must do through us. The Light is transferred to this dimension through our thought and feeling worlds. The emotional body holds 75-80% of all the energy in the four lower bodies. This is the body where the I AM Presences stores its force. It is also the body where most people falter in their mastery. Decreeing daily builds a momentum that enables you to immediately abort a cycle that could weigh you down. To purify the feelings, you need to see the liquid Light of the Violet Flame pouring into your physical form as a liquid Violet Flame. Everything is generated and produced by what is going on in the etheric double. As you treat the etheric counterpart, the purification taking place there will out-picture in the physical.
  • There is total forgiveness in Sa Na Kumara’s Flame. Those ministers and healers who never give up, who constantly give of themselves, are working under the guidance of the Light from the Heart of this Holy Kumara. All of life needs your Service. You can nurture all lifestreams from the corner of your little room if you are connecting with your God Presence. When you serve with the right motive, the Light is replenished as soon as it goes out. The firing of the Violet Flame through every aspect of human creation you come in contact with is essential for you to have a renewed action each day as you go forward to be of Service to life. The ultimate Love is Service to Life.
  • Sanat Kumara comes with the Holy Kumaras to raise this planet to a Vibration that will allow the coming Golden Age. The Ruby Ray Action is the purest, most intense God Love. It is the ultimate Power of God. The spinning action of the Threefold Flame anchored in the Heart by the Holy Kumaras will bring forth such a centripetal force of Light that you will be raised up in your own world. The secret to the coming planetary Golden Age is having individuals in every corner of the globe anchoring their own Golden Age. You need to Love enough, desire enough, and want God in your life. Then all will come to you.
  • The Nameless One shares the Great Temple in the center of the universe with the Holy Kumaras. You have been raised in consciousness so you might have the opportunity to stand in the fullness of all the Rainbow Rays. The Nameless One describes the Temple. The Great Central Sun is your Home. As you descended from that realm with Sanat Kumara eons ago, you knelt before the Altar and gave the fiat: I and the Father are One. Do not forget you have carried that Flame and mark of identity of the Nameless One upon your forehead. Be open to the Cosmic Rays and let them nurture your life. Remember your high and Holy Calling with joy, for you are on the return Home.
  • The Anointed Representatives, Carolyn and Monroe Shearer, reveal that El Morya has been present throughout the Conference and his Heart is full of Joy and Gratitude that we have answered the call to be prepared to receive the Holy Kumaras. He knows things are going well when the other Masters say, “How’s our Activity coming”? instead of “How’s your Activity coming”?

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