The Temple of The Presence®
The Temple of The Presence®

I AM the Mighty Pillar of The Temple!
Approach, Ye Vigilant Ones!

Beloved El MoryaO Hidden Temple of the Unknown!  Giver of Living Waters! Great Healer of the Universe!  Soul ever watchful over worldly terrors!   At last mine eyes behold Thy Face, and in Thy Untempered Light bathes Thy faithful Servant, who has chosen Thee to be his whole possession!

I AM the Mighty Pillar of The Temple! Approach, ye Vigilant Ones!

I AM summoning the wise ones.  The time of the crowning of The Temple is close at hand.  Address thyself reverently to the Temple.  New and useful ones will gather.  And the Tree of Life in the midst of The Temple will flourish.

Let those whose names I speak, arise and build My Temple!  Let such as these, illumined by Spirit, walk boldly into The Temple.   Let the dance of maya falter before The Temple! Let the Right Hand of God assert Itself.  Let His voice proclaim the Dawn of Day!

One Temple for all, for all, One God! 

I summon Ye all to bring White Stones and lay the foundation for My Temple!

Teach others by my Word, and Wisdom will flourish.  A New Temple shall we raise.

Uphold thy Light and illumine the Beauties of My Temple

Direct thy forces toward the Enlightenment of mankind.  Carefully raise up the Treasure of The Temple upon Morya's Mountain.

We lay White Stones for the steps to the Resplendent Temple.

My Breath shall warm thy hands, and I shall guide Thee along the Path That leads to The Temple shining atop Morya's Mountain.

Amidst the unfathomable tumult of life do we erect Our Temple!  Keep watch upon the School, and strive to conceive the Eternal Structure.

Under My Banner shall I assemble new men and women.  Dedicate thyself to the task of gathering these people and erecting My Temple with your hands.

Tarry not at Morya's Call!   Be steadfast and lay thy pathway unto Me.

Morya's Temple summons the noblest among the builders.  The call comes even in the midnight hour.  Be alert and patient in thy watch.

The Teacher is manifest.   The Name of Messiah is pronounced in My Temple.  Not to small things are Ye witness.  The Resplendent Cloud above Morya's mountain will be dispersed.  The lightning of my Word illumines the abyss.

The Temple is glowing.  Our Path is fixed. 

I AM the Mighty Pillar of The Temple! Approach, ye Vigilant Ones!

I AM summoning unto The Temple new, new, new, ones, beautiful ones, Sensitive ones, exalted one.  Gather these people under my roof.  Morya's Temple is erected by the plow of labor.

Let those whose names I speak, Arise and build My Temple!  Let those whose names I speak, Arise and build My Temple! Let such as these, illumined by Spirit, walk boldly into The Temple.  Let the dance of maya falter before The Temple!  Let the Right Hand of God assert Itself.  Let His Voice proclaim the Dawn of Day!

Wherefore to try thee, if The Temple be not erected?  But The Plan is in Our Hands.  The Foundation is laid!  The Temple is a wonder to Me.

On day more, and thy Flower is growing.  Thou art pronouncing the words of the building of The Temple.  I see a smile and hear even laughter.  Blessed art thou if thou, laying stones, can cement them with laughter.  Joy, Joy, Joy to the worlds!

Love God.  Picture Him as a wondrous Martyr living only for the good of the World.  Trustingly and daringly knock at the door of His Temple and receive New Strength.

I AM carrying the Chalice, covered with a Shield.  Why is there dust in the Place of Sacrifice?  Neither sport nor play can there be where The Temple is being built.

Where is the Garment in which to Ascend the steps of The Temple?

When you erect The Temple of Beauty, and on its approaches lay out My Garden of Joy, then name this Garden in My Name.   For I told you, "Children! Rejoice!"

Warrior, is it possible to enter the Holy of Holies of The Temple with Spear and Sword?  Thus, understanding prayer and Achievement, Glorified by Beauty, strongly embracing Power in sacrifice, Thou wilt attain The Temple.

We wish to  see The Temple beautiful and alive.  None shall expel those walking to The Light.

Let those whose names I speak, arise and build My Temple !

Let such as these, illumined by Spirit, walk boldly into The Temple !

Let the dance of maya falter before The Temple !

Let the Right Hand of God assert Itself  !

Let His Voice proclaim the Dawn of Day !

El Morya
Of the Himavat


The above text is used in the Decree The Summoning, The Raising of The Temple

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